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Screen Scrapping

Screen Scrapping is a computer software program that goes to different websites and
extracts information. It can be view as the robot for collecting useful information over internet.
The operation can be achieved by using different tools and techniques. It can be implemented
using low level http protocol or using high en browsers.
Web scrapping can be applied for transforming unstructured data over internet (in html
format) into structured format in local database or in spreadsheet
Web scrapping simulates human browsing using some codes or softwares. Typically it can be
used for comparing prices of different products, Weather monitoring, New updates etc.
Different tools for Web or Screen Scrapping are:
1. Text grepping and regular expression matching
2. HTTP programming and Socket Programming
3. DOM Parsing
4. Screen Scraping Softwares
5. Semantic annotation recognizing
6. Computer vision web-page analyzers
Screen Scraping
I am using Google Chromes Extension Scraper for scraping web information. The procedure for
applying this technique is shown below in different figures:
I have referenced the site:
ledamot/Bokstavsordning/ for scraping the information.


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