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President, George Hill called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

There were 13 people in

George asked if anone had an changes to the min!tes that were posted on the we"site.
#o changes were reported.
George reported that he had emailed to all mem"ers which he had an email address for
the cl!"$s link to %h!tterfl which will allow cl!" mem"ers to !pload pict!res from
shows, etc. He has loaded &1' pict!res from the %mithfield show and se(eral pict!res
from the show in #orth )arolina. *s he !pdates his email list he will send the email to
all paid mem"ers.
The Treas!rer$s report was gi(en " +imm as follows: Total mone in the checking
acco!nt is ,--..&- and there is ,.00.'. in PaPal which will "e transferred to checking
on the first of the month. There were two checks written that ha(e not cleared et which
are a check for ,10/..3 for 0ee"l and ,3.0.00 for the cl!" ins!rance.
There are c!rrentl 3/ cl!" mem"ers with the newest mem"er "eing 0illiam )or"in.

The 1P))) meeting was held on +!ne 1-th. )harlie 2aniels of )harlie 2aniels 3acing
(ol!nteered to step in and fill the office of President. He was (oted on and appro(ed "
the mem"ers present. 3o" *le4ander of the Penins!la 10 )l!" has (ol!nteered to stand
in for 5arr Hanson pending 5arr$s health reco(er. 6or Mc)ormack will "e the
distri"!tion and contact person for 1P))). The contact information is (
or 7.78'-7813.-.
The 1irginia 6all )lassic 9:cto"er &;, &. <&/= planning meetings are the second
Th!rsda of each month at 7:00 at the )omfort >nn near Patrick Henr Mall in #ewport
#ews, 1*. Please feel free to attend.
Peninsula Mustang Enthusiast
Its more than a mustang club, its a family.
PME Meeting Minutes for June 26, 2014
Wynne Ford, Hampton, VA
The following is a list of !pcoming e(ents: 9most information can "e fo!nd at
+!ne &', &01; ? This show "eing chaired " @o"" %haron will "e held at The Agg @istro
in %!ffolk, 1* from 10:00*M to &:00PM with proceeds to "enefit The Healing Place of
Hampton 3oads. There will "e 3- classes with participant (oting with awards "eing
presented for 1
, &
and 3
places. There will also "e a 2+, a few silent a!ction items
and a .0B.0 raffle.
The C!aker %teak and 5!"e )r!ise >ns are still going on e(er %!nda "!t the time has
changed to 3:00PM ? ':00 PM. The are seeking (ario!s car cl!"s in the area to ha(e a
cl!" night. 0e will tr to come !p with a plan.
+!l ;
&01; ? The D;
of +!l )ar %howE sponsored " the )lassic )r!isers )ar )l!" at
%hort$s 2iner in 0illiams"!rg. This will "e the final farewell to Hal and @eth who ha(e
mo(ed to %o!th )arolina.
+!l 11
, &01; #ational )ollector )ar *ppreciation 2a will "e held at )harlie 2aniels
3acing in %mithfield, 1*. G!est %peaker will "e @rad Hoffman from 1* Hot 3od <
)!stom )ar %how which is held at the Hampton )olise!m.
+!l &7
, &01; ? M!stang )l!" if Tidewater will "e hosting their ann!al show at )a(alier
6ord in )hesapeake with proceeds to "enefit )HF2 and the :asis 6ood @ank of
Portsmo!th. More information can "e fo!nd on the 1P))) we"site.
*!g!st &
, &01; is the PMA PT) )HF2 %!mmer %how which will "e held at Penins!la
Town )enter. The show is sponsored " PMA and chaired " George Hill. He reported
that PT) will again "e s!ppling the tents and ta"les and that +imm +ohn$s ma "e there
handing o!t free samples. *lso Athereal )!pcakes ma ha(e a porta"le tr!ck there to sell
c!pcakes, etc. 0nne has also agreed to help o!t with the cost of the 2+. George and
Tom will "e making a trip "ack to PT) to seek (ario!s donations for the show. George
will also "e seeking (ol!nteers from PMA to help at the show.
%eptem"er &0
, &01; will "e the Mid *tlantic 6ord 3o!nd8!p 9M*63G= to "e held at
0nne 6ord. @o"" %haron is chairman for this show with more details to follow. He
did report that most things will "e H!st as in the past with a possi"le few changes. 0nne
6ord, +5T and 3ock Mo!nt @@C are all on "oard at this time.
#ew @!siness:
The new PMA we"site was disc!ssed. %cott, +r. reported that there were appro4imatel
1700 hits in +!ne with ma"e &;0 of those "eing !niI!e (isitors. There were also 1-
referrals from Google. He is still working on information to set !p a Garage. %o far there
ha(e onl "een three people sign !p for the for!m. Please sign !p and spread the word to
other mem"ers. >f anone has an ideas for the we"site, please let George or %cott know.
George asked that o! please (isit the new PMA we"site and s!pport o!r sponsors that
are listed on there. 5et them know that o! are with PMA and thank them for their
Two of o!r militar mem"ers who were (er acti(e in the cl!" and had to relocate were
(oted in as Honorar )l!" Mem"ers. The will ha(e all cl!" "enefits e4cept for (oting.
The will each recei(e a PMA T8shirt.
>t was s!ggested that someone from the cl!" contact the Town of %mithfield to reser(e
the date for the show ne4t ear. George will work on that.
0e wo!ld like to ha(e a cl!" e(ent at 5angle %peedwa for 0ack 0ednesda some
time. 0e wo!ld H!st get a gro!p to meet and watch the races. More information on that
to follow.
The cl!" wo!ld also like to ha(e a PMA cr!ise8in night at )harlie 2aniels one week and
also wo!ld like to get together to cr!ise to 6ort Monroe to ha(e dinner at the Paradise
:cean )l!".
%cott, +r. reported that the total raised for Gi(e Fids the 0orld was o(er ,11,000 and that
se(eral cl!" mem"ers and g!ests attended )oasting for Fids at Fings 2ominion on +!ne
to present the mone that was raised. PMA will "e feat!red in a GFT0 newsletter in
the fall which will sent to o(er .,000 people.
%ome comments were made " people who attended 6!n 6ord 0eekend at 1MP and
the were disappointed in the attendance especiall " (endors. #M3* seems to ha(e
h!rt this e(ent. Those who attended #M3* stated the were (er impressed " that
There are se(eral cl!" mem"ers attending the *merican M!scle )ar show at Maple
Gro(e 3acewa in Mohnton, P* on *!g!st 1/th. *none else interested in attending
sho!ld check o!t the information on *merican M!scle$s we"site.
The meeting adHo!rned at 7:3- PM.

Renee L. Brubaker
3enee 5. @r!"aker
%ecretar, PMA

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