Internship - Week 1 and 2 Integrated Lessons

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Martin Luther King Junior Elementary School Lesson Plan

Teacher: Stephanie Goodwin Grade: Fourth Grade Week of: February 10-17
Assisting: Mrs. Collins (All subjects!"n#ention "nstructors are included in lesson plans.
Morning Work eading
!e"ruary #$% &$#&
Students will co$e into the classroo$ in the $ornin% and be e&pected
to unpac' their bac'pac'( put bac'pac'!coats in the closet( sharpen
their pencils( and be%in their $ornin% wor'. Students will ha#e their
assi%n$ents on their des'. Students should wor' on these assi%n$ents
)eacher Generated
)ranslation *andouts
Morning Work Assignments:
,hen e#eryone is seated we will be%in their $ornin% wor'.
"nstruct the students to loo' o#er the $aterials on their des'.
-e$ind students that this wee'.s story was See'er o/
0nowled%e. 1ne o/ the $ain #ocabulary strate%ies we learned
this wee' was on Gree' and 2atin -oot ,ords. Students will
ha#e a hand out on their des'. )his handout will ha#e a list o/
words that students ha#e to translate based on their prior
'nowled%e o/ the word. Students will be %i#en ten words to
translate. Students $ust co$plete all ten translations be/ore
turnin% their paper in /or a %rade. -e$ind students to write their
na$e on their paper be/ore they turn it in.
!e"ruary #$% &$#&
Ala"ama 'ourse of Study
3n%lish 2an%ua%e Arts (4007
Grade(s5 6
1. 7e$onstrate word reco%nition s'ills( includin% structural analysis.
3&a$ple5 structural analysis--pre/i&es( su//i&es( root words
8 +roducin% co$$on word parts
8 -eadin% $ultisyllable words
8 -eadin% co$pound words( contractions( possessi#es( and in/lectional
Lesson (")ecti*es
Students will be able to use word structure to identi/y the
$eanin% o/ words throu%h acti#ities and centers.
Students will de$onstrate their 'nowled%e o/ %raphic sources
throu%h %roup acti#ities.
Modifications: (9:( 0*( and 92
3&tended ti$e on all assi%n$ents.
Modi/ied wor' on /or all assi%n$ents.
-eadin% Street ;nit Four Grade Four
)eacher Generated
:lan' +aper
>u$ber +atterns :a%
Glossary ,ord 2ist
Me$ory Ga$e :a%s and Cards
Whole Grou+
,uild 'once+t
)his wee' we spent $ost o/ our ti$e learnin% about pre/i&es( su//i&es(
root words( and usin% %raphic sources throu%h the story See'er o/
0nowled%e by 9a$es -u$/ord. )oday we are %oin% to be practicin%
these s'ills throu%h %roup and s$all %roup acti#ities. )he ?uestion o/ the
day is how an 'nowin% another lan%ua%e create understandin%@ *a#e
students thin' pair share and then discuss as a whole class. A/terwards
$o#e onto the ne&t acti#ity.
Guided Practice
,e ha#e been learnin% about %raphic sources all wee'. )o practice what
we ha#in% been learnin% about %raphic sources this wee' we will be
creatin% our own alphabet. First( discuss the si%ni/icance o/ %raphic
sources and what they learned about the$ this wee' durin% readin%.
Students will be instructed to co$e up with a sy$bol( picture( /or each
letter o/ the alphabet. Students $ust use their i$a%ination. A/ter
students ha#e /inished their alphabet they ha#e to write a secret
$essa%e usin% their own %raphic sources /or each letter. ,hen
e#eryone is /inished students $ust swap with at least two o/ their peers
and crac' their code to /ind out what the secret $essa%e says. As
students are doin% this they need to write down each person.s $essa%e
they were able to /i%ure out and turn it in /or a participation %rade. )he
student.s alphabet should be written and illustrated on le%al paper. )hey
will also be %raded on their %raphic source alphabet. 3ncoura%e
students to be neat and truly put /orth their best e//ort.
Small Grou+
Math Pu--le 'enter:
At this center students will draw di//erent nu$ber patterns /ro$ a bi%
/illed with nu$ber pattern slips. Students will write these nu$ber
patterns down on a piece o/ paper and try to deter$ine the pattern.
Students should co$plete at least ten patterns while wor'in% at this
center. Ma'e sure students write down the nu$bers and the pattern /or
all ten. Students will put their na$e on it and turn it in /or a %rade.
'reate your o.n Glossary 'enter:
At this center students will be %i#en a list o/ words. Students will be
instructed to draw a sy$bol( picture( /or each word. Students will be
%i#en a piece o/ paper and crayons to co$plete this center. At the end o/
the /our rotations we will co$pile all o/ the %raphic sources and create a
classroo$ %lossary. Students should $a'e sure they ha#e their na$e
on their particular pa%e. )his classroo$ %lossary will be %raded.
3ncoura%e students to be neat and truly put /orth their best e//ort.
Memory Game:
At the $e$ory center students will be playin% $e$ory. Students will
ha#e already played this %a$e once( they will be playin% this today as a
re#iew %a$e /or pre/i&es( su//i&es( and root words. Students will ha#e a
stac' o/ cards. "n this dec' o/ cards there will be cards with pre/i&es(
su//i&es( and root words. All the cards should be laid out /ace down.
3ach student will be %i#en chances to try to $atch cards to%ether.
Students will continue to play this %a$e until all the cards ha#e been
$atched. )he student who wins will be the student with the $ost cards.
A/ter students co$plete the %a$e they need to ta'e write down all o/
their $atches. A/ter students co$plete this center they need to write
their na$e on the paper and turn it in /or a %rade.
eading /nter*ention:
/nter*ention .ith Mrs0 ichardson:
9aAharia :rown
0ayliah *all
9ustin 2ittle
/nter*ention .ith Mrs0 Taylor:
7esiray Collins
Mc0enBie Mahone
Aliyah Mc>eil
Aarianna +atton
:riAsia Si$$ons
!e"ruary #1% &$#&
Students will co$e into the classroo$ in the $ornin% and be e&pected
to unpac' their bac'pac'( put bac'pac'!coats in the closet( sharpen
their pencils( and be%in their $ornin% wor'. Students will ha#e their
assi%n$ents on their des'. Students should wor' on these assi%n$ents
)eacher Generated
+ro$ethean :oard
1D copies o/ the Secret A%ent Stan ,or'sheet
1D copies o/ the Secret A%ent Stan )i$eline
1D copies o/ this wee'.s -eadin% ,or' +lan
Morning Working Assignments:
,hen e#eryone is seated we will be%in their $ornin% wor'.
"nstruct the students to loo' o#er the $aterials on their des'.
3&plain that this wee'.s story is 3ncyclopedia :rown and the
Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander by 7onald 9. Sobol. +redict
what type o/ %enre this boo' is( raise your hand to %uess. 2et
student.s thin'-pair-share their ideas. )his wee'.s story is a
$ystery. Create a web( on chart paper( based on characteristics
students already 'now about $ysteries. A/terwards e&plain that
durin% our readin% ti$e we will be learnin% $ore about the
co$ponents o/ a $ystery. )his story is a $ystery so to be%in
this wee' we are %oin% to sol#e a Secret A%ent Stan.s Mystery.
-ead A%ent Stan.s situation and answer the ?uestions.
Gi#e students ti$e to read the te&t about A%ent Stan. A/ter they
read about A%ent Stan they are to answer the ?uestions. )hese
?uestions are desi%ned to help students practice readin%
co$prehension and ti$e.
