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(A Government of India Enterprise)
keg|stered Cmce : 8-9, utab Insntunona| Area, katwar|a Sara|, New De|h|-110 016
Corporate Cmce : 'SAUDAMINI', |ot No.2, Sector-29, Gurgaon - 122 001, naryana
nC1lCL ls hereby glven LhaL Lhe 1wenLy lourLh Annual Ceneral Meeung of Lhe Members of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed wlll be
held on 1hursday, the 19
September, 2013 at 11.00 a.m. at "A|r Iorce Aud|tor|um, Subroto ark, New De|h| - 110 010" to transact the
followlng buslnesses:
1. 1o recelve, conslder and adopL Lhe audlLed 8alance SheeL as aL 31
March, 2013 and Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss for Lhe nanclal
year ended on LhaL daLe LogeLher wlLh 8eporL of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors and AudlLors Lhereon.
2. 1o noLe Lhe paymenL of lnLerlm dlvldend and declare nal dlvldend for Lhe llnanclal ?ear 2012-13.
3. 1o appolnL a ulrecLor ln place of Shrl SanLosh Saraf, who reures by roLauon and belng ellglble, oers hlmself for re-appolnLmenL.
4. 1o appolnL a ulrecLor ln place of Ms. 8lLa Slnha, who reures by roLauon and belng ellglble, oers herself for re-appolnLmenL.
3. 1o x Lhe remunerauon of Lhe SLaLuLory AudlLors for Lhe llnanclal ?ear 2013-14.
6. 1o conslder and lf LhoughL L, Lo pass wlLh or wlLhouL modlcauon, Lhe followlng resoluuon as an C8ulnA8? 8LSCLu1lCn:
8esolved LhaL Shrl 8. k. CupLa, who was appolnLed as non-Cmclal arL-ume ulrecLor of Lhe Company by Lhe resldenL of lndla vlde
leuer no. 1/38/96-C daLed 16.01.2013 and Lhereaer co-opLed as an Addluonal ulrecLor w.e.f. 16.01.2013 under Secuon 260 of Lhe
Companles AcL, 1936 and who holds omce upLo Lhe daLe of Lhls Annual Ceneral Meeung and ln respecL of whom, Lhe Company has
recelved a nouce ln wrlung from a Member proposlng hls candldaLure for Lhe omce of ulrecLor under Secuon 237 of Lhe Companles
AcL, 1936, be and ls hereby appolnLed as a ulrecLor of Lhe Company, llable Lo reure by roLauon."
7. 1o conslder and lf LhoughL L, Lo pass wlLh or wlLhouL modlcauon, Lhe followlng resoluuon as an C8ulnA8? 8LSCLu1lCn:
8esolved LhaL ur. k. 8amallngam, who was appolnLed as non-Cmclal arL-ume ulrecLor of Lhe Company by Lhe resldenL of lndla vlde
leuer no. 1/38/96-C daLed 16.01.2013 and Lhereaer co-opLed as an Addluonal ulrecLor w.e.f. 16.01.2013 under Secuon 260 of Lhe
Companles AcL, 1936 and who holds omce upLo Lhe daLe of Lhls Annual Ceneral Meeung and ln respecL of whom, Lhe Company has
recelved a nouce ln wrlung from a Member proposlng hls candldaLure for Lhe omce of ulrecLor under Secuon 237 of Lhe Companles
AcL, 1936, be and ls hereby appolnLed as a ulrecLor of Lhe Company, llable Lo reure by roLauon."
8. 1o conslder and lf LhoughL L, Lo pass wlLh or wlLhouL modlcauon, Lhe followlng resoluuon as an C8ulnA8? 8LSCLu1lCn:
8esolved LhaL Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy, who was appolnLed as non-Cmclal arL-ume ulrecLor of Lhe Company by Lhe resldenL of lndla
vlde leuer no. 1/38/96-C daLed 16.01.2013 and Lhereaer co-opLed as an Addluonal ulrecLor w.e.f. 16.01.2013 under Secuon 260 of
Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 and who holds omce upLo Lhe daLe of Lhls Annual Ceneral Meeung and ln respecL of whom, Lhe Company has
recelved a nouce ln wrlung from a Member proposlng hls candldaLure for Lhe omce of ulrecLor under Secuon 237 of Lhe Companles
AcL, 1936, be and ls hereby appolnLed as a ulrecLor of Lhe Company, llable Lo reure by roLauon."
9. 1o conslder and lf LhoughL L, Lo pass wlLh or wlLhouL modlcauon, Lhe followlng resoluuon as an C8ulnA8? 8LSCLu1lCn:
8esolved LhaL Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual, who was appolnLed as non-Cmclal arL-ume ulrecLor of Lhe Company by Lhe resldenL of lndla
vlde leuer no. 1/38/96-C daLed 16.01.2013 and Lhereaer co-opLed as an Addluonal ulrecLor w.e.f. 16.01.2013 under Secuon 260 of
Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 and who holds omce upLo Lhe daLe of Lhls Annual Ceneral Meeung and ln respecL of whom, Lhe Company
has recelved a nouce ln wrlung from a Member proposlng hls candldaLure for Lhe omce of ulrecLor under Secuon 237 of Lhe Companles
AcL, 1936, be and ls hereby appolnLed as a ulrecLor of Lhe Company, llable Lo reure by roLauon."
10. 1o conslder and lf LhoughL L, Lo pass wlLh or wlLhouL modlcauon, Lhe followlng resoluuon as an C8ulnA8? 8LSCLu1lCn:
8esolved LhaL Shrl Mahesh Shah, who was appolnLed as non-Cmclal arL-ume ulrecLor of Lhe Company by Lhe resldenL of lndla vlde
leuer no. 1/38/96-C daLed 16.01.2013 and Lhereaer co-opLed as an Addluonal ulrecLor w.e.f. 16.01.2013 under Secuon 260 of Lhe
Companles AcL, 1936 and who holds omce upLo Lhe daLe of Lhls Annual Ceneral Meeung and ln respecL of whom, Lhe Company has
recelved a nouce ln wrlung from a Member proposlng hls candldaLure for Lhe omce of ulrecLor under Secuon 237 of Lhe Companles
AcL, 1936, be and ls hereby appolnLed as a ulrecLor of Lhe Company, llable Lo reure by roLauon."
11. 1o conslder and lf LhoughL L, Lo pass wlLh or wlLhouL modlcauon, Lhe followlng resoluuon as a SLClAL 8LSCLu1lCn:
8esolved LhaL Shrl 8avl . Slngh, who was appolnLed as ulrecLor (ersonnel) of Lhe Company by Lhe resldenL of lndla vlde leuer
no. 11/40/2010-C daLed 22.02.2012 of MlnlsLry of ower be and ls hereby appolnLed as ulrecLor (ersonnel) of Lhe Company ln
compllance of Lhe provlslons of Secuon 233 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 and shall be llable Lo reure by roLauon."
12. 1o conslder and lf LhoughL L, Lo pass wlLh or wlLhouL modlcauon, Lhe followlng resoluuon as a SLClAL 8LSCLu1lCn:
8esolved LhaL Shrl 8.. Sasmal, who was appolnLed as ulrecLor (Cperauons) of Lhe Company by Lhe resldenL of lndla vlde leuer
no. 11/30/2011-C daLed 01.08.2012 of MlnlsLry of ower be and ls hereby appolnLed as ulrecLor (Cperauons) of Lhe Company ln
compllance of Lhe provlslons of Secuon 233 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 and shall be llable Lo reure by roLauon."
13. 1o conslder and, lf LhoughL L, Lo pass wlLh or wlLhouL modlcauon(s) Lhe followlng resoluuon as a SLClAL 8LSCLu1lCn:-
8LSCLvLu LhaL ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Secuon 81(1A) and oLher appllcable provlslons, lf any, of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936,
(lncludlng any sLaLuLory modlcauon(s) or re-enacLmenL Lhereof, for Lhe ume belng ln force) and any oLher appllcable laws lncludlng
Lhe SL8l (lssue of CaplLal and ulsclosure 8equlremenLs) 8egulauons,2009 and oLher appllcable SL8l regulauons and guldellnes, Lhe
provlslons of Lhe Llsung AgreemenLs enLered lnLo by Lhe Company wlLh Lhe SLock Lxchanges upon whlch lLs equlLy shares are llsLed,
Lhe provlslons of Lhe Memorandum and Arucles of Assoclauon of Lhe Company, and sub[ecL Lo recelpL of approval of Lhe Securlues and
Lxchange 8oard of lndla (SL8l), 8eserve 8ank of lndla (88l) and oLher approprlaLe auLhorlues, and such oLher approvals, no ob[ecuon,
permlsslons and sancuons, as may be necessary, and sub[ecL Lo such condluons and modlcauons as may be supulaLed or lmposed by
any of Lhem whlle granung such approvals, no ob[ecuon, permlsslons and sancuons whlch may be agreed Lo by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors
of Lhe Company or any duly consuLuLed Commluee of Lhe 8oard (Lhe 8oard), approval be and ls hereby accorded Lo oer, lssue and
alloL 69,44,38,802 equlLy shares (13 of exlsung pald up caplLal) sub[ecL Lo necessary approval of CovernmenL of lndla l.e. of/upLo
69,44,38,802 equlLy shares Lo such person or persons, who may or may noL be Lhe shareholders of Lhe Company, as Lhe 8oard may
aL lLs sole dlscreuon declde, lncludlng Lo ellglble lnvesLors (wheLher resldenLs and/or non-resldenLs and/or lnsuLuuons/lncorporaLed
bodles and/or lndlvlduals and/or LrusLees and/or banks or oLherwlse, ln domesuc and/or one or more lnLernauonal markeLs) lncludlng
Lo non-resldenL lndlans, lorelgn lnsuLuuonal lnvesLors (llls), venLure CaplLal lunds, lorelgn venLure CaplLal lnvesLors, SLaLe lndusLrlal
uevelopmenL Corporauons, lnsurance Companles, rovldenL lunds, enslon lunds, uevelopmenL llnanclal lnsuLuuons, bodles
corporaLe, companles, prlvaLe or publlc, or oLher enuues, auLhorlues and employees by way of an employee reservauon, and Lo such
oLher persons, ln one or more comblnauons Lhereof Lhrough a publlc lssue lncludlng Lhe exerclse of a green-shoe opuon, lf any, aL such
prlce as may be deLermlned wheLher Lhrough book-bulldlng basls process wlLh a specled prlce band or Lhrough 'Aucuon' meLhod wlLh
a specled base / oor prlce or oLherwlse ln accordance wlLh Lhe SL8l (lssue of CaplLal and ulsclosure 8equlremenLs) 8egulauons,2009
ln consulLauon wlLh advlsors or such persons and on such Lerms and condluons as may be nallzed by Lhe 8oard".
8LSCLvLu lu81PL8 LhaL Lhe equlLy shares Lo be so alloued shall be sub[ecL Lo Lhe Memorandum of Assoclauon and Arucles of
Assoclauon of Lhe Company and shall rank parl-passu ln all respecLs wlLh Lhe exlsung equlLy shares of Lhe Company lncludlng rlghLs ln
respecL of dlvldend".
8LSCLvLu lu81PL8 LhaL for Lhe purpose of glvlng eecL Lo any oer, lssue, Lransfer or alloLmenL of equlLy shares, Lhe 8oard be and ls
hereby auLhorlzed Lo deLermlne Lhe Lerms of Lhe lssue, lncludlng Lhe class of lnvesLors Lo whom Lhe equlLy shares are Lo be lssued and
alloued, Lhe number of equlLy shares Lo be lssued ln each Lranche, lssue prlce, premlum/dlscounL Lo Lhe Lhen prevalllng markeL prlce,
amounL of lssue, dlscounL Lo lssue prlce Lo a class of lnvesLors (such as reLall publlc, employees and exlsung shareholders), exlblllLy of
parL paymenL aL Lhe ume of appllcauon by a class of lnvesLors (such as reLall publlc, employees and exlsung shareholders), lncludlng
Lhrough Appllcauon SupporLed by 8locked AmounL (AS8A), and paymenL of balance amounL on alloLmenL of shares, exerclse of a
green-shoe opuon, lf any, llsung on one or more sLock exchanges ln lndla or abroad as Lhe 8oard ln lLs absoluLe dlscreuon deems L and
Lo do all such acLs, deeds, mauers and Lhlngs and execuLe such deeds, documenLs and agreemenLs, as lL may, ln lLs absoluLe dlscreuon,
deem necessary, proper or deslrable, and Lo seule or glve lnsLrucuons or dlrecuons for seullng any quesuons, dlmculues or doubLs LhaL
may arlse ln regard Lo lollow on ubllc Cer, and Lhe Lransfer, alloLmenL and uullzauon of Lhe lssue proceeds, and Lo accepL and Lo glve
eecL Lo such modlcauons, changes, varlauons, alLerauons, deleuons, addluons as regards Lhe Lerms and condluons, as lL may, ln lLs
absoluLe dlscreuon, deem L and proper ln Lhe besL lnLeresLs of Lhe Company, wlLhouL requlrlng any furLher approval of Lhe members
and LhaL all or any of Lhe powers conferred on Lhe Company and Lhe 8oard vlde Lhls resoluuon may be exerclsed by Lhe 8oard or by any
Commluee of Lhe 8oard Lhereof or by Lhe CMu/ulrecLor (llnance) of Lhe Company, as Lhe 8oard may ln lLs absoluLe dlscreuon declde
ln Lhls behalf".
8y order of the 8oard of D|rectors
(D|vya 1andon)
Company Secretary
8egd. Cmce:
8-9, CuLab lnsuLuuonal Area,
kaLwarla Saral, new uelhl - 110 016.
uaLe: 06.08.2013
1. A MLM8L8 Ln1l1LLu 1C A11Lnu Anu vC1L A1 1PL MLL1lnC lS Ln1l1LLu 1C ACln1 A 8Cx? 1C A11Lnu Anu vC1L lnS1LAu Cl
PlMSLLl/PL8SLLl Anu 1PL 8Cx? nLLu nC1 8L A MLM8L8 Cl 1PL CCMAn?.
roxles, ln order Lo be eecuve musL be lodged wlLh Lhe Company noL less Lhan 48 hours before Lhe commencemenL of Lhe Annual
Ceneral Meeung, l.e. laLesL by 11.00 a.m. on 1uesday 17
SepLember, 2013. 8lank proxy form ls enclosed.
2. As requlred by clause 49 of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL enLered lnLo wlLh Lhe SLock Lxchanges Lhe relevanL deLalls of Shrl SanLosh Saraf and
Ms. 8lLa Slnha, ulrecLors reurlng by roLauon and seeklng re-appolnLmenL under aforesald lLem no. 3 and 4, respecuvely ln accordance
wlLh appllcable provlslons of Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon of Lhe Company and Lhe deLalls of Lhose dlrecLors who are belng appolnLed ln
Lhls Annual Ceneral Meeung, are annexed.
3. none of Lhe ulrecLors of Lhe Company ls ln any way relaLed wlLh each oLher.
4. Members are requesLed Lo:-
(l) noLe LhaL coples of Annual 8eporL wlll noL be dlsLrlbuLed aL Lhe Annual Ceneral Meeung.
(ll) 8rlng Lhelr coples of Annual 8eporL, nouce and Auendance Sllp duly compleLed and slgned aL Lhe meeung.
(lll) uellver duly compleLed and slgned Auendance Sllp aL Lhe enLrance of Lhe meeung venue as enLry Lo Lhe Pall wlll be sLrlcLly on Lhe
basls of Lhe enLry sllp avallable aL Lhe counLer aL Lhe venue Lo be exchanged wlLh Lhe auendance sllp. hoLocoples of Auendance
Sllp wlll noL be enLerLalned for lssulng enLry sllp for auendlng Annual Ceneral Meeung.
(lv) CuoLe Lhelr lollo/CllenL lu & u lu nos. ln all correspondence.
(v) noLe LhaL due Lo sLrlcL securlLy reasons moblle phones, brlef cases, eaLables and oLher belonglngs are noL allowed lnslde Lhe
(vl) noLe LhaL no gls/coupons wlll be dlsLrlbuLed aL Lhe Annual Ceneral Meeung.
3. CorporaLe Members are requesLed Lo send a duly cerued copy of Lhe 8oard 8esoluuon/ower of Auorney auLhorlzlng Lhelr
represenLauve Lo auend and voLe on Lhelr behalf aL Lhe Annual Ceneral Meeung. AlLernauvely such an auLhorlLy duly cerued should
be broughL by Lhe represenLauve auendlng on behalf of Lhe corporaLe body, aL Lhe meeung.
6. 1he 8eglsLer of Members and Share 1ransfer 8ooks of Lhe Company wlll remaln closed from 7
SepLember, 2013 Lo 19
2013 (boLh days lncluslve). 1he nal dlvldend on equlLy shares, as recommended by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons
of Secuon 206A of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936, lf declared aL Lhe Annual Ceneral Meeung, wlll be pald on 10
CcLober, 2013 Lo Lhose
members whose name appears ln Lhe 8eglsLer of Members on Lhe 6
SepLember 2013.
7. 1he 8oard of dlrecLors, ln lLs meeung held on 12
lebruary, 2013, had declared an lnLerlm dlvldend [ 16.1 on Lhe pald-up equlLy
share caplLal of Lhe Company (l.e. ` 1.61 per share) whlch was pald on 4
March, 2013. Members who have noL recelved or noL
encashed Lhelr dlvldend warranL may approach karvy CompuLershare rlvaLe LlmlLed, 8eglsLrar and 1ransfer AgenL of Lhe Company,
for revalldaung Lhe warranL or for obLalnlng dupllcaLe warranL. 1he 8oard had furLher recommended a llnal ulvldend [11.4 on Lhe
pald-up equlLy share caplLal of Lhe Company (l.e. `1.14 per share) aL lLs meeung held on 28
May, 2013. 1he dlvldend, lf declared aL
Lhe Annual Ceneral Meeung wlll be pald on 10
CcLober, 2013 Lo Lhose Members, whose names appear on Lhe 8eglsLer of Members
of Lhe Company as on 19
SepLember, 2013 ln respecL of physlcal shares. Powever, ln respecL of shares held ln demaLerlallsed form,
Lhe dlvldend wlll be payable Lo Lhose persons whose names appear as beneclal owners as aL Lhe closure of Lhe buslness hours on
SepLember, 2013 as per deLalls Lo be furnlshed by Lhe deposlLorles.
8. ursuanL Lo Secuon 203A read wlLh Secuon 203C of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936, Lhe dlvldend amounLs whlch remaln unpald/ unclalmed
for a perlod of seven years, are requlred Lo be Lransferred Lo Lhe lnvesLors Lducauon & roLecuon lund of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL.
Aer such Lransfer, Lhere remalns no clalm of Lhe members whaLever on Lhe sald amounL. Members are advlsed Lo encash Lhelr
ulvldend warranLs lmmedlaLely on recelpL.
9. Members are advlsed Lo submlL Lhelr LlecLronlc Clearlng SysLem (LCS) mandaLes Lo enable Lhe Company Lo make remluance by
means of LCS. 1hose holdlng shares ln LlecLronlc form may send Lhe LCS MandaLe ln Lhe enclosed lorm dlrecLly Lo Lhelr ueposlLory
aruclpanLs (u). 1hose holdlng shares ln hyslcal form may send Lhe LCS MandaLe lorm Lo karvy CompuLershare rlvaLe LlmlLed,
Lhe 8eglsLrar & Share 1ransfer AgenL of Lhe Company. 1hose who have already furnlshed Lhe LCS MandaLe lorm Lo Lhe Company/
ueposlLory aruclpanL/8eglsLrar & 1ransfer AgenL wlLh compleLe deLalls need noL send lL agaln.
1he shareholders who hold shares ln hyslcal form and who do noL wlsh Lo opL for LCS faclllLy may please mall Lhelr bankers' name,
branch address and accounL number Lo karvy CompuLershare rlvaLe LlmlLed, 8eglsLrar & Share 1ransfer AgenL of Lhe Company Lo
enable Lhem Lo prlnL Lhese deLalls on Lhe dlvldend warranLs.
10. Members holdlng shares ln muluple follos ln physlcal mode are requesLed Lo apply for consolldauon of shares Lo Lhe Company or lLs
8eglsLrar & Share 1ransfer AgenL along wlLh relevanL Share CerucaLes.
11. ursuanL Lo Secuon 619(2) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 Lhe audlLors of Lhe CovernmenL company are appolnLed or reappolnLed by Lhe
CompLroller & AudlLor Ceneral of lndla (C&AC) and ln Lerms of Secuon 224(8)(aa), Lhe remunerauon has Lo be xed by Lhe company ln
Lhe Annual Ceneral Meeung or ln such manner as Lhe company ln Ceneral Meeung may deLermlne. Approval of Lhe Members of Lhe
Company ls requlred Lo auLhorlze Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors of Lhe Company Lo approve Lhe remunerauon of Lhe SLaLuLory AudlLors/!olnL
SLaLuLory AudlLors of Lhe Company appolnLed by C&AC, for Lhe llnanclal ?ear 2013-14, as Lhe 8oard deem L.
12. All Lhe documenLs referred Lo ln Lhe accompanylng nouce are open for lnspecuon aL Lhe 8eglsLered Cmce of Lhe Company on all
worklng days (excludlng SaLurday and Sunday), beLween 11.00 AM Lo 1.00 M up Lo Wednesday, Lhe 18
SepLember, 2013.
13. Members holdlng shares ln physlcal form and deslrous of maklng a nomlnauon ln respecL of Lhelr shareholdlng ln Lhe Company, as
permlued under Secuon 109A of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936, are requesLed Lo submlL Lo Lhe 8eglsLrar & Share 1ransfer AgenLs of Lhe
Company Lhe prescrlbed lorm (lorm 28 ln dupllcaLe) of Lhe Companles (CenLral CovernmenL's) Ceneral 8ules and lorms, 1936. ln case
of shares held ln demaLerlallzed form, Lhe nomlnauon has Lo be lodged wlLh Lhe respecuve ueposlLory aruclpanL.
14. Annual Llsung fee for Lhe year 2013-14 has been pald Lo Lhe SLock Lxchanges whereln shares of Lhe Company are llsLed.
13. Members are requesLed Lo send all correspondence concernlng reglsLrauon of Lransfers, Lransmlsslons, sub-dlvlslon, consolldauon of
shares or any oLher shares relaLed mauer and bank accounL Lo Company's 8eglsLrars.
16. Members are requesLed Lo noufy lmmedlaLely any change of address:
(l) Lo Lhelr ueposlLory aruclpanLs (u) ln respecL of shares held ln demaLerlallzed form, and
(ll) Lo Lhe Company aL lLs 8eglsLered Cmce or lLs 8eglsLrar & Share 1ransfer AgenL, karvy CompuLershare rlvaLe LlmlLed ln respecL of
Lhelr physlcal shares, lf any, quoung Lhelr follo number.
17. Members deslrous of gemng any lnformauon on any lLems of buslness of Lhls meeung are requesLed Lo address Lhelr querles Lo Lhe
Company SecreLary aL leasL Len days prlor Lo Lhe daLe of Lhe meeung, so LhaL Lhe lnformauon requlred can be made readlly avallable aL
Lhe meeung.
18. Important Commun|canon to Members:-
1he MlnlsLry of CorporaLe Aalrs (MCA) under Creen lnluauve ln Lhe CorporaLe Covernance" allowed paperless compllances by Lhe
companles. MCA had lssued clrculars sLaung LhaL servlce of nouce/documenLs lncludlng Annual 8eporL can be senL by e-mall Lo lLs
members. Members who have noL reglsLered Lhelr e-mall addresses, so far, are requesLed Lo reglsLer Lhelr e-mall addresses, ln respecL
of elecLronlc holdlngs wlLh Lhe ueposlLory Lhrough Lhelr concerned ueposlLory aruclpanLs. Members who hold shares ln physlcal form
are requesLed Lo ll Lhe lorm and hand over Lhe same along wlLh Auendance lorm aL Lhe 8eglsLrauon CounLer of venue of Annual
Ceneral Meeung for reglsLrauon of Lmall address for recelvlng nouce/documenLs lncludlng Annual 8eporL.
Annexure to Nonce
Item No. 6
Shrl 8. k. CupLa was appolnLed as parL-ume non-omclal ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu, w.e.f. 16.01.2013 by Lhe resldenL of lndla
vlde Leuer no. 1/38/96-C daLed 16.01.2013 lssued by MlnlsLry of ower. ln Lerms of Clause 31A ln Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon lnserLed
w.e.f. 23.04.2013 Lhe 8oard ls empowered Lo appolnL Lhe dlrecLors appolnLed/recommended for appolnLmenL by Lhe resldenL of lndla as
an Addluonal ulrecLor under Secuon 260 of Lhe AcL and Lhey wlll be appolnLed by Lhe Shareholders aL Lhe succeedlng Ceneral Meeung.
Accordlngly, Lhe 8oard ln lLs meeung held on 01.03.2013, co-opLed Shrl 8. k. CupLa as an Addluonal ulrecLor wlLh eecL from 16.01.2013
under Secuon 260 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 and Shrl CupLa holds omce upLo Lhe daLe of Lhe ensulng Annual Ceneral Meeung.
1he Company has recelved a nouce ln wrlung from a member pursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of Secuon 237 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936,
slgnlfylng hls lnLenuon Lo propose Lhe appolnLmenL of Shrl 8. k. CupLa as a ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu.
1he above appolnLmenL of Shrl 8. k. CupLa as arL-ume non-omclal ulrecLor (lndependenL ulrecLor) on Lhe 8oard of Lhe Company, belng
llable Lo reure by roLauon ln Lerms of Secuon 233 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 read wlLh Arucle 31A of Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon of Lhe
Company requlres approval of Lhe Members ln Lhe Ceneral Meeung. 8rlef resume of Shrl 8. k. CupLa ls annexed.
Shrl 8. k. CupLa holds nlL shares ln CWL8C8lu.
none of Lhe ulrecLors excepL Shrl 8. k. CupLa ls lnLeresLed or concerned ln Lhe resoluuon.
Item No. 7
ur. k. 8amallngam was appolnLed as parL-ume non-omclal ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu, w.e.f. 16.01.2013 by Lhe resldenL of lndla
vlde Leuer no. 1/38/96-C daLed 16.01.2013 lssued by MlnlsLry of ower. ln Lerms of Clause 31A ln Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon lnserLed
w.e.f. 23.04.2013 Lhe 8oard ls empowered Lo appolnL Lhe dlrecLors appolnLed/recommended for appolnLmenL by Lhe resldenL of lndla as
an Addluonal ulrecLor under Secuon 260 of Lhe AcL and Lhey wlll be appolnLed by Lhe Shareholders aL Lhe succeedlng Ceneral Meeung.
Accordlngly, Lhe 8oard ln lLs meeung held on 01.03.2013, co-opLed ur. k. 8amallngam as an Addluonal ulrecLor wlLh eecL from 16.01.2013
under Secuon 260 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 and ur. 8amallngam holds omce upLo Lhe daLe of Lhe ensulng Annual Ceneral Meeung.
1he Company has recelved a nouce ln wrlung from a member pursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of Secuon 237 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936,
slgnlfylng hls lnLenuon Lo propose Lhe appolnLmenL of ur. k. 8amallngam as a ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu.
1he above appolnLmenL of ur. k. 8amallngam as arL-ume non-omclal ulrecLor (lndependenL ulrecLor) on Lhe 8oard of Lhe Company, belng
llable Lo reure by roLauon ln Lerms of Secuon 233 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 read wlLh Arucle 31A of Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon of Lhe
Company requlres approval of Lhe Members ln Lhe Ceneral Meeung. 8rlef resume of ur. k. 8amallngam ls annexed.
ur. k. 8amallngam holds nlL shares ln CWL8C8lu.
none of Lhe ulrecLors excepL ur. k. 8amallngam ls lnLeresLed or concerned ln Lhe resoluuon.

Item No. 8
Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy was appolnLed as parL-ume non-omclal ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu, w.e.f. 16.01.2013 by Lhe resldenL
of lndla vlde Leuer no. 1/38/96-C daLed 16.01.2013 lssued by MlnlsLry of ower. ln Lerms of Clause 31A ln Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon
lnserLed w.e.f. 23.04.2013 Lhe 8oard ls empowered Lo appolnL Lhe dlrecLors appolnLed/recommended for appolnLmenL by Lhe resldenL
of lndla as an Addluonal ulrecLor under Secuon 260 of Lhe AcL and Lhey wlll be appolnLed by Lhe Shareholders aL Lhe succeedlng Ceneral
Meeung. Accordlngly, Lhe 8oard ln lLs meeung held on 01.03.2013, co-opLed Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy as an Addluonal ulrecLor wlLh eecL
from 16.01.2013 under Secuon 260 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 and Shrl krlshnamoorLhy holds ofce upLo Lhe daLe of Lhe ensulng Annual
Ceneral Meeung.
1he Company has recelved a nouce ln wrlung from a member pursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of Secuon 237 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936,
slgnlfylng hls lnLenuon Lo propose Lhe appolnLmenL of Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy as a ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu.
1he above appolnLmenL of Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy as arL-ume non-omclal ulrecLor (lndependenL ulrecLor) on Lhe 8oard of Lhe Company,
belng llable Lo reure by roLauon ln Lerms of Secuon 233 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 read wlLh Arucle 31A of Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon of
Lhe Company requlres approval of Lhe Members ln Lhe Ceneral Meeung. 8rlef resume of Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy ls annexed.
Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy holds 286 shares ln CWL8C8lu.
none of Lhe ulrecLors excepL Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy ls lnLeresLed or concerned ln Lhe resoluuon.
Item No. 9
Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual was appolnLed as parL-ume non-omclal ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu, w.e.f. 16.01.2013 by Lhe resldenL
of lndla vlde Leuer no. 1/38/96-C daLed 16.01.2013 lssued by MlnlsLry of ower. ln Lerms of Clause 31A ln Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon
lnserLed w.e.f. 23.04.2013 Lhe 8oard ls empowered Lo appolnL Lhe dlrecLors appolnLed/recommended for appolnLmenL by Lhe resldenL
of lndla as an Addluonal ulrecLor under Secuon 260 of Lhe AcL and Lhey wlll be appolnLed by Lhe Shareholders aL Lhe succeedlng Ceneral
Meeung. Accordlngly, Lhe 8oard ln lLs meeung held on 01.03.2013, co-opLed Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual as an Addluonal ulrecLor wlLh eecL
from 16.01.2013 under Secuon 260 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 and Shrl Mlual holds ofce upLo Lhe daLe of Lhe ensulng Annual Ceneral
1he Company has recelved a nouce ln wrlung from a member pursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of Secuon 237 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936,
slgnlfylng lnLenuon Lo propose Lhe appolnLmenL of Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual as an lndependenL ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu.
1he above appolnLmenL of Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual as arL-ume non-omclal ulrecLor (lndependenL ulrecLor) on Lhe 8oard of Lhe Company,
belng llable Lo reure by roLauon ln Lerms of Secuon 233 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 read wlLh Arucle 31A of Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon of
Lhe Company requlres approval of Lhe Members ln Lhe Ceneral Meeung. 8rlef resume of Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual ls annexed.
Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual holds 879 shares ln CWL8C8lu.
none of Lhe ulrecLors excepL Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual ls lnLeresLed or concerned ln Lhe resoluuon.
Item No. 10
Shrl Mahesh Shah was appolnLed as parL-ume non-omclal ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu, w.e.f. 16.01.2013 by Lhe resldenL of lndla
vlde Leuer no. 1/38/96-C daLed 16.01.2013 lssued by MlnlsLry of ower. ln Lerms of Clause 31A ln Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon lnserLed
w.e.f. 23.04.2013 Lhe 8oard ls empowered Lo appolnL Lhe dlrecLors appolnLed/recommended for appolnLmenL by Lhe resldenL of lndla as
an Addluonal ulrecLor under Secuon 260 of Lhe AcL and Lhey wlll be appolnLed by Lhe Shareholders aL Lhe succeedlng Ceneral Meeung.
Accordlngly, Lhe 8oard ln lLs meeung held on 01.03.2013, co-opLed Shrl Mahesh Shah as an Addluonal ulrecLor wlLh eecL from 16.01.2013
under Secuon 260 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 and Shrl Shah holds omce upLo Lhe daLe of Lhe ensulng Annual Ceneral Meeung.
1he Company has recelved a nouce ln wrlung from a member pursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of Secuon 237 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936,
slgnlfylng hls lnLenuon Lo propose Lhe appolnLmenL of Shrl Mahesh Shah as an lndependenL ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu.
1he above appolnLmenL of Shrl Mahesh Shah as arL-ume non-omclal ulrecLor (lndependenL ulrecLor) on Lhe 8oard of Lhe Company, belng
llable Lo reure by roLauon ln Lerms of Secuon 233 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 read wlLh Arucle 31A of Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon of Lhe
Company requlres approval of Lhe Members ln Lhe Ceneral Meeung. 8rlef resume of Shrl Mahesh Shah ls annexed.
Shrl Mahesh Shah holds nlL shares ln CWL8C8lu.
none of Lhe ulrecLors excepL Shrl Mahesh Shah ls lnLeresLed or concerned ln Lhe resoluuon.
Item No. 11
Shrl 8avl . Slngh was appolnLed as ulrecLor (ersonnel) of Lhe Company by Lhe resldenL of lndla vlde leuer daLed 22.02.2012 of MlnlsLry of
ower and assumed charge w.e.f. 01.04.2012. Pls appolnLmenL ls proposed Lo be made by Ceneral Meeung ln Lerms of Secuon 233 of Lhe
Companles AcL,1936 and he shall be llable Lo reure by roLauon.
1he Company has recelved a nouce ln wrlung from a member pursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of Secuon 237 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936,
slgnlfylng hls lnLenuon Lo propose Lhe appolnLmenL of Shrl 8avl . Slngh as ulrecLor (ersonnel) of Lhe Company.
Shrl 8avl . Slngh holds 9016 shares ln CWL8C8lu.
none of Lhe ulrecLors excepL Shrl 8avl . Slngh ls lnLeresLed or concerned ln Lhe resoluuon.
8rlef resume of Shrl 8avl . Slngh ls annexed.
Item No. 12
Shrl 8.. Sasmal was appolnLed as ulrecLor (Cperauons) of Lhe Company by Lhe resldenL of lndla vlde leuer daLed 01.08.2012 of MlnlsLry of
ower and assumed charge w.e.f. 01.08.2012. Pls appolnLmenL ls proposed Lo be made by Ceneral Meeung ln Lerms of Secuon 233 of Lhe
Companles AcL,1936 and he shall be llable Lo reure by roLauon.
1he Company has recelved a nouce ln wrlung from a member pursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of Secuon 237 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936,
slgnlfylng hls lnLenuon Lo propose Lhe appolnLmenL of Shrl 8.. Sasmal as ulrecLor (Cperauons) of Lhe Company.
Shrl 8.. Sasmal holds 1798 shares ln CWL8C8lu.
none of Lhe ulrecLors excepL Shrl 8.. Sasmal ls lnLeresLed or concerned ln Lhe resoluuon.
8rlef resume of Shrl 8.. Sasmal ls annexed.
Item No. 13
An lnvesLmenL of abouL `100000 Crore ls planned by Lhe Company durlng xll lan for furLher developlng nauonal Crld lncludlng lnLer-
reglonal Lransmlsslon sysLems, sysLem sLrengLhenlng schemes, Lransmlsslon sysLem for evacuauon of power from generauon pro[ecLs under
cenLral secLor and ulLra Mega ower ro[ecLs (uMs). 1he CL8C ln lLs 1arl norms for Lhe block 2009-14 has prescrlbed Lhe celllng llmlL
for deploymenL of equlLy Lo Lhe exLenL of 30 of pro[ecL cosL. Accordlngly, Lhe requlremenL of equlLy for fundlng Lhe xll lan ouLlay of
` 100000 crore ls Lo Lhe exLenL of ` 30000 crore. uurlng Lhe rsL year of xll plan, lnvesLmenL of ` 20037 Crore has already been made. Capex
of ` 20000 crore ls planned Lo be lncurred ln each of nanclal year of balance xll lan perlod. 1hls ls furLher expecLed Lo lncrease due Lo
new lnluauves ln Lhe area of !v wlLh sLaLe uullues for sub Lransmlsslon sysLem, Creen energy corrldor and ro[ecLs secured/Lo be secured
Lhrough Larl based compeuuve blddlng process whlch wlll furLher acceleraLe equlLy fundlng requlremenL.
1aklng lnLo accounL Lhe esumaLed lnLernal resources accruals for deploymenL as equlLy, lL ls proposed Lo meeL Lhe requlremenL of equlLy
lnfuslon Lhrough lssue of fresh equlLy shares.
Accordlngly, Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors ln Lhelr 289Lh meeung held on 1
AugusL, 2013 has approved Lhe lollow on ubllc Cer of CWL8C8lu
of 13 of exlsung pald up caplLal comprlslng fresh lssue of 69,44,38,802 LqulLy shares of face value of `10 each sub[ecL Lo approval by Lhe
CovernmenL of lndla.
ln order Lo fulll Lhe equlLy requlremenL, lL ls proposed Lo make a fresh publlc lssue of equlLy shares sub[ecL Lo necessary approval of
CovernmenL of lndla l.e. of/upLo 69,44,38,802 equlLy shares (upLo 13 of exlsung pald up CaplLal) as deLalled ln proposed 8esoluuon Lo
fund Company's lnvesLmenL programme.
As per Lhe provlslons of Secuon 81(1A) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936, for lssue of equlLy shares Lo such person or persons, who may or may
noL be Lhe shareholders of Lhe Company on Lhe daLe of such oer, lL ls mandaLory Lo pass speclal resoluuon Lo LhaL eecL by Lhe Company.
Approval of Lhe shareholders ls soughL under Secuon 81(1A) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
none of Lhe ulrecLors ls concerned or lnLeresLed ln Lhe resoluuon excepL Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL he/she ls a ulrecLor of Lhe Company.
8y order of the 8oard of D|rectors
(D|vya 1andon)
Company Secretary
8egd. Cmce:
8-9, CuLab lnsuLuuonal Area,
kaLwarla Saral, new uelhl - 110 016.
uaLe: 06.08.2013
Name Shr| Santosh Saraf
uaLe of 8lrLh and Age 01.09.1931 / 61 years
uaLe of AppolnLmenL 27
uecember, 2011
Cuallcauon 8.CCM, lCA
Lxperuse ln speclc funcuonal
Pe sLarLed hls career ln 1977 as a pracuclng CharLered AccounLanL and has experlence of more Lhan 36 years
ln Lhe eld of nance and Laxauon. Pe has served on professlonal asslgnmenLs Lo many large lndusLrlal groups,
banks, corporaLes and esLeemed professlonals. Pe was Chalrman, WesLern uevelopmenL Councll of Assocham
& has held posluon of Managlng Commluee and aLron member for Assocham. Pe was member, CenLral 8oard
of 1rusLees, LlC. Pe ls member of CosL Accounung SLandards 8oard of lnsuLuLe of CosL AccounLanLs of lndla.
ulrecLorshlp held ln oLher
Companles (arL-ume)
1. ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LLd.
2. norLh LasLern LlecLrlc ower Corporauon LLd.
3. Smrldhl lasL vL. LLd.
4. Smrldhl ConsulLanLs vL. LLd.
3. 8llssful uevelopers and ConsulLanLs vL. LLd
Membershlp / Chalrmanshlp of
Commluees ln oLher Companles
AudlL Commluee
1. ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LLd. - Chalrman
2. norLh LasLern LlecLrlc ower Corporauon LLd. - Chalrman
no. of Shares held 1190
Name Ms. k|ta S|nha
uaLe of 8lrLh and Age 30.07.1930 / 63 years
uaLe of AppolnLmenL 27
uecember, 2011
Cuallcauon M.A. (Ceography), un[ab unlverslLy, Chandlgarh
Lxperuse ln speclc funcuonal
She reured from Lhe l.A.S. ln !uly 2010 from Lhe posL of SecreLary Lo Lhe CovernmenL of lndla, ueparLmenL
of Land 8esources, MlnlsLry of 8ural uevelopmenL. She has held several asslgnmenLs boLh ln Lhe CenLral
and SLaLe CovernmenLs ln a career span of almosL 38 years.
ulrecLorshlp held ln oLher
Companles (arL-ume)
Membershlp / Chalrmanshlp of
Commluees ln oLher Companles
no. of Shares held nlL
Name Shr| k. k. Gupta
uaLe of 8lrLh and Age 08.04.1930 / 63 ?ears
uaLe of AppolnLmenL 16
!anuary, 2013
Cuallcauon uegree ln LlecLrlcal Lnglneerlng and uocLoraLe ln ManagemenL
Lxperuse ln speclc funcuonal
Pe ls a professor of Puman 8ehavlour & Crganlzauon uevelopmenL aL ManagemenL uevelopmenL lnsuLuLe,
Curgaon. 8efore Lhls he was a rofessor aL l.l.M. Lucknow. Pe ls also a rofesslonal Member of Lhe lndlan SocleLy
of Applled 8ehavloural Sclence (lSA8S). Pe has consulLed wlLh lndo-Culf lerullsers, ower 1radlng Corporauon,
nLLCC and oLher large organlzauons on organlzauon deslgn and developmenL. Pe has four books and over 100
sclenuc publlcauons Lo hls credlL. Pe ls also on Lhe lnLernauonal LdlLorlal 8oards of a number of [ournals such as
lnLernauonal !ournal of Cross-CulLural ManagemenL (Sage, London), !ournal of 8esearch racuce (Cnllne [ournal)
and lnLernauonal !ournal of lndlan CulLure and 8uslness ManagemenL (lndersclence, SwlLzerland). Pe ls a member
of Lhe CusLomer Servlce Commluee of 8ank of 8aroda. Pe was a member of Lhe Advlsory Croup on P8 lssues of
ubllc SecLor 8anks seL up by Lhe MlnlsLry of llnance, CovernmenL of lndla. Pe ls also a member of Lhe LxperL
Croup on sychology seL up by Lhe lndlan Councll of Soclal Sclence 8esearch (lCSS8) for Lhe nexL survey of research
and ls on Lhe Advlsory Commluee of a large research pro[ecL funded by lCSS8. Pe ls Lhe 8esearch Advlsor Lo Lhe kll1
School of ManagemenL, 8hubaneswar. ln addluon he ls on Lhe academlc advlsory bodles of a number of unlverslues,
managemenL lnsuLuLes, and ls oen lnvolved ln faculLy selecuon processes, docLoral Lhesls examlnauon eLc.
ulrecLorshlp held ln oLher
Membershlp / Chalrmanshlp of
Commluees ln oLher Companles
no. of Shares held nlL
D|rectors seek|ng re-e|ecnon at the 24
D|rectors be|ng appo|nted at th|s Annua| Genera| Meenng
Name Dr. k. kama||ngam
uaLe of 8lrLh and
10.12.1948 / 64 ?ears
uaLe of AppolnLmenL 16
!anuary, 2013
Cuallcauon M. 1ech, LlecLrlcal Lnglneerlng, ll1 Chennal, osL CraduaLe ulploma ln ManagemenL, ulploma ln Labour Law and
AdmlnlsLrauve Law and h.u. (SaLelllLe navlgauon)
Lxperuse ln speclc
funcuonal area
Pe sLarLed hls career as 1echnlcal omcer ln uCCA ln 1972 Lhrough Lnglneerlng Servlces, he has served more Lhan
36 years ln uCCA, nauonal AlrporLs AuLhorlLy, kochl lnLernauonal AlrporL vL. LLd. and AlrporLs AuLhorlLy of
lndla and reured as Chalrman, AAl. Pe was on Lhe 8oard of AAl for a perlod of more Lhan 11 years and served as
Member (lannlng) and Chalrperson. Pe has been on Lhe 8oard of lndlan Alrllnes, Pyderabad lnLernauonal AlrporL
LLd, Covernlng Councll of lndlra Candhl 8asLrlya udaan Acadamy, AlrporLs Councll lnLernauonal (ACl) Asla aclc
8eglon and governlng 8oard member of ACl - Lhe lnLernauonal body of AlrporLs and member, execuuve commluee,
CAnSC- Lhe lnLernauonal body of Clvll Alr navlgauon Servlce rovlders. Pe possesses varled experlence ln plannlng,
Lnglneerlng, Cperauons, MalnLenance, CorporaLe ManagemenL, ro[ecL ManagemenL, rocuremenL and ConLracL
ManagemenL, P8, Commerclal and llnance.
Pe was also a member of varlous Commluees and lnLer MlnlsLerlal Croups (lMC's) seLup by Lhe Col for developmenL
of new Creen lleld AlrporLs, AlrporLs ln norLh LasL 8eglon, Creeneld AlrporL ollcy, member- luLure Avlauon SysLem
(lAnS) commluee and Clobal navlgauon SaLelllLes SysLem (CnSS) panel of lCAC, eLc. Pe was closely assoclaLed wlLh
Lhe long Lerm plannlng and lmplemenLauon of SaLelllLe based navlgauon sysLem CACAn- a [olnL venLure pro[ecL wlLh
lS8C. Pe was a member of varlous lndlan delegauons for auendlng meeungs / conferences / workshop of lCAC, lAA,
WA8C, lA1A, ACl, CAnSC and presenLed a number of papers. Pe was appolnLed as Chalrman of MayLas lnfra LLd. by
Lhe Col ln 2009 Lo revlve Lhe Company from llnanclal Crlsls of SaLyam.
ulrecLorshlp held ln
oLher Companles
Membershlp /
Chalrmanshlp of
Commluees ln oLher
no. of Shares held nlL
Name Shr| k. kr|shnamoorthy
uaLe of 8lrLh and
12.01.1943 / 68 ?ears
uaLe of AppolnLmenL 16
!anuary, 2013
Cuallcauon Cost Accountant
Lxperuse ln speclc
funcuonal area
Pe ls a lellow Member of Lhe CosL and Works AccounLanLs of lndla. Pavlng been ln ower & llnanclal SecLor for more
Lhan 37 years, he possesses very rlch experlence ln ro[ecL Appralsal, llnanclal Appralsal, llnanclal ManagemenL and
8egulaLory AspecLs.
Pe held Lhe posluons of Member CL8C, Member uL8C, Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor of ower llnance Corporauon
(lC) and ulrecLor (llnance) of lC. 8efore [olnlng lC he was wlLh nauonal PydroelecLrlc ower Corporauon
(nPC). Pe was Member, Commluee consuLuLed by CovL. of karnaLaka Lo resolve cerLaln lssues on A and cosL
of a rlvaLe SecLor ro[ecL vls-a-vls SLaLe ower ulsLrlbuuon Companles, Chalrman, 'Lmpowered Commluee' seL up
for encouraglng compeuuon ln developmenL of Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs, consuLuLed by MlnlsLry of ower, Member,
ueepak arlkh Commluee of MlnlsLry of ower on SLaLe-speclc 8eforms under CovL. of lndla's Au8 (AcceleraLed
ower uevelopmenL & 8eform rogram), Member, Commluee on 'llnanclng of ower SecLor' durlng x & xl lan,
Member, Advlsory Councll of Lhe ro[ecL ManagemenL lnsuLuLe, n1C, Member, 1ask lorce consuLuLed by CovL. of
karnaLaka for sLeerlng power secLor reforms ln karnaLaka. Pe ls also ln Lhe 8oard of few ower SecLor Companles ln
Lhe rlvaLe SecLor and Advlsor Lo 1PuC.
ulrecLorshlp held ln
oLher Companles
1. Lanco lnfraLech LLd.
2. Lanco Anpara ower LLd.
3. Lanco Pydro ower LLd.
Membershlp /
Chalrmanshlp of
Commluees ln oLher
AudlL Commluee:
1. Lanco Pydro ower LLd. - Chalrman.
2. Lanco lnfraLech LLd. - Member.
3. Lanco Anpara ower LLd. - Member.
no. of Shares held 286
Name Shr| A[ay kumar M|ua|
uaLe of 8lrLh and Age 01.07.1961 / 32 ?ears
uaLe of AppolnLmenL 16
!anuary, 2013
Cuallcauon FCA
Lxperuse ln speclc
funcuonal area
Pe ls lellow Member of lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla and ls ln pracuce ln uelhl. Pe sLarLed hls career
ln 1986 as a llnance Manager ln CovL. llnanclal lnsuLuuon and had been a lellow Lo unlLed nauon lndusLrlal
uevelopmenL Crganlsauon (unluC). Pe has a wlde experlence of more Lhan 27 years ln Lhe eld of llnance,
ro[ecL Appralsal, llnanclal ManagemenL and ln all CovernmenL sLaLuLory compllances.
ulrecLorshlp held ln
oLher Companles
Mlual Securlues vL. LLd.
Membershlp /
Chalrmanshlp of
Commluees ln oLher
no. of Shares held 879
Name Shr| Mahesh Shah
uaLe of 8lrLh and Age 23.12.1932 / 60 ?ears
uaLe of AppolnLmenL 16
!anuary, 2013
Cuallcauon CharLered AccounLanL, CosL AccounLanL, Company SecreLary along wlLh a degree ln Law and 8uslness ManagemenL
Lxperuse ln speclc
funcuonal area
Pe has successfully dealL wlLh varlous companles and lndusLrlal houses ln Lhe area of asseL fundlng, arranglng
lnsuLuuonal nance, pro[ecL evaluauon, acqulsluon, merger, corporaLe advlsory servlces lnvesLmenL eLc. as Lhe
dlrecLor of lnLer CorporaLe llnanclers & ConsulLanLs LLd, SL8l AuLhorlzed CaLegory - l MerchanL 8anker.
Pe ls Lhe asL resldenL, lCSl, lCWAl and was member of Accounung SLandard 8oard of lCAl, Compllance Commluee
of lnLernauonal lederauon of AccounLanL (llAC), Lxecuuve Commluee of Confederauon of Aslan and aclc
AccounLanLs (CAA) and SouLh Aslan lederauon of AccounLanLs (SAlA).
Pe has represenLed leadlng lndusLrlal and Lrade bodles-boLh aL reglonal and nauonal level such as Cll, llCCl,
ASSCCPAM eLc. and he was a member of advlsory commluee, lClAl, member, Lechnlcal group for Lhe ueposlLory
SysLem appolnLed by MlnlsLry of llnance and member of revlew commluee for revlewlng M81 AcL, Companles AcL,
CharLered AccounLanLs AcL, Companles SecreLarles AcL, CosL and Works AccounLanLs AcL appolnLed by MlnlsLry of
Law, CovernmenL of lndla.
Pe has also paruclpaLed and represenLed apers ln varlous nauonal and lnLernauonal semlnars, workshops and
professlonal developmenL programs conducLed by varlous lnsuLuLes, oLher Lrade, educauonal and professlonal
bodles and conLrlbuLed Arucles ln varlous professlonal !ournals and uallles.
ulrecLorshlp held ln
oLher Companles
1. lnLer CorporaLe llnanclers and ConsulLanLs LLd.
2. nMuC LLd.
Membershlp /
Chalrmanshlp of
Commluees ln oLher
no. of Shares held nlL
Name Shr| kav| . S|ngh
uaLe of 8lrLh and Age 21.01.1960 / 33 years
uaLe of AppolnLmenL 1
Aprll, 2012
Cuallcauon 8.L. (Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng), nl1, Allahabad, osL CraduaLe ulploma ln P8, AlMA
Lxperuse ln speclc
funcuonal area
Pe ls ulrecLor (ersonnel) of our Company. Shrl Slngh has over 31 years of work experlence ln Lhe power secLor
handllng varlous mulu-dlsclpllnary funcuons llke P8, 1elecom, ConLracLs, MaLerlals, lannlng, MonlLorlng and
1ransmlsslon SysLem ConsLrucuon/ C&M. 8efore [olnlng CWL8C8lu ln 1991, he had worked ln n1C LLd. for
around 10 years.
ulrecLorshlp held ln oLher
Companles (arL-ume)
1. owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd.
2. 1C lndla LLd.
3. owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon LLd.
Membershlp /
Chalrmanshlp of
Commluees ln oLher
AudlL Commluee
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd. - Member
no. of Shares held 9016
Name Shr| k. . Sasma|
uaLe of 8lrLh and Age 28.02.1938 / 33 years
uaLe of AppolnLmenL 1
August, 2012
Cuallcauon 8.Sc. Lnglneerlng (LlecLronlcs & 1ele-Communlcauon), Sambalpur unlverslLy, Cdlsha
Lxperuse ln speclc
funcuonal area
Pe ls ulrecLor (Cperauons) of our Company. Pe has more Lhan 31 years of experlence ln power secLor. Shrl
Sasmal has handled mulu-dlsclpllnary funcuons such as plannlng, monlLorlng and lmplemenLauon of PvuC
pro[ecLs, LPv Lransmlsslon sysLems and Load uespaLch and Communlcauon SysLems. Pe was lnsLrumenLal ln
lnLroduclng Lhe 800 kv mulu-Lermlnal PvuC Lransmlsslon sysLem, under lmplemenLauon ln Lhe counLry, whlch
ls rsL of lLs klnd ln Lhe world. under hls guldance, Lhe rsL unmanned operauon of 400 kv sub-sLauon aL 8hlwadl
was lmplemenLed as a plloL pro[ecL. Pe has been besLowed upon wlLh ulsungulshed Member of ClC8L, 2012"
and has publlshed varlous Lechnlcal papers on Lransmlsslon sysLems especlally on PvuC ln varlous nauonal and
lnLernauonal professlonal forums / socleues llke lLLL and ClC8L. Pe ls currenLly Lhe nauonal represenLauve for
lndla aL ClC8L for PvuC and ower LlecLronlcs. 8efore [olnlng CWL8C8lu ln 1993, he had worked ln n1C LLd.
for around 13 years.
ulrecLorshlp held ln oLher
Companles (arL-ume)
1. owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LLd.
2. kallnga 8ldyuL rasaran nlgam vL. LLd.
3. Cross 8order ower 1ransmlsslon Company LLd.
4. uakshln Paryana 8l[ll vlLran nlgam LLd.
Membershlp / Chalrmanshlp
of Commluees ln oLher
no. of Shares held 1798
(A Government of India Enterprise)
keg|stered Cmce: 8-9, utab Insntunona| Area, katwar|a Sara|, New De|h|-110 016.
Corporate Cmce: 'SAUDAMINI', |ot No.2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122 001, naryana
(A Government of India Enterprise)
keg|stered Cmce: 8-9, utab Insntunona| Area, katwar|a Sara|, New De|h|-110 016.
Corporate Cmce: 'SAUDAMINI', |ot No.2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122 001, naryana
Member/roxy ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
(llrsL) (Mlddle) (Surname)
l hereby record my presence aL Lhe 1wenty Iourth Annua| Genera| Meenng of Lhe Company Lo be held on 1hursday, the 19
2013 at 11.00 a.m at "A|r Iorce Aud|tor|um, Subroto ark, New De|h| - 110 010".
l/We________________________________________________________________________________ belng a Member/Members of
ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed hereby appolnL Mr./Mrs./Mlss_______________________________________________ of
_______________________________________________________________________ ln Lhe dlsLrlcL of ___________________________
__________and falllng hlm/her Mr./Mrs./Mlss________________________________of_______________________ln Lhe dlsLrlcL of
__________________________as my/our proxy Lo voLe for me/us on my/our behalf aL Lhe 1wenty Iourth Annua| Genera| Meenng of Lhe
Company Lo be held on 1hursday, the 19
September, 2013 at "A|r Iorce Aud|tor|um, Subroto ark, New De|h| - 110 010" at 11.00 a.m.
and aL any ad[ournmenL Lhereof.
Note : roxles ln order Lo be valld musL be duly lled ln, sLamped, slgned
and deposlLed aL Lhe 8eglsLered Cmce of Lhe Company noL less Lhan 48 Pours
before Lhe ume of commencemenL of Lhe Meeung.
(S|gnature of Member)
(S|gnature of Member)
lollo / CllenL lu
lollo / CllenL lu
u lu nos.
u lu nos.
no. of Shares held
no. of Shares held
|ease amx
1S pa|se

(A Government of India Enterprise)
keg|stered Cmce: 8-9, utab Insntunona| Area, katwar|a Sara|, New De|h|-110 016.
Corporate Cmce: 'SAUDAMINI', |ot No.2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122 001, naryana
(In terms of c|rcu|ar no.17]2011 dated 21.04.2011 |ssued by the M|n|stry of Corporate Aa|rs)
lollo no. / u lu & CllenL lu : _______________________________________________________________________________
name of 1sL 8eglsLered Polder : _______________________________________________________________________________
name of !olnL Polder(s) : _______________________________________________________________________________
8eglsLered Address : _______________________________________________________________________________
L-mall lu (Lo be reglsLered) : _______________________________________________________________________________
l/we shareholder(s) of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed agree Lo recelve communlcauon from Lhe Company ln elecLronlc mode.
lease reglsLer my above e-mall ln your records for sendlng communlcauon Lhrough e-mall.
SlgnaLure : _______________________________________
(llrsL Polder)
uaLe: ........
Note: Shareho|der(s) are requested to keep the Company |nformed as and when there |s any change |n the e-ma|| address.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
keg|stered Cmce: 8-9, utab Insntunona| Area, katwar|a Sara|, New De|h|-110 016.
Corporate Cmce: 'SAUDAMINI', |ot No.2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122 001, naryana
karvy Computershare r|vate L|m|ted
unlL: ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed,
loL no. 17-24, vlual 8ao nagar,
Madhapur, Pyderabad.
ln - 300 081.
l hereby declare LhaL Lhe paruculars glven above are correcL and compleLe and also express my concurrence Lo recelve lnformauon Lhrough
e-mall Lowards dlvldend pald by Lhe Company under Lhe LCS mode.
S|gnature of the 1st keg|stered no|der]So|e no|der.
AN ] Lma|| Informanon
LCS Mandate Iorm (for shares he|d |n hys|ca| mode)

name of Lhe llrsL/Sole Share holder

Folio No.
lncome 1ax ermanenL AccounL number (An)
(|ease auach a photocopy of AN Card)
Lmall lu
8ank name
8ranch name & Address
8ank AccounL 1ype (uck)
8ank AccounL number
9 ulglL Code number of Lhe 8ank and 8ranch
appearlng on Lhe MlC8 Cheque lssued by Lhe 8ank.
(|ease auach a photo copy of the Cheque)
nouce ........................................................................................................................................................................................... l-xvl
8eference lnformauon .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Leuer Lo Shareholders .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
ulrecLors' role ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
LlsL of Senlor Lxecuuves ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
CWL8C8lu's erformance .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
llve ?ears' Summary ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
ulrecLors' 8eporL ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Annuexure l - ManagemenL ulscusslon and Analysls .................................................................................................................... 26
Annuexure ll - 8uslness 8esponslblllLy 8eporL .............................................................................................................................. 42
Annuexure lll - aruculars of Lmployees u/s 217(2A) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 ...................................................................... 33
Annuexure lv - aruculars requlred u/s 217(1)(e) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936. .......................................................................... 34
Annuexure v - CommenLs of C&AC u/s 619(4) of Lhe companles AcL, 1936 ............................................................................... 37
Annuexure vl - 8eporL on CorporaLe Covernance ........................................................................................................................ 38
Annuexure vll - CerucaLe on CorporaLe Covernance.................................................................................................................. 74
Annuexure vlll - SecreLarlal AudlL 8eporL ..................................................................................................................................... 73
8alance SheeL - ............................................................................................................................................................................ 77
SLaLemenL of roL and Loss ......................................................................................................................................................... 78
Cash llow SLaLemenL .................................................................................................................................................................... 79
noLes ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 81
lndependenL AudlLors' 8eporL ...................................................................................................................................................... 117
Annexure Lo lndependenL AudlLors' 8eporL .................................................................................................................................. 118
Annual 8eporLs of Subsldlary Companles ..................................................................................................................................... 121
ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed
ulrecLors' 8eporL .............................................................................................................................................................. 122
Annual AccounLs ............................................................................................................................................................... 141
owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
ulrecLors' 8eporL .............................................................................................................................................................. 170
Annual AccounLs ............................................................................................................................................................... 172
owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
ulrecLors' 8eporL .............................................................................................................................................................. 186
Annual AccounLs ............................................................................................................................................................... 188
ConsolldaLed llnanclal SLaLemenLs ............................................................................................................................................... 201
keg|stered Cmce
8-9, CuLab lnsuLuuonal Area,
kaLwarla Saral, new uelhl - 110 016
Company Secretary & Comp||ance Cmcer
Ms. ulvya 1andon
Corporate Cmce
Saudamlnl", loL no. 2,
SecLor 29, Curgaon - 122 001 (Paryana)
Ior the I|nanc|a| year under rev|ew |.e. 2012-13
Statutory Aud|tors
1. M/s S. k. MehLa & Co., CharLered AccounLanLs
2682/2, 8eadon ura, A[amal khan MarkeL,
karol 8agh, new uelhl - 110 003.
Lmall : rohlLmehLa[
2. M/s Chauer[ee & Co., CharLered AccounLanLs
133, 8ash 8eharl Avenue, 3rd lloor,
kolkaLa - 700 029.
Lmall : chauer[[
3. M/s Sagar & AssoclaLes, CharLered AccounLanLs
P. no. 6-3-244/3, Sarada uevl SLreeL, rem nagar,
Pyderabad - 300 004.
Lmall : vvldyasagarbabu[
Cost Aud|tors
1. Shrl !ugal klshore url, CosL AccounLanL,
k-19, nuSL arL ll, new uelhl - 110 049.
Lmall : [ugalpurl[
2. M/s. k. C. Coyal and AssoclaLes, CosL AccounLanLs,
289, Mahaveer nagar - ll, Maharanl larms,
uurgapura, !alpur - 302018.
Lmall : ra[eshgoyal[alpur[
keg|strar & Share 1ransfer Agent
karvy CompuLershare rlvaLe LlmlLed
loL no.: 17 - 24, vlual 8ao nagar,
Madhapur, Pyderabad - 300 081
h. : 040-44633000
lax : 040-23420814
Lmall : elnward.rls[
Shares Listed at:
nauonal SLock Lxchange of lndla LlmlLed
8SL LlmlLed
nauonal Securlues ueposlLory LlmlLed
CenLral ueposlLory Servlces (lndla) LlmlLed
lndlan Cverseas 8ank
8ank of 8aroda
SLaLe 8ank of auala
Canara 8ank
SLaLe 8ank of lndla
un[ab nauonal 8ank
unlon 8ank of lndla
SLaLe 8ank of Pyderabad
PulC 8ank LLd
lClCl 8ank LLd
lu8l 8ank
Andhra 8ank
Allahabad 8ank
SLaLe 8ank of Mysore
Corporauon 8ank
Axls 8ank LLd
koLak Mahlndra 8ank
?es 8ank
Dear Shareho|ders,
lL glves me lmmense pleasure Lo share wlLh you Lhe progress made by your company durlng
Lhe year 2012-13.
lrlends, Lhe lndlan economy grew aL a lower raLe Lhan expecLed ln Lhe nanclal year ended
March 31, 2013. As per Lhe lnformauon released by Lhe CenLral SLausucs Cmce, MlnlsLry
of SLausucs and rogramme lmplemenLauon, Lhe growLh raLe of Cross uomesuc roducL
(Cu) ls [ 3 for Lhe scal 2012-13. uesplLe Lhe challenglng economlc envlronmenL, your
Company conunued Lo dellver excellenL resulLs. ln Lhese LumulLuous umes, your Company
has performed excepuonally well due Lo lLs sLrong fundamenLals wlLh noL only focus on
proL buL also on Lhe SecLoral developmenL ln dlsLrlbuuon and sub-Lransmlsslon areas wlLh
lndlan power secLor has wlLnessed manlfold growLh ln Lhe pasL. Powever, many challenges
are sull ahead Lo dellver quallLy and rellable power aL Lhe doorsLep of consumers. 1o achleve
hlgh pro[ecLed Cu growLh raLe for lndla, lmporLance of power secLor cannoL be overlooked.
LlecLrlc power belng a crlucal lnpuL Lo all economlc acuvlues be lL agrlculLure, lndusLry,
commerce and household, Lhe rapld and lncluslve growLh ls only posslble on Lhe access of
susLalned power supply wlLh rellablllLy & quallLy.
?our Company has earned Lhe repuLauon as one of Lhe largesL and besL managed Lransmlsslon uullues ln Lhe world wlLh lLs remarkable
growLh ln Lhe lasL Lwo decades and carrles abouL half of Lhe counLry's LoLal energy generaLed.
l am happy Lo share wlLh you LhaL scal 2013 was anoLher year of slgnlcanL progress. ?our Company has puL on a remarkable performance
on varlous fronLs. Cn Lhe nanclal fronL, Lhe Lurnover of Lhe Company sLands aL `13329 Crore ln llscal 2013 and roL aer 1ax lncreased
Lo `4233 Crore, whlch are 23.6 and 30.1 hlgher respecuvely, compared Lo Lhe prevlous llscal 2012. Cur Cross llxed AsseLs as on 31sL
March, 2013 sLands aL `80600 Crore as agalnsL `63387 Crore ln Lhe lasL scal.
Cn Lhe operauonal fronL, as on 31
March, 2013, your Company owns and operaLes a Lransmlsslon neLwork of abouL 1,00,200 ckL kms of
lnLer-sLaLe Lransmlsslon llnes, 167 nos. of LPv & PvuC subsLauons wlLh Lransformauon capaclLy of abouL 1,64,763 MvA and wheels abouL
30 of LoLal power generaLed ln Lhe counLry. lnLer-reglonal power Lransfer capaclLy of nauonal Crld has been enhanced by 2,000 MW ln Lhe
year and cumulauve capaclLy sLood aL abouL 29,730 MW by end of March, 2013. lurLher, wlLh Lhe commlsslonlng of 763kv S/C Sasaram -
laLehpur llne -ll ln Lhe monLh of May 2013, Lhe lnLer-reglonal power Lransfer capaclLy has been lncreased Lo 31,830 MW.
l am dellghLed Lo share wlLh you LhaL Lhe 1200kv ulLra Plgh volLage (uPv) AC nauonal 1esL SLauon aL 8lna, Madhya radesh was LesL
charged durlng Lhe year and was dedlcaLed Lo Lhe nauon by Pon'ble unlon MlnlsLer of SLaLe (l/C) for ower. 1he eld LesLs are currenLly
under progress.
under 8CCv?, durlng l? 2012-13, lnfrasLrucLure was creaLed for elecLrlcauon ln 3,832 vlllages ouL of whlch 146 were un-elecLrled
vlllages. Servlce connecuons were provlded Lo abouL 1.82 Lakh 8L households. Cumulauvely, ull March, 2013, lnfrasLrucLure has been
creaLed for elecLrlcauon of 68,634 vlllages ouL of whlch 32,463 were un-elecLrled vlllages and servlce connecuon Lo abouL 33.37 Lakh
8L households were provlded.
?our Company conunues Lo dellver lmproved performance ln all lLs buslness areas lncludlng 1elecom and ConsulLancy buslness, enhanclng
Lhe value for Lhe shareholders.
lrlends, Loday, Lhere ls growlng reallzauon LhaL buslness ls a cruclal member of socleLy. 8uslness and socleLy are deeply lnLerdependenL.
8uslness can susLaln only lf Lhe socleLy ls saused wlLh lLs overall conLrlbuuon Lo socleLal well-belng. ?our Company as a responslble corporaLe
enuLy reallses lLs obllgauons and commlLs lLself Lo SusLalnable uevelopmenL. ?our Company has proacuvely formulaLed and followed Lhe
LnvlronmenLal and Soclal ollcy & rocedures (LS) for Lhe conservauon of foresLs, ora & fauna, reseulemenL & rehablllLauon. varlous
lnluauves have been Laken by your Company for reduclng carbon fooLprlnL, whlch lncludes creaung 8aln WaLer Parvesung faclllLy ln lLs
esLabllshmenLs/ subsLauons, use of energy emclenL LlghL Lmlmng ulode (LLu) bulbs and Solar llghLs ln new subsLauons and semng up of a
wasLe paper recycllng planL aL Curgaon sub-sLauon. ln addluon, new bulldlngs are belng consLrucLed as per Creen 8ulldlng norms.
As a parL of CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8), your Company ls maklng conLrlbuuon Lo Lhe socleLy aL large wlLh emphasls on soclo-
economlc developmenL of areas/ communlues prlmarlly ln and around lLs areas of operauons and has carrled ouL varlous communlLy
developmenL acuvlues such as Sklll uevelopmenL & CapaclLy 8ulldlng, Llvellhood generauon, healLhcare, educauon, eLc. uurlng Lhe l?
2012-13, Lhe Company made an expendlLure of `21.73 Crore [0.67 of roL Aer 1ax (A1) of Lhe precedlng year] for carrylng ouL abouL
440 CS8 pro[ecLs lncludlng 19 ln educauon secLor, 132 ln Lhe area of lnfrasLrucLure for communlLy developmenL, 140 ln healLhcare and 131
for llvellhood. AbouL 1.09 lakh Lree sapllngs were also planLed by your Company ln dlerenL parLs of Lhe CounLry.
lnLegrauon of 8enewable Lnergy 8esources wlLh grld ls Lhe Lop prlorlLy worldwlde for energy securlLy and also for carbon emlsslon reducuon.
CovernmenL of lndla ls Laklng varlous lnluauves ln Lhe area of renewable energy capaclLy addluon and abouL 42 CW of generauon ls
envlsaged ln xll lan. ?our Company has Laken a lead lnluauve and developed a comprehenslve masLer plan for lnLegrauon of renewable
energy generauon comlng up counLry-wlde ln xll plan lnLo Lhe grld Lhrough Creen Lnergy Corrldors. 1he plan covers boLh lnLra-sLaLe & lnLer-
sLaLe Lransmlsslon sysLems along wlLh lssues for grld lnLerconnecuon of lnLermluenL and varlable renewable generauon and lLs mlugauon
measures. 1he reporL on Creen Lnergy Corrldors" was released ln SepLember, 2012 [olnLly by MlnlsLry of ower and MlnlsLry of non-
convenuonal & 8enewable Lnergy.
?our Company conunues Lo Lake ploneerlng sLeps ln brlnglng SmarL Crld 1echnology ln all faceLs of power supply value chaln ln Lhe counLry.
llrsL SmarL Crld ConLrol CenLer ln Lhe counLry has been esLabllshed aL uducherry by your Company Lhrough open collaborauon wlLh more
Lhan 70 organlzauons & academlc lnsuLuuons. under Lhls, lmporLanL SmarL Crld aurlbuLe l.e. Advanced MeLerlng lnfrasLrucLure (AMl)
has been lmplemenLed and oLher funcuonallues llke CuLage ManagemenL SysLem, uemand 8esponse, Mlcrogrld eLc. are belng Laken up
ln a progresslve manner. ln addluon, emclenL sLreeL llghL managemenL sysLem has been lmplemenLed aL uducherry whlch has resulLed
ln reducuon of energy consumpuon for sLreeL llghung by abouL 13. lurLher, developmenL of SmarL Pome Lnergy ManagemenL SysLem
ls belng carrled ouL ln assoclauon wlLh ll1, kharagpur Lo faclllLaLe consumers ln energy managemenL process Lhrough remoLe operauon.
1owards lmplemenLauon of SmarL Crld 1echnology ln Lransmlsslon, Lhe Company has execuLed Wlde Area MeasuremenL SysLem (WAMS)
plloL pro[ecL ln all Lhe ve (3) reglons across Lhe counLry. under Lhls lnluauve, presenLly abouL 32 hasor MeasuremenL unlLs (Mus) are
ln operauon, faclllLaung dynamlc real ume measuremenLs and beuer vlsuallzauon of power sysLem whlch are useful ln monlLorlng safeLy
& securlLy of Lhe grld along wlLh enhanced slLuauonal awareness and swlness ln Laklng conLrol/correcuve acuons. varlous dlsLrlbuuon
uullues/clues have also expressed Lhelr lnLeresL ln SmarL Crld lmplemenLauon for whlch ueLalled ro[ecL 8eporL has been prepared by your
Company and handed over Lo Lhem for lmplemenLauon.
?our Company conunues Lo explore new opporLunlues for ralslng long Lenure debL from boLh domesuc and lnLernauonal markeL, for
meeung lLs capex-programme ln xll lan. ln addluon Lo debL fundlng from mululaLeral fundlng agencles llke Lhe World 8ank and Au8,
your Company has avalled loan from lnLernauonal llnance Corporauon (llC) and lnfrasLrucLure Crlsls laclllLy uebL ool LlmlLed LlablllLy
arLnershlp (lCl uebL ool LL) for an amounL of uS$270 mllllon for fundlng varlous Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs, durlng Lhe year.
l am happy Lo share LhaL your Company made lLs malden foray lnLo forelgn currency 8ond markeL durlng Lhe year whlch recelved an
overwhelmlng response from Lhe lnvesung communlLy and was over-subscrlbed nearly 19 umes. ?our Company has ralsed uS$300 mllllon
Lhrough lssuance of 10 year lorelgn Currency 8onds (lC8) aL an auracuve coupon raLe of 3.873 p.a. and Lhe 8onds are llsLed ln Slngapore
SLock Lxchange.
lor Lhe rsL ume, your Company was raLed by lnLernauonal credlL raung agencles, SLandard & oor's 8aung Servlces (S&) and llLch 8aungs.
8oLh Lhe agencles raLed your Company aL 888 - (ouLlook negauve) conslsLenL wlLh lndla's Soverelgn raung. ConsequenL upon revlslon of
Soverelgn raung Lo 'SLable' from 'negauve' recenLly by 'llLch 8aungs', Lhe raung of your Company now sLands as 888- (ouLlook SLable).
lor lncluslve growLh ln ower SecLor, Lhe developmenL of sub-Lransmlsslon sysLem ln Lhe SLaLe(s) ls also lmporLanL. As a parLner Lo
developmenL, your Company has [olned hands wlLh Lhe SLaLe 1ransmlsslon uullues of 8lhar and Cdlsha and has formed !olnL venLure
Companles (!vCs) namely 8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed wlLh 8lhar SLaLe ower (Poldlng) Company LlmlLed and kallnga 8ldyuL rasaran
nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed wlLh Cdlsha ower 1ransmlsslon Corporauon LlmlLed, on 30:30 equlLy paruclpauon basls for developmenL of lnLra-
SLaLe 1ransmlsslon SysLem ln Lhe SLaLes of 8lhar & Cdlsha, respecuvely.
?our Company ls proud Lo recelve conunuous lndusLry recognluon. 1he llsL of awards and accolades consLanLly grows. ?our Company has
been selecLed for 'Mou excellence award' for l? 2010-11 by ueparLmenL of ubllc LnLerprlses (uL), MlnlsLry of Peavy lndusLrles & ubllc
LnLerprlses for belng Lhe Lop performer ln Lhe Lnergy SyndlcaLe. ?our Company has also been conferred oLher presuglous awards durlng
Lhe year whlch lncluded Lhe 4Lh uSl! Su Awards 2012 for lasLesL Crowlng navraLna ln non-manufacLurlng caLegory" by ualal SLreeL
lnvesLmenL !ournal, and 3rd 8a[eev Candhl Lxcellence Award 2011" under Lhe '8esL ower Company of Lhe ?ear' CaLegory by an nCC
ehchan". 8ecenLly, your Company has been conferred Lhe 'Speclal !ury Award for Lasung lmpacL on lndlan Lconomy' ln Lhe Covernance
now Su Awards, 2013.
Cn behalf of Lhe Company, l Lhank each shareholder for Lhelr conunued supporL & LrusL placed ln Lhe Company. l would also llke Lo
record my appreclauon Lo all employees, for Lhelr conLrlbuuon Lowards Lhe performance of Lhe Company. l am condenL LhaL wlLh Lhe
dedlcaLed & commlued employees and valuable supporL & guldance of our esLeemed shareholders, Lhe Company wlll conunue Lo fulll lLs
responslblllues and ensure enhanclng value Lo lLs sLakeholders.
WlLh besL wlshes,
?ours slncerely,
(8. n. nayak)
Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
lace: new uelhl
uaLe: 06.08.2013
Shr| k.N. Nayak
Cha|rman & Manag|ng D|rector
Shr| I.S. Iha
D|rector (ro[ects)
Shr| k. 1. Agarwa|
D|rector (I|nance)
Shrl 8. n. nayak, aged 37 years, ls Lhe Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor of our Company. Pe ls a rsL class 8achelor of LlecLrlcal Lnglneerlng
from 8LC 8ourkela and holds an M.1ech (LlecLrlcal) from ll1, kharagpur. Shrl nayak has over 33 years of work experlence, prlmarlly ln Lhe
power secLor. Pe has worked for more Lhan 21 years ln CWL8C8lu and handled varlous mulu-dlsclpllnary funcuons llke Lnglneerlng,
Load uespaLch & Communlcauon, Crld ManagemenL, ConLracL ManagemenL, CuallLy Assurance and lnspecuon, 1elecom, Cperauon
& MalnLenance, Commerclal and Puman 8esources. Pe has prevlously held Lhe posluons of Lxecuuve ulrecLor (Lnglneerlng & CA&l),
Lxecuuve ulrecLor (Puman 8esource), Lxecuuve ulrecLor (8&u) ln CWL8C8lu. rlor Lo [olnlng CWL8C8lu ln 1991, he has worked for
abouL 7 years ln n1C and had a sunL wlLh SAlL. Pe has lnLroduced many new Lechnologles ln Lhe lndlan ower SecLor such as LMS & SCAuA
ro[ecL, 800 kv PvuC and 1200 kv uPv AC, llexlble AC 1ransmlsslon SysLem (lAC1S), 8emoLe & unmanned operauon of LPv sub-sLauons.
Pe spearheaded Lhe developmenL of comprehenslve plan Lowards lnLegrauon of large scale renewable generauon lnLo Lhe grld Lhrough
Creen Lnergy Corrldor lan, whlch ls rsL of lLs klnd ln Lhe counLry. 8ecognlzlng Lhe lmporLance for deploymenL of smarL grld Lechnology ln
lndlan conLexL, he ploneered Lhe lmplemenLauon of sLaLe-of- Lhe-arL smarL grld Lechnologles ln Lransmlsslon as well as dlsLrlbuuon fronL ln
a hollsuc way Lhrough plloL pro[ecLs. 1owards energy securlLy, he lnluaLed unlque developmenLal plan Lo Lap Lhe solar energy poLenual ln
Lhe deserLs of lndla uullzlng wasLeland Lo caLer Lo fuLure energy needs ln eco-frlendly manner. Pe has also publlshed and presenLed a large
number of Lechnlcal papers ln varlous repuLed lnLernauonal/nauonal [ournals/conferences. Conslderlng hls conLrlbuuon Lo power secLor,
he has been awarded .M. Ahluwalla Award, ls a Senlor Member of lLLL and has been honored wlLh lellow of Lhe lndlan nauonal Academy
of Lnglneerlng (lnAL) ln LlecLrlcal Lnglneerlng lleld, dlsungulshed Alumnl award by ll1 kharagpur. Pe ls also resldenL of ClC8L lndla. Pe
was appolnLed as Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor ln SepLember, 2011.
Shrl l.S. !ha, aged 34 years, ls
ulrecLor (ro[ecLs) of our Company.
Pe ls an LlecLrlcal Lnglneer from
nl1, !amshedpur and a well known
LlecLrlcal ower SysLem rofesslonal.
rlor Lo hls asslgnmenL he has
successfully served as Lxecuuve
ulrecLor (Lnglneerlng) ln Lhe company.
Pe has also worked as Lxecuuve
ulrecLor - CorporaLe MonlLorlng
Croup and held Lhe posluon of
Lxecuuve ulrecLor of norLh LasLern
8eglon of Lhe company. AparL from
Lhese funcuons, he was a lead Member ln lannlng, Lnglneerlng
and Lxecuuon of Au8 and 8CCv? schemes ln CWL8C8lu. Pe
has publlshed numerous arucles, Lechnlcal papers ln Lhe eld of
power sysLem ln varlous lnLernauonal and nauonal Conferences/
Symposla. Pe was appolnLed as a ulrecLor on our 8oard ln
SepLember, 2009.
Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal, aged 37 years, ls
ulrecLor (llnance) of our Company.
rlor Lo Laklng up Lhls asslgnmenL,
he was worklng as Lxecuuve ulrecLor
(llnance). A charLered accounLanL
by professlon, Shrl Agarwal has
more Lhan 32 years of experlence
ln mulufarlous llnance & AccounLs
funcuons llke nallzauon of AccounLs,
coordlnauon wlLh AudlLors, 1axauon,
1reasury luncuons, lnLernal AudlL,
8udgeung, ay 8oll, Concurrence,
MlS & Commerclal aspecLs eLc.
boLh aL Lhe CorporaLe CenLre and aL 8eglonal PeadquarLers of
CWL8C8lu. As Lu (llnance), he had played a plvoLal role ln Lhe
successful lollow-on ubllc Cer of CWL8C8lu ln 2010. 8efore
[olnlng CWL8C8lu ln 1991, he had worked ln power ma[or n1C
LLd. pro[ecL slLes for around 10 years. Pe was appolnLed as a
ulrecLor on our 8oard ln !uly, 2011.

