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Anne-Marie McGauran

Ex Head of NDP Gender Equality Unit, Ireland

What is GMS, how is it beneficial, what do we need to
do it?
GMS in Ireland what was required, what supports
were provided, what were the results?
Conclusion things to do and not to do, to support
What is GMS?
GMS putting gender equality in mainstream policies
Why? To support new ways of life for women and men,
e.g. women having less time to care; boys leaving
school early
For regional policy can mean supporting women
entrepreneurs; unemployed men being re-trained;
more childcare
What do we need in policy for GMS?
Gender disaggregated data
Gender impact assessment of policies
Data, analysis, commitments to change
Specific commitments on gender equality
Monitoring of these commitments
Changes in decision-making
More women (usually); changes in criteria for allocating
GMS in Ireland
Included in National Development Plan (NDP)
Key requirements:
Gender disaggregated indicators
Equality in project selection criteria
Gender equality in evaluations
More women in decision-making
Gender impact assessment forms

Key supports in policy process
Units to advise on and monitor GMS
Representatives for equal opportunities on monitoring
A committee to co-ordinate equal opportunities in the
Supports provided by GMS Unit
Gender disaggregated data
Research on gender equality in policy areas
Training for policy makers/implementers
Advice on:
Increasing women in decision-making
Incorporating gender equality into evaluations
Including gender equality in project selection criteria
Monitoring how commitments were met
Gender disaggregated indicators collected of 44% of
NDP measures
Gender in project selection in 37% of measures
GIA done for most measures, but commitments to
action in only 23%
Women in decision-making 40% target reached in
one of six monitoring committees
So a mixed picture. More progress on the easier
What problems did we face?
No targets
No accountability for delivering on commitments
No sanctions/incentives. Possibilities for the future
with the SF performance reserve
Need to tie GMS to budget allocations
Need an evaluation culture
Need a focus on people rather than things, in
evaluations and policy development

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