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Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

Name of the Company: Lucky Connections nc.
Name of Representati!e: "iney #. $ha%at
&e!elope' by: (iracle )echnolo%ies
*ro+ect (ana%er: )a+in'er Sin%h
Names of the &e!elopers: Sarab+it Sin%h, Rohit #umar, )a+in'er Sin%h, (anpreet #aur
&ate: September -., .-//
1.0. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
Lucky Connections is a Cana'ian fe'eral incorporate' company that is offerin% a wi'e ran%e of
'i%ital ser!ices worl'wi'e. Lc portal has been 'i!i'e' into 1 main cate%ories to browse
from the main site. Since the Research 2 &e!elopment of this !ast scale' online portal will
take se!eral months 3 if not numerous year 3 to fully complete the 1 cate%ories, we4ll be
startin% with only four cate%ories.
)he purpose of this 'ocument is to present a 'etaile' 'escription of the first two mo'ules of the
Lucky Connection4s web3portal.
Lc3Communications an' Lc35ntertainment
)his 'ocument will e6plain the purpose an' features of the system:
the interfaces7
what the system will 'o o!erall7
the constraints un'er which it must operate7 an',
how the system will work8
)his 'ocument is inten'e' for both the Lucky Connection4s an' (iracle )echnolo%ies of this
system, which will be propose' to the Lc nc. for appro!al.
1.2. Scope of Project
)his pro+ect will be a Web3base' *ortal of Lc4s Ser!ice7 as well as, the hub of other connections
where a user can fin' the 'esire' online ser!ice. )herefore, it will be entitle' Web-Portal Project
for Lucky Connections Inc. )his online system will be 'esi%ne' to ma6imi9e the user frien'ly
e6perience with trouble3free browsin%.
Re!enues for this web3portal can be %enerate' by ser!ice subscriptions offere' by Lc nc plus by
any a'!ertisements linkin% to other business websites.
)he website is 'esi%ne' to allow users full customi9ation an' control to the subscribe' ser!ices,
all within one website. )he users will also fin' the most a'!ance' online 5ntertainment7 as well
as, the most popular resources of 5ntertainment in the nei%hborhoo'. :lon% with the
a'ministration for the users of ser!ice subscribers, the system also contains a relational 'atabase
containin% a list of ser!ices;pro'ucts that is offere' by Lc nc.
2.0 Overall Description
)his Website will be a complete web3portal to <tili9e, (ana%e an' customi9e all the ser!ices
offere' by Lc inclu'in% with the most a'!ance web3technolo%ies ser!ices. t will be accesse'
from a stan'ar' web browser. Since the web3portal will be a!ailable worl'wi'e, an nternet
Connection will be require' to access the web3site.
2.1 Website Environment.
)he web site will be operate' from the Lucky Connection4s Ser!er.
2.2 Functional & NonFunctional !e"uirements
=unctional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality of the system i.e. what ser!ices
it will pro!i'e to the en' user an' how8 Non3functional (supplementary) requirements pertain to
other information, nee'e' to pro'uce the correct system an' are 'etaile' separately.
2.# $se %ases
)he website will consist with 1 main cate%ories of Lc3*ortal. )he home of Lucky Connection4s
web3portal will ha!e multi3options to mo!e with8 )he sequence of 'e!elopment will mo!e as
Lc Communications
Lc 5ntertainment
Lc &atin% 2 (atrimonial
>thers: Lc Classifie's
)he first Cate%ory selection is Lc3Communications8
)his section contains all the ser!ices relate' with communications that we use these 'ays to
communicate worl'wi'e. Ser!ices such as Newsletter (ana%ement, "irtual 5mployee, "o*
)elecommunications, Web3?ostin% an' 53=a6 are the main focus of this cate%ory. :ny
in'i!i'ual, small business or an 5nterprise coul' le!era%e the a'!ance features from this web3
)he secon' Cate%ory selection is Lc35ntertainment8 )his selection contains Lucky4s >nline
Channel alon% with other online broa'castin% channels in (ultilan%ua%e system. Lc i)", Lc
iRa'io, >nline (o!ies, )heatres in Nei%hborhoo', (usic !i'eos online an' >nline @amin%
(later) etc will be the hea'li%hts of this cate%ory.
<ser can na!i%ate to the Lc ?ome from any sta%e or any pa%e in the system. >ther mportant
>ptions such as :ccount Settin%s, Lo%in an' Si%n3up will also be a!ailable on each pa%e as well.
2.3.1 Use Case: Access User: Lc Home Page
&rief Description'
)his is the lan'in% pa%e of main 'omain of Lc (.com). >ther e6tensions such as .net, .us, .ca, etc
will be use' to 'irect the user to sin%le cate%ory lan'in% pa%e.
