Current Affairs January 2014 WWW - Bankingawareness

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Current Affairs

January 2014

Corey Anderson broke Afridis record of fastest century in One Day Internationa against !est
Indies on 1 January 2014.
Mammen Mathew, the Chief Editor of Malayala Manorma has been chosen for prestigious journalism
Lokmanya Tilak National Award
C"ief of Army #taff $ikram #ing" took C"arge as C"iefs of #taff Committee C"airman.
#out"ern %rid "as been sync"ronousy connected to t"e rest of t"e %rid of India to accom&is" a
mission of One 'ation(One %rid(One )re*uency.
The festi!al of Losar is being celebrated across Ladakh region of "ammu and #ashmir with traditional
and religious fer!or
$resident ga!e his assent to the Lokpal %ill The assented bill pro!ides creation of an anti&graft
watchdog e!en to the office of the $rime Minister
Lat!ia became the '(th member of the euro )one Lat!ia gained its independence from the *o!iet
+nion in ',,' and joined the European +nion in -../
"ustice A# 0anguly resigned as honorary professor of National +ni!ersity of "uridical *ciences
*hri *# *harma was appointed as Chairman and Managing 1irector of %harat Electronics Limited
!ord $raie Day obser+ed on 4 January.
4ndia has signed a credit agreement of '5. million dollar with 6orld %ank The agreement was signed
for 7ajasthan 7oad *ector Modernisation $roject
Cristiano 7onaldo was awarded the 8rder of $rince 9enry
Infosys ,td a&&ointed $. %. #rini+as and -.$. .ra+in /ao as &residents of Infosys ,td.
4ndia:s ;ormer *hooting Coach Tibor 0onc)ol died
4ndia asked +* Embassy not to screen mo!ies at American Center without obtaining a licence
/a0 Jain a&&ointed as C1O of $"arti /etai.
#ing of %hutan, "igme #hesar Namgyel 6angchuck and <ueen "etsun $ema 6angchuck will be on a
fi!e&day !isit to 4ndia from 5&'. "anuary -.'/
I#/O successfuy aunc"ed its "ea+y2duty rocket %#,32D4 for &acing communication sateite
%#A5214 into t"e orbit.
*erena 6illiams won the %risbane 4nternational Title -.'/
Aditya Jos"i became word no. 1 0unior s"utter.
*inger $hil E!erly passed away in %urbank, California
+day #iran Telugu film actor died
/. C"andras"ek"ar was a&&ointed as .resident of 'ationa Association of #oftware and #er+ice Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
January 2014
Com&anies 6'A##CO78 on 4 January 2014.
India defeated .akistan to win 2014 -nder219 Asia Cu& in t"e fina matc" &ayed at #"ar0a"
cricket #tadium in Abu D"abi on 4 January 2014.
Mahesh Mangaonkar began the New =ear in the same way he ended -.'> by defeating 0reg Lobban to
win $*A Tour title at the 8pen du 0ard
;ormer *upreme Court "udge, "ustice A # 0anguly has resigned as the Chairman of the 6est %engal
9uman 7ights Commission 26%97C3
$ortugal?s former footballer Eus@bio died
/eser+e $ank of India 6/$I8 "as aowed t"e Indian com&anies to issue non2con+ertibe or
redeemabe &reference s"ares or debentures to non2resident s"are"oders as bonus.
Munish *harda appointed as the Managing 1irector and Chief EAecuti!e 8fficer of pri!ate insurer
;uture 0enerali 4ndia Life 4nsurance
+* *enate has confirmed the name of "anet =ellen as the first woman to lead the +* ;ederal 7eser!e
.rit"+i II: t"e 'ucear ca&abe #urface2to2#urface missie: successfuy test2fired.
/$I &ane "as suggested to set2u& s&eciai;ed banks to cater to t"e ow income "ouse"ods to
cater to e+ery citi;en "a+e a bank account by 201<.
5"e /eser+e $ank of India 6/$I8 seected t"e Cearing Cor&oration of India ,td 6CCI,8 as ega
entity identifiers 6,1Is8 on < January 2014.
/eser+e $ank of India "as aowed t"e 'on2$anking )inancia Com&anies 6'$)Cs8 to end u& to
=4 &ercent of t"e +aue of god.
