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Mechanics for Group Activity

1. Divide participants into groups

2. Do Activity 1: Institutional Preparedness and/or Activity 2: Client Preparedness using templates
3. Present key recommendations (if time permits)
4. Cross validate recommendations by answering the BCP Checklist

Activity 1
Institutional Preparedness

Hazard: ________________________________

Scenario Building

Areas to be likely impacted Assessment
Damage to the building (hosting the

Damage to office equipment including
documents and computers

Damage to vehicles or other means of

Impact due to theft
Impact due to looting
Impact on communications
Impact on Staff
Impact on clients
Secondary impacts on the market
(e.g. decline in supply, increase in prices)

Strategies/Actions to be taken

Area of Consideration Strategy/Action

Access to information

e.g. develop a policy on disaster watch
Infrastructure and

e.g. disaster-resistant construction, retrofitting
Staff security

e.g. train staff on equipment evacuation policies

e.g. store key records in a secure off-site location
Access to clients

e.g. develop a communication plan defined with clients in the event
of a natural disaster
Market shocks

e.g. acquire necessary supplies to offer services in the event of a
market shock

Activity 2
Client Preparedness

Hazard: ________________________________

Client Vulnerability and Coping Mechanisms

Vulnerability Coping Mechanisms
e.g. Poor communication infrastructure

Strategies/Actions to be taken
(To reduce client vulnerability)

Area of Consideration Strategy/Action
Financial Services
lending and savings products
Home improvement loans
Money transfer services
Voluntary savings

Non-financial services
e.g. training

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