A/ter students ha#e co$pleted their $ornin% wor' ha#e the$
turn it in and it will be %raded. Gi#e each student a -eadin%
,or' +lan. )his plan %i#es detailed directions( e&planations(
and point descriptions /or each center the students ha#e to
!e"ruary #1% &$#&
Ala"ama 'ourse of Study:
3n%lish 2an%ua%e Arts (4007
Grade(s5 6
C. ;se a wide ran%e o/ strate%ies( includin% distin%uishin% /iction /ro$
non/iction and $a'in% in/erences( to co$prehend /ourth-%rade
recreational readin% $aterials in a #ariety o/ %enres.
3&a$ples5 no#els( short stories( poetry( trade boo's
8 S'i$$in% passa%es to %et si%ni/icance o/ passa%e
8 Su$$ariBin% passa%es to restate in/or$ation
8 Co$parin% and contrastin% to e&tend $eanin%
8 ;sin% 'nowled%e o/ sentence structure and conte&t to enhance
8 ;sin% sel/-$onitorin% /or te&t understandin%( includin% rereadin% and
adjustin% rate and speed o/ readin%
8 ;sin% #ocabulary 'nowled%e to enhance co$prehension
8 -eadin% /luently with e&pression and attention to punctuation
8 7rawin% conclusions to deter$ine content not directly stated
8 As'in% and answerin% ?uestions
8 -elatin% e#ents( ideas( and characters to prior 'nowled%e and speci/ic
li/e e&periences
Lesson (")ecti*es:
Students will be able to identi/y the ele$ents o/ a $ystery.
Students will be able to de$onstrate their 'nowled%e o/ the
ele$ents in a $ystery by identi/yin% each ele$ent throu%h a
s$all %roup acti#ity.

Modifications: (9:( 0*( and 92

3&tended ti$e on all assi%n$ents.
Modi/ied wor' on /or all assi%n$ents.
)eacher Generated
co$plete this wee'. $ystery
+ro$ethean :oard
Mystery +ower+oint
,hite :oard
1D pieces o/ construction paper
3le$ents o/ a Mystery *andout
Whole Grou+
,uild 'once+ts:
)oday.s lesson will be /ocusin% on $ysteries. Students will be learnin%
the basic story ele$ents behind $ysteries. ,e will be learnin% about
these di//erent ele$ents durin% our whole and s$all %roup lessons
today. )oday.s lesson will be%in by as'in% students the ?uestion o/ the
wee'. )his wee'.s ?uestion is how can attention to detail help sol#e a
proble$@ Students will share their thou%hts on why it is i$portant to pay
attention to detail. ,hile discussin% their answers list their answers on
the board. )his will %i#e students a #isual and help the$ co$e up with
their own ideas about why it is i$portant to pay attention to detail.
A/terwards be%in todays Mystery +ower+oint.
2oca"ulary and Modeling:
)oday.s Mystery +ower+oint addresses the de/inition o/ a $ystery( 'ey
words to reco%niBe when readin% a $ystery( ele$ents o/ $ystery chec'
list( and s$all %roup acti#ities. )he slide that discusses 'ey words to
reco%niBe when readin% a $ystery is #ery i$portant. )hese 'ey words
are not only i$portant /or this wee'.s story but /or anyti$e students are
readin% a $ystery boo' or series. As a %roup students will be instructed
to $a'e a /oldable. Ma'e sure each /oldable has nine /laps. ;nder each
/lap the student will write the de/inition and create a sentence usin% the
word. )he +ower+oint also addresses the ele$ents o/ a $ystery.
Students will be shown and %i#en a chec' list to 'eep. )his chec' list
shows e&actly what ele$ents a $ystery story should include. ,e will %o
throu%h the chec' list and discuss it as a class. 2et.s practiceE
Guided Practice:
As %uided practice ha#e each %roup o/ students read the story and use
their chec' list to $a'e sure each ele$ent was present in the story. )he
students will be %i#en a handout to /ill in with roo$ /or a detailed
description o/ each ele$ent. Monitor students as they wor' in %roups to
co$plete this assi%n$ent. ,hen /inished students $ay $o#e on to their
/irst center.
Small Grou+
'enters 3otate (nce4
Mystery :a%
:lan' +aper
Fred the Sala$ander -eward +oster *andout
"nternet Access
3ncyclopedia :rown and the Case o/ the Slippery
Sala$ander Mystery 3le$ent *andout
Construction +aper
eading Work Plan:
Students are %i#en a readin% wor' plan at the be%innin% o/ each wee'.
)his plan %i#es detailed directions( e&planation( and point descriptions
/or each o/ the /i#e centers they ha#e to co$plete each wee'. )his
wee'.s copy is attached to the lesson plan. Students $ust si%n the
botto$ o/ the wor' plan sayin% that they a%ree with the directions and
that they will co$plete the assi%n$ents. )his wee' there are /i#e
Mystery ,ag 'enter
!red the Salamander e.ard Poster 'enter
Technology 'enter
Listening 'enter
2oca"ulary 'enter
eading /nter*ention:
/nter*ention .ith Mrs0 ichardson:
9aAharia :rown
0ayliah *all
9ustin 2ittle
/nter*ention .ith Mrs0 Taylor:
7esiray Collins
Mc0enBie Mahone
Aliyah Mc>eil
Aarianna +atton
:riAsia Si$$ons
!e"ruary #5% &$#&
Students will co$e into the classroo$ in the $ornin% and be e&pected
to unpac' their bac'pac'( put bac'pac'!coats in the closet( sharpen
their pencils( and be%in their $ornin% wor'. Students will ha#e their
assi%n$ents on their des'. Students should wor' on these assi%n$ents
)eacher Generated
-eadin% +assa%e
-eadin% +assa%e Fuestions
Morning Work Assignments
,hen e#eryone is seated we will be%in their $ornin% wor'.
"nstruct the students to loo' o#er the $aterials on their des'.
-e$ind students that this wee'.s story is 3ncyclopedia :rown
and the Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander by 7onald 9. Sobol.
)oday.s $ain /ocus is on #ocabulary. Most o/ today.s #ocabulary
words are a$phibians. )his $ornin%.s $ornin% wor' is %oin% to
%i#e you an idea about the di//erent 'inds o/ ani$als we will be
learnin% about durin% the ti$e we are readin% 3ncyclopedia
:rown and the Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander. *a#e students
read a passa%e about a$phibians and answer the ?uestions.
-e$ind students to do their best wor' this is /or a %rade.
,hen e#eryone has co$pleted their $ornin% wor' it will be
ta'en up and %raded. A/ter e#eryone has turned in their $ornin%
wor' be%in today.s #ocabulary lesson. )oday.s lesson will /ocus
on #ocabulary words( #ocabulary strate%ies( and be%in readin%
this wee'.s story 3ncyclopedia :rown and the Case o/ the
Slippery Sala$ander.
!e"ruary #5% &$#&
Ala"ama 'ourse of Study
3n%lish 2an%ua%e Arts (4007
Grade(s5 6
C. ;se a wide ran%e o/ strate%ies( includin% distin%uishin% /iction /ro$
non/iction and $a'in% in/erences( to co$prehend /ourth-%rade
recreational readin% $aterials in a #ariety o/ %enres.
