Homework Activity K

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Homework activity K (B3-L21)

Follow the models:

a) I/to speak/five languages. (Can)
I can speak five lan!aes.
b) She/not to go/ to the movies with us tonight. (Can)
"he can#t o to the movies with !s toniht$
1. I/to speak/with you now. (Can)
2. You/to call/me tomoow! please" (Coul#)
$. I /to go out/ with my fien#s this weeken#! mom" (Can)
%. &hey/not to watch/ &' until late when they wee chil#en. (Coul#)
(. She/not to be/you siste. She is vey #iffeent fom you. (Can)
). You/to come/ hee fo a moment! please" (Coul#)
*. I/not to stay/hee because my boss is about to aive. (Can)
+. ,y siste/not to live/ alone! because she #epen#s too much on ou paents.
-. .e/to close/the win#ows now" Sue/ (Can)
10. I1m afai# you/not to stop/ woking now. (Can)

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