Vasudev A Sarvam

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flfl: fl

flfl: fl

"^= ~fi"


"^= ~fi"

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#=O|~ 2008


J=~"k |} nH`

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^~^ 38. < : 040-23814379

POQ=# q=~} `Q ``~=


_.\.. O\OQ :

J=~"k |} nH`

HOII N=x` }<^_
P= QK =~i P=#O^<
H=Q O_ `##
`=z~OK#@ 'w` ^~= ^<.
PII Q=`= |x i~OK \H>
"# ^i `e ix
`= K `~e =<<
K^=_! nx ~Qux
~q_OQ H^~ s x @ K` H^~
KC@ ^#fl^x z`=Q Jk g H^~
Q Uq K^= Hu =## H@"u"
W\H# @_ Dfi~#== =H <O^=.

H. =~m H$+

HOII 'i <# H*_

Q~_x, P^=# QH#_<
~y_ =_=_ Q=Q
iqOK ^=_? ix n~<
II i^H <# J#x Jx`e
'^O_ O`=<
i=< Ok P<_ `~
'^=_ QQ#gk '^~ Q =~
iH ^#Oaz Q~=# O^
'|e HiH< \ Q^ [Qu?
iHz Q_ J@ u#\
J 'K_ O^ Jq` ~
`II ix ~}Ok 'Hi~A ~=#O^
iH '^_ q[_ J~ ^x"
ix qOK '=# ^iH =H
ix #qu < } Qi==#.

Jxfl\ =H~}= JO`= <#x `fi=~< !
Zxfl q^ Qi## D~}=Q^ zO`g_K<
L#fl` H`^~ =# XCQ = Hi# O^ =
Z#fl\ H# `xk D =~}O|xO\" !
HOII ig^ =# x=^
H~}< `# HxHiOz H^#O>
~y_H =# xK#
i, JO^H '|` J< <
II t" _#fl # J
=#Q_xz# ^"k?
'HH= H^* Q_i Q_O`
=^=# H_y# ^"k?


~= N^q ~=ux X`
=#O#\ ^"k?
WO^k ~ Ziy +O|OK
x=_ Qe# ^"k?
`II =~ =# Hi# ^"k?
=xx qc+} K ^"k?
=kx ^#A## "_ ^"k?
=# k"H#\ ^=k.
<< = qfi=# h==` #_OK "_<
<< = `= x^^OK^ }qK^<
<# `O =`=# xC#=OK^ $+# O` <
<< ==OK# h= Hs\x z` !


LO_^. ''K ~fi`<O c[O `` J"
J~<! J< w`K~_ "HxH ~=~O,
Zxq^H`O N=^Q=n` `Q ^
Q=`H$` <# K#C_ < x[OQ
`e^. H~}O < `eO_< D ^H
'~K~`# <#, J< JO=O h_ ##flO\
LO__". H"O Zxq^ H@
H =m D<_ D '"^=~fiO KO>

HIIII O^~~=Qi *H ##fl q=}

< z#flC_ = ^<#fl "^= =A
Q~ O\ ^" '=_ H@<fl# '`~
<<! J<"~. <# `H` =m fl#O K"~.
XHi =m fl#O K x iu J~` ~fi O
[Q<fl^O J#x h [ <"~. ##fl
H u>" . P '~fi O [Q<fl^O J~O JC_
J `b^. WC_ P=yO[O` ^_`#flk.
J^ '"^= ~fi" Jhfl P N~. ''J##flk
[~Q^ , [iQk `e^, `ek x=^, xeKk
H e ^ . J H e H ~<, H "_
H e q"_ P " ^ = _ =` " . =i
P#<O^ '`=~? P ~`~x '=
=#. <# ~fi=~} J#<"_ pH\ Qk

JO` h", i! O_sHH! ...... J<fl_

J#fl= . 'WO^ Q _ O ^ _ x O ^ =
=^... J<fl_ ^ _. 'JO` ~==O
[Q=O` ~==O.... J<fl_ ~=^.

P=yO[# "uH @H=K Hh "^=x

`H_ . <#, <k J< JOH~O L#fl"xH,
P ~=` ~} H~x "xH, P# Z^~Q
=<fl HxOK^ , HiOz< qxOK^ . `H<
`e^. h= <" XH J_Q " <# h"
k J_Q "# JO\~ P fiq. Hx =#"
"^\ J_Q " e. P# == P J_Q
"_ =x+. P = =^O> H H"e.
P = L#flO` HO ''Jk H"e, Wk H"e
J< P~@O, ''Jk^ , Wk^ J< U_ =x+x
=^^. P ~=` H$ Hey# "iH =`" P
= Hk HkQ q_` U^ XH [# iQ
q_~ P ~= ` HO `# ~fi fihfl ^~
u H fH `Ok. JC_ P# fi OQ J#
*~x "HO W_. `# _ ~Q

J~<, " J~<, ~H _~< P# ^ O

^ . ZO^HO> "@xfl\ # JO`~`_ L#flk
P fiqH^! D q+O =#O^iH `.
Hh =#O =#H '#Kx "ix ^fi+< LO\O.
xOk< LO\O. J K#O` H= =#H
U "H= ~^ QH ~^. L`= [#~=K.
JO^ O^O ^. Hx P ~=` xflk
=`O ~^.
"^=_ ~fiO Jx #\H `O`qk
=OkH `, Hh D *#= P`#==Q
=~e. J =~Q< "^=_ ~fi ^ =#`>
D ''"^= ~fi" HO ~O_
Q=<fl~. XH ^xH N=^Q=`=
(O $`O), ~ O_= ^xH N=^ Q = n` P^~O.