Shr| kav|. . S|ngh

D|rector (ersonne|)
Shr| k. . Sasma|
D|rector (Cperanons)
Shrl 8avl . Slngh aged 33 years, ls
ulrecLor (ersonnel) of our Company.
Pe dld hls Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng
from nl1, Allahabad ln llrsL Class wlLh
Ponors and osL CraduaLe ulploma
ln P8 from AlMA, new uelhl. Pe
has prevlously held Lhe posluons of
Lxecuuve ulrecLor (LasLern 8eglon-
ll) and Lxecuuve ulrecLor (Puman
8esource ManagemenL & CorporaLe
Communlcauon) ln CWL8C8lu. Shrl Slngh has over 31 years
of work experlence ln Lhe power secLor handllng varlous mulu-
dlsclpllnary funcuons llke P8, 1elecom, ConLracLs, MaLerlals,
lannlng, MonlLorlng and 1ransmlsslon SysLem ConsLrucuon/C&M.
rlor Lo [olnlng CWL8C8lu ln 1991, Shrl Slngh has worked for
10 years ln n1C. Pe was appolnLed as a ulrecLor on our 8oard
ln Aprll, 2012.
Shrl 8. . Sasmal, aged 33 years,
ls ulrecLor (Cperauons) of our
Company. rlor Lo Laklng up Lhls
asslgnmenL, he was Lxecuuve ulrecLor
(Cperauon Servlces) ln Lhe company.
A graduaLe Lnglneer from Sambalpur
unlverslLy, Cdlsha, Shrl Sasmal has
more Lhan 31 years of experlence
ln power secLor. Shrl Sasmal has
handled mulu-dlsclpllnary funcuons
such as plannlng, monlLorlng and
lmplemenLauon of PvuC pro[ecLs,
LPv Lransmlsslon sysLems and Load
uespaLch and Communlcauon SysLems. Pe was lnsLrumenLal ln
lnLroduclng Lhe 800 kv mulu Lermlnal PvuC Lransmlsslon sysLem,
under lmplemenLauon ln Lhe counLry, whlch ls rsL of lLs klnd ln Lhe
world. under hls guldance, Lhe rsL unmanned operauon of 400
kv sub-sLauon aL 8hlwadl was lmplemenLed as a plloL pro[ecL. Pe
has been besLowed upon wlLh ulsungulshed Member of ClC8L,
2012" and has publlshed varlous Lechnlcal papers on Lransmlsslon
sysLems especlally on PvuC ln varlous nauonal and lnLernauonal
professlonal forums/socleues llke lLLL and ClC8L. Pe ls currenLly
Lhe nauonal represenLauve for lndla aL ClC8L for PvuC and ower
LlecLronlcs. 8efore [olnlng CWL8C8lu ln 1993, he had worked ln
n1C LLd. for around 13 years. Pe was appolnLed as a ulrecLor on
our 8oard ln AugusL, 2012.
Shr| Santosh Saraf
Independent D|rector
Shrl SanLosh Saraf, aged 61 years,
ls a lellow Member of lnsuLuLe of
CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla.
Pe sLarLed hls career ln 1977 as a
pracuclng CharLered AccounLanL and
has an exLenslve experlence of more
Lhan 36 years ln Lhe eld of nance
and Laxauon. uurlng hls dedlcaLed
career he has served, on professlonal
asslgnmenL Lo many large lndusLrlal
groups, banks, corporaLes and
esLeemed professlonals. Pe was
Chalrman for Lhe WesLern uevelopmenL Councll of Assocham &
has held posluon of Managlng Commluee and aLron member for
Assocham. Slnce 2008, he ls Member of CenLral 8oard of 1rusLees
(C81) for Lmployees rovldenL lund Crganlzauon (LlC) of CenLral
CovernmenL of lndla for a perlod of 3 years from May, 2008 Lo
Aprll, 2013. Pe ls member of Lxecuuve, llnance & lnvesLmenL
and enslon lmplemenLauon Commluees of C81 (LlC). Pe ls
member of CosL Accounung SLandards 8oard of lnsuLuLe of CosL
AccounLanLs of lndla. Pe was appolnLed as a ulrecLor on our 8oard
ln uecember, 2011.
Ms. k|ta Acharya
Government Nom|nee
Ms. 8lLa Acharya, aged 39 years, ls
a CovernmenL nomlnee ulrecLor
of our Company. She holds MasLer
uegree ln Soclal Work from
Madras unlverslLy and ulploma ln
uevelopmenL AdmlnlsLrauon from
lnLernauonal Cooperauon unlverslLy,
lLaly, 8ome. She ls an omcer of CenLral
SecreLarlaL Servlce. She ls currenLly
!olnL SecreLary (1ransmlsslon) ln Lhe
MlnlsLry of ower. 8efore [olnlng MlnlsLry of ower, she has worked
ln Lhe MlnlsLry of llnance (ueparLmenL of Lconomlc Aalrs) and
MlnlsLry of Pome Aalrs and handled varlous lmporLanL poruollos
llke mauers relaung Lo forelgn exchange budgeL, balance of
paymenLs, bllaLeral/mululaLeral asslsLance, waLer supply &
foresLry pro[ecLs asslsLed by World 8ank, CenLre-SLaLe relauons,
prlson reforms & Lreaues relaung Lo repaLrlauon of prlsoners and
energy conservauon and Lransmlsslon. She was appolnLed as a
ulrecLor on our 8oard ln AugusL, 2011.

Dr. k. kama||ngam
Independent D|rector
Shr| k. k. Gupta
Independent D|rector
ur. k. 8amallngam, sLarLed hls career
as 1echnlcal omcer ln uCCA ln 1972
Lhrough Lnglneerlng Servlces, he
has served more Lhan 36 years ln
uCCA, nauonal AlrporLs AuLhorlLy,
kochl lnLernauonal AlrporL vL. LLd.
and AlrporLs AuLhorlLy of lndla and
reured as Chalrman, AAl. Pe was
on Lhe 8oard of AAl for a perlod of
more Lhan 11 years and served as
Member (lannlng) and Chalrperson.
Pe has been on Lhe 8oard of lndlan
Alrllnes, Pyderabad lnLernauonal
AlrporL LLd, Covernlng Councll of lndlra Candhl 8asLrlya udaan
Acadamy, AlrporLs Councll lnLernauonal (ACl) Asla aclc 8eglon
and governlng 8oard member of ACl - Lhe lnLernauonal body
of AlrporLs and member, execuuve commluee, CAnSC- Lhe
lnLernauonal body of Clvll Alr navlgauon Servlce rovlders. Pe
possesses varled experlence ln plannlng, Lnglneerlng, Cperauons,
MalnLenance, CorporaLe ManagemenL, ro[ecL ManagemenL,
rocuremenL and ConLracL ManagemenL, P8, Commerclal and
Pe was also a member of varlous Commluees and lnLer MlnlsLerlal
Croups (lMC's) seLup by Lhe Col for developmenL of new Creen
lleld AlrporLs, AlrporLs ln norLh LasL 8eglon, Creeneld AlrporL
pollcy, member- luLure Avlauon sysLem (lAnS) commluee
and Clobal navlgauon saLelllLes SysLem (CnSS) panel of lCAC,
eLc. Pe was closely assoclaLed wlLh Lhe long Lerm plannlng and
lmplemenLauon of SaLelllLe based navlgauon sysLem CACAn- a
[olnL venLure pro[ecL wlLh lS8C. Pe was a member of varlous lndlan
delegauons for auendlng meeungs / conferences / workshop of
lCAC, lAA, WA8C, lA1A, ACl, CAnSC and presenLed a number of
papers. Pe was appolnLed as Chalrman of MayLas lnfra LLd. by Lhe
Colln 2009 Lo revlve Lhe Company from llnanclal Crlsls of saLyam.
Pe was appolnLed as a ulrecLor on our 8oard ln !anuary, 2013.
Shrl 8. k. CupLa, aged 63 years, ls
a professor of Puman 8ehavlour
& Crganlzauon uevelopmenL
aL ManagemenL uevelopmenL
lnsuLuLe, Curgaon. rlor Lo Lhls he
was a rofessor aL l.l.M. Lucknow.
Pe ls also a rofesslonal Member
of Lhe lndlan SocleLy of Applled
8ehavloural Sclence (lSA8S). Pe has
consulLed wlLh lndo-Culf lerullsers,
ower 1radlng Corporauon,
nLLCC and oLher large organlzauons on organlzauon deslgn
and developmenL. Pe has four books and over 100 sclenuc
publlcauons Lo hls credlL. Pe ls also on Lhe lnLernauonal LdlLorlal
8oards of a number of [ournals such as lnLernauonal !ournal of
Cross-CulLural ManagemenL (Sage, London), !ournal of 8esearch
racuce (Cnllne [ournal) and lnLernauonal !ournal of lndlan
CulLure and 8uslness ManagemenL (lndersclence, SwlLzerland).
Pe ls a member of Lhe CusLomer Servlce Commluee of 8ank of
8aroda. Pe was a member of Lhe Advlsory Croup on P8 lssues
of ubllc SecLor 8anks seL up by Lhe MlnlsLry of llnance, Col. Pe
ls also a member of Lhe LxperL Croup on sychology seL up by
Lhe lndlan Councll of Soclal Sclence 8esearch (lCSS8) for Lhe nexL
survey of research and ls on Lhe Advlsory Commluee of a large
research pro[ecL funded by lCSS8. Pe ls Lhe 8esearch Advlsor Lo
Lhe kll1 School of ManagemenL, 8hubaneswar. ln addluon he
ls on Lhe academlc advlsory bodles of a number of unlverslues,
managemenL lnsuLuLes, and ls oen lnvolved ln faculLy selecuon
processes, docLoral Lhesls examlnauon, eLc. Pe was appolnLed as
a ulrecLor on our 8oard ln !anuary, 2013.
Ms. k|ta S|nha
Independent D|rector
Ms. 8lLa Slnha, aged 63 years,
ls an M.A. ln Ceography from
un[ab unlverslLy, Chandlgarh. She
reured from Lhe l.A.S. ln !uly, 2010
from Lhe posL of SecreLary Lo Lhe
CovernmenL of lndla, ueparLmenL
of Land 8esources, MlnlsLry of 8ural
uevelopmenL. She has held several
asslgnmenLs boLh ln Lhe CenLral
and SLaLe CovernmenLs ln a career
spannlng almosL 38 years. She was appolnLed as a ulrecLor on our
8oard ln uecember, 2011.
Shr| A[ay kumar M|ua|
Independent D|rector
Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual, aged 32 years,
ls a lellow Member of lnsuLuLe of
CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla and
ls ln pracuce ln uelhl. Pe sLarLed hls
career ln 1986 as a llnance Manager
ln CovL. llnanclal lnsuLuuon and
had been a lellow Lo unlLed nauon
lndusLrlal uevelopmenL Crganlsauon
(unluC). Pe has a wlde experlence
of more Lhan 27 years ln Lhe eld of
llnance, ro[ecL Appralsal, llnanclal
ManagemenL and ln all CovernmenL
sLaLuLory compllances. Pe was appolnLed as a ulrecLor on our
8oard ln !anuary, 2013.
Shr| k. kr|shnamoorthy
Independent D|rector
Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy, aged 68
years, ls a lellow Member of Lhe
CosL and Works AccounLanLs of lndla.
Pavlng been ln ower & llnanclal
SecLor for more Lhan 37 years, he
possesses very rlch experlence
ln ro[ecL Appralsal, llnanclal
Appralsal, llnanclal ManagemenL
and 8egulaLory AspecLs.
Pe held Lhe posluons of Member
CL8C, Member uL8C, Chalrman &
Managlng ulrecLor of ower llnance
Corporauon (lC) and ulrecLor (llnance) of lC. 8efore [olnlng lC
he was wlLh nauonal PydroelecLrlc ower Corporauon (nPC). Pe
was Member of a Commluee consuLuLed by CovL. of karnaLaka Lo
resolve cerLaln lssues on A and cosL of a rlvaLe SecLor ro[ecL
vls-a-vls SLaLe ower ulsLrlbuuon Companles, was Chalrman,
'Lmpowered Commluee' seL up for encouraglng compeuuon ln
developmenL of Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs, consuLuLed by MlnlsLry of
ower, Member, ueepak arlkh Commluee of MlnlsLry of ower on
SLaLe-speclc 8eforms under CovL. of lndla's Au8 (AcceleraLed
ower uevelopmenL & 8eform rogram), Member, Commluee on
'llnanclng of ower SecLor' durlng x & xl lan, Member, Advlsory
Councll of Lhe ro[ecL ManagemenL lnsuLuLe, n1C, Member, 1ask
lorce consuLuLed by CovL. of karnaLaka for sLeerlng power secLor
reforms ln karnaLaka. Pe ls also ln Lhe 8oard of few ower SecLor
Companles ln Lhe rlvaLe SecLor and Advlsor Lo 1PuC. Pe was
appolnLed as a ulrecLor on our 8oard ln !anuary, 2013.
Shr| arvez nayat
Ch|ef V|g||ance Cmcer
Shrl arvez PayaL, aged 33 years, ls Lhe Chlef vlgllance Cmcer of our Company. Pe ls an lS Cmcer of !harkhand
Cadre of Lhe 1984 8aLch. Pe ls a posL graduaLe ln Modern PlsLory and holds a Law degree from uelhl unlverslLy.
Pe has over 23 years of work experlence. Pe worked ln varlous capaclues ln boLh SLaLe and CenLral CovL. such
as S./Sr.S. of ve ulsLrlcLs of 8lhar/!harkhand, S Lo Lhe unlon MlnlsLer of Pome Aalrs, CovL. of lndla,
uelhl, CommandanL SLa (Cperauons) ulrecLoraLe Ceneral of l18, MPA, CCl, uelhl, subsequenLly ln SLaLe
of !harkhand as ulC of alamu 8ange & ulC (Crlme 8ranch) aL SLaLe ollce Pqs., 8anchl. LaLer on cenLral
depuLauon as Assu. ulrecLor Ceneral, CenLral Lconomlc lnLelllgence 8ureau, MlnlsLry of llnance, lC (ollce
Modernlzauon & 1rg.), CovL. of !harkhand, plcked up hls nexL promouon as AuC (ollce Mod. & 1rg.) ln Lhe
monLh of SepLember 2010. Pe assumed charge of omce of Chlef vlgllance Cmcer ln lebruary 2011.
Shri Mahesh Shah
Independent D|rector
Shrl Mahesh Shah, aged 60 years,
has successfully dealL wlLh varlous
companles and lndusLrlal houses
ln Lhe area of asseL fundlng,
arranglng lnsuLuuonal nance,
pro[ecL evaluauon, acqulsluon,
merger, corporaLe advlsory servlces
lnvesLmenL eLc. as Lhe dlrecLor
of lnLer CorporaLe llnanclers &
ConsulLanLs LLd, SL8l AuLhorlzed
CaLegory l MerchanL 8anker.
Pe ls Lhe asL resldenL, lCSl, lCWAl
and was member of Accounung
SLandard 8oard of lCAl, Compllance Commluee of lnLernauonal
lederauon of AccounLanL (llAC), Lxecuuve Commluee of
Confederauon of Aslan and aclc AccounLanLs (CAA) and SouLh
Aslan lederauon of AccounLanLs (SAlA).
Pe has represenLed leadlng lndusLrlal and Lrade bodles-boLh on
reglonal and nauonal level such as Cll, llCCl, ASSCCPAM eLc.
and he was a member of advlsory commluee, lClAl, member,
Lechnlcal group for Lhe ueposlLory SysLem appolnLed by MlnlsLry
of llnance and member of revlew commluee for revlewlng M81
AcL, Companles AcL, CharLered AccounLanLs AcL, Companles
SecreLarles AcL, CosL and Works AccounLanLs AcL appolnLed by
MlnlsLry of Law, CovernmenL of lndla.
Pe has also paruclpaLed and represenLed apers ln varlous
nauonal and lnLernauonal semlnars, workshops and professlonal
developmenL programs conducLed by varlous lnsuLuLes, oLher
Lrade, educauonal and professlonal bodles and conLrlbuLed
Arucles ln varlous professlonal !ournals and uallles. Pe was
appolnLed as a ulrecLor on our 8oard ln !anuary, 2013.
S.No Name (S]Sh) L.No Desg Leve| Dept Region Locanon
Corporate Centre
1 ur. S.k. Agarwal 00073 Lu L9 1echnology uevelopmenL CC Curgaon
2 anka[ kumar 00103 Lu L9 L8 CC Curgaon
3 Mahender Slngh 00184 Lu L9 Commerclal CC Curgaon
4 8. Mlshra 00189 Lu L9 C & l1 CC Curgaon
3 l.8. kldwal 00434 Lu L9 P8 CC Curgaon
6 8.S. andey 10026 Lu L9 Lngg-S/s,1L,Clvll CC Curgaon
7 u.k. valecha 10027 Lu L9 CMC CC Curgaon
8 San[eev Slngh 10040 Lu L9 S1l-SmarLCrld CC Curgaon
9 n.S. Sodha 10033 Lu L9 Lu&C CC Curgaon
10 Anll !aln 10060 Lu L9 uMS CC Curgaon
11 S. Sen 10871 Lu L9 CS CC Curgaon
12 Commen Chandy 10872 Lu L9 Lngg-PvuC and CA&l CC Curgaon
13 8a[endra Slngh 30861 Lu L9 P8u CC Curgaon
14 Arun kumar 00077 CCC L9 l & 8uu CC Curgaon
13 Ashwanl !aln 00093 CCC L9 1elecom CC new uelhl
16 ?.k. Sehgal 00122 CCC L9 C1u & CosL Lngg. CC Curgaon
17 Seema CupLa 00127 CCC L8 l8&LL CC Curgaon
18 !agmohan Sharma 16377 CCC L8 n1AMC CC Curgaon
19 u.k. 1yagl 00368 CM (l/C) L8 18C8 & 8C CC Curgaon
20 u.C. !oshl 40043 CM (l/C) L8 CS&MM CC Curgaon
21 S. valLhlllngam 40030 CM (l/C) L8 l&A CC Curgaon
1 rabhakar Slngh 20003 Lu L9 Pead of 8eglon n8-l new uelhl
2 !.. Slngh 00193 Lu L9 Pead of 8eglon n8-ll !ammu
3 8. Sharma 10031 Lu L9 Pead of 8eglon L8-l aLna
4 S.k. CupLa 10034 Lu L9 Pead of 8eglon L8-ll kolkaLa
3 v. Sekhar 20107 Lu L9 Pead of 8eglon S8-l Secunderabad
6 n. 8avlkumar 30104 Lu L9 Pead of 8eglon S8-ll 8angalore
7 8haraL 8hushan 20006 Lu L9 Pead of 8eglon W8-l nagpur
8 8.k. Slngh 11044 Lu L9 Pead of 8eglon W8-ll 8aroda
9 u.k. Sarma 30003 CM (l/C) L8 Pead of 8eglon nL8 Shlllong
1 A.k. Slnha 40062 Lu L9 ro[ecLs W8-l 8alpur
2 8.. CanLayeL 40080 Lu L9 ro[ecLs L8-ll 8hubaneswar
3 8ho[ aul 10947 Lu L9 nL-n/W lC-l ro[ecL nL8 Cuwahau
4 8.k. Chauhan 10931 CM (l/C) L8 W/n 8eg lC ro[ecL n8-ll kuruksheLra
3 S.k. Sharma 16237 CM (l/C) L8 ro[ecLs n8-ll !ammu
L|st of Sr. Leve| Lxecunves as on 31- May-13
S.No Name (S]Sh) L.No Desg Leve| Dept Region Locanon
1 S.k. Soonee 43003 CLC L9 CLC CSCCC CSCCC-PC new uelhl
2 v.k. Agarwal 17003 Lu L9 Pead of 8LuC nLuC new uelhl
3 .8. 8aghuram 30023 Lu L9 Pead of 8LuC S8LuC 8angalore
4 . Mukhopadhyay 43007 CM L8 Pead of 8LuC n8LuC new uelhl
3 u.k. verma 16373 CM L8 Pead of 8LuC L8LuC kolkaLa
6 1.S. Slngh 30022 CM L8 Pead of 8LuC nL8LuC Shlllong
7 . enLayya 23011 CM L8 Pead of 8LuC W8LuC Mumbal
Cn Deputanon to other organ|sanon(s)
1 M. krlshna kumar 00129 Lu L9 norLh LasLern 1ransmls-
slon Co.LLd.
uepLn Curgaon
2 u.S. Slngh 10037 Lu L9 1eesLavalley ower 1rans-
mlsslon LLd.
uepLn Curgaon
3 S.C. Slngh 40081 Lu L9 !aypee CWL8C8lu LLd uepLn new uelhl
Lu - Lxecuuve ulrecLor
CCC - Chlef Cperaung Cmcer
2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2012-13(*) 2011-12(*) 2010-11(*) 2009-10 2008-09
1ransmlsslon Charges 12162.66 9344.19 7902.13 12162.66 9344.19 7902.13 6700.36 3324.26
ConsulLancy 8evenue
Sales of Servlces 228.96 289.93 299.33 228.96 289.93 299.33 269.17 213.90
Sales of roducLs 86.44 - - 86.44 - - - -
1elecom 8evenue 231.39 201.19 187.20 231.39 201.19 187.20 137.72 149.83
CLher Cperauve 8evenue 48.40 128.94 118.68 48.40 128.94 118.68 19.69 12.22
CLher lncome 370.89 620.74 391.37 370.89 620.74 391.37 336.44 436.31
1ota| Larn|ngs 13328.74 1078S.01 9098.7S 13328.74 1078S.01 9098.7S 7S03.S8 6138.72

(8) AID & kCVIDLD ICk :
urchases of sLock-ln-Lrade 63.30 - - 63.30 - - - -
Lmployees 8emunerauon & 8eneLs 886.40 842.97 743.89 886.40 842.97 743.89 726.70 643.88
1ransmlsslon Lxpenses 367.63 328.38 270.38 367.63 328.38 270.38 244.91 199.61
AdmlnlsLrauon Lxpenses 494.36 476.21 413.39 413.37 360.38 308.13 237.36 208.10
CLher Lxpenses(lncludlng rlor erlod Ad[.) (18.12) 19.96 11.49 (18.12) 19.96 11.49 101.23 74.26
ueered 8evenue LxpendlLure - 1.79 1.86 - 1.79 1.86 1.78 1.83
rovlslons 2.73 2.30 3.98 2.73 2.30 3.98 22.13 46.23
1ota| Lxpend|ture
(Lxc|ud|ng Deprec|anon & Interest)
1796.74 1671.61 1449.19 1717.SS 1SSS.98 1341.7S 13S4.33 1173.91
roL before uepreclauon & lnLeresL 11332.00 9113.40 7649.36 11611.19 9229.03 7737.00 6149.23 4964.81
uepreclauon 3331.92 2372.34 2199.39 3331.92 2372.34 2199.39 1979.69 1093.97
lnLeresL & llnance Charges 2333.22 1943.26 1623.44 2614.41 2038.89 1732.88 1343.24 1642.27
neL roL aer lnLeresL & uepreclauon buL
before 1ax
3644.86 4397.60 3824.73 3644.86 4397.60 3824.73 2626.32 2228.37
rovlslon for Lax (MA1) 1032.08 888.31 684.61 1032.08 888.31 684.61 421.91 478.60
lrlnge 8eneL 1ax (l81) - - - - - - (1.30) 14.60
neL roL aer MA1 & l81 4392.78 3709.09 3140.12 4392.78 3709.09 3140.12 2203.91 1733.37
ueferred 1ax 338.28 434.14 443.23 338.28 434.14 443.23 164.97 44.76
roL aer ueferred 1ax 4234.30 3234.93 2696.89 4234.30 3234.93 2696.89 2040.94 1690.61
ulvldend 1273.18 976.89 810.23 1273.18 976.89 810.23 631.34 303.08
(`ln crore)
(*) llgures have been re-grouped as per old Schedule-vl formaLs.
(*) llgures have been re-grouped as per old Schedule-vl formaLs.
(#) lor calculauon of uebL-LqulLy 8auo, Loan llablllLy also lnclude CurrenL MaLurlues of Long 1erm Loans.
(`ln crore)
2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2012-13(*) 2011-12(*) 2010-11(*) 2009-10 2008-09
Cross llxed AsseLs 80600.03 63387.34 30343.33 80600.03 63387.34 30343.33 43202.28 40319.33
Less:uepreclauon 19199.41 13723.04 13119.37 19199.41 13723.04 13119.37 11141.02 9190.89
neL llxed AsseLs 61400.64 47662.30 37223.98 61400.64 47662.30 37223.98 32061.26 31128.44
CaplLal Work ln rogress 19114.92 13373.30 12963.68 19114.92 13373.30 12963.68 10242.37 6333.43
ConsLrucuon SLores 13708.62 12610.04 10749.23 13708.62 12610.04 10749.23 7433.44 4694.19
ConsLrucuon Advances 3328.98 3091.23 2911.66 3328.98 3091.23 2911.66 2746.37 2038.38
Long Lerm lnvesLmenLs 964.24 1101.19 1214.01 1147.30 1284.43 1398.33 1433.22 1392.83
CLher non-currenL Loans & Advances 2330.71 1840.20 1032.64 - - - - -
CurrenL AsseLs, Loans & Advances 6263.43 6329.89 9623.94 8432.90 7986.83 10483.83 9627.32 8312.92
1C1AL (A) 111133.S6 90208.3S 7S719.16 111133.S6 90208.3S 7S730.7S 63S63.98 S4320.19
(8) WnA1 1nL CCMAN CWLD:
Long 1erm Loans from:
- llnanclal lnsuLuuons 113.64 181.01 237.48 181.01 237.48 338.93 420.44 311.19
-lorelgn Loans 18283.67 14332.17 11428.92 19343.37 13267.46 12221.33 11129.32 10248.83
-8onds 43083.29 33443.31 23286.11 43019.00 34983.62 26328.10 21171.83 16409.37
-CLher Loans 1391.67 1142.30 243.33 1642.49 1243.33 344.17 443.00 343.84
1oLal Long Lerm Loans 63076.27 49119.19 37213.84 66187.87 31731.91 39432.77 33166.79 27713.43
CurrenL MaLurlues of Long 1erm Loans 3111.60 2632.72 2216.93 - - - - -
Worklng CaplLal Loan (shorL-Lerm) 2000.00 1630.00 1430.00 2000.00 1630.00 1430.00 1230.00 730.00
CurrenL Llablllues & rovlslons 9396.90 7088.29 6846.01 12333.07 9434.68 9989.27 10092.89 8313.19
ueferred 1ax LlablllLy(neL) 1939.16 1600.88 1146.74 1939.16 1600.88 1146.74 703.31 338.34
ueferred 8evenue-Advance agalnsL uepreclauon 2094.96 2143.78 2176.07 2094.96 2143.78 2176.07 2213.63 2139.39
ueferred 8evenue-ulCllL AccounL 1303.61 493.17 (11.39) - - - - -
CranLs ln Ald 117.03 139.32 171.31 117.03 139.32 171.31 198.82 223.33
Long Lerm rovlslons 442.63 421.49 316.64 - - - - -
CLher Long Lerm Llablllues 989.93 1431.73 2826.62 - - - - -
1C1AL (8) 84894.09 66720.S7 S43S4.S7 84894.09 66720.S7 S4366.16 4762S.64 39702.10
(C) NL1 WCk1n CI 1nL CCMAN
kLkLSLN1LD 8 :
l) LqulLy caplLal(lncludlng ueposlL) 4629.73 4629.73 4629.73 4629.73 4629.73 4629.73 4208.84 4208.84
ll) 8eserves and Surplus 21383.68 18838.03 16724.03 21383.68 18838.03 16724.03 11708.23 10414.73
lll) Less:Mlsc.Lxp.Lo Lhe exLenL noL wrluen o - - 2.41 - - 2.41 3.36 3.30
1C1AL (C) 26213.41 23487.78 213S1.37 26213.41 23487.78 213S1.37 1S913.S1 14618.09
l) LuC uevelopmenL lund - - - - - - 16.44 -
ll) CS8 Acuvlues 8eserve 26.06 - 13.22 26.06 - 13.22 8.39 -
1C1AL (D) 26.06 - 13.22 26.06 - 13.22 24.83 -
1C1AL (8+C+D) 111133.S6 90208.3S 7S719.16 111133.S6 90208.3S 7S730.7S 63S63.98 S4320.19
CAI1AL LMLCLD S29S7.S9 42621.18 36334.98 S3244.3S 42469.79 34429.03 28678.SS 28430.04
(neL llxed AsseLs+neL CurrenL AsseLs)
(L) kA1ICS
neL roL Lo CaplLal Lmployed() 8.00 7.64 7.42 7.93 7.66 7.83 7.12 3.93
neL roL Lo neL WorLh() 16.13 13.86 12.63 16.13 13.86 12.63 12.83 11.37
neL WorLh per 8upee of ald-up CaplLal (ln `) 3.66 3.07 4.61 3.66 3.07 4.61 3.78 3.47
uebL/LqulLy 8auo (#) 72:28 69:31 63:33 72:28 69:31 63:33 68:32 66:34
CurrenL 8auo 0.43:1 0.36:1 0.92:1 0.31:1 0.61:1 0.79:1 0.74:1 0.73:1
Larnlng per Share (ulluLed LS) (` per Share) 9.13 7.03 6.19 9.13 7.03 6.19 4.83 4.02
8ook value per share(` per share) 36.62 30.73 46.12 36.62 30.73 46.12 37.81 34.73
CaplLal LxpendlLure (` ln Crore) 20037 17814 12003 20037 17814 12003 10617 8167
LengLh of 1ransmlsslon Llnes (Ck1) 100200 92981 82333 100200 92981 82333 73290 71300
no. of SubsLauons 167 130 133 167 130 133 124 120
no. of Lmployees 9347 9670 9773 9347 9670 9773 9162 8214
1ransmlsslon neLwork avallablllLy () 99.90 99.94 99.80 99.90 99.94 99.80 99.77 99.33
ower 1ransmlued on CWL8C8lu neLwork (ln Mu) 430027 430992 400396 430027 430992 400396 363723 334013
Dear Shareho|ders,
Lad|es & Gent|emen,
l am dellghLed Lo presenL, on behalf of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, Lhe 24Lh Annual 8eporL on Lhe performance of your Company durlng Lhe
nanclal year endlng March 31, 2013 LogeLher wlLh AudlLed SLaLemenL of AccounLs, AudlLors' 8eporL and 8evlew of Lhe AccounLs by Lhe
CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla for Lhe revlew perlod.
?our Company has earned Lhe repuLauon as one of Lhe largesL and besL managed Lransmlsslon uullues ln Lhe world wlLh lLs remarkable
growLh ln Lhe lasL Lwo decades and carrles abouL half of Lhe counLry's LoLal generaLed power. ?our Company conunues Lo play a crlucal role
ln developmenL of Lhe CounLry's power secLor wlLh lLs varlous Lechno-managerlal lnluauves ln lnLer-SLaLe power Lransmlsslon sysLem along
wlLh LransparenL and eecuve grld operauon ln Lhe CounLry.
?our Company has been selecLed for 'MoU Lxce||ence Award' for l? 2010-11 by ueparLmenL of ubllc LnLerprlses (uL), MlnlsLry of Peavy
lndusLrles & ubllc LnLerprlses for belng Lhe Lop performer ln Lhe Lnergy SyndlcaLe. lurLher, based on overall performance, Lhe Company
has been raLed 'LxcellenL' by uL for Lhe l? 2011-12. 8ased on Lhe approved score, CWL8C8lu sLand Lop among Lhe assessed Companles
ln Lhe ower Cenerauon and 1ransmlsslon syndlcaLe for Lhe l? 2011-12 and expecLed Lo recelve Lhe Mou Lxcellence Award" agaln.
?our Company has puL on a remarkable performance ln l? 2012-13 wlLh achlevemenLs exceedlng mosL of Lhe LargeLs under Memorandum
of undersLandlng (Mou) slgned wlLh MlnlsLry of ower (Mo), CovernmenL of lndla and polsed Lo geL 'LxcellenL' raung for l? 2012-13,
conunuously slnce slgnlng of lLs rsL Mou ln l? 1993-94.
erformance hlghllghLs of Lhe Company durlng l? 2012-13 are brley menuoned here Lo glve an overvlew of accompllshmenLs ln all
Made an lnvesLmenL of `20,037 Crore, an lncrease of abouL 13 over lasL year.
Added abouL 7,1S6 c|rcu|t k||ometre (Ckm) of LxLra Plgh volLage(LPv) Lransmlsslon llnes, 17 new sub-stanons and Lransformauon
capaclLy of more Lhan 40,230 Mega Vo|t Ampere (MVA).
AsseLs commerclallsauon of abouL `17,213 Crore.
lnvesLmenL approval accorded for 24 new Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs worLh abouL `12,S79 Crore.
1200kv ulLra Plgh volLage (uPv) AC Nanona| 1est Stanon at 8|na, Madhya radesh was LesL charged and Lhen ded|cated to the Nanon
by non'b|e Un|on M|n|ster of State (I]C)for ower.
Aualned 99.90 1ransmlsslon sysLem avallablllLy wlLh number of Lrlpplngs per llne llmlLed aL 0.S8.
lnLer-reglonal power Lransfer capaclLy of nauonal Crld has been enhanced by 2,000 MW ln Lhe year and cumulauve capaclLy sLood aL
abouL 29,7S0 MW by end of March, 2013. lurLher, ln Lhe monLh of May 2013, Lhe lnLer-reglonal power Lransfer capaclLy has been
lncreased by 2,100 MW Lo 31,8S0 MW.
Descr|pnon 2012-13 2011-12 -o- Growth
1ransmlsslon Charges 12,163 9,344 27.4
ConsulLancy 313* 290 8.6
1elecom 231 201 14.9
CLher Cperaung lncome 49 129 (62.0)
CLher lncome 371 621 (8.1)
1ota| Income 13,329 10,78S 23.6
roht Aher 1ax (A1) 4,233 3,233 30.1
Larn|ngs per Share (`) 9.13 7.03 30.2
8ook Va|ue per Share (`) 36.62 30.73 11.6
Gross I|xed Assets 80,600 63,387 27.2
Long term borrow|ng ** 66,188 31,732 27.9
Net Worth 26,213 23,488 11.6
Debt Lqu|ty kano 72:28 69:31 -
Commerc|a||sanon of Assets 17,213 13,043 31.9S
*lncludlng consulLancy lncome from sale of producLs
**lncludlng currenL maLurlues of long Lerm borrowlngs
(I|gures |n ` crore, except per share data)
1ransmlsslon asseLs owned and operaLed by your Company as on Aprll 1, 2013 has crossed Lhe benchmarklng values of 1,00,000 Ckm &
1,30,000 MvA and sLands aL about 1,00,200 Ckm of Lxtra n|gh Vo|tage (LnV) transm|ss|on ||nes, 167 LnVAC & n|gh Vo|tage D|rect Current
(nVDC) sub-stanons and 1,64,763 MVA transformanon capac|ty whlch spread over Lhe lengLh and breadLh of Lhe counLry. uslng Lhls vasL
Lransmlsslon neLwork your Company wheels abouL 30 of Lhe LoLal power generaLed ln Lhe counLry.
uurlng Lhe year 2012-13, Lhe average avallablllLy of Lhese Lransmlsslon sysLems was malnLalned aL 99.90 by your Company wlLh Lhe
number of Lrlpplngs per llne llmlLed aL 0.S8. 1h|s h|gh ava||ab|||ty of transm|ss|on network |s cons|stent|y ma|nta|ned by your Company
through dep|oyment of techno|og|ca||y advanced operanona| techn|ques such as PoL Llne MalnLenance, PoLllne Washlng of lnsulaLors
wlLh Lhe use of hellcopLers, LqulpmenL Condluon MonlLorlng Lechnlques lncludlng uynamlc 1esung of relays, 1hermo-vlslon Scannlng,
lrequency 8esponse Analysls (l8A) for Lransformers and reacLors, large scale auLomauon of sub-sLauons, eLc. resenLly, 43 sub-sLauons of
your Company are belng operaLed remoLely and many new sub-sLauons are belng deslgned for remoLe operauon.
1he esLabllshmenL of Lhe "Nanona| 1ransm|ss|on Asset Management Centre (N1AMC)" for cenLrallsed remoLe monlLorlng, operauon &
conLrol of sub-sLauons ls nearlng compleuon whlch wlll furLher lmprove Lhe emclency and Lransparency ln Lhe operauon of Lhe Lransmlsslon
sysLem ln Lhe CounLry.
?our Company has developed for lmplemenung a MalnLenance Servlce Pub" concepL ln whlch speclallsL manpower ls pooled lnLo a hub for
underLaklng Lhe malnLenance of number of sub-sLauons wlLhln a close range. 1hls lnnovauve concepL shall enable your Company Lo enrlch
your manpower wlLh Lhe mulufarlous knowledge of lLs huge neLwork of Lransmlsslon llnes & subsLauons wlLh varlous Lypes of equlpmenLs
ln Lerms of makes, Lechnology and raungs.
1hese Lechnologlcal lnLervenuons shall also faclllLaLe rauonallzauon of manpower ln Lhe eld of C&M and Lhls year your Company has
achleved more Lhan 1 manpower rauonallzauon on Lhls accounL.
?our Company has Laken a proacuve sLep Lo resLraln Lhe Lrlpplngs of Lransmlsslon llnes caused due Lo fog and polluuon ln varlous parLs of
Lhe counLry by replaclng Lhe convenuonal lnsulaLors wlLh polymer lnsulaLors. 8eplacemenL of lnsulaLors ln Lhe crlucal llnes / sLreLches ln
norLhern 8eglon has been compleLed and replacemenL of lnsulaLors ln oLher parLs of Lhe counLry ls ln progress. 1hls has slgnlcanLly reduced
polluuon relaLed Lrlpplngs ln Lhe counLry. lurLher, Lo faclllLaLe opumum selecuon of lnsulaLors for new Lransmlsslon llnes, your Company
ls conducung polluuon mapplng ln norLhern 8eglon and Lhese polluuon measuremenLs are belng carrled ouL aL more Lhan 130 locauons
of Lhe Company and 108 locauons of SLaLe 1ransmlsslon uullues (S1us). 1hese correcuve measures wlll furLher mlnlmlze Lhe probablllLy of
occurrence of ashover ln llnes passlng Lhrough polluuon aecLed areas besldes opumlzauon of Lransmlsslon llne cosL. olluuon mapplng
of SouLhern and LasLern 8eglons are also belng Laken up by your Company. ln addluon, advance acuons are belng Laken llke cleanlng of
convenuonal lnsulaLors as a parL of wlnLer preparedness ln less polluLed sLreLches Lo avold polluuon relaLed Lrlpplngs.
?our Company has placed sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL Lmergency 8esLorauon SysLems (L8S) for Lransmlsslon llnes aL sLraLeglc locauons Lo enable
resLorauon wlLhln shorLesL posslble ume of collapsed Lransmlsslon llne Lowers caused by Lhe evenLuallues of naLural calamlues such as
earLhquake, cyclone, landsllde, & saboLage, eLc. Addluonally, Lo allevlaLe Lhe slmllar evenLuallues ln case of subsLauons, your Company ls
ln Lhe process of procurlng a moblle 400/220 kv L8S for subsLauon for qulck deploymenL & resLorauon of 400kv subsLauon ln 2 Lo 4 weeks
ume whlch oLherwlse Lakes several monLhs.
?our Company's vasL nauonwlde spread Lransmlsslon neLwork passes Lhrough varlous geographlcal areas lncludlng Lough Lerralns such
as snow bound area, deep foresL. ln Lhese Lerralns Lo monlLor Lhe condluon of Lransmlsslon llnes, a fasLer and emclenL paLrolllng sysLem
was necesslLaLed. 1aklng Lhls lnLo conslderauon, your Company has Laken up aerlal paLrolllng of Lransmlsslon llnes uslng hellcopLers for
ldenufylng vlsual and Lhermal defecLs ln Lransmlsslon llnes caused due Lo envlronmenLal sLresses and Lhereby Lo mlnlmlze Lhe breakdown
naLure of malnLenance work. 1o sLarL wlLh Lhls, award for aerlal paLrolllng Lhrough hellcopLers of abouL 13,000 rouLe kms of Lransmlsslon
llnes has already been placed. lurLher, your Company ls also explorlng more conLemporary Lechnlques such as 8obouc 1echnology for
condluon monlLorlng of conducLor, earLhwlre & hardware, eLc.
8esL eorLs are belng puL ln by your Company for lmplemenung lLs Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs wlLhln supulaLed ume frame Lo derlve
commerclal beneLs. ?our Company has developed Lhe lnLegraLed ro[ecL ManagemenL and ConLrol SysLem (lMCS) for eecuve plannlng,
lmplemenLauon, monlLorlng and managemenL of Lhe Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs. lurLher, Lo opumlse Lhe lmplemenLauon ume schedule of Lhe
pro[ecLs, varlous acuons have been underLaken lncludlng LoLal pro[ecL revlew and monlLorlng uslng lMCS and ro[ecL 8evlew Meeungs aL
regular lnLervals Lhrough vldeo conferenclng. re-empuve measures and advance acuons on varlous pro[ecL llnked acuvlues such as land
acqulsluon, sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL survey Lechnlques and soll lnvesugauons, Lender acuvlues, fundlng ue-up, eLc., were also underLaken ln parallel
wlLh pro[ecL lnvesLmenL approval process.
1hese well developed sysLem of lmplemenLauon process has once agaln resulLed ln excepuonal ouLpuL and pro[ecLs worLh abouL `17,213
Crore were commerclallsed durlng Lhe year, addlng abouL 7,1S6 Ckm, 17 sub-stanons and Lransformauon capaclLy of more Lhan 40,230
MVA ln Lhe Lransmlsslon sysLem. ?our Company also umely commlssloned noLable ma[or 763kv and 400kv Lransmlsslon llnes such as
763kv Sasan-SaLna-8lna, 763kv laLehpur-Agra, 763kv Moga-8hlwanl, 763kv !haukalan-8hlwanl, 400kv u/C MalLhon-koderma, 400kv u/C
Mundra-!eLpur, 400kv u/C Chamera oollng SLauon-!allandhar, 400kv u/C 8alpur-Wardha lnsplLe of severe consLralnLs faced lncludlng
challenglng Lerralns, severe 8lghL-of-Way (8oW) problems.
lmplemenLauon of Plgh CapaclLy ower 1ransmlsslon Corrldors (PC1Cs) ls progresslng as per schedule wlLh compleuon ln a phased
manner maLchlng wlLh generauon pro[ecLs. ln facL, some of Lhe elemenLs under PC1Cs of Chhamsgarh and Cdlsha have already been
commlssloned ln l? 2012-13 and balance elemenLs of PC1C's are expecLed Lo be compleLed progresslvely by l? 2013-16.
uurlng Lhe year, 24 new pro[ects wlLh an esumaLed cosL of abouL ` 12,S79 Crore lnvolvlng abouL S,S30 Ckt km of Lransmlsslon llnes,
4 new sub-stanons and Lransformauon capaclLy of abouL 12,730 MVA and supply & lnsLallauon of S,207 km of CCW bre opuc cable were
approved and Laken up for lmplemenLauon.
1he llnanclal performance of your Company ln l? 2012-13 has been lmpeccable, achlevlng a Lurnover of `13,329 Crore and neL roL
of `4,23S Crore as compared Lo `10,78S Crore and ` 3,2SS Crore respecuvely durlng l? 2011-12, growLh of abouL 24 ln Lurnover and
30 ln neL roL. 1he gross asseL base of Lhe Company has been enhanced Lo `80,600 Crore from ` 63,387 Crore ln 2011-12, an lncrease
of abouL 27.
?our Company conunues Lo show lmproved performance ln all lLs buslness areas lncludlng 1elecom and ConsulLancy buslnesses, enhanclng
Lhe value for Lhe shareholders.
Cap|ta| Investment and Iund Mob|||zanon
?our Company conunues Lo explore new opporLunlues for ralslng long Lenure debL from boLh domesuc and lnLernauonal debL lnvesLors, for
meeung lLs capex-programme ln xll lan, ln addluon Lo debL fundlng from mululaLeral fundlng agencles llke 1he World 8ank and Au8.
ln Lhls dlrecuon, durlng Lhe year, your Company slgned loan agreemenLs wlLh lnLernauonal llnance Corporauon (llC) and lnfrasLrucLure
Crlsls laclllLy uebL ool LlmlLed LlablllLy arLnershlp (lCl uebL ool LL) ln !uly, 2012 for a LoLal amounL of uS$270 mllllon for fundlng varlous
Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs. lurLher, your Company made lLs malden foray lnLo forelgn currency markeLs ln !anuary, 2013 and ralsed uS$300
mllllon Lhrough lssuance of 10 year lorelgn Currency 8onds (lC8) aL an auracuve coupon raLe of 3.873 p.a. 1hls malden lssue from your
Company recelved an overwhelmlng response from Lhe lnvesung communlLy and was over-subscrlbed nearly 19 umes. 1he 8onds are
currenLly llsLed ln Slngapore sLock exchange.
ln llne wlLh lLs LargeLed xll lan capex-programme, your Company durlng Lhe nanclal year 2012-13, made a caplLal lnvesLmenL of
` 20,037 Crore whlch was abouL 13 hlgher Lhan lasL year. AbouL ` 1S,700 Crore of Lhe caplLal lnvesLmenL was moblllsed Lhrough prlvaLe
placemenL of bonds ln domesuc markeL wlLh auracuve coupon raLes, Suppller's credlL, proceeds of ongolng S8l Llne of CredlL, forelgn
currency bonds and loans from llC, lCl uebL ool LL, mululaLeral fundlng agencles llke 1he World 8ank, Aslan uevelopmenL 8ank eLc. ln
addluon, Lhe accrued lnLernal resources and lC proceeds amounung Lo abouL `4300 Crore were uullzed for fundlng equlLy componenL of
Lhe Company.
uurlng Lhe l? 2012-13, your Company was raLed by lnLernauonal credlL raung agencles, SLandard & oor's 8aung Servlces (S&) and llLch
8aungs, for Lhe rsL ume. 8oLh Lhe agencles have raLed your Company aL 888 - (ouLlook negauve), conslsLenL wlLh Col Soverelgn 8aung.
ConsequenL upon revlslon of Soverelgn raung Lo 'SLable' from 'negauve' recenLly by 'llLch 8aungs', Lhe raung of your Company now sLands
as 888- (ouLlook SLable). 1he Company conunues Lo have lLs raung as AAA/sLable (Lrlple AAA wlLh sLable ouLlook) by C8lSlL, lC8A and CA8L
raungs domesucally.
D|v|dend ayout
lor l? 2012-13, your Company has proposed a nal dlvldend of ` 1.14 per
share ln addluon Lo ` 1.61 per share of lnLerlm dlvldend pald ln lebruary, 2013.
1he nal dlvldend shall be pald aer your approval aL Lhe Annual Ceneral
Meeung. 1hus LoLal dlvldend payouL for Lhe year amounLs Lo ` 1,273.18 Crore
(lncludlng an lnLerlm dlvldend of ` 743.39 Crore) as agalnsL ` 976.89 Crore
pald durlng Lhe prevlous year. 1he LoLal dlvldend payouL lncludlng dlvldend
Lax accounLs for 34.99 of roL aer 1ax of Lhe Company.
?our Company values lLs shareholders and hence deLermlned Lo pursue lLs
dedlcauon Lo bulld and malnLaln relauonshlps wlLh Lhem by creaung wealLh
for lLs sLakeholders Lhrough deploylng cumng edge Lechnology, adopung
global besL pracuces, opumum uullzauon of resources and susLalnable
As requlred u/s 217 (AA) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936, your ulrecLors conrm LhaL:
l. ln Lhe preparauon of Lhe Annual AccounLs, Lhe appllcable accounung sLandards have been followed,
ll. 1he ulrecLors have selecLed such accounung pollcles and applled Lhem conslsLenLly and made [udgmenLs and esumaLes LhaL are
reasonable and prudenL so as Lo glve a Lrue and falr vlew of Lhe sLaLe of aalrs of Lhe Company aL Lhe end of Lhe nanclal year and
of Lhe proL of Lhe Company for LhaL perlod,
lll. 1he ulrecLors have Laken proper and sumclenL care ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe AcL for safeguardlng Lhe asseLs of Lhe
Company and for prevenung and deLecung fraud and oLher lrregularlues,
lv. 1he ulrecLors have prepared Lhe annual accounLs on a golng concern basls.
WlLh eecuve from !uly 1, 2011, olnL of Connecuon (oC) Charges Larl sharlng mechanlsm has been lmplemenLed ln Lhe Lransmlsslon
secLor for Sharlng of 1ransmlsslon Charges and Losses Lhrough CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon 8egulauons, 2010. As Lhe CenLral
1ransmlsslon uullLy (C1u) of Lhe CounLry, your Company has also been asslgned Lhe responslblllLy of carrylng ouL acuvlues llke ralslng of
Lransmlsslon charge bllls on behalf of all Lhe lnLer-SLaLe 1ransmlsslon SysLem (lS1S) Llcensees (presenLly 13 nos.), collecung Lhe amounL and
dlsburslng Lhe same Lo Lhem. ln Lhls regard bllls of Lransmlsslon charges are prepared, ralsed and uploaded on Lhe webslLe porLal for abouL
71 ueslgnaLed lS1S CusLomers (ulCs) lncludlng paymenL deLalls by Lhe cusLomers.
lL ls a mauer of prlde LhaL ln l? 2012-13, ?our Company had achleved a 100 reallsauon of Lransmlsslon Larl wlLh hlghesL ever monLhly
reallzauon of Lransmlsslon Larl achleved ln Lhe monLh of March, 2013.
8ecognlzlng Lhe need for developmenL of nauonal Crld, LhrusL was glven Lo enhance Lhe capaclLy of nauonal Crld ln a phased manner. ln Lhls
dlrecuon, your Company had esLabllshed/ planned varlous lnLer-reglonal llnks as a parL of dlerenL generauon pro[ecLs/grld sLrengLhenlng
schemes. 1he lnLer-reglonal power Lransfer capaclLy of Lhe nauonal grld has been planned Lo lncrease Lo abouL 63,330 MW aL Lhe end of xll
lan, by addlng abouL 38,000 MW durlng xll lan maLchlng wlLh generauon capaclLy addluon programme and power Lransfer requlremenL
across Lhe reglons. ln llne wlLh Lhls, your Company has added 2,000 MW of lnLer-reglonal power Lransfer capaclLy ln l? 2012-13 Lhrough
upgradauon of boLh 763 kv Cwallor-Agra slngle clrculL Lransmlsslon llnes Lo 763 kv volLage level from 400 kv volLage level. 1he cumulauve
lnLer-reglonal power Lransfer capaclLy aL Lhe end of rsL year of Lhe xll plan sLood aL abouL 29,7S0 MW.
All lndla synchronous grld ls envlsaged for faclllLaung bulk Lransfer of power across reglonal boundarles and Lo achleve opumal uullzauon of
Lhe resources ln Lhe CounLry. 1owards Lhls, presenLly reglonal grlds of norLhern, LasLern, WesLern and norLh-LasLern 8eglons (nLW grld) are
already connecLed Lhrough synchronous lnLerconnecuons and SouLhern 8eglon (S8) ls connecLed Lo Lhls nLW grld Lhrough over 4,000 MW
capaclLy PvuC llnks. Synchronous lnLerconnecuon of S8 wlLh nLW grld ls envlsaged Lhrough hlgh capaclLy 763 kv S/c 8alchur - Sholapur
llnes (2 nos.). Cne of Lhe above llnes ls under lmplemenLauon by prlvaLe secLor and Lhe oLher llne ls belng lmplemenLed by CWL8C8lu.
8oLh Lhe llnes are envlsaged Lo be compleLed by 2014.
?our Company has been lnsLrumenLal ln provldlng an emclenL, rellable, smooLh and LransparenL grld operauon and managemenL ln Lhe
CounLry. 1he grld managemenL funcuon ln Lhe CounLry ls conunued Lo be looked aer by ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed
(CSCCC), a fully owned subsldlary of your Company, wlLh lLs sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL unled Load uespaLch & Communlcauon faclllues. 1hese
faclllues are belng updaLed conunuously Lo furLher lmprove quallLy and economy ln operauon of power sysLems besldes lmprovlng daLa
avallablllLy, vlslblllLy and Lransparency.
?our Company's sLrong Lransmlsslon neLwork and modernlsed 8LuCs have faclllLaLed abouL 66 b||||on un|ts (8Us) of lnLer-reglonal energy
Lransfer across Lhe CounLry durlng l? 2012-13, as compared Lo prevlous year's energy Lransfer of abouL 39 8us, meeung more demand ln
energy declL reglons.
uurlng Lhe year, 32,139 Lransacuons lnvolvlng abouL 73 8Us of energy were approved under ShorL 1erm Cpen Access (S1CA) compared Lo
24,111 Lransacuons and abouL 67 8us of energy durlng l? 2011-12.
?our Company, as C1u, ls Lhe nodal agency for processlng & granL of ConnecuvlLy, Long 1erm Cpen Access/ Long 1erm Access (L1CA/L1A) and
Medlum 1erm Cpen Access (M1CA) of varlous appllcanLs. 1owards Lhls, as on March 31sL, 2013, Lhe Company had granLed L1CA/L1A Lo 131
nos. of appllcanLs wlLh 83,060 MW L1A capaclLy ouL of 214 appllcauons wlLh L1CA/L1A soughL for abouL 1,29,408 MW. Some of Lhe L1CA/
L1A appllcauons were wlLhdrawn/closed due Lo non-sausfacLory progress of Lhe l generauon pro[ecLs. lurLher, CWL8C8lu recelved 180
ConnecuvlLy appllcauons for abouL 1,74,430 MW, ouL of whlch connecuvlLy has been granLed Lo 80 nos. of appllcauons for 69,074 MW. 1he
M1CA was granLed Lo 44 nos. of appllcauons for 4,267MW. 27 nos. of M1CA appllcauons were wlLhdrawn/closed as Lhe compleLe Avallable
1ransfer CapablllLy (A1C) was already allocaLed and some appllcauons are under process.
unforLunaLely, Lhere were Lwo ma[or grld dlsLurbances on 30Lh and 31sL !uly, 2012, whlch resulLed ln fallure of norLhern 8eglonal Crld ln
rsL day and LhaL of norLhern, LasLern and norLh-LasLern reglonal grlds by Lhe dlsLurbance occurred on Lhe followlng day. 8esLorauon of Lhe
aecLed areas was Laken up lmmedlaLely on boLh Lhe days and ma[orlLy sysLem was normallzed ln abouL slx Lo elghL hours on respecuve days
lLself. An Lnqulry Commluee headed by Chalrperson, CLA was consuLuLed by Col for lnvesugauon of causes for Lhese Lwo grld dlsLurbances
ln !uly, 2012. CovernmenL of lndla ls monlLorlng Lhe lmplemenLauon of Lhe Lnqulry Commluee's recommendauons. varlous measures are
belng Laken by CWL8C8lu, CSCCC and CovernmenL of lndla for secure grld operauon such as Lhlrd parLy proLecuon audlL, advlslng SLaLe
uullues Lo malnLaln grld dlsclpllne & draw power from grld wlLhln Lhe schedule, formulauon of lslandlng schemes ln dlerenL SLaLes, revlew
of unscheduled lnLerchange (ul) mechanlsm, preparauon of comprehenslve defence plan coverlng under-frequency, raLe of change of
frequency under volLage, sysLem proLecuon schemes Lo cover large generauon and Lransmlsslon llne ouLages, advlse Lo uullues Lo prepare
ouLage plans for generaung unlLs and Lransmlsslon llnes ln consulLauon wlLh 8eglonal ower Commluees and revlew of Lransmlsslon
plannlng crlLerla, eLc. lurLher, peuuons have also been led ln CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (CL8C) by varlous 8eglonal Load
uespaLch CenLres lncludlng Lhe nauonal Load uespaLch CenLre on varlous lssues lnLer-alla, modlcauon ln congesuon charge procedure,
modlcauon ln ul charges and relaLed mauers, furLher ughLenlng Lhe frequency band, prlmary response from generaLors eLc. ln addluon,
CovernmenL of lndla ls conLemplaung necessary amendmenLs ln LlecLrlclLy AcL, 2003 for mlugaung Lhe lssues ln Crld Cperauon.
?our Company wlLh an asplrauon Lo achleve absoluLe cusLomer sausfacuon ls conunuously endeavourlng Lo provlde cosL eecuve & quallLy
servlces Lo lLs valued cusLomers. 1o achleve Lhls, Lhe Company ls Laklng necessary sLeps Lo lmplemenL requlslLe quallLy measures ln each
and every sLep of lLs chaln of operauon rlghL from concepLuallzauon of pro[ecL Lo commlsslonlng and subsequenLly durlng operauonal
phase. ?our Company ls followlng SLandard ManufacLurlng CuallLy lan aL boLh nauonal & lnLernauonal level whlle lnspecuon aL varlous
manufacLurlng sLages and also adheres Lo sLandard Cperauon and MalnLenance (C&M) manuals for operauon & malnLenance of lLs
Lransmlsslon sysLem. lurLher, Lo lmprove quallLy, varlous Lechnlques are belng adopLed Lo ldenufy Lhe areas of lmprovemenL and develop
acuon plan for conunuous quallLy lmprovemenL ln all of lLs acuvlues.
uurlng Lhe year 2012-13, Lhe cerucauon on lnLegraLed ManagemenL SysLem was revlewed and revlsed cerucauon was acclalmed based
on Lhe evaluauon of lmplemenLauon of laLesL sysLems and procedures. ?our Company ls presenLly cerued for lnLegraLed ManagemenL
SysLem as per ubllcly Avallable Speclcauon, AS 99:2006 lnLegraung requlremenLs of lSC 9001:2008 (CuallLy ManagemenL SysLem),
lSC 14001:2004 (LnvlronmenL ManagemenL SysLem) and CPSAS 18001:2007 (Cccupauonal PealLh & SafeLy ManagemenL SysLem). ?our
Company has re-conrmed lLs cerucauon of Lhe enure Corporauon for Soclal AccounLablllLy SLandard (SA 8000:2008) aer audlung of lLs
esLabllshmenLs for soclal accounLablllLy sysLems.
CapaclLy bulldlng, belng one of Lhe ma[or challenge speclally ln mulu-Lasklng envlronmenL under wlde area operauon, vendor developmenL
have been Laken-up on prlorlLy Lo meeL pro[ecL requlremenLs boLh, ln execuuon and supply of 763/400kv equlpmenL.
WlLh zero producL lnspecuon as Lhe ulumaLe goal, your Company has Laken up process audlLs aL a number of manufacLurlng unlLs spread
all over Lhe counLry & also aL overseas, aL Lhelr works. ApproprlaLe correcuve acuons are also belng Laken up based on CuallLy AudlL
feedback. lurLher, for asserung quallLy durlng LransporLauon, sLorage, erecuon and commlsslonlng acuvlues durlng lmplemenLauon of
pro[ecLs, CuallLy AudlL on lmplemenLauon of lleld CuallLy lans was also carrled ouL.
?our Company glves prlorlLy Lo research and developmenL acuvlues wlLh poLenual for soclal, envlronmenLal & nauonal beneLs by
lncorporaung advance Lechnology soluuons Lo gear up for fuLure challenge.
1he ma[or areas of concern ln developmenL of Lransmlsslon neLwork ln Lhe CounLry are conservlng Lhe preclous 8lghL of Way (8oW),
mlnlmlzlng lmpacL on naLural resources, coordlnaLed developmenL of cosL eecuve Lransmlsslon corrldor and exlblllLy ln upgradauon
of Lransfer capaclLy of llnes. ln order Lo address Lhese lssues, your Company ls deploylng Lechnologles such as Mulu ClrculLs, CompacL &
1all 1owers, Plgh Surge lmpedance Loadlng Llnes, llxed & 1hyrlsLor conLrolled Serles Compensauon, Plgh 1emperaLure Low Sag (P1LS)
ConducLors, eLc.
Lxperlenced wlLh consLrucuon of 763kv LxLra-Plgh-volLage AC (LPvAC) & 300kv PvuC Lransmlsslon sysLem, ?our Company ls now
lmplemenung nexL hlgher Lransmlsslon volLages of 800kv PvuC &worklng on 1200 kv ulLra-Plgh-volLage AC (uPvAC) sysLem Lo achleve
emclenL uullzauon of 8oW and lncreased power Lransfer capablllLy for Lransfer of bulk power over long dlsLances.
800kV Mu|n-1erm|na| nVDC System
lmplemenLauon of 800kv, 6,000 MW mulu-Lermlnal PvuC sysLem of around 2,000 km from norLh LasLern 8eglon (nL8) (8lswanaLh Charlall
ln Assam and Allpurduar of WesL 8engal) Lo norLhern 8eglon (n8) (Agra ln uuar radesh) ls progresslng well and commlsslonlng shall be
ln 2013-16. upon compleuon, lL shall be one of Lhe largesL mulu-Lermlnal PvuC sysLems ln Lhe world aL Lhls volLage level. PvuC sysLem aL
800kv level ls parucularly used for bulk power Lransmlsslon over long dlsLance wlLh reduced 8oW and losses.
1200kV UnVAC 1ransm|ss|on System
1he 1200kv uPvAC Lechnology, Lhe hlghesL volLage level ln Lhe world, ls belng developed lndlgenously by your Company ln collaborauon
wlLh 33 lndlan manufacLurers. 1hls ls one of Lhe unlque 8&u pro[ecLs ln ubllc-rlvaLe arLnershlp model. ln Lhls, a 1200kv nauonal 1esL
SLauon ls belng esLabllshed by Lhe Company Lo faclllLaLe lndlgenous developmenL of uPvAC Lechnology. 1he 1200kv Slngle ClrculL (S/c) and
uouble ClrculL (u/c) LesL llnes were successfully LesL charged along wlLh one 1200kv 8ay aL 1200kv uPvAC nauonal 1esL SLauon aL 8lna,
Madhya radesh and eld LesLs are currenLly undergolng. Pon'ble unlon MlnlsLer of SLaLe (l/C) for ower has dedlcaLed Lhe 1200kv ulLra
Plgh volLage (uPv) AC nauonal 1esL SLauon aL 8lna, Madhya radesh Lo Lhe nauon ln uecember, 2012.
CLher Lechnologlcal lnluauves such as olluuon & LlghLnlng mapplng, Lmergency 8esLorauon SysLems for 400kv subsLauon (Moblle
subsLauon), rocess bus archlLecLure for SubsLauon AuLomauon SysLem, 1ransmlsslon Llne ArresLors, Moblle 1esL van, 33kv Moblle CapaclLor
8ank & Plgh 1emperaLure SuperconducLor 1echnology for bulk power Lransmlsslon, faulL currenL llmlLauon (Superconducung laulL CurrenL
LlmlLer) and energy sLorage (Superconducung Magneuc Lnergy SLorage) appllcauons are belng Laken up/ explored by your Company for
Lhelr vlablllLy ln lndlan ower SysLem Lo ensure more emclenL, safe, secure & rellable operauon of Crld.
?our Company conunues Lo Lake ploneerlng sLeps ln brlnglng SmarL Crld Lechnology ln all faceLs of power supply value chaln ln Lhe counLry.
llrsL SmarL Crld ConLrol CenLer ln Lhe CounLry has been esLabllshed aL uducherry by your Company Lhrough open collaborauon wlLh more
Lhan 70 organlzauons & academlc lnsuLuuons. under Lhls, lmporLanL SmarL Crld aurlbuLe l.e. Advanced MeLerlng lnfrasLrucLure (AMl)
has been lmplemenLed and oLher funcuonallues llke CuLage ManagemenL SysLem, uemand 8esponse, Mlcrogrld, eLc. are belng Laken up
ln a progresslve manner. 1hls SmarL Crld plloL pro[ecL would be very helpful Lo demonsLraLe Lechnology emcacy, evoluuon of commerclal
mechanlsm and sulLable regulauon, formulauon of lnLeroperablllLy framework, lndlgenlzauon of Lechnology and renewable lnLegrauon, eLc.
whlch can be scalable and repllcable aL oLher places ln Lhe CounLry for overall beneLs Lo boLh consumers and uullues.
ln addluon, emclenL sLreeL llghL managemenL sysLem has been lmplemenLed aL uducherry whlch has resulLed ln reducuon of energy
consumpuon for sLreeL llghung by abouL 13. lurLher, developmenL of SmarL Pome Lnergy ManagemenL SysLem ls belng carrled ouL ln
assoclauon wlLh ll1, kharagpur Lo faclllLaLe consumers ln energy managemenL process Lhrough remoLe operauon. 1owards green energy
lnluauves, lnsLallauon of 30kWp roof-Lop solar v planL aL n1AMC bulldlng, Manesar ls under progress.
ln addluon Lo preparlng ro[ecL 8eporL for SmarL Crld lmplemenLauon by varlous dlsLrlbuuon uullues/clues, your Company has prepared
Lhe feaslblllLy reporL for upcomlng green eld pro[ecL aL uholera Sl8, comlng under uelhl- Mumbal lndusLrlal Corrldor (uMlC).
?our Company has Laken leadershlp lnluauve for lmplemenLauon of SmarL Crld 1echnology ln Lransmlsslon also. 1owards Lhls, Lhe Company
has execuLed Wlde Area MeasuremenL SysLem (WAMS) plloL pro[ecL ln four (4) reglons and ls under progress ln Lhe LasLern 8eglon. under
Lhls lnluauve, presenLly abouL 40 nos. hasor MeasuremenL unlLs (Mus) are ln operauon, faclllLaung dynamlc real ume measuremenLs and
beuer vlsuallzauon of power sysLem whlch are useful ln monlLorlng safeLy & securlLy of Lhe grld along wlLh enhanced slLuauonal awareness
and Laklng conLrol/correcuve acuons.
lor full scale lmplemenLauon of WAMS Lechnology on pan lndla basls, your Company has proposed unled 8eal 1lme uynamlc SLaLe
MeasuremenL SysLem (u81uSM)" scheme lnLegraung SLaLe and CenLral grlds, l.e. Mu placemenL aL all PvuC, 400kv and above subsLauons
/ generaung sLauons lncludlng 220 kv level and uC (hasor uaLa ConcenLraLor) aL sLraLeglc locauons. 1he Scheme shall enhance Lhe
emclency ln overall grld managemenL ln elecLrlclLy open markeL reglme. 1oLal esumaLed cosL of Lhe u81uSM pro[ecL ls abouL ` 633 Crore.
lnLegrauon of 8enewable Lnergy 8esources wlLh grld ls Lhe Lop prlorlLy worldwlde for energy securlLy and also for carbon emlsslon reducuon.
CovernmenL of lndla ls Laklng varlous lnluauves ln Lhe area of renewable energy capaclLy addluon and abouL 42 CW of generauon ls
envlsaged ln xll plan. ?our Company has Laken a lead lnluauve and developed a comprehenslve masLer plan, Creen Lnergy Corrldors, whlch
has been released by MlnlsLry of ower and MlnlsLry of new & 8enewable Lnergy (Mn8L) for lnLegrauon of renewables comlng up counLry-
wlde ln xll plan.
1hls covers ldenucauon of Lransmlsslon requlremenL aL lnLer-SLaLe and lnLra-SLaLe level for grld lnLegrauon of envlsaged renewable
capaclLy addluon. lurLher, Lo address Lhe lnLermluency and varlablllLy characLerlsucs of renewable generauon, oLher conLrol lnfrasLrucLure
llke forecasung of renewable generauon and demand, 8eal ume measuremenL/monlLorlng Lhrough Synchrophasor Lechnology, exlble
generauon, anclllary reserves, uemand-slde & demand response managemenL and energy sLorage, esLabllshmenL of 8enewable Lnergy
ManagemenL CenLers (8LMC) eLc. ls also ldenued.
A !olnL ueclarauon of lnLenL ls also slgned beLween CovL. of lndla & CovL. of Cermany for cooperauon ln Lhe eld of lnLegrauon of renewable
energy sources ln Lhe form of provldlng nanclal asslsLance Lhrough so loan of abouL 1 bllllon euro by Cermany Lo develop prlorluzed lnLer-
SLaLe & lnLra-SLaLe Lransmlsslon sysLems l.e. Creen Lnergy Corrldors as well as sharlng of Lechnlcal experuse ln Lhe above eld.
?our Company ls leveraglng lLs counLrywlde Lransmlsslon lnfrasLrucLure dlversled lnLo 1elecom buslness under Lhe brand name 'CWL81LL'
Lo expand lLs revenue base. ?our Company has an all lndla 8road 8and 1elecom neLwork of abouL 29,300 km wlLh connecuvlLy provlded
Lo all meLros, ma[or clues, Lowns, SLaLe caplLals lncludlng remoLe areas of norLh-LasLern 8eglon, !ammu & kashmlr eLc. coverlng abouL
290 olnLs of resence (os) across Lhe counLry from where servlces are belng rendered. ?our Company ls Lhe only uullLy ln Lhe CounLry
provldlng 1elecom Servlces on overhead opuc bre neLwork uslng Cpucal Cround Wlre (CCW) on power Lransmlsslon llnes and possess
lnfrasLrucLure rovlder CaLegory-l (l-l), lnLerneL Servlce rovlder 'A' (lS 'A') and nauonal Long ulsLance Servlce Llcense (nLu) Lo provlde a
varleLy of 1elecom servlces.
AvallablllLy of 1elecom 8ackbone sysLem was malnLalned aL 99.92 durlng l? 2012-13. 1he lncome from 1elecom ln l? 2012-13 has lncreased
Lo abouL `231 Crore from `201Crore ln l? 2011-12. 1he revenue from our Lelecommunlcauon buslness ls malnly on accounL of leaslng of
bandwldLh on our bre-opuc llnks Lo varlous cusLomer segmenLs vlz, 1elecom Servlce rovlders, CovernmenL ueparLmenLs, Mulu nauonal
Companles (MnCs), medla eLc.
Nanona| know|edge Network (NkN)
?our Company ls one of Lhe lmplemenung agencles of Lhe presuglous nauonal knowledge neLwork (nkn) pro[ecL devlsed by CovL. of lndla
whlch plans Lo connecL all knowledge cenLres across Lhe CounLry such as lndlan lnsuLuLes of 1echnology (ll1s), lndlan lnsuLuLe of Sclence
(llSc) eLc., on hlgh speed connecuvlLy. 1oLal expecLed revenue Lo Lhe Company under Lhls pro[ecL over a perlod of 10 years ls abouL ` 900
Crore. 1oLal advance amounL recelved from nauonal lnformaucs CenLre (nlC) agalnsL nkn order ls ` 640.83 Crore ull March 31, 2013.
Nanona| Cpnca| I|ber Network (NCIN)
?our Company ls a member of Advlsory 8ody and Core Commluee of Lhe ambluous nauonal Cpucal llber neLwork ro[ecL Lhrough whlch
CovernmenL of lndla plans Lo connecL 2,30,000 Cram anchayaLs (Cs) on Cpucal llber neLwork uullzlng exlsung faclllues of 8haraL Sanchar
nlgam LlmlLed (8SnL), CWL8C8lu and 8all1el Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed aL an esumaLed cosL of ` 20,000 Crore wlLh compleuon perlod
of 24 monLhs. As a parL of Lhls, your Company has compleLed a plloL pro[ecL aL arawada 8lock, vlskhapaLnam ulsLrlcL (Andhra radesh) ln
CcLober 13, 2012 uullzlng exlsung bers of 8SnL & CWL8C8lu and laylng lncremenLal ber wherever requlred.
under Lhls, your Company has recelved an alloLmenL leuer from 8haraL 8roadband neLwork LLd (88nL) for developmenL & malnLenance
of nCln neLwork ln four SLaLes vlz. Andhra radesh, Plmachal radesh, !harkhand & Cdlsha coverlng abouL 36,000 Cs. 1he work ls Lo be
carrled ouL ln abouL 89 dlsLrlcLs coverlng 1,769 blocks across Lhese four SLaLes. 1he esumaLe cosL of Lhe pro[ecL for Lhese four SLaLes would
be abouL ` 2,700 Crore. As a parL of Lhls, your Company has slgned a Mou wlLh 88nL for developlng nCln neLwork ln 4 SLaLes on 8ulld,
CperaLe and MalnLaln basls, on uecember 04, 2012. resenLly, survey acuvlues are under progress.
?our Company conunues Lo showcase lLs leadershlp ln lLs core areas such as ower 1ransmlsslon, Sub-Lransmlsslon, ulsLrlbuuon and 1elecom
uullslng Lhe Lechno-commerclal proclency Lo oer consulLancy servlces worldwlde.
Cn Lhe domesuc fronL, durlng l? 2012-13, Lhe Company has bagged 26 new asslgnmenLs aggregaung Lo a pro[ecL cosL of `71S Crore, wlLh
conunued & unbounded LrusL ln your Company by ubllc & rlvaLe uullues allke. 1o enhance cusLomers' base, buslness promouon acuvlues
have been underLaken by your Company wlLh varlous CenLral ubllc SecLor underLaklngs llke SAlL, 8lnL, uMlC, ulCC, 8allways, eLc. &
succeeded ln bagglng conLracL wlLh SAlL for provldlng Lechnlcal servlces Lo four planLs of SAlL. ln addluon, belng Lhe fronL runner ln SmarL
Crld lmplemenLauon ln Lhe CounLry, our lnluauves Lo provlde Lechnlcal servlces for SmarL Crld / SmarL ClLy appllcauons are expecLed Lo bear
frulL and brlng number of consulLancy asslgnmenLs ln near fuLure.
lurLher, your Company has underLaken an lnLernauonal !olnL venLure (!v) wlLh nepal. As a resulL of Lhls, Cross border ower 1ransmlsslon
Company LLd., (C1C) became operauonal Lhls year, whlch has 10 equlLy paruclpauon from nepal LlecLrlclLy AuLhorlLy. 1hls Company shall
lmplemenL lndlan poruon of lndo-nepal llnk (Muzaapur, lndla Lo uhalkebar, nepal). lor nepalese poruon of Lhls lnLernauonal llnk, your
Company shall be paruclpaung 26 equlLy ln anoLher lnLernauonal !v Company l.e., ower 1ransmlsslon Company nepal LLd., (1Cn).
ln lnLernauonal arena, durlng Lhe year, your Company had bagged 9 (n|ne) new asslgnmenLs havlng pro[ecL cosL of ` 332 Crore. AL Lhe end of
Lhe l? 2012-13, 17 asslgnmenLs were under execuuon wlLh fooLprlnL ln 11 countr|es vlz. nepal, 8huLan, 8angladesh, AfghanlsLan, Srl Lanka,
Myanmar, uAL, nlgerla, LLhlopla, kenya &1a[lklsLan.
uurlng Lhe year, your Company has earned revenue of ` 313 Crore from consulLancy buslness lncludlng consulLancy lncome from sale of
producLs, surpasslng prevlous year's revenue of ` 290 Crore.
SAAkC Gr|d
?our Company conunues Lo play an acuve role ln preparlng a roadmap for developlng South As|an Assoc|anon for keg|ona| Cooperanon
(SAAkC) markeL for elecLrlclLy Lo develop a cross counLry power-grld, harnesslng each oLher's capaclues and resources Lo address Lhe
growlng energy need ln Lhe reglon. resenLly, varlous lnLerconnecuons exlsL beLween lndla & nepal and lndla & 8huLan and Lhese are
belng sLrengLhened for muLual exchange of power. lor evacuauon of power from varlous upcomlng Pydro LlecLrlc ower (PLs) ln 8huLan,
unaLsangchu-l PL (ln 8huLan) - Allpurduar (ln lndla) 400 kv uouble ClrculL (u/c) llne beLween 8hutan & Ind|a ls under lmplemenLauon
and expecLed Lo be compleLed by 2013. lurLher, an asynchronous lnLerconnecuon beLween Ind|a & 8ang|adesh Lhrough 300 MW Plgh
volLage ulrecL CurrenL (PvuC) back-Lo-back Lermlnal along wlLh 8heramara (8angladesh) - 8aharampur (lndla) 400kv u/c llne ls under
lmplemenLauon and expecLed Lo be compleLed by 2013. lor Lransfer of bulk power, lnLerconnecuon beLween Ind|a and Nepa| Lhrough
400 kv uhalkebar (ln nepal) - Muzaarpur (ln lndla) u/C Lransmlsslon llne ls under lmplemenLauon. lor lnLerconnecuon beLween India and
Sr| Lanka, feaslblllLy sLudy for a 400kv, 300/1000MW under-sea PvuC blpole llne ls under nallzauon. lurLher, dlscusslons aL CovernmenL
level are belng held for lnLerconnecuon beLween India and Pakistan Lhrough AmrlLsar (lndla) - Lahore (aklsLan) llne.
?our Company conunues Lo pursue lLs explorauon Lowards backward lnLegrauon and ls formlng !olnL venLure Companles wlLh Lhe prlme
producers of raw maLerlal for manufacLurlng of ma[or Lransmlsslon equlpmenL. ln Lhls dlrecuon, your Company has slgned Mou wlLh SAlL
for manufacLurlng of Lransmlsslon llne Lowers and lLs parLs lncludlng 8esearch & uevelopmenL faclllues ln addluon Lo Lhe Mous slgned
earller wlLh nauonal Alumlnlum Company LlmlLed (for ConducLors) and 8ashLrlya lspaL nlgam LlmlLed (for Lransmlsslon llne Lowers). 1hese
faclllues are envlsaged Lo caLer Lo domesuc/ lnLernauonal markeL.
lurLher, wlLh a vlew Lo spur Lhe developmenL of sub-Lransmlsslon sysLem ln Lhe CounLry by provldlng supporL Lo SLaLes, your Company
has formed !olnL venLure Companles (!vCs) namely Bihar Grid Company Limited wlLh 8lhar SLaLe ower (Poldlng) Company LlmlLed and
ka||nga 8|dyut rasaran N|gam r|vate L|m|ted wlLh Cdlsha ower 1ransmlsslon Corporauon LlmlLed, on 30:30 equlLy paruclpauon basls
for developmenL of lnLra-SLaLe 1ransmlsslon SysLem ln Lhe SLaLe of 8lhar & Cdlsha, respecuvely. varlous regulaLory / sLaLuLory approvals
ln respecL of Lhe above are under process. lurLher, dlscusslons are under process for formlng a slmllar !olnL venLure Company wlLh oLher
CovL. of lndla's 8a[lv Candhl Crameen vldyuukaran ?o[ana (8CCv?)" scheme for 8ural LlecLrlclLy lnfrasLrucLure and Pousehold LlecLrlcauon
was launched for Lhe aualnmenL of Lhe nauonal Common Mlnlmum rogramme of provldlng access Lo elecLrlclLy Lo all 8ural Pousehold.
?our Company has Laken a lead role ln lmplemenLauon of 8CCv? works and has been asslgned one-Lhlrd of Lhe LoLal works for execuuon
of rural elecLrlcauon covered ln 68 dlsLrlcLs of nlne SLaLes ln Lhe CounLry of a base cosL of abouL ` 7,230 Crore. MosL of Lhe schemes
have already been compleLed. uurlng l? 2012-13, lnfrasLrucLure was creaLed for e|ectr|hcanon ln 3,8S2 v|||ages ouL of whlch 146 were
un-elecLrled vlllages and 8,0S3 v|||ages were energised ouL of whlch 1,11S v|||ages were ln un-elecLrled caLegory. Servlce connecuons were
provlded Lo abouL 1.82 Lakh 8L househo|ds. Cumulauvely, ull March, 2013, lnfrasLrucLure has been creaLed for elecLrlcauon of 68,6S4
v|||ages ouL of whlch 32,463 were un-elecLrled vlllages and servlce connecuon Lo abouL 3S.37Lakh 8L househo|ds were provlded.
ln xll lan, your Company had planned Lo make an lnvesLmenL of ` 1,00,000 Crore maLchlng wlLh Lhe envlsaged generauon capaclLy addluon.
1hls lnvesLmenL ls malnly for lmplemenLauon of varlous lnLer-sLaLe Lransmlsslon sysLems lncludlng Plgh CapaclLy ower 1ransmlsslon
Corrldors (PC1Cs), lnLer-reglonal llnks for grld sLrengLhenlng, sysLem sLrengLhenlng schemes, eLc. CuL of Lhe planned `1,00,000 Crore,
your Company has already made a CaplLal expendlLure of `20,037 Crore ln Lhe rsL year of Lhe lan l.e. l? 2012-13. uurlng Lhe xll plan,
Lransmlsslon neLwork addluon of abouL 40,000 ckm of Lransmlsslon llnes and abouL 1,00,000 MvA of Lransformauon capaclLy has been
envlsaged ln whlch your Company has already commlssloned 7,136 Ckm of LPv Lransmlsslon llnes and Lransformauon capaclLy of more
Lhan 40,230 MvA ln l? 2012-13.
1o meeL Lhe CALx of `1,00,000 crore, your Company has Lo ralse a uebL of abouL `70,000 Crore of whlch abouL `38,800 crore, l.e. 34,
has already been ued up Lhrough fundlng from varlous mechanlsms. lurLher, your Company has excellenL credlL raung by boLh domesuc
and lnLernauonal credlL agencles and Lhereby do noL foresee any dlmculLy for resource moblllsauon. 1he Loan requlremenLs are planned
Lo meeL Lhrough Loans from mululaLeral lnsuLuuons llke 1he World 8ank, Aslan uevelopmenL 8ank, Suppller CredlL, LxLernal Commerclal
8orrowlngs Lhrough bonds / noLes besldes loans from domesuc markeL Lhrough prlvaLe placemenL of bonds.
Lk & I1
?our Company ls esLabllshlng Lhe LnLerprlse 8esource lannlng (L8) sysLem ln lLs organlzauon Lo manage Lhe masslve lnformauon ows ln
Lhe sysLem. 1he maln package of L8 ro[ecL has been awarded Lo M/s 1aLa ConsulLancy Servlces (1CS) whlch lncludes developmenL of uaLa
CenLre, ulsasLer 8ecovery CenLre and augmenLauon of communlcauon neLwork. 1he plloL pro[ecL of Lhe same ls expecLed Lo be operauonal
durlng l? 2013-14. 1he plloL pro[ecL wlll cover Lhe Company's CorporaLe CenLre ln Curgaon and one of lLs reglonal headquarLers.
uurlng Lhe year, your Company had provlded LapLops and daLa-cards Lo Lhe employees for emclenL accompllshmenL of Lhelr funcuons wlLh
swler & easler sLorage, usage, Lransfer and reLrleval of daLa. lurLher, uullslng Lhe skllls & ln-house experuse, Lhe Company has sysLemaucally
developed varlous soware appllcauons Lo smooLhenlng lLs funcuonal areas. 1he Company has also renewed lLs webslLe ln a conLemporary
fashlon Lo make lL more user frlendly. 8elng locaLed ln pan lndla basls, advanced communlcauon sysLem has became essenual and Lo
acLuallze LhaL Lhe Company had lnsLalled Plgh uenluon Mulu-conference unlL (MCu) aL CorporaLe Cmce, Curgaon lncludlng vldeo Wall
SysLem. ?our Company has Laken Lhe necessary sLeps for lSC:27001 cerucauon and for lmplemenLauon of Lhe necesslLaLed lnformauon
SecurlLy ManagemenL SysLem (lSMS) across Lhe organlzauon Lenderlng ls ln process.
Ma[or concern LhaL globe ls faclng now ls Lhe envlronmenLal degradauon and lncreaslng LhreaL of cllmaLe change. 1he Lransmlsslon
pro[ecLs belng lmplemenLed by your Company are envlronmenLally clean and lnvolve nelLher dlsposal of solld wasLe, eMuenLs or hazardous
subsLances ln land, alr or waLer nor large scale excavauon whlch may resulL ln soll eroslon.
Powever, your Company has proacuvely formulaLed and followed Lhe LnvlronmenLal and Soclal ollcy & rocedures (LS) for Lhe
conservauon of foresLs, ora & fauna, reseulemenL & rehablllLauon. lollowlng Lhe prlnclple of Avoldance, Mlnlmlzauon and Mlugauon,
your Company ensured Lo evade CreaL lndlan 8usLard SancLuary ln Madhya radesh and Achanakmar-AmarkanLak 8losphere 8eserve ln
Chhamsgarh durlng consLrucuon of 763 kv lndore-uahod and 763 kv uharam[algarh-!abalpur llnes respecuvely.
?our Company was Lhe rsL Company ln power secLor Lo come ouL wlLh Lhe 'SusLalnablllLy 8eporL' ln March, 2010 and second such reporL
has been publlshed ln March, 2013, provldlng all sLakeholders a clear plcLure of our conLrlbuuon Lo susLalnable developmenL Lhrough
lLs acuvlues. 1he reporL ls based on C8l-C3 guldellnes. lnLernauonal SLandards llke AccounLablllLy, uk SLandard AA1000:2008 AS and
AA1000:2011 SLS" have been followed Lo make Lhe process more lncluslve.
1he Company has Laken varlous lnluauves Lowards susLalnable developmenL and ln Lhe dlrecuon of reduclng lLs carbon fooLprlnL. 1owards
Lhls, Lhe Company has adopLed 8aln WaLer Parvesung faclllLy ln lLs esLabllshmenLs. Lvery subsLauon belng consLrucLed now ls provlded
wlLh raln waLer harvesung sysLems. ln addluon, energy emclenL LlghL Lmlmng ulode (LLu) bulbs and Solar llghLs are belng provlded ln new
subsLauons Lo reduce ln-house consumpuon of energy. A wasLe paper recycllng planL has been lnsLalled aL Curgaon subsLauon and wlLh
Lhe produced recycled papers leuer heads and buslness cards are belng prlnLed. new bulldlngs are belng consLrucLed as per Creen 8ulldlng
norms. ?our Company wlLh an lnluauon Lo reduce Lhe energy consumpuon has underLaken Lnergy audlL aL 12 of lLs sub-sLauons durlng l?
2012-13 and based on lLs reporLs necessary acuons underLaken for lmprovemenL.
?our Company ls focuslng on more number of hlgh capaclLy Lransmlsslon sysLems whlch wlll help ln uullzlng Lhe rlghL-of-way ln an opumal
manner and mlnlmlzlng Lhe loss of foresL, ora & fauna and naLural resource llke land, eLc.
?our Company, emphaslzlng on soclo-economlc and lnLegral developmenL of areas/ communlues prlmarlly ln and around lLs areas of
operauons, carrles ouL varlous communlLy developmenL acuvlues such as Sklll uevelopmenL & CapaclLy 8ulldlng, llvellhood generauon,
healLhcare, educauon, planLauon, sanlLauon, drlnklng waLer besldes lnfrasLrucLure developmenLs llke classrooms, roads, communlLy
cenLres eLc.
uurlng Lhe l? 2012-13, Lhe Company made an expendlLure of ` 21.73 Crore [0.67 of roL Aer 1ax (A1) of Lhe precedlng year] for
carrylng ouL abouL 440 CS8 pro[ecLs lncludlng 19 ln educauon secLor, 132 ln Lhe area of lnfrasLrucLure, 140 ln healLhcare and 131 for
llvellhood. uurlng Lhls perlod, abouL 1.09 lakh Lree sapllngs were also planLed by your Company ln dlerenL parLs of Lhe CounLry.
1owards varlous sklll developmenL programmes, Lhe Company has glven more emphasls on Lralnlng youLhs ln Lhe area of 1ransmlsslon Llne
1ower erecuon" whlch ls belng conducLed ln assoclauon wlLh leadlng LC ConLracLors. uurlng Lhe year, 238 candldaLes were Lralned under
Lhls program and mosL of Lhem were galnfully employed ln Lhe Lransmlsslon lndusLry. CLher sklll developmenL / llvellhood Lralnlng programs
lmparLed Lo unemployed youLh are ln Lhe eld of Lallorlng, cumng/ suLchlng, embroldery, auLomoblle repalrlng, handloom weavlng, food &
frulL processlng, repalrlng of household appllances, eLc. Lo secure employmenL or be self-employed.
An exLenslve programme on MaLernal & Chlld PealLhcare was organlsed ln 13 vlllages of Curgaon, MewaL & !ha[[ar dlsLrlcLs of Paryana.
A LoLal of 72 healLh camps ln dlerenL vlllages of Lhese 3 dlsLrlcLs were conducLed under Lhls program durlng l? 2012-13.
lurLher, your Company ls ln Lhe process of esLabllshlng 4 nos. lndusLrlal 1ralnlng lnsuLuLes (l1ls) wlLh 2 nos. each ln Lhe SLaLes of !&k and
Cdlsha. ConsequenLly upon esLabllshmenL of Lhese l1ls, Lhe same shall be handed over Lo Lhe concerned SLaLe CovernmenL for operauon
and malnLenance.
Auracnng 1a|ent, Nurtur|ng & Deve|opment of numan Cap|ta|
Cur employees are Lhe mosL lmporLanL asseL and Lhelr lncessanL growLh ls Lhe
mosL Lreasured lnvesLmenL. ?our Company encourages and lnluaLes varlous
programmes for bolsLerlng and enrlchlng Lhe conunuous developmenL of Lhe
knowledge horlzon of Lhe employees.
ln order Lo allgn Lhe human resource developmenL sLraLegy wlLh Lhe buslness
ob[ecuves, Lhe Company conducLed Crganlzauon need AssessmenL (CnA) capLurlng
Lhe organlzauonal requlremenL for compeLency enhancemenL of employees and
Lhen conducLed onllne 1ralnlng need AssessmenL (1nA) for lndlvldual employees.
1hrough Lhe onllne 1nA process, your Company has been able Lo llnk Lhe
developmenL plans of employees wlLh erformance ManagemenL SysLem whlch
helps Lhe organlzauon Lo keep updaung Lhe compeLencles of employees Lo meeL
currenL and fuLure requlremenL.
AparL from focussed funcuonal and behavloural developmenL of lLs employees,
Lhe Company conducLed serles of cerued Learnlng & uevelopmenL rograms on
8egulaLory lramework ln ower SecLor and cerued workshop on Larned value
ManagemenL SysLem for Lop and senlor level execuuves as parL of Lhelr sLraLeglc
developmenL. uurlng Lhe year, an average S.9S tra|n|ng mandays per employee
has been achleved Lo equlp employees for leadershlp developmenL, Lechnologlcal
enhancemenL and fuLure challenges.
uurlng l? 2012-13, CWL8C8lu has lnducLed 117 personne| aL varlous levels vlz.,
execuuves, supervlsors, workmen Lhrough open adverusemenL on all lndla basls
and campus selecuon from repuLed englneerlng and managemenL lnsuLuLes for
execuuves, and for non-execuuves Lhrough employmenL exchanges and local adverusemenL aL reglonal level.
new lnluauve of MenLorshlp uevelopmenL has been Laken under whlch young execuuves are gulded by Lhe menLors who nurLure, gulde
and dlrecL Lhem Lo lnLegraLe wlLh Lhe sysLem and values of Lhe organlzauon and counsel Lhem on regular basls. Semng Lhe Lone for new
buslness areas ln Lnergy Audlung, Lhe Company has Lralned group of execuuves for undergolng Lhrough Lhe process of nauonal Cerucauon
Lxamlnauon for Lnergy AudlLors and subsequenL accredlLauon by 8ureau of Lnergy Lmclency (8LL).
1o creaLe a vlbranL workforce rlslng Lo opporLunlues and challenges ln Company's fuLure buslness conLexL, CWL8C8lu CllmaLe Survey 2012-
2013 was conducLed amongsL execuuve and supervlsor level employees wlLh a vlew Lo capLure Lhe key facLors of employee sausfacuon,
employee engagemenL and Lhe exlsung organlsauonal culLural capablllues and Lhe fuLure culLural capablllues.
?our Company has sLarLed runnlng lLs own PoL Llne 1ralnlng CenLre aL Pyderabad duly accredlLed by CenLral LlecLrlclLy AuLhorlLy (CLA). 1hls
cenLre ls Lhe only accredlLed PoLllne 1ralnlng CenLre ln lndla and has been seL up Lo provlde ln-depLh approach and Lralnlng for Lechnlcal
and pracucal know-how of llve llne malnLenance.
uurlng Lhe l? 2012-13, your Company has slgned Memorandum of undersLandlng (Mous) wlLh llM, Lucknow, llM, 8angalore, C8l,
8angalore, ll1, Chennal and lll1, new uelhl whlch wlll enable Lhe organlzauon Lo leverage each oLher's capablllLy and resources ln areas of
pedagogy, Lralnlng, research and lnnovauon ln sysLems, process, eLc.
Lmp|oyee We|fare
?our Company underLakes requlslLe changes ln varlous pollcles from ume Lo ume ln llne wlLh Lhe needs and welfare of employees. 1he
Company had empanelled varlous hosplLals nearby Lo lLs esLabllshmenLs lncludlng CorporaLe CenLre for Lhe healLhcare of employees and
Lhelr dependenLs.
?our Company successfully conunues Lo address Lhe lssues relaLed Lo workmen Lhrough Lhe nauonal and 8eglonal 8lparuLe Commluee
(n8C/88C), a [olnL consulLauve forum comprlslng managemenL and workmen represenLauves. uurlng Lhe year, Lhe lndusLrlal 8elauons
scenarlo ln Lhe Corporauon has been cordlal and no man days were losL. An eecuve work culLure has been esLabllshed ln Lhe organlzauon
Lhrough empowermenL, Lransparency, decenLrallzauon, and pracuce of paruclpauve managemenL.
CuallLy food ls served Lo Lhe employees ln Lhe lSC 22000:2003 conferred CafeLerla ln Lhe CorporaLe Cmce and lood Lounge of Mulu
urpose hall of your Company. PealLhy communlLy llvlng ls spread Lhrough perlodlcally conducLed culLural programmes for celebraung
varlous occaslons llke ulwall geL-LogeLher, Poll Mllan, new ?ear, 8alslng uay, eLc. ln all esLabllshmenLs of Lhe Company.
1he Company also conducLed varlous sporLs compeuuons, for boosung Lhe lnLeresL of employees ln sporLs and games, aL lnLra and lnLer-
reglonal level for kabaddl, CrlckeL, volleyball, 8admlnLon eLc. ?our Company also paruclpaLes regularly ln lnLer-Su SporLs meeL also. ?our
Company players ln CrlckeL, 1able 1ennls, and Carom have sLood merlLorlous and bagged awards ln Lhe lnLer-Su LournamenLs.
C|nzen's Charter
1he Company formulaLed lLs Cluzen's CharLer provldlng a vlslble fronL of lLs mlsslon & ob[ecuves, commlLmenLs, Lerms of servlce and lLs
obllgauon Lo varlous sLakeholders. ln Lhe Cluzen's CharLer lnformauon ls avallable abouL Company's schemes, pollcles, pro[ecL plans of Lhe
Corporauon and lssues of general lnLeresL Lo sLakeholders.
Imp|ementanon of Cmc|a| Language
?our Company, belng sensluve Lowards our herlLage, soclal and culLural concerns, conunues Lo prove lLs commlLmenL for lmplemenLauon
of 8a[bhasha ollcy of CovL. of lndla.
?our Company ls enforclng and pumng all eorLs for usage of Plndl ln all aspecLs of managemenL ln all levels of Lhe corporauon. lurLher,
Lhe Company ls organlzlng varlous evenLs such as workshops Lo lmparL Lralnlng ln Lranslauon, enhanclng worklng knowledge Lhrough
organlzlng compuLer Lralnlngs and Plndl classes, eLc. for lncreased use of Cmclal language. LvenLs llke Akhll 8haruya 8a[bhasha Sammelan,
kavl Sammelan (poeLry sesslons), kavlLa rauyoglLa, urama, ubllcauon of Plndl Magazlnes/papers, compeuuons and meeungs, eLc. are
regularly organlzed. 1o provlde furLher lnsplrauon, employees are nomlnaLed for exLernal Plndl Lralnlng programmes whlch are encouraglng
Lhem Lo work ln Plndl.
varlous forums such as arllamenLary Commluees on Cmclal Language, Advlsory Commluee on Cmclal Language and 1own Cmclal Language
lmplemenLauon Commluee (1CLlC) had applauded Lhe eorLs Laken by your Company for lmplemenung 8a[bhasha besldes recelvlng many
Corporate Image through Commun|canon Management
ln Lhe currenL global compeuuve scenarlo, lL ls cruclal LhaL Companles carve ouL a unlque nlche for lLself ln Lerms of bulldlng sLrong relauonshlp
wlLh lLs sLakeholders and esLabllshlng brand ldenuLy for Lhemselves Lhrough varlous lnnovauve communlcauons managemenL lnluauves.
ln order Lo faclllLaLe lnLeracuon wlLh Lhe sLakeholders ln respecL of achlevemenLs, growLh, recenL developmenLs on operauonal and nanclal
fronL, regular press communlque have been lssued by your Company and face Lo face lnLeracuon of Lhe managemenL arranged wlLh Lhe
analysLs and sLakeholders aL Lhe CuarLerly AnalysL MeeL and ress MeeL. 1hls has enhanced brand exposure wlLh exlsung and poLenual
cllenLs, lnvesLors and oLher sLakeholders.
?our Company Lhrough lLs emclenL communlcauon managemenL handled Lhe mosL challenglng communlcauon crlsls by dlssemlnaung
prompL lnformauon amongsL Lhe press and [ournallsLs regardlng resLorauon of Lhe nauonal Crld ln !uly/ AugusL, 2012. 1he managemenL
was regularly updaung Lhe press and Lhe medla by releaslng hourly updauon reporLs and lnLervlews Lhereby malnLalnlng a LransparenL
communlcauon wlLh Lhe publlc.
?our Company successfully paruclpaLed ln Lhe lndla lnLernauonal 1rade lalr (ll1l) 2012 exhlbluon by creaung a Lheme sLall based on SmarL
Crld 1echnology and 1200 kv PvuC Lransmlsslon llne, focuslng on lLs ongolng acuvlues, core compeLencles and currenL asslgnmenLs. 1he
Company also paruclpaLed ln many buslness orlenLed exhlbluons, Lechnlcal, soclal semlnars and workshops Lo reach ouL Lo lLs prlnclpal
cllenLs and Lhe publlc.
WlLh a vlew Lo lnLegraLe Lhe employees' ouLlook Lowards Lhe Company's mlsslon, goals and sLraLegles numerous lnLernal communlcauons
Lools are deployed such as monLhly newsleuers ln dlglLal form, wall magazlnes, lounge for regular evenL updaLes Lo apprlse Lhe developmenLs,
achlevemenLs & vlewpolnLs of organlsauon. 8esldes Lhls, we also provlde a sLage Lo our employees for dlrecL lnLeracuon wlLh managemenL
by organlzlng "Cpen nouse" sesslon ume Lo ume where CMu and ulrecLors lnLeracL wlLh all Lhe employees elLher dlrecLly or Lhrough vldeo
conferenclng. 1hese lnLernal communlcauons has been lnsLrumenLal ln boosung employee morale, enLhuslasm and ln Lurn glvlng a lllp Lo
revenue per employee.
?our Company wlLh Lhe supporL of MlnlsLry of ower and ln assoclauon wlLh C8l and lLLMA has organlsed lLs 4Lh lnLernauonal Lxhlbluon
and Conference C8lu1LCP 2013 on new Lechnologles ln Lransmlsslon, dlsLrlbuuon, smarL grld/clLy, load dlspaLch & communlcauon. 8elng
an excellenL global neLworklng opporLunlLy for exhlblLors, vlslLors and delegaLes, C8lu1LCP 2013 provlded an opporLunlLy for all Companles
Lo showcase Lhelr 1ransmlsslon, ulsLrlbuuon, SmarL Crld, Load ulspaLch and Communlcauon experuse and know-how and Lo ldenufy
buslness opporLunlues ln Lhe elecLrlclLy markeL ln lndla and abroad. 8ecognlslng Lhe lmporLance ln developmenL of SmarL Crld/ClLy for
susLalnable developmenL, speclal conslderauons and showcaslng were done for exhlblung real llfe worklng of SmarL Crld/ClLy coverlng
varlous funcuonallues by Lhe exhlblLors lncludlng Lhe demonsLrauon of Lhe funcuonlng of SmarL Pome Lnergy ManagemenL SysLem.
?our Company focuses more on revenuve and ro-acuve vlgllance, aparL from ueLecuve, redlcuve and unluve vlgllance. Almlng aL beuer
Lransparency ln worklng of Lhe Crganlsauon and Lo lnculcaLe a sense of LLhlcs, lnLegrlLy and sound CorporaLe Covernance several sLeps are
belng Laken for lmprovlng Lhe sysLem and vlgllance admlnlsLrauon Lhrough varlous Lechnologles such as Cnllne ComplalnL Pandllng SysLem,
vlgllance lnformauon neLwork SysLem (vlnS), Cnllne roperLy 8eLurns, e-blddlng, e-paymenLs, e-aucuon, e-procuremenL, e-bllllng, eLc. ln
Lhe Crganlsauon as a whole. varlous workshops on revenuve vlgllance, LLhlcs and Lhe 81l AcL are also conducLed boLh aL Lhe CorporaLe
CenLre as well as ln Lhe 8eglons.
?our Company, as a parL of revenuve vlgllance, lnspecuons ln Lhe form of surprlse and process onllne were conducLed, aparL from C1L
Lype lnspecuons. 8ased on Lhe lnspecuons conducLed, adequaLe cosL compensauon was eecLed on polnLs noL conformlng Lo Lechnlcal
speclcauons or condluons of ConLracL, eLc. Cn Lhe basls of surprlse lnspecuons conducLed, some cases were also reglsLered for lnvesugauon
and necessary dlsclpllnary proceedlngs were lnluaLed ln some cases. A number of complalnLs were also recelved boLh lnLernally as well as
from ouLslde agencles. 1he Company has adopLed zero Lolerance Lowards corrupuon. 1he complalnLs recelved are Lherefore, Laken up for
verlcauon, earnesLly. Cn Lhe basls of lnvesugauons conducLed lnLo Lhese complalnLs, dlsclpllnary acuon, wherever approprlaLe, was also
lnluaLed agalnsL some employees. 1he vlgllance ueparLmenL conunues lLs drlve Lo spread awareness amongsL employees by sendlng bulk
SMS and e-malls regardlng Lhe provlslons of Lhe ConducL, ulsclpllne and Appeal 8ules. Conunuous lmprovemenL ln sysLems and procedures
has always remalned one of Lhe hallmarks of your Company. 1he Company have, llke ln prevlous years, conunued lLs focus on spheres
of funcuonlng, llke, communlcauon of assessmenL Lo Lhe concerned bldders, lncorporauon of provlslon relaung Lo conlcL of lnLeresL,
resLrlcuon relaung Lo purchase of memenLoes Lo vlslung dlgnlLarles, lnsLallauon of survelllance cameras Lo lncrease securlLy, sLorage of
maLerlals aL consLrucuon slLes, eLc. vendors' meeL were also organlzed durlng Lhe year ln varlous 8eglons Lo bolsLer more lnLeracuon wlLh
Lhe sLakeholders.
uurlng vlgllance Awareness Week, your Company organlzed a number of programmes boLh aL CorporaLe CenLre and reglons llke essay,
debaLe, qulz, slogan and palnung compeuuons boLh for employees as well as for Lhelr famlly members. anel dlscusslons and lecLures by
emlnenL personallues and academlclans were also organlzed. 1he vlgllance Commlssloners, Shrl 8. Srlkumar and Shrl !.M. Carg, addressed
Lhe employees aL CorporaLe CenLre and aL Lhe 8eglons (Lhrough vldeo Conferenclng) durlng Lhls week. 1he ln-house [ournal of Lhe vlgllance
ueparLmenL, 'Candour' was also lnauguraLed durlng Lhls perlod and dlsLrlbuLed wldely amongsL Lhe employees.
CovL. of lndla and oLher presuglous organlsauons & lnsuLuLes has besLowed your Company wlLh varlous awards/ accolades ln varlous
?our Company has been selecLed for 'MoU exce||ence award' for l? 2010-11 by ueparLmenL of ubllc LnLerprlses (uL), MlnlsLry of Peavy
lndusLrles & ubllc LnLerprlses for belng Lhe Lop performer ln Lhe Lnergy SyndlcaLe.
?our Company had been conferred wlLh Lhe "3rd ka[eev Gandh| Lxce||ence Award 2011" under Lhe '8esL ower Company of Lhe ?ear'
CaLegory by an NGC "ehchan", Lo commemoraLe LaLe rlme MlnlsLer Shrl 8a[lv Candhl's blrLhday, ln a funcuon held on AugusL 20, 2012
aL new uelhl.
?our Company has also been conferred wlLh Lhe 4Lh uSl! Su Awards 2012 for "Iastest Grow|ng Navratna |n non-manufactur|ng category"
by ualal SLreeL lnvesLmenL !ournal ln a funcuon held ln new uelhl on March 23, 2013.
lurLher, your Company's Leam had won Lhe nauonal Champlonshlp of nauonal Compeuuon for 8uslness ManagemenL Slmulauons -2012
and represenLed lndla ln Aslan Champlonshlp.
ln addluon Lo Lhe lssues ln Lhe ulrecLors' 8eporLs, some lssues have been broughL ouL ln 8eporL on ManagemenL ulscusslon and Analysls
placed aL Annexure-I.
1he 8uslness 8esponslblllLy 8eporL as supulaLed under Clause 33 of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL wlLh Lhe SLock Lxchanges ls glven ln Annexure-II
and forms parL of Lhe Annual 8eporL.
1he paruculars of employees of Lhe Corporauon who were ln recelpL of remunerauon ln excess of Lhe llmlL prescrlbed under Secuon 217
(2A) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 ls glven ln Annexure-III Lo Lhls 8eporL.
As per requlremenLs of dlsclosures under Secuon 217(1) (e) of Companles AcL,1936 read wlLh 8ule 2 of Lhe Companles (ulsclosures of
aruculars ln Lhe 8eporL of 8oard of ulrecLors) 8ules, 1988 lnformauon relaung Lo conversauon of energy, Lechnology absorpuon and
forelgn exchange earnlngs and ouLgo ls glven ln Annexure-IV Lo Lhls 8eporL.
Company has achleved 'nlL' commenLs on Lhe accounLs for Lhe year ended March 31, 2013 by Lhe CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla
under Secuon 619(4) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936. Copy ls auached ln Annexure-V Lo Lhls 8eporL.
A 8eporL on Lhe CorporaLe Covernance (Annexure-VI), formlng parL of Lhls 8eporL, LogeLher wlLh Lhe CerucaLe Lhereon ls glven ln
Annexure-VII Lo Lhls reporL.
?our Company has goL lLs SecreLarlal Compllance AudlL conducLed for Lhe nanclal year ended March 31, 2013 from M/s San[ay Crover &
AssoclaLes, racuslng Company SecreLary. 1helr 8eporL forms parL of Lhls Annual 8eporL (Annexure-VIII).
1he SLaLuLory AudlLors of your Company are appolnLed by Lhe CompLroller & AudlLors Ceneral of lndla. M/s S. k. MehLa & Co., M/s Chauer[ee
& Co., and M/s Sagar & AssoclaLes were appolnLed as !olnL SLaLuLory AudlLors for Lhe nanclal year 2012-13.
?our Company had appolnLed Lhe CosL AudlLors Shrl !ugal klshore url and M/s. k. C. Coyal and AssoclaLes for Lhe llnanclal ?ear 2012-13.
lurLher, M/s. k. C. Coyal and AssoclaLes and M/s. S. C. MohanLy & AssoclaLes have been appolnLed as CosL AudlLors for Lhe llnanclal ?ear
2013-14 under Secuon 2338 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
1he due daLe for llng CosL AudlL 8eporLs for Lhe nanclal year 2012-13 wlLh Lhe CosL AudlL 8ranch, MlnlsLry of Company Aalrs ls SepLember
27, 2013 and Lhe same wlll be led wlLh Lhe CosL AudlL 8ranch wlLhln Lhe supulaLed ume.
uurlng Lhe year under reporL, some changes Look place ln Lhe ulrecLoraLe. Shrl 8avl . Slngh assumed Lhe charge of ulrecLor (ersonnel)
wlLh eecL from (w.e.f) Aprll 1, 2012 and Shrl 8. . Sasmal, Look over Lhe charge of ulrecLor (Cperauons) wlLh eecL from AugusL 1, 2012.
llve non-omclal parL ume dlrecLors vlz. Shrl 8. k. CupLa, ur. k. 8amallngam, Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy, Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual and Shrl Mahesh
Shah were appolnLed wlLh eecL from !anuary 16, 2013.
lurLher, Shrl 8akesh !aln, !S&lA, Mo, ceased Lo be ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of Lhe Company w.e.f. !uly 08, 2013 (Aernoon). 1he 8oard wlshes
Lo place on record lLs deep appreclauon and grauLude for Lhe lnvaluable conLrlbuuon and unsunLed supporL Lo Lhe Company exLended by
Shrl 8akesh !aln durlng hls Lenure as ulrecLor of Lhe Company.
ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Secuon 233 and 236 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 read wlLh Arucle 31(lll) of Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon
of Lhe Company, SmL. 8lLa Slnha, Shrl SanLosh Saraf, lndependenL ulrecLors shall reure by roLauon aL Lhe Annual Ceneral Meeung of your
Company and belng ellglble, oer Lhemselves for re-appolnLmenL.
1he 8oard of ulrecLors, wlLh deep sense of appreclauon, acknowledges Lhe guldance and co-operauon recelved from CovL. of lndla,
parucularly MlnlsLry of ower, MlnlsLry of llnance, MlnlsLry of Pome Aalrs, MlnlsLry of LxLernal Aalrs, MlnlsLry of SLausucs and rogramme
lmplemenLauon, MlnlsLry of LnvlronmenL & loresLs, CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon, AppellaLe 1rlbunal for LlecLrlclLy, CenLral
LlecLrlclLy AuLhorlLy, lannlng Commlsslon, ueparLmenL of ubllc LnLerprlses, 8eglonal ower Commluees, and oLher concerned CovL.
deparLmenLs/ agencles aL Lhe CenLral and SLaLe level as well as from Securlues and Lxchange 8oard of lndla, nauonal SLock Lxchange of
lndla LLd., and 8SL LLd., Mumbal wlLhouL whose acuve supporL, Lhe achlevemenLs by Lhe Corporauon durlng Lhe year under revlew would
noL have been posslble.
8oard's speclal appreclauon and Lhanks are due Lo our valued cusLomers, varlous SLaLe power uullues and oLher cllenLs, who have awarded
varlous consulLancy works and reposed falLh ln Company's capablllLy Lo handle Lhem. 1he 8oard also appreclaLes Lhe conLrlbuuon of
conLracLors, vendors and consulLanLs for successful lmplemenLauon of varlous pro[ecLs by Lhe Company.
1he ulrecLors Lake Lhls opporLunlLy Lo Lhank Lhe rlnclpal ulrecLor of Commerclal AudlL and Lx-Cmclo Member AudlL 8oard-lll for Lhe
co-operauon durlng Lhe year. ulrecLors also acknowledge Lhe valuable suggesuons and guldance recelved from Lhe sLaLuLory audlLors
durlng Lhe audlL of accounLs of Lhe Company for Lhe year under revlew. 1he 8oard also conveys lLs slncere Lhanks Lo varlous nauonal/
lnLernauonal nanclal lnsuLuuons/ banks/ credlL raung agencles for Lhelr umely asslsLance, conunued LrusL and condence reposed by
Lhem on CWL8C8lu.
We have achleved a greaL deal Lhls year and none of lL would have been posslble wlLhouL Lhe skllls and dedlcauon of each member of
CWL8C8lu famlly aL all levels. l would llke Lo Lhank Lhe Lxecuuve Leam for lLs sLrong leadershlp, Lhe varlous employee unlons Lo ensure
LhaL Lhe Company conunues Lo achleve greaLer helghLs year aer year and all our employees for Lhelr commlLmenL and enLhuslasm Lo
achleve our alm Lo be Lhe world's premler Lransmlsslon neLwork uullLy.

