Frog Magic Book

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Written By: Trungledor the Frog Wizard

Tales of Trungledore Pg. 3
Boot Hands Pg. 4
Sand Multiplication Pg.4
Object Minions Pg. 4
Skin Re-color Pg. 4
Soup Fingers Pg. 4
Frog Jinx Pg. 5
Kawaii Charm Pg. 5
Mama Mia Macaroni Pg. 5
Grape-afy Pg. 5
Time Difference Pg. 5
Banana Room Curse Pg. 5
Walking Reversed Pg. 6
The Brown Storm Pg. 6
Dun Did Got Flipped Upside-down Pg. 6
Spookify Pg. 6
Mr. Frog Pg. 6
Box Pg. 6
Personality Fix Pg. 7
Gramer Grill Pg. 7
Garden of Idiocracy Pg. 7
Music of the Gods Pg. 7
Nothing Pg. 7
Copycat Pg. 7
In a far away land there was a great and powerful wizard known
as TRUNGLEDORE. Born from part man, frog, and
awesome, he rules over his kingdom with a frog fist. One day as
he sat upon his throne of almighty mayo, he crafted the magic
known as frog magic, the greatest of all the magics.
Once created, creatures from across the land ventured to learn
the power of frog magic, but first they must convert themselves
to the Frog Alliance, a religion/group ruled by
TRUNGLEDORE himself. Anyone who harnesses this magic
is a force to be reckoned with and were feared.
TRUNGLEDORE with his new crafted magic and legions of
followers, swept across the lands conquering and converting
more to the ways of the Frog Alliance.
Boot Hands: Once cast onto a person, the chosen hand or hands
or turned into an ordinary black boot, can only be reversed by
Sand Multiplication: When a single grain of sand is casted with
this, it multiplies, and from then on its multiples multiply, and
when that happens they multiply and so on and so forth, this
lasts for 24 hrs
Object Minions: All small objects with in a 30 ft. range fly
towards where ever it is casted
Skin Re-color: When cast upon a person it changes a random
area of their skin/scales/outer exterior a random color different
from its previous
Soup Fingers: The Affected have their fingers
turned into various spoons
Frog Jinx: If casted upon another caster, any spell they try that
harms the original caster does not take affect, it only causes a
frog to fall from the sky
Kawaii Charm: Causes the attacked to have their eyes increased
exponentially, hair turned a bright color, and have their voice's
pitch heightened
Mama Mia Macaroni: Turns macaroni art into living beings, then
act as minions to the caster
Grape-afy: Any liquid can be turn into a grape gelatin (Grape
Jello), no traces of the previous substance is left in the gelatin
Time Difference: Any time keeping device is set back 1 minute,
doesn't ware off until the device is corrected
Banana Room Curse: All the affected can see no matter what
they are looking at or when they close their eyes is an empty
white room with a banana in the middle
Walking Reversed: Spell that turns someone's feet backwards
The Brown Storm: Causes the affected to have diarrhea for 24
hours, this includes the pain, the leakage, but not the relief till
the 24 hour mark
Dun Did Got Flipped Upside-down: Creates a 30 ft. cube that is
30 ft. high where gravity inside is reversed, if one is inside and is
launched out they will keep their propulsion but gravity will
reverse back to normal
Spookify: Will give any and all object or creature the Spooky
affect for 1 hour
Mr. Frog: Spawns a walking frog that wears a top hat and bow-
tie and carries a cane, once it reaches its target it explodes
Box: Creates a small wooden box on the ground, if stepped into
it paralyzes said person for 5 seconds
Personality Fix: Grants the affected the personality of a ham and
swiss sandwich for 1 hour
Gramer Grill: Turns any object into a sentient female cooking
Garden of Idiocracy: Whoever this is casted upon, they become
extremely confused and if a caster choose all the wrong spells
Music of the Gods: The affected gain the knowledge of playing
the banjo for 24 hours
Nothing: The spell that does absolutely nothing, or does it
{Probably Not}
Copycat: The Caster chooses a word or phrase, and then
whoever this is casted upon can only say this for 1 hr

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