The Management Process and Managerial Roles

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The Management Process and

Managerial Roles
Health care - the total societal effort,
organized or not, whether private or
public, that attempts to guarantee,
provide, finance, and promote health -
changed markedly during the 20th
century toward more prevention's.
6/27/2014 Dr. Mohammed Alnaif 1
The Management Process
and Managerial Roles
Health services - are the delivery
component of health care. They are
provided by practitioners and
organizations and have gone through
significant changes.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Health Services Organizations (HSOs)
Delivery of health services involves the
organized public or private efforts that assist
individuals primarily in regaining health, but
also in preventing disease and disability.
Delivery of services to patients occurs in a
variety of settings. All HSOs can be classified
by structure, functions, ownership, and profit
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Health Services Organizations (HSOs)
Historically, hospitals and nursing facilities
have been the most common and dominant
HSOs engaged in delivery of health services.
They remain prominent in the contemporary
health services system, but other HSOs have
achieved stature.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Health Services Organizations (HSOs)
Among them are outpatient clinics, imaging
centers, free-standing urgent care and
surgical centers, large group practices, and
home health agencies. Multi organizational
systems either vertically or horizontally
integrated. HMOs, PPOs, and managed care
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Health Services Organizations (HSOs)
The various HSOs and others face new
environments containing a wide range of
external pressure, including new rules
and technologies, changed demography,
accountability to multiple constituents,
and constraints on resources.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Health Services Organizations (HSOs)
As a result, HSO managers must work
smarter not just harder, and they must
allocate and use resources more
effectively and strive for Continuous
Quality Improvement (CQI) and continued
excellence in an increasingly restrictive
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Medical Care
Medical care is a process or activity in which
certain inputs or factors of production (such as
doctors and nurses services, services of
medical instruments and equipment, and
pharmaceuticals) are combined in varying
quantities to yield an output. Thus HSOs are
settings in which inputs (resources) are
converted to output (work results and
objective accomplishment). Management is the
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Medical Care
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work results
& objective
The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Management in HSOs
Types of Managers
HSO managers are defined as persons
appointed to positions of authority who enable
others to do their work effectively, who have
responsibility for resource utilization, and who
are accountable for work results. This broad
definitions include different types of managers.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Management in HSOs
Types of Managers
Traditional classification of managers is by
level in the organization hierarchy (vertical).
Top management, middle-level management,
and first-line management. Thus, managers
differ by their level of position in the
organization hierarchy.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Management in HSOs
Types of Managers
Managers can also be differentiated by the
extent to which they use certain skills.
A skill is the ability to engage in a set of
behaviors that are functionally related to one
another and that lead to a desired performance
level in a given area.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Management in HSOs
Types of Managers
Three types of skills are needed by
managers, human relation skills,
conceptual skills, and technical skills.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Management in HSOs
Types of Managers
Human relation skills are skills associated
with a managers ability to work well with others,
both as a member of a group and as a leader
who gets things done.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Management in HSOs
Types of Managers
Conceptual skills are skills related to the
ability to visualize the organization as a whole,
discern relationships among organizational
parts, and understand how the organization fits
into the wider context of the industry,
community and world.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Management in HSOs
Types of Managers
Technical skills are skills that reflect
both an understanding of and proficiency
in a specialized field.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
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Degree of Authority
& Scope of



The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
The Management Process
Some regard management as getting
things done through people; others
consider it the process of reaching
organization goals by working with and
through people.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Management is defined her as
The process, composed of interrelated
social and technical functions and
activities (including roles), occurring in
a formal organizational setting for the
purpose of accomplishing
predetermined objectives through the
utilization of human and other
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Management Functions
A function is work that can be identified and
distinguished from other work. The traditional
classification of management functions
describes how managers do what they do
(the activities they perform) to accomplish
objectives (achieve work results) through
people and utilization of other resources.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Planning is a technical managerial
function that enables HSOs to deal with
the present and anticipate the future. It
involves deciding what to do as well as
when and how to do it. Simply put
planning is setting goals and objectives
and deciding how best to achieve them.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Organizing is a technical function; it
means establishing authority and
responsibility relationships, and formal
structure and reporting relationships.
Organizing focuses on grouping activities
and resources in a logical manner, including
the division of work and job design, work
methods and processes, coordination
among units, and the use of information and
feedback systems.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Staffing the function of staffing is acquiring
and retaining human resources, and staffing
has both a technical and a social aspects.
Technical aspects include human resources
planning, job analysis, recruitment, testing,
selecting, performance appraisal,
compensation and benefits administration,
employee assistance, and safety and health.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Staffing Social aspects are that influence
the behavior and performance of
organization members: training and
development, promotions, counseling, and
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Directing the directing function is a social-
behavioral in nature and focuses on
initiating action in the organization--it is
people oriented. It includes motivating,
leading, and communicating as well as other
activities such as conflict resolution,
behavior modification, and integrating
people with structure and tasks.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Controlling the controlling function is
technical and focuses on monitoring,
adjusting, and improving performance. It
means establishing performance standards
to measure results, as well as the techniques
and systems to monitor and intervene.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Decision Making The process of
identifying and choosing alternative
courses of action in a manner
appropriate to the demands of the
situation. Decision making is a
technical management function. It is a
part of all other management
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Decision Making Managers are
decision makers, they make decisions
when they monitor and control work,
when they plan , establish or change
organizational arrangements and work
process and content, when they
acquire and assign personnel, and
when they direct efforts of others.
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Management Functions
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The traditional
classification of
management functions
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Directing Controlling
The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
A role is an organized set of behaviors
associated with a particular office or
position because of its authority and
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Interpersonal roles: Roles that grow
directly out of the authority of a
managers position and involves
developing and maintaining positive
relationships with significant others.
Three roles:
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Interpersonal roles: Figurehead, all
managers, and specially top
managers, are figureheads because
they engage in ceremonial and
symbolic activities such as presiding
over an event honoring a long service
employees, speaking at retirement
dinner, and ribbon-cutting for a new
building wing.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Interpersonal roles: Leader
(influencer), builds relationships with
subordinates and communicates with,
motivates, and coaches them.
Leaders usually influence others by
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Interpersonal roles: Liaison,
maintain formal and informal external
and internal network of contacts, for
the purpose of providing help and
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Informational Roles relate to
receiving and sending information so
that managers can serve as the nerve
centers of their organizational unit.
Three roles:
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Informational Roles Monitor, seeks
internal and external information
about issues that can affect the
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Informational Roles Disseminator,
transmit information internally that is
obtained from either internal or
external sources.

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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Informational Roles Spokesperson,
transmits information about the
organization to outsiders
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Decisional Roles: These are Roles
that involve making significant
decisions that effect the organization.
Four roles:
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Decisional Roles: Entrepreneur
(change agent), acts as initiator,
designer, and encourager of change
and innovation.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Decisional Roles: Disturbance
handler, takes corrective action when
organization faces important ,
unexpected difficulties.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Decisional Roles: Resource
allocator, distributes resources of all
types, including time, funding,
equipment, and human resources.
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The Management Process and
Managerial Roles
Managerial Roles
Decisional Roles: Negotiator,
involves interacting with superiors,
persons in other departments, and
subordinates. Negotiation affects
resource allocation, resolution of
disturbances, implementation of
change, and interpersonal behavior.
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