;acebook acBuired %engaluru&based Little Eye Labs for ,. crore rupees on C "anuary -.'/
*e!enth 0lobal 4nsurance *ummit was held at 9yderabad in Andhra $radesh on ( "anuary -.'/
Dr. Ambedkar 'ationa 7erit Awards conferred by >umari #e0a.
*E%4 has made it compulsory for all in!estments into Collecti!e 4n!estment *cheme funds to be made
through banking channels and not in cash
#elkar panel submitted report to +nion 8il Ministry on "anuary (, -.'/
Election Commission decided to call off the tie with 0oogle for registering the new !oters
/eser+e $ank of India rea?ed )oreign Direct In+estment rues.
Ali Larayedh, the $rime Minister of Tunisia resigned
$ranab Mukherjee conferred the $ra!asi %hartiya *amman Awards to thirteen N74s, $48s and
organi)ations for their outstanding contribution
Ministry of En!ironment and ;orest cleared the Tawang&44 hydro project in Arunachal $radesh
The +nion Cabinet appro!ed the introduction of the National =outh $olicy, -.'/ 2N=$, -.'/3 on , Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
January 2014
"anuary -.'/
!ord @indi Day obser+ed on 10 January.
%ank of "apan and 7%4 concluded an agreement to raise %*A to D. billion dollar
O'%C 7en A C""attisgar" !omen won )ederation Cu& 'ationa $asketba C"am&ions"i&.
%orak"&ur raiway station entered ,imca $ook of /ecords as words ongest &atform.
5"e 141st birt" anni+ersary of #wami 3i+ekananda was ceebrated on 12 January 2014.
4srael?s ;ormer $rime Minister Ariel *haron died
,ouis Oost"ui;en retained t"e 3o+o %of C"am&ions tite.
*heikh 9asina along with her Cabinet of /, Ministers was sworn&in before $resident Abdul 9amid on
'- "anuary -.'/
*anil *hetty and Ankita 1as won their maiden men?s and women?s singles championship on '- "anuary
$#0oyal, 1irector of 4ndian 8il Corporation 248C3 was awarded the %est C;8 Award on '- "anuary
5"e .resident of India .ranab 7uk"er0ee inaugurated Andaman and 'icobar 5riba /esearc"
and 5raining Institute at .ort $air on 12 January 2014.
Cristiano /anado awarded )I)A $aon dOr award 201B.
NA%A71 has reduced the refinance rates for the banks and other lending agencies by .-. percent to
promote rural credit and rural infrastructure
$ranab Mukherjee presented the *unil 0angopadhyay Memorial Award of -.'- and -.'> to
Nirendranath Chakraborty and *ankha 0hosh, respecti!ely
*C has directed the 0o!ernment to place the report of "ustice *hah Commission on illegal mining in
8disha and "harkhand to it by -C "anuary -.'/
An0u $obby %eorge decared winner of !ord At"etics )ina: 2004 "ed in 7onte Caro.
!ord $ank in its %oba 1conomic .ros&ects /e&ort forecasted t"at economy of India wi grow
by 0ust < &ercent in 2014214.
%ritish $M ordered enBuiry into Thatcher?s role in 8peration %luestar
"immy 6alker of the +* won the *ony 8pen golf tournament held in 9awaii on '> "anuary -.'/
;amous Marathi writer and *ocial acti!ist, Namdeo 1hasal died in Mumbai
NA*A disco!ered potentially ha)ardous asteroid -.'> =$'>,
Tamil Nadu go!ernment has sanctioned 'CD crore rupees towards conducting two world le!el e!ents
in Chennai
*irajuddin <ureshi elected as the $resident of The 4ndian 4slamic Cultural Centre 244CC3 Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
January 2014
Coal 4ndia Ltd 2C4L3 board declared a di!idend of -,. percent to its shareholders for the financial year
-.'>&'/ on '/ "anuary -.'/
5"e /eser+e $ank of India 6/$I8 incuded @ong >ong and 7acau in t"e sensiti+e ist.
