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ISA Transactions 47 (2008) 25–31

Automation of the temperature elevation test in transformers with

insulating oil
José Manuel Esteves Vicente, Angelo José Junqueira Rezek ∗ , Antonio Tadeu Lyrio de Almeida,
Carlos Alberto Mohallem Guimarães
UNIFEI/ISEE – Federal University of Itajubá, P.O Box: 50, Zip Code 37500-903, Itajubá, MG, Brazil

Received 24 June 2005; accepted 1 June 2007

Available online 24 August 2007


The automation of the temperature elevation test is outlined here for both the oil temperature elevation and the determination of the winding
temperature elevation. While automating this test it is necessary to use four thermometers, one three-phase wattmeter, a motorized voltage variator
and a Kelvin bridge to measure the resistance. All the equipments must communicate with a microcomputer, which will have the test program
implemented. The system to be outlined here was initially implemented in the laboratory and, due to the good results achieved, is already in use
in some transformer manufacturing plants.
c 2007, ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Transformers; Automated tests; Temperature elevation

1. Introduction heat generated internally so easily. Thus the design of the tank
and the radiators became more critical. So, the manufacturer
In the past, the temperature elevation test was done only must perform more temperature elevation tests, that justifies the
in the first prototypes from the manufacturers because there implementation of this test automation at the laboratory.
were only a few electrical power utilities, on the purchase.
This way, despite being a long and cumbersome test, as it was
2. The classic test
seldom done, it did not payoff the investment to be automated.
A better option was to address it to an accredited laboratory on
request with follow up from a manufacturer representative and The temperature elevation test is made up of two distinct
a purchaser inspector. parts; the temperature elevation top of oil and the temperature
Another relevant factor is that the older transformers, mainly elevation of the windings [1].
the distribution ones, that had to comply to standards in force Through the routine tests previously performed, the value
with respect to their losses, had their design completed with of the total losses is calculated; this value must be maintained
older techniques and tooling, resulting in a bigger and heavier constant throughout the test of temperature elevation top of oil.
core than the ones obtained with state-of-the-art techniques. By beginning the test, the temperature on top of the oil
This way, for a certain power the older transformers are and at least three ambient temperatures must be measured,
bigger than the current ones; as the allowed losses values almost with thermometers placed around the transformer so that, at
do not change, the current transformers do not dissipate the regular time intervals, the operator notes down the temperature
values, checks if the total losses value is correct and calculates
the temperature gradient of the oil concerning the ambient
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 3536291377x1180; fax: +55 temperatures measure.
E-mail addresses: (J.M.E. Vicente), The test is considered stable when the temperature elevation (A.J.J. Rezek). top of oil has not varied more than 1 ◦ C for the last three hours.

c 2007, ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

0019-0578/$ - see front matter
26 J.M.E. Vicente et al. / ISA Transactions 47 (2008) 25–31

