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Alfredo Cuyos vs Honorable Nicolas P.

G.R. No. L-46934, 15 April 1988
Petitioner was chare! "e#ore the $%nicipal &o%rt o# 'an Fernan!o, Pa(pana,
with ho(ici!e with (%ltiple serio%s ph)sical in*%ries an! !a(ae to propert),
thro%h rec+less i(pr%!ence.
,e#ore trial co%l! co((ence, howe-er, petitioner #ile! on 6 'epte("er 19.. a /
$otion to Re(an! the &ase to the &o%rt o# First 0nstance #or 1rial/ , allein lac+
o# *%ris!iction o-er the case on the part o# the $%nicipal &o%rt. Petitioner2s
ar%(ent was that the a(en!e! cri(inal co(plaint allee! that the 3ol+swaen
car in-ol-e! in the acci!ent ha! s%##ere! !a(aes a(o%ntin to P18,444.44, an!
that %n!er pararaph 3, Article 365 o# the Re-ise! Penal &o!e, the cri(e with
which he was chare! wo%l! carr) a #ine in an a(o%nt ranin #ro( the a(o%nt
o# the !a(ae to three 536 ti(es the -al%e o# the !a(ae allee! 5i.e. 3 7
P18,444.44 or P54,444.446. Petitioner %re! in his $otion that "eca%se %n!er
'ection 8. 5e6 o# the 8%!iciar) Act o# 1948 as a(en!e! 5Rep%"lic Act No. 996 as
a(en!e!6, the respon!ent $%nicipal &o%rt o# the Pro-incial &apital o#
Pa(pana, ha! *%ris!iction onl) o-er o##enses p%nisha"le ") a #ine not
e7cee!in P6,444.44, the case ha! to "e trans#erre! to the &o%rt o# First
:hich co%rt has *%ris!iction o-er this co(ple7 cri(e;
0n co(ple7 cri(es, it is not %nco((on that one constit%ti-e o##ense carries with it
an a##licti-e penalt) while the other or other constit%ti-e o##enses carr) with the(
onl) a correctional or e-en a liht penalt). 8%ris!iction o-er the whole co(ple7
cri(e (%st loicall) "e lo!e! with the trial co%rt ha-in *%ris!iction to i(pose
the (a7i(%( an! (ost serio%s penalt) i(posa"le on an o##ense #or(in part o#
the co(ple7 cri(e. A co(ple7 cri(e (%st "e prosec%te! interall), as it were,
an! not split into its co(ponent o##enses an! the latter (a!e the s%"*ect o#
(%ltiple in#or(ations possi"l) "ro%ht in !i##erent co%rts.
'ince the (a7i(%( #ine i(posa"le in the present case is P54,444.44, an! the
(a7i(%( i(prison(ent i(posa"le 5#or the ho(ici!e thro%h rec+less
i(pr%!ence6 is si7 566 )ears, clearl), the cri(inal chare in-ol-e! #alls o%tsi!e the
*%ris!iction o# the $%nicipal 1rial &o%rt an! conse=%entl) within the *%ris!iction o#
the Reional 1rial &o%rt o# 'an Fernan!o, Pa(pana.

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