1efence Ministry has justified its decision to scrap 4N* Eikrant to 9igh Court of Mumbai as it has
completed its operational life
55th Army 1ay was obser!ed on 'D "anuary in recognition of 0eneral #M Carippa who became first
Commander&in&Chief of the independent 4ndia
Taiwanese poet =ushi was awarded the Thiru!allu!ar award on Thiru!allu!ar 1ay
Abhijeet 0upta won his second $ars!anth 4nternational 0randmasters chess tournament on '5
"anuary -.'/
0arry #enneth Toomey, CE8 of "et Airways was resigned
A team of archaeologist has disco!ered a tomb of the unknown $haraonic king of dated back to about
'5D. %C
)amous $engai actress #uc"itra #en died in >okota on 1= January 2014. #"e was C2.
44;CL signed an agreement with the #&EF4M for infrastructure finance and co!ers cooperation and
in!estment financing related to infrastructure
/eser+e $ank of India 6/$I8 issued new 4 ru&ees and 10 ru&ees coins bearing images of
%oddess 3ais"no De+i.
*unanda $ushkar was found dead in a fi!e&star hotel room, which police belie!e is a case of suicide
3ice .resident of India: @amid Ansari reeased a book entited #ang"ars" ke safar ka nayak
7uayam written by Om+eer 5omar on 1= January 2014.
7%4 has allowed foreign in!estors to buy shares of *outh 4ndian %ank as foreign shareholding in the
bank has gone below the prescribed limit
9ery 7ajaonarimampianina declared as the new $resident of Madagascar following the result of
elections conducted with an aim to restore democracy
Netherlands won the 9ero 9ockey 6orld League ;inal by defeating New Gealand C&- at Major 1hyan
Chand National *tadium in New 1elhi
Lewis Clarke youngest person to reach *outh $ole
Abhishikta * *hetty of #arnataka won Miss *outh 4ndia $ageant Title
Christopher Chataway, former D... meter world record holder 8lympian died
Cyrus Mistry won the 1*C pri)e -.'/ for *outh Asian literature for his book Chronicles of a Corpse
4ndia has test&fired nuclear&capable surface&to&surface Agni&4E missile with a range of /... kilometer
from 6heeler 4sland of 8disha Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
January 2014
6al&Mart registered a new Company called 6al&Mart 4ndia $ri!ate Ltd in 4ndia
/$I De&uty %o+ernor: Anand #in"a retired on 20 January 2014 and "is &ortfoio "as been
aocated to ot"er t"ree De&uty %o+ernors.
7%4 has constituted an EApert Committee to 7e!iew 0o!ernance of %oards in 4ndia, which will be
chaired by $" Nayak, former Chairman and CE8 of AAis %ank
Aruna %ahuguna first woman to be appointed chief of National $olice Academy
0oogle acBuired %engaluru based 4mpermium for , million dollar on -. "anuary -.'/
Climate change theatre opened at $ushpa 0ujral *cience City in #apurthala, $unjab
/$I &ane suggested t"at a new consumer &rice inde? s"oud be ado&ted. It "as set an infation
target at 4 &ercent: wit" a band of 6DE28 2 &ercent.
+ttarakhand Assembly during a special session passed new Lokayukta %ill 4t has replaced the
+ttarakhand Lokayukta Act passed by %"$ go!ernment
The 0ross 1omestic $roduct 201$3 of China decelerated to CC percent in -.'>&'/
+nion 0o!ernment appro!ed Capacity %uilding *cheme and 7aji! 0andhi 4nstitute for Climate Change
Legendary actor Akkineni Nageswara 7ao died at the age of ,' in 9yderabad
CCEA appro!ed sale of the 0o!ernment?s residual stakes of 9industan Ginc worth '5D.. crore rupees
0o!ernment holds -,DH stakes of the company
/atings and /esearc" firm C/I#I, reeased its Indian 1conomic )orecast for 2014214 on 21
January 2014.
*udhir Mahato, the former 1eputy Chief Minister of "harkhand died
4ndia&born $rof A " $aulraj won -.'/ Marconi $ri)e
!ord 1conomic Outook of I7) &ro0ected Indias 1conomic %rowt" at 4.4 &ercent for 201B214.
5"e /eser+e $ank of India 6/$I8 "as decided to wit"draw a currency notes issued &rior to
2004 from circuation on 21 January 2014.
8CA recogni)ed 7ussian martial art *ambo and is now a part of Asian 0ames
Cumbria +ni!ersity of +# became the first public uni!ersity to accept fees in %itcoin
$rofessor 7akesh #hurana of 4ndian origin appointed as 1ean of 9ar!ard College
*hane 6arne to mentor Australia:s spinners for 6orld T-. Tournament
+*A allowed the *ikh military men to wear turbans, head scarfs and other religious clothing with their
4ndia 6omen Cricket team won one day series against *ri Lanka >&.
