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Year 9 (2009-10)

- 1 -
I can tell you a
lot of good
holidays, but
this is one of the
I went to Milan with a friend and my sister
and, of course, our parents. We went in
January and I really had a good time. I went
by plane from Santander to Milan.
The hotel wasnt the best but it was good
enough to spend some days in Milan.
On the first day I saw everything because I
was very happy. I saw an enormous market
with all kind of fishes and fruit, it was
We visited the cathedral and it was truly
wonderful. The square of the cathedral was
very big and there were a lot of pigeons. A
woman brought the food to the pigeons and
suddenly, all the pigeons flew to the woman.
It was amazing!
Some of us went to the top of the cathedral
and we could see the city from there. It was
very beautiful. We took a lot of photos.
Another day we wanted to see the picture of
Leonardo Da Vinci La ltima cena but
unfortunately we didnt have tickets. But
that day we saw the city. We saw churches,
squares, shops, etc. The shops were really
We also saw a big fortress and it was
fantastic. Milan is very beautiful and, as it is
in Italy, I ate a piece of pizza!
The weather was good all the days but the
last day it started to snow. All was very
beautiful. That day we spent the morning in
Milan and then we went to the airport to go
back to Santander and then, from there, to
Burlada by car.
All the places we visited in Milan were
wonderful and because of this I had a very
good time there.
Ana Arnaiz Rojo

In my last
holidays I went
to Cambrils, a
little village on
the east coast of
Cambrils is a party zone, mostly in summer,
it has a lot of discos and beach parties for
young people between 14 and 24. It is a very
tourist place with a lot of hotels and
restaurants and near Cambrils there is an
attraction park called Port Aventura. I went
there one day with my friend Ivan, it was
My holidays were really unlucky because the
first day of them I went to the beach and,
with a broken bottle, I hurt my foot. The
doctor gave me three stitches and I couldn't
go to the beach in most of the holidays.
On my holidays I stayed with my parents
and my sister in the hotel Augustus. The
hotel has a swimming pool and a games
zone. During my holidays I met some boys
and girls of my age. With them I went
shopping and to a disco, we played a football
match and, on the last day, we went to the
One night there was a show in the hotel and
the presenter called me to do one thing. If I
kicked a ball fifteen times in the air (with the
feet) he would give me a great prize. I won,
it was so easy and he gave me the ball!
The trip back home was so long, 5 hours I
think: Those holidays were great. Next year I
want to go to Cambrils again.
Julen Pino
Year 9 (2009-10)

- 2 -
My best holidays where when I went last
year to France. As it was a school exchange,
I went there with my friend Maria. We were
there for a week,
it was a short
time because all
was very nice.
We went to
(France) by bus
and the trip was
extremely long,
six hours is a lot!
I stayed in the house of my French
correspondent and during this week she
became like my sister. Her family was very
friendly and they gave me all I needed. All
the days I went with her to her school and,
while she was studying, Spanish students
had trips around the city.
I think that this place was very nice specially
because there was the beach nearby and
some historical monuments which are very
interesting, so for that reason I recommend
to all the people who want to go on holidays
that this is a nice place to visit.
In France you usually meet friendly people
who are very hospitable with you. The food
is also a great thing about this town. The
seafood is part of the delicious meals here
and, as it is near the beach, you find a lot of
restaurants with it. Apart from that you can
also eat "ther crps" which are omelettes that
you make with anything you like, they can
be sweets or savoury as you prefer. And
theyre really good!!!
The week that I was there the weather was
good although some days there was a little
bit of wind, but in general the week was
sunny. A good time to go to the beach!
I think that I enjoyed going to the beach
almost all the evenings, here French and
Spanish students could talk about interesting
things and share our experiences while
sitting down on the sand.
We saw some historical monuments for
example cathedrals, churches,
was funny but when the day finished I was
so tired because we walked a lot! We also
visited museums where I could learn a little
bit about the history of that place.
During the week we did a lot of things (to
visit different places, eat good food, have a
good time...) that were very funny and also
As it was a French exchange we were all the
time practising French because most of the
time we were speaking in French. As I have
said before I travelled with my friend Maria,
we shared a new experience together.
One day before coming back I decided to
buy some souvenirs for my family and me,
so that day the French family took me to a
shop full of these things. All the souvenirs
that I bought were about the sea, and my
favourite souvenir is a beautiful frame that
the French family gave me as a present.
Other day, with the teachers, I visited the
city. It was full of history and there was a
mixture of modern houses and old houses.
Its history was specially based on fishing
and how this trade was some years ago.
This was my holiday in France I hope some
day I can go again.
Marianela Mario
Year 9 (2009-10)

