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Krishna Water Dispute

Parties: AP, Karnataka and Maharashtra

Since last 43 years (in 2011)
Krishna Water Dispute Tribunal (II) verdict on December 30, 2010
o AP will receive the biggest share of the water available (1001 TMC), followed by
Karnataka (911) and then Maharashtra (666)
o The award shall be valid till May 31, 2050
o It also permitted Karnataka to raise the storage level in the Almatti dam to 524.256
m from 519.5 m
o The three states will also contribute for Chennai city drinking water supply
o The tribunal has asked the Centre to set up a Krishna Water Decision
Implementation Board with representation from all the three states to monitor the
implementation of the award.
Krishna Water Dispute Tribunal II
KWDT-II constituted in 2004
Justice Brijesh Kumar

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