1r Tej Eir *ingh from Lucknow, +ttar $radesh won the -.'> +N6T8 +lysses $ri)e on -- "anuary
-.'/ Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
January 2014
7ichard <uest won -.'> +N6T8 Lifetime Achie!ement Award
5"e /eser+e $ank of India 6/$I8 issued guideines for oans restructured by non2banking
finance com&anies 6'$)Cs8 on 2B January 2014.
*tanislas 6awrinka won the Australian 8pen men?s singles title by defeating 7afael Nadal 5&>, 5&-, >&5,
5&> in Melbourne
Churchill %rothers beat *porting Club de 0oa to lift the >Dth ;ootball ;ederation Cup
$itroda Committee submit report to 4nformation and %roadcasting Ministry
National 0irl Child 1ay obser!ed on -/ "anuary
The A!iation Ministry remo!ed E$Agrawal as chairman of the state&run Airports Authority of 4ndia
2AA43 on -/ "anuary -.'/
#tate $ank of India aunc"ed its c"anne on Foutube on 24 January 2014.
M* 1honi became the first captain to be in!ol!ed in four tied 814 matches, while playing third match
against New Gealand in Auckland
@ C 7eena a&&ointed as t"e #ecretary #ecurity in t"e Cabinet #ecretariat on 24 January 2014.
7apper&turned&actress <ueen Latifah won the -.'/ MatriA Award on -D "anuary -.'/
5"e 1ection Commission of India ceebrated t"e 4t" 'ationa 3oters Day across t"e country on
24 January 2014
#arl *lym, M1 of Tata Motors died after falling from hotel building in %angkok, where he was to attend
board meet of Tata Motors Thailand Limited
The +nion 0o!ernment of 4ndia on the e!e of the 5Dth 7epublic 1ay function announced the $adma
Awards -.'/
D"ru+a2B indigenous @ig" .erformance Com&uting #ystem inaugurated.
The En!ironmental $erformance 4ndeA 2E$43 -.'/ was released on -D "anuary -.'/
.A' aotment &rocedure wi undergo a c"ange from B )ebruary 2014 and wi ask for sef2
attested co&ies of .OI: .OA and DO$ documents.
4ndia has won the basketball gold in the men?s section at the Lusofonia 0ames by defeating Angola CC&
C. in 0oa
#aina 'e"wa won t"e #yed 7odi Internationa India %rand .ri? tite 2014.
/$I raised t"e /e&o rate under ,A) by 24 basis &oints from =.=4G to CG and ke&t t"e C// of
sc"edued banks unc"anged at 4G of 'D5,.
The +* ;ood and 1rug Administration 2+*;1A3 banned the import of products from 7anbaAy?s
Toansa plant in $unjab, 4ndia on -C "anuary -.'/
0en ;attah al&*isi has promoted to the rank of ;ield Marshal 2highest in the military3, who ousted the
4slamist $resident, Mohammed Morsi Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
January 2014
Ci!il A!iation Ministry decided to remo!e restrictions on flights of Airbus A&>(. to 4ndia on -C "anuary
-.'/ 7aymond 6eil, the pioneer of *wiss watch died
India .ost announced to insta as many as B000 Automated 5eer 7ac"ine 6A578 and 1.B4
ak" micro2A57s by #e&tember 2014 on 2= January 2014.
*alman #hurshid held a bilateral meeting with "ohn #erry +* *ecretary on the sidelines of 0ene!a 44
meet on *yria in MontreuA
4ndia and "apan inked Mo+s to strengthen cooperation in tourism and power generation
C%1T issued order that eAempts medal winning sportsperson at 8lympics, Commonwealth and Asian
0ames from payment of 4ncome TaA on cash rewards
.ete #eeger: t"e singer: fok2song coector and songwriter died at .resbyterian @os&ita in 'ew
Fork on 2= January 2014.
