Paella Recipe

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Dads Paella a la Valenciana

Serves 6
1 Whole Chicken 4 clvs Garlic, crushed
6 cups Water 1 Pimiento, cut in strips
1 Onion, peeled 1 can Tomatoes, peeled chopped
! Cup Dr" White Wine # cups $om%a &ice
! tsp 'a((ron ! pk) Peas, (ro*en
1 t%s +lour 4 ! cups Chicken,Wine $roth, %oilin)
# tsp 'alt ! l% Clams, (resh
1 ! l%s 'hrimp, lar)e, ra-,
! l% .ussels, (resh
1 cup 'panish chori*o, sliced ! l% '/uid, (resh
1 Onion, medium, minced To Taste 'alt Pepper
Garnish 0emon Wed)es
Heat the oven to 325 degrees.
Cut up the chicken, and set aside the breasts, legs, thighs, and winks, and set aside.
Use the remaining chicken parts or making the chicken broth. !lace the pieces in a sturd" pot,
cover with 6 cups o water, add the peeled onion, and # $ tsp o the salt. %ring to a boil, reduce
heat and simmer or 3& minutes, strain, and measure out the ' $ cups o broth. (n a medium
saucepan, heat the broth and the wine, and the $ tsp o saron, and bring to a light boil
)et out "our !aella pan, with a #5* base. +ust the Chicken pieces "ou set aside, with lour and
the remaining $ tsp o salt, and cook them in the olive oil, in the !aella pan, until brown and
tender. ,nd set aside. ,dd the Chori-o to the pan, and stir r" or about #& minutes. ,dd the
onions, garlic, pimentos, and tomatoes, and saut. until the onion starts to wilt. ,dd in the
shrimp and cook until /ust turning pink, and set aside with the chicken.
,dd in the rice, and peas, and stir to coat evenl". !our in the broth0wine mi1 and cook
uncovered or about #& minutes. %ur" the shrimp and the chicken in the rice. ,dd the clams
and the mussels, pushing them into the rice, with the edge that will open acing up, and bake at
325 2, uncovered, or 2& minutes.
3emove rom oven, garnish, and let sit, covered with oil, or #& minutes, beore serving.
Some people like to cut the chicken pieces into smaller pieces. ( oten cut the breasts in hal,
but some go urther. (t reall" depends on how ar "ou want to stretch the paella. ,nother treat
is to cook some 6obster 7ails with the Shrimp, and then add them in with the shrimp.

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