The value of the temperature elevation top of oil must be less (b) The test can be shortened by using the control option
than or equal to the values tabulated according to the standard allowed by the standard NBR5380/ANSI by using an initial
NBR3356 [2]. overload of 30% (approximately for 5 straight hours);
The second part of the test consists in circulating the (c) The test does not need an operator following it at all times.
rated current in the windings for one hour, switching off, The test is tiring for the operator, because he has to control
disconnecting the cables, connecting the Kelvin bridge in a the power and note the temperatures every 15 min. The test
winding and making a set of readings of resistance and their usually lasts for 15 h;
respective times within a time frame of four minutes at most. (d) As the test workbench is exclusive for this test procedure,
With the pairs resistance x times it is possible to make a plot it is interesting to be performed at night and the automatic
and by making a logarithm extrapolation for t = 0, to obtain performance frees the operator from tiring test procedures;
the winding resistance value on switching off. (e) Every 15 min the operator has to complete a spreadsheet
This way, on switching off, the average temperature of a with measured temperatures, power, voltage, and current;
winding, through the method of the resistance variation, is on the other hand, in the automated mode, these procedures
determined by the equation: are all done by equipment and descriptive control methods.
Rhot (t = 0)
Thot = (K + Tcold ) − K (1) 3.2. Temperature elevation of top of oil
where: The control program initially commands the closure of the
K = 234.5 for copper and 225 for aluminum. motorized varivolt relay, making the voltage to elevate until
This test introduces two main setbacks: the first is the the active power read from the wattmeter is the same as the
constant need for an operator always paying attention to the power of the total losses previously calculated and inputted
value of the total losses applied to the test subject and correcting in the program. If the active power is higher than the desired
it if necessary, besides reading the temperatures and noting one, a closure command will be issued to another relay which
them down. The second setback and maybe the most critical one will make the voltage to decrease. This process assures that the
is usually related to the disconnection, where experience and value of the total losses remains constant throughout the entire
skill is required for handling and reading of the measurement test. At the same time, temperatures are also measured and the
equipment. temperature elevation of top of oil is calculated.
This way, the control program cycles through the process
3. Test automation outlined, storing all the measured and calculated data until the
thermal balance occurs, that is, until the temperature elevation
So as to have this test automated it is necessary to of top of oil is smaller than 1 ◦ C in the last three hours.
use a personal computer and equipment to measure active
power, temperature and ohmic resistance with features of 3.3. Temperature elevation of the windings
communication with the personal computer.
After the thermal balance takes place, the temperature
3.1. Test procedure elevation of the windings must be determined. The method
used is the resistance variation, which is the temperature
The purpose of the temperature elevation test is to determine
determination by comparing the electrical resistance of the
the temperature elevation gradients both for the oil top and
winding in temperature to be determined with its resistance at a
the windings. The gradient obtained at the end of the test
known temperature [1].
must be smaller than the maximum allowed in the standard—
The known resistance and temperature is obtained during
NBR5380/93 and IEEE C57.12.90.
routine tests and is technically called cold resistance, that is,
The test procedure consists in short-circuiting a winding,
measured at ambient temperature before any test is begun.
generally the low voltage one and applying voltage to the other
For this second part of the test, the rated current of the
winding, in this case the high voltage one until it reaches the
windings must be circulated for at least one hour. This way,
total losses value (no-load losses + load losses) previously
now the control program adjusts the voltage variator voltage
calculated for the smaller tap.
until the current is equal to the desired one. This process is
This condition of total losses applied to the transformer
repeated for one hour, after which it is necessary to disconnect
must be kept until thermal stability occurs between this one
the transformer source supply and to connect the Kelvin bridge
and the environment temperature. After this balance occurs,
in a winding.
the temperature elevation test of the oil top is concluded. The
The control program, in this point of the test, while
gradient obtained from this test, for mineral oil, by standard,
communicating with the Kelvin bridge, makes a set of readings
must be small and equal to 50 ◦ C and of 55 ◦ C for the windings,
of ohmic resistance of the winding selected, storing them with
these values being the most commonly used.
their respective times, always within the time frame of four
Some advantages of the automation methodology used are:
(a) Since the power control is precise, the test tends to stabilize For the other windings, the test is repeated always applying
more quickly; the rated current for one hour.
J.M.E. Vicente et al. / ISA Transactions 47 (2008) 25–31 27

