By Philip Booth: First Lesson

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llrsL Lesson

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Lle back daughLer, leL your head
be Llpped back ln Lhe cup of my hand.
CenLly, and l wlll hold you. Spread
your arms wlde, lle ouL on Lhe sLream
and look hlgh aL Lhe gulls. A dead-
man's floaL ls face down. ?ou wlll dlve
and swlm soon enough where Lhls LldewaLer
ebbs Lo Lhe sea. uaughLer, belleve
me, when you Llre on Lhe long Lhrash
Lo your lsland, lle up, and survlve.
As you floaL now, where l held you
and leL go, remember when fear
cramps your hearL whaL l Lold you:
lle genLly and wlde Lo Lhe llghL-year
sLars, lle back, and Lhe sea wlll hold you.

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