6orld?s first >1&printer 8bjetD.. ConneA> was launched on -( "anuary -.'/
National 6aBf 1e!elopment Corporation Limited inaugurated by $rime Minister
+kraine?s $rime Minister Mykola A)aro! resigned on -( "anuary -.'/
+ttar $radesh go!ernment launched *amajwadi $ension =ojana on -( "anuary -.'/
%ooge &urc"ased t"e $ritis" artificia inteigence com&any Dee&7ind 5ec"noogies.
+lises Estrada, the Cuban 7e!olutionary and associate of Che 0ue!ara died
0opal Eittal has been designed as M1I CE8 of 4ndia and *outh Asia including *rilanka and
;irst cantile!er bridge of 4ndia, $amban 7ailway %ridge, completed its '.. years
The National 7ural Li!elihoods Mission and the 1igital 0reen, a Microsoft 7esearch $roject signed a
memorandum of understanding
Anand #umar, founder of *uper>. classes was conferred with -.'/ 7amanujan Mathematics Award at
the Eighth National Mathematics Con!ention in 7ajkot
Manoj #ohli appointed as M1ICE8 of non telecom business of %harti Enterprises
4CC appro!ed introduction of 4nternational 6omen?s Championship
9ero MotoCorp un!eiled a ' hybrid diesel concept motorcycle 7NT on -, "anuary -.'/
5"e /eser+e $ank of Himbabwe 6/$H8 announced Indian ru&ee as a ega tender on 29 January
*iA $ublic *ector +nits 2$*+s3 signed memorandum of understanding to set up 6orld?s largest /...
M6 ultra solar power project
A0oy 7isra ee+ated as t"e C1O and 7D of 5ata %oba $e+erages ,imited.
Arun %u&ta a&&ointed as C7D of #"i&&ing Cor&oration of India. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
January 2014
4ndia and ;iji signed 1TAA for a!oidance of double taAation and pre!ention of fiscal e!asion with
respect to taAes on income
>at"y Cross became t"e first woman to be a&&ointed in an ICC um&ires &ane as an Associate
and Affiiate &ane of Internationa um&ires.
*umit Malik winner of /..m gold in men?s /..m race of Lusofonia 0ames has been stripped off from
his medal for !iolating anti&doping rules
New technocratic go!ernment of Tunisia headed by $rime Minister Mehdi "omaa was sworn in and
replaced the 4slamist&led administration of the country
C"ief 7inister of -ttarak"and: 3i0ay $a"uguna submitted "is resignation to t"e %o+ernor of t"e
Agriculture Ministry issued guidelines on National Mission on 8il seeds and 8il $alm
9eena *andhu '. m Air $istol score recogni)ed as 6orld record
+nion Cabinet appro!ed amendments in the Central List of 8%Cs in '> states and three +nion
Territories as per ad!ices recei!ed from the NC%C
Cabinet appro!ed Amendments to the Mental 9ealth Care %ill
4ndia and the Netherlands signed an M8+ in field of *ports for eAchange of knowledge and eAperience
in the fields of sports management and others
India o+ertook Ja&an to become t"e t"ird argest crude oi im&orter in t"e !ord.
The +nion 0o!ernment decided to amend the rules go!erning 4A*, 4$* and 4ndian ;orest *er!ice 24;o*3
officers >. "anuary -.'/
-nion %o+ernment raised t"e *uota of subsidised ,.% cyinders to 12 cyinders &er "ouse"od
in a year on B0 January 2014.
4ndia lost the fifth and final cricket 814 series of D matches against New Gealand by (C runs in 6estpac
*tadium at 6ellington
8rganisers of 8scars withdrew the song Alone =et Not Alone from the %est *ong Nomination category
on >. "anuary -.'/
Allahabad 9igh Court ordered C%4 probe into alleged misappropriation of M0N7E0A funds
1conomic growt" for 201221B owered to 4.4 &ercent from 4 &ercent estimated earier.