^=<Qi e ( ) `e `Q e K^= _O
~x"i O HO H ^=<Qi#
=O WOw+ # WK#. J^HO `Q e
``~ `OQ WK#. K^ = =z# u"iH
Wk 'LyO^x < P.
_II a.q.Z . P~ . =i Q ~ , " O H @
fiqQ~ =O\ < xfl` H~O = D
`flO kOKQeQ#. POQ `~=Qx
`Q ``~OQx U=<fl ~@O> ^
$^O` =xflOKQ~.
_IIa.q.Z.P~.=iQi ''"^eH
(Brain Child) D ~K#. H H< #Oz Fine
details =~ P#^ Main Idea. WOw+ =i
`Q `~=#, S_# H~~O
HeOK_O # U^ < J#= O L yOK#.

Q=n` H= HO^ (718) J# OY

LO> PHO N=^ Q=n` 7= J^=
#O^e 18= H=x `e=#. Q=`=
H= HO^ (2932) J# OY LO> Jk
N=^ Q = ` O x 2= O^ = x, 9=
J^Ox 32= H= Jx J~=. J< <
"\ g < W`~ ~K# a~. J
Ki`#Oz *#^=x JOQ ^H Kkq



" ^ = _ O > = ^ = x H_ Jx
=#OQ J~O K`~. Hx "^= |=
~=` J~= Hk.
II ''"<^fi^="`O ` [Q`"I
~fi ` x" "^= #"`II
=_ H= ([Q`") `# x"#=
K H#fl ~ = ` " ^ = _ . W` _
~fi`=# (r=#) K`# ~=
x=Oz L#fl"_. P "^=# (~=`)
#=~=x ~ H~=.
W\ ~=`# J#= ~fiH=Q
Jxfl\# ^iOz, lOK *#, ,
=` H= K J~^Q LO\~.
II |<O [#<=< *#"< =O ^`
"^= ~fiqu =` ^~II

W\ =` r=#x K|_`~.
== = ~ u x H~ O\~ .
N=^ Q = n ` #, N=^ Q = ` = #
Q"#_ K`# ~= Jxfl\# xO_
L<fl_x, ''"^= ~fiO Jx ukOK
"H= Z<flK@ K|_~. *#=
H"~O^iH ~ "H= J~=O`=Q
^ _ ` ~, Hx "~O^iH J#= ~fiH=Q
`e|_=. Q " #x Jxfl\ ^iOz lOK@
H+`~=x _ J `e=K#. W\
H+`~"# u Ki#"~, ^~x Q"#_
''"^= ~fiO J< *#= HeQ k
^# KQ === *<^", P
`~"` Q"#x H$HQQ, "iH ~
H+`~"# ux K~@ ^==`Ok.
^qH u (*# O^#) #O_




K~= u (^~# =` u)K~ =~,

''"^= ~fiO Jx ukOz#
"H= *#= J`=~=. WO` =Y`
Q H= ~ OH#= H=.
|N J=~"k |} nH` Q~
~"# +, =K# ^ ~= Z<fl
^ < Q " # ~ K # K ~ . w` ,
Q=`=Q Hxfl H= ~ " # `Q
WOw++ "~= " ~ ''"^=
~ fi O J#fl ~ z#fl O H # Q O ^ =
K i < fl~ . D Q O ^ = ^
L Q _ ` O^ x Pt < fl#. "iH
P~~Q=` @, ~ QO^= z=~
H= K|_# =_ kOK=x
Q"#x i<fl#. fi.



flfl fl U
fl U c fl L
Sloka :
Vasudeva sutam, devam, kamsa
chanoora mardanam
Devaki paramaanandam, krishnam
vande, jagadgurum.

LII ~fi`~[u `# H Q
^O|, xK<
Lifix uK xzK ^O|k,
'~fi="^=_# *#= xK
^O|, |>^<
~fixH[Q`uH ye, JOH`qz

Oh! Krishna! the son of "Vasudeva", Oh!

Lord! who destroyed "Kamsa" and
wrestler "Chanoora", Oh! the child who
gives immense happiness to "Devaki" Oh!
the "Jagadguru" I bow unto thee.

The feet that are worshipped by Goddess

Parvati, The feet that come to the rescue
of mother earth, The feet that give the
divine knowledge that "Vasudeva" is
everything, such feet I will hold and
dedicate this to that Almighty and Lord of



My "English Prodigy" is negligible. Be-

H$`[` =O[e

cause of his help only I did this Job satisfactorily. For such a good friend Sri

`II `` O^~ ~= `e w`
^=# * ~=` =~= QO\
~=KO^=iu fl^==O^
Q=`xQ =iu Qqk.

PII POQ+\ = JO`O` =`"

J~# < "# "~
'q`=~# "OH@ fiqH
"=O^#= KO\.

Venkata Swamy I am bowing thousand


HOII cg~ =ix

< == Q_, J`_ <`_=@<
D "^= `=
hqk< *KO\x^ H$`".
Dr. BVSR Murthy is the inspiration for
this work. Is it possible for me to praise
him! Because of the fact he worked so
hard this "Vaasudevah Sarvam" is
completed. It is my great luck.




"^= ~fi"
1. II

1. H

|~}O |q
|Qfl |} `"II
|= `# Q#=O
|H~ =k< II

(4 - 24)

Oh! Arjuna! In a sacrifice to seek "Brahma" a great

"Agnikarma" is done. The ladle with which
"oblation" is poured into the "Fire" as well as "Fire"
are Brahma" The oblation is also "Brahma". That
"Sacrifice" is also "Brahma". Finally "Brahma" is
the "Goal" aimed at, such "Sacrifice".