3&a$ples5 no#els( short stories( poetry( trade boo's
8 S'i$$in% passa%es to %et si%ni/icance o/ passa%e
8 Su$$ariBin% passa%es to restate in/or$ation
8 Co$parin% and contrastin% to e&tend $eanin%
8 ;sin% 'nowled%e o/ sentence structure and conte&t to enhance
8 ;sin% sel/-$onitorin% /or te&t understandin%( includin% rereadin% and
adjustin% rate and speed o/ readin%
8 ;sin% #ocabulary 'nowled%e to enhance co$prehension
8 -eadin% /luently with e&pression and attention to punctuation
8 7rawin% conclusions to deter$ine content not directly stated
8 As'in% and answerin% ?uestions
8 -elatin% e#ents( ideas( and characters to prior 'nowled%e and speci/ic
li/e e&periences
Lesson (")ecti*es
Students will be able to identi/y ele$ents o/ the plot to i$pro#e
their co$prehension.
Students will be able to de$onstrate their 'nowled%e o/ the
story.s #ocabulary words.
Modifications: (9:( 0*( and 92
3&tended ti$e on all assi%n$ents.
Modi/ied wor' on /or all assi%n$ents.
)eacher Generated
Mystery +ower+oint
G Ga$e :a%s
Construction +aper
3ncyclopedia :rown and the Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander
Graphic 1r%aniBer
Whole Grou+
,uild 'once+ts
)his wee' we ha#e been learnin% about $ysteries. Hesterday students
should ha#e beco$e aware o/ the ele$ents o/ a $ystery. Students
practiced this /indin% these ele$ents yesterday and will be applyin% it to
this wee'.s story today. )oday.s ?uestion o/ the day is what talents and
strate%ies does 3ncyclopedia use to sol#e cases@ Allow students to
thin'-pair-share their ideas and then share the$ in a class discussion.
A/ter the class discussions be%in today.s +ower+oint.
2oca"ulary and Modeling
)oday.s +ower+oint be%ins with this story.s #ocabulary words. 3&plain
that the $ajority o/ these words are actually ani$als. 3ach slide will %i#e
/acts and photos to help students better understand and learn $ore
about these ani$als. ,e will %o throu%h this portion o/ the +ower+oint
be/ore be%innin% the acti#ity. A/ter this portion o/ the +ower+oint
students will be bro'en up into pairs. 3ach pair will be %i#en a ba% with
cards inside o/ it. Students will lay all o/ the cards down /ace /lat and
play $e$ory with their #ocabulary words. Students will continue to play
this %a$e until there are not any cards le/t. )he student with the $ost
cards wins the %a$e. A/ter each %roup /inishes the %a$e ha#e students
put all the cards bac' into the ba% and turn the$ in. Gi#e students
instructions /or the ne&t acti#ity.
Guided Practice
For this acti#ity students will wor' independently. Students will be %i#en
a handout. 3&plain the directions and $a'e sure students 'now they
$ay use their te&tboo'. Students will de/ine each word( %i#e a synony$
or an antony$( write the sentence the word is /ound in /ro$ the story(
create their own sentence usin% the word( and draw a picture. A/ter the
students ha#e co$pleted this assi%n$ent ha#e students turn it in and
they $ay be%in their center wor' /or today.
Small Grou+
7urin% today.s s$all %roup ti$e %i#e each student a copy o/ the
3ncyclopedia :rown and the Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander %raphic
or%aniBer. )his %raphic or%aniBer is $odi/ied /or each le#eled readin%
%roup. )oday.s readin% is pa%e 6<4-6<7. )o be%in co$plete a pictures
wal' with the readin%. As' each student to predict who they thin' the boy
is on the /ront pa%e and what he $i%ht be thin'in% about. ,hile readin%
the story /acilitate /illin% out the handout( $odi/y this step o/ the lesson
/or each particular %roup. Ma'e sure all students are co$pletin% the
handout. At the end o/ the wee' students $ay use this as a study %uide
/or the test. Also( discuss this wee'.s #ocabulary words.
'enters 3otate (nce4
Mystery :a%
:lan' +aper
Fred the Sala$ander -eward +oster *andout
"nternet Access
3ncyclopedia :rown and the Case o/ the Slippery
Sala$ander Mystery 3le$ent *andout
Construction +aper
eading Work Plan:
Students are %i#en a readin% wor' plan at the be%innin% o/ each wee'.
)his plan %i#es detailed directions( e&planation( and point descriptions
/or each o/ the /i#e centers they ha#e to co$plete each wee'. )his
wee'.s copy is attached to the lesson plan. Students $ust si%n the
botto$ o/ the wor' plan sayin% that they a%ree with the directions and
that they will co$plete the assi%n$ents. )his wee' there are /i#e
Mystery ,ag 'enter
!red the Salamander e.ard Poster 'enter
Technology 'enter
Listening 'enter
2oca"ulary 'enter
eading /nter*ention:
/nter*ention .ith Mrs0 ichardson:
9aAharia :rown
0ayliah *all
9ustin 2ittle
/nter*ention .ith Mrs0 Taylor:
7esiray Collins
Mc0enBie Mahone
Aliyah Mc>eil
Aarianna +atton
:riAsia Si$$ons
!e"ruary #6% &$#&
Students will co$e into the classroo$ in the $ornin% and be e&pected
to unpac' their bac'pac'( put bac'pac'!coats in the closet( sharpen
their pencils( and be%in their $ornin% wor'. Students will ha#e their
assi%n$ents on their des'. Students should wor' on these assi%n$ents
)eacher Generated
Morning Work Assignments:
,hen e#eryone is seated we will be%in their $ornin% wor'.
"nstruct the students to loo' o#er the $aterials on their des'.
-e$ind students that this wee'.s story is 3ncyclopedia :rown
and the Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander by 7onald 9. Sobol.
)oday.s $ain /ocus is the plot and story structure o/ this wee'.s
readin% selection. )his $ornin% e#eryone will be %i#en a writin%
pro$pt. Students are to write an alternate endin% about who
they thin' stole the )i%er Sala$ander( how they stole hi$( and
what they did with hi$. Students M;S) use their i$a%ination
when writin% this response. Students $ust use correct %ra$$ar(
punctuation( and spellin%. -e$ind the$ to use a para%raph
!e"ruary #6% &$#&
Ala"ama 'ourse of Study:
3n%lish 2an%ua%e Arts (4007
Grade(s5 6
C. ;se a wide ran%e o/ strate%ies( includin% distin%uishin% /iction /ro$
non/iction and $a'in% in/erences( to co$prehend /ourth-%rade
recreational readin% $aterials in a #ariety o/ %enres.
3&a$ples5 no#els( short stories( poetry( trade boo's
8 S'i$$in% passa%es to %et si%ni/icance o/ passa%e
8 Su$$ariBin% passa%es to restate in/or$ation
8 Co$parin% and contrastin% to e&tend $eanin%
8 ;sin% 'nowled%e o/ sentence structure and conte&t to enhance
8 ;sin% sel/-$onitorin% /or te&t understandin%( includin% rereadin% and
adjustin% rate and speed o/ readin%
8 ;sin% #ocabulary 'nowled%e to enhance co$prehension
8 -eadin% /luently with e&pression and attention to punctuation
8 7rawin% conclusions to deter$ine content not directly stated
8 As'in% and answerin% ?uestions
8 -elatin% e#ents( ideas( and characters to prior 'nowled%e and speci/ic
li/e e&periences
Lesson (")ecti*es:
Students will de$onstrate 'nowled%e o/ the plot o/ the story by
/or$at. A/ter each student has co$pleted this assi%n$ent they
will turn it in. A/ter e#eryone has turned in their assi%n$ent we
will $o#e on to today.s readin% lesson.
creatin% a /oldable.