lor and on behalf of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors
|ace: New De|h| (k. N. Nayak)
Date: 06.08.2013 Cha|rman & Manag|ng D|rector
ANNLkUkL - I 1C 1nL DIkLC1CkS' kLCk1
Lconom|c out|ook
1he average growLh over Lhe ve years of Lhe LlevenLh lan (2007-12) was 8.0 per cenL. Achlevlng 8 growLh ln Lhe backdrop of Lwo global
crlsls - one ln 2008 and second ln 2011 has been credlLable. Powever, Lhe slowdown ln Lhe raLe of growLh speclally ln 2012-13 ls a mauer of
concern. As per Lhe lnformauon released by Lhe CenLral SLausucs Cmce, MlnlsLry of SLausucs and rogramme lmplemenLauon, Lhe growLh
raLe of Cross uomesuc roducL (Cu) ls [ 3 for Lhe scal 2012-13. Achlevlng Lhe growLh paLh ln Lhe 12
plan ls a funcuon of number of
facLors, whereln lmporLance of power secLor cannoL be overlooked, for a robusL power secLor ls cenLral Lo lndla's economlc growLh. LlecLrlc
power belng a crlucal lnpuL ln all economlc acuvlues vlz. agrlculLure, lndusLry, commerce and household, Lhe rapld and lncluslve growLh ls
only posslble lf elecLrlclLy wlLh rellablllLy and quallLy ls made avallable everywhere.
Sectora| out|ook
1he capaclLy addluon durlng Lhe 1welh lan perlod ls esumaLed aL 88,337 MW comprlslng 26,182 MW ln Lhe CenLral SecLor, 13,330MW ln
Lhe SLaLe SecLor, and 46,823 MW ln Lhe rlvaLe SecLor respecuvely. Summary of CapaclLy Addluon rogramme durlng 12
lan ls as under:
A capaclLy of 34,963.90 MW has been commlssloned durlng xl llve ?ear lan agalnsL Lhe revlsed LargeL of 62,374 MW as per Lhe mld- Lerm
appralsal carrled ouL by Lhe lannlng Commlsslon. 1he capaclLy addluon LargeL for Lhe year 2012-13 was seL aL 17,936 MW. As agalnsL Lhls,
a capaclLy of 20,622.80 MW have been added durlng rsL year of Lhe lan l.e. l? 2012-13, as deLalled below:
Sector-w|se and Iue| -w|se capac|ty add|non dur|ng Apr||-March 2013 (MW)
Management D|scuss|on and Ana|ys|s
Capac|ty Add|non rogramme dur|ng kII |an
1ype]Sector Centra| State r|vate 1ota|
1herma| 14878 13922 43340 72340
Hydro 6004 1608 3283 10897
Nuc|ear 3300 0 0 3300
1ota| 26182 1SS30 4682S 88S37
Sector 1herma| Hydro Nuc|ear 1ota| ercent to
Target Actua| Target Actua| Target Actua| Target Actua|
Centra| 4023.30 3023.30 643.00 374.00 2000.00 0.00 6668.30 3397.30 80.94
State 3931.00 3911.00 87.00 37.00 0.00 0.00 4038.00 3968.00 98.27
r|vate 7180.00 11187.30 70.00 70.00 0.00 0.00 7230.00 11237.30 133.28
A|| Ind|a 1S1S4.30 20121.80 802.00 S01.00 2000.00 0.00 179S6.30 20622.80 114.8S
Source: CLA webslLe- www.cea.nlc.ln
Source: CLA webslLe- www.cea.nlc.ln
A LoLal of abouL 1,07,440 ckm of Lransmlsslon llnes, 2,70,000 MvA of AC Lransformer capaclLy and 12,730 MW of PvuC sysLems are esumaLed
Lo be added durlng Lhe 1welh lan. 1he Lransmlsslon programme Lo be Laken up durlng Lhe 1welh lan perlod and anuclpaLed cumulauve
achlevemenL aL Lhe end Lhe year 2016-17 are as under:
1ransm|ss|on L|nes at the end of the kII |an er|od
1he Insta||ed Generanon Capac|ty as on 31.03.2013 |s as under:
1ransm|ss|on System Un|t At the end of kI |an Lxpected Add|non Lxpected by end of
1ype]Vo|tage C|ass dur|ng kII |an kII |an
Transmission Lines
PvuC 8lpole llnes ckm 9,432 7,440 16,872
763 kv ckm 3,230 27,000 32,230
400 kv ckm 1,06,819 38,000 1,44,000
230/220 kv ckm 1,33,980 33,000 1,70,980
1oLal ckm 2,37,481 1,07,440 3,64,921
763 kv MvA 23,000 1,49,000 1,74,000
400 kv MvA 1,31,027 43,000 1,96,027
230/220 kv MvA 2,23,774 76,000 2,99,774
1oLal MvA 3,99,801 2,70,000 6,69,801
8l-pole llnk capaclLy MW 6,730 12,730 19,300
8ack Lo-back capaclLy MW 3,000 0 3,000
1ota| MW 9,7S0 12,7S0 22,S00
Source: lannlng Commlsslon, xll llve ?ear lan, vol. - ll.
Source: CLA webslLe- www.cea.nlc.ln

