3D Holographic Technology

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Write a note on 3D Holographic technology?

In simple terms, it is a 3-D image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or any other
coherent light source and the diffracted light from the object.

In recent Indian elections it was used by many leaders. With the sheer difficulty in being physically
present in every village in constituencies, high-profile leaders find the 3-D hologram an attractive draw,
although the costs are quite hefty.

The objective is to exploit the potential of the technology to address voters in multiple locations
simultaneously. In this technology, the audience does not need special glasses and can view the visuals
with the naked eye.

Advances in technology:
Touchable holograms
Tactile holographic display with haptic feedback
Horizontal 360 degress view of a image on table top
User interfacing integrated displays

Applications and future scope:
Educational applications
Marketing with 3D holographic display
3DD simulation displays for scientific visualization
Improved virtual reality and augmented reality
Telepresence and video conferencing
Entertainment displays
Military and space applications

Holographic technology and spectral imagining has endless applications, as far as the human
mind cam imagine
In future, holographic displays will be replacing all present displays in all sized, from small phone
screen to large projectors

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