4ndia launched a 0andhi $ortal named *earch for 0andhi in London on >' "anuary -.'/
;ederal A!iation Administration of the +* downgraded the safety ratings of 4ndian a!iation on >'
"anuary -.'/ from top to the second category
Cabinet appro!ed second $hase of %angalore Metro 7ail $roject
C"ina marked arri+a of its Fear of t"e @orse: w"ic" is ceebrated across t"e word by C"inese
&eo&e on B1 January 2014 as t"e ,unar 'ew Fear. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
January 2014
.erson A&&ointed
#.>.#"arma a&&ointed C"airman and 7anaging Director of $1,
.rad"yuman #ing" a&&ointed as &ro2tem s&eaker of 14t" /a0ast"an Assemby
/a0 Jain a&&ointed as C1O of $"arti /etai
Infosys ,td a&&ointed $. %. #rini+as and -.$. .ra+in /ao as &residents of Infosys ,td
/.C"andras"ek"ar a&&ointed t"e .resident of 'A##CO7
-# #enate confirmed Janet Feen as ne?t C"air&erson of )edera /eser+e
7unis" #"arda a&&ointed as 7D and C1O of )uture %enerai ,ife
-ninor a&&ointed 7orten #orby as new C1O
#ira0uddin Iures"i eected as t"e .resident t"e Indian Isamic Cutura Centre 6IICC8.
Jamia $aya;: first women to be a&&ointed &oice c"ief of >abu &ro+ince
Cat"erine;a: 7ayor of $angui eected CA/s Interim .resident
Aruna $a"uguna first woman to be a&&ointed c"ief of 'ationa .oice Academy
>aias" 7eg"wa eected as t"e #&eaker of /a0ast"an Assemby
.rofessor /akes" >"urana of Indian origin a&&ointed as Dean of @ar+ard Coege
1gy&tJs Army C"ief )atta" a2#isi &romoted to )ied 7ars"a
%o&a +itta a&&ointed as 7DAC1O of $"arti Airte
7ano0 >o"i a&&ointed as 7DAC1O of non teecom businesses of $"arti 1nter&rises
A0oy 7isra ee+ated as t"e C1O and 7D of 5ata %oba $e+erages ,imited
Arun %u&ta a&&ointed as C7D of #"i&&ing Cor&oration of India.
A##OC@A7 organi;ed #e+ent" %oba Insurance #ummit at @yderabad. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
January 2014
IndiaJs )ormer #"ooting Coac" 5ibor %onc;o died
-day >iran 5eugu fim actor died
#inger ."i 1+ery died at age =4
.ortugas former footbaer 1usKbio died
3is"wanat" /amac"andra: t"e former /an0i 5ro&"y cricketer of 7umbai died
Israes )ormer .rime 7inister Arie #"aron died
)amous 7arat"i writer 'amdeo D"asa died
)amous $engai Actress #uc"itra #en died
#yedna 7o"ammed $ur"anuddin s&iritua eader of Dawoodi $o"ra community died
C"risto&"er C"ataway: former 4000 meter word record "oder Oym&ian died
#ud"ir 7a"ato: t"e former De&uty C"ief 7inister of J"ark"and died
>ar #ym: 7D of 5ata 7otors died after faing from "ote buiding in $angkok
/aymond !ei: t"e &ioneer of #wiss watc" died
.ete #eeger: #ongwriter and C"am&ion of )ok 7usic: Died
-ises 1strada: t"e Cuban /e+outionary and associate of C"e %ue+ara died.
.erson /esigned
Justice A> %anguy resigned as "onorary &rofessor of 'ationa -ni+ersity of Juridica
Justice A > %anguy resigned as c"airman of !$@/C
%arry >ennet" 5oomey resigned from Jet Airways
A+iation ministry remo+ed 3...Agrawa from &osition of AAI c"airman
-kraine .rime 7inister 7ykoa A;aro+ resigned
3i0ay $a"uguna: t"e C"ief 7inister of -ttrak"and resigned. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
January 2014
.erson to 3isit
>ing of $"utan: Jigme >"esar 'amgye !angc"uck and Iueen Jetsun .ema !angc"uck
+isited India from <210 January 2014.
.resident of t"e /e&ubic of >orea 7me. .ark %eun2"ye +isited India from January 1421C:
#aman >"urs"id "ed a biatera meeting wit" Jo"n >erry -# #ecretary on t"e sideines
of %ene+a II meet on #yria in 7ontreu?.
.rime 7inister of Ja&an #"in;o Abe +isited India between 2422= January: 2014. @e was
t"e C"ief %uest at Indias /e&ubic Day ceebrations.
.erson in 'ews
C"ief of Army #taff $ikram #ing" took C"arge as C"iefs of #taff Committee C"airman.
7.s +oted Iron ady 7argaret 5"atc"er as t"e best -> .rime 7inister in sur+ey.
