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TITLE: U.S. v.

Ah Chong
FACTS: Ah Chong worked as a cook at the Officers quarters No. 27, ort !c "in#e$, %i&a#
'rovince.( )he said *#ace was a detached house around +, -eters awa$ fro- the nearest
.ui#ding. /t a#so served as the officers -ess( roo-. On#$ Ah Chong and 'ascua# 0ua#.erto, a
-uchacho s#e*t in that *#ace. /t was not furnished with a *er-anent #ock. O August 1+, 12,3,
around 1,4o c#ock in the evening, Ah Chong was sudden#$ awakened .ecause so-eone had
.een tr$ing to o*en the roo-. Out of fear, he shouted who is there( .ut none re*#ied. /nstead,
the other *erson ke*t on forcing his entr$. Ah Chong .e#ieved that it was a thief, and shouted
again if $ou enter, / wi## ki## $ou5( Again none re*#ied. U*on entr$ and out of fear Ah Chong
inf#icted a wound. 6hen he rea#i&ed, that *erson was 0ua#.erto. 7e i--ediate#$ ca##ed his
e-*#o$ers and dressed 'ascua#s wound.
ISSUE: 6hether or not shou#d Ah Chong shou#d .e e8e-*t fro- cri-ina# #ia.i#it$9
HELD: :;S. )he Su*re-e Court he#d that
A carefu# e8a-ination of the facts as disc#osed in the case at .ar convinces us that the
defendant China-an struck the fata# .#ow a##eged in the infor-ation in the fir- .e#ief that the
intruder who forced o*en the door of his s#ee*ing roo- was a thief, fro- whose assau#t he was
in i--inent *eri#, .oth of his #ife and of his *ro*ert$ and of the *ro*ert$ co--itted to his
charge< that in view of a## the circu-stances, as the$ -ust have *resented the-se#ves to the
defendant at the ti-e, he acted in good faith, without -a#ice, or cri-ina# intent, in the .e#ief
that he was doing no -ore than e8ercising his #egiti-ate right of se#f=defense< that had the facts
.een as he .e#ieved the- to .e he wou#d have .een who##$ e8e-*t fro- cri-ina# #ia.i#it$ on
account of his act< and that he can not .e said to have .een gui#t$ of neg#igence or reck#essness
or even care#essness in fa##ing into his -istake as to the facts, or in the -eans ado*ted .$ hi-
to defend hi-se#f fro- the i--inent danger which he .e#ieve threatened his *erson and his
*ro*ert$ and the *ro*ert$ under his charge.(

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