4.2. The “software”

The control software, called eleva.exe, was developed by

using the Turbo Pascal programming language and it has
approximately twenty thousand programming lines.
In the loop of the program the measurement is made every
250 ms. However, if necessary, the setting of the active power
is done every minute, if it is out of ±2% of the adjusted value.
The average of the measurement values (voltage, current, active
power, and temperatures—one for the top of oil and three others
for the environment), are kept in file, every 5 min.
Initially the program was developed in turbo pascal, due
to the fact that the first author has already done some works
using this language, and his experience in this language is good.
Fig. 1. Equipments used in the test.
Nowadays there is a version in test, running in Delphi, with the
For the determination of the ohmic resistance value, on same functions. However, in the case of interest, the program
switching off, an exponential regression is done by the least can be written in C++.
square method [1]. It was developed in the 7.0 version of turbo pascal. The
serial communication routines have been written in assembler
4. Experimental results language, due to the experience of the author in serial
communication protocol and also in this referred language. The
first author has himself developed the communication routines
4.1. Equipments used
in the assembler.
In terms of speed, the measured variables are updated
The following equipments were used for the test automa-
approximately every 250 ms. As the test demands a long time,
in the range of 12–15 h, the automation of that is of great
(a) Three-phase digital wattmeter with the following character- interest, due to the fact that the possibility of liberation of the
istics (Yokogawa WT 130): operator from the work of test verification, and data acquisition
– Three voltage channels from 0 to 350 V each; (power (P), voltage (V ), current (I ), and temperatures) at
– Three current branches from 0 to 5 A each; maximum every 15 min.
– Four inputs for the thermometers from 0 to 100 ◦ C The main functions and features implemented are the
(thermometer PT-100 output 4–20 mA); following ones.
– Two independent relays with contacts usually open; Fig. 2 shows the flowchart of the developed program.
– Communication with microcomputer through serial RS-
4.2.1. Input for test
This option allows to input a transformer in the software
(b) Three-phase digital “Kelvin Bridge” with the following
database to perform the test. It can be done either automatically
or manually. In the last case, the operator is requested to type
– Six input channels, “four wires each”, three for the high
all the data necessary to the test such as kind of connection,
voltage bushings and three for the low voltage bushings;
power, HV (high voltage), LV (low voltage), total losses, cold
– Measurement range from 0.001 m to 1000 ; resistance values with the respective temperatures and also time
– Serial RS-232, for communication with the microcom- in seconds that the Kelvin bridge took to stabilize the cold
puter. resistance readings.
This equipment reads the individual resistance of each In the automatic mode the program searches all the
channel, according to the control program request. Its information necessary to the input of the test in the
internal source, on turning on and off varies the voltage TRANS4.EXE program database, which is used for the routine
ramp-like to minimize the inductive effects in the windings. tests management.
It also has protection at the inputs against voltage surges.
(c) Measurement table, containing basically three potential 4.2.2. Test of elevation of the oil temperature
transformers and three current transformers, with several As the name implies, this option is used to perform the first
taps. part of the test. However, it still allows the operator to do the
(d) Advantech PCL 711 data acquisition card (4 analog inputs test in three distinct ways, namely:
4–20 mA, 2 digital outputs to relay up/down voltage). – Standard test, with total losses from the onset;
(e) Motorized voltage variator. – Test with initial overload of 30% for five hours;
Fig. 1 shows the equipments used in the test, where: T1, T2, – Test with reduced total losses of 20%.
T3, T4—Thermometers, T1 (top of oil), T2, T3, T4 (localized In the second case, the test is abridged to some hours, due to
around the transformer, 1–1.5 m, half height). initial overload.
28 J.M.E. Vicente et al. / ISA Transactions 47 (2008) 25–31

Fig. 2. Flowchart of the developed program.

The third case is allowed by standard and it is used when the $o = Total losses in W
power source applied to the transformer is not enough for it to $or = Reduced losses in W.
reach the value of the total losses calculated.
In this case, the following correction is applied by the 4.2.3. Test of elevation of the winding temperature
program [1]: This option of the program allows to apply the rated current
0,8 of the windings for one hour, at the end of which we can

∆θo = ∆θr (2) proceed to the hot resistance measurement.
where: 4.2.4. Measurement of the hot windings resistance
∆θo = Elevation of the oil temperature over the coolant In this option the program, using the Kelvin Bridge, makes
temperature, with total losses in ◦ C; ten readings, with their respective times in the windings
∆θr = Elevation of the oil temperature over the coolant selected. One or two windings can be read in the same
temperature, with reduced losses in ◦ C; disconnection respecting the limit of four minutes.
J.M.E. Vicente et al. / ISA Transactions 47 (2008) 25–31 29

Fig. 3. Test arrangement.

Fig. 4. Temperature elevation without initial overload. Fig. 5. Temperature elevation with initial overload.