)he ?ome pa%e will ha!e all the in'i!i'ual cate%ories to na!i%ate from an' to8 <ser can come to
the home pa%e from any internal pa%e, for the na!i%ation to the other cate%ory. n some cases
user will ha!e access to +ump from Category A to Category B (this option will be only a!ailable
in some cats).
(nitial stepb)step *escription'
=or this use case to be initiate', the user must be connecte' to the nternet an' connecte'
to the Ser!er.
/. )he user connects to the Lucky Connection4s Web Ser!er.
.. )he user selects the 'esire' link on the Lc ?ome *a%e.
A. )he Web Ser!er passes the user to the Lucky Connection4s Lan'in% *a%e. Use Case: Communication
&rief Description'
)his is the lan'in% pa%e for the option for communications. )his pa%e will 'epict all
communications ser!ices which are currently bein% offere' by Lc nc. Use Case: Web-Hosting
&rief Description'
This will be the landing page for web-hosting which depicts the extensive language
support and free add-on applications. Further this web-page will depict following
(nitial stepb)step *escription'
/. )he user connects to the Lucky Connections (ain *a%e.
.. )he user selects the web3hostin% link on the Lc Communication *a%e.
A. )he Web Ser!er passes the user to the Web3hostin% *a%e.
B. >n Web3hostin% *a%e, the user will %et two sections which are as follow:3
a. =ree Web3?ostin%, @reen Web3?ostin%
*lans an' *ricin% lan'in% pa%e.
=eatures of plans lan'in% pa%e.
Comparison of $est3one with rest.
b. "alue *lus Web3?ostin%, @reen Web3?ostin%
*lans an' *ricin% lan'in% pa%e.
=eatures of plans lan'in% pa%e.
Comparison of $est3one with rest.
Snaps+ot for *lans an' *ricin% lan'in% pa%e'
Snaps+ot for Comparison of $est3one with rest'
Snaps+ot for =eatures of plans lan'in% pa%e' Use Case VoI !e"ecommunications
&rief Description'
This will be the landing page for ,o(P -elecommunications which depicts the services
along with their features and plans.
(nitial stepb)step *escription'
/. )he user connects to the Lucky Connection4s (ain *a%e.
.. )he user selects the "o* )elecommunications link on the Lc Communication *a%e.
A. )he Web Ser!er passes the user to the "o* )elecommunications *a%e.
B. >n "o* )elecommunications *a%e, the user will %et four options which are as follow:3
a. Lon% &istance Ser!ice
?ow it works. (>ptional)
*lans C *ricin%
b. Resi'ential *hone
?ow it works. (>ptional)
*lans C *ricin%
c. $usiness *hone Line;?oste' *$E
?ow it works. (>ptional)
*lans C *ricin%
'. 53=a6 Ser!ice
?ow it works. (>ptional)
*lans C *ricin%
Snaps+ot of .Plans an* Pricin/0 for Lon% &istance, Resi'ential phone, $usiness *hone;?oste'
*$E an' 53=a6:
Snaps+ot of .Features0 for Lon% &istance, Resi'ential phone, $usiness *hone;?oste' *$E an'
Snaps+ot of .F120 for Lon% &istance, Resi'ential phone, $usiness *hone;?oste' *$E an' 53
Snaps+ot of .3o4 to Wor5s0 for Lon% &istance, Resi'ential phone, $usiness *hone;?oste'
*$E an' 53=a6'
..A././.A Use Case "irtual 5mployee
&rief Description'
This will be the landing page for ,irtual Emplo)ee which depicts the Job profile salar!-
"ac#age$CTC Job-responsibilities %or#ing-&ours %or#ing place 'ualification
(ligibilit! criteria and experience re)uired etc.
$asically *eople aroun' the worl' can apply for any !irtual +ob once they become user of Lc.
)hen a re%ister user can buy trainin% !i'eos create' by Lc to %et hire' fast. 5mployers ha!e
to pay for each +ob postin% for "35mployment that will be route' to Lc Classifie's, Fobs
(nitial stepb)step *escription'
/. )he user connects to the Lucky Connection4s (ain *a%e.
.. )he user selects the "irtual 5mployee link on the Lc Communication *a%e.
A. )he Web Ser!er passes the user to the "irtual 5mployee *a%e.
B. >n "irtual 5mployee *a%e, the user will %et four options which are as follow:3
a. Re%istration;Si%nup
b. Fobs listin% an' how to apply
c. Fob &escription
'. :pply Fob Use Case $e%s"etter &anagement
&rief Description'
This will be the landing page for $e%s"etter &anagement which depicts the services li#e
(*ail-+ar#eting (vent +ar#eting online surve! and ,ocial *edia along with their
features and plans. The user has to signup$register to utili-e the newsletter service. For
existing *e*bers the landing page will provides area to enter re)uired credentials.