`II [ H~= LyOK|_ "k

^#= |= Jx `e=#.
== [~|_# ^== _
|" JQ#. Jyfl_ |". =#
H _ |". D |H~ O^
` _
O_ wfi~ x ^fi~ O^^y #
[= _ |".




2. H


=O u ~fi`
~fiO K =~ uI
`O # }q
K " # }u II


Arjuna! He who finds "ME" as Universal

self in all beings and all beings existing
within "Me" is neither lost to "Me" , nor I
am lost to him. He belongs to "ME" and I
belong to him.


`II F J~<! Z=~` ##fl ~fi=#O^#,

~fi=# <O^# ^iOKQ_ J\
^# _# x H <# Z#fl\ H O_ #,
J`_ # < O_ _ ("_ <"_,
<# "x"_x Jx ==).



3. H

=` ~`~O <#`
HOz^ ^#O[ I
=~ ~fiq^O `O
` =}Q} W= II


Oh! Arjuna! other than "Me", there is
nothing existing in this entire universe.
Like a thread passing through Gemstones in an ornament, every thing in this

`II F ^#O[! <#QH J#"# ^k#

D qfi=O^K @#^ . =} ~=#O^
=}# O k O K ^~ = = D
qfi=# <# P^~", H#OKH<
qfi=#O`# OkOz <fl_#.

entire "Universe" is "threaded" on "Me".



4. II

4. H


~2= HO`
2 t~I
| M ~+O #$+ II

Oh! Arjuna! In water, I am in the form

"Virility" in all the men is nothing but "Me".

`II Of`_"# F J~<! h\O^e

~`<`# (`$xK~z) <<. xOy##fl
~KO^HOux <<. "^=xfl\
O^# ''FOH~=# <<. PH=
#O^#fl |=# <<. ~+O^#fl
~+=# (O`fi=#) <<.



of"flavour". I am the bright "Radience" of

both the "Moon" and the "Sun". "OM", the
sacred syllable in all the "Vedas" is also
"Myself". The sound in "Akasa" and

5. II

5. H

} QO^ $k"O K
`[ q= I
r=#O ~fi`+
` `fi+ II



Oh! Arjuna! I am the pure "odour" in

"Earth". I am the brightness in "Fire".
I am the "Life" of all beings. I am the

`II F J~<! qO^#fl q`"# "#

<<. JyflO^#fl `[# _ <<.
~fi }x K` # =xK r=Hx <<.
`^# H `Hx << =!

"Austerity" in all the "Acetics" who are

called "Tapaswins".



6. II

6. H


c[O =O ~fi`<O
qk ~ <`#"I
|k ~k=` =
`[[fi<=" II

Oh! Arjuna! know ME as the eternal

"seed" of all beings existing in the
Universe. I am "Intelligence" of the
Intelligent. I am the "Glory" of glorious


`II F ~ ! ##fl = ` =
<`#= fi`= J~# c[=Q
<~OQ=. *=O`x [# <<
=! J^ q^=Q `*=O`O^#fl
`[# <<.

7. II
7. H

|O |=`O KO
H=~Qq=i`" I
^~q~^ `+
H"2 ~`~ II


Oh! The best of Bharata race! I am
"passion free might" of the mighty; and in
all living beings I am in the form of sexual
desire that does not conflict with "virtue"

`II F ~`, J~<! |=O`O^i

O^#fl ~Q, H= =#x |=#
<<. ~fi}O^ Q ^~ |^"#
H== _ << J~ L<fl#.

or "vedic scriptures".



8. II

8. H


K= u fiH "
~[= I
=` U"u `< qk
# `fiO `+ ` =~ II

There are three qualities common to all

people. They are "sattvika" the quality of
"Goodness", "Rajas" the quality of
"Action" and finally "Tamas" the quality
of "sleepy" which is "Inaction".Arjuna!
know that all those qualities evolve from
ME. But actually neither I exist in them
nor do they exist in 'ME'.

`II F J~< uQ}`H"# ufiH, ~[

=i `= ==xfl <=<
r= HQK#fl=x QOK=. Hx,
^~= Q P =# <O^ =`=
= . < # # "\ O^ # . < #
uQ}f`_#x `H#=.

9. H

9. II


= ``q^O ~fiO
[Q^=H=i< I
=`x ~fi`x
# KO `+fi=` II

Oh! Arjuna! whole of this universe is

permeated by My divinity without any
manifistation. All beings dwelve in Me on
My design but in reality I am not present
in them.

`II F J~<! x~H~ ~|<# <K`< D

[Q`O`# i~" xO_ #flk.
JO^ }xfl# < OH=K`
J^ P^~=Q <O^ JO`~`"
#flq. Hx "==Q <# "\O^
=`= Wq_#.



10. H

10. II

Oh! Arjuna! I am "Vedic Ritual"(Kratu). I

JO H`~O [
J=yfl~O `"II

am the sacrifice (Yajna) also. I am the

offering made to the departed souls. I am
the food grains and Herbal Medication. I
am the "Sacred Mantra". I am the Ghee
used for "Agnikarya" and also sacred

`II F J~<! << H`=#, << [=#,

'fi^# <<. =O`=, $`=_
<<. << Jyflx. =H _ << =.

"Agni" itself. Verily I am the "Act of offering

into the Fire as well.



11. II

11. H


`= [Q`
=` ^` `= I
"^O q`"OH~
|H= A~= K II

Oh! Arjuna! I am the commander and

supreme Ruler of this universe. I am the
Father, Mother and also the Grand Father
of it. I am "Om" the sacred symbol and
also the three Vedas namely "Ruk",
"Yajus" and "Sama".