- 3 -
My last holidays were in the second half of
July. I went
Switzerland with
my parents and
my brothers Asier.
We went to
Madrid by car,
and there we took
a plane to Geneva
in France. We spent one night there in a
small hotel.
The next morning we woke up very early in
the morning and we took a four hour train
to Zermatt.
Zermatt is a small village in the south of
Switzerland. We spent there seven days in a
beautiful apartment.
This village is surrounded by the Alps
Mountains, so we spent all the days seeing
them. The landscape was wonderful; there
were a lot of high peaks with snow and
green tall trees. We took a lot of photos.
That week we usually went to the mountains
during the morning and in the afternoon we
relaxed by visiting Zermatt, the old houses,
the buildings, the shops...
There were many souvenir shops because
most of the people were foreigners; they
came from all parts of the world.
Although we usually go to beach places such
as Barcelona, the Canary Islands..., this
summer we changed because my brother
loves mountains.
From my point of view, this change has been
a wonderful idea and they have been one of
the best holidays in my life!
Naiara Irigoyen

Last year I went to
Salou (Tarragona)
with my family for
fifteen days. We
stayed in a little
In the morning we
usually had breakfast
at ten oclock and at
eleven we went to the beach to sunbathe.
Later, at two oclock more or less, we went
to have lunch and at half past four some of
us went to the beach again and others to the
swimming pool.
One day we went to Aquopolis with some
friends all the day. All the days during my
my vacations were similar, except one day
when all my family went shopping to Reus.
It was brilliant!!!!!
I like more going to the beach because the
temperatures are hot and the beach is better
than mountains, but I like going to the
mountain too.
Claudia De Sola
Year 9 (2009-10)

- 4 -
Im going to tell you
about my last
holidays, but I dont
know if I remember it
very well...
One year ago, the last
summer, I went with
my parents and my
brother to spend a
week in a village in
Gerona, called Lstartit, that is a beach
village on the Mediterranean coast.
We stayed in an apart-hotel, in the middle of
the village, near the beach.
On the first day, when we arrived, my
brother Adi, wanted to play ping-pong, so
we met a German family, with seven
brothers: two girls and five boys, and
quickly we became friends and we went
together to the swimming-pool, to play
volley, to the hotel restaurant...
I like the beach very much, because I can
swim, play sports, sunbathe... but I have a
horrible problem, I really hate the sand!!
That happens to me because when I go to the
beach, then I have sand on my skin, on my
face, on my feet and worst of all, on my hair.
Its horrible!!!
But I enjoyed very much the village, it was
very beautiful: the beach, the maritime way,
the village, the people, everything was
very nice.
But my favorite thing was to walk around
the shops that were in the in the promenade
at night, it was fantastic.
Well, everyday we went to the beach and
swam, made sandcastles, collected shells,
played volleyball...
And then we arrived at the hotel and ate.
I sent a lot of cards with photos to my
friends, telling them how I was doing, and I
bought some souvenirs for them too.
I had a very good time all the week that I
spent in Lstartit, but the best thing, the
funniest was when we went to the Aquapark
on the last day, there we met another family
from Navarre and we enjoyed it a lot.
I know that I prefer to go with my friends
more than going with my parents, but my
last holidays were a very nice experience for
me and I want to repeat it!!
Irati Segura

When I was 10, I went
to Madrid on holidays.
I enjoyed it very much
because I went to
Silvias house. Silvia is
my friend.
We went to visit La
Gran Va La Puerta
de Alcal, La Puerta
del Sol We also visited the most antique
pastry in Spain. I dont remember its name
but the pie was really, really delicious. This
pastry is in La Puerta del Sol
We also went along Preciados street to
Gran Va. In this street we saw many
- Attractions
And we arrived at Plaza Espaa square.
Madrid is the capital of Spain, and is very
big, so we went to the sites by metro. The
metro is very interesting for me, and I like it.
I also liked very much Cibeles fountain
This is my holiday in Madrid. We went
when I was 10 and I dont remember it very

Marina Pascual Rivas
Year 9 (2009-10)