Students will de$onstrate 'nowled%e o/ story structure by
se?uencin% the e#ents /ro$ the story o/ 3ncyclopedia :rown and
the Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander.
Modifications: (9:( 0*( and 92
3&tended ti$e on all assi%n$ents.
Modi/ied wor' on /or all assi%n$ents.
-eadin% Street Grade 6 ;nit 6 )e&tboo'
)eacher Generated
Chart +aper
Construction +aper
3ncyclopedia :rown and the Case o/ Slippery Sala$ander
Sentence Strip *andout
:lan' +aper
Whole Grou+
,uilding 'once+ts
)his wee' we ha#e been learnin% about $ysteries. Monday students
practiced this usin% the ele$ents o/ a $ystery throu%h %roup acti#ities.
Hesterday students should ha#e beco$e aware and learned the
#ocabulary words /or this selection. Students ha#e applied the
#ocabulary words throu%h $ultiple %roup and indi#idual acti#ities.
)oday.s ?uestion o/ the day is( how the 3ncyclopedia :rown story li'e
and unli'e a puBBle@ As a class create a )-chart. 2ist the di//erent ways
this story is li'e and unli'e a puBBle. Allow students to thin'-pair-share
their ideas and then share with the entire class.
eading 'om+rehension and Modeling
)oday we are %oin% to /inish readin% the story as a class. Hesterday
each readin% %roup le/t o// on pa%e 6<7 and that is where we will pic' up
today. -e$ind students that we will $eet in our s$all %roups later on
durin% the day to co$plete the %raphic or%aniBer. As a class read the
story to%ether. "ncorporate the %uided readin% ?uestions that would ha#e
been incorporated durin% s$all %roup. A/ter we /inish the story we will
be%in today.s acti#ity. For today.s acti#ity ha#e students create a story
plot /oldable about 3ncyclopedia :rown and the Case o/ the Slippery
Sala$ander. )his /oldable should ha#e /our spaces. 1n the top /lap
students should write proble$( risin% action( cli$a&( and resolution.
;nderneath each /lap students should /ill in the answer /or all /our o/
words on top. ,hen students are /inished $a'e sure they ha#e written
their na$e on the$ and turn the$.
Guided Practice
As %uided practice ha#e students recreate the story o/ 3ncyclopedia
:rown and the Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander. :rea' students up into
pre-selected %roups. Gi#e each %roup a handout o/ sentence strips /ro$
the story. Students will need to cut out the sentence strips and put the$
in order. A/ter students put their strips in order they $ay >1) $o#e on
until the teacher chec's the order and tells each %roup they are allowed
to $o#e on. A teacher %uide will be attached. Students will then %lue
each strip to a piece o/ paper and illustrate the sentence strip. :y the
end o/ the acti#ity each %roup will ha#e created their own copy o/
3ncyclopedia :rown and the Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander. 3ach
boo' should ha#e a title pa%e. )his pa%e should include a picture( title(
author( and illustrator. 3ach person in the %roup has to participate in the
acti#ity this includes or%aniBin% the sentence strips and illustratin% the
boo'. 3ach %roup will turn their boo' in and when they ha#e co$pleted it
they can start wor'in% on today.s center wor'.
Small Grou+s
7urin% today.s s$all %roup ha#e each %roup co$e to the bac' table with
their copy o/ 3ncyclopedia :rown %raphic or%aniBer that was %i#en to
the$ the day be/ore. As a %roup we will discuss today.s readin% that we
co$pleted durin% whole %roup and /inish the %raphic or%aniBer.
Hesterday we le/t o// on pa%e 6<7 and today we will co$plete the story.
3ncoura%e students to as' any ?uestions they $ay ha#e about the
story( the $ystery story ele$ents( #ocabulary( etc. -e$ind students to
'eep up with their %raphic or%aniBers and use the$ as a study tool /or
the test to$orrow.
'enters 3otate T.ice4
Mystery :a%
:lan' +aper
Fred the Sala$ander -eward +oster *andout
"nternet Access
3ncyclopedia :rown and the Case o/ the Slippery
Sala$ander Mystery 3le$ent *andout
Construction +aper
eading Work Plan:
Students are %i#en a readin% wor' plan at the be%innin% o/ each wee'.
)his plan %i#es detailed directions( e&planation( and point descriptions
/or each o/ the /i#e centers they ha#e to co$plete each wee'. )his
wee'.s copy is attached to the lesson plan. Students $ust si%n the
botto$ o/ the wor' plan sayin% that they a%ree with the directions and
that they will co$plete the assi%n$ents. )his wee' there are /i#e
Mystery ,ag 'enter
!red the Salamander e.ard Poster 'enter
Technology 'enter
Listening 'enter
2oca"ulary 'enter
eading /nter*ention:
/nter*ention .ith Mrs0 ichardson:
9aAharia :rown
0ayliah *all
9ustin 2ittle
/nter*ention .ith Mrs0 Taylor:
7esiray Collins
Mc0enBie Mahone
Aliyah Mc>eil
Aarianna +atton
:riAsia Si$$ons
!e"ruary #7% &$#&
Students will co$e into the classroo$ in the $ornin% and be e&pected
to unpac' their bac'pac'( put bac'pac'!coats in the closet( sharpen
their pencils( and be%in their $ornin% wor'. Students will ha#e their
assi%n$ents on their des'. Students should wor' on these assi%n$ents
)eacher Generated
Mystery *andout
3le$ents o/ a Mystery Chec'list
,ritin% >oteboo'
Morning Work Assignments:
,hen e#eryone is seated we will be%in their $ornin% wor'.
"nstruct the students to loo' o#er the $aterials on their des'.
-e$ind students that this wee'.s story is 3ncyclopedia :rown
and the Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander by 7onald 9. Sobol.
As o/ today e#eryone should understand the ele$ents o/ a
$ystery story. )his $ornin% students will ha#e a handout on
!e"ruary #7% &$#&
Ala"ama 'ourse of Study:
3n%lish 2an%ua%e Arts (4007
Grade(s5 6
C. ;se a wide ran%e o/ strate%ies( includin% distin%uishin% /iction /ro$
non/iction and $a'in% in/erences( to co$prehend /ourth-%rade
recreational readin% $aterials in a #ariety o/ %enres.
3&a$ples5 no#els( short stories( poetry( trade boo's
8 S'i$$in% passa%es to %et si%ni/icance o/ passa%e
8 Su$$ariBin% passa%es to restate in/or$ation
8 Co$parin% and contrastin% to e&tend $eanin%
8 ;sin% 'nowled%e o/ sentence structure and conte&t to enhance
8 ;sin% sel/-$onitorin% /or te&t understandin%( includin% rereadin% and
adjustin% rate and speed o/ readin%
8 ;sin% #ocabulary 'nowled%e to enhance co$prehension
8 -eadin% /luently with e&pression and attention to punctuation
8 7rawin% conclusions to deter$ine content not directly stated
8 As'in% and answerin% ?uestions
8 -elatin% e#ents( ideas( and characters to prior 'nowled%e and speci/ic
li/e e&periences
their des' that describes a cri$e. :y usin% your i$a%ination
write e&actly what you thin' happened and the results o/ the
$ystery. -e$ind students to use correct %ra$$ar( punctuation(
and spellin%. Students should also be re$inded to use a
para%raph /or$at. A/ter each student has co$pleted this
assi%n$ent they will turn it in. A/ter e#eryone has turned in their
assi%n$ent we will $o#e on to today.s readin%!science lesson.