`II D = [Q`# ^iOK"_Q ^`#

<<. ~ fi H~ "OQ#k# <<.
J> D [Q u ` #, =` #,
`=_# _ <<. `e H#=
"_# <<. q`"# FOH~=# _
<<. |H, =, A~fi^= _ <<.



12. H


12. II
Qu~~ H
x" ~}O $`
= #O
x^#O c[==" II

Oh! Arjuna! I am the ultimate goal, and

Lord of every being. Also I am the
"witness", "Abode", "Refuge" and
"Well-wisher" of every one, without any
selfish motive. I am the origin and end of
everything. I am the resting place, storehouse of all beings. I am the imperishable
-seed to which they return at the time of
Universal destruction.

`II F J~<! ~=Qu# ~O^== <<.

[Q` ~
#, + _# <<. JO^iH
fiqh, ^`# <<. ~fi
x" #=, ~}= O^^y#"_#,
Hx <<. `H~=OKx `
^`# <<. JO^i =`u.
`=# <<. "i uH P^~=,
x^#= =i fi` H~}= _

13. II
13. H

`==O =~O
xQ$=`$*q K I
J=$`O K= =$`
^K=~# II

am "Being" as well as "Non-being" also.

`II F J~<! ~x ~=# << `~O

* "_#. =^=#O_ h\x Q Oz
=~ ~=# =~ q =^K<fl#.
J=$`=#, =$`=# _ <<. `
(fi`"# P`) #, J`# (#fi~"#
=*=) _ <<.



Oh! Arjuna! Like "Sun" I radiate heat.

I hold back water taken from the sea and
give it back as rain, whenever I want. I
am the "Immortality" as well as "Death". I

14, 15. H

14. II |k~*#="
H= `O ^= = I
YO ^YO " 2"

"= K II


15. II JO =` `+
Oh! Arjuna! There are so many divergent
qualities in all beings like Reasoning,



Understanding, Forbearance, Veracity,

Control over Mind and Senses,
Happiness and Sorrow, Evolution and
Dissolution, Fear and Fearlessness, Nonviolence, Equanimity, contentment,
Austerity, Charity, Fame and Oblosquy.
They do evolve from "Me" only.

^#O 2I
=Ou " `<O
=` U= $^yfi^I


`II F J~<! x`H H, ^~ *#=,

"~`=, H=, `=, ^==
(WOk xQ =), = = (=<
xQ =), Y^ Y=, L` u ,
=, =, J=, JO,
=`, O`+=, `, ^#=, Hi,
JHi, J# Q}=xfl# }
KOk# qq^ ==. Wqxfl#
"\H <=# =`" HQK#flq.

16. II
16. H

J=` Q_H
J=k =^O K
`<=# U= KII


Arjuna! I am the universal seed (Atma),
in the hearts of all beings. Therefore I only
am the "Beginning", the "Middle" and also
the End of all beings.

`II F J~<! = } $^= ##fl

P` fi~_# <<. ~fi `= (})
Pk, =^ u =i JO`=#
_ <<. J#Q ~fir= $+, u,
H~_# << Jx QOK=.



17. II

17. H


Pk`<=O q+
~uO ~q~O=<I
#H`}=O jII

Arjuna! Among the twelve sons of Aditi I

am Vishnu; and the brightest sun among
all luminaries. Among "Maruths" (Winds
numbering forty nine) I am known as
"Mareechi". Among the Stars I am Lord

`II J~<! Jku a_# ^fi^k` <#

q+= #. *u fi~ <# ~_#.
#|k `qk =#= <# =szx.
#H`=O^ <# "\ Jku#

of them known as "Moon".




18. H

"^<O ="^2
^"<= "= I
WOk}O =#
`<= K`<II


Arjuna! Among Vedas, I am "Sama Veda".
Among the GODs I am famous as "Indra".
Among the organs of perception (sense)
I am known as "Mind". I am the "Chetana"
(life energy) in all beings.

`II F J~<! <# "^= = "^=#,

^=` "i Jku# WO^_#.
WOk = < # =# #.
}xfl\ O^# K`#=# <<.



19. II

19. H


~^}O OH~
q` H~H"I
=<O =H
"~ tYi}="II


Oh Arjuna! Among the eleven "Rudras"

(Gods of Destruction) I am known as
"Sankara". Among the "Yakshas" and
"Rakshasas" I am Kubera, the Lord of
wealth; among the eight Vasus, I am
"Agni" the God of fire and the famous
"Meru" among mountains.


`II F J~ < ! UH^ ~ ^ < #

OH~ _#. H~ H "i Jku #
~ _ # < # Jx Q OK =.
J+== <# Jyflx. ~fi`=
<# "~ ~fi`=x =|_K<fl#.


20. II
20. H


~^ O K =YO =O
qk ~ |$u" I
<h<=O O^
~= Q~ II

Oh Arjuna! I am known as "Brihaspati"

among all the chief priests. Among warrior
chiefs I am none other than "Skanda", the
Generalessimo of the Gods. Among the

`II F ~! ~` =Y_# |$ux

< < . <k ` ~ fi + _ ~ #
=~fiqx <<. [= ##fl
Q~=Q <~OQ=.

reservoirs I am known as ocean.



21. II

21. H


=s}O $Q~O
y~=H=H~" I
*<O [ *2
=~}O =II

Oh Arjuna! I am known as "Bhrugu"

among the great sears and in words I am
the sacred syllable "OM" (Aum). Among
holy sacrifices I am known as "Japa
Yajna". I am the great Himalayas among
sacred mountains that are immovable.


