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I. Are the re!"#$te% "& the %e&te&#e% 'e()* "&here&t(+ tr$&%"t",e-
1. The nurse was jumping the baby on her knees. 2. The Prince retired the cavalry from Poland.3. The teacher stood the pupils
in a row. 4. he stood a case against a wall. !. "e shall dine the #apanese in our living room. $. The captain rested his
soldiers and horses. %.The waves floated the boat away. &. The sight curdled the blood in her veins. '. The scorching
heat withered the leaves. 1(. )e pointed the weapon at the wolf. 11. )e galloped the horse. 12. The teacher worked us
hard. 13. * can walk the baby while you are cooking dinner.14. )e+s run me off my feet. 1!. ,ou+ve cried your eyes out.
1$. -arely three weeks later the terrorists+ bombs rained terror down on their city. 1%. he tried to stare the other out.
1&. )e+ll cheat the trousers off your feet. 1'. )e+s shot his way into the leadership of the cult. 2(. )e barked out his
II. .h$t t+e )/ $(ter&$t")&% !) the %e&te&#e% 'e()* "((0%tr$te-
1.They dropped the stone to the bottom of the lake.. The stone dropped to the bottom of the lake. 2. The juice reddened the
water. . The water reddened. 3. The wind cleared the sky. . The sky cleared. 4. The waiter cleared the table. ./The table
cleared. !. They killed their enemy. ./Their enemy killed. $. ociety widened the gap between the rich and the poor..
The gap between the rich and the poor widened. %. he hurried Tom to the door.. Tom hurried to the door. &. )e was
running the horse down the hill.. The horse was running down the hill. '. The patient was bleeding. . The doctor bled
the patient. 1(. The patrol flashed a flashlight along the road. . The flashlight flashed along the road.11.* put the glasses
on the shelf. . * shelved the glasses. 12. 0ary put the cows in the corral.. 0ary corralled the cows../0ary cowed the
corral. 13.The leaves turned red. . The cold turned the leaves red. 14. )is eyes narrowed.. )e narrowed hid eyes. 1!. )e
fitted the saddle on the horse. . )e saddled the horse.
III. Der",e the %e&te&#e% 'e()*:
1. The student wrote a paper. 2. The shop assistant put the goods on the counter. 3. The librarian shelved the books. 4. The
kidnappers blindfolded the hostages. !. "e opened the window. . The window opened.$. * cooled the soup. . The soup
cooled.%. he looked up the phone number.. he looked the phone number up.
IV. S0(+ %0'#$te1)r"2$t")& /r$3e% /)r the /)(()*"&1 ,er'%:
1223"4 154 16"784 -7T. 98:;974 <3T4 ;76,. <)16974 76=,4 >389*=74 87>:74 T71<).
V. De#"!e *hether the %e&te&#e% 'e()* #)&t$"&"&1 hr$%$( ,er'% $re 1r$33$t"#$( )r &)t. I/ the+ $re
0&1r$33$t"#$( e4($"& *h+.
1. he stood up and switched straight on the lamp. 2. * can drop ;aisy off on my way home. 3. The >rench and the -ritish
wanted to hold <hinese te?tile competition on the free market off as long as possible.4. ;on+t out off it till tomorrow. !.
he handed the book back to Peter. $.he handed Peter the book back. %. They singled out Peter. &. They rent that nice
house which they parents built for them out. '."e had to work until midnight to finish them of. 1(. "ho has the cold
weather gotten the sister of down@ 11. ,ou seem to fit in an enormous amount of work every day. 12. 1 national strike
would bring the government down . 1 national strike would bring down the government. . 1 national strike would
bring what we know as the authorities down. 13.7pidemics wiped right out the local population. 14. =isitors wear out us
more than the children do. 1!. *nspector tandish was trying to clear a complicated problem up. . *nspector tandish
was trying to clear up a complicated problem. . *nspector tandish was trying to clear what seemed to be a very
complicated problem up.
VI. 5"(( "& the '($&6% "& the %e&te&#e% 'e()* 0%"&1 MA7E )r DO:
1. )e AAA a lot of money last year. 2. They AA.. peace last year. 3. * always AA. my best. 4. That glass of wine has AA. 0e
good. !. "ill you AA.. me a favour@ $. 1re you trying to AAA.out a liar@ %. ,ou must AAAA up for the lost time.
&.+"ill this AAA for you@+ B* think * can AA. it AA..+. '. ,ou+ve only half an hour left4 so you+d better AAAA. the most
of it. 1(.* could AA. "ith a few more people like you to AAAA up for the time *+ve lost with the others.
VII. Tr$&%($te "&t) E&1("%h:
A. M$6e 0%e )/ the ,er' MA7E:1. 1m aranjat sC plecCm DmpreunC la munte Dn luna februarie. 2. PopulaEia a fCcut atFtea
sacrificii DncFt nu mai este dispusC sC cedeGe promisiunilor guvernului. 3. Trebuie neapCrat sCHmi promiEi ceva. 4. Te
rog sC nu mai faci treaba de mFntuialC cum DEi este obiceiul. !.1 Dncercat sC punC mFna pe putere4 dar adversarii sCi
politici au fost mai abili Ii lHau Dnvins. $. )oEul a luatHo la sCnCtoasa cDnd a auGit ca mai incerca cineva uIa de la intrare.
