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Summer, Year 2 [NSUMMER2]

2nd Summer
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
Season's Goals:
* Get the Cheese Maker
* Get the Yarn Maker
* Unlock the Pumpkin crop
* Get the Hothouse
* Get 1 Power Berry
Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Tend to the cows and sheep
* Tend to the chickens
* Harvest and sell ripened crops
* Forage (You should now save all of the foraged foodstuffs in the fridge;
don't forget to chop lumber, too!)
* Water the crops
* Cut the grass
Predicted Season's Expenses: About 80,000G
Predicted Season's Profits: About 100,000G
Summer 1
Opening Day is today. If you missed the Power Berry last year, you have
another shot at getting it this year. The contest is still just as hard as
it was before, though.
NOTE: As with last season, no specific dates are given for getting the two
Maker machines or the Hothouse. Get them when money is available for them.
Summer 2
Buy 12 bags of Onion Seeds, 1 bag of Corn Seeds, and (if you didn't store
any Tomatoes last year) 1 bag of Tomato Seeds. Plant 4 of the bags of
Onion Seeds, as well as the Pineapple, Corn, and Tomato Seeds. Plant all
12 bags of Pink Cat Seeds on the far side of the farm. Be sure to refresh
the Onion plots as harvests are made.
Summer 7
The Sumo Chicken Festival has arrived again. Enter your second-best hen
(seeing as your first should've won last year), and win again this year.
Some time soon, Anna should show up and ask to pick flowers. Let her, and
she'll give you the last Power Berry.
Summer 12
The Tomato Festival is back. Attend if you'd like, but don't feel
pressured to.
Summer 20
The Cow Festival is today. Enter your original cow, and watch as it
begins producing Gold Milk. Yum.
Summer 24
The Fireworks Display is today. Watch it with your best girl if you want.
Summer 30
The last day of the season, and the checkpoint. Make sure you have all of
the season's goals met, then start in on Fall.

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