`II F J~<! =~ <# $Q =ix.

| = UHH ~ = # (J#Q
FOH~ = #). [ = < #
''[[=#. <# =~=O^
==Q ^_#.

22. H

Jfi` ~fi=$H}O
^=s}O K <~^I
QO^~fi}O z`~^
^<O H =x II


Arjuna! Among trees I am the "Aswatha"
(Fig tree). I am "Narada" among the
celestial sages. Among the Gandharvas,
I am "Chitraradha" and among Siddhas I

`II F J~<! =$H=xflO\<# Jfi`

(~qK@) =$H=#. ^=|+O^
<~^_# <<. QO^~fi z`~^_#.
^ <# H _x k *Ok<fl#.

am the sage "Kapila".



27. H


Oh Arjuna! know the fact that among the

qk ===$`^=" I
S~=`O Q*O^}O
#~}O K #~k" II

great products emerged from the


churning of ocean by "Devas" and





Uchchaisravasu the great horse, a coproduct of Necter (Amruta). Among

elephants I am mighty "Iravata", the white
elephant of Indra. Among men I am the

`II F J~<! =^=# ^= ^#=

zeH # _ Hxfl k=" # q =` u
J~#q. J\ "\ 'LK== J#
k"fi=#flk. Jk <<. ^x`< [xOz#
'S~=` = J# Q * O ^ = H ^ .
Q*O^ P S~=`=# <<. #~
##fl #$x (~A) Q `H#=.




24. H

P^<=O =[O
^#<= H=^H I
[# HO^~
~}= "H II


Arjuna! Among the weapons I am the

Thunder bolt, famous as Indra's weapon,
"Vajra". Among the heavenly cows I am
famous as "Kamadhenu". I am sexual
desire of people that helps procreation
according to "Dharma". Among the
serpents I am "Vasuki".

`II F J~ < ! P ^ = O^ < #
=*^=< WO^x =^#<fl#. J>
_= O^ <# H=^#=#.
= ` " # su O `<` u H
H~}"# =#^ _# <<. ~ = <#



25. H



J## <Q<O
=~} ^=" I
`$ }=~= K
= O=`=" II

Oh Arjuna! among the "Naga" race in serpents I am their God "Ananta" (Adi
sesha). I am none other than "Varuna"
the master of all Aquatics. Among the
manes, the gods of "Pitrus", I am known
as "Aryama". Among honest rulers I am
"Yama", the God of Justice.


`II F J~< ! <Q Pk+ _# (J#O`_)

<<. [K~= Jku# =~}_#
<<. `$ ^=` <# "i "#
P~ =_ # . O K "i < #



26. H

^ ^`<O
H H`=" I
=$Q}O K =$QO^2O
"# ` H} " II


Arjuna! I am "Prahlaada" in the race of
Daityas. Among those who maintain a
strict account, I am known as Time.
Among the quadrupeds (who walk on
Four legs) I am the Lion. Among Birds I
am "Garuda" an offspring of "Vinata".

`II F ~! ^` <# ^ _#. Q}O K

"\ <# H=#. =$Q= <#
=$Q~A J~# O=#. "\
Jku =i q#` `_# Q~ `O`_#



27. H


=# =`=
~=$`=" I
~}O =H~
`= *flg II

Arjuna! Among the purifiers, I am wind. I

am known as Ramachandra, son of
Dasaratha, among warriors. Among
fishes, I am the "Shark". Know Me as
"Ganga" (River Ganges), among streams.


`II F J~<! q`= *"x <#

=~`=#. ^~ <#
~=KO^_#. ~+= (^K)
<# =H~=#. #^ <# q`"#



28. H

=^O K"=~# I
J^`q^ q^<O
"^ =^`="II


Arjuna! I am the beginning, the middle
and the end of all creation. I am the
knowledge of soul (Atma) among
knowledges. I am correct reasoning
among the disputants.

`II F J~<! D $+HO`\ H Pk, JO`=,

=i =^= _ <<. q^
|= <iOyOK J^`q^# <<.
"^"^= `` fix~=#H K
"^=# <<.



29. H



^fiO^fi=H K I
J""H H
^`O qfi`=Y II

Arjuna! Various sounds represent various


letters. Out of those letters, I am the first

syllable "" of the alphabets. There are
different kinds of "Compounds of Words"
in grammer. Out of them I am known as
"Dwandwa (copulative compound). I am
none other than the "Endless Time God"
(Akshaya Kala). I am the sustainer of all.
I have faces on all sides.


`II F ~! JH~= 'J H~=# <<.

==O^ <# ^fiO^fi ==#.
"# H= (J#Q =H=) <<.
~fi `=Y_< q~\ ~ +xQ == #
^iOz +OKK#fl"_# <<.


30. H

=$`~fi ~"
L^= q +`" I
Hij~fiH <s}O
$u~^ ^$u H= II

Arjuna! I am in the form of "Death" that


annihilates everybody. I am the origin of

every one. I am in the form of "Keerti"
(Glory), "Sree" (Prosperity), "Vaak"
(Speech), "Smruti" (Memory), "Medha"
(Intelligence), "Dhruti" (Courage),
"Kshama" (Forgiving Nature) in the
feminine devatas.

`II F J~ < ! Jxfl }# iOK

=$`=# <<. "\ L`u `=# _
<<. ^=` Hi, N, ", $u,
"^, ^$u, H= J#|_ ~=hfl <<




31. H


|$`= `^ =flO
Qf K#=" I
=<O =~j ~2"
|`<O =H~ II

Arjuna! Among the "Srutis" that can be


"Sung" I am known as "Bruhatsaama".