7# D"ir eected as #&eaker of De"i Assemby.
Anand #in"a: t"e De&uty %o+ernor of /$I retired.
Dr. 5e0 3ir #ing" won t"e -'!5O -ysses .ri;e.
/ic"ard Iuest won 201B -'!5O ,ifetime Ac"ie+ement Award.
Cristiano /onado was awarded t"e Order of .rince @enry
Dr. Ambedkar 'ationa 7erit Awards conferred by >umari #e0a
And"ra .rades" bagged Oi and %as Conser+ation Award: 201B.
..>.%oya won $est C)O Award
.ranab 7uk"er0ee &resented t"e #uni %ango&ad"yay 7emoria Award of 2012 and
201B to 'irendranat" C"akraborty and #ank"a %"os": res&ecti+ey.
Dee&ika .adukone won t"e $est Actress award and )ar"an Ak"tar won t"e $est Actor
Award at t"e 20t" #creen Awards.
Fus"i: 5aiwanese &oet awarded 5"iru+au+ar award
Ab"is"ikta # #"etty of >arnataka won 7iss #out" India .ageant 5ite Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
January 2014
Cristiano /anado awarded )I)A $aon dOr award 201B.
Cyrus 7istry won t"e D#C &ri;e 2014
India2born .rof A J .aura0 won 2014 7arconi .ri;e
1a %and"i "onoured wit" Amadekufa in #out" Africa
'ationa Communa @armony Awards 201B won by Centre for #tudy of #ociety and
Iueen ,atifa" won 2014 7atri? Award
Anand >umar: t"e founder of #u&erB0 got /amanu0an 7at"ematics award.
!inner of 49t" )imfare Awards 2014
$est )im 2 $"aag 7ik"a $"aag
$est Director2/akeys" Om&rakas" 7e"ra ( $"aag 7ik"a $"aag
$est Actor2 )ar"an Ak"tar ( $"aag 7ik"a $"aag
$est Actress2Dee&ika .adukone ( %oiyon >i /aaseea /am2,eea
$est #u&&orting Actor2'awa;uddin #iddi*ui ( 5"e ,unc"bo?
$est #u&&orting Actress2#u&riya .at"ak >a&ur ( %oiyon >i /aaseea /am2,eea
$est 7ae Debut2D"anus" ( /aan0"anaa
$est )emae Debut23aani >a&oor ( #"udd" Desi /omance
$est 7usic Director2Ankit 5iwari: 7it"oon and Jeet %anguy ( Aas"i*ui 2
$est ,yricist2.rasoon Jos"i 2 LHindaL 2 $"aag 7ik"a $"aag
$est .ayback #inger ( 7ae2Ari0it #ing" ( L5um @i @oL ( Aas"i*ui 2
$est .ayback #inger ( )emae27onai 5"akur ( L#awaar ,oonL ( ,ootera
CriticsJ C"oice $est 7o+ie 6$est Director825"e ,unc"bo? 6/ites" $atra8
CriticsJ C"oice $est Actor2/a0kummar /ao( #"a"id
CriticsJ C"oice $est Actress2#"i&a #"uka( $.A. .ass
!inners of 2014 .adma Awards
;or List of $adma Awards 6inners -.'/ !isit "tt&MEEwww.bankingawareness.comEcurrent2
affairsE&adma2awards220142winnersE Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
January 2014
Im&ortant Days
January 1 Army 7edica Cor&s 1stabis"ment Day
January C African 'ationa Congress )oundation Day
January 10 !ord ,aug"ter Day
January 9 .ra+asi $"aratiya Di+as
January 11 Deat" anni+ersary of ,a $a"adur #"astri
January 12 'ationa yout" Day 6$irt" Day of #wami 3i+ekanand8
January 14 Army Day
January 2B 'eta0i #ub"as"c"andra $oseJs birt" anni+ersary
January 24 Internationa Customs Duty Day: India 5ourism Day: Indian 3oter Day
January 2< /e&ubic Day
January 2C $irt" anni+ersary of ,aa ,a0&at /ai
January B0 67artyrJs day8 7a"atma %and"iJs 7artyrdom DayN !ord ,e&rosy
1radication Day
January B1 !ord ,e&rosy 1radication Day.
5"anks for Downoading t"is Current Affairs ( January 2014 from
>ee& 3isiting Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.

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