Lesson (")ecti*es:
Students will de$onstrate their content( #ocabulary( and
co$prehension o/ this wee'.s story throu%h a %roup acti#ity.
Students will de$onstrate readin% strate%ies throu%h a $ystery
newspaper article.
Modifications: (9:( 0*( and 92
3&tended ti$e on all assi%n$ents.
Modi/ied wor' on /or all assi%n$ents.
Mrs. Collins
)eacher Generated
"nde& Cards
9eopardy -e#iew Ga$e +ower+oint
Whole Grou+
,uilding 'once+t:
)his wee' we ha#e been learnin% about $ysteries. Students ha#e
learned about the ele$ents o/ a $ystery story( new #ocabulary words(
read /or content( and read /or co$prehension. )oday is a re#iew session
but /irst we will be co$pletin% an acti#ity that /ocuses on readin%
strate%ies when readin% about $ysteries. )o be%in today.s ?uestion o/
the day is would you li'e a cri$e lab class in your school@ ,hat s'ills
would you li'e to learn in such a class@ Allow students to thin' pair
share and then discuss as a class.
eading 'om+rehension
)oday we will be readin% the story Houn% 7etecti#es o/ +otter#ille
Middle School by :onnie 0epplin%er. " will brea' students up into
%roups. )he %roups will be preselected. Students will be assi%ned a
table and %i#en their $aterials. ,e will be creatin% a /oldable. 3ach
student should ha#e a piece o/ paper( a pencil( and their te&tboo'. 3ach
student will be assi%ned the role o/ see'er( word /inder( ?uestioner( and
su$$ariBer. All o/ the students will rotate throu%h each job. As a %roup
we will read the story and /ill out the /oldable. )he story is not #ery lon%
so we will /irst read throu%h the story and then /ill out the /oldable. Go
o#er each section be/ore rotatin% jobs. A/ter we co$plete the /oldable
we will $o#e on to the ne&t acti#ity.
Small Grou+
Science Acti*ity
A/ter co$pletin% the /oldable be%in today.s science acti#ity. As' students
how the si&th %raders /ro$ +otter#ille Middle School sol#ed cri$es.
7iscuss with students that hair sa$ples and blood sa$ples are not the
only way to sol#e a $ystery. Another way to sol#e a $ystery is by
/in%erprintin%. *a#e any o/ you e#ery /in%er painted@ "/ so( ha#e you
noticed the lines o/ your /in%ers@ )hese lines are #ery i$portant. 9ust by
touchin% an object your /in%er prints print on that object. ,ell there are
di//erent types o/ /in%er prints that you can ha#e. )oday we are %oin% to
/ind out what type o/ print each o/ you ha#e. :rea' students up into
pairs. Gi#e each student an inde& card( pencil( and a piece o/ clear
scotch tape. "nstruct students to color a lar%e rectan%le on one side o/
the inde& card. 3ach student $ust rub the botto$ o/ their inde& /in%er on
the inde& card until its %ray. 3ach partner will ta'e turns pressin% their
/in%er on to a piece o/ tape. A/terwards tape your piece o/ tape to the
opposite side o/ the card that you colored. As a class we will then loo' at
the three di//erent types o/ prints (whorl( loop( and arch. )here will be a
slide on the +ower+oint we ha#e been usin% this wee' that shows
pictures o/ a whorl print( loop print( and arch print. Students will wor'
to%ether to disco#er which type o/ /in%er print their /in%er is. ,hen
students disco#er their type they are to write their na$e on the inde&
card and their type o/ print. )a'e these up and discuss which students
ha#e the sa$e type o/ prints. 1r%aniBe each o/ the three %roups and
announce the results to the class. ,hen the %roup discussion is /inished
be%in today.s re#iew %a$e.
Encyclo+edia ,ro.n and the 'ase of the Sli++ery Salamander
Jeo+ardy e*ie. Game
Students will be bro'en up into two separate %roups. )here are si&teen
students in the class. 3ach %roup should ha#e ei%ht students. )he
re#iew %a$e will be shown on a +ower+oint. )he teacher will control the
+ower+oint and read the ?uestions aloud. )o be%in /lip a coin to pic'
which tea$s %oes /irst. )he %roups will alternate %ettin% a ?uestion until
a tea$ %ets a ?uestion wron%. "/ a tea$ %ets a ?uestion wron% it %oes to
the ne&t %roup and they ha#e the opportunity to answer it. )he winnin%
tea$ recei#es /i#e bonus points on their test. Co$plete this %a$e until
one o/ the two tea$s wins and there are not ?uestions le/t. )here will be
a tie brea'er acti#ity i/ needed. A/ter we play the re#iew %a$e we will be
transitionin% bac' to our assi%ned seats and ta'e the 3ncyclopedia
:rown and the Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander test.
eading /nter*ention:
/nter*ention .ith Mrs0 ichardson:
9aAharia :rown
0ayliah *all
9ustin 2ittle
/nter*ention .ith Mrs0 Taylor:
7esiray Collins
Mc0enBie Mahone
Aliyah Mc>eil
Aarianna +atton
:riAsia Si$$ons
!e"ruary #8% &$#&
Students will co$e into the classroo$ in the $ornin% and be e&pected
to unpac' their bac'pac'( put bac'pac'!coats in the closet( sharpen
their pencils( and be%in their $ornin% wor'. Students will ha#e their
assi%n$ents on their des'. Students should wor' on these assi%n$ents
)eacher Generated
,ritin% 9ournals
Morning Work Assignments:
,hen e#eryone is seated we will be%in their $ornin% wor'. "nstruct the
students to loo' o#er the $aterials on their des'. -e$ind students that
this wee'.s story is 3ncyclopedia :rown and the Case o/ the Slippery
Sala$ander by 7onald 9. Sobol. )oday is our test dayEE )his $ornin%
students will ta'e out their writin% journals and a pencil. Students
should be instructed to write a su$$ary o/ 3ncyclopedia :rown and the
Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander. ,hen students are /inished they will
!e"ruary #8% &$#&
Ala"ama 'ourse of Study
3n%lish 2an%ua%e Arts (4007
Grade(s5 6
C. ;se a wide ran%e o/ strate%ies( includin% distin%uishin% /iction /ro$
non/iction and $a'in% in/erences( to co$prehend /ourth-%rade
recreational readin% $aterials in a #ariety o/ %enres.
3&a$ples5 no#els( short stories( poetry( trade boo's
8 S'i$$in% passa%es to %et si%ni/icance o/ passa%e
8 Su$$ariBin% passa%es to restate in/or$ation
8 Co$parin% and contrastin% to e&tend $eanin%
8 ;sin% 'nowled%e o/ sentence structure and conte&t to enhance
8 ;sin% sel/-$onitorin% /or te&t understandin%( includin% rereadin% and
adjustin% rate and speed o/ readin%
8 ;sin% #ocabulary 'nowled%e to enhance co$prehension
8 -eadin% /luently with e&pression and attention to punctuation
8 7rawin% conclusions to deter$ine content not directly stated
8 As'in% and answerin% ?uestions
return their writin% journal to its bas'et and re#iew o#er their wor'sheet
and notes /ro$ this wee' to prepare /or the test. -e$ind students to
use appropriate %ra$$ar( punctuation( and spellin%. Students should
use the para%raph /or$at. A/ter e#eryone has co$pleted their $ornin%
wor' they will be%in their test.
