Embassy of Belgium in Cairo: 20, Kamel El Shennawi Street, Garden City, 11511 Cairo

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Embassy Of Belgium In Cairo

20, Kamel El Shennawi street, Garden City, 11511 Cairo

+ (20) (2) 279 47 494 495 ! 49"
+ (20) (2) 279 25 9"" (#isa)
Visa Information Menu
1) General information
! .o / need a #isa0
! 1here, when and how to a&&ly0
! 2isa /n)ormation System (2/S) )in-er&rints 3 di-ital &hoto-ra&h
! S$hen-en States
- 4orms
- 5hoto s&e$i)i$ations
! 6ra#el ins7ran$e
! /ns7ran$e $om&anies
- 87thenti$ation o) do$7ments
! 9inistry o) 4orei-n a))airs :e-alisation;s o))i$es
! St7dies* -eneral in)ormation
! 8-reed &hysi$ians
- Cons7lar 4ees 3 E<$han-e rate =&dated 12+09+1>
! E=, EEE or Swiss Con)ederation 4amily mem'er
- /n ?el-i7m
! 8&&eal;s &ro$ed7re
2) Visa short stay (!hengen)
- General re@7irements to 'e s7'mitted 'y a&&li$ants
- :ist o) s7&&ortin- do$7ments to 'e s7'mitted 'y a&&li$ants )or short stay #isas
1. Compulsory information to be presented by all visa applicants
2. Applicants travelling for the purpose of tourism
3. Applicants travelling for business
4. Applicants travelling for the purpose of carrying out paid activities or internship
5. Applicants travelling for the purpose of visiting family/friends
6. Applicants travelling for the purpose of medical treatment
. Applicants travelling for the purpose of cultural/sports events
! Coha'itation
!isa "nformation # $enu
1+2 =&dated 12+09+201>
! /n #iew o) marria-e
") Visa long stay (Belgium)
! 4amily re7nion with an E= mem'er
! 4amily re7nion with a non E= mem'er
! 4amily re7nion with a st7dent
! 5ro)essional Card (sel) em&loyer)
! Aesear$her
! St7dy
! 1or, 5ermit (1or, as em&loyee)
#) O$en !onsultation
! Ae#ision o) the #isa $ode
A.H. 29+09+2012
!isa "nformation # $enu
2+2 =&dated 12+09+201>

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