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Company: Company Commander:

Platoon: Platoon Commander:
Unit Commander: Current Expertise:
Squad: Total Dice Pool:
Soldier ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5
Turn 6
Turn 7
Turn 8
Turn 9
Turn 10
Turn 11
Turn 12
Turn 13
Turn 14
Turn 15
Turn 16
Turn 17
Turn 18
Turn 19
Turn 20
Turn 21
Turn 22
Turn 23
Turn 24
Turn 25
Turn 26
Turn 27
Turn 28
Turn 29
Turn 30
Roster !##re$iations
CO%&!T ORDERS !## %in %o$e %ax %o$e Notes
Patrol P 0 8
Combat Co 0 4 After 5 minutes of not being shot at, mae !P "he"
#ar"h # 0 16 Cannot shoot
Charge Ch 12 24 $o "o%er a&%antage, $ee& !P "he", &e"lare s'e"ifi" 'oint
(eta"he& ( $ee& !P "he"
Tar*ets Orders
'irin* Orders Patrol Combat #ar"h Charge)
Patrol 1 1*2 2 2
Combat 2 1 4 4
#ar"h $*A $*A $*A $*A
Charge 1*2 1*4 1 1
1*2 #o&ifier Tar*ets Orders
'irin* Orders Patrol Combat #ar"h Charge)
Patrol 1*2 1*4 1 2
Combat 1 1*2 2 4
#ar"h $*A $*A $*A $*A
Charge 1*4 1*8 1*2 1
%EDIU%+(E!), CO)ER
1*4 #o&ifier Tar*ets Orders
'irin* Orders Patrol Combat #ar"h Charge)
Patrol 1*4 1*8 1*2 2
Combat 1*2 1*4 1 4
#ar"h $*A $*A $*A $*A
Charge 1*8 1*8 1*4 1
+lin& Targets a&&s an a&&ition , mo&ifier
-hen Charging, .ou "annot tae a&%antage of "o%er/
-hen #ar"hing .ou "annot shoot/
!merican Com#at Results
The effe"t of hits u'on an Ameri"an unit is han&le& in a t0o ste' 'ro"ess/ 1irst, roll a &ie to &etermine 0hi"h figures 0ere hit/ -ith most units, it is sim'lest to number
the figures 0ithin the area, an& roll a (10/ 2n this 'ro"ess, a gi%en figure ma. be hit more than on"e/
3oll on"e on the follo0ing table for ea"h hit u'on a figure/ 2f a figure rolls t0o &ifferent effe"ts for t0o &ifferent 0oun&s, the more serious of the t0o is use&/
2n some "ases, there 0ill be an a&&itional &ie mo&ifier to the roll/
1or e4am'le5
6a"h "re0 member in a %ehi"le that is &estro.e& 0oul& a&& 7 3 to their &ie roll/
6a"h Ameri"an hit b. artiller. must a&& 73 to the roll/
Die Roll Result !## De-inition
1 $o 6ffe"t The figure ma. "ontinue as normal/
2,3,4 Pinne& P The figure ma. not mo%e &uring the follo0ing turn, but ma. fire/
5,6,7 8u''resse
8 The figure ma. neither mo%e nor fire in the follo0ing turn
8,9 -oun&e& - The figure in 9uestion shoul& be re'la"e& 0ith a 0oun&e& figure/ 2f manning a hea%. 0ea'on or an 3T:, that item ma. be
use& b. another 1igure if he "an rea"h it/ 1or ea"h one minute turn that a 8eriousl. -oun&e& figure is untreate& b. a me&i",
roll a (10/ :n a roll of ;ero, the figure has &ie&/ A me&i" ma. treat an. 0oun&e& figures b. remaining a&<a"ent to them for a
number of turns/ 3oll 1(6= the number rolle& is the number of one minute turns that the me&i" must 0or on a 0oun&e&
figure to stabili;e him/ :n"e a me&i" has treate& the 0oun&e& figure no further &ie rolls are ne"essar./ #e&i"s 0ho are
treating 0oun&e& ma. not "arr. out an. other tas &uring that turn/ 8eriousl. 0oun&e& figures ma. not fun"tion in the game/
The. must be remo%e& from the area if at all 'ossible/ :ne figure "an mo%e a 8eriousl. -oun&e& figure at half s'ee&/
8eriousl. 0oun&e& figures ma. be #e& 6%a"e& off the fiel&/ An. "omman&er 0ith an 3T: "an "all for a #e& 6%a"
heli"o'ter5 2t 0ill arri%e 2(6 minutes after it is re9ueste&/ The heli"o'ter "an hol& u' to si4 seriousl. 0oun&e& figures, an&
0ill s'en& one minute on the groun& 'er figure loa&e&, if the #e& 6%a" heli"o'ter is fire& u'on, follo0 u' #e& 6%a"
missions ma. ha%e heli"o'ter gunshi's as an es"ort/
10 7 >ille& >2A The figure in 9uestion shoul& be re'la"e& 0ith a &ea& figure/ 2f manning a hea%. 0ea'on or an 3T:, that item is &estro.e&/

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