(nitial stepb)step *escription'
/. )he user connects to the Lucky Connection4s (ain *a%e.
.. )he user selects the $e%s"etter &anagement link on the Lc Communication *a%e.
A. )he Web Ser!er passes the user to the Newsletter (ana%ement *a%e.
B. >n Newsletter (ana%ement *a%e, the user will %et four options which are as follow:3
a. 5mail (arketin%
b. 5!ent (arketin%
c. >nline Sur!ey
'. Social (e'ia
:ll these ser!ices mi%ht ha!e trial base subscription or pai' subscription. $ut one has to
subscribe in any way first to utili9e the Newsletter ser!ices. )he lan'in% pa%e will also 'epict the
Email Marketing Overview
5mail (arketin% ?ome
What is 5mail (arketin%G
5mail (arketin% =eatures
Customer 56amples
Li!e &emonstration
*ricin% 3 5mail (arketin%
How Email Marketing Works
Step3by3Step 5mail Creation
5asy to 5'it 5mail )emplates
5mail List (ana%ement
5mail &eli!ery
)rackin% 2 Reportin%
Coaching & Support
@et Li!e ?elp from Real *eople8
Local Seminar: *ower of 5mail (arketin%
Local Seminar: @et Starte' with 5mail (arketin%
Custom Ser!ices 3 5mail (arketin%
Snaps+ot for 5mail3(arketin%:' (-)a* +er,ice
&rief Description'
This will be the landing page for (-Fax ,ervice offered b! .c /nc. )here will be two types
of plans:3
a. $usiness Stan'ar' (H-- *a%es)
b. $usiness *remium (<nlimite' *a%es)
(nitial stepb)step *escription'
/. )he user connects to the Lucky Connection4s (ain *a%e.
.. )he user selects the (-)a* link on the Lc Communication *a%e.
A. )he Web Ser!er passes the user to the 53=a6 *a%e.
B. >n 53=a6 *a%e, the user ha!e options to choose the plan to si%n up with:3
a. &usiness 6Stan*ar* Plan upto 700 Pa/es8
b. &usiness 6Premium Plan 4it+ unlimite* Pa/es8
$ser Si/nup9
&rief Description'
This will be the landing page for User -egistration.signu/. )here will be two types of
c. )rial $asis (=ree)
'. *remium lo%in (*ai')
(nitial stepb)step *escription'
/. )he user connects to the Lucky Connection4s (ain *a%e.
.. )he user selects the 0ogin link on the Lc Communication *a%e.
A. )he Web Ser!er passes the user to the Lo%in *a%e.
B. >n Lo%in *a%e, the user will be %i!en a re%istration form to subscribe:3
Si%nup;Re%istration *roce'ure
a. )he user will fill an' submit re%istration form with all necessary cre'entials alon%3with
spam3control co'e.
b. We shall sen' !erification email to acti!ate account at user3le!el.
c. :fter recei!in% the !erification from user, we shall acti!ate the lo%in at a'min3le!el. Use Case: (ntertainment
&rief Description'
)his is the lan'in% pa%e for the option for entertainment. )his pa%e will 'epict all entertainment
ser!ices which are currently bein% offere' by Lc nc. Use Case: 0c i!,
&rief Description'
This will be the landing page for Lc-iTv which depicts the services li#e video librar!
featured videos top-hit videos opened videos in current session.
0ine of 1ifferent-2 .anguages will be available to watch .ciT3 in the beginning phase
and later will expanded with *ore. Upon selecting a particular language user will find
onl! the language related results. User will also find other channel lin#s related to the
selected language categor!. ,o if user selects "un4abi the landing "age is .c5s
Channel in "un4abi and further other lin#s will be available to browse fro*. /f third part!
would li#e to use our service to broadcast their *edia we5ll go with "rice "ac#ages. /f
part! needs onl! routing to their site the user will be routed upon clic#. Further this web-
page will depict following options:-
User will have pla! list favorites etc in their account. %e5ll *a#e d!na*ic interface for
Third "art!5s who would li#e to use our service. 6inda 7outube ,t!le.
(nitial stepb)step *escription'
/. )he user connects to the Lucky 5ntertainment (ain *a%e.
.. )he user selects the Lc3i)! link on the Lc 5ntertainment *a%e.
A. )he Web Ser!er passes the user to the Lc3i)! *a%e.
B. >n Lc3i)! *a%e, the user will %et the sections which are as follow:3
a. $anner for Lc3i)!
I-3J- percenta%e of banner will !i'eo player.
n rest of space there will up3ne6t !i'eo (Sequels of selecte' !i'eo ).
b. $o'y of Lc3i)!
=eature' !i'eos.
)op ?its. (Not in C)")
"i'eo Library.
Line3up (>pene' in current session).
(ore channels.
c. Search "i'eo
'. Links of other >nline Channels.