A|| Ind|a
nydro (kenewab|e) kLS (MNkL) Grand 1ota|
Coal Cas ulesel 1oLal
MW 130220.89 20109.83 1199.73 131330.49 4780.00 39491.40 27341.71 223343.60
age 38.3 9.0 0.3 67.8 2.1 17.7 12.3 100.0
L|ectr|c|ty Generanon 1arget]Ach|evement for the year 2012-13 |s as under:
Source :CLA webslLe- www.cea.nlc.ln
Hydro 1herma| Nuc|ear 8hutan (Imp) 1ota|
1argeL (Mu) 122043.00 767273.00 33200.00 3480.00 930000.00
AchlevemenL up Lo Mar., 2013* (Mu) 113626.2 760366.43 32870.86 4788.82 911632.31
age 93.10 99.10 93.38 87.39 98.03
CrowLh of 1ransmlsslon SecLor as on 31.03.2013 ls as under:
ower supply posluon (rovlslonal) durlng 2012-13 ls glven below:
Source :CLA webslLe- www.cea.nlc.ln
Source: CLA webslLe- www.cea.nlc.ln
Centra| Sector State Sector IV]vt. 1ota|
1ransm|ss|on L|nes (ckm.)
763kv 6048 411 - 6439
400kv 76334 33276 8370 118180
220kv 10474 129213 830 140317
300kv PvuC Llnes (ckm.) 3948 1304 1980 9432
Sub Stanon: (MVA)
763kv 48000 1000 - 49000
400kv 83163 82027 1367 167822
220kv 7716 233611 1367 242894
300kv PvuC ConverLer/818 SLn.
ConverLer 1ermlnal (MW)
9300 1300 2300 13300
Region kequ|rement Ava||ab|||ty
Surp|us]Dehc|t (-) Peak Demand
Peak Met
Surp|us]Dehc|t (-)
(MU) () (MU) ()
norLhern 300,616 273,082 -27,334 -9.2 43,860 41,790 -4,070 -8.9
WesLern 293,929 284,138 -9,791 -3.3 40,073 39,486 -389 -1.3
SouLhern 281,792 237,998 -43,794 -13.3 37,638 31,386 -6032 -16.1
LasLern 107,373 102,614 -4,939 -4.6 16,633 13,413 -1,240 -7.4
norLh LasLern 11,390 10,742 -848 -7.3 1,998 1,864 -134 -6.7
A|| Ind|a 99S,S00 908,S74 -86,926 -8.7 13S,4S3 123,294 -12,1S9 -9.0
8y Lhe end of LlevenLh lan, ouL of Lhe LoLal 3,93,732 vlllages ln lndla (Census 2001), 3,36,633 vlllages (*93.8 per cenL) have been elecLrled.
1he All lndla vlllage LlecLrlcauon as on 31.03.2013 ls (nos.) 360266 (94.4) as agalnsL 336633 (93.8) as on 31.03.2012.
*Source: as per CLA reporL.
CWLkGkID - A 'Navratna ub||c Sector Lnterpr|se' and 'Centra| 1ransm|ss|on Un||ty' of the Country
CWL8C8lu ls a 'navraLna' SL slnce May, 2008, and Lhls sLaLus provldes Lhe auLonomy Lo lLs 8oard of ulrecLors Lo approve lnvesLmenL ln
lLs pro[ecLs aparL from equlLy lnvesLmenL ln [olnL venLures and wholly owned subsldlarles ln lndla or abroad wlLh a celllng of 13 of Lhe lLs
neLworLh ln one pro[ecL llmlLed Lo `1000crore wlLh 30 overall celllng ln all pro[ecLs. CWL8C8lu ls also Lhe noued CenLral 1ransmlsslon
uullLy" of Lhe CounLry slnce 1998.
CWLkGkID 1ransm|ss|on Network as on 31st March, 2013:
Cwns & operaLes Lransmlsslon neLwork of 1,00,200 C|rcu|t kms. of LxLra Plgh volLage 1ransmlsslon Llnes, 167 nos. of LPvAC &
PvuC subsLauons wlLh a tota| transformanon capac|ty of 1,64,763 MVA.
lnLer-reglonal power Lransfer capaclLy of abouL 29,7S0 MW.
MalnLalned Lhe Lransmlsslon sysLem avallablllLy aL 99.90 aL par wlLh Lhe lnLernauonal uullues.
Wheels abouL 30 of Lhe LoLal power generaLed across CounLry.
Company's performance under operauonal, pro[ecL lmplemenLauon and commerclal areas are enumeraLed ln Lhe ulrecLors' 8eporL.
Address|ng the concerns |n deve|opment of Inter-state transm|ss|on system (IS1S)
CWL8C8lu, Lhe C1u, ls engaged ln consLrucuon, operauon & malnLenance of lnLer-sLaLe Lransmlsslon sysLem (lS1S) whlch enLalls mulu
dlmenslonal challenges. Ma[or areas of concern ln developmenL of Lransmlsslon neLwork ln Lhe counLry are:
(l) 8lghL of Way (8oW),
(ll) Acqulsluon & opumal use of land for sub-sLauons,
(lll) CbLalnlng foresL clearances,
(lv) MalnLalnlng mlnlmal lmpacL on LnvlronmenL,
(v) AvallablllLy of skllled manpower,
(vl) lmprovemenL ln operauonal emclency.
1hese challenges need Lo be addressed Lhrough lnnovauon and adopuon of new Lechnologles. lor Lhls, your Company glves ma[or LhrusL
Lo 8&u acuvlues and seamless lnLegrauon of new Lechnologles Lo achleve susLalnable growLh and Lo lmprove quallLy of power supply whlle
opumlzlng upon Lhe cosL of dellvered power. Some of Lhe acuvlues/ measures underLaken Lo address Lhese concerns are as follows:
(|) Address|ng k|ght of Way |ssues:
Lnsurlng avallablllLy of 8oW of Lransmlsslon llnes ls lncreaslngly becomlng dlmculL day by day. ln order Lo address Lhe 8oW lssues
and Lo caLer Lo Lhe need of bulk ower 1ransfer Lo dlsLanLly locaLed Load CenLres, your Company ls deploylng Lechnologles such as
Mulu ClrculLs, CompacL & 1all 1owers, Plgh Surge lmpedance Loadlng Llnes, llxed & 1hyrlsLor conLrolled Serles Compensauon, Plgh
1emperaLure Low Sag (P1LS) ConducLors, eLc. Company has been adopung hlgher volLages levels gradually for opumlzlng Lhe rlghL of
way and lncreaslng Lhe power carrylng capaclLy of Lransmlsslon llnes wlLhouL much aecL on Lransmlsslon losses. 1owards Lhls, your
Company has been developlng hlgh power Lransmlsslon corrldors comprlslng 763kv AC Lransmlsslon and +300kv PvuC, +800kv PvuC
Lransmlsslon sysLems.
?our Company has lnluaLed acuon Lowards enhancemenL of Lhe operaung volLage level of Lhe Lransmlsslon neLwork from 400 kv Lo 763
kv AC ln 2007. lor enhanclng Lhe power Lransmlsslon per corrldor of Lransmlsslon llnes, more number of 763 kv uPv AC u/C llnes are
belng lmplemenLed, whlch reduces Lhe rlghL of way requlremenL.
Pavlng experlenced wlLh consLrucuon of 300kv PvuC Lransmlsslon sysLem, ?our Company ls now worklng on nexL hlgher Lransmlsslon
volLages of +800kv PvuC Lo achleve emclenL uullzauon of 8oW and lncreased power Lransfer capablllLy for Lransfer of bulk power over
long dlsLances.
lor evacuauon of power from Lhe generauon pro[ecLs concenLraLed ln resource rlch SLaLes l.e. Cdlsha, !harkhand, Slkklm, Madhya
radesh, Chamsgarh and Lo conserve 8oW, power from nearby generauon unlLs are belng pooled Lo a common poollng polnL and from
Lhe poollng subsLauon bulk power ls Lransferred Lhrough Plgh capaclLy Corrldor Lo longer dlsLance load cenLers. ln Lhls respecL, eleven
numbers of such Plgh ower CapaclLy 1ransmlsslon Corrldor are belng lmplemenLed wlLh Lhe approval of CL8C.
?our Company ls also lmplemenung 800kv, 6000 MW mulu-Lermlnal PvuC sysLem of around 2000 km from norLh LasLern 8eglon
(8lswanaLh Charlall ln Assam and Allpurduar of WesL 8engal) Lo norLhern 8eglon (Agra ln uuar radesh) and upon compleuon, lL shall
be Lhe one of Lhe longesL PvuC llnes ln Lhe world. AnoLher +800 kv 1ransmlsslon SysLem ls also belng lmplemenLed for bulk power
Lransfer from Champa (Chamsgarh) Lo kurusheLra (ln Paryana). lurLher, Lo meeL Lhe long-Lerm bulk power Lransfer requlremenL an
overlaylng super grld wlLh 1200kv uPvAC sysLem has been envlsaged. 1he 1200kv uPvAC Lechnology, Lhe hlghesL volLage level ln Lhe
world, ls belng developed by Lhe Company ln collaborauon wlLh 33 lndlan manufacLurers. 1hls ls one of Lhe unlque 8&u pro[ecLs ln
publlc-prlvaLe parLnershlp model. 1he plloL 1200kv Slngle ClrculL (S/c) and u/c llnes have been successfully LesL charged aL 1200kv
uPvAC nauonal 1esL SLauon aL 8lna, Madhya radesh and eld LesLs are currenLly undergolng.
?our Company has Laken lnluauve of reconducLorlng some of lLs Lransmlsslon llnes by replaclng '1wln-Moose ConducLor' Lo 'Plgh
1emperaLure Low Sag ConducLor' (P1LS), Lhereby enhanclng Lhe power carrylng capaclLy of Lransmlsslon corrldor. uurlng Lhe year,
reconducLorlng of one clrculL of 400 kv u/C urnea-Slllgurl Llne of abouL 173 kms. has already been compleLed and reconducLorlng
of anoLher clrculL ls under progress. ln addluon, reconducLorlng of common mulu-clrculL poruon, of 400 kv u/C MalLhon-Caya
Lransmlsslon llne and 400 kv u/C koderma-Caya Lransmlsslon llne, passlng Lhrough foresL, have also been underLaken.
?our Company ls explorlng Lhe posslblllLy of lndlgenous developmenL and demonsLrauon of AC Plgh 1emperaLure SuperconducLor
(P1S) cable for power dellvery, whlch wlll lncrease power carrylng capaclLy of Lhe corrldor, reduce losses and requlremenL of 8oW. Plgh
LemperaLure superconducLors (P1S) oer number of advanLages lncludlng hlgh emclency performance and low-elecLrlcal losses.
Works 1arget to ach|eve (Lxce||ent
ranng as per MCU)
Ach|evement ercentage
loundauon (nos.) 13000 16233 108
1ower Lrecuon (nos.) 13000 13868 107
SLrlnglng (ln ckms.) 7000 7136 102
1ransmlsslon Llnes ready for commls-
slonlng (ln CW - ckms.)
7240 7293 100
1ransformauon CapaclLy addluon
(MvA)/ ready for commlsslonlng
20000 33480 177
CWLkGkID's comm|tment towards furtherance of Nanona| Gr|d
uurlng Lhe year, Lhe Company has added Lransmlsslon neLwork of 71S6 C|rcu|t kms. and 17 substanons and Lransformauon capaclLy of
more Lhan 40,230 MVA. 1he LargeL vls-a-vls achlevemenLs of CWL8C8lu ln pro[ecL lmplemenLauon durlng Lhe year 2012-13 have been
as under:
(||) Acqu|s|non of Land for substanons:
Land acqulsluon has become a huge problem ln lmplemenLauon of Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs. WlLh scarce land avallablllLy, parucularly ln
MeLros and oLher urban areas, Lhere ls a growlng need for reducuon of land use for semng up of subsLauons. 1owards Lhls:
Cas lnsulaLed SwlLchyard (ClS), whlch requlres less land area (1/4Lh) ln comparlson Lo Lhe convenuonal Alr lnsulaLed SwlLchyard
(AlS) are belng consldered Lo address scare land avallablllgy. 1lll 31.03.2013, CWL8C8lu has compleLed consLrucuon of
7 numbers of ClS subsLauons and 21 more are under consLrucuon. ClS Lechnology aL 763 kv volLage level ls also belng planned for
furLher opumlslng Lhe requlremenL of land for Lhe rsL ume ln Lhe CounLry. WlLh lncrease of ClS, Lhe cosL of subsLauon vls-a-vls AlS
subsLauon has also become compeuuve.
Seullng compensauon Lo land owners ls mauer of concern whlch delays Lhe land acqulsluon process. lor Lhls, your Company has
developed lLs own LnvlronmenLal and Soclal ollcy & rocedures (LS) and belng lmplemenLed ln all lLs pro[ecLs. under LS, ln
addluon Lo Lhe compensauon awarded by Lhe SLaLe 8evenue AuLhorlues, addluonal rehablllLauon amounL ls also consldered for
paymenL Lo Lhe aecLed famllles and 8&8 acuvlues are also lmplemenLed ln Lhe aecLed vlllages.
?our Company Look paLh breaklng pracuces llke ConsenL Award under Land Acqulsluon AcL,1894 for subsLauons ln uurg, Pyderabad,
korba, koLra eLc. and dlrecL purchase of prlvaLe land on wllllng seller wllllng buyer basls ln subsLauons llke adghe, varanasl, Allpurduar
eLc., Lhere by reduclng reslsLance/ confronLauon durlng land acqulsluon.
(|||) Iorest C|earances:
CbLalnlng foresL clearance for Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs ls a lengLhy and cumbersome process. As per guldellnes lssued by MlnlsLry of
LnvlronmenL & loresL (MoLl), processlng ume of a proposal for foresL clearance aL Lhe SLaLe level has been prescrlbed as 210 days.
Powever, Lhe ume Laken, especlally for carrylng ouL compllance of MoLl dlrecuves regardlng loresL 8lghLs AcL,2006 (l8A) belng
normally very hlgh. 1hls resulLs ln delay ln obLalnlng nal approval and aecLs lmplemenLauon of Lhe pro[ecLs. Powever, CWL8C8lu's
concerLed eorLs and Lhe acuve asslsLance of MlnlsLry of ower has resulLed ln Lhe relaxauon of l8A Culdellnes by MoLl for llnear
pro[ecLs lncludlng Lransmlsslon llnes. 1he much needed relaxauon ls expecLed Lo reduce Lhe ume Laken for gemng foresL clearances.
(|v) Ma|nta|n|ng m|n|ma| Impact on Lnv|ronment:
?our company has always lald speclal emphasls on malnLalnlng Lhe blo dlverslLy of Lhe reglon durlng consLrucuon and operauon sLage
of lLs 1ransmlsslon sysLem. As a responslble corporaLe cluzen, your company has conslsLenLly adopLed measures for avoldance of
loresLs/ nauonal arks/ Wlldllfe sancLuarles and ecologlcally sensluve and blologlcally dlverse areas.
ln lLs endeavour Lo preserve Lhe ora and fauna of Lhe reglon and malnLalnlng mlnlmal lmpacL on LnvlronmenL, your company has
Laken measures Lo opumlze rouLe allgnmenL for Lhe Lransmlsslon corrldor and by uullzlng Mulu-clrculL 1owers, adopung hlgher volLage
Lransmlsslon llnes, eLc.
Some of Lhe ma[or lnluauves Laken by your company ln Lhls year Lowards conservauon of foresL, sancLuary, eLc. are menuoned here under:
uurlng Lhe consLrucuon of 763 kv S/C lndore-uahod llne, Lhe CreaL lndlan 8usLard SancLuary was compleLely avolded by re-rouung Lhe llne.
Llkewlse Lhe Achanakmar-AmarkanLak 8losphere 8eserve has also been avolded durlng consLrucuon of 763 u/C uharma[aygarh-
!abalpur llne.
(v) Deve|op|ng sk|||ed manpower:
Skllled manpower ls an essenual pre-requlslLe for rapld developmenL. Masslve capaclLy addluon ls envlsaged ln power secLor and
llkewlse ln generauon. Accordlngly, Lhe power Lransmlsslon secLor also requlred Lo be geared up Lo Lhls challenge. 1herefore, skllled
manpower developmenL by lmparung Lralnlng ls essenual Lo achleve xll plan LargeL.
?our company has Laken pre-empuve measures under lLs CapaclLy 8ulldlng lnluauve and has Lralned 238 unemployed youLhs ln power
Lransmlsslon llne erecuon and power Lransmlsslon llne sLrlnglng [obs wlLh Lhe help of Lransmlsslon llne consLrucuon conLracLors. 1hese
Lralnees are assessed and provlded cerucaLe by nauon Councll for vocauonal 1ralnlng (nCv1) on successful compleuon. Cumulauvely,
303 persons have been Lralned under Lhls lnluauve for enhanclng Lhe avallablllLy of skllled manpower for consLrucuon [obs ln Lhe eld
of Lransmlsslon.
lurLher, your company has conunued lLs eorLs Lo enhance Lhe ro[ecL managemenL capablllues of lLs execuuves Lhrough Cerucauon
program on ro[ecL ManagemenL. ro[ecL managemenL ls Lhe value drlver and brlngs value by lmprovlng execuuon of sLraLegy,
sLandardlzauon, beuer communlcauon, eLc. ln Lhls conunulng endeavour, 48 Lxecuuves have also been cerued for ro[ecL ManagemenL
ln level-l and 21 Lxecuuves goL cerued for ro[ecL ManagemenL ln Level-ll durlng Lhe year.
(v|) Improvement |n operanona| emc|ency:
CWL8C8lu asseLs have grown subsLanually aL a hlgher raLe durlng lasL 3 years and also Lhere has been a gradual mlgrauon from 400kv
Lo 763kv level Lransmlsslon sysLem resulung ln opumal uullzauon of Lhe scarce 8lghL of way and faclllLaung hlgher power Lransfer
capaclLy ln Lhe sysLem.
Powever, wlLh Lhe lncreased geographlcal spread, open elecLrlclLy markeL, lncrease ln number of players ln Lhe markeL, wlde varlauon
ln quanLum of power ow, lncreased peneLrauon of renewable generauon and need for opumal uullzauon of exlsung asseLs, eLc. have
made lL a challenglng Lask Lo malnLaln safeLy, securlLy and rellablllLy of very large power sysLem ln real ume basls.
8ecognlzlng Lhe need for eecuve conLrol on real ume basls and Lo lmprove plannlng and operauons of power sysLem as a whole, your
company ls adopung new measures such as:
lmplemenLauon of WAMS (Wlde Area MeasuremenL SysLem) ln all Lhe ve 8eglons across Lhe CounLry wlLh Lhe appllcauon of sLaLe-of-
Lhe arL synchrophasor Lechnology (hasor MeasuremenL unlL). under Lhls lnluauve, over y(30) hasor MeasuremenL unlLs (Mus)
have been lnsLalled, faclllLaung dynamlc real ume measuremenLs and beuer vlsuallzauon of power sysLem, whlch are useful ln day Lo
day monlLorlng and conLrol of safeLy and securlLy of Lhe grld aL Lhe load dlspaLch cenLers. 1hese pro[ecLs have been found Lo be very
useful ln undersLandlng Lhe Lechnology and uslng Lhe daLa of sysLem / evenLs analysls.
lor enhanclng Lhe emclency ln overall grld managemenL ln open elecLrlclLy markeL reglme and full scale lmplemenLauon of WAMS
Lechnology on pan lndla basls, CWL8C8lu has proposed unled 8eal 1lme uynamlc SLaLe MeasuremenL SysLem (u81uSM)" lnLegraung
SLaLe and CenLral grlds. under Lhls pro[ecL Mus would be placed aL all PvuC, 400kv and above AC subsLauons and generaung sLauons,
subsLauons up Lo 220 kv level besldes uCs (hasor uaLa ConcenLraLor) aL ConLrol CenLers ln Lhe rsL phase. ln Lhls dlrecuon along wlLh
ll1 8ombay varlous analyucs based on Mus daLa are belng developed.
ln vlew of expecLed lncrease ln number of Mu, Lesung of Mus shall be a huge Lask. 1herefore a Mu 1esL Lab ls requlred Lo be
seL-up ln lndla. Accordlngly your company has Laken up semng up of a Mu 1esL Lab for plloL Lesung of Mus under Lhe supervlslon of
ConsulLanLs aL 81L, 8hlwadl SubsLauon.
Company has underLaken power sysLem sLudy Lhrough 8eal 1lme ulglLal SlmulaLor (81uS) for PvuC. 81uS has a speclallzed compuLer
hardware and soware deslgned speclcally Lo achleve real ume slmulauon of power sysLems wlLh PvuC, lAC1S and proLecuve relays,
eLc. speclcally for sLudy of dynamlc performance whlch ls llkely Lo enhance emclency ln operauon.
8eplacemenLs of convenuonal porcelaln lnsulaLors wlLh polymer lnsulaLors ln polluLed sLreLches have slgnlcanLly reduced polluuon
relaLed Lrlpplng/LranslenL faulL ln norLhern Crld durlng foggy weaLhers. 1o faclllLaLe opumum selecuon of lnsulaLors for new Lransmlsslon
llnes, polluuon mapplng ln norLhern 8eglon ls belng conducLed. olluuon measuremenLs are belng carrled ouL aL more Lhan 130
locauons of CWL8C8lu and 108 locauons of SLaLe 1ransmlsslon uullues (S1us) ln norLhern 8eglon. 1hese correcuve measures wlll
furLher mlnlmlze Lhe probablllLy of occurrence of ashover ln llnes passlng Lhrough polluuon aecLed areas. olluuon mapplng of S8
and L8 ls also belng Laken up by CWL8C8lu.
?our company has Laken measures Lo mlnlmlze Lhe Lrlpplng due Lo llghLnlng by lnsLalllng 1ransmlsslon llne arresLors especlally ln norLh
LasLern 8eglon whlch ls hlghly prone Lo llghLnlng acuvlues.
CWL8C8lu ls lmplemenung a Crld SecurlLy LxperL SysLem (CSLS) ro[ecL for advance defense plan for Lhe secure Crld operauon.
1hls CSLS sysLem shall be commlssloned ln all Lhe ve 8eglons, whlch shall enable all SLaLe Load uespaLch CenLers and 8eglonal
Load uespaLch CenLers/ nauonal Load uespaLch CenLer Lo manage Lhe load dlsconnecuon/Cenerauon dlsconnecuon auLomaucally
dependlng upon Lhe crlucallLy of Crld based upon 8eal 1lme lnformauon. 1he scheme ls proposed Lo be lmplemenLed on 8eglonal basls
as per declslon Laken ln respecuve 8eglonal ower Commluee.
As per CovernmenL dlrecuves, 2.3-2.3 CPz frequency band of Mlcrowave Llnks ln all Lhe 8eglons have been released Lo ueparLmenL
of 1elecommunlcauon. 1o overcome consLralnLs belng faced ln grld operauon ln absence of wlde band communlcauon sysLem, your
company has Laken up lnsLallauon of llber Cpuc neLwork for connecung all 400 kv and above subsLauons, mosL of Lhe 220 kv sub-
sLauons and power planLs. 1he CCW shall meeL Lhe communlcauon requlremenLs of nauonal Load uespaLch CenLer (nLuC), 8eglonal
Load uespaLch CenLers (8LuCs), SLaLe Load uespaLch CenLers (SLuCs), nauonal 1ransmlsslon AsseL ManagemenL CenLre (n1AMC),
unled 8eal-ume uynamlc SLaLe MeasuremenLs (u81uSM) and Crld SecurlLy LxperL SysLem (CSLS) ro[ecL as well as remoLe operauon
of Lhe sysLem.
1o meeL Lhe fuLure growLh of ower SysLem as well as Lhe new requlremenL of Lechnologlcal changes your company ls Laklng up
nauonwlde up-gradauon and expanslon of SCAuA/ LMS SysLem of 3 8eglonal Load uespaLch CenLers (8LuCs) and 30 SLaLe Load
uespLach CenLers (SLuCs) wlLh 8ackup ConLrol CenLres.
?our company has slgned Mou wlLh loundauon of lnnovauon 1echnology 1ransfer (ll11), ll1, uelhl for 1hlrd arLy Cerucauon of
Cperauon & MalnLenance personnel Lhrough Lralnlng & evaluauon. ln Lhls endeavour your company has conducLed 14 Lralnlng
programs ln whlch 136 paruclpanLs have been cerued for malnLenance of 1ransformers and 8eacLors, swlLchgears and Cn-load 1ap
Susta|nab|e Deve|opment
lurLherlng lLs commlLmenL Lowards avoldlng, mlugaung & mlnlmlzlng Lhe envlronmenLal & soclal lmpacL of lLs operauons, CWL8C8lu
has underLaken followlng worLh-menuonlng acuvlues:
A WasLe aper 8ecycllng" planL has been esLabllshed ln Lhe premlses of our 400/220 kv ClS SubsLauon aL Curgaon havlng
recycllng capaclLy Lo handle 40-60 kgs of paper dally. 1he wasLe paper generaLed from Lhe CWL8C8lu CorporaLe Cmce ls belng
used as raw maLerlal. CWL8C8lu ls also ln Lhe process of segregaung wasLe/used paper aL source, ln order Lo lmprove Lhe quallLy
of recycled paper. 1hls lnluauve shall furLher reduce our carbon fooLprlnLs, as 1 Lon of paper requlres cumng of 17 maLure Lrees
and abouL 10 llLres of waLer Lo produce one A-4 sheeL paper. 1he recycled paper produced ln-house ls now uullzed for maklng
company's leuerheads, vlslung cards, envelopes, le/folders, eLc.
1he scarclLy of waLer ls becomlng a leadlng cause of brewlng dlsconLenL wlLhln lndla and lnLernauonally among nauons wlLh
access Lo common fresh waLer reserves. CWL8C8lu has underLaken 8aln WaLer Parvesung sysLems ln 7 subsLauons wlLh a LoLal
expendlLure of `32.66 lakhs agalnsL a LargeLed `30 lakhs as per Mou LargeL seL by uL as parL of our SusLalnable uevelopmenL
lnluauve Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe endurance of our ground waLer reserves.
CWL8C8lu released lLs SusLalnablllLy 8eporL for Lhe perlod 2009-10 & 2010-11 on 13.03.2013. 1he reporL ls based on C8l-
C3 Culdellnes. lnLernauonal SLandards llke AccounLablllLy, uk SLandard AA1000:2008 AS and AA1000:2011 SLS" have been
followed Lo make Lhe process more lncluslve, focus on maLerlal / slgnlcanL aspecLs for Lhe company and responslveness. 1he rsL
reporL of Lhe company was lnLernally assured however Laklng our eorLs Lowards Lransparency furLher, Lhls reporL has been duly
valldaLed exLernally by an accredlLed assurance provlder M/s 1uv 8helnland lndla a group company of 1uv 8helnland Cermany.
1he SusLalnablllLy 8eporL deals ln measuremenL & dlsclosure of lnformauon on Lhe 1rlple 8ouom Llne (18L) l.e. envlronmenLal,
soclal and economlc lmpacLs arlslng ouL of dally acuvlues of Lhe corporauon. 1he reporL alms aL sharlng varlous lnluauves Laken
by CWL8C8lu Lo hlghllghL lLs commlLmenL Lowards a soclally responslble corporaLe enuLy noL only focuslng on buslness buL also
Lowards Lhe communlLy and Lhe envlronmenL.
A dedlcaLed Lnergy Lmclency Cell has been creaLed ln CWL8C8lu wlLh Lhe ob[ecuve Lo creaLe lnroads lnLo reducuon of carbon
fooLprlnLs and Lo promoLe energy emclency ln all secLors. CWL8C8lu ls adopung energy emclenL appllances for new consLrucuons
Lo be more energy emclenL and reLromng Lhe exlsung esLabllshmenLs wlLh energy emclenL devlses such as LLu llghLs, Llghung
energy savers, luel Conservauon devlces for uC seLs ln phased manner. CWL8C8lu ls also ln Lhe process of lnsLalllng solar power
planL ln Lhelr CorporaLe Cmce and ln few oLher bulldlngs Lo promoLe green energy. lL ls expecLed LhaL Lhe eorLs shall yleld ln
reducuon of carbon emlsslon and lmprove energy emclency.
Adequate coverage for Assets and Loss of roht:
CWL8C8lu has procured Mega 8lsk ollcy from exLernal lnsurance agency(les). 1hls pollcy, lnLer-alla, covers sub-sLauon equlpmenLs
ln compleLe swlLchyard area along wlLh conLrol room bulldlng for all sub-sLauons (AC & PvuC) for maLerlal losses due Lo machlnery
breakdown, earLhquake, Lerrorlsm wlLh buslness lnLerrupuon, Loss due Lo llre and Machlnery uamage eLc. 8alance asseLs aL sub-
sLauons along wlLh Lransmlsslon llne asseLs are covered under Lhe Self lnsurance Scheme whlch covered only re and allled perlls and
noL machlnery breakdown.
k|sk Management rocedure
1he 'LnLerprlse 8lsk ManagemenL lramework' (L8M framework) has already been lmplemenLed ln CWL8C8lu. key erformance lndlcaLors
(kls) of all Lhe rlsk are asslmllaLed and consolldaLed reporLs prepared and puL up Lo Lhe AudlL Commluee/8oard.
Some of Lhe rlsks lnvolved ln execuuon of our pro[ecLs and Lhelr mlugauon generally are:
a) Synchron|zanon k|sk w|th Generanon ro[ects:- 1here could be always a gap ln Lhe commlsslonlng of generauon unlLs vls-a-vls Lhe
Lransmlsslon sysLem and Lhere mlghL be delays ln Lhe maLerlallsauon of some of Lhe generauon pro[ecLs. 1o mlugaLe Lhe same, Lhe
CeneraLors are slgnlng AgreemenL wlLh CWL8C8lu Lo share and bear Lhe appllcable Lransmlsslon charges as declded by CL8C from
Lhe daLe of acLual commlsslonlng of Lransmlsslon sysLem lrrespecuve of commlsslonlng of Ceneraung unlLs. SubsequenLly, when Lhe
beneclarles are rmed up, appllcable Lransmlsslon charges and oLher charges are Lo be payable by Lhe concerned beneclary from Lhe
daLe of slgnlng of Lhe agreemenL by CWL8C8lu wlLh Lhe concerned beneclary.
b) koW & Iorest C|earance k|sk:- We foresee numerous hurdles and challenges ln conducung our dally buslness. 1hls scenarlo wlll only
become more onerous ln Lhe fuLure ln Lhe llghL of Lhe proposed sLaLuLory enacLmenLs llke Land Acqulsluon and 8&8 AcL, 2011. 1he
process of obLalnlng foresL clearance under loresL (Conservauon) AcL, 1980 lnvolves a sLeep and Ledlous hlerarchy. AparL from Lhe
leglslauve framework, soclal lssues llke 8oW are conLrlbuung Lo prolonged delays ln Lhe commlsslonlng of pro[ecLs. Powever, we have
Laken number of lnLernal & exLernal measures Lo expedlLe land acqulsluon and foresL clearance and based on our pasL experlence ln
deallng wlLh Lhese lssues, we envlsage overall rlsk Lo be moderaLe.
c) kevenue k|sk:- 1he CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (Sharlng of lnLer-SLaLe 1ransmlsslon Charges and Losses) 8egulauons,2010
(noued on 13Lh !une,2010) came lnLo eecL from 01.07.2011. 1hls 8egulauon provldes for compuLauon of olnL of Connecuon (oC)
charges and losses whlch lnLroduced new meLhodology for calculauon of Larl and sharlng of Lransmlsslon charges. CerLaln SLaLes
namely 8lhar, Cdlsha, WesL 8engal, MaharashLra and !harkhand have challenged Lhe new sharlng meLhodology lmplemenLed by
CL8C l.e. olnL of Connecuon meLhodology ln Lhe courL of law. AlLhough, Company's revenue remaln unaecLed due Lo Lhe Sharlng
Mechanlsm belng revenue neuLral buL Lhe collecuon emclency Lo some exLenL has Laken a Lemporary hlL ull Lhe cases are seuled by
CourL. Powever, Lhe SLaLe of MaharashLra ls conunulng Lo pay Lhe Lransmlsslon charge as per oC meLhodology ln Lerms of lnLerlm
order of Lhe uelhl Plgh CourL. WesL 8engal and !harkhand are also maklng paymenL as per oC meLhod under proLesL sub[ecL Lo nal
seulemenL ln Lhe case. CLher consuLuenLs, namely 8lhar and Cdlsha are paylng as per Lhe old mechanlsm and LhaL has resulLed lnLo
hlgh ouLsLandlng dues recelvable from Lhem. CL8C 1arl regulauons allow paymenL of monLhly bllls Lowards Lransmlsslon wlLhln a
perlod of 60 days from Lhe daLe of bllls. lurLher, Lhere ls a provlslon for rebaLe also ln case of paymenL ls made wlLhln 60 days. uurlng
Lhe l?2012-13, mosL of Lhe uullues were avalllng 60 days allowable perlod for clearlng Lhelr dues. ApproprlaLe acuons for reallzauon of
dues were Laken by Lhe company agalnsL defaulung uullues LhaL resulLed lnLo recovery of huge ouLsLandlng dues.
- Integrated Management o||cy:
CWLkGkID |s comm|ued to:
esLabllsh and malnLaln an emclenL and eecuve nauonal Crld" wlLh due regard Lo ume, cosL, Lechnology and value addluon,
susLalnable developmenL Lhrough conservauon of naLural resources and adopung envlronmenL frlendly Lechnology on prlnclples
of Avoldance, Mlnlmlzauon and Mlugauon,
ensure safe, occupauonal hazard free and healLhy work envlronmenL,
Lo Lhe sausfacuon of sLakeholders ln all areas of lLs acuvlues and shall endeavor Lo lmprove conunually lLs managemenL sysLems
and pracuces ln conformlLy Lo legal and regulaLory provlslons.
- Interna| Contro|
CWL8C8lu has a comprehenslve lnLernal conLrol mechanlsm ln place Lo verlfy Lhe Accounung and llnanclal ManagemenL SysLem,
adequacy of conLrols, maLerlal checks, nanclal proprleLy aspecLs and compllance lmplemenLauon mechanlsm. 1he elaboraLe guldellnes
for preparauon of AccounLs are followed conslsLenLly for unlform compllance. 1he lnLernal AudlL Manual, updaLed ln consulLauon wlLh
M/s uelolue Pasklns & Sells has been lmplemenLed progresslvely. 1he regular and exhausuve lnLernal AudlL on half yearly basls ls
carrled ouL by Lhe experlenced CosL/CharLered AccounLanL llrms ln close co-ordlnauon wlLh Company's own lnLernal AudlL deparLmenL
Lo ensure LhaL all checks and balances are ln place and all lnLernal conLrols/sysLems are ln order. 1he CorporaLe AudlL ueparLmenL
also carrles ouL sysLem audlL Lo reassure Lhe eecuveness of Lhe lnLernal conLrol mechanlsm. 1he scope and auLhorlLy of Lhe lnLernal
AudlLor ls derlved from Lhe lnLernal AudlL lan approved by Lhe AudlL Commluee of Lhe 8oard. 1he AudlL Commluee meeLs aL regular
lnLervals and keeps a close waLch on compllance wlLh lnLernal conLrol mechanlsm. 1he slgnlcanL /maLerlal audlL ndlngs are placed
before Lhe AudlL Commluee for revlew, dlscusslon and subsequenL acuon.
As on 31sL March, 2013, Lhe Company had an AudlL Commluee ln place as per clause 49 of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL, whlch had four
lndependenL ulrecLors and one non-Lxecuuve ulrecLor.
I|nanc|a| D|scuss|on and Ana|ys|s
Comparlson of llscal 2013 Lo llscal 2012
?our company's LoLal lncome ln llscal 2013 was `13328.74crore, whlch represenLed an lncrease of 23.39 over Lhe LoLal lncome of
` 10783.01 crore ln llscal 2012. ln llscal 2013, Lransmlsslon and Lransmlsslon-relaLed acuvlues consuLuLed 91.61 of our LoLal lncome,
wlLh Lhe balance comlng from our consulLancy, Lelecommunlcauon buslness and oLher lncomes.
kevenue from Cperanons
kevenue from Cperanons I|sca| 2013 I|sca| 2012
8evenue from Lransmlsslon charges* 12211.06 9673.13
ConsulLancy fees 313.40 289.93
8evenue from Lelecom 231.39 201.19
1ota| 127S7.8S 10164.27
*lncludes ShorL 1erm Cpen Access charges of `409.06 Crore for llscal 2013 and `323.48 Crore for llscal 2012.
1he revenue was hlgher ln llscal 2013 as compared Lo llscal 2012 malnly on accounL of lncrease ln Cross 8lock (Langlble and
lnLanglble asseLs) by `17213 crore added aL varlous polnLs of ume durlng llscal 2013 and full year lmpacL of asseLs added ln Cross
8lock durlng llscal 2012.
1ar| norms
Cur charges for Lransmlsslon cusLomers are governed by Larl norms deLermlned by Lhe CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (CL8C")
pursuanL Lo cenLral governmenL Larl pollcy and leglslauon. As per Lhe 1arl ollcy lssued by Col on 6Lh !anuary, 2006, CenLral LlecLrlclLy
8egulaLory Commlsslon (CL8C) shall be gulded by Lhe 1arl ollcy whlle speclfylng Lhe Lerms and condluons for Lhe deLermlnauon of Larl.
1he CL8C has vlde lLs noucauon daLed 19Lh !anuary, 2009 noued Lhe Larl regulauons appllcable for Lhe Larl 8lock 2009-14. under Lhe
Larl regulauons appllcable for Lhe Larl 8lock 2009-14, we are permlued Lo charge our cusLomers Lransmlsslon charges for recovery of
annual xed cosL (AlC") conslsung of componenLs - reLurn on equlLy, lnLeresL on ouLsLandlng debL, depreclauon, operauon & malnLenance
expendlLure and lnLeresL on worklng caplLal.
1he 8eLurn on equlLy ls compuLed on pre-Lax basls by grosslng up Lhe base raLe of reLurn on equlLy of 13.3 aL Lhe Lax raLe appllcable Lo Lhe
Company. ln case of pro[ecLs commlssloned on or aer 1sL Aprll, 2009, an addluonal reLurn on LqulLy of 0.3 wlll be allowed lf such pro[ecLs
are compleLed wlLhln Lhe umellne specled under Lhe CL8C Larl regulauons for Lhe 8lock 2009-14.
1he repaymenL of loan caplLal for Lhe year of Lhe Larl perlod 2009-14 ls deemed Lo be equal Lo Lhe depreclauon allowed for LhaL year.
uesplLe any moraLorlum perlod avalled by your company, Lhe repaymenL of loan ls consldered for Larl from Lhe rsL year of commerclal
operauon of Lhe pro[ecL and shall be equal Lo Lhe annual depreclauon allowed.
lor lnLeresL on worklng caplLal, Lhe worklng caplLal amounL ls calculaLed as - (l) conslsung of recelvables equlvalenL Lo Lwo monLhs of
xed cosL, (ll) malnLenance spares [ 13 of operauon and malnLenance expenses, and (lll) operauon and malnLenance expenses for one
monLh. 8aLe of lnLeresL on worklng caplLal for Lhe year ls on normauve basls and ls equal Lo Lhe shorL-Lerm rlme Lendlng 8aLe of SLaLe
8ank of lndla as on 1.4.2009 or on 1sL Aprll of Lhe year ln whlch Lhe Lransmlsslon sysLem, ls declared under commerclal operauon, whose
daLe of commerclal operauon falls on or before 30.06.2010, and S8l 8ase raLe plus 330 basls polnLs as on 01.07.2010 or on 1sL Aprll of Lhe
year ln whlch Lhe Lransmlsslon sysLem ls declared under commerclal operauon, whlchever ls laLer for resL of perlod from 01.07.2010 Lo
under Lhe Larl norms prescrlbed by CL8C for Lhe Larl 8lock 2009-2014, recovery of Lransmlsslon charge ls permlued Lo your company
on Lhe achlevemenL of Lhe operauonal norms and an lncenuve ls also allowed lf Lhe avallablllLy of our Lransmlsslon neLwork ls above 98
ln respecL of alLernaung currenL sysLems, above 93 ln respecL of PvuC back-Lo-back SLauons sysLems and above 92 ln respecL of PvuC
bl-pole llnks and penallzed lf Lhe avallablllLy of our neLwork ls below 98, 93 or 92, respecuvely. 1he AvallablllLy lncenuves are llnked
wlLh monLhly Lransmlsslon charges.
1he Larl norms prescrlbed by CL8C for Lhe Larl 8lock 2009-2014 prescrlbe LhaL Lhe 1ransmlsslon charges correspondlng Lo any planL
capaclLy for whlch a beneclary has noL been ldenued and conLracLed shall be pald by Lhe concerned generaung company.
Iore|gn Lxchange kate Var|anon:
?our company under Lhe Larl regulauons for Lhe block 2009-14 has an opuon Lo hedge forelgn exchange exposure ln respecL of Lhe lnLeresL
on forelgn currency loan and repaymenL of forelgn loan acqulred for Lhe Lransmlsslon sysLem, ln parL or full and recover Lhe cosL of hedglng
of forelgn exchange raLe varlauon correspondlng Lo Lhe normauve forelgn debL, ln Lhe relevanL year.
lf hedglng of Lhe forelgn exchange exposure ls noL underLaken, Lhe exLra rupee llablllLy Lowards lnLeresL paymenL and loan repaymenL
correspondlng Lo Lhe normauve forelgn currency loan ln Lhe relevanL year ls permlsslble provlded lL ls noL aurlbuLable Lo Lhe generaung
company or Lhe Lransmlsslon llcensee or lLs suppllers or conLracLors. uurlng Lhe nanclal year 2012-13, no hedglng for forelgn exchange
exposure has been underLaken by your company.
As per 8egulauons on Sharlng of lnLer-SLaLe 1ransmlsslon Charges & Losses, 2010 whlch came lnLo force from 01.07.2011, CWL8C8lu, as
C1u, ls performlng Lhe acuvlLy of 8llllng, Collecuon and ulsbursemenL (8Cu) on behalf of all Lhe lS1S llcensees and also cerLaln non-lS1S
llcensees whose llnes have been cerued by 8Cs Lo be used as lS1S.
(` ln Crore)
kevenue from Cther Serv|ces
?our company also earns revenue from consulLancy (lncludlng for pro[ecL managemenL and supervlslon servlces) and from our
Lelecommunlcauon buslness. Cur consulLancy lncome malnly conslsLs of fee from Lhe 8CCv?, Lhe execuuon of Lransmlsslon and
communlcauon sysLem-relaLed pro[ecLs on a Lurnkey basls and Lechnlcal consulung asslgnmenLs for lndlan sLaLe uullues and uullues ln
oLher counLrles. 1he lncome from ConsulLancy ln Lhe llscal 2013 was `313.40 crore as agalnsL `289.93 crore ln Lhe llscal 2012, an lncrease
by 8.78. Such lncrease ls on accounL of revenue from Myanmar ro[ecL, new consulLancy works of !harkhand, Lhough 8CCv? and 1ower
ueslgn consulLancy works reduced durlng Lhe year.
1he revenue from our Lelecommunlcauon buslness ls malnly on accounL of leaslng bandwldLh of our bre-opuc llnes. 1he 1elecom revenue
grew by 13.01 ln llscal 2013 Lo ` 231.39 crore from ` 201.19 crore ln llscal 2012.
Cther Income
?our company's oLher lncome was `370.89 crore ln llscal 2013, a decrease of 8.03 over Lhe oLher lncome of `620.74 crore ln llscal 2012.
1he oLher lncome decreased malnly because Lhere had been decrease ln lnLeresL lncome from lnvesLmenLs ln banks owlng Lo decrease ln
Lhe unuullzed proceeds of lC, decrease ln lnLeresL lncome on Lax free bonds on accounL of repaymenL of bonds.
Lxpenses have been caLegorlzed as- (l) Lmployees' beneLs expense, (ll) llnance CosLs, (lll) uepreclauon and amoruzauon expense, and (lv)
1ransmlsslon, AdmlnlsLrauon and CLher Lxpenses.
?our company's LoLal expendlLure were ` 7708.38 crore ln llscal 2013, an lncrease of 24.96 over Lhe LoLal expendlLures of ` 6168.73 crore
ln llscal 2012. 1he LoLal expendlLure as a percenLage of LoLal lncome were 37.83 ln llscal 2013 compared Lo 37.20 ln llscal 2012.
Lmp|oyees' benehts expense
Lmployees' remunerauon and beneLs expenses lnclude salarles and wages, lncenuves, allowances, beneLs, conLrlbuuons Lo provldenL
and oLher funds and welfare expenses.
?our company had 9347 employees on payroll as of March 31, 2013, compared Lo 9,670 employees as of March 31, 2012, a decrease by
3.34 malnly due Lo separauon (compleuon of Lenure/reslgnauon) of employees hlred on llxed Lenure basls. Lmployees' remunerauon and
oLher beneLs lncreased by 3.13 Lo ` 886.40 Crore ln llscal 2013 from ` 842.97 Crore ln llscal 2012. 1he lncrease ls due Lo an lncrease ln
uearness allowance, superannuauon beneLs and normal lncremenLs as well as hlgher commlsslonlng of asseLs.
I|nance Cost
llnance cosL lncreased by 30.46 Lo `2333.22 crore ln llscal 2013 from `1943.26 crore ln llscal 2012. 1he lncrease was malnly due Lo
commlsslonlng of new 1ransmlsslon AsseLs, lnLeresL on whlch were earller caplLallzed buL now LreaLed as operaung expendlLure.
1hese charges lnclude guaranLee fee of `133.13 crore (neL of lLuC) payable Lo Lhe Col for glvlng guaranLees Lo Lhe lenders of our forelgn
currency loans.
?our company's depreclauon lncreased by abouL 30.30 Lo `3331.92 crore ln llscal 2013 from `2372.34 crore ln llscal 2012. 1he lncrease
was malnly because of Lhe commlsslonlng of new Lransmlsslon asseLs and full-year lmpacL ln llscal 2013 of Lransmlsslon asseLs whlch were
commlssloned durlng llscal 2012.
CurrenLly, Lhe Lechnlcal llfe of each depreclable asseL class as prescrlbed by CL8C ls as follows:
- Lransmlsslon llnes - 33 years
- subsLauons - 23 years
We depreclaLe Lhe asseLs of our consulLancy and Lelecom buslnesses on Lhe sLralghL llne meLhod as per raLes specled ln Schedule xlv of
Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
uLuC asseLs oLher Lhan asseLs ldenued Lo be Lransferred Lo ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon are depreclaLed [ 6.67 per annum as
deLermlned by CL8C for levelllsed Larl.
1ransm|ss|on, Adm|n|stranon and Cther Lxpenses
1ransmlsslon, admlnlsLrauon and oLher expenses conslsL prlmarlly of cosLs of Lhe repalr and malnLenance of bulldlngs, planL and machlnery
and power charges. CLher lLems ln Lhls caLegory lnclude expendlLures for Lravel, securlLy, vehlcle hlre charges, lnsurance and renL raLes &
Laxes on our properues.
Cther Income I|sca| 2013 I|sca| 2012
ulvldend -Subsldlary and CLhers 60.68 34.18
lnLeresL lncome - bonds and long Lerm advances 64.83 81.76
lnLeresL lncome - banks 102.81 279.13
lnLeresL lncome - oLhers 101.83 7.30
roL on sale of xed asseLs 0.20 0.09
ueferred lncome (Lransfers from granLs ln ald) 22.29 26.33
1ransfer from lnsurance reserves on a/c of loss of xed asseLs 0.33 0.81
Lease lncome from SLaLe SecLor uLuC 33.66 7.89
Surcharge on laLe paymenL from cusLomers 73.47 66.93
lL8v galn 1.16 -
Mlscellaneous lncome 48.37 33.31
rovlslon wrluen back 39.24 40.79
1ota| Cther Income S70.89 620.74
(` ln Crore)
1ransmlsslon, admlnlsLrauon and oLher expenses lncreased by 7.60 Lo `871.34 crore ln llscal 2013 from `809.98 crore ln llscal 2012. 1he
lncrease ls on accounL of Lhe lncrease ln Cross 8lock (Langlble and lnLanglble asseLs) by `17213 crore added aL varlous polnLs of ume durlng
llscal 2013 and full year lmpacL of asseLs added ln Cross 8lock durlng llscal 2012 as cerLaln expenses LhaL were earller belng caplLallzed
durlng Lhe consLrucuon of Lhe pro[ecL are now LreaLed as an operaung expense subsequenL Lo Lhe commlsslonlng of Lhe pro[ecL.
roht before 1ax
?our company's proL before Lax ln llscal 2013 was ` 3644.86 crore, an lncrease of 22.78 over our proL before Lax of ` 4397.60 crore ln
llscal 2012.
1he exchange dlerences arlslng on seulemenL/ Lranslauon of forelgn currency loans Lo Lhe exLenL regarded as an ad[usLmenL Lo lnLeresL
cosL as per para 4(e) of AS 16 and hlLherLo charged Lo Lhe sLaLemenL of proL and loss have now been ad[usLed ln Lhe cosL of relaLed caplLal
asseLs. 1hls change ln accounung pollcy ls made eecuve from 01 Aprll, 2011 and has resulLed ln lncrease ln roL before Lax for Lhe year by
`122.93 crore (lncludlng ` 66.12 crore for l? 11-12).(Lo be read wlLh noLe no.2.39(l).
ln vlew of oplnlon of LAC of lCAl, Lhe unspenL expendlLure, ouL of Lhe budgeL for Lhe year Lowards CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8),
whlch was hlLherLo belng provlded for ln Lhe sLaLemenL of roL & Loss ls now belng Lransferred Lo CS8 reserve by approprlaung proL and
Lhls change has resulLed ln lncrease ln proL before Lax for Lhe year by `26.06 crore (lncludlng `13.26 crore wrlLe back of provlslon for earller
years). (Lo be read wlLh noLe no.2.39(ll).
rov|s|on for 1ax
ln llscal 2013, we provlded for `1032.08 crore of Mlnlmum AlLernaLe 1ax, compared Lo `888.31 crore ln llscal 2012. 1he lncrease was
prlmarlly due Lo lncrease ln roL before Lax ln llscal 2013.
rovlslon for deferred Lax ls made ln respecL of Lemporary dlerences malnly on accounL of hlgher depreclauon raLes avallable under
lncome Lax provlslons.
roht aher 1ax
?our company's roL aer 1ax ln llscal 2013 was `4234.30 crore, an lncrease of 30.09 over our roL aer 1ax of `3234.93 crore ln llscal 2012.
?our company depends on boLh lnLernal and exLernal sources of llquldlLy Lo provlde worklng caplLal and Lo fund caplLal requlremenLs.
PlsLorlcally, Lhe caplLal expendlLures have been funded wlLh lnLernally generaLed funds, granLs and equlLy conLrlbuuons by Lhe CovernmenL
and debL nanclng. As aL March 31, 2013, your company had cash and cash equlvalenLs of `1661.97 crore. As aL March 31, 2013, we also had
unuullzed 8ank CuaranLees llmlLs of approxlmaLely `88.00 crore for caplLal requlremenLs and commlued and undrawn cash credlL faclllues
of approxlmaLely `300 crore (cash credlL") Lowards our worklng caplLal faclllues.
Cash I|ows
Net Cash from Cperanng Acnv|nes
?our company's neL cash ows from operaung acuvlues are prlnclpally used Lo servlce long-Lerm debL, for caplLal expendlLures, for
lnvesLmenLs and for dlvldends.
1he neL cash from operaung acuvlues was `11046.04 crore ln llscal 2013 as agalnsL `6402.33 crore ln llscal 2012.
Net Cash (Used |n) Investment Acnv|nes
?our company's neL cash used ln lnvesung acuvlues was `21710.70 crore ln llscal 2013 as agalnsL `13834.33 crore ln llscal 2012. 1hls malnly
reecLed expendlLures on xed asseLs and caplLal work-ln-progress as well as consLrucuon sLores of `22130.80 crore and recelpL of lnLeresL
and dlvldend lncome of ` 341.73 crore.
Net Cash from I|nanc|ng Acnv|nes
ln llscal 2013, your company's neL cash ow from nanclng acuvlues was `9989.73 crore as agalnsL `8088.62crore ln llscal 2012. ?our
company ralsed `18042.83 crore (lncludlng shorL Lerm loan of ` 2,000 crore) of new borrowlngs. 1hese borrowlngs lncluded prlnclpally
8upee denomlnaLed bonds and forelgn currency borrowlngs. 1he company repald `4248.08 crore of borrowlngs and pald lnLeresL and
nance charges of `2233.39 crore. ln Lhe llscal 2013, we pald dlvldends of `1331.89 crore comprlslng nal dlvldend for llscal 2012 and an
lnLerlm dlvldend for llscal 2013. 1he dlvldend for Lhe nanclal year 2012-13 (lncludlng proposed nal dlvldend [11.40 of pald up caplLal)
ls `1273.18 crore. 1he dlvldend payouL works Lo 30 of A1.
Cap|ta| Lxpend|tures
?our company's caplLal expendlLure are prlmarlly for Lhe lnsLallauon of new Lransmlsslon capaclLy and Lhe expanslon of exlsung capaclLy.
Cur caplLal expendlLure ln llscal 2013 and llscal 2012, were `20,037 crore and `17,814 crore, respecuvely. CaplLal expendlLure budgeL for
llscal 2014 has been approved for `20,000 crore. ?our company's caplLal expendlLure budgeLs are sub[ecL Lo modlcauon as a resulL of a
varleLy of facLors, changes Lo expanslon plans and slmllar oLher facLors.
ear ended
March, 2013 31
March, 2012
neL cash from operaung acuvlues 11046.04 6402.33
neL cash (used ln) lnvesLmenL acuvlues (21710.70) (13834.33)
neL cash from llnanclng acuvlues 9989.73 8088.62
Cash and cash equlvalenLs aL Lhe end of Lhe year 1661.97 2336.88
(` ln Crore)
keturn on Lqu|ty
1he reLurn on equlLy LhaL we were generally permlued ln llscal 2013 on Lransmlsslon asseLs under our Larls has been 13.3. Cur acLual
8eLurn on LqulLy from perlod Lo perlod across our enure buslness ln llscal 2013 ls 16.13 as agalnsL 13.86 ln llscal 2012, an lncrease of
16.32. 1he reLurn on equlLy of 16.13 ls malnly due Lo reLurn on Lhe lncreased commlssloned asseLs, accounung of prlnclpal and lnLeresL
on dues from ersLwhlle uLSu ln vlew of approval of Col on seulemenL of uLSu dues and lncrease ln dlvldend earnlngs.
Se|ected 8a|ance Sheet Items
I|xed Assets
?our company's LoLal xed asseLs (neL 8lock of llxed AsseLs & CaplLal Work-ln-rogress) were `80,313.36 crore and `63,233.80 crore as
aL March 31, 2013 and March 31, 2012, respecuvely. llxed asseLs have been caLegorlzed as - (l) 1anglble AsseLs, (ll) lnLanglble asseLs,
(lll) CaplLal work ln progress, and (lv) lnLanglble AsseLs under developmenL.
(|) 1ang|b|e Assets
Cur 1anglble AsseLs conslsL of planL and machlnery such as Lransmlsslon llnes, subsLauons, PvuC and uLuC equlpmenL and oLher
Lransmlsslon equlpmenL, bulldlngs, land, omce equlpmenL, xLures, and moLor vehlcles. 1anglble AsseLs value (neL 8lock) lncreased
from `47,339.78 crore ln llscal 2012 Lo `60877.69 crore ln llscal 2013, an lncrease by 28.60. 1hese lncreases are malnly due Lo Lhe
commlsslonlng of new Lransmlsslon asseLs.
(||) Intang|b|e Assets
Cur lnLanglble AsseLs conslsL of LlecLronlc uaLa rocesslng Soware and 8lghL of Way-AoresLauon Lxpenses. 1he value of unamoruzed
lnLanglble asseLs lncreased from `322.32 crore ln llscal 2012 Lo `322.93 crore ln llscal 2013, an lncrease by 62.14.
(|||) Cap|ta| Work |n rogress
?our company's caplLal work-ln-progress was ` 18,921.30 crore and ` 13,499.89 crore crore, as aL March 31, 2013 and 2012, respecuvely,
an lncrease of 22.07. 1he cosL of maLerlals consumed, erecuon charges and oLher expenses lncurred for Lhe lmplemenLauon of
pro[ecLs are shown on Lhe balance sheeL as caplLal work-ln-progress, pendlng caplLallzauon of Lhe compleLed pro[ecL. 1he change
ln Lhls amounL ls due Lo caplLallzauon of a number of Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs on commlsslonlng and underLaklng of new Lransmlsslon
(|v) Intang|b|e Assets under deve|opment
AoresLauon Lxpenses lncurred ln relauon Lo Lhe lmplemenLauon of pro[ecLs (pendlng caplLallzauon) are shown on Lhe balance sheeL
as lnLanglble asseLs under developmenL. 1he value of lnLanglble asseLs under developmenL was `193.62 crore and ` 73.61, as aL March
31, 2013 and 2012, respecuvely.
Construcnon stores
ConsLrucuon sLores were `13,708.62 crore and `12,610.04 crore as aL March 31, 2013 and 2012, respecuvely. 1hese amounLs represenL
caplLal expendlLure on Lhe new as well as ongolng Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs. 1he lncrease ln Lhese amounLs ls malnly due Lo Lhe underLaklng
of new Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs.
lnvesLmenLs have been classled lnLo currenL and non-currenL caLegorles. As aL March 31, 2013, Lhe non- currenL lnvesLmenLs and CurrenL
lnvesLmenLs were `964.24 crore and `183.26 crore as agalnsL `1101.19 crore and `183.26 crore, respecuvely as aL March 31, 2012.
lnvesLmenLs under 'CurrenL' caLegory are Lhose whlch are reallzable or lnLended Lo be reallzable wlLhln 12 monLhs aer Lhe reporung daLe.
?our company's lnvesLmenLs malnly conslsL of bonds lssued by Lhe SL8s as parL of Lhe Cne 1lme SeulemenL. We have also lnvesLed `12 crore
ln equlLy shares of 1C lndla LlmlLed, `229.32 crore ln owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed, Lhe [olnL venLure beLween us and 1he 1aLa ower
Company LlmlLed Lhrough whlch Lhe 1ala 1ransmlsslon ro[ecL was consLrucLed, `23.40 crore ln 1orrenL ower Crld LlmlLed, `78 crore ln
!aypee owergrld LlmlLed, `40.98 crore ln arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed, `23.41 crore ln 1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon
LlmlLed, `106.96 crore ln norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LLd., `22.30 crore ln Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LLd., `11.06 crore ln nauonal
Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LLd, `1.30 lac ln Cross 8order ower 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed, `0.3 lac ln kallnga 8ldyuL rasaran
nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed, `2.3 lac ln 8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed, ` 30.74 crore ln subsldlarles of our Company vlz. `30.64 crore ln ower
SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LLd and `0.03 crore ln owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed and 0.03 crore ln owergrld vemaglrl
1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
Loans and Advances
1he loans and advances have been classled lnLo long-Lerm & shorL-Lerm caLegorles. As aL March 31, 2013, Lhe long-Lem loans & advances
and shorL-Lerm loans & advances were `3963.40 crore and `393.03 crore as agalnsL ` 3614.76 crore and `423.96 crore respecuvely as aL
March 31, 2012. Loans and advances lnclude advances for caplLal expendlLure, loans Lo employees, lease recelvables (represenung cerLaln
caplLal expendlLures made by Lhe company ln respecL of Lhe sLaLe secLor uLuCs of all ve reglons, for whlch Lhe consuLuenLs of Lhose
reglons are relmburslng Lhe company on a nance lease basls), loans and advances Lo conLracLors, advance lncome Lax & 1uS and oLher
deposlLs wlLh Lax auLhorlues, advances Lo relaLed parues and all oLher loans and lnclude advances whlch are noL expecLed Lo be reallzed
wlLhln nexL 12 monLhs from Lhe reporung daLe or wlLhln normal operaung cycle whlchever ls longer. 1he lncrease ln loans and advances
from llscal 2012 Lo llscal 2013 was malnly due Lo lncrease ln advances for caplLal expendlLure necesslLaLed on accounL of underLaklng of
new Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs.
lnvenLorles are valued aL lower of Lhe cosL, deLermlned on welghLed average basls, and neL reallzable value. 1he cosLs of lnvenLorles were `
331.33 crore, as aL March 31, 2013. Cur lnvenLorles conslsLs of Lransmlsslon llne lLems such as Lower parLs, conducLors, lnsulaLors and oLher
lLems, and subsLauon lLems such as Lransformers, clrculL breakers, lC1s and oLher lLems. 1he cosL of our lnvenLorles lncreased ln llscal 2013 as
compared wlLh llscal 2012, on accounL of your company conunulng Lo expand Lhe Lransmlsslon neLwork and caplLallzauon of new pro[ecLs.
1rade kece|vab|es
1rade 8ecelvables conslsL malnly of recelvables relaung Lo Lransmlsslon servlces, and also recelvables from consulLancy servlces and Lelecom
servlces. Cur 1rade 8ecelvables as on March 31, 2013 and 2012 were `1434.09 crore and `1497.49 crore, respecuvely. 1rade recelvables
decreased by 4.23 ln llscal 2013 as compared Lo llscal 2012. 1he decrease from llscal 2012 Lo llscal 2013 was malnly due Lo lmproved
SubsLanually, all of our recelvables are covered by leuers of credlL pursuanL Lo Lhe Cne 1lme SeulemenL Scheme, we have no maLerlal debL
collecuon problems.
Cther Current Assets
Cur oLher currenL asseLs as aL March 31, 2013 and 2012 respecuvely, were `1839.37 crore and `1443.99 crore. CLher currenL asseLs malnly
lnclude lnLeresL accrued on lnvesLmenLs (8onds) & Lerm deposlLs. 8esldes, lL lncludes Lhe unbllled revenue represenung Lhe amounL for
whlch Lhe Company ls yeL Lo ralse bllls ln vlew of recognluon of revenue as per CL8C 1arl norms appllcable for 2009-14. CLher currenL
asseLs lncreased by 27.22 ln llscal 2013 as compared Lo llscal 2012 due Lo lncrease ln unbllled amounL Lo `1737.87crore (ln llscal 2013)
from `1348.81 crore (ln llscal 2012).
1he comparlson of acLuals wlLh llnanclal MCu LargeLs ls glven below:-
MCU arameters Actua| 2012-13 MCU 2012-13
Cross Sales (` crore) 12738 10877
Cross Margln (` crore) 11307 9736
neL roL/neL worLh () 16.13 12.69
Cross Margln/Cross 8lock () 14.28 13.38
Cross roL/CaplLal Lmployed () 13.40 13.07
8ul1/1oLal employmenL (` ln lakhs) 123.11 98.87
Added value/Cross Sales () 48.69 41.39
We rely on boLh 8upee and forelgn currency denomlnaLed borrowlngs. A slgnlcanL parL of our exLernal fundlng has been Lhrough long-
Lerm forelgn currency loans from mululaLeral agencles such as Lhe World 8ank and Lhe Aslan uevelopmenL 8ank, wlLh our performance
under such loans guaranLeed by Lhe Col.
1he followlng Lable seLs forLh, by currency, our ouLsLandlng debL and Lhe perlods durlng whlch debL amounLs maLure or paymenL ls oLherwlse
due. Currency converslons are as of 31sL March, 2013:
2013-14 2014-1S 201S-16 2016-17 8LCND 2016-17 1C1AL
kupee Loans
8onds 1933.72 2464.34 2791.71 3446.04 31637.70 42273.31
CLher uomesuc Loans 118.18 103.37 101.73 227.22 1273.00 1823.30
Iore|gn Currency Loans
uS$ 839.13 930.11 1193.20 1239.84 16403.43 20627.73
Lu8 28.60 8.34 9.02 21.43 138.92 206.33
SLk 22.34 22.34 32.08 146.93 724.90 948.39
CPl 138.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 138.96
!? 10.63 10.63 10.63 10.63 106.47 149.07
1C1AL : 3111.60 3S39.3S 4138.39 S112.13 S0286.42 66187.89
(` ln Crore)
Long-term borrow|ngs
?our company's long-Lerm borrowlngs as aL March 31, 2013 and 2012 were `63076.27 crore and `49119.19 crore, respecuvely. Long-Lerm
borrowlngs lnclude amounLs ralsed from our prlvaLe placemenL of bonds, Lerm loans from banks, loans from Lhe lnLernauonal 8ank for
8econsLrucuon and uevelopmenL, Aslan uevelopmenL 8ank and 8ank of lndla and oLher lorelgn llnanclal lnsuLuuons. 1he company for
Lhe rsL ume ralsed unsecured forelgn currency bond of uSu 300 mllllon and non soverelgn loan of uSu 270 mllllon wlLh llC. uue Lo Lhe
lncreased lnvesLmenL ln new pro[ecLs durlng Lhe lasL year, our borrowlngs have lncreased subsLanually.
Secured Loans
Cur secured loans (excludlng currenL maLurlues of long Lerm loans) as aL March 31, 2013 and 2012 were `39644.88 crore and `48,670.30
crore, respecuvely. MosL of Lhese loans have been secured by oaung charge on Lhe movable and lmmovable properues of Lhe Company.
1he followlng Lable presenLs Lhe secured debL as aL 31sL March, 2013:
*Loans guaranLeed by Lhe CovernmenL were ` 16117.21 crore.
Amount (` |n crore) of tota| secured debt
8onds denomlnaLed ln 8upees 40339.79 67.63
CLher Loans and Advances lrom 8anks and llnanclal lnsuLuuons:
uenomlnaLed ln lorelgn Currency* 17399.78 29.31
uenomlnaLed ln 8upees 1703.31 2.86
1ota| S9644.88 100.00
Unsecured Loans
Cur unsecured loans (long Lerm) as aL March 31, 2013 and 2012 were ` 3,431.39 crore and ` 448.69 crore, respecuvely, whlch conslsL of
(Len year) forelgn currency bonds, loans from forelgn nanclal lnsuLuuons such as Lhe nauxls (lormerly CredlL nauonal) ln lrance, !apan
lnLernauonal Cooperauon Agency (lormerly !apan 8ank for lnLernauonal Co-operauon) ln !apan, Skandlnavlska Lnskllda 8anken A8(publ)
ln Sweden and A8 Svensk LxporLkredlL, Sweden.
1he followlng Lable presenLs our unsecured debL as aL March 31, 2013:
Advance Aga|nst Deprec|anon (AAD)
Advance agalnsL depreclauon ls a componenL of Larl LhaL we were permlued Lo charge under CL8C regulauons for Lhe 8lock 2004-09,
Lo cover shoruall ln respecL of depreclauon ln a year on asseLs, for repaymenL of debLs. AAu has been done away wlLh ln Lhe Larl block
2009-2014 and depreclauon raLe have been reworked. uue Lo change ln Lhese Larl norms and Lhe depreclauon raLes w.e.f. 1.04.2010,
Lhe ouLsLandlng AAu has been Laken Lo Lransmlsslon lncome aer 12 years from Lhe daLe of commerclal operauon Lo Lhe exLenL Lhe
depreclauon charged ln respecL of Lransmlsslon sysLem ls more Lhan Lhe deprlclauon recovery under Larl.
Current L|ab|||nes
?our company's currenL llablllues as aL 31sL March, 2013 were ` 14708.30 crore (revlous year ` 11371.01 crore). 1he currenL llablllues
lnclude shorL-Lerm borrowlngs, currenL maLurlues of long Lerm borrowlngs, 1rade payables, shorL Lerm provlslons and oLher currenL
llablllues. CurrenL llablllues were 29.33 hlgher aL March 31, 2013 compared Lo March 31, 2012. 1he lncrease ls malnly due Lo lncrease ln
deposlLs reLenuon money from conLracLors/ oLhers & dues for caplLal expendlLure from `2804.31 Crore ln llscal 2012 Lo `4967.18 Crore ln
llscal 2013, and lncrease ln currenL maLurlues of long Lerm borrowlngs from `2408.83 crore ln llscal 2012 Lo `2889.36 crore llscal 2013.
Connngent L|ab|||nes
1he followlng Lable seLs forLh Lhe prlnclpal componenLs of our ConungenL Llablllues as aL March 31, 2013 and 2012:
ConungenL llablllues lncreased by 41.68 ln llscal 2013 compared Lo llscal 2012. 1hls lncrease was malnly on accounL of hlgher land
compensauon clalms and Lhese are belng conLesLed by Lhe company before auLhorlues/ courLs, Clalms ln respecL of CaplLal works are belng
conLesLed by Lhe Company as belng noL admlsslble ln Lerms of Lhe provlslons of Lhe respecuve conLracLs. 1he Company ls pursulng varlous
opuons under dlspuLe resoluuon mechanlsm avallable ln Lhe conLracL for seulemenL of Lhese clalms.
A) ower||nks 1ransm|ss|on L|m|ted (CWLkLINkS):
CWL8C8lu and 1A1A CWL8 are Lhe !olnL venLure arLners ln Lhls !olnL venLure Company and hold 49 and 31 equlLy, respecuvely.
1he Company was lncorporaLed Lo underLake Lhe lmplemenLauon of 1ransmlsslon Llnes assoclaLed wlLh 1ala PL, LasL-norLh
lnLerconnecLor and norLhern 8eglon 1ransmlsslon SysLem from Slllgurl ln WesL 8engal vla 8lhar Lo uuar radesh and was Lhe rsL
publlc - prlvaLe parLnershlp ln ower 1ransmlsslon. CWL8LlnkS successfully commlssloned Lhe pro[ecL ln AugusL, 2006 and lL ls under
commerclal operauon slnce 1sL SepLember, 2006. As on 31.03.2013, CWL8LlnkS has AuLhorlzed share caplLal of `4,83,60,00,000/-
and pald-up caplLal of `4,68,00,00,000/- ouL of whlch CWL8C8lu holds Shares of `229.32crore and 1A1A CWL8 hold shares of
`238.68crore. CWL8LlnkS has glven a LoLal dlvldend of 20 amounung Lo `43.86 crore for llscal 2013.
*Loans guaranLeed by Lhe CovernmenL were ` 236.44 crore.
Amount (` |n crore)
of tota| unsecured debt
8onds denomlnaLed ln lorelgn Currency 2743.30 80.00
CLher Loans and Advances lrom 8anks and llnanclal lnsuLuuons:
uenomlnaLed ln lorelgn Currency* 683.89 20.00
uenomlnaLed ln 8upees - -
1ota| 3431.39
Connngent L|ab|||nes
(` |n crore)
Descr|pnon As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
Clalms agalnsL Lhe Company noL acknowledged as debL ln respecL of
CaplLal Works 172.60 73.13
Land Compensauon cases 2322.64 1763.09
CLher Clalms- 2.73 11.72
ulspuLed 1ax MaLers- lncome 1ax/Sales 1ax/Lxclse 294.86 237.86
CLhers 89.78 80.16
8ank CuaranLee glven on behalf of wholly owned subsldlarles of CWL8C8lu
Lowards performance of Lhe work awarded for
- owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
- owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LLd.


