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March 24, 2014

Hi or as PJ would saybe in a Beast mode,

n behal! o! all sta!! members and ranch "ersonnel, we are deli#hted that you ha$e
chosen to attend the 2014 %ummer &ennis 'cademy at the John (ewcombe &ennis
)anch* &he sta!! has been wor+in# to "re"are a "ro#ram !or our "artici"ants that will
hel" them im"ro$e their tennis s+ills, the mental a""roach to the #ame, as well as their
!itness and conditionin#*
&he sta!! would li+e to ma+e your e,"erience at the &ennis )anch a success on the tennis
court and a chance !or !riendshi" and !un o!! the tennis courts* Please let me +now what
ty"e o! #oals you ha$e !or this summer on the tennis courts and we will wor+ hard to hel"
you !ul!ill these #oals* Please send the list o! your tennis goals and the consent form
as we need to re$iew these be!ore you arri$e* -our goals are very important to us.
/ reali0e that the school year is #rindin# to a close, but / ho"e that you had a $ery
success!ul school year in the classroom as well as outside the school en$ironment %ome
o! the items that we are interested in concernin# tennis are as !ollows1 2hat ty"e o!
tournaments ha$e you been "layin#3 -our !all and early s"rin# tennis success or
!ailures3 2hat do you consider your stren#th4s53 2hat do you consider to be your
wea+ness4es53 2hat are some tennis related s+ills that you need to concentrate on
durin# your time with us this summer3 -ou may send your #oals and consent !orms
to either 6raham Miller or &om 7atchin#s* 2e are loo+in# !orward to ha$in# you as a
member o! our #reat Team and Family*
'lso, / would li+e to in!orm you that we had o$er 80 "layers that attended the 2018
%ummer &ennis 'cademy to attend the -ear 'round 'cademy durin# the 201892014
school year*
/! you or your "arents ha$e any :uestions concernin# the &ennis 'cademy, you may
either call me on my cell "hone at 2;1941898;41 4a!ter 814< "*m* 7=%&5 or e9mail me at
tcatchin#s>hardinisd*net or tom>new+tennis*com* -ou may contact PJ at
;809?2<9@10< or "Ahendrie>new+tennis*com
PJ Hendrie &om 7atchin#s
%ummer 'cademy =irector %ummer 'cademy =irector

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