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(All Postings are for 2 week unless special permission granted)

Complete entire form and forward to Human Resources at District Education Center when a position is to be
posted. Copies of all applications will be sent to you after the posting notice has expired. Upon completion of the
interview, return copies of applications to Human Resources.
Date: Oct. 9, 2013 Requestor: Susana de Leon
Position Type: Non-Licensed X Licensed Administrative
Date To Post: onday, Oct. 1!

Position Tit"e To #e Posted $rs%Day or &T' Location Start Date
Tar(eted Ser)ices Pro(ra* +nstructor
3 days per ,ee-,
appro.i*ate"y /1
idd"e Sc0oo" &a"" 2013
Detai"s o1 Position:
Permanent X Te*porary 2'nd Date ay 29, 201!
New Position: X 3es No If No: Replacing
Reason: Resignation Leave of Absence Change in Assignment
Letter of Resignation Obtained? es No
!o"rs#$a%: 10r. !0 *in& $a%s#'ee(: 3 )tart *ime: 2:30 +nd *ime: !:10
,"nding )o"rce: X 4enera" &und Comm"nit% +d ,ood )ervice Other
-"alifications#Licens"re Needed: 5a"id State o1 innesota License in idd"e Sc0oo"
$"ties: .ma/or /ob f"nctions0 P"annin( and preparation o1 curricu"u* and instruction. 6"assroo* *ana(e*ent
and ad0ere to pro1essiona" responsi7i"ities.
Comments: .If less than 1&2 ,*+3 specif% wor( wee(0
X +n9District Colleges Local Newspaper 4etro Paper
+nter)ie, Process to #e(in: &a"" 2013
Director o1 8d*inistrati)e Ser)ices Si(nature:
Revised 1#25 ,orm +-212
District 112
Postin( &or*

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