Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites

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Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites!

Miss CandiQuik Recipe adapted from Joy the Baker
rep time:1 hour !" mins
#ota$ time:1 hour !" mins

1 stick (1/2 C) butter, melted
1 cup plus 2 Tablespoons all purpose flour
teaspoon baking soda (for flavor)
dash of salt
cup brown sugar
cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla e!tract
cup "reek #ogurt (replaces eggs)
cup (or to taste) semi$sweet chocolate chips
1 package (1% o&') Chocolate C()*+,-+. Coating
(optional/ add white chocolate chips and chopped walnuts0)
1' +n a large mi!ing bowl, cream the sugars and butter together until well
mi!ed, beat in the #ogurt (or applesauce or p'b') and vanilla e!tract until
2' 1i! the flour, salt, and baking soda and add this to the butter/sugar
mi!ture' 2tir until well combined, and fold in the chocolate chips (and nuts if
#ou wish)'
3' 2coop spoonfuls onto wa! paper and shape into balls' 2pear each cookie
dough ball with a toothpick (lollipop stick, small fork, etc') and place in the
free&er for at least 1 hour'
4' 5hen read# to dip the cookie dough balls, melt C()*+,-+. according to
directions on the package and dip the cookie dough bites in the coating,
placing back on the wa! paper to dr#'
6' 7est served cold from the fridge'
(tip/ #ou can also use peanut butter or applesauce in place of the greek #ogurt0)
8o# the 7aker recipe/ http///9o#thebaker'com/2:1:/:%/chocolate$chip$cookie$

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