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Elected Positions for the Executive Committee of the HKSRFUR 2014/1

!"#E P$S%&%$! PR$P$SER SEC$!'ER

()rren !eedh)m
Peter (hite
'ou*ie She)rer

+ohn Findl),

St)n H)rm)n
&o-i .othi)n
"lex //

Ro- P)tton
President 0uno11osed2
3ice President 0uno11osed2
&re)surer 0uno11osed2
Secret)r, 0uno11osed2
Fixtures 0uno11osed2
Elected $ffici)l
Elected $ffici)l
Elected $ffici)l
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+ohn Findl),
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'ou*ie She)rer
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&o-i .othi)n
()rren !eedh)m
()rren !eedh)m
+ohn Findl),
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'ou*ie She)rer

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