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Republic of the Philippines )

______________ City )) s.s.

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x

I, Bastian Miguel Y. Loongo , !ilipino citi"en, of legal age, single, an# a
$esi#ent of %&'( )ecena *t. +$,ongbato -alen"uela CIty, afte$ been #uly
s/o$n in acco$#ance /ith la/, he$eby #epose an# say0

&. 1hat obtaine# a 1ax I#entification 2ube$ 31I24 f$o the Bu$eau of Inte$nal
Re.enue 3BIR4 using the e-facility last +ugust '5&67

'. 1hat /ithout p$ope$ gui#ance an# ,no/le#ge about the p$ocess, I
unintentionally selecte# the 8p$ofessional9business: catego$y7

6. 1hat such action /as #one without malice an# in good faith fo$ the
un#e$signe# has $eally no $egiste$e# business in -alen"uela City o$ else/he$e in
the Philippines7
;. Lastly, the +ffiant siply /ants to get a local eployent $e<ui$eent.

!u$the$ +ffiant sayeth none.

I2 =I12>** =?>R>@!, I ha.e he$eunto affixe# y signatu$e this &6th
#ay of Aune, '5&; in -alen"uela Philippines.

B*ignatu$e of +ffiant o.e$ P$inte# 2ae)

*CB*CRIB>) +2) *=@R2 befo$e e this &6th #ay of Aune '5&; by
Bastian Miguel Y. Loongo /ho exhibite# to e his C1C 2o. 5DE('DD; issue#
on Aune F, '5&; at -alen"uela City

2ota$y Public

)oc. 2o. .........0
Page 2o. .........7
Boo, 2o. .........7
*e$ies of '5__.

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