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Kennay V.


Madison Heights, MI 48071 Email:
O!e"ti#e: To obtain a position in a professional work environment and contribute to providing a
positive experience for every client/customer I encounter.
Oa%land &omm$nity &ollege, 'oyal Oa%, MI
Credits eceived! "#
$egree! %arning &ssociates
'raduation! (ummer )*+,

(ni#e)sity *)epa)ato)y High S"hool, +et)oit, MI
&cademic Courses
$iploma eceived
'raduation! -une of )*++
Key S%ills:
Customer service and relations
.romoting good work practices
(etting goals and ob/ectives for individuals and teams
,o)% Histo)y:
*#/)*+30.resent $omus 1ita $irect Care 2orker
*,/)*++0*3/)*+3 4owe5s 6ome Improvement Cashier
++/)*+)0*3/)*+3 $omus 1ita $irect Care 2orker
*7/)*+*0*3/)*+) 8itty 'ritty Cleaning (ervices Custodian
Vol$ntee) E-pe)ien"e:
*#/)*+30.resent 2illiam 9eaumont .atient Transporter
*3/)*+30.resent 9eard %arly Childhood Center (tudent Teacher
+*/)*+*0*+/)*++ ehabilitation Institute of :ichigan .hysical Therapy &ssistant
$ana -ordan ;ormer (upervisor <3+3= ###0#,,>
1anita (anders :entor <73,= 3+"0>3")

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