Among the Vedic meters (chandas), I am
"Gayatri". Among the twelve months of
the year I am "Margaseersha" (Period
between November and December
months) Among six seasons that appear

`II F J~< ! Q#= K @ g# `

<# '|$`= "^=#. KO^
Qf KO^# <<. == <#
=~ j ~ =#. |` = = O `
|`=# <<.

in the country in the course of the year, I

am the "spring" season.


32. H

^`O K`=
[2 ==2
` fiO ` fi=`=" II


Arjuna! Among the deceitful practices,


know me as "Gambling". I am the "Glory"

of glorious people, and "Victory" of the
victorious. I am the "Resolve" of the
Resolute and Goodness of the good.

`II F ~! =OK# <# E^=#,

`[~ `[=# <<. q*`
q[=# <<. J> x`
x=# <<. u fiH ~+
u fiH`# << =!



33. H


=$+<O "^"2
O_"<O ^#O[I
=h<=O "
Hg<=< Hq II

Arjuna! In the clan of "Vrishnis", I am

"Vaasudeva". Among Pandavas I am
none other than "You" famous as
"Dhananjaya". Among sages, I am
"Vyasa". I am "Sukracharya" among the
Men of wisdom.


`II F J~<! =$+ =O <#

"^=_#. O_=
^#O[_"# h" <#. =#
"^"_# <<. H= <# J~
Q~"# HK~_#.


34. H

^} ^=`=
hu~ lw+`" I
=#O K" Q<O
*#O *#=`="II


Arjuna! Among the "punishers" who give


punishment, I am in the form of their

power. In the conquerers I am their
"Rightousness". Of the things to be kept
"Secret", I am custodiun in the form of
"Reticense". I am the wisdom in wise

`II F J~<! tHOK"i <# ^O_=#,

J#Q ^O_OK Hx . ["OKQ "i
hux <<. Q"# q+=# ~HOK
=#=# <<. J> << `` fi*# H
`` fi*#=#.



35. H



K ~fi`<O
c[O `^=~# I
# `^ q< ``
= `O K~K~" II

Arjuna! For all the beings in this universe,

the "seed" is only Myself. This is because
of the fact that there is no creature
(moving or unmoving) which can exist
without Me.


`II F J~ < ! ~ fi } @ H
H~} `" # c[=# <<. ZO^K`# O>
<# x K~K~ } Uk# $+



36. H

"~"2yfl~fi~} OH
*u fiO `= I
#" #=2 H$`fi
# 2 #" #= II
Arjuna pleads, Oh Bhagavan! You are
Vayu (the God of wind) "Yama" the God
of Death, Agni ( the God of Fire), "Varuna"
the "God of water", "Sasanka" the moonGod, "Brahma" the God of creation, and
also "Prapitamaha" the father of God
Brahma himself. Hail, hail to you one
thousand tunes. Salutations and
repeated salutations, to you.


`II J~#_ JO@<fl_.

h" "^=_=, =_=, Jyflq, =~}
^=_=, KO^_=, *u"# |=.
P |H [#_"# N=q+= _.
h "Hk #=~=, = =
#=~=. WOH# #=~=



#= ~^^ $+`

37. H

#"2 ` ~fi` U= ~fi I

J##g~q`qH= fiO
~fiO =fl+ ``2 ~fi II
Arjuna Pleads, Oh Bhagavan! Oh Lord
of infinite power! My saluations to you
right before you and even behind you. Oh
Viswaatma! (The Soul of all) my
obeisence to you, from all sides. Indeed,
you who possess infinite might and valour
pervade all. Therefore My Lord! you are
everything. I, now, knew that
"Vaasudevah Sarvam"


`II J~#_OH W JO@<fl_.
J#O`"# =~=Q F ! h
Z^ ~ Q LO_ , " # H # O_
#=iOKK<fl#. F ~fi`! h
Jxfl" #O_ #=~ = .
U##Q J#O` ~H=e"# h=
[Q`O`@# "Oz <fl=. Jxfl
~= hq !

fl: fl

"^= ~fi"

II J""""Q <#^` ^`~"I
1 ^ O ^`K 2=t+`2"II

1. H

(Bhagavan said thus to Brahma. This is
the first of "Chatusloki Bhagavatam)
Only I was the beginning of this
creation. Except Me there is no "Micro
object" or "Macro Object" or ignorance
responsible for their being. I was there
prior to this creation. Every visible shape
is Myself. Anything remaining, after
pralaya this creation is also Myself.

''K`H Q=`= Wk "^\ H=

`II D $ + P~ O = # < # =` "
L#fl"_#. <# QH ##flqOK Ju
H "#k Qx, Ju "#k Qx, Jq
LO_@ H~}`"# J*#= Qh
xez O_^. D$+H ~fi= _
<#O\x. QK~=Q U PH~"< <<.
nx `~fi` qyeO_#^^< _ <<.