- 5 -
On July 4th I went on
holiday to Cambrils,
in the northeast of
Spain in Catalua,
with my sister Anne,
she is 7 years old, and
my mother Isabel. We
were seven days on
holiday in Cambrils.
We left on July 4th at
nine o'clock from the bus station of
Pamplona and we got there more or less at 3
in the afternoon, at the bus station of Salou.
Then we went by taxi to the hotel Voramar,
it was in Cambrils.
The hotel was fine, it had every day
activities for children and adults, and also at
night there were shows. It had two
swimming pools, one small and one large, it
had a games room, a bar, reception and a
restaurant where we ate every day. Our hotel
apartment had a kitchen, a bathroom, a room
with two beds and a wardrobe, a living room
and a balcony.
The weather was very good every day, but
the last day it was raining.
When we went the first day to the hotel we
saw familiar faces. There were some Burlada
friends and friends of my parents, we were
with them some days.
In the hotel we made some new friends,
friends from Zaragoza and friends from the
south of Navarra.
Every day we went to the beach, we got into
the water, I played with my sister in the sand
and we were enjoying long hours the sun.
Also we walked to Salou, Cambrils and
strolled up the beach.
One day, in the morning, we went by taxi to
Port Aventura. I had been there many times,
but my sister never. We saw many shows
and we were riding on many attractions.
That was amazing, the weather was good,
and then we returned to the hotel by bus.
On 11th July we returned by bus to
Pamplona, there my father was waiting to go
home. When we arrived in Pamplona there
were many people dressed up with clothes
for San Fermins festival because it was the
We didn't have any problem during our
My ideal type of vacation is to go to the sea
rather than the mountains, I love the beach,
heat, walking on the sand, hotels,...
I go with my family every year on holidays
and we have a good holiday, but I would like
to go on vacations with my friends, that
would be great!!
Josune Ciriza Fernndez
Year 9 (2009-10)

- 6 -
I am going to tell you
about my last summer
Last summer we went
to a town near the
beach. I went to Isla, a
village in Cantabria,
near Navarre.
I went to Isla from the
16th of July to the 26th of July. I went with
my parents, my sister and some friends.
There, there was a friend of mine; she was
with her parents and sisters.
We stayed in a hotel, that it is situated at the
beginning of the village. The hotel has four
floors and we were lodged on the fourth
The weather was neither hot nor cold, so we
went to the beach all the days, except two.
Two days we went to the lake of Covadonga,
Oviedo (Asturias), The lake of Covadonga
is beautiful, it has beautiful landscapes.
And at night we had a walk around the
village and went to other hotel because there
was a disco.
Another day we went to Santander, to the
shops and we bought some things.
At the hotel, one day, we had a concert
because I played the trombone, and the
workers invited me to a soft drink.
All the days for me were special but the
most it was the day that we stayed on the
beach and when the tide got up some people
had to swim to cross to the other side. We
laughed a lot because some couldnt pass
and had to pass with a boat.
Oh! It was very funny.
When we stayed there the circus arrived one
day near the hotel, but I didnt go.
The food there was excellent, I ate all of it,
but I didnt like very much shellfish.
I like my summer holidays because all the
years I can enjoy doing something
Noelia Prez
I'm going to tell about
my last Holidays.
In my last holidays I
went to Peiscola,
Peiscola is in
Castellon (Valencia),
it is a beautiful city with 7560 inhabitants. I
went in July there so the weather was perfect
with an average temperature of 28C more
or less. I went to Peiscola with my family:
my mother, my father and my brother. We
stayed in a hotel called Agora Resort. It is
very big hotel with 4 buildings, more than
2000 bedrooms and with a spa, a theatre, the
reception, three swimming pools; two in the
centre of the buildings and the other on a hill
in front of the hotel. When you go there you
can see all Peiscola. Also it had a very big
restaurant, the food was delicious!!!
I stayed in Peiscola for 8 days. All of them
we went to the beach and I sunbathed always
(ha, ha, ha, ha!). Also I went with my mum
to walk, and one day I rode on a beautiful
horse called Canela. Other day, when I was
walking, I saw Llorente the football player in
the Athletic de Bilbao. He's very, very tall
and good-looking... (Ha! Ha! Ha!)
One day it started to rain and we decided to
go to the oceanographic of Valencia. It is
very big and there were a lot kinds of
animals such as penguins, sharks, whales
and also we saw a show of dolphins they are
elegant and incredible, I enjoyed it so much.
That place was very different, the relief, the
weather and also the people were different,
they were very friendly and funny!!! Also
they were very generous because all nights
we had an ice-cream, a very big ice-cream,
and they were very cheap and delicious!!!!
I recommend you to visit Peiscola because
it is worth it!!
Maider Eguilaz
Year 9 (2009-10)

