Homework Activity A

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Homework activity A (B3-L1)

Complete the sentences using someboy! anyboy an noboy?

1. Did you talk to today at school? No, I talked to .

2. My sister was very sad because visited her at the hospital.
3. I think needs to do somethin about this problem.
!. Does here know how to speak "erman and #apanese?
I think knows.
$. I don%t know that lives in New &ork.
'. Is oin home now?
(. I%m very sad because talked to me at school this mornin.
). told me that she worked at *i+ard last year.
,. My brother always likes to o out with nice and pretty.
1-. .he teacher said that came to class yesterday because it was
11. called you this mornin, but I don%t know who it was.
12. Did you meet interestin at the party last niht?
No, I met .
13. My mother doesn%t have to help her to clean the house.
1!. My /ather needs to work with him at the o//ice,
but wants to work with him because he%s borin.
Continue the sentences:
1. Nobody .
2. I know somebody that .
3. Did anybody ?

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