1ota| 3163.61 2232.98
I|nanc|a| n|gh||ghts of the Company:
(` ln crore)
arncu|ars I|sca| 2013 I|sca| 2012
CWLkGkID's |nvestment |n Lqu|ty 229.32 229.32
Gross Income 2S9.88 299.24
roht aher 1ax 119.08 112.3S
Larn|ng per Share* 2.S4 2.40
*lace value per Share ls `10 each.
8) IALL CWLkGkID L|m|ted (IL):
1he maln ob[ecuve of Lhe Company was Lo lmplemenL a Lransmlsslon sysLem Lo evacuaLe power generaLed by 1000 MW karcham
WangLoo Pydro LlecLrlc ower ro[ecL ln klnnaur ulsLrlcL ln Plmachal radesh from WangLoo Lo Abdullapur. As on 31.03.2013, !L
has AuLhorlzed share caplLal of `300 crore and pald-up caplLal of `300 crore dlvlded lnLo 30,00,00,000 equlLy shares of `10 each,
CWL8C8lu equlLy belng `78 crore. !alprakash ower venLures LlmlLed and CWL8C8lu lndlvldually hold 74 and 26, respecuvely
as on 31.03.2013. 1he pro[ecL was commlssloned on 01.04.2012. 1he Company ls yeL Lo sLarL paylng dlvldend.
I|nanc|a| n|gh||ghts of the Company:
(` ln crore)
arncu|ars I|sca| 2013 I|sca| 2012
CWLkGkID's |nvestment |n equ|ty 78.00 7S.92
Gross Income 206.21 -
roht ](|oss)aher 1ax 28.S4 (1.91)
Larn|ngs per Share* 0.96 0.07
*lace value per Share ls 10/- each.
C) 1orrent owergr|d L|m|ted (1L):
1he maln ob[ecuve of Lhe Company was Lo esLabllsh Lransmlsslon sysLem assoclaLed wlLh 1100MW Cas 8ased pro[ecL (Sugen)
Cenerauon SLauon of 1orrenL ower LLd. (1L) aL Akhakhol ln SuraL ulsLrlcL of Cu[araL. CWL8C8lu and 1orrenL ower LLd. are Lhe !olnL
venLure arLners ln Lhls Company and hold 26 and 74 equlLy, respecuvely, CWL8C8lu equlLy belng `23.40 crore. As on 31.03.2013,
1L has AuLhorlzed share caplLal of `123 crore and pald-up caplLal of `90 crore. 1he pro[ecL goL fully commlssloned ln Aprll, 2011 and
lL ls ln operauon. 1he 8oard of Lhe Company has recommended malden dlvldend of 10 for nanclal year 2012-13.
I|nanc|a| n|gh||ghts of the Company:
(` ln crore)
arncu|ars I|sca| 2013 I|sca| 2012
CWLkGkID's |nvestment |n Lqu|ty 23.40 23.40
Gross Income S0.02 S4.S1
roht aher 1ax 2.39 10.26
Larn|ng per Share* 0.27 1.14
*lace value per Share ls `10/- each.
D) arban ko|dam 1ransm|ss|on Company L|m|ted (k1CL)
CWL8C8lu enLered lnLo a !olnL venLure AgreemenL on 23rd november, 2007 wlLh 8ellance Lnergy LlmlLed (8LL) now 8ellance lnfra,
for lmplemenLauon of Lransmlsslon llnes assoclaLed wlLh arbau-ll (800 MW) PL and koldam (800 MW) PL. 1he Company named
'arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed' Look up lmplemenLauon of arbau and koldam 1ransmlsslon sysLems Lhrough !olnL
venLure rouLe and goL Lhe 1ransmlsslon Llcense ln SepLember,2008. As on 31.03.2013, k1CL has AuLhorlzed Share CaplLal of `331 crore and
pald-up caplLal of `137.63 crore, CWL8C8lu equlLy belng `40.98 crore. 1he pro[ecL ls under lmplemenLauon, Lhere ls no operaung proL.
L) 1eestava||ey ower 1ransm|ss|on L|m|ted (11L)
CWL8C8lu enLered lnLo a !olnL venLure AgreemenL wlLh 1eesLa ur[a LlmlLed on 23rd november,2007 on 26 equlLy -CWL8C8lu
and 74 equlLy 1eesLa ur[a LlmlLed (1uL) for lmplemenLauon of Lransmlsslon llnes of 1eesLa-lll vlz. 400k/v u/C llne assoclaLed wlLh
1200 MW 1eesLa-lll Pydro LlecLrlc ower ro[ecL Lo klshangan[ sub-sLauon (karandlghl) and goL Lhe 1ransmlsslon Llcence ln llscal 2009.
As on 31.03.2013, 11L has AuLhorlzed share caplLal of `230 crore and pald-up caplLal of `97.74 crore, CWL8C8lu equlLy belng `23.41
crore. 1he pro[ecL ls under lmplemenLauon, Lhere ls no operaung proL.
I) North Last 1ransm|ss|on Company Ltd.(NL1CL):
CWL8C8lu enLered lnLo a !olnL venLure AgreemenL ln lebruary, 2009 wlLh CnCC 1rlpura ower ro[ecL Company LLd. (C1CL),
CovernmenL of 1rlpura, Manlpur, Mlzoram, Assam LlecLrlclLy Crld Corporauon LLd. and Meghalaya for esLabllshmenL of 1ransmlsslon
Llne of 400kv u/C alaLana 8ongalgoan 1ransmlsslon ro[ecL assoclaLed wlLh 726 MW alaLana Cas base ower ro[ecL ln Lhe SLaLe of
1rlpura. 1he !olnL venLure Company ls named 'norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed'. C1CL, Lhe generaung Company ls a [olnL
venLure of CnCC LLd., CovernmenL of 1rlpura and lnfrasLrucLure Leaslng & llnance Servlces LLd., (lL&lS LLd.). 1he Company has goL Lhe
1ransmlsslon Llcence ln llscal 2009. As on 31.03.2013, nL1CL has AuLhorlzed CaplLal of ` 600 crore and pald-up share caplLal of `411.4
crore, CWL8C8lu equlLy belng `106.96 crore. allaLana - Sllchar 400 kv u/c llne commlssloned ln Sep'2012 and Sllchar - 8yrnlhaL
secuon commlssloned ln Mar'2013. 8alance secuon, l.e. 8yrnlhaL- 8ongalgaon secuon ls under lmplemenLauon.
G) Nanona| n|gh ower 1est Laboratory r|vate L|m|ted (Nn1L):
CWL8C8lu enLered lnLo a !olnL venLure AgreemenL ln Aprll, 2009 wlLh equal paruclpauon wlLh n1C LLd., nPC LLd. and uamodar
valley Corporauon for semng up an Cn-llne Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory for shorL clrculL LesL faclllLy ln Lhe CounLry. 1he !olnL venLure
Company ls named 'nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed'. CenLral ower 8esearch lnsuLuLe, 8angalore (C8l) has been
lnducLed as Lhe llh equal equlLy parLner of Lhe Company on 24.02.2012. As on 31.03.2013, nP1L has AuLhorlzed share caplLal of
` 120 crore and pald-up caplLal of ` 33.30 crore, CWL8C8lu equlLy belng `11.06 crore. A fully lndependenL, sLand alone, sLaLe-of-Lhe-
arL, professlonally managed, lnLernauonal class, Cn Llne Plgh ower ShorL ClrculL 1esL laclllLy" ls belng esLabllshed by Lhe Company
aL 8lna (M..) Lo provlde a full range of shorL clrculL Lesung for Lhe elecLrlcal equlpmenL manufacLurlng lndusLry and power uullues ln
conformance Lo lndlan and lnLernauonal SLandards. 1he pro[ecL ls under progress. Slnce Lhe pro[ecL ls under lmplemenLauon, Lhere ls
no operaung proL.
n) Lnergy Lmc|ency Serv|ces L|m|ted (LLSL):
CWL8C8lu enLered lnLo a !olnL venLure AgreemenL ln november, 2009 wlLh equal paruclpauon wlLh n1C LLd., ower llnance
Corporauon LLd. and 8ural LlecLrlcauon Corporauon LLd. 1he !v Company wlll promoLe measures of Lnergy emclency, Lnergy
Conservauon and CllmaLe Change and ls carrylng ouL buslness relaLed Lo energy audlL of CovL. bulldlngs, consulLancy asslgnmenLs eLc.
1he !olnL venLure Company ls named 'Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed'. As on 31.03.2013, Lhe Company has AuLhorlzed share caplLal
of `190 crore and pald up caplLal of `90 crore, CWL8C8lu equlLy belng `22.3 crore. A full ume Mu has [olned on 06.03.2013. 1he
company has prepared pro[ecL reporLs, whlch are belng revlewed by Lhelr managemenL for commerclal workablllLy and lmplemenLauon.
I) Cross 8order ower 1ransm|ss|on Company L|m|ted (C1C):
CWL8C8lu enLered lnLo a !olnL venLure AgreemenL ln !uly,2012 wlLh lLuCL, S!vnL & nLA for lmplemenLauon of lndlan poruon of
Lhe Lransmlsslon llne, l.e. Muzaarpur-Sursand secuon on lndlan slde of 400 kv u/C Muzaarpur - uhalkebar lndo-nepal Cross 8order
Lransmlsslon llne. LqulLy conLrlbuuon by CWL8C8lu, S!vnL, lLuCL & nLA, nepal shall be 26, 26, 38 and 10 respecuvely ln
!vC. 1he esumaLed cosL of Lhe pro[ecL ls `210.7 Crore (rlce Level: 2nd CuarLer 2012) and Lhe pro[ecL has been envlsaged Lo be
lmplemenLed on 70:30 debL: equlLy rauo.
I) ower 1ransm|ss|on Company Nepa| L|m|ted (1CN):
CWL8C8lu enLered lnLo a !olnL venLure AgreemenL ln !uly, 2012 wlLh lLuCL & nLA for lmplemenLauon of nepalease poruon of Lhe
Lransmlsslon llne, l.e. uhalkebar-8luamode secuon on nepal slde of lndo-nepal cross 8order Lransmlsslon llne. resenLly, lLuCL and
nLA are equlLy parLners ln 1Cn on 30:30 basls. CWL8C8lu shall lnfuse lLs 26 equlLy share upon varlous sLaLuLory approvals.
ConsequenL Lo Lhls, CWL8C8lu, nLA and lLuCL shall respecuvely have 26, 64 and 10 equlLy ln !vC. 1he esumaLed cosL of Lhe
pro[ecL ls `93.9 crore (rlce Level: 2nd CuarLer 2012) and Lhe pro[ecL has been envlsaged Lo be lmplemenLed on 70:30 debL: equlLy
rauo. 1he nepalease and lndlan poruon of Lhe llne shall faclllLaLe exchange of power beLween Lwo counLrles.
k) 8|har Gr|d Company L|m|ted (8GCL):
CWL8C8lu enLered lnLo a Shareholders' AgreemenL on 29.12.2012 wlLh 8lhar SLaLe ower (Poldlng) Company LlmlLed (8S (P) CL) for
lmplemenLauon of lnLra SLaLe 1ransmlsslon SysLem ln Lhe SLaLe of 8lhar on 30:30 equlLy paruclpauon basls. 1he Company has sLarLed
acuon for obLalnlng varlous sLaLuLory/ regulaLory approvals. 1he company has been granLed Lransmlsslon llcense by 8L8C ln !une 2013.
lnLra-SLaLe 1ransmlsslon pro[ecLs are belng shorL llsLed for phase-wlse lmplemenLauon by Lhls !vC durlng ln Lhe nexL few years.
L) ka||nga 8|dyut rasaran N|gam r|vate L|m|ted (k8NL):
CWL8C8lu has enLered lnLo a Shareholders' AgreemenL on 04.01.2013 wlLh C1CL for lmplemenLauon of lnLra SLaLe 1ransmlsslon
SysLem ln Lhe SLaLe of Cdlsha on Lhe basls of 30:30 equlLy paruclpauon. 1he Company has sLarLed acuon for obLalnlng varlous sLaLuLory/
regulaLory approvals. lnLra-SLaLe 1ransmlsslon pro[ecLs are belng shorL llsLed for phase-wlse lmplemenLauon by Lhls !vC durlng ln Lhe
nexL few years.
M) 8harat 8roadband Network L|m|ted (88NL)
8haraL 8roadband neLwork LlmlLed (88nL) was lncorporaLed on 23Lh lebruary,2012 wlLh an ob[ecuve Lo creaLe, operaLe, malnLaln
and manage nauonal Cpucal llbre neLwork (nCln), ln all Lhe esumaLed 2,30,000 Cram anchayaLs (Cs) of lndla. 88nL commenced
buslness ln Aprll,2012. CWL8C8lu holds one share of `10 ln Lhe company. CWL8C8lu has recelved consulLancy work from 88nL
Lhrough an alloLmenL leuer for developmenL & malnLenance of nCln neLwork ln four SLaLes Andhra radesh, Plmachal radesh,
!harkhand & Cdlsha coverlng abouL 36,000 Cram anchayaLs.
A) ower System Cperanon Corporanon L|m|ted (CSCCC):
ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LLd (CSCCC) was lncorporaLed as a wholly owned subsldlary of CWL8C8lu on 20.03.2009.
CSCCC, ls responslble for lndependenL SysLem Cperauon. As on 31.03.2013, CSCCC has AuLhorlzed Share CaplLal of `200 crore and
pald-up caplLal of `30.64 crore. 1he company pald an lnLerlm dlvldend of `6.128 crore durlng Lhe year and has recommended a furLher
nal dlvldend of `6.128 crore for llscal 2013.
(` ln crore)
arncu|ars I|sca| 2013 I|sca| 2012
Gross Income 266.37 214.34
roht aher 1ax 8S.6S S0.S2
Larn|ng per Share* 26.S9 16.49
*lace value per Share ls `10 each.
8) owergr|d NM 1ransm|ss|on L|m|ted:
CWL8C8lu nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed was lncorporaLed Lo esLabllsh Lransmlsslon sysLem assoclaLed wlLh ls of nagapamnam/
Cuddalore Area: ackage-A. 1he Lransmlsslon sysLem comprlses of 763 kv u/C & 763 kv S/C llnes whlch ls Lo Lraverse Lhrough Lhe SLaLes
of 1amll nadu and karnaLaka. Pon'ble CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (CL8C) vlde lLs order daLed 9Lh May, 2013 has adopLed
Lransmlsslon charges for Lhe pro[ecL and CL8C vlde lLs leuer daLed 13Lh !uly,2013 has lnumaLed lssuance of Lransmlsslon llcense Lo
Lhe Company. 1he Company has soughL approval of CL8C for exLenslon of ume and cosL overrun for Lhe ro[ecL and Lhe CL8C order ls
awalLed. ConsLrucuon acuvlues of Lhe ro[ecL shall commence shorLly.
CWL8C8lu vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed was lncorporaLed Lo esLabllsh Lransmlsslon sysLem assoclaLed wlLh ls of vemaglrl Area:
ackage - A. 1he Lransmlsslon sysLem comprlses of 763 kv u/C llne whlch ls Lo Lraverse Lhe SLaLe of Andhra radesh. Appllcauon for
granL of Lransmlsslon llcense and adopuon of Lransmlsslon charges have been led before CL8C and Crder of CL8C ls awalLed.
Conso||dated hnanc|a| statement of CWLkGkID
1he consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs have been prepared ln accordance wlLh Accounung SLandards (AS-21) 'ConsolldaLed llnanclal
SLaLemenLs' and Accounung SLandards (AS-27) 'llnanclal reporung of lnLeresLs ln !olnL venLures' and are lncluded ln Lhls Annual
A br|ef summary of the resu|ts on a conso||dated bas|s |s g|ven be|ow:
Caunonary Statement
SLaLemenL ln Lhe ManagemenL ulscusslon and Analysls and ulrecLors' 8eporL descrlblng Lhe Company's ob[ecuves, pro[ecuons and esumaLes,
are forward-looklng sLaLemenLs and progresslve wlLhln Lhe meanlng of appllcable laws and regulauons. AcLual resulLs may vary from Lhose
expressed or lmplled, dependlng upon economlc condluons, CovernmenL ollcles and oLher lncldenLal facLors. 8eaders are cauuoned noL
Lo place undue rellance on Lhe forward looklng sLaLemenLs.
lor and on behalf of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors
lace: new uelhl (k. N. Nayak)
uaLe: 06.08.2013 Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
I 2012-13 I 2011-12
Cross lncome 13,727.12 11,073.38
roL before 1ax 3,773.63 4,689.66
roL aer 1ax 4,312.61 3,302.99
neL Cash from operaung acuvlues 11,438.76 8,381.99
(` ln Crore)
ANNLkUkL - II to the D|rectors' keport
Secnon A: Genera| Informanon about the Company
8us|ness kespons|b|||ty keport
1oday, Lhere ls growlng reallzauon LhaL buslness ls a cruclal member of socleLy. 8uslness and socleLy are deeply and dynamlcally
lnLerdependenL. 8uslness can susLaln Lhelr growLh only lf Lhe socleLy ls saused wlLh Lhelr overall conLrlbuuon Lo socleLal well-belng.
CWL8C8lu as a responslble corporaLe enuLy reallses lLs obllgauons and commlLs lLself Lo SusLalnable uevelopmenL. SusLalnable
uevelopmenL ls vlLal Lo our buslness operauons wlLh our concerns for people and envlronmenL Laklng cenLre sLage. 1hls ls embedded ln and
reecLed Lhrough our mouo, 8educe where you can and mlugaLe where you cannoL". We are well aware LhaL only by servlng Lhe needs
of our socleLy, we Lruly can advance our growLh agenda. 1he maln LhrusL of our susLalnablllLy eorLs lncludes malnLalnlng hlgh sLandards
of buslness conducL, reduclng envlronmenLal & soclal lmpacL, provldlng a safe workplace whlle promoung professlonal developmenL, and
fullllng our commlLmenLs Lo cllenLs, lnvesLors, assoclaLes and all oLher sLakeholders.
Lnsurlng our commlLmenLs ln a soclally responslble manner ls fundamenLal Lo our endurlng dellvery of susLalnable values Lo all sLakeholders.
undersLandlng our responslblllues, we have always endeavored Lo proLecL Lhe envlronmenL ln areas of our acuvlues rlghL from plannlng Lo
operauon & malnLenance sLage. 1ransmlsslons pro[ecLs are envlronmenLally clean, non-polluung ln naLure and do noL produce any solld /
llquld wasLes, Lhereby havlng mlnlmal envlronmenLal and soclal lmpllcauons. Powever, we have developed a comprehenslve LnvlronmenL
and Soclal ollcy and rocedures (LS) ln 1998 and upgraded Lhe same ln 2003 & 2009, ln llne wlLh lnLernauonal besL pracuces, Lo pre-
empL posslble envlronmenLal and soclal lssues. 1he LS ls developed on Lhree baslc prlnclples- Avoldance, Mlnlmlzauon and Mlugauon,
whlch provlde us a framework for ldenucauon, assessmenL and managemenL of envlronmenLal and soclal concerns aL boLh organlzauonal
level as well as aL pro[ecL level. 1he pollcy has been applauded by Lhe mululaLeral fundlng agencles llke 1he World 8ank & Au8 and ls applled
unlformly for all Lhe pro[ecLs across Lhe counLry.
CWL8C8lu operauons are also governed by an lnLegraLed ManagemenL SysLem (lMS) comprlslng lSC 9001:2008 for CuallLy ManagemenL,
lSC 14001:2004 for LnvlronmenLal ManagemenL, and CPSAS 18001:2007 for Cccupauonal PealLh and SafeLy. 1he Company has also
obLalned SA 8000:2008 cerucauons for lLs human resource and labor managemenL pollcles and pracuces.
As a responslble corporaLe enuLy, CWL8C8lu has also evolved a CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8) ollcy LhaL promoLes communlLy
developmenL ln and around our areas of operauons wlLh focus on Lducauon, PealLh Care, lnfrasLrucLure uevelopmenL, Lcology &
LnvlronmenL Conservauon and ulsasLer rellef ln Lhe counLry. 1he CS8 lnluauves are prlmarlly almed Lo lmprove Lhe quallLy of llfe of Lhe local
populauon and brlng Lhe marglnallzed people Lo Lhe malnsLream of developmenL.
We have also Laken a lead lnluauve and developed a comprehenslve masLer plan for lnLegrauon of renewable energy generauon comlng
up across Lhe counLry lnLo Lhe grld Lhrough Creen Lnergy Corrldors". 8esldes, we are worklng on speclallzed SmarL Crld" concepL Lo Lake
up lmplemenLauon of SmarL Crld/SmarL ClLy ro[ecLs whlch wlll help ln reducuon of AggregaLe 1echnlcal & Commerclal (A1&C) losses, peak
load managemenL/ demand response, lnLegrauon of renewable energy, power quallLy managemenL, ouLage managemenL eLc.
ln March, 2010, CWL8C8lu had come ouL wlLh Lhe 'SusLalnablllLy 8eporL' for Lhe l? 2008-09 based on Clobal 8eporung lnluauve
(C8l-C3) guldellnes. 1he 2nd 'SusLalnablllLy 8eporL' for Lhe years 2009-11 has also been released ln March, 2013. 1he reporL has
been prepared as per C8l-C3 guldellnes and ln order Lo make Lhe process lncluslve and Lo focus on maLerlal / slgnlcanL aspecLs and
responslveness, lnLernauonal SLandards llke AccounLablllLy, uk SLandard AA1000:2008 AS and AA1000:2011 SLS" have been followed.
Whlle Lhe rsL SusLalnablllLy 8eporL was lnLernally assured, however, Laklng our eorLs Lowards furLher Lransparency, Lhe 2nd reporL has
been duly valldaLed exLernally by an accredlLed assurance provlder M/s 1uv 8helnland lndla (a group company of 1uv 8helnland Cermany).
1he 8eporL deals ln measuremenL and dlsclosure of lnformauon on Lhe 1rlple 8ouom Llne (18L) l.e. envlronmenLal, soclal and economlc
lmpacLs arlslng ouL of dally acuvlues of Lhe Company. 1he SusLalnablllLy 8eporLs are avallable on our webslLe
1he Securlues and Lxchange 8oard of lndla (SL8l) as per lLs clrcular daLed 13Lh AugusL 2012 has mandaLed Lhe lncluslon of a 8uslness
8esponslblllLy 8eporL" (88 8eporL) as parL of Company's Annual 8eporL for Lop 100 llsLed enuues based on markeL caplLallsauon aL Lhe
8ombay SLock Lxchange LlmlLed (8SL) and Lhe nauonal SLock Lxchange of lndla LlmlLed (nSL) as on March 31, 2012. 1he reporung framework
ls based on Lhe 'nauonal volunLary Culdellnes on Soclal, LnvlronmenLal and Lconomlc 8esponslblllues of 8uslness (nvCs)' released by Lhe
MlnlsLry of CorporaLe Aalrs, CovernmenL of lndla, ln !uly 2011 whlch conLalns 9 rlnclples and Core LlemenLs for each of Lhe 9 rlnclples.
lollowlng ls Lhe rsL 8uslness 8esponslblllLy 8eporL of our company based on Lhe formaL suggesLed by SL8l ln lLs clrcular.
1 CorporaLe ldenuLy number (Cln) of Lhe Company L40101uL1989CCl038121
2 name of Lhe Company ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd
3 8eglsLered address 8-9, CuLab lnsuLuuonal Area, kaLwarla Saral, new uelhl-110016
4 WebslLe
3 L-mall ld susLalnablllLy.reporL[
6 llnanclal ?ear reporLed 2012-2013
Secnon 8: I|nanc|a| Deta||s of the Company
Secnon C: Cther Deta||s
1. Does the Company have any Subs|d|ary Company] Compan|es?
CWL8C8lu has Lhree wholly owned subsldlary Companles vlz. ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LLd. (CSCCC), CWL8C8lu
nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed (CWL8C8lu nM1L) and CWL8C8lu vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed (CWL8C8lu v1L).
2. Do the Subs|d|ary Company]Compan|es parnc|pate |n the 8k In|nanves of the parent company? If yes, then |nd|cate the number of
such subs|d|ary company(s)
Cf Lhe Lhree subsldlary Companles referred Lo ln Sr. no. (1) above, only CSCCC paruclpaLes ln 88 lnluauves. 1he remalnlng Lwo
subsldlary companles wlll geL operauonallsed on recelpL of Lransmlsslon llcense.
3. Do any other ennty]ennnes (e.g. supp||ers, d|str|butors etc.) that the Company does bus|ness w|th, parnc|pate |n the 8k |n|nanves
of the Company? If yes, then |nd|cate the percentage of such ennty]ennnes? [Less than 30, 30-60, More than 60]
1he LnvlronmenL and Soclal ollcy and rocedures (LS) of CWL8C8lu encompass Lhe Company, lLs !olnL venLure Company -
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed and relauve aspecLs perLalnlng Lo vendors / Suppllers / ConLracLors Lhrough conLracL condluons.
vendors /Suppllers/ ConLracLors are requlred Lo comply wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe labour laws, envlronmenLal laws & eecLual safeLy
plans Lhrough supulauons ln Lhe Condluons of ConLracL. 1he percenLage of such vendors/Suppllers/ConLracLors are more Lhan 60.
Secnon D: 8k Informanon
1. Deta||s of D|rector]D|rectors respons|b|e for 8k
a) ueLalls of Lhe ulrecLor/ulrecLors responslble for lmplemenLauon of Lhe 88 pollcy/pollcles
CS8 & SusLalnable uevelopmenL Commluee has been seL up whlch also has ln lLs mandaLe Lo look lnLo Lhe 8uslness
8esponslblllLy 8eporL under Clause 33 of Llsung AgreemenL. lL comprlses elghL members vlz. CMu, Lhree funcuonal ulrecLors
- ulrecLor (ersonnel), ulrecLor (ro[ecLs) & ulrecLor (llnance) and four lndependenL ulrecLors. Shrl ALul 1rlvedl, Ceneral
Manager (LnvL. & Soclal ManagemenL uepu.) ls Lhe 88 head and reporLs Lo ulrecLor (ro[ecLs).
1he deLall of Lhe ulrecLor responslble for lmplemenLauon of Lhe 88 pollcy/pollcles ls as under:
- uln number : 00013613
- name : Shrl l S !ha
- ueslgnauon : ulrecLor (ro[ecLs)
1 ald up CaplLal (ln8) 4629,723,333
2 1oLal 1urnover (ln8) 13328.74 Crore
3 1oLal roL aer 1axes (ln8) 4234.30Crore
4 1oLal Spendlng on CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy
(CS8) as a percenLage of proL aer Lax()
uurlng l? 2012-13, Lhe Company has spenL ` 21.73 Crore [0.67 of roL
Aer 1ax (A1) of Lhe precedlng year] on varlous CS8 acuvlues.
3 LlsL of acuvlues ln whlch expendlLure ln 4 above has
been lncurred
a) PealLhcare
b) lnfrasLrucLure
c) Sklll uevelopmenL
d) lanLauon
e) Lducauon
7 SecLor(s) LhaL Lhe Company ls engaged ln (lndusLrlal
acuvlLy code-wlse)
Sector(s) I1C Code No.
1ransmlsslon 99691110
1elecom 99841100
ConsulLancy 99833244
8 LlsL Lhree key producLs/servlces LhaL Lhe Company
manufacLures/provldes (as ln balance sheeL)
l) 1ransmlsslon
ll) 1elecom
lll) ConsulLancy Servlces (uomesuc / lnLernauonal)
9 1oLal number of locauons where buslness acuvlLy ls
underLaken by Lhe Company
l) number of lnLernauonal Locauons (rovlde deLalls
of ma[or 3)
ll) number of nauonal Locauons
(l) lnLernauonal: CWL8C8lu has a sLrong presence ln ConsulLancy buslness
ln eleven counLrles ln Asla and Afrlca. Ma[or ve lnclude LLhlopla, 8huLan,
uubal, 8angladesh and AfghanlsLan.
(ll) nauonal: 1oLal 177 whlch lncludes 167 subsLauons, 9 8eglonal headquar-
Lers and 1 corporaLe omce aL Curgaon. 1elecom deparLmenL has lLs presence
ln more Lhan 200 clues/Lowns spread across Lhe counLry. AparL from above,
a no. of subsLauons and Lransmlsslon llnes are presenLly under consLrucuon
and personnel are locaLed on Lhese slLe(s).
10 MarkeLs served by Lhe Company - Local/SLaLe/
CWL8C8lu has fooLprlnL ln all Lhe markeLs-Local/SLaLe/nauonal/lnLerna-
b) ueLalls of Lhe 88 head
*Conforms Lo/ are updaLed/ revlewed ln accordance wlLh, nauonal SLandards lncludlng CCl/CvC/ uL Culdellnes, appllcable laws, eLc.
#CWL8C8lu ls World 8ank's rsL 'use of CounLry SysLem (uCS)' compllanL ower 1ransmlsslon uullLy havlng proven experuse ln envlronmenLal and soclal
safeguards managemenL.
2a. lf answer Lo 1 agalnsL any prlnclple, ls 'no', please explaln why: (1lck up Lo 2 opuons)
2. r|nc|p|e-w|se (as per NVGs) 8k o||cy]po||c|es (kep|y |n ]N)
1he nauonal volunLary Culdellnes on Soclal, LnvlronmenLal and Lconomlc 8esponslblllues of 8uslness released by Lhe MlnlsLry of
CorporaLe Aalrs has adopLed followlng nlne areas of 8uslness 8esponslblllLy:
S. No. arncu|ars Deta||s
1. uln number (lf appllcable) NA
2. name Shrl ALul 1rlvedl
3. ueslgnauon CM (LnvL. & Soclal ManagemenL uepu.)
4. 1elephone number 0124-2371980
3. e-mall ld aLul.Lrlvedl[powergrld.ln
1 8uslness should conducL and govern Lhemselves wlLh LLhlcs, 1ransparency and AccounLablllLy
2 8uslnesses should provlde goods and servlces LhaL are safe and conLrlbuLe Lo susLalnablllLy LhroughouL Lhelr llfe cycle
3 8uslnesses should promoLe Lhe wellbelng of all employees
4 8uslnesses should respecL Lhe lnLeresLs of, and be responslve Lowards all sLakeholders, especlally Lhose who are dlsadvanLaged,
vulnerable and marglnallsed.
3 8uslnesses should respecL and promoLe human rlghLs
6 8uslness should respecL, proLecL, and make eorLs Lo resLore Lhe envlronmenL
7 8uslnesses, when engaged ln lnuenclng publlc and regulaLory pollcy, should do so ln a responslble manner
8 8uslnesses should supporL lncluslve growLh and equlLable developmenL
9 8uslnesses should engage wlLh and provlde value Lo Lhelr cusLomers and consumers ln a responslble manner
S.No. uesnons r|nc|p|e 7- kespons|b|e pub||c po||cy advocacy
1. 1he company has noL undersLood Lhe rlnclples -
2. 1he company ls noL aL a sLage where lL nds
lLself ln a posluon Lo formulaLe and lmplemenL
Lhe pollcles on specled prlnclples
3. 1he company does noL have nanclal or
manpower resources avallable for Lhe Lask
4. lL ls planned Lo be done wlLhln nexL 6 monLhs -
3. lL ls planned Lo be done wlLhln Lhe nexL 1 year -
S.No. uesnons 1 2 3 4 S P6 7 8 9
1. uo you have pollcy/pollcles for.... ? ? ? ? ? ? N ? ?
2. Pas Lhe pollcy belng formulaLed ln consulLauon wlLh Lhe relevanL sLakeholders?* ? ? ? ? ? ? NA ? ?
3. uoes Lhe pollcy conform Lo any nauonal /lnLernauonal sLandards? lf yes, speclfy?*
(30 words)
? ? ? ? ? ?
NA ? ?
4. Pas Lhe pollcy belng approved by Lhe 8oard? lf yes, has lL been slgned by Mu/owner/CLC/
approprlaLe 8oard ulrecLor?
? ? ? ? ? ? NA ? ?
3. uoes Lhe company have a specled commluee of Lhe 8oard/ ulrecLor/Cmclal Lo oversee
Lhe lmplemenLauon of Lhe pollcy?
? ? ? ? ? ? NA ? ?
6. lndlcaLe Lhe llnk for Lhe pollcy Lo be vlewed onllne?
7. Pas Lhe pollcy been formally communlcaLed Lo all relevanL lnLernal and exLernal
? ? ? ? ? ? NA ? ?
8. uoes Lhe company have ln-house sLrucLure Lo lmplemenL Lhe pollcy/pollcles. ? ? ? ? ? ? NA ? ?
9. uoes Lhe Company have a grlevance redressal mechanlsm relaLed Lo Lhe pollcy/pollcles Lo
address sLakeholders' grlevances relaLed Lo Lhe pollcy/pollcles?
? ? ? ? ? ? NA ? ?
10. Pas Lhe company carrled ouL lndependenL audlL/evaluauon of Lhe worklng of Lhls pollcy by
an lnLernal or exLernal agency?*
? ? ? ? ? ? NA ? ?
S.No. uesnons r|nc|p|e 7- kespons|b|e pub||c po||cy advocacy
6. Any oLher reason (please speclfy) CWL8C8lu ls a member of varlous lndusLrlal and Lrade bodles and paruclpaLes
ln Lhese forums on lssues and pollcy mauers LhaL lmpacL Lhe lnLeresL of our
sLakeholders. keeplng ln vlew Lhe slgnlcanL lnLeresLs of CWL8C8lu ln
Lhe 1ransmlsslon secLor, a separaLe 8egulaLory Cell ls ln place Lo underLake
CWL8C8lu's endeavor of a pro-acuve approach as parL of pollcy advocacy wlLh
Lhe sLakeholders and CL8C.
Wherever felL necessary, we glve our commenLs on varlous approach papers,
dra regulauons eLc lssued by CL8C, oLher auLhorlues.
3. Governance re|ated to 8k
- Ind|cate the frequency w|th wh|ch the 8oard of D|rectors, Comm|uee of the 8oard or CLC to assess the 8k performance of the
Company. W|th|n 3 months, 3-6 months, Annua||y, More than 1 year
CWL8C8lu had consuLuLed 'SusLalnable uevelopmenL Commluee of 8oard' durlng Lhe l? 2012-13 ln llne wlLh Lhe requlremenL
of ueparLmenL of ubllc LnLerprlses (uL) Culdellnes on SusLalnable uevelopmenL (Su) for CenLral ubllc SecLor LnLerprlses.
uurlng l? 2012-13, four meeungs of Lhe sald commluee were held wlLhln 3-6 monLhs Lo revlew Lhe susLalnable developmenL
pro[ecLs of Lhe Company.
WlLh Lhe lnLroducuon of new guldellnes lssued by uL on CS8 and SusLalnablllLy for CSLs (eecuve from 01.04.2013) as well
as keeplng ln vlew Lhe requlremenL of Lhe SL8l clrcular on 8uslness 8esponslblllLy 8eporL, Lhe abovesald commluee was re-
consuLuLed as 'CS8 & SusLalnable uevelopmenL (Su) Commluee' whlch also looks aer 8uslness 8esponslblllLy 8eporLs as per
Clause 33 of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL.
1hough assesslng 88 performance basls lndlvldual prlnclples ls an ongolng process, however, assessmenL /revlew ls done
perlodlcally, generally quarLerly, and annually aL Lhe end of Lhe year as a whole.
- Does the Company pub||sh a 8k or a Susta|nab|||ty keport? What |s the hyper||nk for v|ew|ng th|s report? now frequent|y |t |s
CWL8C8lu publlshes SusLalnablllLy 8eporL blennlally. CWL8C8lu came ouL wlLh lLs rsL 'SusLalnablllLy 8eporL' for Lhe l? 2008-
09 ln March, 2010 and Lhereaer, Lhe 2nd 'SusLalnablllLy 8eporL' was released ln March, 2013 for Lhe years 2009-11.
1hese reporLs are avallable on CWL8C8lu webslLe aL hup://
ueLall. aspx? Langlu=Lngllsh&CaLegory=uocumenLs.
Secnon L: r|nc|p|e-w|se performance
r|nc|p|e 1- 8us|ness shou|d conduct and govern themse|ves w|th eth|cs, 1ransparency and Accountab|||ty
1. Does the po||cy re|anng to eth|cs, br|bery and corrupnon cover on|y the company? es] No. Does |t extend to the Group]
Io|nt Ventures]Supp||ers]Contractors]NGCs]Cthers?
CWL8C8lu ls commlued Lo observe Lransparency and conslsLency ln all lLs operauons. Slnce, CWL8C8lu ls a deslgnaLed publlc
auLhorlLy, Lhe provlslons of Lhe 8lghL Lo lnformauon AcL, 2003 are also appllcable. 1he Chlef ubllc lnformauon Cmcers (ClC) aL
Lhe CorporaLe and reglonal level ensure smooLh access Lo lnformauon ln a umely manner.
CWL8C8lu follows pollcles/rules relaung Lo eLhlcs, brlbery and corrupuon Lo sLrengLhen eLhlcal conducL aL all levels lncludlng
Lhe followlng:
a) Code of 8us|ness Lth|cs & Conduct: CWL8C8lu has lald down Lwo separaLe Code of 8uslness LLhlcs & ConducL - one for
8oard Members and anoLher for Senlor ManagemenL ersonnel (lncludlng Lhose depuLed ln Subsldlarles/ !olnL venLures) ln
allgnmenL wlLh Company's vlslon & Mlsslon and alms aL enhanclng eLhlcal and LransparenL process ln managlng Lhe aalrs of
Lhe Company.
b) 1he Conduct and D|sc|p||ne Appea| ru|es (CDA ku|es): 1he CuA 8ules of CWL8C8lu dene Lhe deslrable and non-deslrable
acLs and conducL for Lhe employees and exLend Lo all employees worklng wlLh lL (lncludlng Lhose depuLed ln Subsldlarles/
!olnL venLures). 1he aspecLs of 8rlbery and Corrupuon are also covered under CuA rules. 1here ls a lald procedure for acuons
ln Lhe case of non-compllance wlLh Lhe dened Lerms as well as for any mlsconducL.
c) Wh|st|e 8|ower o||cy : WhlsLle 8lower ollcy provldes a sysLem for deLecuon and prevenuon of fraud LhaL ls deLecLed or
suspecLed and falr deallng of mauers perLalnlng Lo fraud and exLends noL [usL Lo all our employees buL also Lo our vendors
dened Lhereln Lo lnclude Suppllers/ConLracLors/ConsulLanLs/ Servlce rovlders or ouLslde agency(les) havlng buslness deallng
wlLh Lhe Company. 1hls pollcy provldes a plauorm Lo employees and vendors for reporung fraud or suspecLed fraud or any
oLher fraudulenL acuvlLy wlLhouL fear of reLrlbuuon and help ln ellmlnaung any klnd of uneLhlcal conducL ln Lhe sysLem.
8esldes, several lnluauves have been Laken/are belng Laken by CWL8C8lu Lo sLrengLhen lnLegrlLy, Lransparency and falrness ln
lLs buslness pracuces whlch lncludes Lhe followlng:
(l) Well dened uelegauon of owers" ls ln place dellneaung Lhe powers of Lhe Lop execuuves and below for carrylng ouL work
ln sysLemauc manner.
(ll) CWL8C8lu has prepared and lmplemenLed Works and rocuremenL ollcy and rocedure (W) for re-award and
osL-award SLages" wlLh a vlew Lo maklng Lhe pollcles and procedures more sysLemauc, LransparenL and easy Lo admlnlsLer
unlformly LhroughouL lLs buslness operauons wlLh ma[or LhrusL on expedluous and decenLrallzed declslon maklng coupled
wlLh accounLablllLy and responslblllLy.
(lll) lnLegrlLy acL" has been slgned wlLh 1ransparency lnLernauonal whlch ls consldered as a useful Lool ln ensurlng Lransparency
ln awardlng conLracLs. ConLracLs above Lhe value of `100 Crore are also monlLored by a panel of lndependenL LxLernal
MonlLors (lLMs)".
(lv) Manuals and rocedures are ln place for ConsLrucuon, Cperauon & MalnLenance.
(v) e-procuremenL mechanlsm for mosL of Lhe pro[ecL procuremenLs has been lmplemenLed.
(vl) e-8everse aucuon mechanlsm ls ln place.
(vll) LnLerprlse 8esource lannlng (L8) SysLem across Lhe Crganlsauon ls under lmplemenLauon.
(vlll SysLem exlsLs for Cn-llne aymenL of uocumenL lees & Submlsslon of So Copy of 8ld.
(lx) Aer Award, summary of evaluauon ls posLed on Lhe webslLe.
(x) CWL8C8lu focuses more on revenuve and ro-acuve vlgllance, aparL from ueLecuve, redlcuve and unluve vlgllance.
Almlng aL beuer Lransparency ln worklng of Lhe Crganlsauon and Lo lnculcaLe a sense of LLhlcs, lnLegrlLy and sound CorporaLe
Covernance several sLeps are belng Laken for lmprovlng Lhe sysLem and vlgllance admlnlsLrauon Lhrough varlous Lechnologles.
lor more deLalls, secuon on 8enewed CommlLmenL Lo 1ransparency & vlgllance luncuon" ln Lhe ulrecLors' 8eporL may be
2. now many stakeho|der comp|a|nts have been rece|ved |n the past hnanc|a| year and what percentage was sansfactor||y reso|ved
by the management? If so, prov|de deta||s thereof, |n about S0 words or so.
83 nos. of complalnLs were recelved by vlgllance ueparLmenL from varlous sLakeholders durlng Lhe l? 2012-13 and acuon agalnsL
all Lhe complalnLs was lnluaLed. CuL of Lhese, 33 (approx. 64) nos. of complalnLs have been dlsposed of as on March 31, 2013,
whlle Lhe remalnlng ls under process.
r|nc|p|e 2 -8us|nesses shou|d prov|de goods and serv|ces that are safe and contr|bute to susta|nab|||ty throughout the|r ||fe cyc|e
1. L|st up to 3 of your products or serv|ces whose des|gn has |ncorporated soc|a| or env|ronmenta| concerns, r|sks and]or
1ower deslgn ln relauon Lo LlecLrlc & Magneuc llelds(LMl)
CompacL Lower deslgn Lo reduce 8oW and Lo conserve naLural resource llke foresL/land.
1he LnvlronmenL and Soclal ollcy and rocedures of CWL8C8lu (LS) ln relauon Lo all acuvlues from ConsLrucuon Lo
Cperauon & MalnLenance sLage.
All Lhe 1ransmlsslon llnes and Sub-sLauons are deslgned and lmplemenLed conslsLenLly complylng wlLh Lhe SLaLuLory laws and
conformlng Lo Lhe nauonal / lnLernauonal SLandards.
2. Ior each such product, prov|de the fo||ow|ng deta||s |n respect of resource use (energy, water, raw mater|a| etc.) per un|t of
|. keducnon dur|ng sourc|ng]producnon]d|str|bunon ach|eved s|nce the prev|ous year throughout the va|ue cha|n?
||. keducnon dur|ng usage by consumers (energy, water) has been ach|eved s|nce the prev|ous year?
1hese acuvlues are belng carrled ouL under varlous pollcles / guldellnes and are lmplemenLed from ume Lo ume.
3. Does the company have procedures |n p|ace for susta|nab|e sourc|ng (|nc|ud|ng transportanon)? |. If yes, what percentage of
your |nputs was sourced susta|nab|y? A|so, prov|de deta||s thereof, |n about S0 words or so.
SusLalnablllLy ln sourclng ls enforced Lhrough Lhe LnvlronmenL and Soclal ollcy and rocedures (LS) of CWL8C8lu whlch
exLends Lo Suppllers/ConLracLors/vendors Lhrough conLracL condluons. vendors/ Suppllers/ConLracLors are requlred Lo comply
wlLh LS, Labour laws, LnvlronmenLal laws & eecLual SafeLy plans Lhrough supulauons ln Lhe Condluons of ConLracL. ConLracLs
provlde penalues Lo be lmposed on Lhe vendors/ suppllers / conLracLors ln Lhe evenL of breach of Lhe sald provlslons.
4. nas the company taken any steps to procure goods and serv|ces from |oca| & sma|| producers, |nc|ud|ng commun|nes
surround|ng the|r p|ace of work? If yes, what steps have been taken to |mprove the|r capac|ty and capab|||ty of |oca| and sma||
We encourage paruclpauon of local vendors for cerLaln works ln & around our esLabllshmenLs Lhrough local compeuuve blddlng
S. Does the company have a mechan|sm to recyc|e products and waste? If yes what |s the percentage of recyc||ng of products
and waste (separate|y as <S, S-10, >10). A|so, prov|de deta||s thereof, |n about S0 words or so.
lurLherlng CWL8C8lu's commlLmenL Lowards SusLalnable uevelopmenL, a WasLe aper 8ecycllng" planL has been esLabllshed
ln Lhe premlses of our 400/220 kv ClS SubsLauon aL Curgaon havlng recycllng capaclLy Lo handle 40-60 kgs of paper dally. 1he wasLe
paper generaLed from Lhe CWL8C8lu CorporaLe Cmce ls belng used as raw maLerlal. 1he percenLage of recycllng wasLe /used
paper ls < 3 ln Lhe rsL year of operauon and may be lncreased progresslvely by lnsLalllng more such planLs ln Lhe 8eglons.
r|nc|p|e 3- 8us|nesses shou|d promote the we||be|ng of a|| emp|oyees
1. |ease |nd|cate the 1ota| number of emp|oyees.
1oLal numbers of employees as on March 31, 2013 were 9163.
2. |ease |nd|cate the 1ota| number of emp|oyees h|red on temporary]contractua|]casua| bas|s.
1oLal number of employees hlred on conLracLual basls as on March 31, 2013 were 182.
3. |ease |nd|cate the Number of permanent women emp|oyees.
number of permanenL women employees as on March 31, 2013 were 370.
4. |ease |nd|cate the Number of permanent emp|oyees w|th d|sab|||nes.
number of permanenL employees wlLh dlsablllues as on March 31, 2013 were 140.
S. Do you have an emp|oyee assoc|anon that |s recogn|zed by management.
Lmployees under Lhe 'Workmen' caLegory are represenLed Lhrough 1rade unlons and Lhe organlzauon has recognlzed workmen-
managemenL forum.
6. What percentage of your permanent emp|oyees |s members of th|s recogn|zed emp|oyee assoc|anon?
All employees under Lhe 'Workmen' caLegory are members of 1rade unlon. Workmen represenL abouL 30 of Lhe employee
sLrengLh ln CWL8C8lu.
7. |ease |nd|cate the Number of comp|a|nts re|anng to ch||d |abour, forced |abour, |nvo|untary |abour, sexua| harassment |n the
|ast hnanc|a| year and pend|ng, as on the end of the hnanc|a| year.
8. What percentage of your under mennoned emp|oyees were g|ven safety & sk||| up-gradanon tra|n|ng |n the |ast year?
r|nc|p|e 4- 8us|nesses shou|d respect the |nterests of, and be respons|ve towards a|| stakeho|ders, espec|a||y those who are
d|sadvantaged, vu|nerab|e and marg|na||sed.
1. nas the company mapped |ts |nterna| and externa| stakeho|ders? es]No
CWL8C8lu has mapped lLs lnLernal and exLernal sLakeholders. We recognlze Shareholders, 8egulaLory AuLhorlues (Col),
CusLomers, ro[ecLs AecLed ersons (As)/Communlues, Lmployees, Suppllers & ConLracLors, 8esearch & uevelopmenL
lnsuLuuons, lundlng Agencles and Medla as our key sLakeholders ln economlc, envlronmenL & soclal dlmenslons.
CWL8C8lu engages wlLh lLs ldenued sLakeholders on an ongolng basls and Lhe prlorluzauon of such engagemenL has been done
conslderlng facLors llke uependency, lnuence, 8esponslblllLy and roxlmlLy. 1here ls a sLrucLured SLakeholder LngagemenL MaLrlx
whlch deLalls speclc engagemenL mechanlsms lncludlng mode & frequency of engagemenL for each sLakeholder caLegory.
2. Cf the above, has the company |dennhed the d|sadvantaged, vu|nerab|e & marg|na||zed stakeho|ders?
1he Company has ldenued Lhe dlsadvanLaged, vulnerable & marglnallzed sLakeholders and are broadly dlvlded lnLo Lwo
caLegorles vlz. lnLernal SLakeholders (Lmployees - ersons wlLh ulsablllues (Wu) / SC/ S1/ Women) and LxLernal SLakeholders
[ro[ecLs AecLed ersons / lamllles (As / Als) : Wldow women headed famllles, SC/S1/ ersons wlLh ulsablllues (Wu) }.
3. Are there any spec|a| |n|nanves taken by the company to engage w|th the d|sadvantaged, vu|nerab|e and marg|na||zed
stakeho|ders. If so, prov|de deta||s thereof, |n about S0 words or so.
CWL8C8lu has Laken followlng lnluauves Lo engage wlLh Lhe dlsadvanLaged, vulnerable and marglnallzed sLakeholders:
lnLernal SLakeholders (Lmployees- ersons wlLh ulsablllues (Wu)/ SC/ S1/ Women) - 1he speclal lnluauves Laken lnclude-
A ume bound mechanlsm for Lhe redressal of grlevances ls ln place as under:
(a) A 8eservauon Cell has been consuLuLed aL Lhe corporaLe, as well as reglonal level Lo comply wlLh Col dlrecuves on
reservauon mauers for SC/S1/C8C/Lx-servlcemen/ ersons wlLh ulsablllues (Wu). 1hls cell ls under conLrol of
nomlnaLed llalson omcer. 1he Llalson Cmcers are avallable on a pre-xed day and ume for lnLeracuon once ln a week.
Wlde publlclLy regardlng avallablllLy of Lhe llalson omcer ls ensured amongsL SC/S1 employees. 8egular meeung wlLh SC/
S.No. Category No of comp|a|nts h|ed
dur|ng the hnanc|a| year
No of comp|a|nts pend|ng as
on end of the hnanc|a| year
1. Chlld labour/forced labour/lnvolunLary labour nlL nlL
2. Sexual harassmenL nlL nlL
3. ulscrlmlnaLory employmenL nlL nlL
Lmp|oyees of Lmp|oyees g|ven safety & sk||| up-gradanon
tra|n|ng |n the |ast year |.e. I 2012-13
ermanenL Lmployees 83
ermanenL Women Lmployees 80
Casual/1emporary/ConLracLual Lmployees 73
Lmployees wlLh ulsablllues 82
S1/C8C Lmployee's Assoclauon are conducLed. 'Awareness rogramme' are organlzed Lo acqualnL Lhe SC/S1/ C8C/Wu
employees abouL Lhe relaxauons and concesslons avallable Lo Lhem under CovernmenL dlrecuves.
b) A sexual harassmenL commluee has been consuLuLed Lo handle grlevances relaLed Lo Lhe dlscrlmlnauon of employees
on Lhe basls of gender.
CWL8C8lu ensures dlverslLy aL workplace Lhrough eorLs Lo recrulL, develop and reLaln Lhe mosL LalenLed people from
Lhe pool of SC/ S1/ C8C/ Lx-servlcemen/ ersons wlLh ulsablllues (Wu) candldaLes, ln accordance wlLh Col dlrecuves on
reservauon mauers. Women employees are exLended cerLaln relaxauon llke posung ln so locauons, relaxauon ln auendance
eLc. laclllues llke 8amp eLc are provlded for ersons wlLh ulsablllues.
LxLernal SLakeholders [ro[ecLs AecLed ersons / lamllles (As / Als)- Wldow women headed famllles, SC/S1/ hyslcally
Pandlcap} - 1he speclal lnluauves Laken lnclude -
a) 8ehablllLauon and 8eseulemenL (8&8) measures: vulnerable groups llke wldow women headed famllles / SC / S1/ Wu
physlcally handlcap / dlsabled famllles who have suered loss of land / loss of sLrucLure / loss of llvellhood (wage or
occupauon) are consldered for addluonal need based beneLs.
b) CS8 lnluauves: Cur CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8) addresses Lhe lssues of CommunlLy uevelopmenL (lncludlng
employmenL, conservauon and envlronmenL, educauon, healLh eLc.) prlmarlly ln and around our areas of operauons.
rlmary focus of Lhe CS8 lnLervenuon of CWL8C8lu was for lncluslve developmenL of under-prlvlleged, vulnerable and
deprlved secuon of Lhe socleLy. A large number of women, glrls, SC/S1/mlnorlLy populauon were beneued as a resulL
of CS8 lnluauves. varlous CS8 lnluauves such as consLrucuon of communlLy cenLres, class rooms, LolleLs, waLer supply
arrangemenLs ln dlerenL schools, supply of personal compuLers, sewlng machlnes, Lools and planLs Lo glrls school,
vlllage wldow physlcally challenged women, CovL. l1l (women). Several CS8 capaclLy bulldlng lnluauves by conducung
vocauonal Lralnlng programme such as Loy manufacLurlng, suLchlng, weavlng and embroldery for rural women have
also been Laken up Lo creaLe lncome generauon. Comprehenslve servlces for MaLernal & Chlld healLh care were also
r|nc|p|e S - 8us|nesses shou|d respect and promote human r|ghts
1. Does the po||cy of the company on human r|ghts cover on|y the company or extend to the Group]Io|nt Ventures]Supp||ers]
CWL8C8lu has lncorporaLed Puman 8lghLs lssues under relaLed pollcles & pracuces whlch exLend Lo all Lhe employees lncludlng
Lhose depuLed ln Subsldlarles/ !olnL venLures and relauve aspecLs perLalnlng Lo vendors/ Suppllers/ConLracLors Lhrough conLracL
1he ConducL and ulsclpllne Appeal rules (CuA 8ules") dene Lhe deslrable and non-deslrable acLs and conducL for Lhe employees
(lncludlng Lhose depuLed ln Subsldlarles/ !olnL venLures). 1here ls a lald procedure for acuons ln case of non-compllance wlLh
Lhe dened Lerms as well as any lnapproprlaLe or unwelcome sexually-deLermlned behavlor. 1o promoLe falr and equlLable
employmenL relauonshlp, a scheme for Crlevance 8edressal of employees ls ln place whlch ensures a ume bound mechanlsm for
Lhe redressal of grlevances.
CWL8C8lu also goL cerued Lo Soclal AccounLablllLy sLandard SA-8000:2008 for lLs human resource and labor managemenL
pollcles and pracuces. vendors /Suppllers / conLracLors are requlred Lo comply wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe labour laws/ Puman
rlghLs eLc Lhrough supulauons ln Lhe condluons of conLracL. As per Lhe ConLracL agreemenL, conLracLors are prohlblLed from
sub[ecung Lhelr workers Lo forced or compulsory labour. All conLracLors are requlred Lo comply wlLh varlous compensauon and
regulaLory acLs. All suppllers Lo CWL8C8lu have Lo conrm Lo Condluons of ConLracL and SA 8000 clauses. CWL8C8lu Lakes
declarauon regardlng Soclal AccounLablllLy from Lhe bldders/conLracLors for compllance of all requlremenLs of Soclal AccounLablllLy
SLandards l.e., SA8000 (laLesL SLandard avallable aL, Lhls declarauon forms parL of ConLracL uocumenLs. rovlslon
of penalues for non-adherence of Lhe same are also lncluded ln Lhe conLracL condluons.
CWL8C8lu promoLes awareness of Lhe lmporLance of respecung Puman 8lghLs wlLhln lLs value chaln and dlscourage lnsLances
of abuse. 8esldes conducung Lechnlcal and behavloral Lralnlngs, Lhe Lralnlng on Puman 8lghLs lssues Lo sensluze people Lowards
women, Lhe dlerenLly-abled and Lhe soclally weaker secuons of Lhe socleLy have also been lmparLed.
2. now many stakeho|der comp|a|nts have been rece|ved |n the past hnanc|a| year and what percent was sansfactor||y reso|ved
by the management?
no complalnL was recelved perLalnlng Lo human rlghLs vlolauon durlng Lhe reporung perlod (2012-13).
r|nc|p|e 6 - 8us|ness shou|d respect, protect, and make eorts to restore the env|ronment
1. Does the po||cy re|ated to r|nc|p|e 6 cover on|y the company or extends to the Group]Io|nt Ventures]Supp||ers]Contractors]
1he LnvlronmenL and Soclal ollcy and rocedures (LS) of CWL8C8lu encompass Lhe company, lLs !olnL venLure Company -
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed and relauve aspecLs perLalnlng Lo vendors/ Suppllers/ConLracLors Lhrough conLracL condluon.
2. Does the company have strateg|es]|n|nanves to address g|oba| env|ronmenta| |ssues such as c||mate change, g|oba| warm|ng,
etc? ]N. If yes, p|ease g|ve hyper||nk for webpage etc.
CWL8C8lu has Laken varlous lnluauves ln Lhe area of envlronmenL susLalnablllLy. 1aklng lnLo conslderauon Lhe lmpacL on
naLural resources (llke foresL and land) due Lo our pro[ecL acuvlues, we have Laken measures Lo reduce deforesLauon and
lncrease aoresLauon as well as adopL new Lechnologles and measures Lo reduce Lhe 8lghL of Way (8oW) requlremenLs. Several
lnluauves Laken Lowards LnvlronmenL Conservauon lncludlng energy managemenL, waLer managemenL, emlsslon conLrol, wasLe
managemenL, maLerlal conservauon and oLher Lechnologlcal lnluauves are as under:
a) Lnergy Management: 1o opumlze energy consumpuon, energy emclency measures llke converslon/reLromng
equlpmenL, process redeslgn eLc. are belng Laken up. AparL from Lhls, a slgnlcanL reducuon ls achleved Lhrough varlous
lnluauves such as swlLchlng Lo ClL lamps from convenuon lamp, lnsLallauon of solar llghLs and solar Ceysers, opumlzauon
of AC LemperaLure eLc. aL our faclllues, semng up of a 10 kW Pybrld Cenerauon lanL conslsung of 4 kW Solar hoLo
volLalc & 6 kW Wlnd Cenerauon aL Mapusa (Coa) subsLauon whlch generaLes abouL 30 kWh per day and ls uullzed aL
CommunlLy CenLre, Chlldren ark and few sLreeL llghLs.
b) Water Management: We have Laken Lhe lnluauve Lo conserve preclous waLer resources Lhrough 8aln WaLer Parvesung
sysLem whlch ls now an lnLegral parL of every new subsLauon deslgn.
c) Lm|ss|on Contro|: ower 1ransmlsslon pro[ecLs don'L lnvolve any acuvlLy whlch dlrecLly emlLs wasLe/Loxlc subsLances llke
SCx, nCx, CC2, eLc. lnLo Lhe aLmosphere. lor uC seLs used ln consLrucuon acuvlues/ CorporaLe omce/ 8eglonal omces,
adequaLe malnLenance ls ensured Lo comply wlLh Lhe emlsslon norms prescrlbed by olluuon ConLrol 8oard. 8egardlng
CPC emlsslon l.e. leakage of Sl6 gas used ln ClrculL 8reakers, we have CPC reducuon plan ln place Lo arresL leakage,
sysLemaucally monlLorlng eLc. lurLher, we do noL use Czone uepleung SubsLances (CuS) llke ClCs, lncludlng Palon ln our
equlpmenL and all our new equlpmenL & refrlgerauon are ClC free cerued.
d) Waste Management: We have puL ln place followlng sysLems for wasLe segregauon/dlsposal of wasLe maLerlal :
- MeLal scraps Lhrough aucuon for 8ecycllng
- used bauerles as per 8auerles (ManagemenL and Pandllng) 8ules, 2001
- used Lransformer oll whlch ls Pazardous wasLe by auLhorlzed recycler/re-processor as per Pazardous WasLe
(ManagemenL, Pandllng & 1ransboundary movemenL) 8ules, 2008
As a parL of lndla's commlLmenL Lo lnLernauonal guldellnes, we have also phased ouL olychlorlnaLed 8l-phenyl (C8), a
erslsLenL Crganlc olluLanLs (C's) used as lnsulaung medlum ln elecLrlcal equlpmenL from all lLs esLabllshmenLs and
has dlsconunued procurlng elecLrlcal equlpmenL conLalnlng C8 more Lhan 2 mg/kg(C8 free).
e) Mater|a| Conservanon: ConLrlbuuon Lo Lhe conservauon of Lhe naLural resource base and eorLs Lo reduce Lhe maLerlal
lnLenslLy ls an lnLegral parL of Company's susLalnablllLy sLraLegy. Ma[or raw maLerlals used for Lhe consLrucuon of
Lransmlsslon llne and subsLauon lnclude SLeel, Alumlnum and concreLe whlch are seml-manufacLured goods. 1he speclc
consumpuon of Lhese raw maLerlals have been reduced over Lhe years Lhrough Lechnologlcal lnnovauon uslng hlgh
capaclLy Lransmlsslon llnes l.e. 763 kv, 800 PvuC for Lransmlmng bulk power.
f) 1echno|og|ca| In|nanves: We have made eorLs for conservauon of energy ln our pro[ecLs - rlghL from Lhe plannlng sLage, Lo
Lhe execuuon sLage and LhroughouL Lhe C&M perlod. We are lmplemenung 800kv PvuC sysLems and 763kv u/c llnes Lo
mlnlmlze 8oW and envlronmenLal problems. ln addluon, 1200 kv uPvAC Lechnology, hlghesL AC volLage level ln Lhe world ls
under developmenL whlch wlll enable Lransfer of 7000-8000 MW power over slngle corrldor. 1hese laLesL Lechnologles wlll
have wlde lnuence ln mlnlmlzlng envlronmenLal and soclal lmpacL of hlgh volLage Lransmlsslon llne and Lhese lnluauves
wlll show exLenslve resulLs ln opumlzlng of 8oW and lLs assoclaLed envlronmenLal and soclal lmpacL. 8esldes, Lhe Company
ls Laklng ploneerlng sLeps ln brlnglng SmarL Crld Lechnology ln all faceLs of power supply value chaln ln Lhe counLry.
lor more deLalls, SusLalnablllLy 8eporLs avallable on Lhe CWL8C8lu webslLe- , may be referred.
8esldes, CWL8C8lu has been Laklng several oLher lnluauves lncludlng despaLch of annual reporLs/posLal balloL nouces & oLher
communlcauons Lo shareholders ln elecLronlc mode under 'Creen lnluauve ln Lhe CorporaLe Covernance' Lhereby reduclng
wasLage of naLural resources.
3. Does the company |dennfy and assess potenna| env|ronmenta| r|sks? ]N
A deLalled 8lsk AssessmenL and ManagemenL procedure ls ln place Lo ldenufy and assess poLenual envlronmenLal rlsks, as parL of
LS of CWL8C8lu. LS lays down a framework for ldenucauon, assessmenL and managemenL of envlronmenLal and soclal
rlsks and lmpacLs assoclaLed wlLh CWL8C8lu's pro[ecLs based on Lhe avoldance, mlnlmlzauon and mlugauon prlnclple and
hlerarchy. LS framework lncludes procedures for: (a) Screenlng and ldenucauon of 8lsks (from envlronmenLal recepLors, soclal
recepLors and oLher sLakeholders), (b) avoldance of rlsks (lncludlng crlLerla and procedures for alLernauve rouung), (c) mlugauon
of rlsk Lhrough lmpacL managemenL, lmplemenLauon of Cood lnLernauonal lndusLry racuces (Cll), adequaLe compensauon Lo
aecLed sLakeholders, publlc consulLauon and dlsclosure, and grlevance redress, (d) monlLorlng, reporung, evaluauon, feedback,
managemenL revlew and correcuve acuon, and (e)responslblllLy and resource allocauon lncludlng an organlzauon sLrucLure for
managemenL of soclal and envlronmenLal rlsks.
CWL8C8lu ls cerued wlLh lnLegraLed ManagemenL SysLem as per ubllcly Avallable Speclcauon, AS 99:2006 lnLegraung
requlremenL of lSC 9001:2008 for CuallLy, lSC 14001:2004 for LnvlronmenL ManagemenL, CPSAS 18001:2007 for SafeLy and
PealLh ManagemenL SysLem.
4. Does the company have any pro[ect re|ated to C|ean Deve|opment Mechan|sm? If so, prov|de deta||s thereof, |n about S0 words
or so. A|so, |f es, whether any env|ronmenta| comp||ance report |s h|ed?
CWL8C8lu ls consLrucung 800 kv PvuC hlgh capaclLy Lransmlsslon sysLem for evacuauon & Lransfer of abouL 3000 MW of
power from hydro pro[ecLs under consLrucuon for Lransfer of surplus power avallable ln norLh-LasLern 8eglon (nL8) Lo norLhern
8eglon (n8). CWL8C8lu ln assoclauon wlLh Lhe World 8ank subscrlbed lL as a Clean uevelopmenL Mechanlsm (CuM) pro[ecL
Lo avall carbon credlLs under kyoLo roLocol. Powever, Lhe pro[ecL ls sull awalung cerLaln clarlcauons from CenLral LlecLrlclLy
AuLhorlLy on base llne lssues due Lo lnLegrauon of nL8 and n8 grlds.
S. nas the company undertaken any other |n|nanves on - c|ean techno|ogy, energy emc|ency, renewab|e energy, etc. ]N. If yes,
p|ease g|ve hyper||nk for web page etc.
CWL8C8lu has underLaken lnluauves on energy emclency, renewable energy, eLc.
Lnergy Lmc|ency:
A dedlcaLed Lnergy Lmclency Cell has been creaLed ln CWL8C8lu wlLh Lhe ob[ecuve Lo creaLe lnroads lnLo reducuon of Carbon
fooLprlnLs and Lo promoLe Lnergy Lmclency ln all secLors. CWL8C8lu ls adopung energy emclenL appllances for new consLrucuons
Lo be more energy emclenL and reLromng Lhe exlsung esLabllshmenLs wlLh energy emclenL devlces such as LLu llghLs, Llghung
energy savers, luel Conservauon devlces for uC seLs ln a phased manner. CWL8C8lu ls also ln Lhe process of lnsLalllng solar
power planLs ln Lhelr CorporaLe Cmce and ln few oLher bulldlngs Lo promoLe green energy. lL ls expecLed LhaL Lhe eorLs shall yleld
ln reducuon of carbon emlsslon and lmprove energy emclency.
kenewab|e Lnergy:
lnLegrauon of 8enewable Lnergy 8esources wlLh grld ls Lhe Lop prlorlLy worldwlde for energy securlLy and also for carbon emlsslon
reducuon. CWL8C8lu has Laken a lead lnluauve and developed a comprehenslve masLer plan whlch has been released by
MlnlsLry of ower and MlnlsLry of non-convenuonal & 8enewable Lnergy (Mn8L) for lnLegrauon of renewable comlng up counLry-
wlde ln xll lan lnLo Lhe grld Lhrough Creen Lnergy Corrldors aL an esumaLed cosL of abouL ` 43,000 Crore. 1he plan covers boLh
lnLra-sLaLe & lnLer-sLaLe Lransmlsslon sysLems along wlLh lssues for grld lnLerconnecuon of lnLermluenL and varlable renewable
generauon and lLs mlugauon measures. 1o address Lhe lnLermluency and varlablllLy characLerlsucs of renewable generauon,
oLher conLrol lnfrasLrucLure llke lorecasung of renewable generauon and demand, 8eal ume measuremenL/monlLorlng Lhrough
Synchrophasor Lechnology, llexlble generauon, anclllary reserves, uemand-slde & demand response managemenL and energy
sLorage, esLabllshmenL of 8enewable Lnergy ManagemenL CenLers (8LMC) eLc are also ldenued.
lor more deLalls on above, CWL8C8lu webslLe- , may be referred.
6. Are the Lm|ss|ons]Waste generated by the company w|th|n the perm|ss|b|e ||m|ts g|ven by CC8]SC8 for the hnanc|a| year
be|ng reported?
1here are no emlsslons or wasLe generaLed by CWL8C8lu. 1he only emlsslon LhaL can be aurlbuLed ls Lowards uullzauon of uC
seLs for power backup, whlch ls also malnLalned wlLhln permlsslble llmlLs.
7. Number of show cause] |ega| nonces rece|ved from CC8]SC8 wh|ch are pend|ng (|.e. not reso|ved to sansfacnon) as on end
of I|nanc|a| ear.
CWL8C8lu dld noL recelve any show cause/ legal nouce from CC8/SC8.
r|nc|p|e 7 - 8us|nesses, when engaged |n |nuenc|ng pub||c and regu|atory po||cy, shou|d do so |n a respons|b|e manner
1. ls your company a member of any Lrade and chamber or assoclauon? lf ?es, name only Lhose ma[or ones LhaL your buslness deals
CWL8C8lu ls a member of varlous lndusLry bodles lncludlng Lhe followlng:
1. lederauon of lndlan Chambers of Commerce and lndusLry (llCCl)
2. Confederauon of lndlan lndusLry (Cll)
3. Cll CSL Councll
4. 1he Lnergy and 8esource lnsuLuLe (1L8l)
3. 1L8l 8uslness Concll for SusLalnable uevelopmenL
6. 1he AssoclaLed Chambers of Commerce & lndusLry of lndla (ASSCCPAM)
7. Pu Chamber of Commerce & lndusLry (PuCCl)
8. CenLral 8oard of lrrlgauon & ower (C8l)
9. World Lnergy Councll- lndla Member Commluee (WLC-lMC)
10. lndlan lnsuLuLe of lanL Lnglneers (llL)
11. SLandlng Conference of ubllc LnLerprlses (SCCL)
12. lndla Lnergy lorum (lLl)
13. Clobal CompacL neLwork (CCn)
2. nave you advocated]|obb|ed through above assoc|anons for the advancement or |mprovement of pub||c good? es]No, |f yes
spec|fy the broad areas.
(dropbox: Governance and Adm|n|stranon, Lconom|c keforms, Inc|us|ve Deve|opment o||c|es, Lnergy secur|ty, Water, Iood
Secur|ty, Susta|nab|e 8us|ness r|nc|p|es, Cthers)
CWL8C8lu paruclpaLes Lhrough assoclauons ln (1) above on Lhe lssues and pollcy mauers LhaL lmpacL Lhe lnLeresL of lLs
keeplng ln vlew Lhe slgnlcanL lnLeresLs of CWL8C8lu ln Lhe 1ransmlsslon secLor, a separaLe 8egulaLory cell ls ln place Lo
underLake CWL8C8lu's endeavor of a pro-acuve approach as parL of pollcy advocacy wlLh Lhe sLakeholders and CL8C. Wherever
felL necessary, we glve our commenLs on varlous approach papers, dra regulauons eLc lssued by CL8C/oLher auLhorlues. 8esldes,
CWL8C8lu also glves lLs commenLs ln Lhe eld of Covernance & AdmlnlsLrauon, Lconomlc 8eforms, lncluslve uevelopmenL
ollcles, Lnergy securlLy, WaLer, SusLalnable 8uslness rlnclples eLc, as and when soughL by Col.
r|nc|p|e 8- 8us|nesses shou|d support |nc|us|ve growth and equ|tab|e deve|opment
1. Does the company have spec|hed programmes]|n|nanves]pro[ects |n pursu|t of the po||cy re|ated to r|nc|p|e 8? If yes deta||s
8y Lhe very naLure of our buslness and as Lhe CenLral 1ransmlsslon uullLy, we Louch mllllons of llves every day and undersLand LhaL
real success ls Lhe resulL of lncluslve developmenL of Lhe lnvolved enuues and sLakeholders. 1he Company supporLs Lhe prlnclples
of lncluslve growLh and equlLable developmenL Lhrough corporaLe soclal responslblllLy lnluauves as well as Lhrough our core buslness.
Cur commlLmenL Lowards Soclal 8esponslblllLy (Labour, Lmployees, Communlues, Lmployee's famllles) ls amply reecLed ln our
already adopLed lnLegraLed ManagemenL ollcy, LnvlronmenLal and Soclal ollcy & rocedures (LS), 8ehablllLauon Acuon lan
(8A), vlslon & Mlsslon, CSPAS-18001 and Soclal AccounLablllLy SA 8000. CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy ls prlmarlly Lo showcase
our abldlng commlLmenL and concern Lo pay-back Lo Lhe socleLy and envlronmenL for Lhe beneLs reaped so far. CS8 has always
been an lnLegral parL of our vlslon and Lhe cornersLone of Core values of Cood CorporaLe Cluzenshlp. We are commlued Lowards
Laklng responslblllLy for lLs lmpacL, Lhough very mlnlmal ln naLure, on socleLy and belng accounLable Lo Lhe lnhablLanLs of MoLher
naLure. We emphaslze on soclo-economlc and lnLegral developmenL of areas and communlues prlmarlly ln and around lLs areas
of operauons, carrles ouL varlous communlLy developmenL acuvlues such as Sklll uevelopmenL & CapaclLy 8ulldlng, Llvellhood
generauon, PealLhcare, Lducauon, LnvlronmenL, lanLauon, sanlLauon, drlnklng waLer besldes lnfrasLrucLure developmenLs llke
classrooms, roads, communlLy cenLres eLc.
2. Are the programmes]pro[ects undertaken through |n-house team]own foundanon]externa| NGC]government structures]any
other organ|zanon?
1he programs / pro[ecLs are underLaken by ln-house Leams as well as Lhrough nCCs, oLher organlzauons/foundauons eLc.
3. nave you done any |mpact assessment of your |n|nanve?
lmpacL AssessmenL sLudles have been carrled ouL. CWL8C8lu lnLernally performs lmpacL assessmenL of lLs lnluauves annually
Lo - (l) undersLand /evaluaLe Lhe communlLy developmenL acuvlues underLaken, budgeL uullzauon, Lhe beneLs accrued Lo
communlues and Lhe number of people beneLed and (ll) galn lnslghLs for formulaung & lmprovlng Lhe communlLy developmenL
acuvlues ln fuLure.
4. What |s your company's d|rect contr|bunon to commun|ty deve|opment pro[ects- Amount |n INk and the deta||s of the pro[ects
An amounL of ` 21.73 Crore has been lncurred under CS8 acuvlues and abouL ` 14.63 Crore provlded as 8ehablllLauon AsslsLance
(8A) under 8ehablllLauon & 8eseulemenL (8&8) measures durlng Lhe l? 2012-13. ln addluon Lo Lhe measures Laken for 8&8,
communlLy developmenL works are also underLaken for Lhe overall lmprovemenL of surroundlng vlllages and communlLy. 8ased
on soclal assessmenL ouLcome, we lmplemenL need based developmenL works llke consLrucuon of roads, drlnklng waLer faclllLy,
school bulldlng, communlLy cenLer eLc. ln assoclauon wlLh local auLhorlues. ln addluon, `10.63 Crore was spenL on communlLy
developmenL works durlng Lhe year.
1he secuon on CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy" ln Lhe ulrecLors' 8eporL may also be referred.
S. nave you taken steps to ensure that th|s commun|ty deve|opment |n|nanve |s successfu||y adopted by the commun|ty? |ease
exp|a|n |n S0 words, or so.
8egular awareness programs as well as lncluslve ubllc ConsulLauon aL each and every sLep as per Lhe LnvlronmenL and Soclal
ollcy and rocedures (LS) have been carrled ouL. Cne or more of Lhe followlng was adopLed aL varlous sLages:
- ubllc Meeungs
- lnformal Small Croup Meeungs
- lnformauon 8rochures and amphleLs
- Cperaung lleld Cmcers
- Local plannlng vlslLs and slLe vlslLs
- 8esponse Lo publlc Lnqulres
- ress release lnvlung commenLs
- ro[ecL coordlnauon commluees
- Cmbudsman or represenLauve
- ubllc ulsplays
r|nc|p|e 9- 8us|nesses shou|d engage w|th and prov|de va|ue to the|r customers and consumers |n a respons|b|e manner
1. What percentage of customer comp|a|nts]consumer cases are pend|ng as on the end of hnanc|a| year.
2. Does the company d|sp|ay product |nformanon on the product |abe|, over and above what |s mandated as per |oca| |aws? es]
No]N.A. ]kemarks(add|nona| |nformanon)
noL Appllcable.
3. Is there any case h|ed by any stakeho|der aga|nst the company regard|ng unfa|r trade pracnces, |rrespons|b|e adverns|ng and]
or ann-compennve behav|our dur|ng the |ast hve years and pend|ng as on end of hnanc|a| year. If so, prov|de deta||s thereof,
|n about S0 words or so.
4. D|d your company carry out any consumer survey] consumer sansfacnon trends?
As parL of CWL8C8lu's sLrucLured SLakeholder LngagemenL MaLrlx, we engage wlLh our cusLomers on an ongolng basls and
generally hold meeungs on a regular basls. 1he ob[ecuve of sald meeungs lnLer alla lncludes ldenucauon of process lmprovemenL
areas, undersLandlng concerns & behavlor of Lhe cusLomers. 8ased on feedback, Company Lakes measures for sysLem lmprovemenL,
wherever requlred.
lor and on behalf of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors
lace: new uelhl (k. N. Nayak)
uaLe: 06.08.2013 Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
ANNLkUkL - III to the D|rectors' keport
S|. Name Des|gnanon & ua||hcanon kemuneranon 1ota| Date of Age Last
No. Nature of dunes Lxper|ence Commencement Lmp|oyment
of Lmp|oyment ne|d
(In owergr|d)
(`) (ears) (ears)
Lmp|oyed for the fu|| year
1 lndu Shekhar !ha ulrecLor(ro[ecLs) 8Sc.Lngg., ulploma 6367309 32 16-Aug-91 34 n1C
Lmp|oyed for part of the year
2 v C !agannaLhan Lu(lln.) CA.,8Sc. 7337473 31 10-CcL-91 60 n1C
3 k C sadanandan Sr.vC Craduauon LqulvalenL Lxam 1097697 34 19-nov-91 60 nPC
4 1 Slvaprasada rao Lu (Law) LL8.,8Sc. 4271863 33 26-leb-97 60 Coal lndla LLd.
3 SmL. An[ana uhar Lu (l8) M8A.,8.1ech 3073368 38 6-May-04 60 n1C
6 v k Sharma CM (uMS) 8Sc.Lngg. 3733334 36 16-Aug-91 60 n1C
7 varlnder 1yagl uCM( MaLl.) 8Sc.Lngg. 3837409 38 19-uec-91 60 nPC
8 Sushll kumar Sr.S (SC) 8A 1779307 39 1-Apr-94 60 CLA
9 rolaya kumar ue uCM (1elecom) 8A (P) 4468290 30 1-uec-92 60 nLC
10 Manlk Ma[umdar !unlor Lnglneer (SC) - 1417034 28 19-nov-91 60 nPC
11 Amar !lL CM(ulrecLor-k1C LLd. 8L (LlecL.) 1084273 30 16-Aug-91 32 n1C
- on depuLauon)
12 A[ay raLap Slngh ACM(P8) M8A.,MSc. 4094389 29 29-Apr-02 60 8lSCC MAun
13 8a[endra Slngh uCM-SS l/C 8L (LlecL.) 2343742 28 14-nov-91 60 nLLCC
14 8 Slngh uCM-S1 & 8CCv? 8Sc.Lngg.(LlecL.) 3402489 27 16-Aug-91 60 n1C
13 S k 8oy ACM 8 1ech (LlecL.) 2679733 34 16-Aug-91 60 n1C
16 8.n.8aner[ee. ACM 8.L (Llec) 2943814 38 16-Aug-91 60 n1C
17 .k.Mukhopadhyay uCM AMlL(Mech) 2196370 33 16-Aug-91 60 n1C
18 8 k Sarkar Sup Sel-Cr 8.A. 860738 37 19-nov-91 60 nPC
19 k 8 uasgupLa ACM(P8) CuM.,MSW 3373998 32 19-nov-91 60 nPC
20 .SaLyanarayana uCM 8.CCM,ACA 2381711 21 16-Aug-91 60 n1C
21 1.v.S.narayana Chlef Manager MA(M), hd 8, 8.Com 3233744 21 16-Aug-91 60 n1C
22 ?.C.Sukla Chlef Manager 8.1ech 3830098 19 1-Sep-93 43 n1C
23 A.k.Carg uCM (P8) 8.A.L.L.8 3633090 21 19-nov-91 36 nPC
24 S.8.ueb Sr.Assu PSLC 1680898 21 18-nov-91 60 nPC
23 k.k.Choudhury Lu 8L, Mech 6316930 21 14-nov-91 60 nLLCC
26 n.Mazumdar Sr.Assu PSLC 1107390 21 14-nov-91 60 nLLCC
27 Sunll Sarma Sr.Assu PSLC 800343 21 14-nov-91 60 nLLCC
28 A S url Sr. Sup(P8)SC/P8 Works 8A arL-l 1202336 40 19-nov-91 60 nPC
29 A k Slndhwanl Chlef Manager/1L Works ulp.Lngg(Clvll) 2087972 33 19-nov-91 60 nPC
30 kuldeep kaur Sr.AssL(SC)/Cmce Works MaLrlc 1162138 34 19-nov-91 60 nPC
31 !oga Slngh !r. Lngr.(SC)/1L Works MaLrlc(l1l) 1089969 34 19-nov-91 60 nPC
32 S C Slngh Lxecuuve ulrecLor 8L(LlecLrlcal) 3338761 34 16-Aug-91 39 n1C
(ulrecLor !aypee ower
-on depuLauon)
33 u Chauopadhyay Chlef Manager 8L.,CuM 724827 33 16-Aug-91 60 n1C
l/C lC1L lLarsl
34 Suresh al Chlef Manager ulploma Lngg. 2132321 24 16-Aug-91 60 nPC
33 8amesh 8ahrl Lu 8Sc.Lngg. 1200383 38 16-Aug-91 60 n1C
36 S.Slngh Lu 8.L. 1383379 34 16-Aug-91 60 n1C
1) 8emunerauon lncludes Salary,Allowances, Leave encashmenL,Leave Lravel consesslon, aymenL for Subsldlsed leased accomodauons, relmbursemenL of edlcal
expenses Lo employees and employer's conLrlbuuon Lo rovldenL fund and oLher funds. ln addluon, employees are enuLled Lo CraLulLy/Croup lnsurance ln
accordance wlLh Company's rules.
2) none of Lhe Lmployees llsLed above ls relaLed Lo any of Lhe ulrecLors of Lhe Company.
3) 8emunerauon menuoned above ls lncluslve of reuremenL/ separauon beneLs pald durlng Lhe year and ls noL lndlcauve of any regular remunerauon sLrucLure of
employees of Lhe Company.
lor and on behalf of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors
lace: new uelhl (k. N. Nayak)
uaLe: 06.08.2013 Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
arncu|ars of Lmp|oyees pursuant to Secnon 217(2A)
of the Compan|es Act, 19S6 for the year 2012-13
ANNLkUkL - IV to the D|rectors' keport
1. arncu|ars requ|red under the Compan|es (D|sc|osure of arncu|ars |n the keport of 8oard of D|rectors) ku|es, 1988 read w|th Secnon
217(1)(e) of the Compan|es Act, 19S6.
(a) Lnergy conservanon measures taken and on hand:
lL has been Lhe endeavour of CWL8C8lu Lo make all ouL eorLs for conservauon of energy ln all lLs pro[ecLs - rlghL from Lhe plannlng
sLage, Lo Lhe execuuon sLage and LhroughouL Lhe C&M perlod. 8efore nallzlng Lhe Lransmlsslon schemes, varlous alLernauves/
Lechnologles for power Lransfer are examlned and one of Lhe ma[or crlLerla for selecuon of Lransmlsslon sysLem/ Lechnology ls lower
losses. ln facL, CWL8C8lu has adopLed hlgher volLage levels llke 763kv AC, +300kv PvuC, +800kv PvuC and 1200kv AC ln lLs
Lransmlsslon sysLems for bulk power Lransfer across varlous reglons whlch resulL ln lower losses ln Lhe sysLem.
AL deslgn sLage of Lhe Lransmlsslon sysLem, opumlzauon of varlous parameLers ls done so LhaL losses ln Lhe Lransmlsslon sysLem are
opumlzed. 1he conducLors are selecLed aer deLalled opumlzauon sLudles whlch conslder reducuon of llne losses as one of Lhe prlmary
crlLerla. 1he bus bar maLerlals and Lhe clamps and connecLors are chosen meeung sLrlngenL lnLernauonal requlremenLs so LhaL losses
are opumlzed. uurlng evaluauon of Lransformer & shunL reacLor packages, equlpmenL wlLh mlnlmum losses ls glven welghLage. ln case
of PvuC sysLem also, Lhe selecuon of parameLers of lLer componenLs, 1hyrlsLor valves, ConverLer 1ransformer eLc. ls done ln such
a way LhaL overall losses are mlnlmlzed even under worsL condluon of sysLem operaung parameLers. lurLher, ln case of Lransmlsslon
hardware, Lhe maLerlal wlLh lower losses ls specled. arameLers and Lypes of varlous oLher equlpmenLs are also chosen ln a manner
LhaL Lhe losses are opumlzed. 1hus, energy conservauon measures are Laken by CWL8C8lu aL every sLep so as Lo develop an emclenL
and low-loss Lransmlsslon neLwork.
(b) Add|nona| |nvestment and proposa|s, |f any, be|ng |mp|emented for reducnon of consumpnon of Lnergy:
As sLaLed above, CWL8C8lu underLakes energy conservauon measures by means of reducuon of losses ln lLs Lransmlsslon schemes
rlghL from plannlng Lo execuuon sLage.
1 & 2 lL has been CWL8C8lu's endeavour Lo pursue Lhe research and developmenL eorLs ln Lhe eld of new Lechnologles ln
Lransmlsslon sysLem Lo remaln aL par wlLh lnLernauonal sLandards. Also, reallzlng Lhe need for conservauon of 8lghL-of-Way and fuLure
requlremenL of developmenL of hlgh capaclLy Lransmlsslon sysLem Lo meeL Lhe fuLure power requlremenL, CWL8C8lu ls acuvely
pursulng seamless lnLegrauon of new and emclenL Lechnologles ln lndlan power Crld Lo creaLe envlronmenL-frlendly Lransmlsslon
sysLem. CWL8C8lu has been accordlng speclal emphasls on adopuon of new Lechnologles avallable around Lhe globe for lmprovlng
Lhe quallLy of power supply, reducuon of losses, opumum uullzauon of Lhe avallable Lransmlsslon asseLs, conservauon of envlronmenL
and opumlzlng upon Lhe cosL of dellvered power. 1he company ls worklng ln collaborauon wlLh lnLernauonal/ nauonal research
lnsuLuuons, academlc lnsuLuuons and manufacLurers, and ls Lhus enhanclng lLs ln-house capablllues for deslgn and englneerlng of
sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL Lransmlsslon sysLems.
Speclc Areas ln whlch 8&u has been carrled ouL by Lhe company and beneLs derlved Lhereby are glven below:
Comp|eted ro[ects:
1. PvuC pro[ecL wlLh L11 LhyrlsLor ln 8alla-8hlwadl PvuC
2. lour converLer Lransformer arrangemenL arranged ln such a congurauon LhaL ouLage ume of Lransformer ls mlnlmlzed.
3. CompleLed ln-house deslgn of 13 no. Lowers for Lransmlsslon llnes
4. CompleLed ln-house deslgn of approx. 730 nos. Lower foundauons for Lransmlsslon llnes upLo 763kv lncludlng 220 nos of plle
3. CompleLed Lesung of 18 nos of Lowers for varlous Lransmlsslon llnes lncludlng 800kv PvuC and 763kv LPvAC
6. uevelopmenL of lndlgenous vendors for 763kv 1ransformers, 8eacLors, ClrculL 8reaker, CurrenL 1ransformer and Wave 1rap.
Cngo|ng pro[ects
1. Ind|genous Deve|opment of 1200kV UnVAC 1echno|ogy - LsLabllshmenL of 1200kv nauonal 1esL SLauon aL 8lna s/s Lhrough unlque
collaborauve eorLs wlLh lndlgenous ManufacLurers & C8l creaLed faclllLy for eld Lesung of uPv 1200 kv equlpmenL developed by
lndlan manufacLurers. 1hls nauonal LesL sLauon comprlses Lwo 1200kv bays, Lwo nos. 1200kv 1esL Llnes (one S/C & one u/C) of abouL
1 km llne lengLh each. LqulpmenL developed by lndlan manufacLurers have been lnsLalled and Lhe eld Lrlals are ln progress.
hase-l: Cne bank of 1200/400/33kv 333MvA 1ransformers have been commlssloned alongwlLh one 1200kv 1ransmlsslon llne (S/C)
of abouL 1.0 km lengLh.
hase-ll: Cne 1200kv 1ransmlsslon llne (u/C) of abouL 1.0 km lengLh has also been commlssloned and anoLher bank of 1200/400/33kv
333MvA 1ransformer shall be commlssloned wlLh Lhls year Lo faclllLaLe power ow.
under Lhls presuglous pro[ecL of nauonal lnLeresL, 33 lndlan manufacLurers have [olned hands on basls of ubllc rlvaLe arLnershlp
& slgned MCu wlLh CWL8C8lu and C8l Lo deslgn, develop and supply 1200kv 1ransmlsslon LqulpmenLs aL Lhelr own cosL. 1hls
1esL SLauon wlll faclllLaLe ln nallzauon of Lechnlcal parameLers, deslgn revlew, eld Lesung, and Lrlal operauon eLc. of 1200kv AC
sysLem SLauon and help manufacLurers for lndlgenous developmenL of 1200 kv Lransmlsslon llne and subsLauon equlpmenL whlch
shall beneL lndlan ower secLor by opumlzauon of Lransmlsslon cosL. WlLh successful LesL charglng of World's hlghesL volLage level
(1200kv) sysLem, Lhe dream of lndla becomlng world leader ln 1200kv uPvAC power Lransmlsslon Lechnology ls achleved.
2. Plgh CapaclLy, +800kv, 6000 MW PvuC mulu Lermlnal sysLem for long dlsLance power Lransfer over 2000 km. from nL8/L8 Lo n8.
3. Plgh CapaclLy, +800kv, 6000 MW PvuC for long dlsLance power Lransfer over 2000 km. from W8 Lo n8.
4. 8e-conducLorlng of exlsung 400kv u/c urnea-Slllgurl llne wlLh hlgh LemperaLure endurance conducLor Lo enhance Lhe capaclLy of Lhe
Lransmlsslon corrldor by abouL Lwo umes.
3. uevelopmenL of ln-house Lower and foundauon deslgns lncludlng 763kv u/C and 400kv Mulu ClrculL Lowers for use ln on-golng
Lransmlsslon llne pro[ecLs.
6. uevelopmenL of 4 more addluonal lndlgenous vendors for 400kv ComposlLe lnsulaLors
7. ueslgn of PlghesL 8lver crosslng Lower across Paldla (PelghL belng 236 meLers).
8. Several exlsung SubsLauons ln dlerenL 8eglons are belng augmenLed for remoLe operauon from nearby SubsLauons so as Lo reduce
Lhe operauon cosL.
9. uevelopmenL of ClS ln assoclauon wlLh lndlan manufacLurers
10. lndlgenous uevelopmenL of Sl6 gas lled CurrenL 1ransformer wlLh 8PLL
11. Creen Lnergy Corrldors" Lo faclllLaLe lnLegrauon of large scale renewable generauon lnLo Lhe grld along wlLh oLher conLrol
12. lmplemenLauon of ConLrolled SwlLchlng schemes of clrculL breakers for 400kv Lransmlsslon llnes.
13. Lnglneerlng uaLa lnLegrauon on ClS lauorm.
14. LlghLnlng mapplng - norLh LasLern 8eglon of CWL8C8lu ls hlghly prone Lo llghLnlng acuvlues whlch causes Lrlpplngs of 1ransmlsslon
llnes ln nL8 reglon. LlghLenlng deLecuon sysLem aL varlous subsLauons ln nL8 have been lnsLalled. LlghLnlng Mapplng sysLem shall help
ln correlaung Lrlpplng of llne wlLh llghung acuvlues. revenuve measures llke lmprovemenL of Lower earLhlng, change of lnsulaLors shall
be declded based on Lhe evaluauon of llghLnlng daLa.
13. rocess bus 1echnology - CWL8C8lu ls ln process Lo lmplemenL sLaLe of Lhe arL process bus Lechnology uslng novel Sensor (opucal
lnsLrumenL Lransformers) for Lhe subsLauon auLomauon uslng lLC 61830 proLocol. 1hls ls new approach for a subsLauon whereln Lhe
bay level equlpmenL shall also be connecLed Lhrough opucal LLherneL. 1hls wlll enable a slgnlcanL reducuon of copper wlrlng ln Lhe
subsLauon and a beuer dlagnosls of Lhe prlmary equlpmenL healLh condluon.
16. Superconducung 1ransmlsslon 1echnology - CWL8C8lu ls explorlng Lhe vlablllLy of appllcauon of AC Plgh 1emperaLure SuperconducLor
ower 1ransmlsslon Cable plloL pro[ecL ln CWL8C8lu's neLwork, whlch wlll oer subsLanual savlng ln 8CW besldes lncreaslng power
Lransfer capablllLy, reduclng Lhe losses lf proven successful & commerclally vlable.
18. olluuon mapplng ln norLhern 8eglon - 1o mlnlmlze Lhe probablllLy of occurrence of polluuon ashover ln llnes passlng Lhrough
polluuon aecLed areas CWL8C8lu ln assoclauon wlLh C8l, norLhern 8eglonal ower Commluee (n8C) & all Lhe S1us of norLhern
reglon ls conducung olluuon mapplng ln norLhern reglon.
19. uevelopmenL of lndlgenous vendors for 763kv lsolaLors and surge arresLors
20. uevelopmenL of lndlgenous 763 kv clamps, connecLors and lnsulaLor sLrlng hardware.
21. Spare phase swlLchlng arrangemenL ls belng adopLed for 763 kv Lransformers and reacLors Lo mlnlmlze ouLage/ shuL down perlod
22. lmplemenLauon of smarL grld Lechnology ln power sysLem ls belng carrled ouL Lhrough lnsLallauon of phasor measuremenL unlLs (Mu)
on LPv subsLauons and laylng of opucal bres on all LPv Lransmlsslon llnes.
23. uevelopmenL of SmarL Crld plloL pro[ecL aL uducherry coverlng ma[or aurlbuLes of SmarL Crld ln a hollsuc manner Lhrough open
1echno|ogy Absorpnon :
1. lor rouLe selecuon, lengLh opumlsauon and esumauon of 8CC for Lransmlsslon llnes, CWL8C8lu has employed modern Survey
2. SubsLauon AuLomauon wlLh lLC 61830 proLocol ls belng adopLed for all new Sub-sLauons of CWL8C8lu. 1hls would resulL ln savlngs
ln operauonal cosL and lncreased operauonal and malnLenance emclency.
3. As a sLep Lowards nauonal grld, 763kv AC and +300kv PvuC Lechnology has been lmplemenLed ln our counLry. now, 763kv AC u/c,
+800kv PvuC and 1200kv uPvAC Lechnologles are belng lmplemenLed for bulk power Lransfer across Lhe counLry.
4. ln speclal areas, compacL Lowers llke pole Lowers, delLa congurauon Lowers and narrow based Lowers whlch reduce Lhe space occupled
by Lhe Lower base, are belng used. Also Lall Lowers and mulu-clrculL Lowers are belng used for conservauon of scarce rlghL-of-way.
3. use of meLalllc reLurn ln PvuC sysLem has been adopLed.
6. Speclal lnsulaLors llke polymer composlLe lnsulaLors have been adopLed ln Lransmlsslon llnes ln polluLed areas.
7. Plgh LemperaLure low sag conducLors have been adopLed for lncreaslng Lhe Lransfer capaclLy of Lransmlsslon corrldors.
8. ClS Lechnology aL 400kv and 763kv level has been adopLed ln subsLauons where space consLralnLs exlsL.
9. Mulu-level beams have been used ln ClS and AlS subsLauons wlLh mulu-ckL. llnes Lo opumlze llne corrldor areas near sub-sLauon
10. Cn llne Lransformer monlLorlng Lechnlques are belng used for monlLorlng of crlucal parameLers of power Lransformers.
11. SvCs aL 3 locauons ln n8 grld and S1A1CCMs aL 13 locauons ln all lndla grld have been planned for dynamlc conLrol of reacuve power ln
order Lo malnLaln Lhe volLage and lmprove Lhe sLablllLy of Lhe Lransmlsslon grld. 1hese dynamlc compensauons would be sLaLe of Lhe
arL Lechnologles and would be onllne 24x7 havlng response ume ln msec.
lor Lhe ground reLurn mode of operauon of PvuC 8lpolar 1ransmlsslon sysLem, elecLrode sLauons are belng used up Lo now, whlch
requlre approx. 130 acre of land (73 acre for each Lermlnal of 8lpolar sysLem) aL elecLrode slLe. 1he land for Lhese elecLrode sLauons
have Lo be selecLed keeplng ln vlew LhaL Lhere are no meLalllc burled ob[ecLs l.e. meLalllc oll and gas plpe llne, meLalllc plpes, rallway
llne, Lelephone llnes uslng meLalllc wlres, elecLrlcal operaLed waLer pump seLs eLc wlLhln a radlus of abouL 8 Lo 10 km from Lhe cenLre
of Lhe proposed slLe of Lhe earLh elecLrode sLauon. Slnce Lhe lnverLer Lermlnal ls generally locaLed near Lhe load cenLres, Lhe cosL of
land acqulsluon ls very hlgh.
lurLher, Lhe elecLrode llne of Lhe PvuC 1ermlnal also requlres lLs rlghL of way whlch creaLes Lhe consLralnL ln land usage. Lven aer Laklng
full care ln land selecuon for locaung earLh elecLrode sLauon, Lhere ls sull a blg elemenL of uncerLalnLy abouL Lhe proper funcuonallLy
of Lhe earLh elecLrode sLauon and may resulL lnLo undeslrable surface currenLs leadlng Lo unaccepLably hlgh sLep and Louch poLenual
around Lhe elecLrode slLe and lL has been reporLed ln Lhe ground reLurn operauon of a number of PvuC sysLem all over Lhe world.
Ma[or fuLure PvuC llnk are proposed Lo evacuaLe bulk power from Chhamsgarh area. 8ecause of geographlcal locauon and Lhe deep
soll reslsuvlLy prole of Lhe area, Lhe performance of PvuC monopolar ground currenL operauon mlghL be a cause of concern. Selecung
sulLable land for elecLrode sLauon ln Lhls area fullllng Lhe Lechnlcal requlremenLs of hlgh Cround 8eLurn CurrenLs ln monopolar
operauon of PvuC shall be dlmculL.
lor fuLure +800 kv / +600 kv pro[ecLs, Lhe usage of Lhlrd reLurn conducLor on Lhe same Lower carrylng Lhe llne/ pole conducLor, lnsLead
of havlng a ground elecLrode as reLurn paLh has been adopLed. AparL from ellmlnaung Lhe elemenL of uncerLalnLy abouL Lhe proper
funcuonallLy of Lhe earLh elecLrode sLauon, Lhe usage of Lhlrd conducLor as a reLurn paLh wlll resulL ln conservauon of land requlred
for convenuonal elecLrode sLauon. lL wlll avold a separaLe elecLrode llne and correspondlng rlghL of way relaLed Lo Lhe elecLrode llne
resulung ln furLher land conservauon.
ln place of convenuonal AlS subsLauons, mosL of Lhe LPvAC subsLauons are belng esLabllshed as ClS whlch have abouL 23 land
requlremenL, Lhus resulung ln land conservauon. lor kurukshLra PvuC Lermlnal, ClS subsLauon feedlng Lhe converLer bus ls belng
lor proLecung Lhe envlronmenL, double clrculL and mulu-clrculL hlgh Lransmlsslon Lowers are belng used ln foresL areas, whlch have
hlgher power lnLenslLy over Lhe same corrldor, Lhus opumlslng rlghL-of-way and resulung ln reduced Lree cumng. Also, use of u/c
llnes ln place of Lwo no. S/c llnes even aL 763kv level has been adopLed Lo conserve rlghL-of-way. near Lhe enLry of subsLauons also,
muluclrculL Lowers are belng used Lo conserve rlghL-of-way.
` ln Crore
Iore|gn Lxchange Larn|ngs
(l) lnLeresL 0.01
(ll) ConsulLancy lee 7.40
(lll) LxporL of Coods 86.44
1oLal 93.8S
Iore|gn Lxchange outgo
(l) CaplLal goods and Spare arLs 1349.19
(ll) rofesslonal and ConsulLancy lee 0.03
(lll) lnLeresL 260.33
(lv) CLhers 146.03
1oLal 19SS.80

lor and on behalf of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors
lace: new uelhl (k. N. Nayak)
uaLe: 06.08.2013 Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
1nL LAk LNDLD 31 MAkCn 2013
1he preparauon of nanclal sLaLemenLs of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed for Lhe year ended 31 March 2013 ln accordance wlLh
Lhe nanclal reporung framework prescrlbed under Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe ManagemenL of Lhe Company.
1he SLaLuLory AudlLors appolnLed by Lhe CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla under Secuon 619(2) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 are
responslble for expresslng oplnlon on Lhese nanclal sLaLemenLs under Secuon 227 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 based on lndependenL audlL
ln accordance wlLh audlung and assurance sLandards prescrlbed by Lhelr professlonal body, Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla.
1hls ls sLaLed Lo have been done by Lhem vlde Lhelr AudlL 8eporL daLed 28 May 2013.
l, on behalf of Lhe CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla, have conducLed a supplemenLary audlL under Secuon 619(3) (b) of Lhe
Companles AcL, 1936 of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed for Lhe year ended 31 March 2013. 1hls
supplemenLary audlL has been, carrled ouL lndependenLly wlLhouL access Lo Lhe worklng papers of Lhe SLaLuLory AudlLors and ls llmlLed
prlmarlly Lo lnqulrles of Lhe SLaLuLory AudlLors and company personnel and a selecuve examlnauon of some of Lhe accounung records.
Cn Lhe basls of my audlL noLhlng slgnlcanL has come Lo my knowledge whlch would glve rlse, Lo any commenL upon or supplemenL Lo
SLaLuLory AudlLors' reporL under Secuon 619(4) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
lor and on Lhe behalf of Lhe
CompLroller & AudlLor Ceneral of lndla

(8r|[ Mohan)
lace: new uelhl r|nc|pa| D|rector of Commerc|a| Aud|t &
uaLed: 17, !une 2013 Lx-omc|o Member Aud|t 8oard - III,
New De|h|
ANNLkUkL - V to the D|rectors' keport
1he ulrecLors presenL Lhe Company's 8eporL on CorporaLe Covernance.
CorporaLe Covernance ls abouL promoung corporaLe falrness, Lransparency and accounLablllLy ln Lhe besL lnLeresL of varlous sLakeholders ln a
Company. lL ls a sysLem by whlch buslness corporauons are dlrecLed and conLrolled. CWL8C8lu belleves LhaL good governance should enLall
LrusLeeshlp, empowermenL and accounLablllLy of Lhe managemenL whlle remalnlng proacuve Lo Lhe CovernmenL pollcles. CWL8C8lu's
Covernance process ls focused Lowards lLs vlslon of "Wor|d C|ass, Integrated, G|oba| 1ransm|ss|on Company W|th Dom|nant Leadersh|p |n
Lmerg|ng ower Markets Lnsur|ng ke||ab|||ty, Safety and Lconomy" and lLs mlsslon l.e. "We w||| become a G|oba| 1ransm|ss|on Company
w|th Dom|nant Leadersh|p |n Lmerg|ng ower Markets w|th Wor|d C|ass Capab|||nes by:
1. Wor|d C|ass: Semng super|or standards |n cap|ta| pro[ect management and operanons for the |ndustry and ourse|ves.
2. G|oba|: Leverag|ng capab|||nes to cons|stent|y generate max|mum va|ue for a|| stakeho|ders |n Ind|a and |n emerg|ng and grow|ng
3. Insp|r|ng, nurtur|ng and empower|ng the next generanon of profess|ona|s.
4. Ach|ev|ng connnuous |mprovements through |nnovanon and state of the art techno|ogy.
S. Comm|mng to h|ghest standards |n hea|th, safety, secur|ty and env|ronment."
1he CorporaLe Covernance of CWL8C8lu ls geared by Lhe followlng:
(l) 1o meeL Lhe shorL Lerm, medlum Lerm & long Lerm ob[ecuves and speclc LargeLs every year seL by Lhe CovernmenL of lndla
and Lhe persons aL Lhe helm of lLs aalrs, l.e. Lhe 8oard, by empowerlng people aL Lhe mosL approprlaLe levels keeplng Lhe [ob
prole/funcuons ln vlew.
(ll) 1o respond Lo Lhe challenges and Lhe emerglng opporLunlues and Lo play a plvoLal role ln Lhe economlc developmenL of Lhe CounLry.
1he corporaLe governance sLrucLure specles Lhe dlsLrlbuuon of rlghLs, responslblllues and powers among dlerenL paruclpanLs ln Lhe
corporauon. All sLraLeglc declslons regardlng lnvesLmenL, dlverslcauon, ma[or declslons regardlng procuremenL, commerclal and nance
are proceeded ahead aer approval of Lhe 8oard.
CWL8C8lu ls a nAv8A1nA SL" slnce May, 2008. 1he nAv8A1nA sLaLus has provlded Lhe Company more exlblllLy and auLonomy ln Lerms
of maklng lnvesLmenLs and operauonal declslons. now, Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors of CWL8C8lu are Lhe approvlng AuLhorlLy Lo lncur caplLal
expendlLure on purchase of new lLems or for replacemenL wlLhouL any moneLary celllng. 1he celllng on equlLy lnvesLmenL Lo esLabllsh [olnL
venLures and wholly owned subsldlarles ln lndla or abroad ls 13 of Lhe neL worLh of CWL8C8lu ln one pro[ecL llmlLed Lo `1000 crore. 1he
overall celllng on such lnvesLmenL ln all pro[ecLs puL LogeLher ls 30 of Lhe neL worLh of CWL8C8lu.
1he 8oard of ulrecLors comprlses Chalrman and Managlng ulrecLor, luncuonal ulrecLors, CovL. nomlnee ulrecLors and non Cmclal arL
1lme ulrecLors. 1he rlghLs and obllgauons of Lhe employees are dellneaLed ln Lhe pollcy Manuals publlshed and Lhe amendmenLs are
noued, from ume Lo ume. 1he powers of Lhe lnLernal paruclpanLs l.e. Lop execuuves and below are lald down ln Lhe well esLabllshed and
pracuced uelegauon of owers". CWL8C8lu has also prepared and lmplemenLed Works and rocuremenL ollcy and rocedure for
re-award and osL-award SLages" wlLh a vlew Lo maklng Lhe pollcles and procedures more sysLemauc, LransparenL and easy Lo admlnlsLer
wlLh ma[or LhrusL on expedluous and decenLrallzed declslon maklng coupled wlLh accounLablllLy and responslblllLy. 1he 8oard has also
consuLuLed several Commluees vlz. AudlL Commluee, Shareholders'/lnvesLors' Crlevance Commluee, Commluee on lnvesLmenL on
ro[ecLs, Commluee on Award of ConLracLs, Commluee for 8onds, Commluee for Award of ConLracLs relaung Lo 8ural LlecLrlcauon (8L),
AcceleraLed ower uevelopmenL & 8eforms rogramme (Au8) and oLher ueposlL Works, CS8 and SusLalnable uevelopmenL Commluee,
vlgllance ulsclpllnary Cases Commluee eLc. Lo have beuer and more focused auenuon. Advlsory 8oards of emlnenL persons are ln place for
LnvlronmenL and Soclal ollcy and rocedures, 8&u and for 1elecom Lo advlse CWL8C8lu on crlucal lssues/consensus bulldlng ln Lhese areas.
8esldes adherlng Lo provlslons of Llsung AgreemenL, CWL8C8lu also follows Lhe Culdellnes on CorporaLe Covernance lssued by ueparLmenL
of ubllc LnLerprlses, CovernmenL of lndla. CWL8C8lu have been besLowed wlLh 'CerucaLe of 8ecognluon for Lxcellence ln CorporaLe
Covernance, 2012' presenLed by 1he lnsuLuLe of Companles SecreLarles of lndla (lCSl). CWL8C8lu also obLalned 'LxcellenL' raung from
ueparLmenL of ubllc LnLerprlses on Lhe basls of Self-evaluauon reporL on Lhe compllance of Culdellnes on CorporaLe Covernance for CSLs
for Lhe ?ear 2010-11. 1he compllance of Lhe Company wlLh Lhe condluons of Lhe CorporaLe Covernance and Lhe dlsclosure requlremenLs
for Lhe ?ear 2012-13 are glven below:
2. 8oard of D|rectors:
2.1 S|ze of the 8oard
CWL8C8lu ls a CovernmenL Company wlLhln Lhe meanlng of Secuon 617 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 and Lhe resldenL of lndla presenLly
holds 69.42 of Lhe LoLal pald-up share caplLal. As per Arucles of Assoclauon, Lhe power Lo appolnL ulrecLors resLs wlLh Lhe resldenL of
ln Lerms of Arucles of Assoclauon of Lhe Company, Lhe sLrengLh of our 8oard shall noL be less Lhan four ulrecLors and noL more Lhan
elghLeen ulrecLors. 1hese ulrecLors may be elLher whole-ume ulrecLors or parL-ume ulrecLors.
2.2 Compos|non of the 8oard
As on 31
, March, 2013, Lhe 8oard comprlsed fourLeen ulrecLors ouL of whlch ve were whole-ume ulrecLors lncludlng Lhe Chalrman &
Managlng ulrecLor, Lwo CovernmenL nomlnees and seven lndependenL ulrecLors.
Clause 49 l (A) of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL wlLh SLock Lxchanges, supulaLes LhaL half of Lhe 8oard members of your Company should be
lndependenL ulrecLors. lor Lhe llnanclal ?ear 2012-13 Lhe requlremenL of lndependenL ulrecLors as per Lhls clause was parually meL. ueLalls
regardlng lndependenL ulrecLors on Lhe 8oard of Lhe Company durlng Lhe llnanclal ?ear 2012-13 are as under:
ANNLkUkL - VI to the D|rectors' keport
2.3 Age L|m|t and 1enure of D|rectors
1he age llmlL of Lhe Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor and oLher whole-ume ulrecLors ls 60 years.
1he Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor and oLher whole-ume ulrecLors are appolnLed for a perlod of ve years from Lhe daLe of Laklng over
of charge or ull Lhe daLe of superannuauon of Lhe lncumbenL or ull furLher orders from Lhe CovernmenL of lndla, whlchever evenL occurs
CovernmenL nomlnee ulrecLors represenung MlnlsLry of ower, CovernmenL of lndla reure from Lhe 8oard on ceaslng Lo be omclals of Lhe
MlnlsLry of ower.
lndependenL ulrecLors have been appolnLed by Lhe resldenL of lndla usually for Lenure of Lhree years.
1he Lenure of ulrecLors as on 31
March, 2013 are as follows:
2.4 8oard Meenngs and Auendance:
1he meeungs of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors are normally held aL Lhe 8eglsLered Cmce of Lhe Company. Meeungs are generally scheduled well
ln advance and Lhe nouce, deLalled 8oard agenda, managemenL reporLs and oLher explanaLory 8oard noLes are clrculaLed Lo Lhe ulrecLors.
1he members of Lhe 8oard have compleLe access Lo all lnformauon of Lhe Corporauon. Senlor managemenL ls also lnvlLed Lo Lhe 8oard
meeungs Lo provlde addluonal lnpuL Lo Lhe lLems belng dlscussed by Lhe 8oard. ln case of urgency, resoluuons are passed by clrculauon.
uurlng Lhe nanclal year ended 31sL March, 2013 een 8oard meeungs were held on 4Lh May, 29Lh May, 27Lh !une, 23Lh !uly, 6Lh AugusL,
31sL AugusL, 26Lh SepLember, 14Lh CcLober, 31sL CcLober, 6Lh uecember, and 27Lh uecember, of Lhe year 2012, and 3rd !anuary, 12Lh
lebruary, 8Lh March and 28Lh March, of Lhe year 2013. 1he maxlmum lnLerval beLween any Lwo meeungs durlng Lhls perlod was 38 days.
ueLalls of number of 8oard meeungs auended by ulrecLors, auendance aL lasL ACM, number of oLher dlrecLorshlp / commluee membershlp
(vlz. AudlL Commluee and Shareholders'/lnvesLors' Crlevance Commluee as per Clause 49 l (C) - Lxplanauon - 2) held by Lhem durlng Lhe
year 2012-13 are LabulaLed below:
* ceased Lo be ulrecLor w.e.f. 8
!uly, 2013 (Aernoon) on repaLrlauon Lo parenL cadre.
Period kequ|rement
Aprll, 2012 Lo 13
!anuary, 2013 7 2
!anuary, 2013 Lo 31
March, 2013 7 7
Deta||s of D|rectors

