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Welcome to

First Grade
I am so excited to have your child in my classroom this coming
year! Let me tell you a little about myself. I graduated from the
University of Farmington Maine at the top of my class. I am also a
Gardiner graduate and !as in the top ten of my high school class. My
passions are hi"ing sno!boarding reading coo"ing and teaching of
course! I loo" for!ard to meeting all of you at the #pen $ouse in
%ugust. If you have any &uestions I chec" my email &uite fre&uently.
%Le'ourdais(msad)).org. 'elo! is a supply !ish list that !ould help
your child throughout the year. Most of the items belo! can be found
at the dollar tree
) +,-pac" of .rayons
) )+-pac" of .olored *encils
) pair of headphones or ear buds /dollar tree item0
+ glue stic"s
) pencil box or bag.
1 different colored highlighters
*encil 2harpener
.an3t !ait to see you all at #pen $ouse!
Miss Le'ourdais

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