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Your Contact Information

Richard Clark
361 East Coast Drive
Bluffton, Ohio94746
Moile! 374"37#"$#46
E"%ail id! c&richard'e(a%)le&co%
Employer Contact Information
Mr& *a%es +lert
+lliance +,enc-
374 .est/ood 0ane
Ohio, O194#26
Date! *ul- 2, $311
Dear Mr& +lert,
4 a% su%ittin, this coverin, letter for the 5o )osition of a 6ield En,ineer for -our industrial %anufacturin,
or,ani7ation& 4 en5o- field/ork, travelin,, challen,in, assi,n%ents and /orkin, /ith ne/ )eo)le& .ith %ore
than 12 -ears of e()erience in /orkin, as a field en,ineer, 4 a% confident that 4 /ill )rove to e an asset to
-our or,ani7ation&
Here is a small summary of my skills and qualifications:
4 have a )roven track record of successfull- solvin, all the )role%s su))ortin, the %echanical and
electronic asse%lies
E(cellent custo%er relation skills and a stron, ack,round for trouleshootin, all the %achine
asse%lies& 8his includes h-draulic )lu%in,, /irin, )neu%atic /ith a ,ood kno/led,e of co%)uter
hard/are and soft/are s-ste%s
Re%arkale ailit- in readin, lue)rints and creatin, iso%etric illustrations and hand dra/in,s
9ood e()osure to co%)lete ran,e of en,ineerin, )role%s /ith s)ecific %echanical desi,ns,
%aintenance, installation, custo%er care and re)air
+ )osition /ith -our or,ani7ation is ver- a))ealin, to %e& 4 a% /illin, to )ut %- e()erience to /ork /ith an
or,ani7ation, /hich ,ives %e ,ood o))ortunit- for develo)in, and estalishin, stron, usiness )artnershi)s
/ith all the clients&
8hank -ou for ,ivin, -our valuale ti%e and 4 a/ait a )ositive re)l- fro% -ou& 4 a% reall- enthusiastic aout
this o))ortunit- and /ould like a chance of intervie/ for this )osition& :ou can reach %e at 374"37#"$#46 or
e"%ail %e at c&richard'e(a%)le&co%&
Richard Clark
Your Signature

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