For the other windings it is necessary to repeat the test option selected was reading in two windings, ten points are
outlined in Section 4.2.3. initially read in the LV’s winding, in the interval of one
For ease and to take the least possible time in the minute and ten more readings in the HV’s winding in the
disconnection of the transformer it is interesting to prepare remaining interval of three minutes.
a fast commutation system between the transformer and the
It is important to comment that the measurements of cold
Kelvin bridge. Fig. 3 illustrates a fast commutation option.
resistance were made with the same Kelvin bridge, by using a
During the temperature elevation test, switch SH1 is closed,
specific program for that.
maintaining the secondary in short-circuit and the switch SH2
This program besides making the readings of the ohmic
is turned to the position A, feeding the transformer. The
resistances of the windings, also recorded the stabilization time
commutation is done in the following sequence:
of the inductive effect.
(a) The voltage variator is disconnected and a chronometer is In the test of measurement of the hot resistance, this time is
manually triggered; used to guide the beginning of readings.
(b) Switch SH2 is commutated from A to B;
(c) Switch SH1 is opened; 4.2.5. Calculations and reports
(d) The program is allowed to begin reading in the windings This option allows the test results to be seen on the screen of
selected and the chronometer is stood still. The program the computer and to be printed. These test results are:
later will request the time recorded in seconds. If only the
reading of a winding was selected, the ten readings will – Plot of the temperature elevation along the time without
be made along the four minutes time frame allowed. If the initial overload (Fig. 4) and with overload (Fig. 5). In Figs. 4
30 J.M.E. Vicente et al. / ISA Transactions 47 (2008) 25–31

Table 1
Winding temperatures with respect to the oil and the winding with respect to the ambient temperature

Fig. 6. RH1H2, RH2H3 and RH1H3 versus time. Fig. 7. RX1X2, RX2X3 and RX1X3 versus time.

and 5 one has temperature elevation (top curves) and total three-phase Kelvin bridge, and controlling circuit for the
losses (bottom curve). voltage variator and temperature reading. Thus a maximum
Plot containing the pairs of points, resistance and time, interaction of the set has been achieved.
and the extrapolation curve for t = 0 (Figs. 6 and 7). The program, however, can be adapted to control other
– The values calculated for the winding temperatures with similar equipments from the manufacturer, provided they have
respect to the oil and for the winding with respect to the communication serial interface. So, for other equipments it is
ambient temperature are shown in Table 1. possible to adapt the described work. For that it is necessary to
know the commands of the serial interface or GPIB.
5. Conclusion Several Brazilian manufactures are using the described au-
tomated equipment for transformer test, such as: Romagnole—
The automation process for the temperature elevation test PR; ITD, Birigui—S.P.; Trafo, Ortolândia—S.P.; Cemec,
has shown to be very useful and practical because it contributes Fortaleza—CE; Itaipu, Itápolis—S.P.; Vijai, Aracaju—SE.
to ease and standardize two critical points of this test, which Electricity Companies are also using the automated equip-
are: long stabilization follow-up for the temperature top of oil ment, such as: CEMIG—M.G.; CELPE—P.E.; Enersul—R.S.;
and for disconnection and hot resistances measurement. Energipe—SE; Celg—GO [3–11].
With this system some manufacturers start the test right after
office hours and it is completed the next morning, ready to make Acknowledgement
the hot resistance measurement.
With the use of the initial overload option, the test can be The authors would like to thank very much our dear
started in the morning and finished the same day. colleague and friend Ronaldo Ivo Firmo of Alcoa (Poços de
Besides the program eleva.exe, the authors have developed Caldas – MG, Brazil), for the important help done by him to
all the measurement equipment: three-phase digital wattmeter, us, in providing the elaboration of the version of the paper
J.M.E. Vicente et al. / ISA Transactions 47 (2008) 25–31 31

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[2] Technical note ABNT NBR3356. August 1993. Edgard Blücher Ltda.; 1998 [in Portuguese].
[3] Technical note ABNT NBR5440. July 1999. [10] Ruggiero MAG, Lopes VLR. Numerical calculation: Computational and
[4] Technical note ABNT NBR10295. May 1988. theoretical aspects. 2nd ed. Makron Books; 1997 [in Portuguese].
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