%. ;eIi nu ar fi vrutHo4 sHa vCGut nevoit sC mCrturiseascC totul pentru ca ceilalEi aveau deja prea multe doveGi Dmpotriva
lui. &. ;upC o absenEC de cinci ani4 cFnd nimeni nu mai credea cC este posibil4 actriEa a revenit din nou pe scenC Ii a
avut un succes deplin Dn noul rol. '. <omportarea ta va avea clar un impact asupra acestei situaEii dacC vei continua sC
te porEi tot aIa.1(. >iica lui urma sC se cCsCtoreascC4 aIa cC a trebuit sC se scobeascC Dn buGunar Ii sC plCteascC toate
cheltuielile4 oricFt de rCu iHar fi pCrut dupC bani.
8. M$6e 0%e )/ the ,er' DO:1. JiHa luat licenEa Dn drept. 2. 6uHmi vine sC cred4 a jefuit o bancC Dn tinereEe4 de aceea este
atFt de bogat. 3. 8estaurantul acesta serveIte numai prFnGul Ii cina4 nu Ii micul dejun.4. *eri primul ministru a Einut un
discurs Dn care a acordat toatC atenEia cuvenitC contribuEiei partidelor de opoGiEie la invitaEia pentru aderarea la 61T3.
!. 1 fCcut pe dracu Dn patru Ii a reuIit sCHi convingC sC meargC cu el Dn acea cClCtorie foarte periculoasC. $. Jtiu cC mHa
minEit de la obraG dar aItept sCHi vinC mintea la cap Ii sCHmi spunC singur adevCrul. %. 6u trebuie sC te grCbeIti4 poEi sC
faci treaba asta cFnd socoteIti tu de cuviinEC4 dar te rog sC nu fie mai tFrGiu de sfFrIitul lunii. &. 0Fine dau o petrecere
aIa cC am apelat la un specialist sCHmi facC aranjamentele florale. '. <Fnd ai de gFnd sC faci curat Dn camerC@ 1(.
;irectorul fabricii a vrut sCHl angajeGe dar sHa rCGgFndit pentru cC a aflat cC a stat la rCcoare.
C. P$+ $tte&t")& t) the 0%e )/ the re/(e4",e $&! )/ the #$0%$t",e ,er'%:
1. 6u are niciodatC nici un moment pentru sine deoarece trebuie sC aibe grijC de copii. 2. Hau recunoscut DnfrFnEi.3. e
e?primC cu o mare uIurinEC. 4. 3mul se poate autoHguverna. !. Trebuie sC stabileascC o relaEie cu o lume total nouC Ii
necunoscutC. $. Trebuie sC te DntCreIti sufleteIte Dnainte de a te duce la dentist. %. Ha strCduit din rCsputeri sC ia
e?amenul &. 6uHEi mai rCmFne nimic altceva de fCcut decFt sC te aduni4 cCci toatC familia ta depinde de tine.'. 0Ham
fCcut util Dn timpul pregCtirii reuniunii pentru cC an vrut sC mC pub bine cu Ieful. 1(. Jtia cu siguranEC ce se petrecea Dn
sinea lui4 dar nu voia sC recunoascC. 11.Pacientul a leIinat din cauGa sFngerCrii. 12. 0iGeria a transformatHo DntrHo
persoanC cinicC Ii egoistC. 13. =rCjitorul lHa transformat pe prinE DntrHun pitic diGgraEios. 14. =Dntul a sfCrFmat corabia
Dn bucCEi.1!. Ploaia a transformat praful DntrHun strat gors de noroi. 1$. 8evoluEia a dat naItere unei noi atitudini de
viaEC.1%. 1ccidentul sCu de maIinC a fost cauGat de o e?ploGie. 1&. <earta cu mama sa iHa provocat un infact. 1'. 1m pusH
o pe servitoare sC ne aducC ceva de mFncare.2(. PCrinEii o vor obliga pe #ane sC se cCsCtoreascC cu un bCrbat pe care
nuHl iubeIte.21. 0Hau convins sC plac cu ei. 22. Kn cele din urmC. neglijenEa leHa ruinat afacerea. 23. 1u tCiat niIte copaci
Dn pCdure.24. Trebuie sCHEi faci viaEa mai bunC cu orice preE. 2!. <onchistadorii iHau obligat pe bCItinaIii din 1merica
2atinC sC treacC la catolicism.2$. ;rumul acela prin uraIul Dntunecat Ii pustiu miHa adFncit Ii mai mult teama. 2%.
1titudinea asta de totalC lipsC de interes mC va innebuni cu siguranEC. 2&. <Fnd sHa suit pe tron noul rege IiHa decapitat
duImanii. 2'. *sus <hristos iHa imputernicit pe apostoli sCHl repreGinte pe pamFntH. 3(. <red cC aceastC schimbare de
DnfCEiIare te DnfrumuseEeayC. 31. C nu idealiGeGi niciodatC pe numeni.32. 2ipsa de perspectivC lHa demoraliGat complet.
33. 6oua sa nuvelC iHa adus un renume e?traordinar. 34. *n fiecare Gi DIi plimbC cFinele Dn parcul din faEa casei. 3!. 2Ha
grCbit pe pacient sC iasC din cabinet pentru cC era deja Dn DntFrGiere. 3$. 1m intrat Dn casC Ii am aIeGat umbrela Dn
picioare lFngC perete. 3%. <red cC nu este bine sC aIeGi scaunul Dn mijlocul camerei4 se poate Dmpiedica cineva de el. 3&.
Jeful DIi pune oamenii sC munceascC fCrC nici o Dncetare. 3'. PriveliItea masacrului leHa fCcut sC li se DnceEoIeGe
privirea. 4(. tCtea cu coatele pe marginea mesei.

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