8 -elatin% e#ents( ideas( and characters to prior 'nowled%e and speci/ic
li/e e&periences
Lesson (")ecti*es
Students will de$onstrate their 'nowled%e o/ $ystery story
ele$ents( #ocabulary words( content( and readin%
co$prehension by ta'in% an assess$ent on e#erythin% learned
in this unit.
Students will de$onstrate their 'nowled%e o/ ele$ents o/ a
$ystery throu%h interacti#e %roup acti#ities.
Modifications: Modifications: (9:( 0*( and 92
3&tended ti$e on all assi%n$ents.
Modi/ied wor' on /or all assi%n$ents.
Mrs. Collins
)eacher Generated
1D Copies o/ the 3ncyclopedia :rown and the Case o/ the
Slippery Sala$ander Assess$ent
Ghost ,riters
7rawin% Conclusions (4
Whole Grou+
,uild 'once+ts
)his wee' we ha#e been tal'in% about $ysteries such as 3ncyclopedia
:rown and the Case o/ the Slippery Sala$ander. )his wee' we ha#e
discussed $ystery story ele$ents( #ocabulary words( and discussed
read co$prehension strate%ies. ,e ha#e built this 'nowled%e throu%h
whole %roup acti#ities( s$all %roup acti#ities( and daily centers. )oday is
assess$ent day. )oday.s ?uestion o/ the day as's us to re#isit the /irst
day.s ?uestion( how can attention to detail help sol#e a proble$. Allow
students to thin' pair share and then we will discuss our responses as a
/ndi*idual Assessment
:e/ore students be%in their assess$ent %o o#er any ?uestions they
$i%ht ha#e that relate to the test. Students will be a %i#en an
assess$ent. )he teacher will need to %o o#er the directions and discuss
the rules. -e$ind students cheatin% will not be tolerated and to just 'eep
their eyes on their own paper. A/ter students are /inished they can be%in
pre readin% ne&t wee'.s story( See'er o/ 0nowled%e. ,hen e#eryone is
/inished we will $o#e on to today.s acti#ity.
Small Grou+
A/ter today.s readin% test students who $ade abo#e an G4I %et to
participate in Mystery Ga$e 7ay. )here will be three centers that
students will rotate throu%hJ they will rotate with their readin% center
%roups. Students who did not $a'e abo#e an G4I ha#e an indi#idual
assi%n$ent to co$plete. "/ at any ti$e students are $isbeha#in%( too
loud( and or treatin% the $aterials with disrespect they will also co$plete
the indi#idual assi%n$ent.
Ghost ,riter Center
7rawin% Conclusions
7rawin% Conclusions
Martin Luther King Junior Elementary School Lesson Plan
Teacher: Stephanie Goodwin Grade: Fourth Grade Week of: February 41-46
Assisting: Mrs. Collins (All subjects!"n#ention "nstructors are included in lesson plans.
Morning Work eading
!e"ruary &#% &$#&
Students will co$e into the classroo$ in the
$ornin% and be e&pected to unpac' their
bac'pac'( put bac'pac'!coats in the closet(
sharpen their pencils( and be%in their $ornin%
wor'. Students will ha#e their assi%n$ents on
their des'. Students should wor' on these
assi%n$ents indi#idually.
)eacher Generated
,ritin% 9ournal
Morning Work Assignments
3ach $ornin% a/ter students unpac' and
%et settled they are to %et their writin%
journals out. For today students will be
Ala"ama 'ourse of Study
English Language Arts (2007)
Grade(s): 4
3.) Use a wide range of strategies in!luding distinguishing fi!tion
fro" nonfi!tion and "a#ing inferen!es to !o"$rehend fourth%grade
re!reational reading "aterials in a &ariet' of genres.
E(a"$les: no&els short stories $oetr' trade )oo#s
* +#i""ing $assages to get signifi!an!e of $assage
* +u""ari,ing $assages to restate infor"ation
* -o"$aring and !ontrasting to e(tend "eaning
* Using #nowledge of senten!e stru!ture and !onte(t to enhan!e
* Using self%"onitoring for te(t understanding in!luding rereading
and ad.usting rate and s$eed of reading
* Using &o!a)ular' #nowledge to enhan!e !o"$rehension
respondin% to a pro$pt. )oday.s pro$pt is5
7escribe a ti$e where you were the
)eacher.s +et. )his does not ha#e to be a
school teacher it can be a dance
instructor( coach( Sunday school teacher(
or it can be a school teacher. 7escribe
what you did /or the$ and how it $ade
you /eel. )his should be at least a
para%raph which is /i#e to se#en
sentences. ,hen each person has
/inished we will be%in today.s readin%
* /eading fluentl' with e($ression and attention to $un!tuation
* 0rawing !on!lusions to deter"ine !ontent not dire!tl' stated
* As#ing and answering 1uestions
* /elating e&ents ideas and !hara!ters to $rior #nowledge and
s$e!ifi! life e($erien!es
Lesson (")ecti*es
Students will de$onstrate 'nowled%e o/ 'ey s'ills such
as character( plot( settin%( co$pare!contrast( and
%raphic sources while readin% the boo' )eacher.s +et.
(9:( 0*( and 92
3&tended ti$e on all assi%n$ents.
Modi/ied wor' on /or all assi%n$ents.
Mrs. Gi//in ()eacher
)eacher Generated
17 copies o/ Teachers Pet
17 literature circle lanyards
Folders with %raphic or%aniBers /or each job /or the
entire wee'
17 copies o/ Chapter 1ne and )wo Fuestionnaires
Whole Grou+
)his wee' we are %oin% to be learnin% throu%h a boo' study.
,e will be readin% the boo' Teachers Pet by 9ohanna
*urwitB. 3&plain to students that we will be preparin% /or our
unit bench$ar' test by practicin% s'ills such as character(
plot( settin%( co$pare!contrast( and %raphic sources while
readin% the boo' )eacher.s +et. 3ach student will be assi%ned
a boo' they will use /or the wee'. Gi#e each boo' and student
a nu$ber. Gi#e students an inde& card to use as a boo'$ar'
/or the wee' with their nu$ber on it. 3&plain to the students
each day they will %et their assi%ned boo' out o/ the bo& and
at the end o/ readin% they will put it bac' in the sa$e bo&.
)hese boo's will >1) lea#e the classroo$. 3ach day " will be
conductin% literature circles. 3&plain the /our di//erent roles5
literary lu$inary( discussion director( capable connector( and
word wiBard. Students will be rotatin% throu%h the roles each
day durin% their literature circles. Students will also ha#e a
%raphic or%aniBer they /ill out /or each particular role. Students
will be %i#en literature circle lanyards to wear. )heir job is
written on the /ront and the job description is on the bac'.
Students will be %i#en the opportunity to be each role
throu%hout the wee'.

Small Grou+
Students will be bro'en up into readin% %roups( not based on
ability. )here will be three %roups o/ /our and one %roup o/
/i#e. "nstruct the readin% %roups to loo' throu%h the boo' and
predict what they thin' this boo' is %oin% to be about. Gi#e
students a prediction handout and allow the$ to /ill it out with
their %roup. A/terwards assi%n each student their /irst role.
,hen e#eryone has a role and is clear o/ their job description
allow students to read the /irst two chapters o/ the boo'.