Snaps+ot for Lc3i)!' Use Case: 0c i-adio
An attractive image of :ci!a*io will be available at Entertainment 3ome and that will
be linked the internet adio a!!lication that is being develo!ed at (ntellisense
-ec+nolo/)" Use Case: &o,ies 1 !2eatres
&rief Description'
This will be the landing page for Movies where user can watch free *ovies offered b!
.c or can bu! pre*iu* *e*bership to watch latest *ovie. 8nother part of the site that
as#s for Cit! +ovie date and on sub*itting the )uer! the s!ste* will generate a
co*prehensive report of shows of select *ovie on selected date in selected cit!. 8long
with *ovies we can have another tab for 8rt 9 Theatre which list the pla!s organi-ed
across the countr!. Further this web-page will depict following options:-
(nitial stepb)step *escription'
/. )he user connects to the Lucky 5ntertainment (ain *a%e.
.. )he user selects the (o!ie link on the Lc 5ntertainment *a%e.
A. )he Web Ser!er passes the user to the (o!ie *a%e.
B. >n (o!ie *a%e, the user will %et two sections which are as follow:3
a. Lan%ua%e3wise cate%ori9ation of mo!ies.
b. (o!ie *a%e will host two type of mo!ies:3
)hir' *arty $ase': Lc may ha!e contract with some pro'uction house an'
mo!ies of that pro'uction house will be liste' on mo!ie pa%e. 5ach mo!ie
icon may re'irect the user to serer;link of pro'uction house.
Sponsore' (o!ies: )hese mo!ie will belon% to Lc an' will be liste' on Lc
ser!er without re'irectin% on sponser4s link;ser!er.
c. (o!ie will also be cate%ori9e' as un'er *remium Lo%in $ase' an' =ree Lo%in
base' an' will be liste' accor'in%ly.
'. 5!ery mo!ie will be rate' on the basis of entertainin% or not3entertainin%.
:'ministrator will be %i!en an :L5R) on /- ?its, ?@?3:L5R) on .- ?its.
e. List mo!ie tickets;shows instantly.
>ne has to enter City, (o!ie an' 'ate to know shows in their city.
(aintains lo%ins of %enuine customer.
$anners of (o!ies *osters
f. :rt 2 )heatre.
Snaps+ot for (o!ie 3reference link: http:;;'' Use Case: &usic Videos
&rief Description'
This will be the landing page for Music Videos which depicts the *usic video if different
:enres ,ports +ost 3iewed Top favorites 0ews and politics Fil*s and 8ni*ation
Co*ed! "eople and ;logs ,cience and Technolog! (ducation. The +usic ,ection
will also be featuring <-different languages. (ach .anguage has related section. The
sidebar *a! also contain Featured 3ideos Trend 3ideos. The search bar will be
provided for custo*i-ed search for *usic videos. The user would be provided with
accounts even and video uploading provision. User will choose which language user is
uploading under= si*ilar option Uploaded video *ust show the entertain*ent b! public
votes given b! public. (.g. / uploaded a video according to the categor! and if the video
is not entertaining people are going to vote$report b! getting >?$d!na*ic
abuses$reports s!ste* will send an alert to the ad*inistrator and then 2
alert on
2?$d!na*ic finall! on third alert the video will be disabled auto*aticall! fro* s!ste*.
;ut will sta! in server for few$d!na*ic *onths. The *aterial published b! public *ust be
(ntertaining and people are going to decide to #eep that video on .c-(ntertain*ent or
Further this web-page will depict following options:-
(nitial stepb)step *escription'
/. )he user connects to the Lucky 5ntertainment (ain *a%e.
.. )he user selects the web3hostin% link on the Lc 5ntertainment *a%e.
A. )he Web Ser!er passes the user to the (usic "i'eos *a%e.
B. >n (usic "i'eos *a%e, the user will %et two sections which are as follow:3
a. (usic !i'eos will be feature' un'er <-different languages.
b. )he search bar.
c. <ser accounts.
'. =ile uploa'in%.
e. )he music !i'eos will be or%ani9e' un'er followin% cate%ories:3
(ost "iewe'
)op fa!orites
News an' politics
=ilms an' :nimation
*eople an' $lo%s
Science an' )echnolo%y
=eature' "i'eos
)ren' "i'eos
Snaps+ot for (usic "i'eos 3reference link: http:;; .4'
2.4. Non-functional requirements
)here are requirements that are not functional in nature. Specifically, these are the constraints the
system must work within. )he web site must be compatible with wi'ely use' browsers.
Internet Connection: &ial up, &SL, Cable, $roa'ban', Satellite, etc.
Code +tandard: )he web pa%es will be co'e' in *?*, FDuery, (ySql, :+a6,
5ach pa%e of the web site will be fully 'ocumente'.

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