Date of Io|n|ng
on the Board
Date of superannuanon] comp|enon
of 1enure
Category (Iuncnona|]
Cmc|a|] Non-omc|a|)
1. Whole 1lme ulrecLors
Chalrman & Managlng
Shrl 8. n. nayak 01.09.2011 uaLe of superannuauon - 30.09.2013.
ulrecLor (ro[ecLs) Shrl l. S. !ha 01.09.2009
Compleuon of Lenure - 31.08.2014.
uaLe of superannuauon - 30.06.2019.
ulrecLor (llnance) Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal 29.07.2011
Compleuon of Lenure - 28.07.2016.
uaLe of superannuauon - 31.08.2016.
ulrecLor (ersonnel) Shrl 8avl . Slngh 01.04.2012
Compleuon of Lenure - 31.03.2017.
uaLe of superannuauon - 31.01.2020.
ulrecLor (Cperauons) Shrl 8. . Sasmal 01.08.2012
Compleuon of Lenure - 31.07.2017.
uaLe of superannuauon - 28.02.2018.
2. CovL. nomlnees arL -
ume ulrecLors
!S &lA, MlnlsLry of ower Shrl 8akesh !aln * 09.06.2009 1lll Lhe resldenL deslres
!S (1rans.) MlnlsLry of
Ms. 8lLa Acharya 26.08.2011 1lll Lhe resldenL deslres
3. non-omclal arL-ume
non-omclal arL-ume
ulrecLor (lndependenL
Shrl SanLosh Saraf
lor a perlod of Lhree years wlLh eecL
from Lhe daLe of appolnLmenL or unul
furLher orders, whlchever evenL occurs
Lhe earller.
Ms. 8lLa Slnha
Shrl 8. k. CupLa
ur. k. 8amallngam
Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy
Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual
Shrl Mahesh Shah
Name of the D|rector
Meenng he|d
dur|ng respecnve
tenure of
No. of 8oard
at the |ast
AGM (he|d on
No. of other
he|d on
No. of Cther Comm|uee Mem-
bersh|p he|d on 31.03.2013**
Chairman Member
Whole 1lme ulrecLors
Shrl 8. n. nayak,
Chalrman & Managlng
(w.e.f. 01.09.2011)
13 13 ?es 9 nlL nlL
n/A lndlcaLes LhaL concerned person was noL a ulrecLor on CWL8C8lu's 8oard on Lhe relevanL daLe.
* Lxcludes ulrercLorshlp ln prlvaLe llmlLed companles, forelgn companles, companles reglsLered under Secuon 23 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936, unllmlLed
companles and AlLernaLe ulrecLorshlps.
** ln llne wlLh Clause 49 of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL, only Lhe AudlL Commluee and Shareholders'/lnvesLors' Crlevance Commluee have been Laken lnLo
conslderauon ln reckonlng Lhe number of commluee membershlps of ulrecLors as Chalrman and as Member lncludlng commluee posluon ln CWL8C8lu.
none of Lhe ulrecLors of Lhe company are ln any way relaLed wlLh each oLher.
Name of the D|rector
Meenng he|d
dur|ng respecnve
tenure of
No. of 8oard
at the |ast
AGM (he|d on
No. of other
he|d on
No. of Cther Comm|uee Mem-
bersh|p he|d on 31.03.2013**
Chairman Member
Shrl l. S. !ha, ulrecLor
(w.e.f. 01.09.2009)
13 13 ?es 7 nlL 2
Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal
ulrecLor (llnance)
(w.e.f. 29.07.2011)
13 13 ?es 3 1 3
Shrl 8avl . Slngh
ulrecLor (ersonnel)
(w.e.f. 01.04.2012)
13 14 ?es 3 nlL 2
Shrl 8. . Sasmal
ulrecLor (Cperauons)
(w.e.f. 01.08.2012)
11 11 ?es 2 nlL nlL
non-execuuve ulrecLors
(CovernmenL nomlnees)
Shrl 8akesh !aln
!L. Secy.& lln. Adv., Mln-
lsLry of ower
(w.e.f. 09.06.2009 Lo
13 13 No 1 1 2
Ms. 8lLa Acharya
!L. Secy., MlnlsLry of
ower (w.e.f. 26.08.2011)
13 13 ?es 2 nlL nlL
Independent D|rectors
Shrl SanLosh Saraf
(w.e.f. 27.12.2011)
13 13 ?es 2 4 nlL
Ms. 8lLa Slnha
(w.e.f. 27.12.2011)
13 14 ?es nlL nlL 1
Shrl 8. k. CupLa
(w.e.f. 16.01.2013)
3 3 n/A nlL nlL nlL
ur. k. 8amallngam
(w.e.f. 16.01.2013)
3 2 n/A nlL nlL 1
Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy
(w.e.f. 16.01.2013)
3 3 n/A 3 1 3
Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual
(w.e.f. 16.01.2013)
3 3 n/A nlL nlL 1
Shrl Mahesh Shah
(w.e.f. 16.01.2013)
3 3 n/A 2 nlL 1
2.S Informanon to be p|aced before the 8oard of D|rectors, |nter a||a, |nc|udes:
1he 8oard has compleLe access Lo any lnformauon wlLh Lhe Company. 1he lnformauon regularly supplled Lo Lhe 8oard lncludes:
1. Annual operaung plans and budgeLs and any updaLes.
2. Annual AccounLs, ulrecLors' 8eporL, eLc.
3. CuarLerly resulLs of Lhe company.
4. MlnuLes of meeungs of audlL commluee and oLher commluees of Lhe 8oard lncludlng mlnuLes of Subsldlary Company.
3. Ma[or lnvesLmenLs, formauon of Subsldlarles and !olnL venLures, SLraLeglc Alllances, eLc.
6. Award of large ConLracLs.
7. ulsclosure of lnLeresL by ulrecLors abouL dlrecLorshlp and commluee posluons occupled by Lhem ln oLher Companles.
8. MonLhly 8eporL on Commerclal SLaLus of Lhe Company.
9. 8eporL on Lhe sLaLus of varlous ongolng pro[ecLs/Scheme and 8udgeL uullzauon.
10. 8eporL on Lhe C&M 8evlew.
11. Any slgnlcanL developmenL ln Puman 8esources/ lndusLrlal 8elauons fronL llke slgnlng of wage agreemenL, eLc.
12. non-compllance of any regulaLory, sLaLuLory or llsung requlremenLs and shareholders' servlce such as non-paymenL of
dlvldend, delay ln share Lransfer eLc.
13. ShorL-1erm lnvesLmenL of surplus funds.
14. CLher maLerlally lmporLanL lnformauon.
ost meenng fo||ow-up system:
13. 1he Covernance process ln Lhe Company lnclude an eecuve posL-meeung follow-up, revlew and reporung process for acuon Laken /
pendlng on declslons of Lhe 8oard and Lhe 8oard Commluee (s).
3. Comm|uees of the 8oard of D|rectors
1he 8oard has consuLuLed Lhe followlng Commluees:
l) AudlL Commluee
ll) Shareholders'/lnvesLors' Crlevance Commluee
lll) 8emunerauon Commluee
lv) Commluee on lnvesLmenL on ro[ecLs
v) Commluee on Award of ConLracLs
vl) Commluee for 1ransfer/SpllL/8emaLerlallsauon/uemaLerlallzauon eLc. of Shares
vll) Commluee for 8onds
vlll) Commluee for Award of ConLracLs relaung Lo 8L, Au8 and oLher ueposlL Works
lx) CS8 and SusLalnable uevelopmenL Commluee
x) vlgllance ulsclpllnary Cases Commluee
3.1 Aud|t Comm|uee:
As on 31
March, 2013, Lhe AudlL Commluee comprlsed Lhe followlng ulrecLors:
(l) Shrl SanLosh Saraf non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Chalrman of Lhe Commluee
(ll) Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
(lll) Shrl 8akesh !aln !S & lA, CovL. nomlnee ulrecLor : Member
(lv) Ms. 8lLa Slnha non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
(v) Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
1he Company SecreLary ls Lhe SecreLary of Lhe Commluee.
1he consuLuuon, quorum, scope, eLc. of Lhe AudlL Commluee ls ln llne wlLh Lhe Culdellnes on CorporaLe Covernance for CenLral ubllc
SecLor LnLerprlses, 2010, Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 and Lhe provlslons of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL.
Meenngs of Aud|t Comm|uee
1he AudlL Commluee meeLs aL leasL four umes ln a year and noL more Lhan four monLhs have elapsed beLween Lwo meeungs ln LhaL year.
1he quorum for Lhe AudlL Commluee meeungs ls elLher Lwo members or one Lhlrd of Lhe members of Lhe AudlL Commluee whlchever ls
greaLer, buL Lhere should be a mlnlmum of Lwo lndependenL members presenL.
owers of Aud|t Comm|uee
1he powers of Lhe AudlL Commluee lnclude Lhe followlng:
1. 1o lnvesugaLe any acuvlLy wlLhln lLs Lerms of reference.
2. 1o seek lnformauon on and from any employee.
3. 1o obLaln ouLslde legal or oLher professlonal advlce.
4. 1o secure auendance of ouLslders wlLh relevanL experuse, lf lL conslders necessary.
3. 1o proLecL whlsLle blowers.
6. 1o conslder oLher mauers as referred by Lhe 8oard.
ko|e of Aud|t Comm|uee
1he role of Lhe audlL commluee lncludes Lhe followlng:
1. CverslghL of our Company's nanclal reporung process and Lhe dlsclosure of lLs nanclal lnformauon Lo ensure LhaL Lhe nanclal
sLaLemenL ls correcL, sumclenL and credlble.
2. llxauon of audlL fees Lo be pald Lo sLaLuLory audlLors appolnLed by CompLroller & AudlLor Ceneral under Lhe Companles AcL and
approval for paymenL wlLh respecL Lo any oLher servlces rendered by Lhe sLaLuLory audlLors.
3. 8evlewlng, wlLh Lhe managemenL, Lhe annual nanclal sLaLemenLs before submlsslon Lo Lhe 8oard for approval, wlLh parucular
reference Lo:
a. Mauers requlred Lo be lncluded ln Lhe ulrecLor's 8esponslblllLy SLaLemenL Lo be lncluded ln Lhe 8oard's reporL ln Lerms of clause
(2AA) of secuon 217 of Lhe Companles AcL.
b. Changes, lf any, ln accounung pollcles and pracuces and reasons for Lhe same.
c. Ma[or accounung enLrles lnvolvlng esumaLes based on Lhe exerclse of [udgmenL by managemenL.
d. SlgnlcanL ad[usLmenLs made ln Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs arlslng ouL of audlL ndlngs.
e. Compllance wlLh llsung and oLher legal requlremenLs relaung Lo nanclal sLaLemenLs.
f. ulsclosure of any relaLed parLy Lransacuons.
g. Cuallcauons ln Lhe dra audlL reporL.
4. 8evlewlng, wlLh Lhe managemenL, Lhe quarLerly nanclal sLaLemenLs before submlsslon Lo Lhe board for approval.
3. 8evlewlng, wlLh Lhe managemenL, Lhe sLaLemenL of uses / appllcauon of funds ralsed Lhrough an lssue (publlc lssue, rlghLs lssue,
preferenual lssue, eLc.), Lhe sLaLemenL of funds uullzed for purposes oLher Lhan Lhose sLaLed ln Lhe oer documenL/prospecLus/nouce
and Lhe reporL submlued by Lhe monlLorlng agency monlLorlng Lhe uullsauon of proceeds of a publlc or rlghLs lssue, and maklng
approprlaLe recommendauons Lo Lhe 8oard Lo Lake up sLeps ln Lhls mauer.
6. 8evlewlng, wlLh Lhe managemenL, performance of sLaLuLory and lnLernal audlLors and adequacy of Lhe lnLernal conLrol sysLems.
7. 8evlewlng Lhe adequacy of lnLernal audlL funcuon, lf any, lncludlng Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe lnLernal audlL deparLmenL, sLamng and senlorlLy
of Lhe omclal headlng Lhe deparLmenL, reporung sLrucLure, coverage and frequency of lnLernal audlL.
8. ulscusslon wlLh lnLernal audlLors and / or audlLors any slgnlcanL ndlngs and follow up Lhere on.
9. 8evlewlng Lhe ndlngs of any lnLernal lnvesugauons by Lhe lnLernal audlLors/audlLors/agencles lnLo mauers where Lhere ls suspecLed
fraud or lrregularlLy or a fallure of lnLernal conLrol sysLems of a maLerlal naLure and reporung Lhe mauer Lo Lhe 8oard.
10. ulscusslon wlLh sLaLuLory audlLors before Lhe audlL commences, abouL Lhe naLure and scope of audlL as well as posL-audlL dlscusslon Lo
ascerLaln any area of concern.
11. 1o look lnLo Lhe reasons for subsLanual defaulLs ln Lhe paymenL Lo Lhe deposlLors, debenLure holders, shareholders (ln case of non-
paymenL of declared dlvldends) and credlLors.
12. 1o revlew Lhe funcuonlng of Lhe WhlsLle 8lower Mechanlsm.
13. 1o revlew Lhe follow up acuon on Lhe audlL observauons of Lhe CompLroller & AudlLor Ceneral audlL.
14. 1o revlew Lhe follow up acuon Laken on Lhe recommendauons of Commluee on ubllc underLaklngs (CCu) of Lhe arllamenL.
13. rovlde an open avenue of communlcauon beLween Lhe lndependenL audlLor, lnLernal audlLor and Lhe 8oard.
16. 8evlew all relaLed parLy Lransacuons ln our Company. lor Lhls purpose, Lhe AudlL Commluee may deslgnaLe a member who shall be
responslble for revlewlng relaLed parLy Lransacuons.
Lxplanauon: 1he Lerm relaLed parLy Lransacuons" shall have Lhe same meanlng as conLalned ln Lhe Accounung SLandard 18, lssued by
Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla.
17. 8evlew wlLh Lhe lndependenL audlLor Lhe co-ordlnauon of audlL eorLs Lo assure compleLeness of coverage, reducuon of redundanL
eorLs, and Lhe eecuve use of all audlL resources.
18. Conslder and revlew Lhe followlng wlLh Lhe lndependenL audlLor and Lhe managemenL:
a. 1he adequacy of lnLernal conLrols lncludlng compuLerlzed lnformauon sysLem conLrols and securlLy, and
b. 8elaLed ndlngs and recommendauons of Lhe lndependenL audlLor and lnLernal audlLor, LogeLher wlLh Lhe managemenL
19. Conslder and revlew Lhe followlng wlLh Lhe managemenL, lnLernal audlLor and Lhe lndependenL audlLor:
a. SlgnlcanL ndlngs durlng Lhe year, lncludlng Lhe sLaLus of prevlous audlL recommendauons, and
b. Any dlmculues encounLered durlng audlL work lncludlng any resLrlcuons on Lhe scope of acuvlues or access Lo requlred
20. Carrylng ouL any oLher funcuon as ls menuoned ln Lhe Lerms of reference of Lhe AudlL Commluee.
ln llne wlLh Lhe provlslons of Arucles of Assoclauon of CWL8C8lu, Lhe whole-ume luncuonal ulrecLors of Lhe Company lncludlng
ulrecLor (llnance) referred Lo as ClC are appolnLed by Lhe AdmlnlsLrauve MlnlsLry Lhrough ubllc LnLerprlses Selecuon 8oard.
kev|ew of |nformanon by Aud|t Comm|uee
1he AudlL Commluee shall mandaLorlly revlew Lhe followlng lnformauon:
1. ManagemenL dlscusslon and analysls of nanclal condluon and resulLs of operauons.
2. SLaLemenL of slgnlcanL relaLed parLy Lransacuons submlued by managemenL.
3. ManagemenL leuers / leuers of lnLernal conLrol weaknesses lssued by Lhe sLaLuLory audlLors.
4. lnLernal audlL reporLs relaung Lo lnLernal conLrol weaknesses.
3. 1he appolnLmenL, removal and Lerms of remunerauon of Lhe chlef lnLernal audlLor.
6. Cerucauon/declarauon of nanclal sLaLemenLs by Lhe Chlef Lxecuuve Cmcer/Chlef llnance Cmcer.
Compos|non of Aud|t Comm|uee dur|ng the I.. 2012-13:
1he composluon of AudlL Commluee durlng Lhe nanclal year 2012-13 was as under:
Shrl SanLosh Saraf Chalrman non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor
Shrl 8akesh !aln, !S&lA, MC Member non-Lxecuuve ulrecLor
Ms. 8lLa Slnha Member non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor
Cn appolnLmenL of ve lndependenL ulrecLors on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu w.e.f. 16.01.2013, Lhe AudlL Commluee was reconsuLuLed on
08.03.2013 wlLh followlng dlrecLors as Chalrman/Members on Lhe AudlL Commluee:
(l) Shrl SanLosh Saraf non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Chalrman of Lhe Commluee
(ll) Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
(lll) Shrl 8akesh !aln* !S &lA,CovL. nomlnee ulrecLor : Member
(lv) Ms. 8lLa Slnha non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
(v) Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
ceased Lo be ulrecLor w.e.f. 8
!uly, 2013 (Aernoon)
uurlng Lhe nanclal year ended 31
March, 2013, nlne meeungs of Lhe AudlL commluee were held on 26
Aprll, 28
May, 27
!une, 13
!uly, 6
SepLember, 31
CcLober and 3
uecember, of Lhe year 2012 and 11
lebruary, 2013.
Auendance at Aud|t Comm|uee Meenngs dur|ng the I|nanc|a| ear 2012-13:
3.2 Shareho|ders'] Investors' Gr|evance Comm|uee.
1he Company has consuLuLed Shareholders'/lnvesLors' Crlevance Commluee ln llne wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL.
Scope of the Comm|uee
1he scope of Lhe Commluee shall be Lo speclcally look lnLo Lhe redressal of shareholders' and lnvesLors' grlevances/complalnLs llke
Lransfer of shares, non-recelpL of balance sheeL, non-recelpL of declared dlvldends eLc.
As on 31
March, 2013 Lhe Commluee comprlsed Lhe followlng ulrecLors:
(l) Shrl SanLosh Saraf non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Chalrman of Lhe Commluee
(ll) Shrl Mahesh Shah non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
(lll) ur. k. 8amallngam non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
(lv) Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal ulrecLor (llnance) : Member
(v) Shrl 8avl . Slngh ulrecLor (ersonnel) : Member
1he Company SecreLary ls Lhe SecreLary of Lhe Commluee.
Compos|non of Shareho|ders']Investors' Gr|evance Comm|uee dur|ng the I.. 2012-13:
1he composluon of Shareholders'/lnvesLors' Crlevance Commluee durlng Lhe nanclal year 2012-13 was as under:
Name Aud|t Comm|uee Meenng he|d dur|ng the tenure
ne|d Auended
Shrl SanLosh Saraf, ulrecLor 9 9
Shrl 8akesh !aln, !S&lA, MC 9 9
Ms. 8lLa Slnha, ulrecLor 9 8
Shrl SanLosh Saraf Member & Chalrman non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor
Ms. 8lLa Slnha Member non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor
Shrl 8avl . Slngh Member ulrecLor (ersonnel)
Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal Member ulrecLor (llnance)
Name Shareho|ders']Investors' Gr|evance Comm|uee Meenng he|d dur|ng the tenure
ne|d Auended
Shrl SanLosh Saraf, ulrecLor 2 2
Ms. 8lLa Slnha, ulrecLor 2 2
Shrl 8avl . Slngh, ulrecLor (ersonnel) 2 2
Shrl 8.1. Agarwal, ulrecLor(llnance) 2 2
S.No. Descr|pnon Cpen|ng 8a|ance kece|ved Auended Pending
1 non recelpL of refund orders 0 163 163 0
2 non recelpL of dlvldend warranLs 0 133 133 0
3 non recelpL of share cerucaLe 0 36 36 0
4 SL8l 229 136 381 4
3 SLock Lxchange 0 13 13 0
6 AdvocaLe nouces 0 8 8 0
7 Consumer lorum/CourL cases 0 16 16 0
1ota| 229 S31 7S6 4
1wo meeungs of Lhe Shareholders'/lnvesLors' Crlevance Commluee were held durlng Lhe nanclal year 2012-13 on 7
SepLember, 2012 and
CcLober, 2012, respecuvely.
Auendance at Shareho|ders']Investors' Gr|evance Comm|uee meenng dur|ng the I|nanc|a| ear 2012-13:
Name and des|gnanon of Comp||ance Cmcer
Ms. ulvya 1andon, Company SecreLary ls Lhe compllance omcer ln Lerms of Clause 47 of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL.
Investors' Gr|evances
uurlng Lhe nanclal year endlng 31
March, 2013, Lhe Company has auended lLs lnvesLors' grlevances expedluously excepL for Lhe cases
consLralned by dlspuLes or legal lmpedlmenL. 1he deLalls of Lhe complalnLs recelved durlng Lhe year are as under:
lnvesLors' complalnLs pendlng as on 31
March, 2013 have been subsequenLly auended.
Shares |y|ng |n Share Lscrow Account
ln pursuance of Clause 3A l (g) of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL, lL ls dlsclosed LhaL:
l) ln respecL of your Company's lC, 43,216 shares held by 221 shareholders as on 01.04.2012 were lylng ln Lhe suspense accounL.
ll) ln respecL of lC, 10830 shares held by 30 shareholders as on. 01.04.2012 were lylng ln Lhe suspense accounL.
lll) 2 shareholders had approached CWL8C8lu for Lransfer of 372 shares from suspense accounL durlng Lhe year 2012-13 ln respecL
of lC and CWL8C8lu has Lransferred 372 shares relaLed Lo 2 shareholders durlng Lhe year.
lv) 21 shareholders had approached CWL8C8lu for Lransfer of 4796 shares from suspense accounL durlng Lhe year 2012-13 ln
respecL of lC and CWL8C8lu has Lransferred 4796 shares relaLed Lo 21 shareholders durlng Lhe year.
v) ln respecL of lC, Lhe aggregaLe number of shareholders as on 31.03.2013 were 219 and Lhe ouLsLandlng shares ln Lhe suspense
accounL lylng as on 31.03.2013 were 42644 shares.
vl) ln respecL of lC, Lhe aggregaLe number of shareholders as on 31.03.2013 were 29 and Lhe ouLsLandlng shares ln Lhe suspense
accounL lylng as on 31.03.2013 were 6034 shares.
1he voung rlghLs on Lhe shares ln demaL suspense accounL shall remaln frozen ull Lhe rlghuul owner of such shares clalms Lhe shares. 1hese
shares are lylng ln Lhe demaL form ln a ool AccounL wlLh Lhe 8eglsLrars l.e. M/s karvy CompuLershare vL. LLd. and Lhe beneLs accrued
on Lhem are belng properly accounLed for.
Centra||zed Web 8ased Comp|a|nt kedressa| System- SCCkLS.
1he cenLrallzed web based ComplalnL 8edressal SysLem of SL8l l.e. SCC8LS (SL8l ComplalnLs 8edress SysLem) ls ln place slnce !une, 2011.
1hrough SCC8LS, shareholders can reglsLer Lhelr complalnLs agalnsL Lhe Company for redressal. When Lhe complalnL ls reglsLered, a unlque
complalnL reglsLrauon number ls alloued for fuLure reference and Lracklng. SLaLus of every complalnL lodged can also be vlewed onllne
and Lhe Shareholder can send remlnder for Lhelr complalnL. 1he concerned enuLy (Company or lnLermedlary) Lakes acuon for redressal of
Lhe complalnLs and uploads Acuon 1aken 8eporL on llne. SL8l dlsposes o Lhe complalnLs lf lL ls saused LhaL Lhe complalnLs have been
redressed adequaLely. A Shareholder, who ls noL accesslng SCC8LS can lodge hls/her complalnL ln physlcal form also.
3.3 kemuneranon Comm|uee
CWL8C8lu had consuLuLed 8emunerauon Commluee ln March, 2013 wlLh Lhe followlng ulrecLors as members of Lhe Commluee:
Ms. 8lLa Slnha Chalrperson non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor
Shrl 8akesh !aln Member !S & lA, MC
Ms. 8lLa Acharya Member !L. Secy., MC
Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual Member non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor
Shrl 8. k. CupLa Member non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor
3.4 Comm|uee on Investment on ro[ects
1he 8oard has consuLuLed Lhls Commluee of ulrecLors Lo conslder lnvesLmenL sancuon for new pro[ecLs and 8evlsed CosL LsumaLe proposals
of ongolng pro[ecLs as may be requlred from Lhe 8oard. As on 31
March, 2013, Lhe Commluee comprlsed Lhe followlng members:
(l) Shrl 8. n. nayak CMu : Chalrman of Lhe Commluee
(ll) Shrl l. S. !ha ulrecLor (ro[ecLs) : Member
(lll) Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal ulrecLor (llnance) : Member
(lv) Shrl 8akesh !aln* !S & lA, CovL. nomlnee ulrecLor : Member
(v) Ms. 8lLa Acharya !S (1rans.), CovL. nomlnee ulrecLor : Member
(vl) Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
(vll) Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
ceased Lo be ulrecLor w.e.f. 8
!uly, 2013 (Aernoon)
3.S Comm|uee on Award of Contracts
1hls Commluee of ulrecLors has been consuLuLed for approval of award of conLracLs of value more Lhan ` 30 Cr. buL noL exceedlng ` 100 Cr.
As on 31
March, 2013, Lhe followlng ulrecLors were members of Lhe Commluee:
(l) Shrl 8. n. nayak CMu : Chalrman of Lhe Commluee
(ll) Shrl l. S. !ha ulrecLor (ro[ecLs) : Member
(lll) Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal ulrecLor (llnance) : Member
(lv) Shrl 8. . Sasmal ulrecLor (Cperauons) : Member
(v) Ms. 8lLa Acharya !S (1rans.), CovL. nomlnee ulrecLor : Member
(vl) Shrl 8. k. CupLa non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
(vll) Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
3.6 Comm|uee for 1ransfer]Sp||t]kemater|a||zanon]Demater|a||zanon of Shares
1he Company has consuLuLed a Commluee of ulrecLors for 1ransfer/ SpllL/ 8emaLerlallsauon/ uemaLerlallzauon eLc. and oLher relaLed
lssues. As on 31
March, 2013, Lhe Commluee comprlsed Lhe followlng ulrecLors as members:
l) Shrl 8avl . Slngh - ulrecLor (ersonnel)
ll) Shrl l. S. !ha - ulrecLor (ro[ecLs) and
lll) Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal - ulrecLor (llnance)
Share 1ransfers aecLed durlng Lhe year have been well wlLhln Lhe ume prescrlbed by Lhe SLock Lxchanges.
3.7 Comm|uee for 8onds
1he 8oard of ulrecLors of Lhe Company has consuLuLed a Commluee of ulrecLors Lo conslder and approve alloLmenL, Lransfer, Lransmlsslon,
spllmng and consolldauon of CWL8C8lu 8onds/AlloLmenL Leuers and oLher mauers relaung Lo Lhe 8onds lncludlng appolnLmenL of
MerchanL 8ankers, 8eglsLrar Lo Lhe lssue eLc. As on 31
March, 2013, Lhe Commluee for 8onds comprlsed Lhe followlng members:
D|rectors Des|gnanon Sa|ary (|n `)
(|n `)
8onus ]
Comm|ss|on (|n `)
erformance L|nked
Incennve (|n `)
1ota| (|n `)
1. Shrl 8. n. nayak Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor 2,498,227.93 286,766.00 - 2,996,648 3,781,641.93
2. Shrl l. S. !ha ulrecLor (ro[ecLs) 2,923,877.00 997,421.00 - 2,301,421 6,422,719.00
3. Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal ulrecLor (llnance) 2,383,993.73 943,896.00 - 1,863,447 3,397,338.73
4. Shrl 8avl . Slngh ulrecLor (ersonnel) 3,719,023.33 246,609.00 - 146,117 4,111,731.33
Shrl 8. . Sasmal
(lrom 1.08.2012
Lo 31.03.2013)
ulrecLor (Cperauons) 1,379,386.00 216,273.00 - 493,114 2,290,973.00
Name of Non-omc|a| art-nme D|rectors
S|mng Iees
8oard Meenng Comm|uee of 8oard of D|rectors Meenng
Shrl SanLosh Saraf 2.33 2.80 3.33
Ms. 8lLa Slnha 2.40 3.33 3.73
Shrl 8. k. CupLa 0.60 0.20 0.80
ur. k. 8amallngam 0.40 nlL 0.40
Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy 0.60 0.20 0.80
Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual 0.60 0.40 1.00
Shrl Mahesh Shah 0.60 nlL 0.60
Period S|mng Iee (|n `)
Aprll, 2012 Lo 3
uecember, 2012 13,000
uecember, 2012 Lo 31
March, 2013 20,000
1he CovernmenL nomlnee ulrecLors on Lhe CWL8C8lu's 8oard do noL draw any remunerauon/slmng fee for auendlng 8oard/ Commluee
meeungs from Lhe Company. 1he lndependenL ulrecLors were pald slmng fee for auendlng 8oard/Commluee Meeungs as per Lhe followlng:
ueLalls of aymenL made Lowards slmng fee Lo lndependenL ulrecLors durlng Lhe year 2012-13 are glven below:
(` ln lacs:)
l) Shrl 8. n. nayak - Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor - Chalrman
ll) Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal - ulrecLor (llnance) - Member
lll) Shrl l. S. !ha - ulrecLor (ro[ecLs) - Member, and
lv) Shrl 8. . Sasmal - ulrecLor (Cperauons) - Member
3.8 Comm|uee for Award of Contracts re|anng to kL, ADk and other Depos|t Works
1hls Commluee of ulrecLors was consuLuLed Lo conducL 8CCv? rogramme of CovL. of lndla. 1he power of Lhls commluee ls Lo award Lhe
conLracLs relaung Lo 8L, Au8 and oLher ueposlL Works for more Lhan ` 30 Cr. and up Lo ` 100 Cr. As on 31
March, 2013, Shrl 8. n. nayak,
CMu, Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal, ulrecLor (llnance), Shrl l. S. !ha, ulrecLor (ro[ecLs), Shrl 8avl . Slngh, ulrecLor (ersonnel) and Shrl 8. . Sasmal,
ulrecLor (Cperauons) are Lhe members of Lhe Commluee.
3.9 CSk and Susta|nab|e Deve|opment Comm|uee
CWL8C8lu has consuLuLed a CS8 and SusLalnable uevelopmenL Commluee ln llne wlLh Lhe requlremenL of ueparLmenL of ubllc
LnLerprlses' Culdellnes on CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy and SusLalnablllLy for CenLral ubllc SecLor LnLerprlses'. As on 31
March, 2013
Lhe Commluee comprlsed Lhe followlng members:
(l) Shrl 8. n. nayak CMu : Chalrman of Lhe Commluee
(ll) Ms. 8lLa Slnha non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
(lll) Shrl 8avl . Slngh ulrecLor (ersonnel) : Member
(lv) Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal ulrecLor (llnance) : Member
(v) Shrl l. S. !ha ulrecLor (ro[ecLs) : Member
(vl) Shrl Mahesh Shah non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
(vll) ur. k. 8amallngam non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
(vlll) Shrl 8. k. CupLa non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
rlor Lo CS8 and SusLalnable uevelopmenL Commluee, Lhere exlsLed a SusLalnable uevelopmenL Commluee comprlslng Ms. 8lLa Slnha,
lndependenL ulrecLor, Shrl l. S. !ha, ulrecLor (ro[ecLs), Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal, ulrecLor (llnance) and Shrl 8avl . Slngh, ulrecLor (ersonnel) and
durlng Lhe year 2012-13 Lhe sald commluee meL 4 umes.
3.10 V|g||ance D|sc|p||nary Cases Comm|uee
CWL8C8lu has consuLuLed a vlgllance ulsclpllnary Cases Commluee Lo deal wlLh Lhe mauer relaLed Lo dlsclpllnary cases. As on 31sL
March, 2013 Lhe Commluee comprlsed Lhe followlng members:
(l) Ms. 8lLa Slnha non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Chalrperson of Lhe Commluee
(ll) Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy non-omclal arL-ume ulrecLor : Member
(lll) Shrl 8avl . Slngh ulrecLor (ersonnel) : Member
4. kemuneranon of D|rectors
CWL8C8lu, belng a CovernmenL Company, Lhe appolnLmenL, Lenure and remunerauon of ulrecLors ls declded by Lhe resldenL of lndla.
8emunerauon pald Lo Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor and luncuonal ulrecLors durlng Lhe ?ear 2012-13 was as per Lerms and condluons of
Lhelr appolnLmenL. lndependenL ulrecLors are pald only slmng fees per 8oard / Commluee meeung auended [raLe xed by Lhe 8oard wlLhln
Lhe celllng xed for paymenL of slmng fees wlLhouL CovernmenL approval under Lhe 8ule 108 of Lhe Companles (CenLral CovernmenL's)
Ceneral 8ules and lorms, 1936 read wlLh Lhe Secuon 310 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936} and ln accordance wlLh Lhe CovernmenL Culdellnes
for auendlng Lhe 8oard Meeung as well as Commluee Meeungs.
1he remunerauon pald Lo Lhe Whole ume ulrecLors durlng Lhe year 2012-13 ls as under:

S.No. Name of D|rectors No. of Lqu|ty Shares ne|d

1 Shrl 8. n. nayak 11,721
2 Shrl l. S. !ha 2,998
3 Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal 4,036
4 Shrl 8avl . Slngh 9,016
3 Shrl 8. . Sasmal 1,798
6 Shrl 8akesh !aln * -
7 Ms. 8lLa Acharya -
8 Shrl SanLosh Saraf 1,190
9 Ms. 8lLa Slnha -
10 Shrl 8. k. CupLa -
11 ur. k. 8amallngam -
12 Shrl 8. krlshnamoorLhy 286
13 Shrl A[ay kumar Mlual 879
14 Shrl Mahesh Shah -
ear Date Time Venue Spec|a| keso|unon
2009-10 24
SepLember, 2010 10.00 a.m. Alr lorce AudlLorlum, SubroLo ark, new uelhl-110 010 nlL
2010-11 19
SepLember, 2011 11.00 a.m.
nuMC 1alkaLora lndoor SLadlum, 1alkaLora Carden, ark SLreeL, new
uelhl - 110 001.
2011-12 19
SepLember, 2012 11.00 a.m. Alr lorce AudlLorlum, SubroLo ark, new uelhl-110 010 nlL
No. of
Shares ne|d
No. of Votes
of Votes o||ed on
Cutstand|ng shares
(3) = [2]1]*100
No. of Votes
|n favour
No. of votes
of votes |n favour
on votes o||ed (6)
= [4]2]*100
of votes aga|nst
on votes o||ed
(7) = [S]2]*100
romoLer and
romoLer Croup
3214024212 3214024212 100 3214024212 0 100 0
ubllc -
1203320409 369744813 47.34 369741202 0 99.99 0
ubllc - CLhers 212180732 1693193 0.80 1462144 116328 86.23 6.87
1ota| 462972S3S3 378S464220^ 81.76 378S227SS8 116S28 99.99 0.00
As on 31.03.2013 Lhe ulrecLors' Shareholdlng was as under:
S. k|sk Management
1he 'LnLerprlse 8lsk ManagemenL lramework' (L8M framework) has been lmplemenLed ln CWL8C8lu. 1he deLall of Lhe same are glven
ln ManagemenL ulscusslon and Analysls.
6. Mon|tor|ng of Subs|d|ar|es:
1he Company does noL have any maLerlal unllsLed Subsldlary Companles ln Lerms of Lhe Clause 49 of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL or Lhe
subsldlarles as dened under Culdellnes on CorporaLe Covernance for CenLral ubllc SecLor LnLerprlses lssued by ueparLmenL of ubllc
LnLerprlses, CovL. of lndla. Powever, mlnuLes of Lhe meeung of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors of Lhe subsldlarles are placed before Lhe Company's
8oard perlodlcally.
7. Genera| 8ody Meenngs:
uaLe, ume and locauon where Lhe lasL Lhree Annual Ceneral Meeungs were held areas under:
keso|unons passed through osta| 8a||ot:
1he Shareholders of Lhe Company have approved wlLh requlslLe ma[orlLy, Lhe Speclal 8esoluuon under Lhe provlslons of Lhe Companles
AcL, 1936 for AlLerauon of Arucles of Assoclauon of CWL8C8lu under Secuon 31 and oLher appllcable provlslons of Lhe Companles AcL,
1936 for : (A) lnseruon of new Arucle as Arucle 31A ln Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon of CWL8C8lu and (8) AmendmenL of exlsung Arucle 32
ln Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon of CWL8C8lu clrculaLed for passlng Lhrough osLal 8alloL pursuanL Lo Secuon 192A of Lhe Companles AcL,
1936 vlde nouce daLed 7
March, 2013.
nouce daLed 7
March, 2013,was served Lo all shareholders for voung Lhrough posLal balloL as per Lhe provlslons of Secuon 192A of Lhe
Companles AcL, 1936 read wlLh Lhe Companles (asslng of Lhe 8esoluuon by osLal 8alloL) 8ules, 2011. Ms. SavlLa !you, racuclng Company
SecreLary was appolnLed as scruunlzer for conducL of osLal 8alloL. 1he deLalls of Lhe voung are as under:
(A) lnseruon of new Arucle 31A on Addluonal ulrecLors"
7091 LoLal number of 8alloLs recelved.
* ceased Lo be ulrecLor w.e.f. 8
!uly, 2013 (Aernoon)
^ 1hls ls sum of voLes casLed ln favour, voLes casLed agalnsL and 120134 lnvalld voLes casLed physlcally.

No. of
Shares ne|d
No. of Votes
of Votes o||ed on
Cutstand|ng shares
(3) = [2]1]*100
No. of Votes
|n favour
No. of votes
of votes |n favour
on votes o||ed
(6) = [4]2]*100
of votes aga|nst
on votes o||ed
(7) = [S]2]*100
romoLer and
romoLer Croup
3214024212 3214024212 100 3214024212 0 100 0
ubllc -
1203320409 369744813 47.34 369741202 0 99.99 0
ubllc - CLhers 212180732 1699023 0.80 1380030 124361 81.23 7.33
1ota| 462972S3S3 378S4680S2^ 81.76 378S14S464 124S61 99.99 0.00
(8) AmendmenL ln exlsung Arucle 32 on AppolnLmenL of AudlLors"
7103 LoLal number of 8alloLs recelved.
1he Speclal 8esoluuon as menuoned ln Lhe nouce of Lhe posLal balloL dL. 07.03.2013 has been passed wlLh requlslLe ma[orlLy.
8. D|sc|osures
(l) 1he Lransacuons wlLh relaLed parues conLaln (l) paymenL Lo Companles under !olnL venLure AgreemenL and on accounL of conLracLs for
works/servlces, (ll) remunerauon Lo key managemenL personnel and (lll) equlLy conLrlbuuon Lo subsldlarles, whlch are noL ln Lhe naLure
of poLenual conlcLs of lnLeresL of Lhe Company aL large. ueLalls of relaLed parLy Lransacuons are lncluded ln Lhe noLes Lo Lhe AccounLs
as per Accounung SLandard - 18 lssued by Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla and noued by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL ln
consulLauon wlLh nauonal Advlsory Commluee on Accounung SLandards.
(ll) 1he CLC & ulrecLor (llnance) of Lhe Company have cerued Lo Lhe 8oard, Lhe specled mauers, as requlred under Clause 49 v of Lhe
Llsung AgreemenL.
(lll) CWL8C8lu do noL have any maLerlal non llsLed lndlan Subsldlary Company.
(lv) CWL8C8lu esLabllshed LnLerprlse 8lsk ManagemenL lramework and lnLernal ConLrol lramework for CLC/ClC Cerucauon. Ceneral
Manager (CorporaLe lannlng) has been appolnLed as Chlef 8lsk Cmcer of Lhe Company.
(v) 1here are no maLerlal lndlvldual Lransacuons wlLh relaLed parues whlch are noL ln Lhe normal course of buslness.
(vl) 1here are no maLerlal lndlvldual Lransacuons wlLh relaLed parues or oLhers, whlch are noL on an arm's lengLh basls.
(vll) 1he Company has complled wlLh Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL wlLh SLock Lxchanges and Culdellnes on CorporaLe
Covernance for CenLral ubllc SecLor LnLerprlses lssued by MlnlsLry of Peavy lndusLrles and ubllc LnLerprlses, ueparLmenL of
ubllc LnLerprlses, CovernmenL of lndla as well as 8egulauons and Culdellnes prescrlbed by SL8l, excepL LhaL of composluon of Lhe
8oard as menuoned ln paragraph 2.2 of Lhls 8eporL. 1he Company has also generally complled wlLh Lhe volunLary Culdellnes on
CorporaLe Covernance, 2009 lssued by Lhe MlnlsLry of CorporaLe Aalrs, CovL. of lndla such as Laklng cerucaLe of lndependence from
lndependenL ulrecLors, SecreLarlal AudlL, Lralnlng of ulrecLors, eLc. 1here were no penalues or sLrlcLures lmposed on Lhe Company by
any sLaLuLory auLhorlues for non-compllance on any mauer relaLed Lo caplLal markeLs, durlng Lhe year.
(vlll) 1he 8alance SheeL, roL and Loss AccounL and Cash llow SLaLemenL for Lhe nanclal year 2012-13 have been prepared as per Lhe
Accounung SLandards referred Lo ln Sub-secuon (3C) of Secuon 211 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
(lx) 1he Company has adopLed all suggesLed lLems Lo be lncluded ln Lhe 8eporL of CorporaLe Covernance. lnformauon on adopuon (and
compllance) / non-adopuon of Lhe non-mandaLory requlremenLs ls aL Annex-l.
CLC]CIC Cernhcanon
As requlred by Clause 49 of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL(s), Lhe CerucaLe duly slgned by Shrl 8. n. nayak, Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor and
Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal, ulrecLor (llnance) was placed before Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors aL Lhe meeung held on 28.03.2013.
9. Means of Commun|canon
1he Company communlcaLes wlLh lLs shareholders Lhrough lLs Annual 8eporL, Ceneral Meeung, newspapers and dlsclosure Lhrough webslLe.
1he Company also communlcaLes wlLh lLs lnsuLuuonal shareholders Lhrough AnalysLs and lnvesLors meeLs held durlng Lhe end of each
quarLer where ulrecLors and Senlor Cmclals of Lhe Company lnLeracL wlLh Lhe lnvesung communlLy.
lnformauon and laLesL updaLes and announcemenLs made by Lhe Company can be accessed aL Company's webslLe:
lncludlng Lhe followlng:
- CuarLerly /Palf-?early /Annual llnanclal 8esulLs
- CuarLerly Shareholdlng auern
- CuarLerly CorporaLe Covernance 8eporL
- CorporaLe dlsclosures made from ume Lo ume Lo SLock Lxchanges
ln order Lo save Lrees and envlronmenL by cumng down Lhe consumpuon of cosLly paper hablLs, our Company has senL Lhe Annual 8eporL
and oLher communlcauons Lo large number of shareholders from Lhe llnanclal ?ear 2010-2011 onwards Lhrough e-mall of Lhe shareholders
reglsLered wlLh nSuL/ CuSL and aer seeklng Lhelr consenL Lo send Lhe Annual 8eporLs Lhrough e-mall. 1hls was ln compllance of 'Creen
lnluauve ln Lhe CorporaLe Covernance' by MlnlsLry of CorporaLe Aalrs, CovernmenL of lndla by allowlng paperless communlcauon by Lhe
companles under Lhe provlslons of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
^ 1hls ls sum of voLes casLed ln favour, voLes casLed agalnsL and 198027 lnvalld voLes casLed physlcally.
uarter|y kesu|ts
Cfhc|a| ke|eases and resentanons
1he Company's ofclal news releases, oLher press coverage, presenLauons made Lo lnsuLuuonal lnvesLors or Lo Lhe analysLs are also hosLed
on Lhe WebslLe.
10. Code of Conduct
1he 8oard of ulrecLors have lald down Lwo separaLe Code of ConducL - one for 8oard Members and anoLher for Senlor ManagemenL
ersonnel ln allgnmenL wlLh Company's Mlsslon & Cb[ecuves and alms aL enhanclng eLhlcal and LransparenL process ln managlng Lhe aalrs
of Lhe Company. 1he 'Code of 8uslness ConducL and LLhlcs for 8oard members' and Lhe 'Code of 8uslness and LLhlcs for Senlor ManagemenL
ersonnel' are avallable aL Lhe webslLe of Lhe Company.
11. Code of Ins|der 1rad|ng
ln pursuance of Lhe Securlues and Lxchange 8oard of lndla (rohlbluon of lnslder 1radlng) 8egulauons, 1992, CWL8C8lu 8oard has
lald down Code of ConducL for revenuon of lnslder 1radlng" wlLh Lhe ob[ecuve of prevenung purchase and/or sale of shares of Lhe
Company by an lnslder on Lhe basls of unpubllshed prlce sensluve lnformauon. under Lhls code, lnslders (l.e. ueslgnaLed Lmployees) are
prevenLed Lo deal ln Lhe Company's shares durlng Lhe closure of 1radlng Wlndow. 1o deal ln Securlues beyond llmlLs specled, permlsslon
of Compllance Cmcer ls requlred. All ulrecLors/Cmcers/ueslgnaLed Lmployees are also requlred Lo dlsclose relaLed lnformauon perlodlcally
as dened ln Lhe Code, whlch ln Lurn ls belng forwarded Lo SLock Lxchanges, whenever necessary. Company SecreLary has been deslgnaLed
as Compllance Cmcer for Lhls Code.
12. Separate Meenng of Independent D|rectors
CWL8C8lu had on lLs 8oard Lwo lndependenL ulrecLors for Lhe rsL Lhree quarLers and ve more lndependenL ulrecLors were appolnLed
by Lhe resldenL of lndla w.e.f. 16
!anuary, 2013. 1he lndependenL ulrecLors held a meeung ln Aprll, 2013 wlLhouL Lhe auendance of
luncuonal ulrecLors and CovernmenL ulrecLors and Lhe members of managemenL.
13. Shareho|ders' Informanon
|) Annua| Genera| Meenng
uaLe : 19
SepLember, 2013
1lme : 11.00 a.m.
venue : Alr lorce AudlLorlum, SubroLo ark, new uelhl-110 010.
||) I|nanc|a| ear
1he Company's llnanclal ?ear ls from 1
Aprll Lo 31
|||) 8ook C|osure
1he 8eglsLer of Members and Share 1ransfer 8ooks of Lhe Company wlll remaln closed from 7
SepLember, 2013 Lo 19
2013 (boLh days lncluslve).
|v) ayment of d|v|dend
1he 8oard of ulrecLors of Lhe Company has recommended paymenL of a nal ulvldend of 11.4 (` 1.14 per share) for Lhe nanclal
year ended 31
March, 2013 ln addluon, an lnLerlm ulvldend of 16.1 (`1.61 per share) was pald on 4
March, 2013. [ulvldend for Lhe
revlous ?ear was `976.87Crore l.e. 21.1 (8 lnLerlm ulvldend and 13.1 llnal ulvldend)].
1he record daLe for Lhe paymenL of ulvldend ls 6Lh SepLember, 2013.
Dec|aranon requ|red under C|ause 49 of the L|snng Agreement
All Lhe members of Lhe 8oard and Senlor ManagemenL ersonnel have amrmed compllance wlLh Lhe Code of ConducL for Lhe
nanclal year ended 31
March, 2013.
lace : Curgaon (8. n. nayak)
uaLed: 28.03.2013 Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
ub||canon of I|nanc|a| kesu|ts |n Newspapers
ub||canon of I|nanc|a|
kesu|ts for the quarter ended
30.06.2012 30.09.2012 31.12.2012 31.03.2013
uaLe(s) of
02/11/2012 13/02/2013 30/03/2013/
newspapers Lconomlc 1lmes, 1lmes
of lndla, 8uslness Llne,
8uslness SLandard,
Lconomlc 1lmes, 1lmes
of lndla, PlndusLan
1lmes, MlnL, llnanclal
Lconomlc 1lmes, 1lmes of
lndla, 8uslness Llne, llnanclal
Lxpress, 8uslness SLandard,
Lconomlc 1lmes, 1lmes
of lndla, PlndusLan
1lmes, MlnL, llnanclal
Lxpress, 1elegraph
Plndl uaLe of ubllcauon 28/07/2012 03/11/2012 13/02/2013 30/03/2013
newspapers 8uslness SLandard,
nauonal uunla
nauonal uunla, !ansaua 8uslness SLandard, !ansaua PlndusLan, !ansaua
1hese 8esulLs are also dlsplayed aL Company's webslLe
ear 1ota| a|d-up Cap|ta| as on 31st
March of the ear (` |n Crore)
1ota| Amount of D|v|dend a|d
for the I|nanc|a| ear (` |n Crore)
Date of AGM |n wh|ch
d|v|dend was dec|ared
Date of ayment of I|na|
2007-08 4208.84 303.08 18.09.2008 03.10.2008
2008-09 4208.84 303.08 09.09.2009 29.09.2009
2009-10 4208.84 631.34 24.09.2010 19.10.2010
2010-11 4629.73 810.23 19.09.2011 07.10.2011
2011-12 4629.73 976.87 19.09.2012 08.10.2012
2012-13 4629.73 743.39* 12.02.2013** 04.03.2013#
n|gh (`) Low (`) Sum of 1urnover |n Lac (`) dur|ng the Month
Aprll, 2012 113.33 107.23 32823.1
May, 2012 111.83 100.1 43062.3
!une, 2012 114.6 102.1 72179.31
!uly, 2012 120.7 108.33 61808.3
AugusL, 2012 123 116.2 63947.39
SepLember, 2012 124.7 113.6 87140.76
CcLober, 2012 121 93.2 76782.29
november, 2012 122.43 113.3 78190.44
uecember, 2012 121.23 112.3 64230.1
!anuary, 2013 116.93 109.6 111776.2
lebruary, 2013 113.33 102.03 104920.9
March, 2013 110.73 100.83 37829.18
Nanona| Stock Lxchange of Ind|a L|m|ted
Lxchange laza, loL no. C/1, C 8lock,
8andra-kurla Complex,
8andra (L), Mumbal - 400 031.
BSE Limited
hlroze!ee[eebhoy 1owers,
ualal SLreeL,
Mumbal - 400 001
Scr|p Code : CWLkGkID L Scr|p Code: S32898
Stock Code: ISIN - INL7S2L01010
v) D|v|dend n|story
*AmounL of lnLerlm ulvldend
** uaLe of 8oard Meeungdeclarlng lnLerlm ulvldend
# uaLe of aymenL of lnLerlm ulvldend
v|) L|snng on Stock Lxchange
CWL8C8lu equlLy shares are llsLed on Lhe followlng SLock Lxchanges:
v||) CWLkGkID's Shares Market r|ce Data - NSL
n|gh (`) Low (`) Sum of 1urnover |n Lac (`) dur|ng the Month
Aprll, 2012 113.23 107 4392.22
May, 2012 112 100.1 4820.96
!une, 2012 114.23 102.03 4061.47
!uly, 2012 120.3 108.6 6266.90
AugusL, 2012 122.8 116.1 6934.03
SepLember, 2012 124.43 113.23 6039.80
CcLober, 2012 121 112.8 3620.38
november, 2012 122.43 113.73 3117.73
uecember, 2012 121.03 112.3 4877.29
!anuary, 2013 116.93 110 3233.27
lebruary, 2013 116 102.23 18696.82
March, 2013 110.73 101.2 3021.83
v|||) CWLkGkID's Shares Market r|ce Data - 8SL
|x) erformance |n compar|son to |nd|ces NSL NII1, 8SL Sensex and CWLkGkID
April May June July August September October NovemberDecember January February March
Financial Year 201213
POWERGRID's Shares Market Price Data BSE
High Low



Category No. of Cases of Cases Amount of Amount
1-3000 823673 92.97 1317736080.00 2.83
3001- 10000 46337 3.26 314921790.00 0.68
10001- 20000 9204 1.04 131884310.00 0.28
20001- 30000 2204 0.23 34933130.00 0.12
30001- 40000 938 0.11 34227780.00 0.07
40001- 30000 733 0.08 33018330.00 0.08
30001- 100000 1143 0.13 81977480.00 0.18
100001& Above 1418 0.16 44326332410.00 93.74
1ota|: 88S910 100.00 462972S3S30.00 100.00
x) keg|strar and 1ransfer Agents.
karvy CompuLershare vL. LLd. MCS LlmlLed,
loL no.: 17 Lo 24, vlualrao nagar, l-63, Ckhla lndusLrlal Area,
Madhapur, Pyderabad - 300 081 hase-l, new uelhl- 110 020.
h: 040-44633000 h: 011-41406148/49/31
lax:- 040-23420814 1elefax.: 011-41406148
L-mall: elnward.rls[ L-mall : admln[
x|) Share 1ransfer System
Lnure share Lransfer acuvlues under physlcal segmenL are belng carrled ouL by karvy CompuLershare rlvaLe LlmlLed. 1he share
Lransfer sysLem conslsLs of acuvlues llke recelpL of shares along wlLh Lransfer deed from Lransferees, lLs verlcauon, preparauon of
Memorandum of 1ransfer, eLc. Share Lransfers are approved by Commluee of Lhe 8oard for AlloLmenL and osL AlloLmenL acuvlues of
CWL8C8lu's Securlues.
ursuanL Lo clause 47(c) of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL wlLh SLock Lxchange, cerucaLe on half-yearly basls conrmlng due compllance
of shares Lransfer formallues by Lhe Company from racuclng Company SecreLary have been submlued Lo SLock Lxchanges wlLhln
supulaLed ume.
x||) Shareho|d|ng as on 31
March, 2013
Shares held by dlerenL caLegorles of shareholders and accordlng Lo Lhe slze of Lhe holdlngs as on 31
March, 2013 are glven below:
Accord|ng to S|ze
a. D|str|bunon of shareho|d|ng accord|ng to s|ze, of ho|d|ng as on 31
March, 2013:
S|. No. Category 1ota| Shares 1o Lqu|ty
1 8LSluLn1 Cl lnulA 3214024212 69.42
2 8CMC1L8S 0 0.00
3 lnulAn u8LlC 191209474 4.13
4 llls 632343309 14.09
3 8CulLS CC8C8A1L 191313318 4.14
6 Mu1uAL lunuS 110303277 2.38
7 8AnkS & ll 230086992 3.40
8 n8l/CC8s 3339084 0.08
9 C1PL8S 16679487 0.36
1ota| 462972S3S3 100
b. Shareho|d|ng pauern as on 31
March, 2013
S. No. Name of the shareho|der Shares Lqu|ty Category
1 8LSluLn1 Cl lnulA 3112734412 67.23 Cl
2 Lu8CAClllC C8CW1P lunu 162690336 3.31 lll
3 LllL lnSu8AnCL CC8C8A1lCn Cl lnulA 140760197 3.04 lnS
4 8LSluLn1 Cl lnulA 101269800 2.19 Cl
3 lClCl 8uuLn1lAL LllL lnSu8AnCL CCMAn? L1u 90093327 1.93 L1u
6 AML8lCAn lunuS lnSu8AnCL SL8lLS
61631640 1.33
S. No Number of no|ders Number of Shares of tota| cap|ta| |ssued
1 hyslcal 14213 44738 0.00
2 Peld ln demaLerlallzed form ln nSuL 613737 4373112073 98.78
3 Peld ln demaLerlallzed form ln CuSL 237938 36368340 1.22
1ota| 88S910 462972S3S3 100.00
c. Ma[or Shareho|ders
ueLalls of Shareholders holdlng more Lhan 1 of Lhe pald-up caplLal of Lhe Company as on 31
March, 2013 are glven below:
x|||) Demater|a||zanon of Shares
1he shares of Lhe Company are ln compulsory demaLerlallzed segmenL and are avallable for Lradlng sysLem of boLh nauonal Securlues
ueposlLory LlmlLed (nSuL) and CenLral ueposlLory Servlces (lndla) LlmlLed (CuSL).
SecreLarlal Palf-yearly AudlL 8eporLs for reconclllauon of Lhe share caplLal of Lhe Company obLalned from racuclng Company SecreLary
have been submlued Lo SLock Lxchange wlLhln supulaLed ume.
No. of shares he|d |n demater|a||zed and phys|ca| mode:
of 1ota| Cap|ta| |ssued:
1e|ephone No. Iax No.
8eglsLered Cmce 011-26360112, 26360121, 26364812, 26364892 011-26601081
lnvesLor Servlces ueparLmenL 0124-2371897 0124-2371897
L-mall lu lnvesLors[
ubllc Spokesperson (w.e.f. 21.03.2012)
Shrl 8avl . Slngh, ulrecLor (ersonnel)
0124-2371901-02 0124-2371903
L-mall lu ravlpslngh[
Company SecreLary, Ms. ulvya1andon 0124-2371968 0124-2371969
L-mall lu dLandon[
1he name and addresses of Lhe ueposlLorles are as under:
1. nauonal Securlues ueposlLory LlmlLed
1rade World, 4
kamala Mllls Compound, SenapaLhl 8apaL Marg,
Lower arel, Mumbal - 400 013.
2. CenLral ueposlLory Servlces (lndla) LlmlLed
hlroze!ee[eebhoy 1owers,
lloor, ualal SLreeL, Mumbal - 400 023.
x|v) Cutstand|ng GDks]ADks]Warrants or any Convernb|e |nstruments, convers|on date and ||ke|y |mpact on equ|ty
no Cu8s/Au8s/WarranLs or any Converuble lnsLrumenLs have been lssued by Lhe Company.
xv) Locanon of CWLkGkID |ants
CWL8C8lu has no planLs as lL ls ln Lhe buslness of 1ransmlsslon of ower.
xv|) Address for correspondence:
ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed,
8-9, CuLab lnsuLuuonal Area,
kaLwarla Saral, new uelhl - 110 016.
D|spatch of Documents |n e|ectron|c form (GkLLN INI1IA1IVL)
1he MCA vlde Clrculars nos. 17/2011 and 18/2011 daLed Aprll 21, 2011 respecuvely (Lhe sald clrculars), has clarled LhaL a company would
be deemed Lo have complled wlLh Lhe provlslons of secuon 33 and 219(1) of Lhe companles acL,1936, ln case documenLs llke nouce, annual
reporLs, eLc., are senL ln elecLronlc form Lo lLs shareholders, sub[ecL Lo compllance wlLh Lhe condluons sLaLed Lhereln.
lurLher, ln Lerms of clause 32 of Lhe llsung agreemenLs, whlch was amended vlde Clrcular no. Cl8/Clu/ulL/2011 daLed CcLober 3, 2011
lssued by SL8l, llsLed companles are requlred Lo supply so coples of Lhe sald documenLs Lo all Lhe shareholders who have reglsLered Lhelr
emall address (es) for Lhe purpose.
Accordlngly, Lhe sald documenLs wlll be senL by e-mall Lo Lhose members who have reglsLered Lhelr e-mall address (es) wlLh Lhelr u/Lhe
company, ln Lerms of Lhe sald clause
Non-Mandatory kequ|rements
1. 1he 8oard: 1he Company ls headed by an execuuve Chalrman. no person has been appolnLed as lndependenL dlrecLor who has been
a ulrecLor, ln Lhe aggregaLe, exceedlng a perlod of nlne years on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu.
2. kemuneranon Comm|uee: CWL8C8lu consuLuLed 8emunerauon Commluee for decldlng Lhe performance relaLed pay ln Lerms of
Lhe uL dlrecuve. 1he performance relaLed pay of CWL8C8lu employees and full ume ulrecLors ls declded by Lhe 8emunerauon
3. Shareho|der k|ghts: 1he nanclal resulLs for Lhe half year ended 30
SepLember, 2012 were publlshed ln 1lmes of lndla and Lconomlcs
1lmes daLed 2
november, 2012 and also puL up on webslLe. SeparaLe half year reporL has, however, noL been senL Lo each household
of shareholders. SlgnlcanL evenLs have been dlsclosed on Lhe Company webslLe:
4. Aud|t qua||hcanons: 1he nanclal sLaLemenL for Lhe year 2012-13 has no audlL quallcauons.
S. 1ra|n|ng of 8oard Members: A presenLauon onoperauons of Lhe Company and varlous lssues were glven Lo Lhe ulrecLors, lncludlng:
Cvervlew of CWL8C8lu
Commerclal lssues
CapaclLy uullzauon vls-a-vls1ransmlsslon neLwork
8egulaLory lnslghL
Crld ManagemenL
1echnology lnluauves
Long 1erm Cpen Access
lnLernauonal 8uslness
CLher noucauons lssued by Lhe CovL. of lndla from ume Lo ume, eLc.
6. Wh|st|e 8|ower o||cy: 1he Company has separaLe vlgllance ueparLmenL whlch deals wlLh fraud or suspecLed fraud lnvolvlng employees/
represenLauves of suppllers, conLracLors, consulLanLs, servlce provlder or any oLher parLy dolng buslness wlLh CWL8C8lu. WhlsLle
8lower ollcy has been approved by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors and lmplemenLed ln !uly, 2011.
Cernhcate on Corporate Governance:
1he CerucaLe on CorporaLe Covernance ls belng publlshed as an annexure Lo Lhe ulrecLors' 8eporL.

lor and on behalf of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors
lace: new uelhl (k. N. Nayak)
uaLe: 06.08.2013 Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
1o 2S.07.2013
1he Members,
ower Gr|d Corporanon of Ind|a L|m|ted
l have examlned Lhe compllance of condluons of corporaLe governance by ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed, for Lhe year ended
on 31
March, 2013 as supulaLed ln Lhe Clause 49 of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL ln respecL of LqulLy Shares of Lhe sald Company wlLh SLock
Lxchanges and ln uL Culdellnes,
1he compllance of condluons of corporaLe governance ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe managemenL. My examlnauon was llmlLed Lo Lhe
procedures and lmplemenLauon Lhereof, adopLed by Lhe Company for ensurlng Lhe compllance of Lhe condluons of Lhe CorporaLe
Covernance. lL ls nelLher an audlL nor an expresslon of oplnlon on Lhe nanclal sLaLemenL of Lhe Company.

ln my oplnlon and Lo Lhe besL of my lnformauon and accordlng Lo Lhe explanauon glven Lo us, l cerufy LhaL excepL Lhe composluon of Lhe
8oard of ulrecLor, parucularly wlLh regard Lo Lhe number of lndependenL dlrecLors Lhe company has ls shorL of Lhe requlremenLs spelL
ouL ln clause 49 of Lhe Llsung AgreemenL wlLh Lhe sLock exchanges as lndlcaLed ln paragraph 2.2 of 8eporL on CorporaLe Covernance, Lhe
Company has complled wlLh Lhe condluons of CorporaLe Covernance as supulaLed ln Lhe Llsung AgreemenL and ln uL Culdellnes.

l furLher sLaLe LhaL such compllance ls nelLher an assurance as Lo Lhe fuLure vlablllLy of Lhe Company nor Lhe emclency or eecuveness
wlLh whlch Lhe managemenL has conducLed Lhe aalrs of Lhe Company.
Cernhcate on Corporate Governance
Annexure - VII to the D|rectors' keport
Secretar|a| Aud|t keport
1he 8oard of D|rectors
ower Gr|d Corporanon of Ind|a L|m|ted
New De|h|
We have examlned Lhe reglsLers, records and documenLs of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed (herelnaer referred Lo as Lhe
Company") for Lhe nanclal year ended on March 31, 2013 accordlng Lo Lhe provlslons of-
1he Companles AcL, 1936 (Lhe AcL") and Lhe 8ules made Lhereunder,
1he followlng 8egulauons and Culdellnes prescrlbed under Lhe Securlues and Lxchange 8oard of lndla AcL, 1992 ('SL8l AcL')
- 1he Securlues and Lxchange 8oard of lndla (SubsLanual Acqulsluon of Shares and 1akeovers) 8egulauons 2011,
- 1he Securlues and Lxchange 8oard of lndla (rohlbluon of lnslder 1radlng) 8egulauons, 1992,
- 1he Securlues and Lxchange 8oard of lndla (lssue of CaplLal and ulsclosure 8equlremenLs) 8egulauons, 2009,
- 1he LqulLy Llsung AgreemenLs wlLh 8SL LlmlLed and nauonal SLock Lxchange of lndla LlmlLed.
- 1he regulauons as conLalned ln lorelgn Lxchange ManagemenL (1ransfer or lssue of SecurlLy by a person resldenL ouLslde lndla)
8egulauons, 2000 (lLMA 8egulauons).
1. 8ased on our examlnauon and verlcauon of Lhe reglsLers, records and documenLs produced before us and accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon
and explanauons glven Lo us by Lhe Company, lLs omcers, agenLs and auLhorlzed represenLauves durlng Lhe conducL of secreLarlal audlL,
we hereby reporL LhaL ln our oplnlon, Lhe Company durlng Lhe audlL perlod coverlng Lhe nanclal year ended on 2012-13 has complled
wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe AcL and Lhe 8ules made Lhereunder and Lhe Memorandum and Arucles of Assoclauon of Lhe Company, wlLh
regard Lo:
l. malnLenance of varlous sLaLuLory reglsLers and documenLs and maklng necessary enLrles Lhereln,
ll. closure of Lhe 8eglsLer of Members,
lll. forms, reLurns, documenLs and resoluuons requlred Lo be led wlLh Lhe 8eglsLrar of Companles, nC1 of uelhl & Paryana, SLock
Lxchanges and Lhe CenLral CovernmenL.
lv. servlce of documenLs by Lhe Company on lLs Members, 8ond holders and 8ond 1rusLees,
v. nouce of Lhe 8oard Meeungs and Commluee meeungs of ulrecLors,
vl. Lhe meeungs of ulrecLors and Commluees of ulrecLors lncludlng passlng of resoluuons by clrculauon,
vll. Lhe 23
Annual Ceneral Meeung held on SepLember 19
, 2012,
vlll. mlnuLes of proceedlngs of Ceneral Meeungs (lncludlng osLal 8alloL under Secuon 192A of Lhe AcL Lhereof) and of 8oard and lLs
lx. approvals of Lhe Members, Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, Lhe Commluees of ulrecLors and CovernmenL AuLhorlues, wherever
x. consuLuuon of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors / Commluee(s) of ulrecLors and appolnLmenL & reuremenL of ulrecLors,
xl. paymenL of remunerauon Lo Lhe ulrecLors lncludlng Lhe Managlng ulrecLor and Whole- ume ulrecLors,
xll. appolnLmenL and remunerauon of AudlLors and CosL AudlLors,
xlll. paymenL of lnLeresL on bonds and redempuon of bonds,
xlv. declarauon and paymenL of dlvldend,
xv. borrowlngs and reglsLrauon of charges,
xvl. lnvesLmenL of Lhe Company's funds lncludlng loans and lnvesLmenLs,
xvll. form of 8alance SheeL as prescrlbed under arL l of 8evlsed Schedule vl Lo Lhe AcL and requlremenLs as Lo SLaLemenL of roL &
Loss as per arL ll of Lhe sald Schedule,
xvlll. conLracLs, common seal, reglsLered omce and publlcauon of name of Lhe Company,
2. We furLher reporL LhaL:
l. 1he ulrecLors have complled wlLh Lhe requlremenLs as Lo dlsclosure of lnLeresLs and concerns ln conLracLs and arrangemenLs,
shareholdlngs and dlrecLorshlps ln oLher companles and lnLeresLs ln oLher enuues,
ll. 1he ulrecLors have complled wlLh Lhe dlsclosure requlremenLs ln respecL of Lhelr ellglblllLy of appolnLmenL, Lhelr belng lndependenL
and compllance wlLh Lhe code of 8uslness ConducL & LLhlcs for ulrecLors and ManagemenL ersonnel.
lll. 1he Company has obLalned all necessary approvals under Lhe varlous provlslons of Lhe AcL, wherever appllcable,
Annexure - VIII to the D|rectors' keport

lv. uurlng Lhe perlod of AudlL, Lhere was no prosecuuon lnluaLed agalnsL or show cause nouce recelved by Lhe Company, lLs ulrecLors
and Cmces under Lhe provlslons of Lhe AcL, SL8l AcL, lLMA 8egulauons and Llsung AgreemenL(s).
3. We furLher reporL LhaL :
l. 1he Company has complled wlLh Lhe requlremenLs under Lhe LqulLy Llsung AgreemenLs enLered lnLo wlLh Lhe 8SL LlmlLed and
Lhe nauonal SLock Lxchange of lndla LlmlLed excepL LhaL for parL of Lhe perlod under revlew Lhe Company dldn'L have requlred
number of lndependenL dlrecLors on lLs 8oard ln Lerms of provlslons of Clause 49(l)(A) of Llsung AgreemenL, as Lhe CovernmenL
of lndla Crder's for appolnLmenL of lndependenL dlrecLors was awalLed.
ll. 1he Company has complled wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe Securlues and Lxchange 8oard of lndla (SubsLanual Acqulsluon of Shares
and 1akeovers) 8egulauons, 2011.
lll. 1he Company has complled wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe Securlues and Lxchange 8oard of lndla (rohlbluon of lnslder 1radlng)
8egulauons, 1992 lncludlng Lhe provlslons wlLh regard Lo dlsclosures and malnLenance of records requlred under Lhe
lv. 1he Company has complled wlLh Lhe provlslons of lorelgn Lxchange ManagemenL (1ransfer or lssue of SecurlLy by a person
resldenL ouLslde lndla) 8egulauons, 2000.
lCS no.4223
C.. no. 3830
uaLe: !uly 16, 2013
lace: new uelhl


Shareho|ders' funds
(a) Share caplLal 2.1 4629.73 4629.73
(b) 8eserves and surplus 2.2 21609.74 18838.03
26239.47 23487.78
Deferred revenue 2.3 3717.60 2776.27
Non-current ||ab|||nes
(a) Long-Lerm borrowlngs 2.4 63076.27 49119.19
(b) ueferred Lax llablllues (neL) 2.3 1939.16 1600.88
(c) CLher long Lerm llablllues 2.6 989.93 1431.73
(d) Long-Lerm provlslons 2.7 442.63 421.49
66467.99 32373.29
Current ||ab|||nes
(a) ShorL-Lerm borrowlngs 2.8 2000.00 1630.00
(b) 1rade payables 2.9 246.73 200.78
(c) CLher currenL llablllues 2.10 11693.46 8463.36
(d) ShorL-Lerm provlslons 2.11 768.31 1036.67
14708.S0 11371.01
1ota| 111133.S6 90208.33
non-currenL asseLs
(a) llxed asseLs
(l) 1anglble asseLs 2.12 60877.69 47339.78
(ll) lnLanglble asseLs 2.13 322.93 322.32
(lll) CaplLal work ln progress 2.14 18921.30 13499.89
(lv) lnLanglble asseLs under developmenL 2.13 193.62 73.61
80S1S.S6 63233.80
(b) ConsLrucuon sLores 2.16 1S708.62 12610.04
(c) non-currenL lnvesLmenLs 2.17 964.24 1101.19
(d) ueferred forelgn currency ucLuauon asseL 1716.29 1316.67
(e) Long-Lerm loans and advances 2.18 3963.40 3614.76
8643.93 8032.62
Current assets
(a) CurrenL lnvesLmenLs 2.19 183.26 183.26
(b) lnvenLorles 2.20 331.33 440.31
(c) 1rade recelvables 2.21 1434.09 1497.49
(d) Cash and 8ank balances 2.22 1661.97 2336.88
(e) ShorL-Lerm loans and advances 2.23 393.03 423.96
(f) CLher currenL asseLs 2.24 1839.37 1443.99
626S.4S 6329.89
1ota| 111133.S6 90208.33
Accounung ollcles 1
noLes on AccounLs 2
noLes referred above are lnLegral parL of Lhe 8alance SheeL
(D|vya 1andon) (k.1. Agarwa|) ( k. N. Nayak)
Company secreLary ulrecLor (llnance) Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
As per our report of even date
Ior S.k. Mehta & Co. Ior Chauer[ee & Co. Ior Sagar & Assoc|ates
CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8egn no. 000478 n llrm 8egn no. 302114 L llrm 8egn no. 003310 S
(CA. Iyon 8agga) ( CA. k.N.8asu) (CA. 8.Sr|n|vasa kao)
arLner arLner arLner
Membershlp no. 087002 Membershlp no. 030430 Membershlp no. 202332
lace: Curgaon
May, 2013
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
8a|ance Sheet as at 31
March, 2013
(` ln Crore)
Note No.
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2012
(D|vya 1andon) (k.1. Agarwa|) ( k. N. Nayak)
Company secreLary ulrecLor (llnance) Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
As per our report of even date
Ior S.k. Mehta & Co. Ior Chauer[ee & Co. Ior Sagar & Assoc|ates
CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8egn no. 000478 n llrm 8egn no. 302114 L llrm 8egn no. 003310 S
(CA. Iyon 8agga) ( CA. k.N.8asu) (CA. 8.Sr|n|vasa kao)
arLner arLner arLner
Membershlp no. 087002 Membershlp no. 030430 Membershlp no. 202332
lace: Curgaon
May, 2013
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
I. kevenue from operanons 2.23 127S7.8S 10164.27
II. Cther |ncome 2.26 S70.89 620.74
III. 1ota| kevenue (I + II) 13328.74 10783.01
IV. Lxpenses:
urchases of sLock-ln-Lrade 63.S0 -
Lmployee beneLs expense 2.27 886.40 842.97
llnance cosLs 2.28 2S3S.22 1943.26
uepreclauon and amoruzauon expense 2.29 33S1.92 2372.34
1ransmlsslon, AdmlnlsLrauon and oLher Lxpenses 2.30 871.S4 809.98
1oLal expenses 7708.S8 6168.73
V. roht before r|or per|od |tems and tax (III - IV) S620.16 4616.26
VI. r|or per|od |tems (Net) 2.31 (24.70) 18.66
VII. roht before tax (V - VI) S644.86 4397.60
VIII. 1ax expense:
(1) CurrenL Lax - CurrenL ?ear 1071.30 891.10
- Larller years (19.42) (2.39)
1032.08 888.31
(2) ueferred Lax - CurrenL ?ear 341.80 434.14
- Larller years 16.48 -
338.28 434.14
1410.36 1342.63
Ik. roht for the year (VII-VIII) 4234.S0 3234.93
k. Larn|ngs per equ|ty share: 2.46
(1) 8aslc 9.1S 7.03
(2) ulluLed 9.1S 7.03
Accounung ollcles 1
noLes on AccounLs 2
noLes referred above are lnLegral parL of Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss.
(` ln Crore)
Statement of roht and Loss for the year ended 31
March, 2013
Note No.
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
Net roht 8efore 1ax S644.86 4397.60
Ad[ustment for :
uepreclauon (lncludlng prlor perlod) 3379.69 2610.29
1ransfer from CranLs ln Ald (22.29) (31.99)
ueferred revenue - Advance agalnsL uepreclauon (48.82) (32.29)
Amorused LxpendlLure(u8L wrluen o) - 2.41
rovlslons 2.7S 2.30
1ransfer from Self lnsurance 8eserve (0.3S) (0.81)
neL Loss on ulsposal / WrlLe o of llxed AsseLs 6.38 1.21
lnLeresL and llnance Charges 2609.14 1838.83
rovlslons Wrluen 8ack (S9.24) (40.79)
lL8v loss / (galn) (73.92) 84.43
lnLeresL earned on 8onds and loans Lo SLaLe CovLs. (262.46) (81.76)
ulvldend recelved (60.68) (34.18)
Cperanng proht before Work|ng Cap|ta| Changes 1111S.06 8913.23
Ad[ustment for :
(lncrease)/uecrease ln lnvenLorles (111.21) (38.80)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln 1rade 8ecelvables 120.82 (1201.33)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln Loans and Advances (411.S7) (1679.43)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln CLher currenL asseLs (412.19) 1390.83
lncrease/(uecrease) ln Llablllues & rovlslons 1802.23 (284.70)
lncrease/(uecrease) ln ueferred lncome/LxpendlLure from lorelgn Currency llucLuauon(neL) (120.48) (43.11)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln ueferred lorelgn Currency llucLuauon AsseL/LlablllLy(neL) 13S.33 127.63
1002.93 (1330.91)
ulrecL Laxes pald (1071.9S) (961.81)
Net Cash from operanng acnv|nes 11046.04 6402.33

llxed asseLs (lncludlng lncldenLal expendlLure durlng consLrucuon) (440.23) (663.88)
CaplLal work ln progress (18611.99) (13861.17)
ConsLrucuon SLores (3098.S8) (1860.79)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln lnvesLmenLs 136.9S 113.90
(lncrease)/uecrease ln Long 1erm Loans under Securlusauon Scheme 7.72 13.42
Loans & Advances Lo Subsldlarles - 97.20
Lease recelvables (46.32) 183.26
lnLeresL earned on 8onds and loans Lo SLaLe CovLs. 281.07 89.33
ulvldend recelved 60.68 34.18
Net cash used |n |nvesnng acnv|nes (21710.70) (13834.33)

Cash I|ow Statement for the year ended 31
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
Loans ralsed durlng Lhe year 18042.83 14363.03
Loans repald durlng Lhe year (4248.08) (3666.93)
lnLeresL and llnance Charges ald (223S.S9) (1304.94)
ulvldend pald (13S1.89) (949.11)
ulvldend 1ax pald (217.S2) (133.43)
Net Cash from I|nanc|ng Acnv|nes 9989.7S 8088.62