-e$ind students as they are readin% they need to 'eep their
jobs in $ind. A/ter each chapter students will /ill out a %raphic
or%aniBer dependin% on their particular role. :y the end o/ day
one they should ha#e two %raphic or%aniBers /illed out /or
chapter one and two. Sit in on each literature circle and
obser#e the discussions and in/or$ally assess each child.s
participation( /luency( and co$prehension based on their input
in the lit circle discussion %roups.
A/ter each %roup is /inished co$e bac' to%ether as a %roup
and lead a whole %roup discussion on what we read today.
3ach day a/ter we ha#e /inished literature circles we will co$e
to%ether as a %roup and tal' about what we read. Also(
students will ha#e a ?uestionnaire about the chapter they
ha#e to answer indi#idually. )his will help to assess how
students are co$prehendin% the $aterial.
Literature 'ircle oles:
Artful Artist uses so$e /or$ o/ artwor' to represent a si%ni/icant
scene or idea /ro$ the readin%.
Literary Luminary points out interestin% or i$portant passa%es
within the readin%.
9iscussion 9irector writes ?uestions that will lead to discussion
by the %roup.
'a+a"le 'onnector /inds connections between the readin%
$aterial and so$ethin% outside the te&t( such as a personal
e&perience( a topic studied in another class( or a di//erent wor' o/
Word Wi-ard discusses words in the te&t that are unusual(
interestin%( or di//icult to understand.
!e"ruary &&% &$#&
Students will co$e into the classroo$ in the
$ornin% and be e&pected to unpac' their
bac'pac'( put bac'pac'!coats in the closet(
sharpen their pencils( and be%in their $ornin%
wor'. Students will ha#e their assi%n$ents on
their des'. Students should wor' on these
assi%n$ents indi#idually.
)eacher Generated
,ritin% 9ournal
Morning Work Assignments
3ach $ornin% a/ter students unpac' and %et
settled they are to %et their writin% journals and
their assi%ned boo' /ro$ the boo' bo&. Students
are to write a su$$ary about the chapters they
read durin% literature circles the pre#ious day.
3ach su$$ary $ust be at least /i#e to se#en
sentences. -e$ind students that a su$$ary is a
brie/ o#er#iew o/ what happened in the story.
,hen each person has /inished their su$$aries
Ala"ama 'ourse of Study
English Language Arts (2007)
Grade(s): 4
3.) Use a wide range of strategies in!luding distinguishing fi!tion
fro" nonfi!tion and "a#ing inferen!es to !o"$rehend fourth%grade
re!reational reading "aterials in a &ariet' of genres.
E(a"$les: no&els short stories $oetr' trade )oo#s
* +#i""ing $assages to get signifi!an!e of $assage
* +u""ari,ing $assages to restate infor"ation
* -o"$aring and !ontrasting to e(tend "eaning
* Using #nowledge of senten!e stru!ture and !onte(t to enhan!e
* Using self%"onitoring for te(t understanding in!luding rereading
and ad.usting rate and s$eed of reading
* Using &o!a)ular' #nowledge to enhan!e !o"$rehension
* /eading fluentl' with e($ression and attention to $un!tuation
* 0rawing !on!lusions to deter"ine !ontent not dire!tl' stated
* As#ing and answering 1uestions
* /elating e&ents ideas and !hara!ters to $rior #nowledge and
s$e!ifi! life e($erien!es
we will be%in our readin% bloc' /or the day. Lesson (")ecti*es
Students will de$onstrate 'nowled%e o/ 'ey s'ills such
as character( plot( settin%( co$pare!contrast( and
%raphic sources while readin% the boo' )eacher.s +et.
(9:( 0*( and 92
3&tended ti$e on all assi%n$ents.
Modi/ied wor' on /or all assi%n$ents.
Mrs. Gi//in ()eacher
)eacher Generated
17 copies o/ Teachers Pet
17 literature circle lanyards
Folders with %raphic or%aniBers /or each job /or the
entire wee'
17 copies o/ Chapter )hree and Four Fuestionnaires
Whole Grou+
)oday be%ins day two o/ our boo' study on Teachers Pet by
9ohanna *urwitB. )o be%in discuss what was read durin%
yesterday.s literature circle. As' one person /ro$ each job to
share their %raphic or%aniBer. Co$pare with others who had
the sa$e job. Students $ay add to or chan%e in/or$ation on
their %raphic or%aniBer so that it is correct. Also( %o o#er the
correct answers /or yesterday.s ?uestionnaire. Stress to
students the i$portance o/ ha#in% the ri%ht answers on these
?uestionnaires they will ser#e as a study %uide /or the test.
A/ter the whole %roup discussion assi%n students their new
literature circle role. +ass out all o/ the literature circle
lanyards and allow students to brea' up into their literature
Small Grou+
)oday students will be readin% and discussin% chapters three
and /our. ,hen e#eryone has a role and is clear o/ their job
description allow students to read the /irst two chapters o/ the
boo'. -e$ind students as they are readin% they need to 'eep
their jobs in $ind. A/ter each chapter students will /ill out a
%raphic or%aniBer dependin% on their particular role. :y the
end o/ day one they should ha#e two %raphic or%aniBers /illed
out /or chapter one and two. Sit in on each literature circle and
obser#e the discussions and in/or$ally assess each child.s
participation( /luency( and co$prehension based on their input
in the lit circle discussion %roups.
A/ter each %roup is /inished co$e bac' to%ether as a %roup
and lead a whole %roup discussion on what we read today.
3ach day a/ter we ha#e /inished literature circles we will co$e
to%ether as a %roup and tal' about what we read. Also(
students will ha#e a ?uestionnaire about the chapters they
ha#e to answer indi#idually. )his will help to assess how
students are co$prehendin% the $aterial
!e"ruary &1% &$#&
Students will co$e into the classroo$ in the
$ornin% and be e&pected to unpac' their
bac'pac'( put bac'pac'!coats in the closet(
sharpen their pencils( and be%in their $ornin%
wor'. Students will ha#e their assi%n$ents on
their des'. Students should wor' on these
assi%n$ents indi#idually.
)eacher Generated
,ritin% 9ournal
Morning Work Assignments
3ach $ornin% a/ter students unpac' and %et
settled they are to %et their writin% journals and
their assi%ned boo' /ro$ the boo' bo&. Students
are to write a su$$ary about the chapters they
read durin% literature circles the pre#ious day.
3ach su$$ary $ust be at least /i#e to se#en
sentences. -e$ind students that a su$$ary is a
brie/ o#er#iew o/ what happened in the story.
,hen each person has /inished their su$$aries
we will be%in our readin% bloc' /or the day.
Ala"ama 'ourse of Study
English Language Arts (2007)
Grade(s): 4
3.) Use a wide range of strategies in!luding distinguishing fi!tion
fro" nonfi!tion and "a#ing inferen!es to !o"$rehend fourth%grade
re!reational reading "aterials in a &ariet' of genres.
E(a"$les: no&els short stories $oetr' trade )oo#s
* +#i""ing $assages to get signifi!an!e of $assage
* +u""ari,ing $assages to restate infor"ation
* -o"$aring and !ontrasting to e(tend "eaning
* Using #nowledge of senten!e stru!ture and !onte(t to enhan!e
* Using self%"onitoring for te(t understanding in!luding rereading
and ad.usting rate and s$eed of reading
* Using &o!a)ular' #nowledge to enhan!e !o"$rehension
* /eading fluentl' with e($ression and attention to $un!tuation
* 0rawing !on!lusions to deter"ine !ontent not dire!tl' stated
* As#ing and answering 1uestions
* /elating e&ents ideas and !hara!ters to $rior #nowledge and
s$e!ifi! life e($erien!es
Lesson (")ecti*es
Students will de$onstrate 'nowled%e o/ 'ey s'ills such
as character( plot( settin%( co$pare!contrast( and
%raphic sources while readin% the boo' )eacher.s +et.
