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It is a term that refers to the character of the
faith professed by the Christian faithful of the
Catholic Church, as well as to theology,
doctrine, liturgy, ethical principles and
standards of behavior derived, like the whole
of his followers as a everything.
The main distinguishing feature of the Catholic
Church is the recognition of the authority and
primacy of the pope, the bishop of Rome.

However, there are several churches that
share also descriptive adjective catholic, as
the Orthodox Church.
History of Catholicism
Although Catholicism was formally to the time of
Constantine, certainly the influence and legacy
left Constantine were foundation stones upon
which soon Catholicism would seat your domain.
The more the church obtained government
benefits, more like he was becoming, and
receded more divine pattern. By the seventh
century, many Christians, taking the model of the
Roman government, were in Rome to one man,
the Pope, to exercise universal ecclesiastical
Depending on the model of the directors of the
Roman emperor, was established a group of
cardinals to advise the pope. Depending on
the model of the Roman governors, bishops of
dioceses was formed. And, along the lines of
Universal Roman Empire, was established a
new church-the Roman Catholic Church.
Therefore, the Catholic Church was
established in the early seventh century, under
the jurisdiction of the first man considered
"papa" universally, Boniface III.
Location of Catholicism
The Roman Catholic Church extends mainly in
southwestern Europe countries, Central
Europe, Latin America, Central Africa and the

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