D. Net change |n Cash and Cash equ|va|ents(A+8+C) (674.91) (1343.18)
L. Cash and Cash equ|va|ents(Cpen|ng ba|ance) 2336.88 3680.06
I. Cash and Cash equ|va|ents(C|os|ng ba|ance) 1661.97 2336.88
Cash and cash equlvalenLs conslsLs of Cash ln hand and balances wlLh banks. Cash and cash equlvalenLs lncluded ln Lhe cash ow sLaLemenL
comprlse of followlng balance sheeL amounLs as per noLe 2.22.
Cash and cash equlvalenLs 1,6S3.S1 1,830.93
CLher 8ank balances (*) 8.46 303.93
1,661.97 2,336.88
(*) 8reak up of CLher 8ank balances
1. 8alance ln currenL accounLs (unclalmed dlvldend) 8.46 3.93
2. ln Lerm deposlLs (lC proceeds for uullsauon for ldenued pro[ecLs) - 300.00
8.46 S0S.93
rev|ous year hgures have been re-grouped ] re-arranged wherever necessary.
Cash I|ow Statement for the year ended 31
March, 2013 (contd...)
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
(D|vya 1andon) (k.1. Agarwa|) ( k. N. Nayak)
Company secreLary ulrecLor (llnance) Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
As per our report of even date
Ior S.k. Mehta & Co. Ior Chauer[ee & Co. Ior Sagar & Assoc|ates
CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8egn no. 000478 n llrm 8egn no. 302114 L llrm 8egn no. 003310 S
(CA. Iyon 8agga) ( CA. k.N.8asu) (CA. 8.Sr|n|vasa kao)
arLner arLner arLner
Membershlp no. 087002 Membershlp no. 030430 Membershlp no. 202332
lace: Curgaon
May, 2013
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
1he nanclal sLaLemenLs are prepared on accrual basls of accounung under Lhe hlsLorlcal cosL convenuon and ln accordance wlLh
generally accepLed accounung prlnclples ln lndla and Lhe relevanL provlslons of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 lncludlng Accounung
SLandards noued Lhere under.
1he preparauon of nanclal sLaLemenLs requlres esumaLes and assumpuons LhaL aecL Lhe reporLed amounL of asseLs, llablllues,
revenue and expenses durlng Lhe reporung perlod. AlLhough, such esumaLes and assumpuons are made on a reasonable and
prudenL basls Laklng lnLo accounL all avallable lnformauon, acLual resulLs could dler from Lhese esumaLes and assumpuons and
such dlerences are recognlzed ln Lhe perlod ln whlch Lhe resulLs are crysLalllzed.
Self lnsurance reserve ls creaLed [ 0.1 p.a. on Cross 8lock of llxed AsseLs (excepL asseLs covered under mega lnsurance pollcy)
as aL Lhe end of Lhe year by approprlaung currenL year proL Lowards fuLure losses whlch may arlse from un-lnsured rlsks. 1he
same ls shown as Self lnsurance reserve" under '8eserves & Surplus'.
1.4.1 CranLs-ln-ald recelved from CenLral CovernmenL or oLher auLhorlues Lowards caplLal expendlLure for pro[ecLs, beuermenL of
Lransmlsslon sysLems and speclc depreclable asseLs are shown as granLs-ln-ald" ull Lhe uullzauon of granL.
1.4.2 Cn caplLallzauon of relaLed asseLs, granLs recelved for speclc depreclable asseLs are LreaLed as deferred lncome and recognlzed
ln Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss over Lhe useful llfe of relaLed asseL and ln proporuon Lo whlch depreclauon on Lhese asseLs ls
1.3.1 llxed asseLs are shown aL hlsLorlcal cosL comprlslng of purchase prlce and any aurlbuLable cosL of brlnglng Lhe asseLs Lo lLs
worklng condluon for lLs lnLended use.
1.3.2 ln Lhe case of commlssloned asseLs, deposlL works/cosL- plus conLracLs where nal seulemenL of bllls wlLh conLracLors ls yeL Lo be
aecLed, caplLallzauon ls done on provlslonal basls sub[ecL Lo necessary ad[usLmenLs ln Lhe year of nal seulemenL.
1.3.3 AsseLs and sysLems common Lo more Lhan one Lransmlsslon sysLem are caplLallsed on Lhe basls of Lechnlcal esumaLes/
1.3.4 1ransmlsslon sysLem asseLs are consldered when Lhey are '8eady for lnLended use', for Lhe purpose of caplLallzauon, aer
LesL charglng/successful commlsslonlng of Lhe sysLems/asseLs and on compleuon of sLablllzauon perlod wherever Lechnlcally
1.3.3 1he cosL of land lncludes provlslonal deposlLs, paymenLs/llablllues Lowards compensauon, rehablllLauon and oLher expenses
wherever possesslon of land ls Laken.
1.3.6 LxpendlLure on levelllng, clearlng and gradlng of land ls caplLallsed as parL of cosL of Lhe relaLed bulldlngs.
1.3.7 lnsurance spares, whlch can be used only ln connecuon wlLh an lLem of xed asseL and whose use ls expecLed Lo be aL lrregular
lnLervals are caplLallzed and depreclaLed over Lhe resldual useful llfe of Lhe relaLed planL & machlnery. ln case Lhe year of purchase
and consumpuon ls same, amounL of lnsurance spares are charged Lo revenue.
1.3.8 MandaLory spares ln Lhe naLure of sub-sLauon equlpmenLs /caplLal spares l.e. sLand-by/servlce/roLauonal equlpmenL and unlL
assemblles elLher procured along wlLh Lhe equlpmenLs or subsequenLly, are caplLallzed and depreclauon ls charged ln accordance
wlLh Lhe relevanL accounung sLandard. ln case Lhe year of purchase & consumpuon ls same, amounL of mandaLory spares are
charged Lo revenue.
1.6 CAI1AL WCkk - IN - kCGkLSS (CWI)
1.6.1 CosL of maLerlal consumed, erecuon charges Lhereon along wlLh oLher relaLed expenses lncurred for Lhe pro[ecLs are shown as
CWl ull Lhe daLe of caplLallzauon.
1.6.2 LxpendlLure of CorporaLe omce, 8eglonal Cmces and ro[ecLs, aurlbuLable Lo consLrucuon of xed asseLs are ldenued and
allocaLed on a sysLemauc basls Lo Lhe cosL of Lhe relaLed asseLs.
1.6.3 lnLeresL durlng consLrucuon and expendlLure (neL) allocaLed Lo consLrucuon as per pollcy no. 1.6.2 above (allocaLed Lo Lhe
pro[ecLs on proraLe basls Lo Lhelr caplLal expendlLure), are apporuoned Lo caplLal work ln progress (CWl) on Lhe closlng balance
of speclc asseL or parL of asseL belng caplLallzed. 8alance, lf any, le aer such caplLallzauon ls kepL as a separaLe lLem under Lhe
CWl Schedule .
1.6.4 ueposlL works/cosL-plus conLracLs are accounLed for on Lhe basls of sLaLemenL recelved from Lhe conLracLors or Lechnlcal
assessmenL of work compleLed.
1.6.3 unseuled llablllLy for prlce varlauon/ exchange raLe varlauon ln case of conLracLs are accounLed for on esumaLed basls as per
Lerms of Lhe conLracLs.
1.7.1 1he cosL of soware (whlch ls noL an lnLegral parL of Lhe relaLed hardware) acqulred for lnLernal use and resulung ln slgnlcanL
fuLure economlc beneLs, ls recognlzed as an lnLanglble asseLs ln Lhe books of accounLs when Lhe same ls ready for lLs use.
1.7.2 AoresLauon charges pald for acqulrlng rlghL-of-way of laylng Lransmlsslon llnes are accounLed for as lnLanglble asseLs and
same are amoruzed followlng Lhe raLes and meLhodology noued by CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (CL8C) 1arl
NC1L 1 - Accounnng o||c|es
ConsLrucuon sLores are valued aL cosL.
1.9 8CkkCWING CCS1
1.9.1 All Lhe borrowed funds (excepL shorL Lerm funds for worklng caplLal) are earmarked Lo speclc pro[ecLs. 1he borrowlng cosLs
(lncludlng bond lssue expenses, lnLeresL, dlscounL on bonds, fronL end fee, guaranLee fee, managemenL fee eLc.) are allocaLed Lo
Lhe pro[ecLs ln proporuon Lo Lhe funds so earmarked.
1.9.2 1he borrowlng cosLs so allocaLed are caplLallsed or charged Lo revenue, based on wheLher Lhe pro[ecL ls under consLrucuon or ln
1.10.1 1ransacuons ln forelgn currencles are lnlually recorded aL Lhe exchange raLe prevalllng on Lhe daLe of Lransacuon. lorelgn currency
moneLary lLems are LranslaLed wlLh reference Lo Lhe raLes of exchange rullng on Lhe daLe of Lhe 8alance SheeL. non-moneLary
lLems denomlnaLed ln forelgn currency are reporLed aL Lhe exchange raLe rullng on Lhe daLe of Lransacuon.
1.10.2 lorelgn Lxchange 8aLe varlauon (lL8v) arlslng on seulemenL / Lranslauon of forelgn currency loans relaung Lo xed asseLs/
caplLal work-ln-progress are ad[usLed Lo Lhe carrylng cosL of relaLed asseLs.
1.10.3 lL8v accounLed for as per pollcy no 1.10.2 ls recoverable/payable from Lhe beneclarles on acLual paymenL basls as per
CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (CL8C) norms w.e.f. 1
Aprll, 2004 or uaLe of Commerclal Cperauon (uCCC)
whlch ever ls laLer.
1he above lL8v Lo Lhe exLenL recoverable or payable as per Lhe CL8C norms ls accounLed for as follows:
a) lL8v recoverable/payable ad[usLed Lo carrylng cosL of xed asseLs ls accounLed for as 'ueferred forelgn currency ucLuauon
asseL/llablllLy a/c' wlLh a correspondlng credlL/deblL Lo 'ueferred lncome/expendlLure from forelgn currency ucLuauon a/c'.
b) 'ueferred lncome/expendlLure from forelgn currency ucLuauon a/c' ls amoruzed ln Lhe proporuon ln whlch depreclauon ls
charged on such lL8v.
c) 1he amounL recoverable/payable as per CL8C norms on year Lo year basls ls ad[usLed Lo Lhe 'ueferred forelgn currency
ucLuauon asseL/llablllLy a/c' wlLh correspondlng credlL/ deblL Lo Lhe Lrade recelvables.
1.10.4 lL8v earller charged Lo SLaLemenL of roL and Loss & lncluded ln Lhe caplLal cosL for Lhe purpose of Larl ls ad[usLed agalnsL
'ueferred forelgn currency ucLuauon asseL/llablllLy a/c' ln Lhe followlng manner:
l) uepreclauon componenL of Lransmlsslon charges (belng 90 of such lL8v) ls ad[usLed agalnsL ueferred forelgn currency
ucLuauon asseL/llablllLy a/c ln Lhe Lransmlsslon charges.
ll) 8alance 10 ls ad[usLed agalnsL Lhe Lransmlsslon charges over Lhe Lenure of respecuve loan.
1.10.3 lL8v arlslng ouL of seulemenL/Lranslauon of long Lerm moneLary lLems (oLher Lhan forelgn currency loans) relaung Lo xed
asseLs/CWl are ad[usLed ln Lhe carrylng cosL of relaLed asseLs.
1.10.6 lL8v arlslng durlng Lhe consLrucuon perlod from seulemenL/Lranslauon of moneLary lLems denomlnaLed ln forelgn currency (oLher
Lhan long Lerm) Lo Lhe exLenL recoverable/payable Lo Lhe beneclarles as caplLal cosL as per CL8C Larl 8egulauon are accounLed
as 'ueferred forelgn currency ucLuauon asseL/llablllLy a/c'. 1ransmlsslon charges recognlsed on such amounL ls ad[usLed agalnsL
above accounL.
1.10.7 CLher exchange dlerences are recognlzed as lncome or expenses ln Lhe perlod ln whlch Lhey arlse.
1.11.1 CurrenL lnvesLmenLs are valued aL lower of cosL and falr value deLermlned on an lndlvldual lnvesLmenL basls.
1.11.2 Long Lerm lnvesLmenLs are carrled aL cosL. rovlslon ls made for dlmlnuuon oLher Lhan Lemporary, ln Lhe value of such
1.12.1. lnvenLorles are valued aL lower of Lhe cosL, deLermlned on welghLed average basls and neL reallzable value.
1.12.2 SLeel scrap and conducLor scrap are valued aL esumaLed reallzable value or book value, whlchever ls less.
1.12.3 MandaLory spares of consumable naLure and Lransmlsslon llne lLems are LreaLed as lnvenLory aer commlsslonlng
of Lhe sysLem.
1.12.4 Surplus maLerlals as deLermlned by Lhe managemenL are held for lnLended use and are lncluded ln Lhe lnvenLory.
1.12.3 1he dlmlnuuon ln Lhe value of obsoleLe, unservlceable and surplus sLores and spares ls ascerLalned on revlew and
provlded for.
1.13.1 1ransmlsslon lncome ls accounLed for based on Larl orders noued by Lhe CL8C. ln case of Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs where nal
Larl orders are yeL Lo be noued, Lransmlsslon lncome ls accounLed for as per Larl norms and oLher amendmenLs noued
by Lhe CL8C ln slmllar cases. ulerence, lf any, ls ad[usLed based on lssuance of nal noucauon of Larl orders by Lhe CL8C.
1ransmlsslon lncome ln respecL of addluonal caplLal expendlLure lncurred aer Lhe daLe of commerclal operauon ls accounLed
based on acLual expendlLure lncurred on year Lo year basls as per Larl norms of Lhe CL8C.
1.13.2 lncome from shorL Lerm open access ls accounLed for on Lhe basls of regulauons noued by Lhe CL8C.
1.13.3 1he 1ransmlsslon sysLem lncenuve / dlslncenuve ls accounLed for based on cerucauon of avallablllLy by Lhe respecuve 8eglonal
ower Commluees and ln accordance wlLh Lhe norms noued / approved by Lhe CL8C.
1.13.4 ADVANCL AGAINS1 DLkLCIA1ICN Advance agalnsL depreclauon (AAu), formlng parL of Larl perLalnlng upLo Lhe block perlod 2004-09, Lo faclllLaLe repaymenL
of loans, ls reduced from Lransmlsslon lncome and consldered as deferred lncome Lo be lncluded ln Lransmlsslon lncome ln
subsequenL years. 1he ouLsLandlng deferred lncome ln respecL of AAu ls recognlzed as Lransmlsslon lncome, aer Lwelve years from Lhe end of Lhe
nanclal year ln whlch Lhe asseL was commlssloned, Lo Lhe exLenL depreclauon recovered ln Lhe Larl durlng Lhe year ls lower
Lhan depreclauon charged ln Lhe accounLs.
1.13.3 Surcharge recoverable from Lrade recelvables and llquldaLed damages / warranLy clalms / lnLeresL on advances Lo suppllers are
recognlzed when no slgnlcanL uncerLalnLy as Lo measurablllLy and collecLablllLy exlsLs.
1.13.6 1elecom lncome ls accounLed for on Lhe basls of Lerms of agreemenLs/ purchase orders from Lhe cusLomers.
1.13.7 lncome from sole consulLancy conLracLs are accounLed for on Lechnlcal assessmenL of progress of servlces rendered.
1.13.8 ln respecL of 'CosL-plus-consulLancy conLracLs', lnvolvlng execuuon on behalf of Lhe cllenL, lncome ls accounLed for (wherever
lnlual advances recelved) ln phased manner as under:
a. 10 on Lhe lssue of nouce lnvlung 1ender for execuuon
b. 3 on Lhe Award of ConLracLs for execuuon
c. 8alance 83 on Lhe basls of acLual progress of work lncludlng supplles
1.13.9 lncome from Sale of Coods ls recognlzed on Lhe Lransfer of slgnlcanL rlsks and reward of ownershlp Lo Lhe buyer.
1.13.10 Appllcauon lees recelved on accounL of Long 1erm Cpen Access (L1CA) Charges ls accounLed for as and when recelved ln
accordance wlLh CL8C Culdellnes.
1.13.11 Scrap oLher Lhan sLeel scrap & conducLor scrap are accounLed for as and when sold.
1.13.12 ulvldend lncome ls recognlzed when rlghL Lo recelve paymenL ls esLabllshed.
1.14.1 SLaLe secLor unled load dlspaLch cenLre (uLuC) asseLs leased Lo Lhe beneclarles are consldered as llnance Lease. neL lnvesLmenL
ln such leased asseLs along wlLh accreuon ln subsequenL years ls accounLed for as Lease 8ecelvables under long Lerm loans &
advances. Wherever granL-ln-ald ls recelved for consLrucuon of SLaLe SecLor uLuC, lease recelvable ls accounLed for neL of such
1.14.2 llnance lncome on leased asseLs are recognlsed based on a pauern reecung a consLanL perlodlc raLe of reLurn on Lhe neL
lnvesLmenL as per Lhe levelllsed Larl noued/Lo be noued by Lhe CL8C.
1.14.3 lL8v on forelgn currency loans relaung Lo leased asseLs ls ad[usLed Lo Lhe amounL of lease recelvables and ls amorused over
Lhe remalnlng Lenure of lease. lL8v recovery (as per CL8C norms) from Lhe consuLuenLs ls recognlsed neL of such amorused
1.13.1 uepreclauon / amoruzauon ls provlded on sLralghL llne meLhod followlng Lhe raLes and meLhodology noued by Lhe CL8C for Lhe
purpose of recovery of Larl excepL for Lhe followlng asseLs ln respecL of whlch depreclauon / amoruzauon ls provlded aL Lhe raLes
menuoned below:
a) CompuLers & erlpherals 30
b) Moblle hones 33.33
c) Soware 33.33
1.13. 2 uLuC asseLs are depreclaLed on SLralghL Llne MeLhod [ 6.67 per annum as deLermlned by Lhe CL8C for levelllzed Larl.
1.13. 3 uepreclauon on asseLs of Lelecom and consulLancy buslness, ls provlded for on sLralghL llne meLhod as per raLes specled ln
Schedule xlv of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
1.13.4 uepreclauon on addluons Lo/deducuons from xed asseLs durlng Lhe year ls charged on pro-raLa basls.
1.13.3 Where Lhe cosL of depreclable asseL has undergone a change due Lo lncrease/decrease ln long Lerm moneLary lLems on accounL
of exchange raLe ucLuauon, prlce ad[usLmenL, change ln duues or slmllar facLors, Lhe unamoruzed balance of such asseL ls
depreclaLed prospecuvely aL Lhe raLes and meLhodology as specled by Lhe CL8C 1arl 8egulauons, excepL for Lelecom asseLs
where resldual llfe ls deLermlned on Lhe basls of raLes of depreclauon as specled ln Schedule xlv of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
1.13.6 lanL and machlnery, loose Lools and lLems of sclenuc appllances, lncluded under dlerenL heads of asseLs, cosung ` 3000/- or
less, or where Lhe wrluen down value ls ` 3000/- or less as aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year, are charged o Lo revenue.
1.13.7 CLher xed asseLs cosung upLo ` 3000/- are fully depreclaLed ln Lhe year of acqulsluon.
1.13.8 Leasehold Land ls fully amoruzed over 23 years or lease perlod whlchever ls lower ln accordance wlLh Lhe raLes and meLhodology
specled ln Lhe CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (1erms and Condluons of 1arl) 8egulauons, 2009. Lease hold Land
acqulred on perpeLual lease ls noL amorused.
1.13.9 ln Lhe case of asseLs of nauonal Lhermal power corporauon llmlLed (n1C) , nauonal hydro-elecLrlc power corporauon llmlLed
(nPC), norLh-easLern elecLrlc power corporauon llmlLed (nLLCC), neyvell llgnlLe corporauon llmlLed (nLC) Lransferred w.e.f.
Aprll 1, 1992, !ammu and kashmlr Llnes w.e.f. Aprll 1, 1993, and 1ehrl hydro developmenL corporauon llmlLed (1PuC) w.e.f. AugusL
1, 1993, depreclauon ls charged based on gross block as lndlcaLed ln Lransferor's books wlLh necessary ad[usLmenLs so LhaL Lhe llfe
of Lhe asseLs as lald down ln Lhe CL8C noucauon for Larl ls malnLalned.
1.16 LkLNDI1UkL
1.16.1 re-pald/prlor-perlod expenses/lncome of lLems up Lo `100000/- are charged Lo naLural heads of accounL.
1.16.2 LxpendlLure of research and developmenL, oLher Lhan CaplLal LxpendlLure , are charged Lo revenue ln Lhe year of lncurrence.
1.16.3 CaplLal expendlLure on asseLs noL owned by Lhe company ls charged o Lo revenue as and when lncurred
Cash generaung unlLs as dened ln Accounung SLandard -28 on 'lmpalrmenL of AsseLs' are ldenued aL Lhe balance sheeL daLe
wlLh respecL Lo carrylng amounL vls-a-vls. recoverable amounL Lhereof and lmpalrmenL loss, lf any, ls recognlsed ln SLaLemenL of
proL & loss. lmpalrmenL loss, lf need Lo be reversed subsequenLly, ls accounLed for ln Lhe year of reversal.
1.18.1 Company conLrlbuuon pald/payable durlng Lhe year Lo dened penslon conLrlbuuon scheme and provldenL fund scheme ls
recognlzed ln Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss. 1he same ls pald Lo a fund admlnlsLered Lhrough a separaLe LrusL.
1.18.2 1he llablllLy for reuremenL beneLs of employees ln respecL of CraLulLy, ls ascerLalned annually on acLuarlal valuauon aL Lhe year
end, ls provlded and funded separaLely.
1.18.3 1he llablllues for compensaLed absences, leave encashmenL, posL reuremenL medlcal beneLs, seulemenL allowance & farewell
gl Lo employees are ascerLalned annually on acLuarlal valuauon aL Lhe year end and provlded for.
1.18.4 ShorL Lerm employee beneL are recognlzed aL Lhe undlscounLed amounL ln Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss ln Lhe year ln whlch
Lhe relaLed servlces are rendered.
1.18.3 AcLuarlal galns/losses are recognlzed lmmedlaLely ln Lhe SLaLemenL of roL & Loss.
A provlslon ls recognlzed when Lhe company has a presenL obllgauon as a resulL of pasL evenL and lL ls probable LhaL an ouulow
of resources wlll be requlred Lo seule Lhe obllgauon, ln respecL of whlch a rellable esumaLe can be made based on Lechnlcal
valuauon and pasL experlence. rovlslons are noL dlscounLed Lo lLs presenL value and are deLermlned based on managemenL
esumaLe requlred Lo seule Lhe obllgauon aL Lhe balance sheeL daLe. no provlslon ls recognlzed for llablllues whose fuLure ouLcome
cannoL be ascerLalned wlLh reasonable cerLalnues. Such conungenL llablllues are noL recognlzed buL are dlsclosed on Lhe basls of
[udgmenL of Lhe managemenL /lndependenL experL. 1hese are revlewed aL each balance sheeL daLe and ad[usLed Lo reecL Lhe
currenL managemenL esumaLe.
1.20 INCCML 1Ak
lncome 1ax comprlses of currenL and deferred Lax. CurrenL lncome Laxes are measured aL Lhe amounL expecLed Lo be pald Lo
Lhe lncome Lax auLhorlues ln accordance wlLh lncome 1ax AcL, 1961. ueferred Lax resulung from umlng dlerence beLween
accounung and Laxable proL ls accounLed for uslng Lhe Lax raLes and Lhe Lax laws enacLed or subsLanuvely enacLed aL Lhe balance
sheeL daLe. ueferred Lax asseLs are recognlzed only Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL Lhere ls reasonable cerLalnLy LhaL sumclenL fuLure Laxable
lncome wlll be avallable agalnsL whlch such deferred Lax asseLs can be reallzed.
Note 2.1 - Share cap|ta|
Note 2.2 - keserves and surp|us
As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
As at 31

No.of Shares Amount ( ` |n crore) No.of Shares Amount ( ` |n crore)
Ior the year ended 31
March, 2013 Ior the year ended 31
March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
Lqu|ty Share Cap|ta|
Author|sed Cap|ta|
10000000000 equlLy shares of ` 10/- each 10000.00 10000.00
Issued, Subscr|bed and pa|d up
4629723333 (revlous ?ear 4629723333) equlLy shares of ` 10/-each fully pald up 4629.73 4629.73
1ota| 4629.73 4629.73
Iurther Notes:
1) 8econclllauon of number and amounL of share caplLal ouLsLandlng aL Lhe beglnnlng and aL Lhe end of Lhe reporung perlod
Shares ouLsLandlng aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year 462972S3S3 4629.73 4629723333 4629.73
Shares lssued durlng Lhe year - - - -
Shares boughL back durlng Lhe year - - - -
Shares ouLsLandlng aL Lhe end of Lhe year 462972S3S3 4629.73 4629723333 4629.73
2) 1he holders of equlLy shares are enuLled Lo recelve dlvldends as declared from ume Lo ume and are enuLled Lo voung rlghLs
proporuonaLe Lo Lhelr shareholdlng aL meeungs of Lhe Company.
3) 1he CovernmenL of lndla holds 3214024212(revlous ?ear 3214024212) equlLy shares represenung 69.42 (revlous year 69.42)
of Lhe LoLal equlLy shares of Lhe Company and no oLher share holder of Lhe Company holds more Lhan 3 of Lhe equlLy shares ln Lhe
currenL year and ln Lhe preceedlng year.
Secur|nes rem|um keserve
As per lasL balance sheeL 4873.13 4873.13
Addluons durlng Lhe year - -
ueducuons durlng Lhe year - -
Closlng 8alance 487S.1S 4873.13

8onds kedempnon keserve
As per lasL balance sheeL 3224.03 2368.04
Addluons durlng Lhe year 1166.79 969.49
ueducuons durlng Lhe year 383.33 313.30
Closlng 8alance 400S.29 3224.03
Se|f Insurance keserve
1hrough appropr|anon
As per lasL balance sheeL 231.38 207.33
Addluons durlng Lhe year 32.84 43.83
ueducuons durlng Lhe year - -
Closlng 8alance 304.22 231.38
1hrough charge to roht
As per lasL balance sheeL 63.39 66.20
Addluons durlng Lhe year - -
ueducuons durlng Lhe year 0.33 0.81
Closlng 8alance 63.04 63.39
369.26 316.77
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
Note 2.2 - keserves and surp|us (Contd...)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty( CSk) Acnv|ty keserve
As per lasL balance sheeL - 13.22
Addluons durlng Lhe year 10.80 -
ueducuons/Ad[usLmenLs durlng Lhe year (13.26) 13.22
Closlng 8alance 26.06
Genera| keserve
As per lasL balance sheeL 10413.93 8963.93
Addluons durlng Lhe year 1900.00 1430.00
ueducuons durlng Lhe year - -
Closlng 8alance 1231S.9S 10413.93
Short 1erm Cpen Access( S1CA) keserve
As per LasL 8alance SheeL - -
Addluons durlng Lhe year 276.34 219.88
ueducuons durlng Lhe year [belng uullsauon of S1CA
lncome (neL of 1axes) (noLe no.2.23) ln accordance wlLh
Lhe CL8C (Cpen Access lnLer-sLaLe Lransmlsslon)
8egulauons, 2008 as amended upLodaLe] 276.34 219.88
Closlng 8alance - -
21S91.71 18831.90
Surp|us (8a|ance |n statement of roht and Loss)
As per lasL balance sheeL 26.13 41.18
roL aer Lax as per SLaLemenL of roL and Loss 4234.30 3234.93
1ransfer from 8ond 8edempuon 8eserve 383.33 313.30
1ransfer from S1CA 8eserve 276.34 219.88
CS8 Acuvlues 8eserve - 13.22
ulvldend Lax ad[usLed - 0.30
Less: Appropr|anons
S1CA 8eserve 276.34 219.88
8onds 8edempuon 8eserve 1166.79 969.49
CS8 Acuvlues 8eserve 26.06 -
Self lnsurance 8eserve 32.84 43.83
ulvldend Lax ad[usLed 0.73 -
Ceneral 8eserve 1900.00 1430.00
lnLerlm dlvldend 743.39 370.39
ulvldend Lax on lnLerlm dlvldend 119.89 60.07
roposed ulvldend 327.79 606.30
ulvldend Lax on proposed ulvldend 88.66 96.90
C|os|ng 8a|ance 18.03 26.13
1ota| 21609.74 188S8.0S
(` ln Crore)
a) Advance AgalnsL uepreclauon 2094.96 2143.78
b) CranLs ln ald 117.03 139.32
c) ueferred lncome/(expendlLure) from lorelgn Currency llucLuauon(neL) 1S0S.61 493.17
1ota| 3717.60 2776.27
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.3 - Deferred kevenue
(` ln Crore)
A1) Secured (1axab|e, kedeemab|e, Non-Cumu|anve, Non-Convernb|e)
A1.1 l) 8onds of `10 Lakh each
kkkIk Issue- 9.40 redeemab|e at par on 29.03.2027 1800.00 1800.00*
kkkVIII Issue- 9.2S redeemab|e at par on 09.03.2027 833.00 833.00*
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl
passu on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu
1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL and oaung charge
on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
ll) 8onds of `1.3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of `12.30
Lakhs each redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual lnsLalmenLs.
kLI Issue-8.8S redeemab|e w.e.f. 19.10.2016 2842.30 -
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl
passu on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu
1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL and oaung charge
on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
lll) 8onds of `1.30 crore each, conslsung of 13 S18s
of `10.00 Lakhs each redeemable aL par ln 13 (een) equal
annual lnsLalmenLs
kkkVI Issue- 9.3S redeemab|e w.e.f. 29.08.2016 3090.00 3090.00
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl
passu on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu
1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL and oaung charge
on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
lv) 8onds of `1.3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s
of `12.30 Lakhs each redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal
annual lnsLalmenLs.
kL Issue-9.30 redeemab|e w.e.f. 28.06.2016 3997.30 -
kkkVII Issue- 9.2S redeemab|e w.e.f 26.12.201S 1993.00 1993.00
kkkV Issue- 9.64 redeemab|e w.e.f 31.0S.201S 1937.30 1937.30
kkkIV Issue- 8.84 redeemab|e w.e.f 21.10.2014 3487.30 3487.30
kkkIII Issue- 8.64 redeemab|e w.e.f 08.07.2014 2880.00 2880.00
kkkII Issue- 8.84 redeemab|e w.e.f 29.03.2014 948.73 1033.00
kkkI Issue- 8.90 redeemab|e w.e.f 2S.02.2014 1876.88 2047.30
kkk Issue- 8.80 redeemab|e w.e.f 29.09.2013 2138.12 2332.30
kkIk Issue- 9.20 redeemab|e w.e.f 12.03.2013 1081.23 1189.37
kkVIII Issue- 9.33 redeemab|e w.e.f 1S.12.2012 2000.00 2200.00
kkVII Issue- 9.47 redeemab|e w.e.f 31.03.2012 328.73 387.30
kkVI Issue- 9.30 redeemab|e w.e.f 07.03.2012 749.23 832.30
kkV Issue- 10.10 redeemab|e w.e.f 12.06.2011 798.73 887.30
kkIV Issue- 9.9S redeemab|e w.e.f 26.03.2011 333.00 399.63
kkIII Issue- 9.2S redeemab|e w.e.f 09.02.2011 203.00 230.63
kkII Issue- 8.68 redeemab|e w.e.f 07.12.2010 460.00 317.30
kkI Issue- 8.73 redeemab|e w.e.f 11.10.2010 340.00 382.30
kk Issue- 8.93 redeemab|e w.e.f 07.09.2010 1000.00 1123.00
kIk Issue- 9.2S redeemab|e w.e.f 24.07.2010 330.00 371.23
kVIII Issue- 8.1S redeemab|e w.e.f 09.03.2010 382.73 666.00
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl
passu on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu
1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL and oaung charge
on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
v) 8onds of `1.00 crore each, conslsung of 10 S18s of `10.00
Lakhs each redeemable aL par ln 10 (Len) equal annual lnsLalmenLs.
kVII Issue- 7.39 redeemab|e w.e.f 22.09.2009 300.00 600.00
Note 2.4-Long-term borrow|ngs
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
Note 2.4-Long-term borrow|ngs (contd...)
kVI Issue- 7.10 redeemab|e w.e.f 18.02.2009 300.00 373.00
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl
passu on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu
1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL and oaung charge
on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
vl) 8onds of `1.3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of
`12.30 Lakhs each redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual
kV Issue-6.68 redeemab|e w.e.f. 23.02.2008 373.00 430.00
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl
passu on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu
1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL and oaung charge
on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
A1.2 8onds of `1.3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of
`12.30 lakh each redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual
kIII |ssue-8.63 redeemab|e w.e.f 31.07.2006 270.00 337.30
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl-
passu on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu
1aluka kaparada ln ulsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL and morLgage
& hypoLhecauon on asseLs of klshenpur Moga & uulhasu
Conungency 1ransmlsslon SysLem
A1.3 8onds of `1.3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of `12.30 lakh
each redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual lnsLalmenLs
kII |ssue-.9.70 redeemab|e w.e.f 28.03.2006 46.12 61.30
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl-
passu on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu
1aluka kaparada ln ulsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL and morLgage and
hypoLhecauon on asseLs of kayamkulam & 8amagundam
Pyderabad 1ransmlsslon SysLem
A1.4 8onds of `3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of `23 lakh each
redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual lnsLalmenLs
kI |ssue-9.80 redeemab|e w.e.f 07-12-200S 133.73 181.00
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl-
passu on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu
1aluka kaparada ln ulsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL and morLgage
& hypoLhecauon on asseLs of AnLa,Aurlya, Moga-8hlwanl,
Chamera-klshenpur, Sasaram-Allahbad, LlLC of Slngraulll-
kanpur and Allahbad Sub-SLauon
A1.S VIII |ssue-10.3S redeemab|e w.e.f. 27.04.200S 2.00 4.00
Secured by oaung charge over Lhe llxed AsseLs of Lhe Company
8onds of `1.3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of `12.30
Lakhs each redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual lnsLalmenLs.
A1.6 kIV |ssue-6.10 redeemab|e w.e.f 17.07.2004 116.30 174.73
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl
passu on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu
1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL and oaung charge
on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
A1.7 8onds of `12 lakh each redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve)
equal annual lnsLalmenLs
k |ssue-10.90 redeemab|e w.e.f 21.06.2004 126.92 190.38
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl
passu on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu
1aluka kaparada ln ulsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL and morLgage
& hypoLhecauon of Lhe asseLs of C1-larakka & Chamera
1ransmlsslon sysLem
38349.79 33443.31
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
A2) 1o be Secured (1axab|e, kedeemab|e, Non-Cumu|anve, Non-Convernb|e)
A2.1 8edeemable 8onds of `10 Lakh each
kLII Issue-8.80 redeemab|e at par on 13.03.2023 1990.00 -
1o be secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng
parl passu on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu
1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL and oaung charge
on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company. 1990.00 -
A3) Unsecured
A3.1 8edeemable lorelgn Currency 8onds
3.873 lorelgn Currency 8onds Lo be redeemed aL par on 17.01.2023 2743.30 -
1ota| (A) 4308S.29 33443.S1
81) kupee Loan (Secured)
81.1 |) Corporanon 8ank - 3.00
||) un[ab Nanona| 8ank-Loan-II 30.00 73.00
|||) Cr|enta| 8ank of Commerce 41.67 62.30
Secured by a oaung charge on Lhe xed asseLs of Lhe Company
81.2 L|ne of Cred|t (LCC) from State 8ank of Ind|a 1300.00 1000.00*
Secured by way of parl passu charge on assesL of Lhe company
excepL lnvesLmenLs, Land and 8ulldlngs and CurrenL AsseLs.
1ota| (81) 1S91.67 1142.S0
82) Iore|gn Currency Loans(Secured)
82.1 8ank of Ind|a Cayman Is|ands 260.10 271.73
Secured by a lloaung charge on Lhe lmmovable properues
of Lhe company
82.2 |) Nord|c Investment 8ank (ILS120) 336.71 470.19*
||) AD8-VIII (2788-IND) 124.86 -
Secured by parl passu lnLeresL ln Lhe llens creaLed on Lhe asseLs
as securlLy for Lhe debLs.
Guaranteed by Government of Ind|a
82.3 lrom Aslan uevelopmenL 8ank (Au8)
AD8-I (140S-IND) 146.13 262.03
AD8-II (1764-IND) 892.71 919.02
AD8-III (21S2-IND) 1847.37 1768.63
AD8-IV (241S-IND) 1764.94 1348.74*
AD8-V (2S10-IND) 318.64 340.14*
lrom lnLernauonal 8ank for 8econsLrucuon and uevelopmenL l88u)
SD-II (4603-IN) 1489.44 1342.33
SD-III (4813-IN) 1861.39 1839.81
SD-IV (4890-IN) 2970.23 2683.06
SD-IV (Add|.) (7S93-IN) 1668.72 1486.81
SD-V (7787-IN) 1706.89 878.91
Secured by parl passu lnLeresL ln Lhe llen creaLed on Lhe asseLs
as securlLy for Lhe debLs.
82.4 SD-I (3S77-IN) - 70.06
Secured by equlLable morLgage of lmmovable properues and
hypoLhecauon of movable properues of vlndhyachal and
8lhand 1ransmlsslon sysLem.
1ota| 82 1S808.SS 13903.48
83) lorelgn Currency Loans(1o 8e Secured)
83.1 lrom Aslan uevelopmenL 8ank (Au8) (Guaranteed by Government of Ind|a)
AD8-VI (2823-IND) 96.03 -
AD8-VII (2787-IND) 212.61 -
Note 2.4-Long-term borrow|ngs (contd...)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
Note 2.4-Long-term borrow|ngs (contd...)
83.2 lrom CLher 8anks
Inernanona| I|nance Corporanon 1208.02 -
ICI Debt oo| LL 274.33 -
1o be Secured by parl passu lnLeresL ln Lhe llen creaLed on Lhe
asseLs as securlLy for Lhe debLs.
1ota| 83 1791.23 -
84) Iore|gn currency |oans (Unsecured)
84.1 Skandlnavlska Lnskllda 8anken A8(publ) Sweden 67.03 82.32
A8 Svensk LxporLkredlL, Sweden 382.42 -
84.2 CuaranLeed by CovernmenL of lndla
nauxls 8anque (lormerely CredlL nauonal) lrance 98.01 104.68
!apan lnLernauonal Cooperauon Agency(lormerly !apan 8ank for
lnLernauonal Cooperauon ) !apan 138.43 161.09
Luropean lnvesLmenL 8ank Luxembourg - 21.29
1ota| (84) 68S.89 369.S8
1ota| 8 19877.34 1S41S.S6
C Term Loan From Others
kupee Loans (Secured)
C1 L|fe Insurance Corporanon of Ind|a-II 110.32 171.10
L|fe Insurance Corporanon of Ind|a-III 3.32 9.91
Secured by a oaung charge on Lhe xed asseLs of Lhe Company. 113.64 181.01
Iore|gn Currency Loan (Unsecured)
C2 kred|tansta|t fur W|ederaumau Germany - 79.11
- 79.11
1ota| C 113.64 260.12
1ota| (A to C) 63076.27 49119.19
Iurther notes:
1he 1erm loans are repayable ln lnsLallmenLs as per Lhe Lerms of respecuve agreemenL generally over Lhe perlod of 10 Lo 20 years aer Lhe
moraLorlum perlod of 3 Lo 3 years.
*ln prevlous year shown as Lo be secured. Securlues for Lhese are creaLed ln CurrenL ?ear.
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.S - Deferred tax ||ab|||nes (Net)
Deferred 1ax ||ab|||ty
1owards llxed AsseLs( neL) (A) S487.94 3039.67
Deferred 1ax Assets
lncome durlng ConsLrucuon erlod 86.S8 44.26
Self lnsurance 8eserve 22.22 21.21
rovlslons allowable on paymenL basls 68.79 131.98
Advance AgalnsL uepreclauon 711.78 693.33
CLhers - 1.36
Sub-tota| (8) 889.37 894.S6
Deferred 1ax L|ab|||ty (Net) ( A-8) 4S98.S7 416S.11
Less : kecoverab|e from 8enehc|ar|es 2639.41 2S64.23
Net Deferred 1ax L|ab|||ty 19S9.16 1600.88
neL lncrease ln deferred Lax llablllLy of `338.28 Crore (revlous year `434.14 Crore) has been charged Lo Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss.
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.6 - Cther Long term ||ab|||nes
Note 2.7 - Long-term prov|s|ons
Cther ||ab|||nes
l) ueposlLs /8eLenuon money from conLracLors and oLhers. 308.83 607.93
Less: lnvesLmenLs held as securlLy - 0.34
S08.8S 607.39
ll) Advance from cusLomers (ConsulLancy conLracLs) 443.SS 468.71
lll) uues for CaplLal LxpendlLure 28.S3 303.32
lv) CLhers 9.00 32.11
1ota| 989.93 1431.73
Iurther Notes:
8ased on Lhe lnformauon avallable wlLh Lhe company, Lhere are no suppllers/servlce provlders who are reglsLered as mlcro, small or
medlum enLerprlses under 1he Mlcro, Small and Medlum LnLerprlses uevelopmenL AcL, 2006" as aL 31sL March, 2013 and as aL
31sL March,2012.
Lmp|oyee 8enehts
As per lasL balance sheeL 421.49 316.64
Addluons durlng Lhe year 442.63 104.83
AmounLs uullsed/pald durlng Lhe year 421.49 -
Closlng 8alance 442.63 421.49
1ota| 442.63 421.49
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.8 - Short-term borrow|ngs
Note 2.9 - 1rade payab|es
Note 2.10 - Cther current ||ab|||nes
Short 1erm |oans
lrom 8anks
unsecured 2000.00 1630.00
1ota| 2000.00 16S0.00
lor goods and servlces 246.73 200.78
1ota| 246.73 200.78
Iurther Notes:
8ased on Lhe lnformauon avallable wlLh Lhe company, Lhere are no suppllers/servlce provlders who are reglsLered as mlcro, small or medlum
enLerprlses under 1he Mlcro, Small and Medlum LnLerprlses uevelopmenL AcL, 2006" as aL 31sL March, 2013 and as aL 31sL March, 2012.
A) Current matur|nes of Long 1erm borrow|ngs
8onds 1933.71 1340.11
8upee 1erm Loans 118.19 172.31
lorelgn Currency Loans 837.46 696.43
2889.36 2408.83
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.10 - Cther current ||ab|||nes (contd...)
8upee 1erm Loans - 3.00
lorelgn Currency Loans 222.24 218.87
222.24 223.87
8) Interest Accrued 8ut Not Due Cn borrow|ngs Irom
lndlan 8anks llnanclal lnsuLuuons & Corporauons 13.73 17.78
lorelgn 8anks & llnanclal lnsuLuuons 40.10 41.47
Secured/unsecured redeemable 8onds 1388.94 1211.97
C) Cthers 1644.77 1271.22
l) uues for CaplLal LxpendlLure 2793.31 1221.01
ll) Lmployee relaLed llablllues 67.42 4.20
lll) unpald maLured bonds 0.09 0.08
lv) unclalmed ulvldends 8.46 3.93
v) ueposlLs/8eLenuon money from conLracLors and oLhers. 2177.83 1384.03
Less: lnvesLmenLs held as securlLy 3.98 0.73
2171.87 1383.30
vl) Advance from cusLomers 1648.29 1629.82
vll) SLaLuLory dues 107.33 69.29
vlll) 8elaLed parues* 22.99 37.89
lx) CLhers 113.11 8.10
6937.09 4339.62
1ota| 11693.46 8463.S6
lurLher noLes:
*8reakup of relaLed parues ls provlded ln noLe 2.44(b)
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.11 - Short-term prov|s|ons
(` ln Crore)
a) Lmp|oyee 8enehts
|) 1ransm|ss|on |ncennve]spec|a| |ncennve
As per lasL balance sheeL 213.10 190.71
Addluon durlng Lhe year 124.46 127.92
AmounL pald/ad[usLed durlng Lhe year 216.32 103.33
Closlng 8alance 123.04 213.10
||) kenrement beneht]Wage rev|s|on
As per lasL balance sheeL 94.60 64.24
Addluons durlng Lhe year - 30.36
AmounLs uullsed/pald durlng Lhe year 94.60 -
Closlng 8alance - 94.60
|||) Cther Lmp|oyee 8enehts
(Leave LncashmenL, SeulemenL Allowance and Long Servlce Award eLc.)
As per lasL balance sheeL 23.66 28.18
Addluons durlng Lhe year 21.03 6.49
AmounLs uullsed/pald durlng Lhe year 19.61 11.01
Closlng 8alance 23.08 23.66
1ota| (A) 148.12 333.36
b) Cthers
|) 1axanon (Inc|ud|ng |nterest on 1ax )
As per lasL balance sheeL 1381.98
Addluons durlng Lhe year 1071.30 891.10
AmounL ad[usLed durlng Lhe year (1331.38) 463.33
neL o agalnsL Laxes pald (noLe 2.23) 2623.08 2007.73
Closlng 8alance - -
||) roposed I|na| D|v|dend
As per lasL balance sheeL 606.30 378.72
Addluons durlng Lhe year 327.79 606.30
AmounLs pald durlng Lhe year 606.30 378.72
Closlng 8alance 327.79 606.30
|||) 1ax on proposed D|v|dend
As per lasL balance sheeL 96.90 93.88
Addluons durlng Lhe year 88.66 118.32
AmounLs pald/ad[usLed durlng Lhe year 96.90 113.30
Closlng 8alance 88.66 96.90
|v) Downnme Serv|ce Cred|t-1e|ecom
As per lasL balance sheeL 3.21 2.46
Addluons durlng Lhe year 1.71 0.73
AmounLs ad[usLed/pald durlng Lhe year 1.18 -
Closlng 8alance 3.74 3.21
v) rov|s|on for Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty (CSk) Acnv|ty
As per lasL balance sheeL 13.26 -
Addluons durlng Lhe year - 13.26
AmounLs ad[usLed/pald durlng Lhe year 13.26 -
Closlng 8alance - 13.26
v|) rov|s|on Cthers
As per lasL balance sheeL 1.44 -
Addluons durlng Lhe year - 1.44
AmounLs ad[usLed/pald durlng Lhe year 1.44 -
Closlng 8alance - 1.44
1ota| (8) 620.19 723.31
1ota| (A+8) 768.31 10S6.67
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.11 - Short-term prov|s|ons (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
a) lreehold 1190.26 143.69 - (19.47) 13S3.42 - - - - - 13S3.42 1190.26
b) Leasehold 211.38 30.88 - (9.43) 2S1.91 17.93 8.31 - (0.33) 26.81 22S.10 193.63
8u||d|ngs -
a) Sub-SLauons
& Cmce 497.37 34.83 - (7.31) SS9.91 132.87 19.37 - 0.13 172.09 387.82 344.70
b) 1ownshlp 413.69 34.98 - (6.31) 4SS.18 97.77 16.99 - (0.96) 11S.72 339.46 313.92
1emporary Lrecuon 9.16 0.32 - 1.94 7.S4 9.16 0.33 - 1.93 7.S4 - -
8oads & 8rldges 127.86 12.69 - 0.94 139.61 33.97 6.03 - (0.03) 40.0S 99.S6 93.89
WaLer Supply
uralnage & Sewerage 81.14 12.82 - 0.07 93.89 22.73 3.42 - (0.16) 26.31 67.S8 38.41
|ant & Lqu|pment
a) 1ransmlsslon 39384.39 7277.33 - (781.34) 47643.28 8732.30 2128.63 - 26.09 108SS.04 36788.24 30832.09
b) SubsLauon 18860.13 7771.34 - (333.06) 27166.S3 3696.37 1143.90 (18.37) 68S8.84 20307.69 13163.36
c) unled Load
uespaLch &
Communlcauon 331.30 28.22 - (13.16) 374.88 234.34 23.26 - (0.03) 2S9.63 11S.2S 97.16
d) 1elecom 1224.81 102.34 - (39.34) 1366.69 443.38 73.30 - (0.17) S17.2S 849.44 781.23
lurnlLure llxLures 69.82 9.06 0.08 0.36 78.24 31.69 4.04 0.06 0.03 3S.64 42.60 38.13
Cmce equlpmenL 74.38 11.63 0.13 (0.40) 86.48 33.44 4.33 0.06 0.01 37.90 48.S8 41.14
LlecLronlc uaLa
rocesslng & Word
rocesslng Machlnes 73.43 19.32 0.11 0.27 94.S7 34.16 9.20 0.07 (0.72) 64.01 30.S6 21.27
vehlcles 4.94 0.16 0.24 0.13 4.73 2.21 0.34 0.21 0.12 2.22 2.S1 2.73
ConsLrucuon and
Workshop equlpmenL 103.43 28.96 0.14 (0.60) 132.8S 23.33 6.00 0.04 (0.06) 31.3S 101.S0 78.10
LlecLrlcal lnsLallauon 86.46 30.30 0.43 116.S3 32.33 4.74 - (0.47) 37.S6 78.97 34.11
LaboraLory LqulpmenLs 36.49 7.84 - - 64.33 28.33 2.34 - (0.03) 30.92 33.41 28.14
Workshop &
1esung LqulpmenLs 21.37 1.12 - (0.03) 22.S4 14.36 0.46 - - 14.82 7.72 7.01
AsseLs/LqulpmenLs 0.14 - 0.03 - 0.11 0.08 0.01 0.02 - 0.07 0.04 0.06
1ota| 63024.9S 1SS78.2S 0.73 (1410.7S) 80013.22 1S683.41 34S7.62 0.46 6.80 19133.77 60879.4S 47341.S4
Less: rovlslon for
asseLs dlscarded 10.47 - - - 10.47 8.71 - - - 8.71 1.76 1.76
Grand 1ota| 63014.48 1SS78.2S 0.73 (1410.7S) 80002.7S 1S674.70 34S7.62 0.46 6.80 1912S.06 60877.69 47339.78
revlous ?ear 30078.31 12323.34 1.89 (624.99) 63024.93 13106.46 2386.76 1.38 8.23 13683.41 47341.34
Less: rovlslon for
asseLs dlscarded 10.47 - - - 10.47 8.71 - - - 8.71 1.76
1ota| S0068.04 12323.34 1.89 (624.99) 63014.48 13097.7S 2S86.76 1.S8 8.23 1S674.70 47339.78
Iurther Notes:
a) 1he company owns 3937 hecLare (prevlous ?ear 3377 hecLare) of land amounung Lo ` 1603.33 crore (prevlous ?ear ` 1401.84 crore) whlch has been classled lnLo
freehold `1333.42 crore (prevlous year ` 1190.26 crore) and leasehold ` 231.91 crore (prevlous year ` 211.38 crore) based on avallable documenLauon
b) l) 1he land classled as leasehold land held ln Lhe SLaLe of !ammu and kashmlr amounung Lo ` 39.72 crore (revlous ?ear ` 34.60 crore) ls acqulred by sLaLe
CovernmenL as per procedures under SLaLe Land Acqulsluon AcL. As per prevalllng law Lhe sLaLe governmenL remalns Lhe owner of Lhe land so acqulred and company
ls only glven possesslon for Lhe speclc use.
ll) 1he Lransmlsslon sysLem slLuaLed ln Lhe sLaLe of !ammu and kashmlr have been Laken over by Lhe company w.e.f 1sL Aprll 1993 from nauonal PydroelecLrlc ower
Corporauon of lndla LLd. (nPC) upon muLually agreed Lerms pendlng compleuon of legal formallues.
c) lreehold land lncludes ` 33.32 crore (prevlous year ` 33.71 crore) and ` 32.39 crore (prevlous year ` 27.31 crore) ln respecL of land acqulred by Lhe Company for whlch
conveyance deed ln favour of Lhe Company and muLauon ln revenue record respecuvely ls pendlng.
d) Leasehold land lncludes ` 7.64 crore (prevlous year ` 7.64 crore) ln respecL of land acqulred for omce complex on perpeLual lease basls wlLh an unllmlLed useful llfe
aL kaLwarla Saral, new uelhl and hence noL amorused
e) Leasehold land lncludes ` 13.97 crore (prevlous year ` 13.97 crore ) ln respecL of land acqulred by Lhe company for whlch legal formallues are pendlng.
f) lreehold land lncludes 0.16 hecLare land valulng ` 0.03 crore whlch ls noL ln possesslon of Lhe Company due Lo encroachmenL by farmers. Company ls Laklng
approprlaLe acuon for repossesslon of Lhe same.
g) 1ownshlp bulldlngs lncludes ` 7.27 crore (prevlous year ` 7.27 crore) for 28 aLs aL Mumbal, for whlch reglsLrauon ln favour of Lhe company ls pendlng.
h) lanL and machlnery under subsLauon ln xed asseLs lncludes companys share of ` 3.8 crore (prevlous year ` 3.8 crore) ln common servlces and faclllues of 400
kv sub-sLauons of uuar radesh sLaLe elecLrlclLy board (uSL8) and 8a[asLhan sLaLe elecLrlclLy board (8SL8) pendlng execuuon of formal agreemenLs for [olnL
Gross 8|ock Deprec|anon]Amornsanon Net 8|ock
As at 31

As at 31
As at 31
Sa|e ]
dur|ng the
Upto 31-
Mar- 2012
As at 31
the year
the year
As at 1

Sa|e ]
the year
Note 2.12 - 1ang|b|e assets
(` ln Crore)
Gross 8|ock Deprec|anon]Amornsanon Net 8|ock
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2013
dur|ng the year
As at 1

Apr||, 2012
Add|nons Ad[ustments
As at 31
As at 31
Sa|e ]
dur|ng the
Upto 31-
Mar- 2012
As at 31
the year
the year
As at 1

Sa|e ]
the year
Note 2.13 - Intang|b|e assets
Note 2.14 - Cap|ta| work |n progress
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
LlecLronlc uaLa
rocesslng Soware 3.49 1.13 - 0.08 6.S6 3.29 1.33 - 0.01 4.83 1.73 2.20
8lghL of Way-
AoresLauon Lxpenses 367.37 210.03 - (13.34) S90.74 47.03 22.47 - - 69.S2 S21.22 320.32
1ota| 372.86 211.18 - (13.26) S97.30 S0.34 24.02 - 0.01 74.3S S22.9S 322.S2
revlous ?ear 273.31 93.29 - (2.26) 372.86 21.62 17.32 - (11.40) 30.34 322.32
uevelopmenL of land 33.00 37.31 39.80 0.33 S0.18
a) Sub-SLauons & Cmce 67.17 113.83 3.82 34.83 122.3S
b) 1ownshlp 63.97 48.24 18.84 34.98 S8.39
1emporary erecuon 0.43 0.31 0.04 0.23 0.67
8oads & 8rldges 11.08 23.17 0.62 11.67 21.96
WaLer Supply uralnage and Sewerage 6.13 13.33 0.77 12.82 6.09
|ant & Lqu|pments (|nc|ud|ng assoc|ated c|v|| works)
a) 1ransmlsslon 8836.13 11638.48 (102.83) 7213.90 13383.S6
b) Sub-SLauon 3386.30 3803.36 (149.66) 7719.83 1821.67
c) unled Load uespaLch & Communlcauon 9.64 2.47 1.96 8.06 2.09
d) 1elecom 63.20 144.92 41.19 102.34 66.S9
lurnlLure llxLures 0.33 0.91 - 0.48 0.76
CLher omce equlpmenLs 1.88 - 0.94 0.77 0.17
LlecLrlcal lnsLallauons 12.42 21.24 2.62 19.94 11.10
Lxpend|ture pend|ng a||ocanon
l) Survey lnvesugauon ConsulLancy & Supervlslon Charges 30.22 13.38 3.10 2.38 S7.92
ll) ulerence ln Lxchange on forelgn Loans 231.81 393.61 117.04 73.13 437.23
lll) LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon ( noLe 2.32) 2304.14 2014.34 1637.91 - 2880.S7
1ota| 1S499.89 20297.72 1620.16 1S2S6.1S 18921.30
rev|ous ear 12864.63 16126.32 1832.80 11638.26 13499.89
lurLher noLes:
CaplLal Work ln rogress (CWl) lncludes `1.38 crore belng Lhe cosL of 13 foundauons whlch became redundanL because of change ln
a Lransmlsslon scheme and ` 0.46 crore Lowards cosL of survey for reallgnmenL of Lransmlsslon llne rouLe. Company proposes Lo hold
dlscusslon wlLh Lhe beneclarles for recovery of Lhese cosLs.

As at 31

March, 2013
dur|ng the year
As at 1

Apr||, 2012
Add|nons Ad[ustments
Note 2.1S - Intang|b|e assets under deve|opment
(` ln Crore)
LlecLronlc uaLa rocesslng Soware - 0.70 - - 0.70
8lghL of Way-AoresLauon expenses 73.61 322.30 (3.30) 210.03 191.S8
uevelopmenL LxpendlLure - - (1.34) - 1.34
1ota| 73.61 323.20 (6.84) 210.03 193.62
revlous ?ear 99.03 46.11 0.16 71.39 73.61
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.16 - Construcnon stores
(` ln Crore)
1owers 3961.79 3372.68
ConducLors 7038.36 4311.27
CLher Llne MaLerlals 2320.23 1443.24
Sub-SLauon LqulpmenLs 1736.62 3087.93
Plgh volLage ulrecL CurrenL (PvuC) LqulpmenLs 389.71 37.86
unled Load uespaLch & Communlcauon(uLuC) MaLerlals 48.47 38.37
1elecom MaLerlals 33.97 8.42
CLhers 177.48 88.28
13708.63 12610.03
Less: rovlslon for shorLages and obsoleLe maLerlal 0.01 0.01
1ota| 1S708.62 12610.04
Construcnon Stores |nc|ude:
|) Mater|a| |n trans|t
1owers 27.31 29.03
ConducLors 31.38 -
CLher Llne MaLerlals 136.23 -
Sub-SLauon LqulpmenLs 131.16 317.86
Plgh volLage ulrecL CurrenL (PvuC) LqulpmenLs 220.73 -
1elecom MaLerlals 1.74 -
CLhers 87.63 -
1ota| 636.64 346.89
||) Mater|a| w|th Contractors
1owers 3931.64 3339.39
ConducLors 7006.78 4307.28
CLher Llne MaLerlals 2178.97 1444.13
Sub-SLauon LqulpmenLs 1600.03 2768.13
Plgh volLage ulrecL CurrenL (PvuC) LqulpmenLs 168.96 37.03
unled Load uespaLch & Communlcauon(uLuC) MaLerlals 10.39 -
1elecom MaLerlals 3.83 8.23
CLhers 60.33 79.48
1ota| 14963.17 12203.67
Grand tota| 1SS99.81 12SS0.S6
Iurther Notes:
l) endlng reconclllauon, maLerlals amounung Lo `63.33 crore (prevlous year `43.82 crore) ln commlssloned llnes ls shown as consLrucuon
sLores lylng wlLh conLracLors.
ll) ConsLrucuon SLores lncludes ` 91.61 crore represenung Lhe value of conducLors supplled by a suppller buL found Lo be defecuve.1he
suppller has agreed Lo replace Lhe defecuve conducLors.
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.17 - Non-current |nvestments
(` ln Crore)
I. Lqu|ty Instruments-Iu||y a|d up :-
1C lndla LlmlLed
12000006(revlous year 12000006) Shares of `10/- each 12.00 12.00
[MarkeL value ` 71.94 crore [` 39.93 (nSL) per share (revlous year ` 73.68 crore
[` 61.40 (nSL) per share)}
Subsldlary Companles
ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed
30640000(revlous year 30640000) Shares of ` 10 each. 30.64 30.64
owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 0.03 0.03
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.17 - Non-current |nvestments (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
30000(revlous year 30000) Shares of ` 10 each.
owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
30000(revlous year nlL) Shares of ` 10 each. 0.03 -
Io|nt Venture Compan|es
1orrenL ower Crld LlmlLed
23400000 (revlous year 23400000) Shares of ` 10/- each. 23.40 23.40
!aypee owergrld LlmlLed
78000000 (revlous year 73920000) Shares of ` 10/- each 78.00 73.92
arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed
40983800 (revlous year 21483800) Shares of ` 10/- each. 40.98 21.49
1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
23411762 (revlous ?ear 20333000) Shares of ` 10/- each. 23.41 20.33
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
229320000 (revlous year 229320000) Shares of ` 10/- each 229.32 229.32
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed
106964000 (revlous year 92040000) Shares of ` 10/- each 106.96 92.04
Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed
22300000 (revlous year 623000)Shares of ` 10/- each 22.30 0.63
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory LlmlLed
11060000 (revlous year 2623000) Shares of ` 10/- each 11.06 2.63
Cross 8order ower 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed
13000 (revlous year nlL) Shares of ` 10/- each 0.01 -
kallnga 8ldyuL rasaran nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed
3000 (revlous year nlL) Shares of ` 10/- each 0.01 -
8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed
23000 (revlous year nlL) Shares of ` 10/- each 0.02 -
380.41 308.43
II. Govt.Secur|nes ( Unquoted ):-
a) 8.S tax free 8onds redeemab|e |n 20 ha|f year|y |nsta|ments w.e.f. 1.10.2006 of :
Andhra radesh 36.10 34.16
Arunachal radesh 1.04 1.37
Assam 33.36 30.34
8lhar 32.43 48.64
Cu[araL 14.01 21.01
Paryana 16.10 24.13
Plmachal radesh 0.37 0.83
!ammu & kashmlr 32.40 48.39
kerala 4.82 7.23
Madhya radesh 20.81 31.22
MaharashLra 2.69 4.04
Manlpur 6.34 9.31
Meghalaya 0.09 0.13
Mlzoram 0.01 0.01
nagaland 2.79 4.18
un[ab 9.39 14.08
8a[asLhan 3.27 3.27
Slkklm 2.23 3.38
1rlpura 0.18 0.27
uuar radesh 92.29 138.44
uuaranchal 10.23 13.38
WesL 8engal 16.10 24.13
!harkhand 22.30 33.43
339.79 338.03
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.17 - Non-current |nvestments (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
b) Cther 8onds:-
13 years 8.3 !&k CovL. 8onds 2017 lnLeresL payable seml-annually redeemable
ln 20 half yearly lnsLalmenLs w.e.f 30.11.2007 8.09 10.38
13 years 8.3 !&k CovL. 8onds 2018 lnLeresL payable seml-annually redeemable
ln 20 half yearly lnsLalmenLsw.e.f 31.03.2008 10.73 13.43
18.84 23.81
III. Share app||canon money pend|ng a||oument |n Io|nt Venture Compan|es
1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 3.20 -
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory LlmlLed - 6.30
Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed - 24.38
3.20 30.88
1ota| (A) 964.24 1101.19
8. non-Lrade lnvesLmenLs ( unquoLed )
300 (revlous year 300) lully pald up shares of ` 10/- each ln Lmployees Co-op SocleLy LlmlLed lLarsl (`.3000/-)
300 (revlous year 300) lully pald up shares of ` 10/- each ln LmployeesCo-op SocleLy LlmlLed nagpur (`.3000/-)
300 (revlous year 300) lully pald up shares of ` 10/- each ln Lmployees Co-op SocleLy LlmlLed !abalpur (`. 3000/-)
1ota| (8 )
GkAND 1C1AL (A+8) 964.24 1101.19
Iurther notes:
1) AggregaLe amounL of CuoLed lnvesLmenLs
8ook value 12.00 12.00
MarkeL value 71.94 73.68
AggregaLe amounL of unquoLed lnvesLmenLs
8ook value 932.24 1089.19
2) 229319997 shares (revlous year 229319997) of owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd. held by Lhe Company have been pledged as conunuous
securlLy wlLh consoruum of nanclal lnsuLuuons agalnsL nanclal asslsLance obLalned by owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed.
3) lnvesLmenLs have been valued as per accounung pollcy no. 1.11(noLe no 1)
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.18 - Long-term |oans and advances
(unsecured consldered good unless oLherwlse sLaLed)
(` ln Crore)
A) Advances for Cap|ta| Lxpend|ture
l) Secured 1.21 2.09
ll) unsecured
a. AgalnsL 8ank guaranLees 4783.48 4671.32
b. CLhers 344.29 417.62
lll) unsecured Consldered uoubuul 1.14 1.14
3328.91 3090.28
Less: rovlslon for 8ad & uoubuul Advances 1.14 1.14
3327.77 3089.14
3328.98 3091.23
8) Loans
l) Lmployees (lncludlng lnLeresL accrued)
Secured 111.30 118.04
unsecured 3.30 3.22
116.80 123.26
ll) Long 1erm Loan (under securlusauon Scheme) 38.36 33.99
lll) Lease 8ecelvables 447.36 293.02
602.72 472.27
C) Secur|ty Depos|ts 3.9S 7.70
D) Advances recoverab|e |n cash or |n k|nd or for va|ue to be rece|ved
ConLracLors & Suppllers(lncludlng maLerlal lssued on Loan) 16.33 1.23
Lmployees 3.31 14.74
CLhers 3.62 20.38
8alance wlLh CusLoms orL 1rusL and oLher auLhorlues 2.27 7.19
27.73 43.36
Consldered doubuul 9.00 7.18
36.73 30.74
Less: rovlslon for bad and doubuul Advances 9.00 7.18
27.73 43.36
1ota| S963.40 S614.76
uue from:
ulrecLors 0.03 0.03
Cmcers 9.60 13.33
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.19 - Current |nvestments
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.18 - Long-term |oans and advances (contd...)
(unsecured Consldered good unless oLherwlse sLaLed)
(` ln Crore)
Govt.Secur|nes ( Unquoted ):-
a) 8.S tax free 8onds redeemab|e |n 20 ha|f year|y |nsta|ments w.e.f. 1.10.2006 of :
Andhra radesh 18.04 18.04
Arunachal radesh 0.32 0.32
Assam 16.78 16.78
8lhar 16.22 16.22
Cu[araL 7.00 7.00
Paryana 8.04 8.04
Plmachal radesh 0.28 0.28
!ammu & kashmlr 16.20 16.20
kerala 2.42 2.42
Madhya radesh 10.40 10.40
MaharashLra 1.34 1.34
Manlpur 3.18 3.18
Meghalaya 0.04 0.04
nagaland 1.40 1.40
un[ab 4.70 4.70
Slkklm 1.12 1.12
1rlpura 0.10 0.10
uuar radesh 46.14 46.14
uuaranchal 3.12 3.12
WesL 8engal 8.06 8.06
!harkhand 11.16 11.16
178.26 178.26
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.19 - Current |nvestments (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
b) Cther 8onds:-
13 years 8.3 !&k CovL. 8onds 2017 lnLeresL payable seml-annually
redeemable w.e.f 30.11.2007 2.31 2.31
13 years 8.3 !&k CovL. 8onds 2018 lnLeresL payable seml-annually
redeemable w.e.f 31.03.2008 2.69 2.69
3.00 3.00
1ota| 183.26 183.26
Grand tota| 183.26 183.26
Iurther notes:
AggregaLe amounL of unquoLed lnvesLmenLs
8ook value 183.26 183.26
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.20 - Inventor|es
(` ln Crore)
(As Laken valued and cerued by Lhe ManagemenL)
(lor mode of valuauon refer noLe 1.12)
Loose Lools 0.68 0.69
Consumable sLores 3.13 3.11
ComponenLs, Spares & oLher spare parLs:
1owers 130.33 113.07
ConducLors 41.82 23.18
CLher Llne MaLerlals 149.14 96.29
Sub-SLauon LqulpmenLs/Spares 136.72 108.33
Plgh volLage ulrecL CurrenL LqulpmenLs/spares 60.78 37.36
unled Load despaLch CenLre Spares 2.26 2.33
1elecom Spares 8.06 8.02
CLher SLores 16.82 23.77
331.78 440.37
Less rovlslon for ShorLages 0.23 0.26
1oLal SS1.S3 440.31
Inventor|es |nc|udes mater|a| |n trans|t
CLher SLores - 0.01
1oLal - 0.01
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.21 - 1rade rece|vab|es
(` ln Crore)
l) CuLsLandlng for a perlod exceedlng slx monLhs
Consldered good 243.46 184.87
Consldered doubuul 20.61 78.03
266.07 262.90
ll) CLhers 1188.63 1312.62
1434.70 1373.32
Less: rovlslon for bad & doubuul Lrade recelvables 20.61 78.03
1ota| 1434.09 1497.49
(unsecured Consldered good unless oLherwlse sLaLed)
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.22 - Cash and 8ank ba|ances
(` ln Crore)
1) Cash and Cash Lqu|va|ents
8alance wlLh banks-
- ln CurrenL accounLs 860.93 431.17
- ln Lerm deposlLs (lC proceeds Lo be uullsed for ldenued pro[ecLs) - 230.00
- ln deslgnaLed currenL accounLs (Lo be uullsed for consulLancy asslgnmenLs) 788.13 1124.30
uras/Cheques ln hand 4.37 3.23
Cash ln hand 0.03 0.02
SLamps and lmpresL 0.01 0.01
16S3.S1 1830.9S
2) Cther 8ank ba|ances
- ln currenL accounL (unclalmed dlvldends) 8.46 3.93
- ln 1erm ueposlLs havlng maLurlLy over 3 monLhs (lC proceeds Lo
be uullsed for ldenued pro[ecLs) - 300.00
1ota| 1661.97 2336.88
Iurther notes:
8alance wlLh 8anks ln currenL accounLs and deslgnaLed currenL accounLs under cash and cash equlvalenLs above, lncludes llquld exl Lerm
deposlL ` 113.71 crore (prevlous year ` nlL) and ` 773.13 crore (prevlous year `1104.70 crore) respecuvely
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.23 - Short-term |oans and advances
(` ln Crore)
A) Loans
a) Lmp|oyees |nc|ud|ng |nterest accrued
l) Secured 49.88 29.20
ll) unsecured 3.09 4.08
34.97 33.28
b) Cthers
CurrenL maLurlues of Long 1erm Advances (under securlusauon Scheme) 23.14 13.43
CurrenL MaLurlues of Lease 8ecelvables 63.44 131.44
86.38 146.87
1ota| (A) 141.SS 180.1S
8) Advances to re|ated parnes 10S.39 26.43
C) Advances recoverab|e |n cash or |n k|nd or for va|ue to be rece|ved
a) Lmployees 20.40 23.32
b) CLhers
ConLracLors & Suppllers (lncludlng MaLerlal lssued on loan) 31.72 6.78
8alance wlLh CusLoms orL 1rusL and oLher auLhorlues 13.70 11.24
Advance 1ax & 1uS 2749.70 2114.48
Less: rovlslon for Laxauon (noLe 2.11) 2623.08 2007.73
126.62 106.73
CLhers 133.63 71.29
327.69 196.06
1ota| (C) 348.09 219.38
1ota|(A+8+C) S9S.03 42S.96
ulrecLors 0.02 -
Cmcers 3.22 11.32
Iurther notes:
8reakup of advances Lo relaLed parues ls provlded ln noLe 2.44(b)
(unsecured Consldered good unless oLherwlse sLaLed)
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.24 - Cther current assets
(` ln Crore)
a) unbllled 8evenue 1737.87 1348.81
b) lnLeresL accrued buL noL due
lnLeresL accrued on lnvesLmenLs (8onds) 27.94 33.76
lnLeresL accrued on 1erm/llxed ueposlLs 4.88 13.67
c) Clalms recoverable 8.91 8.33
d) CLhers 39.97 37.40
1839.37 1443.99
1ota| 1839.S7 144S.99
Iurther notes:
unbllled revenue `742.13 crore ( revlous year `330.93 Crore) represenL amounL for whlch Lhe company ls yeL Lo ralse bllls ln vlew of
recognluon of revenue as per CL8C 1arl norms appllcable for 2009-2014 and also lncludes Lransmlsslon charges for Lhe monLh of March,2013
amounung Lo `1013.72 crore (prevlous year `817.88 crore) bllled Lo benlclarles ln Lhe monLh of Aprll, 2013(revlous year Aprll,2012).
(unsecured Consldered good unless oLherwlse sLaLed)
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
Note 2.2S - kevenue from operanons
(` ln Crore)
|) 1anasm|ss|on 8us|ness
Sales of servlces
Transmission Charges 11704.78 9186.42
Add:8evenue 8ecognlsed ouL of Advance agalnsL depreclauon 48.82 32.29
Add: -ShorL 1erm Cpen Access 409.06 323.48
12162.66 9344.19
Cther operanng revenue
lnLeresL on dlerenual beLween rovlslonal and llnal 1arl by CL8C 48.40 128.94
12211.06 9673.13
||) 1e|ecom |ncome
Sales of servlces
nLu 227.06 199.36
l-1 10.31 9.43
lS 1.36 1.21
CLhers 4.83 -
243.38 210.00
Less: Inter D|v|s|ona| 1ransfer
nLu 6.88 3.33
l-1 3.16 3.16
lS 0.13 0.12
12.19 8.81
231.39 201.19
|||) Consu|tancy ro[ect Management and Superv|s|on
Sales of servlces 228.96 289.93
Sales of producLs 86.44
313.40 289.93
1ota| 127S7.8S 10164.27
Iurther notes:
1he company has recognlzed Lransmlsslon lncome durlng Lhe year as per Lhe followlng:
a) `3430.39 crore (prevlous year ` 1934.42 crore ) for whlch provlslonal Larl orders have been lssued by Lhe CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory
Commlsslon ( CL8C) allowlng provlslonal bllllng aL 83-93 of Lhe Larl clalmed ,
b) `8141.31 crore (prevlous year ` 6316.80 crore ) for whlch nal Larl orders have been lssued by CL8C
c) ` 96.44 crore (prevlous year ` 301.94 crore) based on CL8C 1arl norms appllcable for Lhe Larl block 2009-14 for whlch Larl orders are yeL Lo
be lssued by CL8C.
d) 1ransmlsslon charges for Lhe currenL year lnclude ` 63.26 crore (revlous year ` 463.33 crore) on accounL of deferred Lax maLerlallsed durlng
Lhe year whlch ls recoverable from benlclarles as per CL8C 1arl 8egulauons 2009 noued by Lhe CL8C.
e) CL8C lssued Larl order daLed 29.04.2011 ln respecL of 8arh-8alla 1ransmlsslon llne conslderlng Lhe daLe of commerclal operauon (uCCC) 01.07.10.
AgalnsL Lhls Larl order, one of Lhe beneclarles led appeal before Lhe AppellaLe 1rlbunal for LlecLrlclLy (A1L) challenglng Lhe Larl approved by
CL8C based on above uCCC clalmed by Lhe company. 1he A1L vlde lLs orders daLed 2.07.12 observed LhaL Lhe uCCC of 1.7.10 was noL correcL as Lhe
appellanL had reporLed LhaL Lhe Lransmlsslon llne was acLually commlssloned ln AugusL 2011 l.e. when lL was successfully LesL charged aL boLh ends as
Lhe work whlch was ln scope of generaung Company have been compleLed ln AugusL 2011. Accordlngly, Lhe A1L remanded CL8C for redeLermlnauon
of uCCC and Larl of Lhe 1ransmlsslon llne. A1L vlde order daLed 8.11.12 also re[ecLed Lhe revlew peuuon of Lhe company ln Lhls regard. upon Lhls, Lhe
company led an appeal ln Lhe Supreme CourL explalnlng LhaL Lhe uCCC of 1.7.10 was as per CL8C 8egulauons.1he Supreme CourL ln lLs order daLed
13.3.13 granLed sLay ln furLher proceedlngs before Lhe CL8C. endlng declslon of Lhe Supreme CourL, and conslderlng LhaL 1.7.10 ls correcL uCCC
as per CL8C 8egulauons, no ad[usLmenL has been made ln respecL of 8evenue of ` 83.18 crore recognlsed durlng Lhe perlod 1.7.10 Lo 31.7.11.
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
Note 2.26 - Cther |ncome
(` ln Crore)
A) Income from non-current Investments
|) D|v|dend
Subsldlary 10.72 7.63
CLhers 49.96 46.33
||) Interest on Govt.secur|nes 39.26 74.88
8) Cther Interests
Loan Lo SLaLe CovL. ln seulemenL of dues 3.37 6.88
lndlan 8anks 216.73 346.70
lnLeresL from advances Lo conLracLors 267.49 178.90
lnLeresL on ouLsLandlng dues from uLSu 91.38 -
CLhers 7.92 7.89
709.0S 669.43
C) Cthers
roL on sale of llxed AsseLs 0.20 0.09
ueferred lncome (1ransferred from CranLs-ln-ald) 22.29 26.33
1ransfer from lnsurance 8eserve on A/c of Losses of llxed AsseLs 0.33 0.81
Lease lncome-SLaLe SecLor uLuC 33.66 7.89
Surcharge 73.47 66.93
Plre charges for equlpmenLs 0.28 0.08
lL8v galn 1.16 -
8ebaLe 0.27 0.30
rovlslons wrluen back (lncludlng for uLSu dues of`37.79 Crore) 39.24 40.79
Mlscellaneous lncome 31.26 62.66
933.23 873.31
Less:lncome Lransferred Lo expendlLure durlng consLrucuon-noLe 2.32 382.34 234.37
1ota| S70.89 620.74
Iurther Notes:
MlnlsLry of ower vlde order daLed 3.2.13 conveyed Lhe approval of CovernmenL of lndla for non-plan asslsLance Lo CovernmenL of nauonal
CaplLal 1errlLory of uelhl (CnC1u) Lowards seulemenL of dues of ersLwhlle uelhl LlecLrlc Supply underLaklng (uLSu) Lo four CSus lncludlng
ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd. Accordlng Lo Lhls order paymenL of prlnclpal amounL of ` 37.79 crore and lnLeresL of ` 91.38 crore ls Lo
be made by CnC1u Lo Lhe Company. ln vlew of above 1he Company has wrluen back provlslon of ` 37.79 crore made ln earller years and
accounLed lnLeresL of ` 91.38 crore as 'CLher lncome'.
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
Note 2.27 - Lmp|oyee benehts expense
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
Salarles wages allowances & beneLs 1086.33 1026.10
ConLrlbuuon Lo provldenL and oLher funds 140.38 88.41
SLa Welfare expenses 101.31 87.38
1328.02 1202.09
Less: 1ransferred Lo LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon-noLe 2.32 441.62 339.12
1C1AL 886.40 842.97
Iurther notes:
a) Lmployees' remunerauon and beneLs lnclude Lhe followlng for Lhe whole ume dlrecLors, lncludlng chalrman and managlng dlrecLor
and excludlng arrears pald Lo ex-dlrecLors.
Current ear rev|ous year
Salarles and Allowances 2.21 1.80
ConLrlbuuon Lo rovldenL lund and oLher lunds, CraLulLy and Croup lnsurance 0.10 0.08
CLher beneLs 0.16 0.22
b) ln addluon Lo Lhe above remunerauon, Lhewhole ume dlrecLors have been allowed Lo use Lhe sLa car (lncludlng for prlvaLe [ourneys)
on paymenL of `780/- p.m. as conLalned ln Lhe MlnlsLry of llnance (8L) Clrcular no.2(18)/pc/64 dL. 29
november, 1964 as amended
c) endlng approval of MlnlsLry of ower and ueparLmenL of ubllc LnLerprlses, speclal allowance up Lo 10 of 8aslc pay amounung Lo
`16.73 crore for Lhe nanclal year 2012-13 (Cumulauve amounung Lo ` 61.43 crore upLo 31.03.2013) ls belng pald Lo employees who
are posLed ln Lhe dlmculL and far ung areas. 1he above allowance ls above Lhe maxlmum celllng of 30 of 8aslc ay as per uL omce
memorandum no. 2(70)/08-uL(WC)-CL-xvl/08 daLed 26-nov-2008.
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
Note 2.28 - I|nance costs
(` ln Crore)
A) Interest on Loan from
lndlan 8anks,llnanclal lnsuLuuons & Corporauons 338.13 223.08
lorelgn 8anks and llnanclal lnsuLuuons 230.40 143.68
Secured/unsecured redeemable 8onds 3330.04 2696.98
CLhers 7.60 26.87
4126.17 3094.61
8) Cther borrow|ng costs
CommlLmenL charges 18.34 3.23
CuaranLee lee 212.03 142.77
CLher nance charges 77.33 39.33
307.90 18S.3S
C) LkV as ad[ustment to 8orrow|ng Cost
L8v as ad[usLmenL Lo 8orrowlng CosL (671.89) 918.43
Less: 1ransferred Lo LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon-noLe 2.32 - 246.01
(671.89) 672.44
Less: lL8v recoverable (397.97) 388.01
(73.92) 84.43
4360.13 3364.39
Less: 1ransferred Lo LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon-noLe 2.32 1824.93 1421.13
1C1AL 2S3S.22 1943.26
For the year ended
March, 2012
For the year ended
March, 2013
Note 2.29 - Deprec|anon and amornzanon expense
(` ln Crore)
uepreclauon/amorusauon on 1anglble AsseLs 3437.62 2386.76
Amorusauon of lnLanglble asseLs 24.02 17.32
3481.64 2604.08
Less: 1ransferred Lo LxpendlLure uurlng ConsLrucuon-noLe 2.32 11.06 8.99
3470.S8 2393.09
Less:uepreclauon amorused due Lo lL8v ad[usLmenL 118.66 22.33
Charged 1o SLaLemenL of roL & Loss 3331.92 2372.34
kepa|r & Ma|ntenance
8ulldlngs 27.97 24.44
lanL & Machlnery
Sub SLauon 124.22 113.73
1ransmlsslon llnes 68.62 47.37
1elecom 23.61 23.12
CLhers 8.30 7.62
226.93 192.04
SysLem and MarkeL Cperauon Charges 16.80 27.39
ower charges 103.68 80.80
Less: 8ecovery from conLracLors 0.77 1.03
104.91 79.73
Lxpenses of ulesel Ceneraung seLs 6.22 4.29
SLores consumed 0.09 0.03
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
Note 2.30 - 1ransm|ss|on, Adm|n|stranon and other expenses
(` ln Crore)
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
WaLer charges 1.03 0.97
8lghL of Way charges(1elecom) 3.43 4.23
aLrolllng Lxpenses-1elecom 1.31 1.69
LasLmlle connecuvlLy-1elecom 0.30 0.12
1ralnlng & 8ecrulLmenL Lxpenses 17.30 20.93
Less:lees for Lralnlng and appllcauon 0.03 1.09
17.23 19.84
Legal expenses 14.69 7.90
rofesslonal charges(lncludlng 1A/uA) 10.67 7.19
ConsulLancy expenses(lncludlng 1A/uA) 1.60 1.33
Communlcauon expenses 12.02 9.73
1ravelllng & Conv.exp.(excludlng forelgn Lravel) 83.83 78.88
lorelgn Lravel 7.34 6.64
91.37 83.32
1ender expenses 13.23 16.16
Less: Sale of Lenders 4.14 6.14
9.09 10.02
kemuneranon to aud|tors
SLaLuLory AudlLors
AudlL lees 0.31 0.42
1ax AudlL lees 0.10 0.12
ln CLher CapaclLy 0.64 0.47
Arrears 0.24 -
CuL of pockeL Lxpenses 0.67 0.38
2.16 1.39
AdverusemenL and publlclLy 6.73 10.66
rlnung and sLauonery 4.72 3.24
8ooks erlodlcals and !ournals 0.91 0.93
Lu hlre and oLher charges 3.26 3.10
LnLerLalnmenL expenses 1.63 1.61
8rokerage & Commlsslon 0.20 0.32
8esearch & uevelopmenL expenses 1.07 3.16
CosL AudlL and hyslcal verlcauon lees 0.43 0.28
8enL 9.92 9.13
CaplLal LxpendlLure on asseLs noL owned by Lhe Company 7.87 0.43
CL8C peuuon & CLher charges 14.24 3.43
Mlscellaneous expenses 29.93 24.12
PoruculLure Lxpenses 8.80 6.93
SecurlLy Lxpenses 67.39 38.83
Plrlng of vehlcle 74.02 37.73
lnsurance 49.96 31.07
8aLes and Laxes 10.13 7.34
Llcense lees Lo uC1 13.93 14.10
8andwldLh charges dark bre lease charges (1elecom) eLc 16.61 13.38
LxpendlLure on CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8) 21.73 26.97
LxpendlLure susLalnable developmenL 0.09 -
non operaung expenses 0.32 1.13
1ranslL Accomodauon Lxpenses 6.30 3.30
Less : lncome from 1ranslL Accomodauon 0.78 0.66
3.72 4.84
8ebaLe Lo CusLomers 79.19 113.40
lorelgn Lxchange 8aLe varlauon (neL of lL8v galn & amounL recoverable) - 2.23
Note 2.30 - 1ransm|ss|on, Adm|n|stranon and other expenses (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
1ransmlsslon charges 31.20 (17.20)
uepreclauon wrluen back 0.13 -
uepreclauon amorused due Lo lL8v 1.82 -
ueferred lncome (1ransferred from CranLs-ln-ald) - 3.66
Lease lncome-SLaLe SecLor uLuC - 9.97
ConsulLancy ro[ecL ManagemenL and Supervlslon lees - 2.97
CLhers 20.30 1.13
73.47 2.SS
8aLes and Laxes 1.20 -
uepreclauon 29.74 6.21
unspenL CS8 LxpendlLure for earller years - 13.22
lnLeresL 12.66 0.73
Lmployee 8emunerauon - 7.43
CLhers 3.31 (3.98)
48.91 21.63
r|or per|od expend|ture](|ncome)(Net) (24.36) 19.08
Less: 1ransferred Lo LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon -noLe 2.32 0.14 0.42
1ota| (24.70) 18.66
Note 2.31 - r|or per|od |tems
(` ln Crore)
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
rovlslon-CLhers 2.73 2.30
2.73 2.30
983.89 882.83
Less:1ransferred Lo LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon-noLe 2.32 118.93 73.94
864.96 806.89
ueferred revenue Lxpenses wrluen o - 1.79
Loss on ulsposal/WrlLe o of llxed AsseLs 6.38 1.30
1oLal 871.S4 809.98
SLores consumpuon lncluded ln repalr and malnLenance 83.46 31.77
Iurther Notes:
1he Company has allowed rebaLe agalnsL paymenL recelved Lhrough LC/cheques/81CS for eecung beuer and umely recovery of dues from
SLaLe ower uullues on conslsLenL basls.
Note 2.30 - 1ransm|ss|on, Adm|n|stranon and other expenses (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
Note 2.32 - Lxpend|ture dur|ng Construcnon (Net)
(` ln Crore)
A. Lmp|oyees kemuneranon & 8enehts
Salarles wages allowances and beneLs 377.78 316.13
ConLrlbuuon Lo provldenL and oLher funds 43.68 26.33
Welfare expenses 20.16 16.64
1oLal(A) 441.62 339.12
8.Cther Lxpenses
8epalr and malnLenance
8ulldlngs 2.34 1.98
CLhers 3.37 0.89
6.11 2.87
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
ower charges 16.43 3.63
Less: 8ecovered from conLracLors 0.60 0.88
13.83 2.77
Lxpenses on ulesel Ceneraung seLs 1.43 0.68
WaLer charges 0.17 0.29
1ralnlng & 8ecrulLmenL Lxpenses 0.03 0.01
Legal expenses 1.23 0.66
rofesslonal charges 1.67 1.79
ConsulLancy expenses 0.19 0.01
Communlcauon expenses 2.79 2.11
1ravelllng & Conv.exp. (lncludlng lorelgn 1ravel) 33.77 28.86
1ender expenses 3.83 9.46
Less: lncome from sale of Lenders 3.83 3.87
2.00 3.39
aymenL Lo AudlLors 0.06 0.06
AdverusemenL and ubllclLy 1.30 0.62
rlnung and sLauonery 0.39 0.32
Lu hlre and oLher charges 0.26 0.11
LnLerLalnmenL expenses 0.17 0.12
8rokerage and commlsslon 0.06 0.03
8enL 3.80 3.16
Mlscellaneous expenses 3.73 3.40
PoruculLure Lxpenses 0.34 0.48
SecurlLy Lxpenses 10.73 6.49
Plrlng of vehlcles 24.86 13.90
lnsurance 0.60 0.22
8aLes and Laxes 2.08 0.76
CuesL Pouse Lxpenses 0.91 0.44
Less:lncome from guesL house 0.04 0.03
0.87 0.41