2,3. H
With mind, speach, eyes and acts of other
organs if My worship is done by serving
them, it will give correct and direct result.
If one does not do this, he can never
escape from "Kalapaasam" fetters of time
of this unsurmountable"Moha".
(5-5-26, 27)
All the moving and non-moving beings in
this creation are the body of "Paramatma"
(God) only. Those who think like that with
very pure intellect, and if they serve those
beings, that "service" is my real worship.






incornation of God taught this Jnana

to his sons in presence of all great
sages collected before him to know
Brahma Jnana)


2. II
~fi} =k+` =k
K~} `x `^$"}I
Oq`"x ^ ^ "
q=H ^$y^~}O"II
3. II
=<=K ^$H~}`
H` $`O " i|i}O
q< =< # =q"`
`II D[Q`x K~K~ }hfl_ <
(Q=O`x H) s~=Q< qOz
i^"# |k` "\ = K@


< (Q=O`x) x["# [. =#K`,

=@ K`, KK` J<Ok=
K+K` "xx W@ lOK@ H`
= <OQ#k. W@ KO_#K
="= H=#O_ q=H
O^@ J^=.
(Q=O`x J=`~"# =$+ ^=_
|*## =# =H=# `#
` K# *#^).


4. H

I bow to "Brahma Jnanis" even if they are
very old aged, or kids or youngsters or
"playful children". I bow to "Avadhootas"
who can be identified very easily, even if
they are rich arrogantly kings. Doing such
act always pays good dividends and
brings good luck.
(The king of Sindh by name
"Jadabharata" as a great avadhoota,
the "Jnana" personified. With the
vision of Jnana he speaks like thus).

4. II
#" =^2 #= t
#"= #= P =@
}Q==^` eOQ
K~Ou` t== ~*"
`II | *## ==$^, t=,
=, H_ # , J#
Z~Qx |fi~# J=^`
Sfi~=^#`< ~A `=
#=iOK@ H} ^=.
([_~`_ J=^` Jx QiOKQ<
O^~A ~Q}_ *<^O Ok
#_q# ....)


5. II

("PRAHLADA" is praising lord Narasimha
in this way)
"Five" basic elements (Earth, Water, Fire,
Air and Ether), "Five" senses (Hearing,
Taste, Vision, Smell and Touch); "Five"
denominations of "Prana" famously
known as "Pancha Pranas"; Ten organs
(karmendriyas and Jnanendriyas) like
hands, legs, mouth etc; mind; reasoning;
ego; complete universe; The qualities of
Saguna and Nirguna; are all nothing but
"you" the Paramatma. Whatever that is
proved by "Mind" (Manas) and "Speach"
is also "You", the Paramatma and nothing

5. II
`fiO "~yfl~=xifi ^O| =`
}Ok} $^O z^#QI
~fiO `fi"= Q} qQ}=<
<#` `fi^ =<=K x~H"II
`II OK`=, OK`<`, OK
}=, ^ O k =, =# ,
z`= , JOH~=, O~[ Q` , Q },
x~} `` fi=, "^#q Jxfl#
~=`"# h". =# " ^fi~
~= `<# hHO>
J#= H^.
(^_ #$Ofiqx u eH#

but, that.


6. H

(At the time of Sri Krishna's birth, Devaki
Devi prays him who appeares before her
as Vishnu) In Almighty God's creation, all
the Universe did originate from Him. Once
lord Brahma's life-period is over because
of the influence of "Kalachakra" (Time
Cycle), Five basic elements (Pancha
Bhootas) disappear in "Ahankara" (Sense
of Mine). Ahankara then disappears into
"Mahat Tattwa" finally it disappears into
"Prakriti" (Nature). The nature disappears
into the Almighty. Then, "only You"
(Parama Purusha) will remain.
In this way Vaasudeva is sarvam (every


6. II
#+H kfi~~=<
=` fik `O Q`+I
=H2=HO H"Q# `
"<H t+` +O[II
`II Q"#x $+x H=O^e ~fi=
P##OK L^qOz#q. |^=x
P= xO_Q< HKH ==K`,
O K ` = J OH~ = #,
J OH~ = = ` ` fi =#,
=``fi= H$u#, H$u h#
b#"Q ~=`"# h= =`"
qyeO^=. D q^=Q ~fi=
~=` JQ#.
(NH$+[## ==# ^=H ^q K#
~=` u)

7. H

7. II
^$+O `O `=^q+`
fli+~^HO KI
q<K`^fi `~O # "KO
U= ~fiO ~=~`II

Things belonging to the Past Present and
Future, whether they are movable or
immovable, whether they are superior or
inferior, they are all the Almighty, Lord
Sri Krishna only. Any thing we either
heard or seen about those things is also
that "Paramatma". There is nothing
different or other than "Vaasudeva". He
is the Universal Truth. Uddhava, Sri
Krishna's close associate comes to
Yasoda and Nanda Gopa, and explains
to them that Krishna is Paramatma

`II ` q+^fi~=# H= KOk#

=~ [OQ==, Q"< H J"#
== J~<, "\QiOz =#=
q#flq, H#flq Jxfl# NH$+xHO>
a#fl"#q H=. NH$+x HO> J#"#^n
^. NH$+_ ~=~ `=.
(NH$+_ OQ '=[ ^ = # =z#
L^=_ ^ #O^Q NH$+x
~=` `` fi=# `K eH#



8. H

Sky, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Planets,
Stars, Prana (Life), Sides like East, West,
North, South etc., Trees, Tree products
and Rivers are all nothing but the "Body"
of the Almighty God. In all these forms
the Lord Himself is existing and showing
Himself. The person who understands
this concept knows that all the beings in
front of him with or without life are nothing other than "Vaasudeva" and with this
feeling he bows to all of them.
(A noble sage called "Kavi" comes to
king of "Videha" by name "Nimi" and
explains the nature of "Paramatma"
(The God Almighty).