(9:( 0*( and 92
3&tended ti$e on all assi%n$ents.
Modi/ied wor' on /or all assi%n$ents.
Mrs. Gi//in ()eacher
)eacher Generated
17 copies o/ Teachers Pet
17 literature circle lanyards
Folders with %raphic or%aniBers /or each job /or the
entire wee'
17 copies o/ Chapter Fi#e and Si& Fuestionnaires
Whole Grou+
)oday be%ins day three o/ our boo' study on Teachers Pet by
9ohanna *urwitB. )o be%in discuss what was read durin%
yesterday.s literature circle. As' one person /ro$ each job to
share their %raphic or%aniBer. Co$pare with others who had
the sa$e job. Students $ay add to or chan%e in/or$ation on
their %raphic or%aniBer so that it is correct. Also( %o o#er the
correct answers /or yesterday.s ?uestionnaire. Stress to
students the i$portance o/ ha#in% the ri%ht answers on these
?uestionnaires they will ser#e as a study %uide /or the test.
A/ter the whole %roup discussion assi%n students their new
literature circle role. +ass out all o/ the literature circle
lanyards and allow students to brea' up into their literature
Small Grou+
)oday students will be readin% and discussin% chapters /i#e
and si&. ,hen e#eryone has a role and is clear o/ their job
description allow students to be%in readin% their assi%ned
chapters in the boo'. -e$ind students as they are readin%
they need to 'eep their jobs in $ind. A/ter each chapter
students will /ill out a %raphic or%aniBer dependin% on their
particular role. :y the end o/ day one they should ha#e two
%raphic or%aniBers /illed out /or chapter one and two. Sit in on
each literature circle and obser#e the discussions and
in/or$ally assess each child.s participation( /luency( and
co$prehension based on their input in the lit circle discussion
A/ter each %roup is /inished co$e bac' to%ether as a %roup
and lead a whole %roup discussion on what we read today.
3ach day a/ter we ha#e /inished literature circles we will co$e
to%ether as a %roup and tal' about what we read. Also(
students will ha#e a ?uestionnaire about the chapters they
ha#e to answer indi#idually. )his will help to assess how
students are participatin%( /luency( and co$prehendin% the
!e"ruary &5% &$#&
Students will co$e into the classroo$ in the
$ornin% and be e&pected to unpac' their
bac'pac'( put bac'pac'!coats in the closet(
sharpen their pencils( and be%in their $ornin%
wor'. Students will ha#e their assi%n$ents on
their des'. Students should wor' on these
assi%n$ents indi#idually.
)eacher Generated
Ala"ama 'ourse of Study
English Language Arts (2007)
Grade(s): 4
3.) Use a wide range of strategies in!luding distinguishing fi!tion
fro" nonfi!tion and "a#ing inferen!es to !o"$rehend fourth%grade
re!reational reading "aterials in a &ariet' of genres.
E(a"$les: no&els short stories $oetr' trade )oo#s
* +#i""ing $assages to get signifi!an!e of $assage
* +u""ari,ing $assages to restate infor"ation
* -o"$aring and !ontrasting to e(tend "eaning
,ritin% 9ournal
Morning Work Assignments
3ach $ornin% a/ter students unpac' and %et
settled they are to %et their writin% journals and
their assi%ned boo' /ro$ the boo' bo&. Students
are to write a su$$ary about the chapters they
read durin% literature circles the pre#ious day.
3ach su$$ary $ust be at least /i#e to se#en
sentences. -e$ind students that a su$$ary is a
brie/ o#er#iew o/ what happened in the story.
,hen each person has /inished their su$$aries
we will be%in our readin% bloc' /or the day.
* Using #nowledge of senten!e stru!ture and !onte(t to enhan!e
* Using self%"onitoring for te(t understanding in!luding rereading
and ad.usting rate and s$eed of reading
* Using &o!a)ular' #nowledge to enhan!e !o"$rehension
* /eading fluentl' with e($ression and attention to $un!tuation
* 0rawing !on!lusions to deter"ine !ontent not dire!tl' stated
* As#ing and answering 1uestions
* /elating e&ents ideas and !hara!ters to $rior #nowledge and
s$e!ifi! life e($erien!es
Lesson (")ecti*es
Students will de$onstrate 'nowled%e o/ 'ey s'ills such
as character( plot( settin%( co$pare!contrast( and
%raphic sources while readin% the boo' )eacher.s +et.
(9:( 0*( and 92
3&tended ti$e on all assi%n$ents.
Modi/ied wor' on /or all assi%n$ents.
Mrs. Gi//in ()eacher
)eacher Generated
17 copies o/ Teachers Pet
17 literature circle lanyards
Folders with %raphic or%aniBers /or each job /or the
entire wee'
17 copies o/ Chapter Se#en and 3i%ht Fuestionnaires
Whole Grou+
)oday be%ins day three o/ our boo' study on Teachers Pet by
9ohanna *urwitB. )o be%in discuss what was read durin%
yesterday.s literature circle. As' one person /ro$ each job to
share their %raphic or%aniBer. Co$pare with others who had
the sa$e job. Students $ay add to or chan%e in/or$ation on
their %raphic or%aniBer so that it is correct. Also( %o o#er the
correct answers /or yesterday.s ?uestionnaire. Stress to
students the i$portance o/ ha#in% the ri%ht answers on these
?uestionnaires they will ser#e as a study %uide /or the test.
A/ter the whole %roup discussion assi%n students their new
literature circle role. +ass out all o/ the literature circle
lanyards and allow students to brea' up into their literature
Small Grou+
)oday students will be readin% and discussin% chapters se#en
and ei%ht. ,hen e#eryone has a role and is clear o/ their job
description allow students to be%in readin% their assi%ned
chapters in the boo'. -e$ind students as they are readin%
they need to 'eep their jobs in $ind. A/ter each chapter
students will /ill out a %raphic or%aniBer dependin% on their
particular role. :y the end o/ day one they should ha#e two
%raphic or%aniBers /illed out /or chapter one and two. Sit in on
each literature circle and obser#e the discussions and
in/or$ally assess each child.s participation( /luency( and
co$prehension based on their input in the lit circle discussion
A/ter each %roup is /inished co$e bac' to%ether as a %roup
and lead a whole %roup discussion on what we read today.
3ach day a/ter we ha#e /inished literature circles we will co$e
to%ether as a %roup and tal' about what we read. Also(
students will ha#e a ?uestionnaire about the chapters they
ha#e to answer indi#idually. )his will help to assess how
students are participatin%( /luency( and co$prehendin% the
/ndi*idual Assessment
:e/ore students be%in their assess$ent %o o#er any ?uestions
they $i%ht ha#e that relate to the test. Students will be a %i#en
an assess$ent. )he teacher will need to %o o#er the
directions and discuss the rules. -e$ind students cheatin%
will not be tolerated and to just 'eep their eyes on their own
paper. A/ter students are /inished they can be%in pre readin%
ne&t wee'.s story.

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