Standard5 1reed

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The artifact I chose to demonstrate standard 5.1 was a survey I created for the staff at the
school that I work at. I completed this as part of an assignment for ITEC 7410 Instructional
Technology Leadership. I prepared a one year action/evaluation plan for Bryant Elementary.
This required me to determine how technology should be used to best support student
achievement. In order to do this, I conducted a survey to assess how technology is being used
currently. Then I ascertain how the results align with my vision and figure out what my goals and
actions should include in order to reach this vision. This survey served as a needs assessment to
determine school wide strengths and weaknesses which in turn guided my plan.
The survey enabled me to determine what the teachers are willing to participate in
regarding professional development. It also provided me with the knowledge of who were expert
teachers that can model integrating technology for their teams or school wide. One of the
questions asked which programs the students use in your classroom. This provided me with the
information pertaining to how technology is being integrated, whether it was working on drill
and practice or more of a constructivist view. The results showed teachers utilize technology
more for drill and practice and word processing which was not part of my vision. Therefore,
professional development is an area that needs to be stressed. The survey also shows a want as
well as a need for this. The results informed me of what the content of the professional
development should include as well as when I could provide it.
Creating this survey was an excellent opportunity for me to conduct a needs assessment.
Survey Monkey is a user friendly site that all can successfully utilize. I think I should employ
this as a communication between my parents and me. It will be an excellent tool assessing what
they need to support their children for success. In the future when I conduct needs assessments,
I would like to attempt to have more open ended questions to reveal the thoughts of the

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