8. II
YO "=yflO eO =OK
*fO+ ` fix k^=n<
i`=^O ~ s~O
` HOK `O}"^ ##II
`II D PH=, "=, Jyfl, [=, $kfi,
Q #H `= }=, k, =$H= ,
=#`, #^ Jxfl Q"#x
s ~ " . Jxfl~ = fi =Q
Q " #_ H@ " O\_. Dq^= Q
`#fl"_ `# Z^~Q L#fl},
}=x ==xfl Q"#x H#fl
"~ H=< ==` "\H #=i_.
('Hq J# wfi~_ q^~A 'xq
H K# ~=` `` fiO.)


9. H

He who can visualize the God Almighty
as "Atmaswaroopa" and experiences Him
in all the living beings, in all material things
without bothering about their greatness
or meanness, is noble and real "Bhagavat
bhakta". He only can know and have the
Paramatma's vision. He is the favourite
choise of the Lord Almighty.
(A great sage called "Hari" comes to
king of "Videha" named "NIMI" and explains the phylosophy (Tattava) of

9. II
~fi`+ ^Q=^==`#
`x Q=``<+ Q=``=II
`II Z=_` = }#, ^~= #,
#<kH`# \OKH P` fi~_#
Q"#x J#=~fiH=Q `Hx
^iOKQ Q`_, J`_ L`= Q=`_.
J`_ Q"#xH ~= u`_
(W@ 'i J# wfi~_ q^~A
'xqH kOK#).



10. H

Whatever a man conceives by Mind or
Speech or Vision or other origans, all
"that" is Myself, indeed. There is nothing
different from Me. You people can understand this only by "Tattva" Analysis. So,
know Me in that way "Vaasudeva" is
"Sarvam" (everything).
(The "Lord" Almighty, appears as
"HAMSA" (Swan) before the Four great
sages called Sanaka, Sanandana,
Sanatkumara and gave this superior
knowledge (Gnana bodha).

10. II
=#=K ^$ Q$`2<~OkI
J"= # =`2#ku |^^fi=O[II
`II =# K ` , " K ` , ^ $ + K ` ,
J< Ok =K ` =#+ _ ^ x x
QOK< J^O` << =! <HO>
"~ Q J#"q# ^ . Wk g~ `` fi
qK~= ^fi~ `H#_. Dq^=Q
~fi= "^=_ Jx K|_#k.
(W@ Q=O`_ 'O ~=# =z
#H #O^<^ L^= K#)


11. H

11. II
="= ~fi`+ |~O` ~=$`"
DH``x K`#O ^Y==
The Ether (Sky) is spread in all the things
both in and out. Similarly "Vaasudeva"
(The God Almighty) is present in all the
things spreading both inside and outside.
But people with pure and untainted
conciousness only can visualise

`II 'PH= Jxfl\O^ |@

"Oz L#fl@ Q"#_ Jxfl\
|@ q $`=Q "Oz <fl_ . ^
JO`H~} Q ^_ `# $^O
~= `# ~ q^= Q ^i LO\_.
(W@ NH$+_ L^=# kOK#).

"Paramatma" like wise.

("Sri Krishna' taught like this to




12. H

12. II
Wu ~fi} `x =^"# =^`I
[< =#=<*#OH==t`II
} < |}2~ eOQHI
J~ ~HK= =^$H O_`=`II

In the following four "Slokas" Lord Sri

Krishna explains to his friend "Uddhava"
the result of understanding the concept
that explains "Vaasudevah Sarvam"
Uddhava o! man of Pure heart!, he who
understands that "Vaasudeva" is everything,
can see in all beings and things only the
Almighty. He knows that all their forms are
actually God's forms. That is why he respects
everyone as he respects the God. For him a
Braahmin, an untouchable, a thief, a devotee,
a kind hearted man, a cruel man, sun or
fragments of fire are all equal and each is
respected as he respects God himself. Such
a person is a "Jnaani". This is the result of
knowing "Vaasudevah Sarvam"

`II x~"# |kQ L^"! "^=_ ~fiO

J< *#^$+`, Z=~` Jxfl }#,
^~= # #<fl ^i LO\~, "\
~ = hfl <" # x "\ x ##fl
Q~ q Oz#> Q~ q LO\~,
}< KO_~<, K~<,
} < ^~ $^<,
~ < , ~ _ < , z#fl z#fl
xC~=fi<, LKhK ^== H
KO\~ P< x["# *x. Wk
''"^= ~fi " Jx `e#O^= HeQ




13. H

13. II
#~+ficHO =^=O O=`2z~`I
~ u~~ OH~ qx II
In all the Men and Women, I (Paramatma)
am existing always as "Antaryami". With
this concept in mind, a devotee can get
rid of the ideas of Revenge, Jealousy,
hatred, repulsion, wickedness in his heart,
that too very quickly.
This is the benefit of resolving to the idea,

`II ~ + O^ i # x~ O ` ~ =
~ = ` < # < < L<fl# J< =#
HeyO>, P ^x z`= ~,
D~, u~~, JOH~k ^+=#
Ju `fi~ #tOz`~. "^= ~fi "
J< =# H"iH Wk ^#\ e`=.

that "Vaasudeva" is everything.



14. H


14. II
q$[=<< fi< ^$O g_OK^ H"
}"K^O _=^ ="fiKO_ QY~" II

The "Bhakta" who understands the


"Vasudevah Sarvam" concept, will not

bother whether a particular person is
good or bad (He does not look at the person with the concept of body or social
He does not feel "shy" to bow down with
humility even to an untouchable, a cow,

`II "^=~fi ", Jx `e#"_ H^$ +`

[# q_z, ^^$+` '=Oz"_
=i 'K_" _ J< ^ = # \OK_ .
H, KO _#, Q=# Q_^ =^
`~`== <OKH, OQ #=~=
K#. J`_ x["# r=#_.

a dog and a donkey.



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