- 7 -
Im going to tell
you about my last
holiday. I think
they were the best
of all the holidays because I went with my
family and other family, the family of one of
my friends.
I went to Cambrils. Cambrils is in Catalua a
region in the East of Spain. Cambrils is a
beautiful city but I didnt go to the centre of
Cambrils, I went to a small village near the
beach, this is important. However I went to it
in the last week of August, the weather was
very good, and all the days I went to the
One day of the holiday for example was:
At 9 oclock more or less, it depended on the
time I got up, then I put on the beachs
clothes and very quickly went with my
family and my friends family to the
restaurant of the hotel to have breakfast. For
me the breakfast was the best. I ate a lot in it.
Then I went to the beach. In the beach I was
2 hours more or less and then I went to the
hotels swimming pool. When I was dry I
went up to the room and I changed clothes
and went down to hotels restaurant to have
lunch. The food was very good.
After that there were some plays for the
children staying at the hotel and in these
plays I made two friends. One girl one year
older than me and one boy two years
younger than me but he was more with my
brother and his friend. The boy was called
Unai and the girl Ane. Theyre from Eibar, a
city in Pais Vasco, a region of Spain near
In the afternoon I used to go to the beach or I
was in the hotels swimming pool. At 20:30
more or less I went to have dinner and after
that I saw some shows at the hotel. They
were very funny and after the shows I went
to bed.
One of the final days of the holidays, in the
afternoon, I changed the beach to go to the
centre of Cambrils to buy some presents for
my family and some also for me.
The hotel was called Best Cambrils and it
was very good. The food excellent, the room
good with TV but I didnt watch it a lot
because I wasnt a lot in the room. The bed
very comfortable and the swimming pool
was very big and very good too.
This holiday was very funny for me and
being with your friends, when on holidays, is
the best.
Edurne Urricelqui
The last summer I went with my uncle, a
friend and the father of the friend to the
French Pyrenees. I
went to a zone near
famous skiing
resorts. It is
between France and
Aragon, but I went
to the French part.
Before we went to
the mountain, we went to the birth of the
river to do a canyon descent. It is very funny
and you can see very beautiful landscapes
and caves. After we finished the canyon
descent we went to the mountain at about 7
or 8 oclock pm, it was very late, but we
prepared the things to sleep in the mountain,
and the most important thing, the food! We
started to walk and after two or three hours
we stopped and set up the tent. After that we
had dinner and went to sleep.
In the morning we got up at six and started
to climb the mountain, there were beautiful
landscapes! And my uncle took some
photos, they are wonderful! After six hours
walking we arrived at the top of the
mountain, it was very cold; we took photos
and went down the mountain.
When we got to the campsite it was three in
the afternoon, so we ate quickly, collected
the things and went to the car. When we got
home I was very tired so I went to my bed,
but that holiday was very nice!
Xabier Olage
Year 9 (2009-10)

- 8 -
In my last holidays I went to Cadiz in the
south of Spain. I went with my family; my
mother, my father, my brother and my sister.
We went by car and
after a trip of 11
hours, we arrived
there. It was very
long but most of it I
was sleeping. We
did it in one day and
my mother and
father took turns driving.
We stayed in the house of a friend of my
father. The house was very big; it had four
bedrooms and three bathrooms. It also had a
very big garden with a swimming pool; it
wasnt very big but was enough for my
brother and I. In the morning we went to
different beaches, some of the days we ate in
restaurant and the day of the birthday of my
father we ate in a special restaurant and ate
delicious paella.
In the afternoon we visited many different
places, we went to Tarifa and there we were
watching many people practicing windsurf.
One afternoon my younger sister and I did
surf, we had already done several times surf
in other places, but that day the sea was very
cold and dangerous. Only this day was a
little bit cold, the other days were very hot,
the nights also were hot and we used to go
for a walk and get an ice cream, we also had
many shows to see on the streets at night.
Also some days we stayed in the house and
went to the swimming pool and others we
did our homework. I didnt have much but I
had to do it!!
One day I locked the house and I kept the
keys, then we went to the beach. After we
had been some time at the beach, my father
asked me about the key and I didnt have it, I
had lost it.
All my family was looking for the key on the
sand and my mother went to look at the
beach bar, the barmaid gave my mother the
key and told her that a man had found it. My
father was angry with me, I think that was
One day at night my parents left with their
friends to have dinner. All dressed very
elegant and went to a very large farmhouse
and there were friends of my father and all
looked very rich. One day they took us to see
a show of dancing horses. In the show there
was a television presenter and we were with
him but at that moment I did not know that
he was famous, I found out later!
This was the most interesting day of all the
holidays because during most of the holidays
I was bored!!
Idoia Iriarte
In summer I hardly
ever go on holidays,
I usually go to my
village, Miranda de
Arga, but I have
already talked about
it in my previous
composition, so now I am going to talk
about the "Camino de Santiago", because
this summer I was doing it
Im doing the "Camino de Santiago". I
started it two years ago in Roncesvalles. As
my father and I were near home, we went
few days and then we continued this year.
This year we started from Burgos, and as we
were far from home we had to stay in the
route many days, fortunately the weather
was good, it didnt rain and always the sun
was there so we could go to Len as we had
The "Camino de Santiago" is really amazing;
I can recommend it to everybody. I think is
because, the people are different and very
interesting, the refuges are very comfortable,
the landscape is very beautiful, you can learn
about other cities, monuments,.... and also
you can practice English because there are
people from all the countries and they speak
really good English.
I can recommend everybody to do it because
its a good way to learn.
Nerea Buldain

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