Measurements and Geometric Shapes

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Fill in the blanks with words ro! the bo"

#$ a %nit or !eas%rin& len&th' e(%al to #'))) !etres or *)+,-#.
-$ a %nit or !eas%rin& len&th' e(%al to )+)# !etres or abo%t )/.
1$ a sha2e with o%r strai&ht sides o e(%al len&th or!in& o%r
ri&ht an&les+
.$ the a!o%nt o s2a0e or ti!e between to 2oints+
3$ the distan0e ro! the s%ra0e to the botto! o so!ethin& or
ro! the ront to the ba0k+
,$ ro! are side to other side
4$ the !eas%re!ent or distan0e ro! one end o so!ethin& to the
other a lon& its lon&est side
5$ the !eas%re!ent ro! the botto! to the to2 o so!ethin&
*$ a %nit o !eas%rin& len&th' e(%al to #6#- o a oot or abo%t
)+)-3 !etres+
a %nit or !eas%rin& len&th e(%al to 1*+14 in0hes+
A hollow or solid ob7e0t with a ro%nd base and a 2oint at the
a %nit or !eas%rin& len&th' e(%al to #,)* !etres or #+4,*
a sha2e with o%r strai&ht sides' the sides o22osite ea0h other
are e(%al len&th+
a ro%nd ob7e0t+
a lat ro%nd area en0losed b8 a 0%r9ed line' so that e9er8where
is e(%all8 distant ro! the 0entre+
a solid ob7e0t with si" e(%al s(%are sides+
a !eas%re o len&th e(%al to #- in0hes+
a %nit or !eas%rin& len&th' e(%al to 1 eet or abo%t *#. !etres+
#* a hollow or solid sha2e with a 0ir0%lar base and strai&ht sides+
Lic. Marilu Plasencia Rubio
width s(%are s2here !etre de2th
oot 8ard 28ra!id 0%be in0h 0one
re0tan&le len&th 0ir0le 08linder 0enti!etre !ile
kilo!etre distan0e hei&ht
a solid sha2e with a lat s(%are base and three : an&led sides
slo2e %2wards to !eet at a 2oint+
Exercise three
Use these words to do the exercise
Nouns: wood, planes, nails, hammers, nuts, bolts, spanner, wrench,
screwdrivers, metal, handsaws, files
erbs: to plane , to file, to turn
What are these? What are they used for?
Lic. Marilu Plasencia Rubio

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