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1. What are the two types of crust that make up the Earths
surface and which is usually older?

2. In the spaces below include the following: plate boundary type, direction of plate movement
relative to one another, and at least 2 examples where each type of boundary can be found.
Type 1:


Type 2:


Type 3:


3. Describe below the difference between a Volcanic Arc and an Island Arc. Include the type of crust
interaction with each.

4. Due to the continual movement of the Indian Plate,
how high does the Himalaya grow each year and what
type plate boundary and crust is involved to create this
5. What are the two types of geologic formations that
occur as a result of Divergent Plate Boundaries and
what type of crust is associated with each?

6. What is another name for a Transform Boundary?
7. Name 3 major earthquakes that have occurred
along the San Andreas Fault.
Utilize this interactive map to answer the following questions.
8. On the Maps section analyze the relationship
between boundaries, volcanoes, and earthquakes.
What do they have in common?

9. On the Details section explore each illustration:
9a.) Why is it uncommon for a continental plate to
subduct under an oceanic plate?

9b.) How is it possible that seashells been found at the
top of the Himalayan Mountains?

9c.) What is the worlds deepest lake and how was it

9d.) Describe the process of a fault sticking and

9e.) Explain why all of the Hawaiian Islands are not
active volcanoes?

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