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All purpose flour cup

Baking soda teaspoon

Baking powder 1 teaspoon
Salt a pinch (1/8 teaspoon)
Butter 3 talespoons
!hocolate chips 1 " cups **Notes
Applesauce " cup **Notes
Sugar " cup
#ot water $ talespoons
%ure &anilla e'tract 1 teapoon
Chocolate chips Instead of chocolate chips, you can use 8 oz Semi-sweet
chocolate of your choice. I had some Herseys chocolate chips sitting in my pantry
and I wanted to use that so I hae used that. !ut semisweet chocolate will also
wor"s perfect for this recipe.
Applesauce I hae used store #ought applesauce. !ut you use homemade too.
$ets %uic"ly go through how to ma"e applesauce at home& peel, core and cut '
medium apples. (oo" them with ) ta#lespoons of water on low heat till coo"ed
*a#out +, minutes-. .ash it with potato masher until it gets smooth.
1( %reheat the o&en to 3)* degree + or 18* degree !(
$( ,ightl- utter or spra- with non.stick cooking spra- 8'8 inch aking pan( ,ine it with
parch/ent paper with sides up( So it will e eas- to lift up after it akes( Again utter or
spra- the parch/ent paper(
3( 0ake all purpose flour1 aking powder1 aking soda and salt in a owl( 2i' it well and keep
it aside till needed(
3( 0ake utter and chocolate in a owl( 2elt in the /icrowa&e for 3* seconds( (4ou can /elt
the/ - using doule oiler /ethod()
)( 0he- are /elted ut - look the- are not /elted totall-( 0hen whisk it with wire whisk till it
gets s/ooth(
5( 0ake apple sauce and sugar in large enough owl( 6hisk it till sugar dissol&es( 0hen add
hot water and &anilla e'tract( 2i' it well(
7( 0hen add /elted chocolate(
8( 6hisk it well till it gets incorporated well( 8o not o&er eat it ecause we don9t want to get
air in the atter (ecause we want chew- rownie not like cake)
:( 0hen add dr- ingredients( And /i' it with spatula till co/ined(
1*( %our the atter into prepared pan( ;&en it out with utter knife and tap the pan on counter
top few ti/es to get rid of air ules(
11( Bake it into preheated o&en for $).3* /inutes( !heck it - inserting a toothpick in the
center and it will co/e with few /oist cru/s(
1$( ,et the rownie cool co/pletel- in the pan on wire rack( As it cools it will deflate a it( But
don9t worr- it is perfectl- fine(
13( 0hen pop it into the refrigerator for 1 hour efore cutting(
13( 0hen re/o&e rownie out of the pan with the help of parch/ent paper(
1)( And cut the/ into : e<ual pieces or as per -our desire si=e and ser&e(

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