Sub-LoLal 118.93 73.94
rlor erlod ad[usLmenL (neL) 0.14 0.42
1ota|(8) 119.07 76.36
C. Deprec|anon]Amornsanon 11.06 8.99
D. I|nance Costs
a) lnLeresL on Loans from
lndlan 8anks,llnanclal lnsuLuuons and Corporauons 123.16 7.30
lorelgn 8anks and llnanclal lnsuLuuons 84.98 20.03
Secured/unsecured 8edeemable 8onds 1434.32 1327.87
1664.66 1333.42
b) CLher borrowlng cosLs
CommlLmenL charges 18.20 2.82
CuaranLee fee 76.88 32.32
CLher llnance Charges 63.19 30.37
160.27 63.71
c) lL8v ad[usLmenL Lo borrowlng cosL - 246.01
1ota| ( D ) 1824.93 1667.14
L. Less: Cther Income
lnLeresL from
lndlan banks 113.94 67.33
ConLracLors 264.03 178.66
CLhers 0.91 0.63
378.90 246.84
Mlscellaneous lncome 3.20 7.72
Plre charges 0.24 0.01
1ota| (L) 382.34 2S4.S7
GkAND 1C1AL (A+8+C+D-L) 2014.34 18S7.04
Note 2.32 - Lxpend|ture dur|ng Construcnon (Net) (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
2.33 Cash equlvalenL of deemed exporL beneLs avalled of ` 209.99 crore ln respecL of supplles aecLed for LasL SouLh lnLer
ConnecLor-ll 1ransmlsslon ro[ecL (LSl) and Sasaram 1ransmlsslon ro[ecL (S1), were pald Lo Lhe CusLoms and CenLral Lxclse
AuLhorlues ln accordance wlLh dlrecuon from MlnlsLry of ower (CovL. of lndla) durlng 2002-03 due Lo non avallablllLy of World
8ank loan for Lhe enure supplles ln respecL of LSl pro[ecL and for Lhe supplles prlor Lo March 2000 ln respecL of S1 pro[ecL and
Lhe same was caplLallsed ln Lhe books of accounLs. 1hereaer, World 8ank had nanced boLh Lhe LSl pro[ecL and S1 pro[ecL as
orlglnally envlsaged and Lhey became ellglble for deemed exporL beneLs. ConsequenLly, Lhe company has lodged clalms wlLh Lhe
CusLoms and Lxclse AuLhorlues.
ln Lhe regard Lhe Cumulauve amounL recelved and de-caplLallzed upLo 31sL March 2013 ls ` 12.12 crore (revlous year ` 12.12
crore). 1he company conunued Lo show Lhe balance of ` 197.87 crore as aL 31sL March 2013 (revlous year ` 197.87 crore) ln Lhe
caplLal cosL of Lhe respecuve asseLs / pro[ecLs pendlng recelpL of Lhe same from CusLoms and Lxclse AuLhorlues.
2.34 CuL of Lhe proceeds of lollow on ubllc Cer (lC) made ln llnanclal ?ear 2010-11, a sum of ` 730 crore (revlous ?ear `1371.17
crore) has been uullsed durlng Lhe year for parL nanclng of caplLal expendlLure on Lhe pro[ecLs specled for uullzauon resulung ln
compleLe uullsauon of funds amounung Lo ` 3721.17 crore ralsed Lhrough lC.
2.33 a) CerLaln balances ln Loans and Advances & 1rade ayables are sub[ecL Lo conrmauon and consequenual ad[usLmenLs, lf any.
b) ln Lhe oplnlon of Lhe managemenL, Lhe value of any of Lhe asseLs oLher Lhan xed asseLs and non currenL lnvesLmenLs on
reallzauon ln Lhe ordlnary course of buslness wlll noL be less Lhan value aL whlch Lhey are sLaLed ln Lhe 8alance SheeL.
2.36 lnformauon ln respecL of cosL plus consulLancy conLracLs, conslderlng Lhe same as consulLancy buslness ln vlew of Accounung
SLandard (AS)-7 (8evlsed 2002) ConsLrucuon ConLracLs " ls provlded as under :
2.37 1he company has been enLrusLed wlLh Lhe responslblllLy of bllllng collecuon and dlsbursemenL (8Cu) of Lhe Lransmlsslon charges on
behalf of all Lhe lS1S (lnLersLaLe Lransmlsslon SysLem) llcensees Lhrough Lhe mechanlsm of Lhe CC (olnL of Connecuon) charges
lnLroduced w.e.f. 01-07-2011 whlch lnvolves bllllng based on approved drawal/ln[ecuon of power ln place of old mechanlsm based
on Mega Wau allocauon of power by MlnlsLry of ower. 8y Lhls mechanlsm, revenue of Lhe company wlll remaln unaecLed.
Some of Lhe beneclarles aggrleved by Lhe CC mechanlsm have preferred appeal before varlous Plgh CourLs of lndla and conunue
Lo make paymenL as per old sysLem of bllllng. uue Lo Lhls, an unreallzed amounL of ` 273.27 crore (prevlous year ` 141.36 crore) ls
lncluded ln 1rade 8ecelvables. All such appeals have been Lransferred Lo uelhl Plgh CourL as per order of Lhe Supreme CourL on Lhe
appeal preferred by Lhe company and company has also requesLed for dlrecung aglLaung sLaLes Lo pay full Lransmlsslon charges as
per new meLhodology pendlng seulemenL of Lhe mauer.
2.38 (l) lL8v Loss of ` 1660.02 crore lncludlng ` 671.89 crore for revlous ?ear (prevlous year lL8v loss `882.14 crore) has been ad[usLed
ln Lhe respecuve carrylng amounL of llxed AsseLs/CaplLal work ln rogress (CWl)/lease recelvables.
(ll) lL8v Caln of `1.16 crore (revlous ?ear lL8v Loss `2.23 crore) has been recognlsed ln Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss.
2.39 LecL due Lo change ln accounung pollcles durlng Lhe year -
l) MlnlsLry of CorporaLe Aalrs, CovernmenL of lndla Lhrough clrcular no.23/2012 daLed 9Lh AugusL 2012 has clarled LhaL ara 6 of
Accounung SLandard (AS)-11 and para 4(e) of AS 16 shall noL apply Lo company whlch ls applylng para 46A of AS 11. ConsequenLly,
exchange dlerences arlslng on seulemenL/Lranslauon of forelgn currency loans Lo Lhe exLenL regarded as an ad[usLmenL Lo
lnLeresL cosL as per para 4(e) of AS 16 and charged Lo Lhe sLaLemenL of proL and loss have now been ad[usLed ln Lhe cosL of
relaLed caplLal asseLs. 1hls change ln accounung pollcy ls made eecuve from 01 Aprll 2011.1hls change has resulLed ln lncrease
ln roL before Lax for Lhe year by ` 122.93 crore ( lncludlng ` 66.12 crore for l? 11-12).
ll) ln vlew of oplnlon of Lhe LxperL Advlsory Commluee of Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla, unspenL expendlLure, ouL
of Lhe budgeL for Lhe year Lowards CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy(CS8), whlch was hlLherLo belng provlded for ln Lhe sLaLemenL
of roL & Loss ls now belng Lransferred Lo CS8 reserve by approprlaung proL. 1he change has resulLed ln lncrease ln proL
before Lax for Lhe year by ` 26.06 crore (lncludlng `13.26 crore wrlLe back of provlslon for earller years ).
2.40 8orrowlng cosL caplLallsed durlng Lhe year ls ` 1824.93 crore (prevlous ?ear ` 1667.14 crore) as per AS 16- 8orrowlng CosL".
2.41 endlng approval of Lhe erformance 8elaLed ay ( 8 ) scheme for workmen, provlslon of `41.48 crore (lncludlng ` 21.87 crore for
earller years) has been made neL of paymenLs made as per old erformance Llnked lncenuve Scheme.
ear ended
ear ended
l) 1he amounL of revenue recognlsed on cosL plus consulLancy conLracL works 176.90 200.88
ll) 1he methods used to determ|ne the contract revenue recogn|sed |n the per|od:
13 of LoLal consulLancy fees upLo award sLage Lo execuung agencles (ouL of whlch 10 upLo
lssue of nouces lnvlung Lenders), 83 wlLh progress of work lncludlng supplles (rogress of
work ls Laken as cerued by englneer ln charge).
As er ollcy As er ollcy
lll) Cumulauve amounL of cosLs lncurred on consLrucuon conLracLs 11319.24 10243.19
lv) Cumulauve amounL of advance recelved from cusLomers 13231.83 12043.80
v) AmounL of reLenuon money wlLh cusLomers 96.01 0.00
vl) Cross amounL due from cusLomers for conLracL works as an asseL 33.32 13.38
vll) Cross amounL due Lo cusLomers for conLracL works as a llablllLy 1413.23 1413.10
2.42 ulsclosures as per Accounung SLandard (AS) 13
uened employee beneL/ conLrlbuuon schemes are as under:-
A. rovldenL lund
Company pays xed conLrlbuuon Lo rovldenL lund aL predeLermlned raLe Lo a separaLe LrusL, whlch lnvesLs Lhe funds ln permlued
securlues. ConLrlbuuon Lo famlly penslon scheme ls pald Lo Lhe approprlaLe auLhorlues. 1he conLrlbuuon Lo Lhe fund for Lhe year
amounung Lo ` 66.37 crore(prevlous year `60.69 crore) has been recognlzed as expense and ls charged Lo SLaLemenL of roL and
Loss. 1he obllgauon of Lhe company ls llmlLed Lo such xed conLrlbuuon and Lo ensure a mlnlmum raLe of lnLeresL on conLrlbuuons
Lo Lhe members as specled by CCl. As per Lhe reporL of acLuary over all lnLeresL earnlng and cumulauve surplus 'ls more' Lhan
sLaLuLory lnLeresL paymenL requlremenL. Pence, no furLher provlslon ls consldered necessary.
8. CraLulLy
1he company has a dened beneL graLulLy plan. Lvery employee who has rendered conunuous servlce of ve years or more ls
enuLled Lo geL graLulLy aL 13 days salary (13/26 x lasL drawn baslc salary plus, dearness allowance) for each compleLed year of servlce
on superannuauon, reslgnauon, Lermlnauon, dlsablemenL or on deaLh sub[ecL Lo a maxlmum of ` 10 lacs. 1he scheme ls funded by
Lhe company and ls managed by a separaLe LrusL. 1he llablllLy for Lhe same ls recognlsed on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon on annual
basls on Lhe 8alance SheeL daLe.
C. enslon
1he Company has scheme of employees dened enslon ConLrlbuuon. Company conLrlbuuon ls pald Lo separaLe LrusL. AmounL of
conLrlbuuon pald/payable for Lhe year ls ` 32.24 crore (revlous ?ear ` 30.36 crore) has been recognlsed as expense and ls charged
Lo sLaLemenL of proL & loss.
u. osL-8euremenL Medlcal laclllLy (8Ml)
1he company has osL-8euremenL Medlcal laclllLy (8Ml), under whlch reured employees and Lhe spouse are provlded medlcal
faclllues ln Lhe empanelled hosplLals. 1hey can also avall LreaLmenL as CuL-auenL sub[ecL Lo a celllng xed by Lhe company. 1he
scheme ls unfunded and llablllLy for Lhe same ls recognlsed on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon on annual basls on Lhe 8alance SheeL daLe.
L. CLher uened 8euremenL 8eneLs (Cu88)
1he Company has a scheme for seulemenL aL Lhe ume of superannuauon aL home Lown for employees and dependenLs Lo
superannuaLed employees. 1he scheme ls unfunded and llablllLy for Lhe same ls recognlsed on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon on
annual basls on Lhe 8alance SheeL daLe.
1he summar|sed pos|non of var|ous dehned benehts recogn|zed |n the Statement of roht & Loss and 8a|ance Sheet and funded
status |s as under:-
a) Lxpenses recognlsed ln SLaLemenL of proL and loss
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
Descr|pnon GkA1UI1 PRMF ODRB

CurrenL Servlce CosL 19.11 17.27 6.13 4.81 0.66 0.61
lnLeresL cosL on beneL obllgauon 28.62 27.03 11.88 10.03 1.01 0.90
LxpecLed reLurn on plan asseLs (30.14) (27.03) -- -- -- --
neL acLuarlal (galn)/loss recognlzed ln Lhe year 4.11 10.18 14.70 20.86 (0.47) 0.78
Lxpenses recognlzed ln Lhe SLaLemenL of proL and
21.69 27.43 32.71 33.71 1.20 2.31
b) AcLual reLurn on plan asseLs ls ` 30.23 crore (prevlous year ` 27.77 crore)
c) 1he amounL recognlzed ln Lhe 8alance SheeL
Descr|pnon GkA1UI1 PRMF ODRB

(l) resenL value of obllgauon as aL 31/03/2013 389.31 337.73 179.27 148.33 13.42 12.62
(ll) lalr value of plan asseLs as aL 31/03/2013 383.34 334.62 - - - -
ulerence (ll) - (l) (3.96) (3.11) (179.27) (148.33) (13.42) (12.62)
neL asseL (llablllLy) recognlzed ln Lhe 8alance SheeL (3.96) (3.11) (179.27) (148.33) (13.42) (12.62)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
d) Changes ln Lhe presenL value of Lhe dened beneL obllgauons:
e) Changes ln Lhe falr value of plan asseLs:
l. CLher Lmployee 8eneLs
rovlslon for Leave encashmenL (lncludlng compensaLed absences) amounung Lo ` (11.63) crore (prevlous ?ear ` 60.33 crore) for Lhe
year has been made on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon aL Lhe year end and same ls credlLed Lo SLaLemenL of roL and Loss.
rovlslon for Long Servlce Award amounung Lo ` 1.19 crore (revlous ?ear ` 8.67 crore lncludlng for earller years ` 7.43 crore) have been
made on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon aL Lhe year end.
C. ueLalls of Lhe lan AsseL (CraLulLy)
1he deLalls of Lhe plan asseLs aL cosL as on 31sL March, 2013 are as follows:-
(` ln crore)
(At urchase Va|ue)
CurrenL ?ear revlous ?ear
l) SLaLe CovernmenL Securlues 68.84 41.92
ll) CenLral CovernmenL Securlues 88.43 64.18
lll) CorporaLe 8onds/uebenLures 228.63 242.33
lv) 88l Speclal ueposlL 3.13 3.13
v) CLher AsseLs 13.46 23.09
1ota|:- 406.49 376.87
Less : Share of CSCCC ln Lhe plan AsseLs 22.93 22.23
Grand 1ota| 383.S4 3S4.62
P. AcLuarlal Assumpuons
rlnclpal assumpuons used for acLuarlal valuauon are:
l) MeLhod used - ro[ecLed unlL credlL ( uC)
ll) ulscounL raLe - 8 (prevlous ?ear 8.3 )
ll) LxpecLed raLe of reLurn on asseLs (CraLulLy only) - 8.30 (prevlous ?ear 8.30)
lv) luLure salary lncrease- 6 (prevlous ?ear 6)
1he esumaLe of fuLure salary lncreases, consldered ln acLuarlal valuauon, Lakes lnLo accounL (l) lnauon, (ll) SenlorlLy (lll) romouon
and (lv) CLher relevanL facLors, such as supply and demand ln Lhe employmenL markeL. lurLher Lhe expecLed reLurn on plan asseLs
ls deLermlned conslderlng several appllcable facLors malnly Lhe composluon of plan asseLs, assessed rlsk of asseL managemenL and
hlsLorlcal reLurn for plan asseLs.
l. 1he Company's besL esumaLe of conLrlbuuon Lowards graLulLy for Lhe nanclal year 2013-14 ls `8.13 crore (prevlous year `22.36 crore)
Descr|pnon GkA1UI1 PRMF ODRB

resenL value of obllgauon as aL 01/04/2012 337.73 318.28 148.33 117.99 12.62 10.64
lnLeresL cosL 28.62 27.03 11.88 10.03 1.01 0.91
CurrenL Servlce CosL 19.11 17.27 6.13 4.81 0.66 0.61
8eneLs pald (20.16) (13.77) (1.97) (3.17) (0.40) (0.33)
neL acLuarlal (galn)/loss on obllgauon 4.22 10.90 14.70 20.86 (0.47) 0.79
resenL value of Lhe dened beneL obllgauon as aL 31/03/2013 389.31 337.73 179.27 148.33 13.42 12.62
Descr|pnon GkA1UI1
Current ear rev|ous ear
lalr value of plan asseLs as aL 01/04/2012 334.62 318.28
LxpecLed reLurn on plan asseLs 30.14 27.03
ConLrlbuuon by employer 18.83 24.34
8eneLs pald (20.17) (13.77)
AcLuarlal galn/(loss) 0.11 0.72
lalr value of plan asseLs as aL 31/03/2013 383.34 334.62
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
(` ln crore)
(` ln crore)
k. Lxperlence Ad[usLmenLs
(` ln crore)
(` ln crore)
(` ln crore)
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
arncu|ars Increase by Decrease by
Servlce and lnLeresL CosL 2.77 (3.29)
resenL value of obllgauon 17.03 (20.21)
ear ended
March, 2013
ear ended
March, 2012
l) lan asseLs - Loss/(Caln)
ll) Cbllgauon- Loss/(Caln)
Cbllgauon - Loss/(Caln)
14.70 20.86
Cbllgauon - Loss/(Caln)
(0.47) 0.78
!. 1he eecL of Lhe percenLage polnL lncrease/decrease ln Lhe medlcal cosL of 8Ml wlll be as under:-
2.43 Segment |nformanon (AS 17):
a) 8us|ness Segments
1he company's prlnclpal buslness ls Lransmlsslon of bulk power across dlerenL SLaLes of lndla. Powever, Lelecom and consulLancy
buslness are also LreaLed as a reporLable segmenL ln accordance wlLh para 28 of AS-17 SegmenL 8eporung".
b) Segment kevenue and Lxpense
8evenue dlrecLly aurlbuLable Lo Lhe segmenLs ls consldered as SegmenL 8evenue. Lxpenses dlrecLly aurlbuLable Lo Lhe segmenLs and
common expenses allocaLed on a reasonable basls are consldered as segmenL expenses.
c) Segment Assets and L|ab|||nes
SegmenL asseLs lnclude all operaung asseLs comprlslng of neL xed asseLs, consLrucuon work-ln-progress, consLrucuon sLores,
lnvesLmenLs, loans and advances and currenL asseLs. SegmenL llablllues lnclude long Lerm and shorL Lerm borrowlngs, currenL and
non currenL llablllues and provlslons
Segment kepornng
Transmission Consu|tancy 1e|ecom L|em|nanon 1ota|
8evenue from Cperauons
(lncludlng allocable oLher lncome)
12448.99 9868.63 318.03 292.33 231.37 201.44 12998.39 10362.42
lnLer SegmenL 8evenue 12.19 8.81 (12.19) (8.81)
neL 8evenue from Cperauons 12448.99 9868.63 318.03 292.33 243.76 210.23 (12.19) (8.81) 12998.39 10362.42
SegmenL resulLs 7633.29 3886.19 133.23 167.33 76.03 63.28 7862.39 6119.02
unallocaLed lnLeresL and CLher
330.13 422.39
unallocaLed llnance CosLs 2347.88 1944.01
roL before 1ax 3644.86 4397.60
rovlslon for 1axes 1410.36 1342.63
roht aher 1ax 4234.30 3234.93
CLher lnformauon:
SegmenL AsseLs 67896.41 32632.38 890.39 1309.63 829.37 739.02 69616.37 34681.23
unallocaLed AsseLs 41317.19 33327.10
1ota| Assets 111133.36 90208.33
SegmenL Llablllues: 4843.44 3903.37 1746.13 1772.43 321.23 490.47 7110.84 6166.27
unallocaLed CLher Llablllues
(lncludlng loans)
77783.23 60334.30
1oLal llablllues 84894.09 66720.37
uepreclauon and Amorusauon 3313.89 2322.11 0.42 0.43 63.38 36.21 3379.69 2378.73
non-cash expendlLure oLher Lhan
6.70 4.36 1.99 0.10 0.64 0.93 9.33 3.39
CaplLal LxpendlLure 20392.69 13373.46 0.29 0.31 161.13 80.04 20734.13 13633.81
Note :
1. roL of 1elecom segmenL has been lncreased by Lhe amounL of lnLer segmenL revenue wlLh a correspondlng decrease ln proL of 1ransmlsslon
2. ln earller years, uLuCs were LreaLed as separaLe buslness segmenL. ln order Lo have beuer presenLauon of segmenL resulL, same have been merged wlLh
1ransmlsslon segmenL and accordlngly prevlous year gures have also been merged wlLh 1ransmlsslon segmenL.
d) 1he operauon of Lhe company malnly carrled ouL wlLhln Lhe counLry and Lherefore Lhere ls no reporLable geographlcal segmenL.
2.44 ke|ated arty D|sc|osures:-
a) L|st of ke|ated arnes:-
|) key Management ersonne|
Sh. 8.n. nayak Chalrman and Managlng ulrecLor
Sh. l.S. !ha ulrecLor (ro[ecLs)
Sh. 8.1. Agarwal ulrecLor (llnance)
Sh. 8avl Slngh ulrecLor(ersonnel) w.e.f. 01.04.2012
Sh. 8.. Sasmal ulrecLor(Cperauons) w.e.f. 01.08.2012
||) Subs|d|ar|es:- Who||y Cwned
l) ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed (CSCCC)
ll) owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
lll) owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
|||) Io|nt Ventures:-
l) owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
ll) 1orrenL ower Crld LlmlLed
lll) !aypee owergrld LlmlLed
lv) arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed
v) 1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
vl) norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed
vll) nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed
vlll) Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed.
lx) 8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed w.e.f . 04.01.2013
x) kallnga 8ldyuL rasaran nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed w.e.f. 31.12.2012
xl) Cross 8order ower 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed w.e.f. 11.08.2012
b) 1ransacnons w|th the re|ated parnes at 2.44 (a) above dur|ng the year are as fo||ows:
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
arncu|ars Current year rev|ous ear
1ransacuons for servlces recelved by Lhe company 16.29 27.39
ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed 16.29 27.39
1ransacuons for servlces provlded by Lhe company* 24.39 32.30
arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 0.17 0.31
1orrenL ower Crld LlmlLed 0.03 -
!aypee owergrld LlmlLed 0.06 2.00
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 22.22 43.73
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 1.34 2.13
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 0.34 -
1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed - 0.33
ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed 0.23 1.36
AmounL recoverable 103.39 26.43
arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 0.01 0.08
1orrenL ower Crld LlmlLed 0.03 0.03
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 20.12 6.80
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 0.19 -
Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed 0.02 0.03
8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed 0.08 -
kallnga vldyuL rasaran nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed 0.03 -
ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed 43.13 -
owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 19.20 -
owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 20.34 19.47
(` ln crore)
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
arncu|ars Current year rev|ous ear
AmounL payable 22.99 37.89
arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 0.09 0.23
!aypee owergrld LlmlLed 0.30 0.32
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 2.08 1.87
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 20.07 24.62
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 0.23 2.78
ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed - 7.83
lnvesLmenL made 71.97 72.86
!aypee owergrld LlmlLed 2.08 10.92
1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 3.08 -
arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 19.30 -
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 14.92 61.89
Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed 21.87 -
Cross 8order ower 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 0.01 -
8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed 0.02 -
kallnga 8ldyuL rasaran nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed 0.01 -
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 8.43 -
owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed - 0.03
owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 0.03 -
ulvldend 8ecelved 38.88 32.37
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 48.16 44.72
ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed 10.72 7.63
uepuLauon of Lmployees 0.89 0.66
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed - 0.06
Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed 0.21 0.60
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 0.68 -
(` ln crore)
arncu|ars Current eat rev|ous ear
Cross value of asseLs acqulred and leased aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year 993.92 994.06
Add Ad[usLmenL for gross value of asseLs acqulred prlor Lo Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year - 1.86
8evlsed Cross value of Lhe asseLs aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year 993.92 993.92
Less CaplLal recovery provlded up Lo Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year 382.43 390.23
Add CaplLal recovery for asseLs acqulred prlor Lo Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year - 78.98
8evlsed CaplLal recovery provlded up Lo Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year 382.43 469.21
CaplLal recovery ouLsLandlng as on 31sL March of lasL nanclal year 413.47 326.71
Add Cross value of asseLs acqulred and leased durlng currenL nanclal year 68.01 -
Less CaplLal recovery for Lhe currenL year 60.44 113.24
Lease recelvables 421.04 413.47
*1hls does noL lnclude Lransacuons wlLh respecL Lo an agreemenL wlLh owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd. under whlch Lransmlsslon charges for
Lransmlsslon llne assoclaLed wlLh 1ala hydro elecLrlc power pro[ecL are ralsed by owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd. Lo Lhe company whlch pay
Lhe same and collecL from Lhe respecuve beneclarles.
c) 8emunerauon Lo whole ume dlrecLors lncludlng chalrman and managlng dlrecLor ls ` 2.47 crore (prevlous year ` 2.10 crore) and amounL
of dues ouLsLandlng Lo Lhe company as on 31sL March, 2013 are ` 0.07 crore (prevlous year ` 0.03 crore).
2.4S D|sc|osures regard|ng |eases
a) llnance Leases :-
Long 1erm Loans and Advances and ShorL 1erm Loans and Advances lnclude lease recelvables represenung Lhe presenL value of fuLure
lease renLals recelvable on Lhe nance lease Lransacuons enLered lnLo by Lhe company wlLh Lhe consuLuenLs ln respecL of SLaLe SecLor
uLuC, as per Lhe Accounung SLandard (AS) - 19 Leases" noued under Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
1he reconclllauon of Lhe lease recelvables (as per pro[ecL cosL daLa submlued Lo / approved by Lhe CL8C for Larl xauon) ls as under:
(` ln crore)
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
Amount as at
March, 2013
Amount as at
March, 2012
Cross lnvesLmenL ln Lease 381.63 331.02
un-earned llnance lncome 160.39 117.33
resenL value of Mlnlmum Lease aymenL (ML) 421.04 413.47
Cross lnvesLmenL ln lease and presenL value of mlnlmum lease paymenLs recelvables as aL 31sL March, 2013 for each of Lhe perlods
are as under:
(` ln crore)
arncu|ars Gross Investment |n Lease resent Va|ue of MLs
As at
March, 2013
As at
March, 2012
As at
March, 2013
As at
March, 2012
noL laLer Lhan one year 93.23 90.67 60.74 39.33
LaLer Lhan one year and noL laLer Lhan ve years 336.22 341.90 233.38 266.40
LaLer Lhan ve years 130.18 98.43 106.72 87.32
1oLal 381.63 331.02 421.04 413.47
(` ln crore)
1he unearned nance lncome as on 31sL March, 2013 ls ` 160.39 crore (prevlous year ` 117.33 crore).
1he value of conLracLual maLurlLy of such leases as per AS-19 are as under :
b) Cperaung leases:-
1he company's slgnlcanL leaslng arrangemenLs are ln respecL of operaung leases of premlses for resldenual use of employees, omces
and guesL houses/LranslL camps are usually renewable on muLually agreed Lerms buL are noL non-cancellable. Lmployees' remunerauon
and beneLs lnclude ` 33.28 crore (prevlous ?ear ` 32.40 crore) Lowards lease paymenLs, neL of recoverles, ln respecL of premlses for
resldenual use of employees. Lease paymenLs of ` 9.92 crore (prevlous ?ear ` 8.14 crore) ln respecL of premlses for omces and guesL
house/LranslL camps are shown under Lhe head 8enL ln noLe 2.30 1ransmlsslon, AdmlnlsLrauon and CLher expenses.
Current ear rev|ous ear
neL roL aer Lax used as numeraLor (`ln crore) 4234.30 3234.93
WelghLed average number of equlLy shares used a denomlnaLor 4629723333 4629723333
Larnlng per share (8aslc & ulluLed) (ln ` ) 9.13 7.03
lace value per share ln ` 10 10
Name of the company
ropornon () of ownersh|p as at
March, 2013 31
March, 2012
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 49 49
1orrenL ower Crld LlmlLed* 26 26
!aypee owergrld LlmlLed 26 26
arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 26 26
1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed * 26 26
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed* 26 26
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 20 23
Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed 23 23
8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed 30 -
kallnga vldyuL rasaran nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed 30 -
Cross 8order ower 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 26 -
2.46 1he elemenLs consldered ln calculauon of Larnlng er Share (8aslc and ulluLed) are as under:
* 1he accounLs are unaudlLed.
2.47 lnLeresL ln !olnL venLures
!olnL venLure enuues
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
under Lhe 1ransmlsslon Servlce AgreemenL (1SA) wlLh owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd, Lhe company has an obllgauon Lo purchase Lhe !v
company (owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd) aL a buyouL prlce deLermlned ln accordance wlLh Lhe 1SA. Such an obllgauon may resulL ln case !v
company (owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd) serves a Lermlnauon nouce elLher on CWL8C8lu evenL of defaulL" or on force ma[eure evenL"
prescrlbed under 1SA. no conungenL llablllLy on Lhls accounL has been consldered as Lhe same ls noL ascerLalnable.
1he above [olnL venLure companles are lncorporaLed ln lndla. 1he company's share ln asseLs, llablllues, conungenL llablllues and caplLal
commlLmenL as on 31sL March 2013 and lncome and expenses for Lhe year ln respecL of above [olnL venLure enuues based on Lhelr accounLs
are glven below:-
As at
March, 2013
As at
March, 2012
A. Assets
- non CurrenL AsseLs
- llxed AsseLs 1337.88 1413.76
- Long Lerm loans and advances 24.13 37.30
- CurrenL AsseLs 230.09 166.14
1ota| 1832.12 1619.40
8. L|ab|||nes
- non currenL llablllues 1040.73 942.76
- CurrenL Llablllues 196.73 132.30
1ota| 1237.46 109S.26
C. Connngent L|ab|||nes 23.36 9.38
D. Cap|ta| Comm|tments 138.23 231.23
Current ear rev|ous year
L. Income 233.48 164.09
I. Lxpenses( Inc|ud|ng prov|s|on for taxes) 160.33 103.67
(` ln crore)
2.48 ln accordance wlLh Accounung SLandard (AS-28) lmpalrmenL of AsseLs", lmpalrmenL analysls of asseLs of Lransmlsslon acuvlLy
& Lelecom acuvlLy of Lhe company by evaluauon of lLs cash generaung unlLs, was carrled ouL by an ouLslde agency ln Lhe year
2004-03 & 2006-07 respecuvely and slnce recoverable amounL was more Lhan Lhe carrylng amounL Lhereof, no lmpalrmenL loss was
recognlsed. 1he company has assessed as on Lhe balance sheeL daLe wheLher Lhere are any lndlcauons wlLh regard Lo lmpalrmenL
of any of Lhe asseLs. 8ased on such assessmenL lL has been ascerLalned LhaL no poLenual loss ls presenL and Lherefore no formal
esumaLe of recoverable amounL has been made. Accordlngly, no lmpalrmenL loss has been provlded ln Lhe accounLs.
2.49 Cap|ta| and Cther Comm|tments
l) LsumaLed amounL of conLracLs remalnlng Lo be execuLed on caplLal accounL and noL provlded for ls ` 43190.76 crore (prevlous
year ` 41800.14 crore).
ll) As aL 31sL March,2013, Lhe company has commlLmenL of `1003.31 crore (prevlous year `149.36 crore) Lowards furLher lnvesLmenL
ln [olnL venLure enuues.
lll) As aL 31sL March,2013, Lhe company has commlLmenL of ` 183.33 crore Lowards furLher lnvesLmenL ln subsldlary companles.
2.30 ConungenL Llablllues
1. Clalms agalnsL Lhe Company noL acknowledged as debLs ln respecL of :
(l) CaplLal Works
Some of Lhe conLracLors for supply and lnsLallauon of equlpmenLs and execuuon of works aL our pro[ecLs have lodged clalms
on Lhe company for ` 172.60 crore (prevlous year ` 73.13 crore) seeklng enhancemenL of Lhe conLracL prlce, revlslon of work
schedule wlLh prlce escalauon, compensauon for Lhe exLended perlod of work, ldle charges eLc. 1hese clalms are belng conLesLed
by Lhe Company as belng noL admlsslble ln Lerms of Lhe provlslons of Lhe respecuve conLracLs.
1he company ls pursulng varlous opuons under Lhe dlspuLe resoluuon mechanlsm avallable ln Lhe conLracL for seulemenL of
Lhese clalms. lL ls noL pracucable Lo make a reallsuc esumaLe of Lhe ouulow of resources, lf any, for seulemenL of such clalms
pendlng resoluuon.
(ll) Land Compensauon cases
ln respecL of land acqulred for Lhe pro[ecLs, Lhe land losers have clalmed hlgher compensauon before varlous auLhorlues/courLs
whlch are yeL Lo be seuled. ln such cases, conungenL llablllLy of ` 2322.64 crore (prevlous year `1763.09 crore) has been esumaLed.
(lll) CLher clalms
ln respecL of clalms made by varlous SLaLe/CenLral CovernmenL ueparLmenLs/AuLhorlues Lowards bulldlng permlsslon fees,
penalLy on dlverslon of agrlculLure land Lo non-agrlculLure use, nala Lax, waLer royalLy eLc. and by oLhers, conungenL llablllLy of
` 2.73 crore (prevlous year `11.72 crore ) has been esumaLed.
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
arncu|ars Current ear rev|ous ear
l) CaplLal Coods 1343.34 2164.70
ll) Spare arLs 3.63 26.49
arncu|ars Current ear rev|ous ear
l) rofesslonal and ConsulLancy fees 0.03 -
ll) lnLeresL 260.33 132.30
lll) CLhers 146.03 22.89
(` ln crore)
(` ln crore)
(lv) ulspuLed lncome 1ax/Sales 1ax/Lxclse/Munlclpal 1ax Mauers
ulspuLed lncome 1ax/Sales 1ax/Lxclse/Munlclpal 1ax Mauers amounung Lo ` 294.86 crore (prevlous year ` 237.86 crore) are
pendlng before varlous AppellaLe AuLhorlues and conLesLed before varlous AppellaLe AuLhorlues. Many of Lhese mauers are
dlsposed o ln favour of Lhe company buL are dlspuLed before hlgher auLhorlues by Lhe concerned deparLmenLs.
(v) CLhers
a) CLher conungenL llablllues amounLs Lo ` 89.78 crore (prevlous year ` 80.16 crore)
b) Some of Lhe beneclarles have led appeals agalnsL Lhe Larl orders of Lhe CL8C. 1he amounL of conungenL llablllLy ln Lhls
regard ls noL ascerLalnable.
2. Speclal purpose vehlcle(Sv) company namely owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon Company LLd. (wholly owned subsldlary) (ersLwhlle
nagapamnam Maduglrl 1ransmlsslon Company LLd.) and owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon Company LLd. (wholly owned subsldlary)
(ersLwhlle vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon SysLem LlmlLed) has been Laken over Lo carry over Lhe buslness awarded under 1arl based blddlng.
8ank guaranLee of ` 43.00 crore (prevlous year ` 43.00 crore) and ` 36.00 crore (prevlous year nll) respecuvely has been glven by
Lhe company on behalf of Sv Lowards performance of Lhe work awarded.
arncu|ars Current ear rev|ous ear
lnLeresL 0.01 -
ConsulLancy lee 7.40 9.63
LxporL of Coods 86.44 -
arncu|ars Current ear rev|ous ear
l) lmporLed 0.74 0.62 2.33 1.32
ll) lndlgenous (lncludlng fuel) 99.26 82.84 97.43 30.43
(` ln crore)
(` ln crore)
2.32 a) llgures have been rounded o Lo nearesL rupees ln crore up Lo Lwo declmal.
b) revlous year gures have been regrouped / rearranged wherever consldered necessary.
(D|vya 1andon) (k.1. Agarwa|) ( k. N. Nayak)
Company secreLary ulrecLor (llnance) Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
As per our report of even date
Ior S.k. Mehta & Co. Ior Chauer[ee & Co. Ior Sagar & Assoc|ates
CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8egn no. 000478 n llrm 8egn no. 302114 L llrm 8egn no. 003310 S
(CA. Iyon 8agga) ( CA. k.N.8asu) (CA. 8.Sr|n|vasa kao)
arLner arLner arLner
Membershlp no. 087002 Membershlp no. 030430 Membershlp no. 202332
lace: Curgaon
May, 2013
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
Ior S.k.MLn1A & CC. Ior CnA11LkILL & CC. Ior SAGAk & ASSCCIA1LS
CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8eglsLrauon no.000478n llrm 8eglsLrauon no. 302114L llrm 8eglsLrauon no. 003310S
(CA Iyon 8agga) (CA k.N.8asu) (CA 8.Sr|n|vasa kao)
arLner arLner arLner
Membershlp no.087002 Membershlp no.030430 Membershlp no.202332
lace of SlgnaLure: Curgaon
uaLe: 28
May, 2013
Independent Aud|tors' keport
1o the Members of ower Gr|d Corporanon of Ind|a L|m|ted
keport on the I|nanc|a| Statements
We have audlLed Lhe accompanylng nanclal sLaLemenLs of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed (Lhe Company"), whlch comprlse
Lhe 8alance SheeL as aL March 31, 2013, and Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss and Cash llow SLaLemenL for Lhe year Lhen ended, and a
summary of slgnlcanL accounung pollcles and oLher explanaLory lnformauon.
Management's kespons|b|||ty for the I|nanc|a| Statements
ManagemenL ls responslble for Lhe preparauon of Lhese nanclal sLaLemenLs LhaL glve a Lrue and falr vlew of Lhe nanclal posluon,
nanclal performance and cash ows of Lhe Company ln accordance wlLh Lhe Accounung SLandards referred Lo ln sub-secuon (3C) of
secuon 211 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 (Lhe AcL"). 1hls responslblllLy lncludes Lhe deslgn, lmplemenLauon and malnLenance of lnLernal
conLrol relevanL Lo Lhe preparauon and presenLauon of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs LhaL glve a Lrue and falr vlew and are free from maLerlal
mlssLaLemenL, wheLher due Lo fraud or error.
Aud|tors' kespons|b|||ty
Cur responslblllLy ls Lo express an oplnlon on Lhese nanclal sLaLemenLs based on our audlL. We conducLed our audlL ln accordance
wlLh Lhe SLandards on Audlung lssued by Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla. 1hose SLandards requlre LhaL we comply wlLh
eLhlcal requlremenLs and plan and perform Lhe audlL Lo obLaln reasonable assurance abouL wheLher Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs are free
from maLerlal mlssLaLemenL.
An audlL lnvolves performlng procedures Lo obLaln audlL evldence abouL Lhe amounLs and dlsclosures ln Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs. 1he
procedures selecLed depend on Lhe audlLor's [udgmenL, lncludlng Lhe assessmenL of Lhe rlsks of maLerlal mlssLaLemenL of Lhe nanclal
sLaLemenLs, wheLher due Lo fraud or error. ln maklng Lhose rlsk assessmenLs, Lhe audlLor conslders lnLernal conLrol relevanL Lo Lhe
Company's preparauon and falr presenLauon of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs ln order Lo deslgn audlL procedures LhaL are approprlaLe ln
Lhe clrcumsLances. An audlL also lncludes evaluaung Lhe approprlaLeness of accounung pollcles used and Lhe reasonableness of Lhe
accounung esumaLes made by managemenL, as well as evaluaung Lhe overall presenLauon of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs.
We belleve LhaL Lhe audlL evldence we have obLalned ls sumclenL and approprlaLe Lo provlde a basls for our audlL oplnlon.
ln our oplnlon and Lo Lhe besL of our lnformauon and accordlng Lo Lhe explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs glve Lhe
lnformauon requlred by Lhe AcL ln Lhe manner so requlred and glve a Lrue and falr vlew ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe accounung prlnclples
generally accepLed ln lndla:
(a) ln Lhe case of Lhe 8alance SheeL, of Lhe sLaLe of aalrs of Lhe Company as aL March 31, 2013,
(b) ln Lhe case of Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss, of Lhe proL for Lhe year ended on LhaL daLe, and
(c) ln Lhe case of Lhe Cash llow SLaLemenL, of Lhe cash ows for Lhe year ended on LhaL daLe.
Lmphas|s of Mauers
We draw auenuon Lo:
noLe 2.23(a) & 2.23(c) of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs, ln respecL of Lhe provlslonal recognluon of revenue from Lransmlsslon charges.
Cur oplnlon ls noL qualled ln respecL of Lhese mauers.
keport on Cther Lega| and kegu|atory kequ|rements
1. As requlred under Lhe provlslons of Companles (AudlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003 (Lhe Crder") lssued by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL of lndla
ln Lerms of sub-secuon (4A) of secuon 227 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936, we glve ln Lhe Annexure a sLaLemenL on Lhe mauers specled ln
paragraphs 4 and 3 of Lhe Crder.
2. As requlred by secuon 227(3) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936, we reporL LhaL:
a. we have obLalned all Lhe lnformauon and explanauons whlch Lo Lhe besL of our knowledge and bellef were necessary for Lhe purpose of our
b. ln our oplnlon proper books of accounL as requlred by law have been kepL by Lhe Company so far as appears from our examlnauon of Lhose
c. Lhe 8alance SheeL, SLaLemenL of roL and Loss, and Cash llow SLaLemenL dealL wlLh by Lhls 8eporL are ln agreemenL wlLh Lhe books of
d. ln our oplnlon, Lhe 8alance SheeL, SLaLemenL of roL and Loss, and Cash llow SLaLemenL comply wlLh Lhe Accounung SLandards
referred Lo ln sub-secuon (3C) of secuon 211 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936,
e. ln pursuance Lo Lhe noucauon no. CS8 829(L) daLed 21.10.2003, lssued by Lhe ueparLmenL of Company Aalrs, clause (g) of sub-
secuon (1) of secuon 274 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 perLalnlng Lo dlsquallcauon of ulrecLors ls noL appllcable Lo a CovernmenL
(l) a) 1he Company has generally malnLalned records of llxed AsseLs, showlng full paruculars lncludlng quanuLauve deLalls and slLuauon
of llxed AsseLs.
b) 1he xed asseLs have been physlcally verled by exLernal agencles durlng Lhe year and dlscrepancles, Lhough noL maLerlal,
nouced on such verlcauon have been reconclled/ ad[usLed ln Lhe books of accounL. ln our oplnlon, frequency of verlcauon ls
c) uurlng Lhe year Lhe company has noL dlsposed o subsLanual parL of lLs llxed AsseLs.
(ll) a) hyslcal verlcauon of lnvenLorles lylng wlLh Lhe company has been conducLed durlng Lhe year by Lhe exLernal agencles. ln
respecL of maLerlal lylng wlLh conLracLors, company ls havlng sysLem of obLalnlng conrmauon from conLracLors on perlodlc basls.
ln our oplnlon sysLem and frequency of verlcauon ls reasonable.
b) 1he procedures of physlcal verlcauon of lnvenLorles, followed by Lhe ManagemenL are reasonable and adequaLe ln relauon Lo Lhe
slze of Lhe Company and Lhe naLure of lLs buslness.
c) 1he Company has malnLalned proper records of lnvenLory. 1he dlscrepancles nouced on physlcal verlcauon of Lhe lnvenLorles
have been properly dealL wlLh ln Lhe books of accounL.
(lll) Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe Company has nelLher granLed nor Laken any loans, secured or unsecured
Lo / from companles, rms or oLher parues covered ln Lhe reglsLer malnLalned under secuon 301 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
ln vlew of above, oLher paragraphs of clause (lll) of paragraph 4 of Lhe Crder are noL appllcable.
(lv) ln our oplnlon and accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhere are adequaLe lnLernal conLrol sysLems,
commensuraLe wlLh Lhe slze of Lhe Company and Lhe naLure of lLs buslness, wlLh regard Lo purchase of lnvenLory and xed asseLs and
lncome from sales of servlces and goods. uurlng Lhe course of our audlL we have noL observed any conunulng fallure Lo correcL ma[or
weaknesses ln Lhe underlylng lnLernal conLrol sysLems. Powever process of conLracL closlng work needs Lo be expedlLed.
(v) Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhere are no conLracLs or arrangemenLs durlng Lhe year referred Lo ln
secuon 301 of Lhe Companles AcL 1936, Lo be enLered ln Lhe reglsLer malnLalned under LhaL secuon. ln vlew of above, oLher paragraphs
of clause (v) of paragraph 4 of Lhe Crder are noL appllcable.
(vl) Slnce Lhe Company has noL accepLed any deposlL from Lhe publlc, Lhe quesuon of compllance wlLh Lhe dlrecuves lssued by Lhe 8eserve
8ank of lndla and Lhe provlslons of secuon 38A, 38AA and oLher relevanL provlslons of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936, and rules framed
Lhere under, does noL arlse.
(vll) ln our oplnlon, Lhe Company has an lnLernal audlL sysLem commensuraLe wlLh lLs slze and naLure of buslness.
(vlll) We have broadly revlewed Lhe cosL records malnLalned by Lhe company pursuanL Lo Lhe Companles (CosL Accounung 8ecords) 8ules,
2011 prescrlbed by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL under Secuon 209 (1) (d) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936, ln respecL of 1ransmlsslon & 1elecom
Cperauons of Lhe Company and we are of Lhe oplnlon LhaL prlma facle Lhe prescrlbed records have been made and malnLalned. We
have, however, noL made deLalled examlnauon of Lhe cosL records wlLh a vlew Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhey are accuraLe or compleLe.
(lx) a) Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe Company ls regular ln deposlung undlspuLed sLaLuLory dues wlLh
approprlaLe auLhorlues lncludlng rovldenL lund, lnvesLor Lducauon and roLecuon lund, lncome 1ax, Sales 1ax, WealLh 1ax,
Servlce 1ax, CusLom uuLy, Lxclse uuLy, Cess and oLher sLaLuLory dues appllcable Lo Lhe Company and LhaL Lhere are no undlspuLed
sLaLuLory dues ouLsLandlng as on 31sL March, 2013 for a perlod of more Lhan slx monLhs from Lhe daLe Lhey became payable. As
lnformed, provlslons of Lhe Lmployees SLaLe lnsurance AcL are noL appllcable Lo Lhe Company.
b) Accordlng Lo lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, followlng dlspuLed demands of lncome 1ax / Sales 1ax / CusLoms uuLy /
WealLh 1ax / Servlce 1ax / Lxclse uuLy / Cess dues have noL been deposlLed:
Annexure to the Independent Aud|tors' keport
ke: ower Gr|d Corporanon of Ind|a L|m|ted
Annexure referred to |n our report of even date for the year ended 31
March, 2013
Name of the Statute Nature of dues
(` |n crore)
er|od to wh|ch the
amount re|ates
Iorum where the d|spute |s pend|ng
un[ab vA1 AcL, 2003 (LnLry 1ax) LnLry 1ax 8.78 2011-12 Lo 2012-13 Ponbl. Plgh CourL, un[ab & Paryana
!&k CS1 AcL 1962 Sales 1ax 33.98 1992-93 Lo 2001-02 !&k SLaLe, Sales 1ax AppellaLe 1rlbunal
!&k CS1 AcL 1962 Sales 1ax 18.31 2002-03 Lo 2007-08
uy. Commlssloner of Sales 1ax (Appeals),
!ammu, !&k SLaLe
!&k vA1 AcL 2003 Sales 1ax 0.13 2008-09
uy. Commlssloner of Sales 1ax (Appeals),
!ammu, !&k SLaLe
llnance AcL 1994 Servlce 1ax 1.37 2004-03 CLS1A1, kolkaLa
llnance AcL 1994 Servlce 1ax 1.89 2007-08 & 2008-09
Commlssloner of CenLral Lxclse, CusLoms &
Servlce 1ax, 8hubaneswar.
lncome 1ax AcL 1961 lncome 1ax 3.04 2008-09 & 2009-10
Commlssloner of lncome 1ax (Appeals),
lncome 1ax AcL 1961 lncome 1ax 137.43 2004-03 Lo 2007-08 lncome 1ax AppellaLe 1rlbunal, uelhl.
1ota| 227.3S
(x) 1he Company does noL have accumulaLed losses aL Lhe end of nanclal year and has noL lncurred any cash loss ln Lhe nanclal year
under audlL, and also ln Lhe lmmedlaLely precedlng nanclal year.
(xl) Cn Lhe basls of audlL procedures adopLed by us and accordlng Lo Lhe records, Lhe Company has noL defaulLed ln repaymenL of dues Lo
any nanclal lnsuLuuon or bank or bondholders.
(xll) 1he company has noL granLed any loans and advances on Lhe basls of securlLy by way of pledge of shares, debenLures and oLher
(xlll) 1he company ls noL a chlL fund or nldhl/ muLual beneL fund/socleLy. Accordlngly, Clause (xlll) of paragraph 4 of Lhe Crder ls noL
(xlv) ln our oplnlon, Lhe Company ls noL deallng ln or Lradlng ln shares, debenLures, and oLher lnvesLmenLs. Accordlngly, Clause (xlv) of
paragraph 4 of Lhe Crder ls noL appllcable.
(xv) ln Lhe case of ower Llnk 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed, whereln Lhe Company has pledged lLs shares ln favour of nanclal lnsuLuuons for
nanclal asslsLance obLalned by Lhe sald company, as per Lhe Lerms and condluons of !olnL venLure agreemenL. Accordlng Lo Lhe
lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, excepL Lhe above, Lhe Company has noL glven any guaranLee for loans Laken by oLhers from
banks or nanclal lnsuLuuons. ln our oplnlon and Lo Lhe besL of our lnformauon and accordlng Lo explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe Lerms
and condluons of Lhe above share pledge agreemenL are noL, prlme facle, pre[udlclal Lo Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe company.
(xvl) ln our oplnlon on an overall basls and accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe company has applled Lhe Lerm
loans for Lhe purpose Lhey were obLalned.
(xvll) ln our oplnlon, on an overall basls, and accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe company has noL used Lhe funds
ralsed on shorL Lerm basls for long Lerm lnvesLmenL.
(xvlll) 1he Company has noL made any preferenual alloLmenL of shares Lo parues and Companles covered ln Lhe reglsLer malnLalned under
secuon 301 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
(xlx) 1he Company has noL lssued any debenLures. Powever, ln respecL of cerLaln bonds ralsed durlng Lhe year amounung Lo `1990 crore,
securlLy/ charge ls yeL Lo be creaLed.
(xx) 1he end use of money ralsed by lollow-on ubllc Cer (lC) durlng Lhe year 2010-11 as sLaLed ln Lhe dra prospecLus led wlLh SL8l
and oer documenL are dlsclosed ln Lhe noLe 2.34 Lo Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs. lor Lhe lnLerlm perlod Lhe lC proceeds were kepL wlLh
8anks as 1erm ueposlLs and ulumaLely uullzed for Lhe sLaLed end use and Lhe same has been duly verled by Lhe monlLorlng agency
llCl LLd.
(xxl) Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, no fraud on or by Lhe Company has been nouced or reporLed durlng Lhe
course of our audlL.
Annexure to the Independent Aud|tors' keport (contd...)
Ior S.k.MLn1A & CC. Ior CnA11LkILL & CC. Ior SAGAk & ASSCCIA1LS
CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8eglsLrauon no.000478n llrm 8eglsLrauon no. 302114L llrm 8eglsLrauon no. 003310S
(CA Iyon 8agga) (CA k.N.8asu) (CA 8.Sr|n|vasa kao)
arLner arLner arLner
Membershlp no.087002 Membershlp no.030430 Membershlp no.202332
lace of SlgnaLure: Curgaon
uaLe: 28
May, 2013
ower System Cperanon
Corporanon L|m|ted -
Subs|d|ary Company
D|rectors' keport
1he Members,
l, on behalf of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors' presenL Lhe fourLh 8eporL of ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed (CSCCC) LogeLher wlLh
Lhe audlLed SLaLemenL of AccounLs, AudlLors' 8eporL and 8evlew of Lhe AccounLs by Lhe CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla for Lhe
llnanclal ?ear 2012-13.
ln llne wlLh lLs mlsslon Lo have rellable and secure operauon of reglonal and nauonal power sysLems whlle ensurlng economy & emclency
ln operauon, Lhe 8eglonal Load uespaLch CenLres (8LuCs) and nauonal Load uespaLch CenLre (nLuC) under CSCCC are operaung wlLh Lhe
sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL Lechnology lmplemenLed by Lhe Company and are greaLly conLrlbuung Lo brlnglng economy and emclency ln operauon of
power sysLem, besldes lmprovlng vlslblllLy and Lransparency. SCAuA and oLher sLaLe of Lhe arL faclllues are belng upgraded conunuously
aL all 8LuCs and nLuC conslderlng Lhe fasL expanslon and lncreased complexlLy of Lhe power sysLem operauon of Lhe counLry. Synchro-
phasor Lechnology ls belng lmplemenLed as plloL scheme ln all Lhe 8LuCs for lmprovlng vlsuallzauon of Lhe power sysLem of Lhe counLry.
1oLal 42 nos. of Mus are ln operauon across lndla. Mus are helplng ln grld evenL analysls and undersLandlng Lhe power sysLem LranslenLs
aL nauonal level.
1he Mou for Lhe l? 2012-13 was slgned on 26Lh March, 2012. 1he Mou lncludes varlous LargeLs Lo be achleved by CSCCC durlng
Lhe l? 2012-13 lncludlng nanclal parameLers, dynamlc parameLers and enLerprlse speclc & emclency parameLers appllcable Lo CSCCC.
ln compllance wlLh Lhe uL Culdellnes, Lhe mandaLory non-nanclal parameLers l.e. CS8, 8&u and SusLalnable uevelopmenL have also
been lncluded ln Lhe Mou. l am happy Lo share LhaL based on overall LargeLs, your Company ls polsed Lo geL LxcellenL Mou raung" for l?
kevenue stream of CSCCC
CL8C has noued Lhe CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (lees and Charges of 8eglonal Load uespaLch CenLres and oLher 8elaLed
Mauers) 8egulauons, 2009. 1hese 8egulauons have ensured an lndependenL revenue sLream and nanclal auLonomy for Lhe Company. 1he
revenue ls belng reallsed by levylng Lhe lees and Charges on Lhe users llke Ceneraung sLauons/Sellers, ulsLrlbuuon Llcensees/ 8uyers and
Lhe 1ransmlsslon Llcensees Lowards Lhe servlces provlded Lo Lhem. 8eallsauon of more Lhan 93 was achleved agalnsL bllllng of ` 191.19
Crore durlng Lhe year.
I|nanc|a| n|gh||ghts
D|v|dend ayout
?our 8oard of ulrecLors have recommended a nal dlvldend of `2.0 per share for Lhe year 2012-13 ln addluon Lo an lnLerlm dlvldend of `2.0
per share pald ln lebruary, 2013. 1he nal dlvldend shall be pald aer your approval aL Lhe Annual Ceneral Meeung. 1he LoLal dlvldend pay-
ouL for Lhe year amounLs Lo `12.26 Crore.
Cperanona| n|gh||ghts
uurlng Lhe year 2012-13, Lhere was generauon capaclLy addluon of 23467 MW wlLh LoLal all lndla lnsLalled capaclLy of 223344 MW.
- 1ota| A|| Ind|a Lnergy Met ln 2012-13 was 918 8us, represenung a 3 lncrease over l? 2011-12 whlch was 874 8us.
- A|| Ind|a eak Demand Met ln 2012-13 was 119 CW, as agalnsL 113 CW durlng 2011-12, represenung a 2.96 lncrease.
- 1ota| A|| Ind|a nydro Generanon was 121 8us, as agalnsL 133 8us durlng 2011-12. lL decreased by 10.6 over lasL year.
2012-13 2011-12
1urnover 266.37 214.34
Cross Margln 134.79 99.98
uepreclauon 12.27 20.11
rlor perlod lncome (2.79) (3.76)
roL before lnLeresL and 1axes(8l1) 123.31 83.63
llnance cosL (3.04) 3.74
roL 8efore 1ax(81) 130.33 79.89
roL Aer 1ax(A1) 83.63 30.32
Cross llxed AsseLs (before uepreclauon and Wl) 291.10 281.49
uebL* 0 -
neL WorLh 81.21 46.32
` crore
* There is no loan outstanding during the year.
- Inter keg|ona| Lxchange was 66 8us as agalnsL 39 8us durlng 2011-12, Lhereby represenung an 11.86 lncrease.
- UI b|||ed was ` 8732 Cr ln l? 2012-13. 1here ls 11.64 decrease as compared Lo l.? 2011-12 whlch was `9883 Cr.
lrequency remalned wlLhln Lhe prescrlbed lLCC 8and of 49.7 Pz - 30.2 Pz for mosL of Lhe perlod. lor nLW Crld lL was 77 of Lhe ume
wlLhln Lhe band and for S8 Crld lL was 69 of ume wlLhln Lhe band. 1hls could be achleved due Lo lmproved grld dlsclpllne, beuer generauon
avallablllLy, round Lhe clock monlLorlng and close vlgll by sysLem operaLor and shl from unscheduled Lransacuons Lo scheduled conLracLs.
?our Company has been lnsLrumenLal ln provldlng an emclenL, rellable, smooLh and LransparenL grld operauon and managemenL ln Lhe
counLry wlLh lLs sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL unled Load uespaLch & Communlcauon faclllues. 1hese faclllues are belng upgraded conunuously Lo
furLher lmprove quallLy and economy ln operauon of power sysLems besldes lmprovlng daLa avallablllLy, vlslblllLy and Lransparency.
1here were Lwo ma[or grld dlsLurbances on 30Lh and 31sL !uly, 2012, ln norLhern 8eglonal Crld on rsL day and LhaL of norLhern, LasLern
and norLh-LasLern reglonal grlds on Lhe followlng day. 8esLorauon of Lhe aecLed areas was Laken up lmmedlaLely on boLh Lhe days and
ma[orlLy sysLem was normallzed ln abouL slx Lo elghL hours on boLh Lhe days.
An Lnqulry Commluee headed by Chalrperson, CLA was consuLuLed by Col for lnvesugauon of causes for Lhese Lwo grld dlsLurbances ln !uly,
2012. CovernmenL of lndla ls monlLorlng Lhe lmplemenLauon of Lhe Lnqulry Commluee's recommendauons.
varlous measures are belng Laken by CWL8C8lu, CSCCC and CovernmenL of lndla for secure grld operauon such as Lhlrd parLy proLecuon
audlL, advlslng SLaLe uullues Lo malnLaln grld dlsclpllne & draw power from grld wlLhln Lhe schedule, formulauon of lslandlng schemes ln
dlerenL SLaLes, revlew of unscheduled lnLerchange (ul) mechanlsm, preparauon of comprehenslve defence plan coverlng under-frequency,
raLe of change of frequency under volLage, sysLem proLecuon schemes Lo cover large generauon and Lransmlsslon llne ouLages, advlse Lo
uullues Lo prepare ouLage plans for generaung unlLs and Lransmlsslon llnes ln consulLauon wlLh 8eglonal ower Commluees and revlew of
Lransmlsslon plannlng crlLerla, eLc.
ower Market Cperanon
1he sLrong Lransmlsslon neLwork of Lhe counLry and modernlsed 8LuCs have faclllLaLed abouL 66 8llllon unlLs (8us) of lnLer-reglonal energy
Lransfer across Lhe counLry durlng l? 2012-13, as compared Lo prevlous year's energy Lransfer of abouL 39 8us, Lhereby, meeung more
demand ln energy declL reglons and faclllLaung energy Lransfer from surplus reglons Lo declL reglons across lndla.
uurlng l? 2012-13, 32,139 Lransacuons of quanLum abouL 73 8us of energy were approved under ShorL 1erm Cpen Access (S1CA) as
compared Lo 24,111 Lransacuons of quanLum abouL 67 8us of energy durlng l? 2011-12.
Cperanona| feedback
nauonal Load uespaLch 8ules, 2003 specles provldlng Cperauonal leedback for nauonal Crld lannlng Lo CenLral LlecLrlclLy AuLhorlLy
and CenLral 1ransmlsslon uullLy as one of Lhe funcuons of nLuC. CuarLerly leedback on 1ransmlsslon ConsLralnLs ls belng submlued Lo
CLA & C1u. nLuC has submlued Cperauonal leedbacks on varlous lssues, llke 1ransmlsslon ConsLralnLs, requlremenL of Speclal roLecuon
Schemes, MarkeL and Cperauonal lssues, uedlcaLed llnes for 1ransmlsslon sysLems and need for a generlc 1reaLmenL of such llnes ln case
Lhe same ls shared by Lwo or more users or operaLes ln parallel Lo Lhe lS1S Llnes and Synchro-phasor- lnluauves ln lndla.
lL has been observed LhaL congesuon ls belng faced ln some of Lhe corrldors. WlLh a large quanLum of capaclLy belng added ln cerLaln
pockeLs, lL ls anuclpaLed LhaL ln case Lhere ls a mlsmaLch ln Lhe commlsslonlng of Lhe correspondlng Lransmlsslon sysLem for evacuauon,
congesuon may be faced ln cerLaln lnLer-reglonal and/or lnLra-reglonal Lransmlsslon corrldors. ln order Lo address Lhe lssue, nLuC has
prepared and submlued a separaLe feedback on rlorlLy of 1ransmlsslon SysLems under lmplemenLauon Lo relleve congesuon Lo Member
(ower SysLem), CenLral LlecLrlclLy AuLhorlLy.
Irequency kesponse Character|snc (IkC)
lrequency 8esponse CharacLerlsuc (l8C) ls a measure of Lhe change ln frequency Lo a glven mlsmaLch ln load and generauon. lrequency
response ln an elecLrlc power sysLem ls essenually provlded by naLural damplng of loads wlLh frequency and prlmary response of generaLors.
1he lmporLance of prlmary response has been broughL ouL ln Lhe CL8C (lndlan LlecLrlclLy Crld Code) 8egulauons, 2010.
A dra procedure developed by Lhe 8LuCs ln accordance wlLh Lhe dlrecuons of CL8C for monlLorlng of conLrol area wlse l8C aer dlscusslons
ln Lhe meeung of lorum of Load uespaLchers (lCLu) held ln !une' 12 had been clrculaLed among all Lhe sLakeholders for Lhelr commenLs/
lnpuLs and Lhe same has been submlued Lo CL8C.
1he Ponorable Commlsslon has approved Lhe rocedure for AssessmenL of lrequency 8esponse CharacLerlsuc (l8C) of conLrol Areas
ln ower SysLem" ln May'13 and dlrecLed CSCCC Lo glve wlde publlclLy Lo Lhe procedure for Lhe lnformauon of and compllance by all
Imp|emennng Agency for Shar|ng of Inter state 1ransm|ss|on Charges & Losses -CC Mechan|sm
nLuC as lmplemenung Agency for lmplemenung Sharlng of lnLer SLaLe 1ransmlsslon Charges and Losses submlued Lhe compuLauons of
olnL of Connecuon (oC) Charges and Losses Lo CL8C on half yearly basls and Lhe approved raLes were puL lnLo eecL from Aprll'12 and
CcL'12 respecuvely. 1he new oC raLes and oC losses are belng lmplemenLed ln accordance wlLh orders of CL8C.
arnc|panon |n kegu|atory keforms rocess
1he 8LuCs and nLuC have been glvlng feedback and lnpuLs aL varlous sLages of formulauon of Lhe regulauons perLalnlng Lo Lhe deslgn and
operauonal aspecLs. 1he 8LuCs and nLuC make besL eorLs Lowards lmplemenung Lhese 8egulauons ln leuer and splrlL Lhrough feedback
and paruclpauon ln Lhe 8egulaLory process.
lollowlng Lhe grld dlsLurbances ln !uly 2012, CSCCC had Laken up wlLh Lhe CL8C Lhe need for cerLaln baslc changes ln Lhe lndlan LlecLrlclLy
Crld Code (lLCC) and Lhe unscheduled lnLerchange (ul) 8egulauons. 1he emphasls was on Lhe need Lo qulckly move Lo ughLen conLrol on
drawals vls-a-vls schedules and Lhe need Lo malnLaln Lhe sysLem frequency wlLhln a very narrow band. 1he CL8C has already come ouL wlLh
a dra regulauon on prlclng of devlauon from schedule.
AnoLher baslc lssue Laken up wlLh CL8C was LhaL of provldlng connecuvlLy Lo Lhe lnLer SLaLe 1ransmlsslon SysLem (lS1S) Lo dlerenL enuues
ln Lhe grld. lncreaslng number of enuues gemng connecLed Lo Lhe lS1S wlLhouL long Lerm access was leadlng Lo a slLuauon where adequaLe
Lransmlsslon was noL belng planned/bullL leadlng Lo congesuon ln Lhe operauonal phase. 1he mauer was dlscussed ln Lhe CenLral Advlsory
Commluee (CAC) consuLuLed by CL8C.
CSCCC also provlded lLs commenLs Lo Lhe CenLral LlecLrlclLy AuLhorlLy (CLA) on Lhe followlng lssues :
l. ura nauonal LlecLrlclLy lan - Cenerauon and 1ransmlsslon.
ll. ura amendmenLs Lo CLA (1echnlcal SLandards for connecuvlLy Lo Lhe grld) , 8egulauons.
lll. ura CLA (1echnlcal SLandards for connecuvlLy of Lhe ulsLrlbuLed Cenerauon 8esource) 8egulauons, 2010.
lv. Manual on 1ransmlsslon lan CrlLerla.
kenewab|e Lnergy Cernhcate (kLC) Mechan|sm
nLuC, as CenLral Agency ls Lhe admlnlsLraLor of Lhe 8LC mechanlsm and ls responslble for reglsLrauon of ellglble enuues, lssuance of
cerucaLes and malnLalnlng and seullng accounLs ln respecL of cerucaLes. 1he Lradlng of 8LCs Lhrough ower Lxchanges ls faclllLaLed by
key sLausucs ln Lhls regard are as under:
13 of lndla's LoLal grld lnLeracuve renewable capaclLy (MW) ls reglsLered ln Lhe 8LC Mechanlsm
680 number of pro[ecLs of aggregaLe capaclLy of 3,420 MW reglsLered by 31sL March 2013.
326 nos. of pro[ecLs reglsLered wlLh a cumulauve capaclLy of 1,273 MW ln l? 2012-13.
8L CeneraLors from 18 SLaLes have been reglsLered ull 31sL March, 2013.
20 nos. of pro[ecLs reglsLered wlLh Solar 8enewable Lnergy CeneraLors wlLh a LoLal capaclLy of 62 MW ull 31sL March, 2013.
8LC lssuance crossed Lhe 3 mllllonLh mark ln Lhe scal year 2012-13 wlLh LoLal 3,382,441 8LCs lssued ull 31sL March, 2013.
lssuance of Solar 8LCs commenced ln l? 2012-13 wlLh a LoLal lssuance of 14,646 8LCs.
Slnce lLs lncepuon ln March'11, 1wenLy ve Lradlng sesslons have Laken place ull 31sL March, 2013 wlLh over 3.17 mllllon 8LCs
Pands on Lralnlng on 8LC Web Appllcauon" and Workshop on 8LC lramework & Web Appllcauon" were held for Lhe sLakeholders aL nLuC,
new uelhl. A Lechnlcal paper on Analysls of 8LC Mechanlsm ln lndla" was publlshed ln nSC-2013 held aL ll1-8Pu.
WlLh a vlew Lo encourage 8enewable Lnergy (8L) sources, CL8C has come ouL wlLh provlslon of 8enewable 8egulaLory lund (88l). 1hls
mechanlsm ls eecuve from 13Lh !uly, 2013.
Integrated Management System
ln our conunued endeavour Lo provlde quallLy servlces Lo our valued sLakeholders, lnLegraLed ManagemenL SysLem aL CSCCC for AS:99
recerucauon was achleved ln l? 2012-13 for a perlod of Lhree years for Lhe followlng sLandards:
lSC 9001 : 2008 - CuallLy ManagemenL SysLem
lSC 14001 : 2004 - LnvlronmenL ManagemenL SysLem
lSC 18001 : 2007 - Cccupauonal PealLh & SafeLy ManagemenL SysLem
lSC 27001 : 2003 - lnformauon SecurlLy ManagemenL SysLem
arnc|panon at Internanona| Iorums
?our Company paruclpaLed ln varlous lnLernauonal forums, llke 1SC Comparlson Croup for benchmarklng performance and exchange besL
pracuces on sysLem operauon. CSCCC paruclpaLed ln Lhe lnLerlm workshop held aL Cologne, Cermany ln Aprll'12. CWL8C8lu/CSCCC
as one of Lhe founder members of Lhe group of CC 13 [ersLwhlle very Large ower Crld CperaLors (vLCC)] represenung more Lhan 70
percenL of Lhe world's energy demand, also paruclpaLed ln Lhe meeungs of vLCC held ln arls and Shanghal .CSCCC also parupaLed ln
Lhe ClC8L (lnLernauonal Councll on Large LlecLrlc SysLems) Annual Conference aL arls ln AugusL, 2012.
A Memorandum of undersLandlng was slgned wlLh Lawrence 8erkeley nauonal LaboraLory (L8nL) ln uecember, 2012 for collaborauon
on ower SysLem Cperauon, LlecLrlclLy MarkeLs and lnLegrauon of 8enewable Lnergy 8esources. CSCCC has been acuvely assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe acuvlues perLalnlng Lo energy cooperauon ln Lhe SAA8C reglon and Lhe developmenL of a SAA8C LlecLrlclLy MarkeL. CSCCC
paruclpaLed ln Lhe Lwo day workshop sponsored by AusLralla-lndla SLraLeglc 8esearch lund aL 8rlsbane, AusLralla ln CcLober, 2012. CSCCC
also paruclpaLed ln Lhe 3rd lnLernauonal Conference on Anclllary Servlces aL 8erlln, Cermany ln SepLember, 2012.
A number of meeungs were organlsed for dlsungulshed forelgn delegaLes from organlsauons llke lCL( Slovenla), 1he World 8ank, vLCC.
lnLernauonal Lralnlng programmes were also organlsed for delegaLes from 8angladesh, Malawl, Maurluus and nlgerla Lhrough CenLral
lnsuLuLe of 8ural LlecLrlcauon (Cl8L), Pyderabad.
Iorum of Load Despatchers (ICLD)
lCLu has been consuLuLed by lorum of 8egulaLors (lC8). nLuC has been deslgnaLed as secreLarlaL of lCLu. 1hree meeungs of lorum of
Load uespaLchers have been organlsed ln l? 2012-2013. A workshop on Anclllary Servlces ln lndlan ConLexL" was organlzed under Lhe
umbrella of lCLu. 1he workshop almed Lo dlscuss varlous opuons of Anclllary Servlces whlch could be lmplemenLed ln lndla. lCLu has also
Laken up Lhe Lask of benchmarklng load despaLchers and load despaLch cenLres and assessmenL of manpower ln all load despaLch cenLres
ln real ume operauon. ura procedure of assessmenL of frequency response characLerlsucs and power maps whlch are belng prepared by
C8l have also been dlscussed ln Lhe forum. varlous lssues relaLed Lo rellablllLy and securlLy of power sysLem have also been Laken up durlng
Lhe meeungs held ln l? 2012-2013.
Leverag|ng 1echno|ogy: System Log|sncs
1he challenges ln power sysLem operauon ln lndla are lncreaslng manlfold day by day as a resulL of enlarged sysLem slze, brlsk pace of
capaclLy addluon, long dlsLance power ows, muluple players, lncreaslng compeuuon ln Lhe elecLrlclLy markeL, emphasls on pan lndla
opumlzauon, cllmaLe change, large scale lnLegrauon of renewable energy sources ln cerLaln pockeLs, and lncreaslng cusLomer expecLauons.
1he ablllLy of Lhe sysLem operaLors Lo Lake declslons ln real-ume ls dependenL on Lhelr 'slLuauonal awareness' derlved from Lhe daLa/
lnformauon avallable wlLh Lhem ln real-ume.
1he neLwork of phasor measuremenL unlLs ls called wlde area measuremenL sysLem (WAMS). WAMS allows Lhe acqulsluon of hlgh-speed
real-ume and ume-synchronlzed grld parameLers across an enure sysLem or lnLerconnecuon. 1hls daLa provldes wlde-area vlslblllLy across
Lhe bulk power sysLem ln ways LhaL leL grld operaLors undersLand real-ume condluons, see early evldence of emerglng grld problems, and
beuer dlagnose, lmplemenL and evaluaLe remedlal acuons Lo proLecL sysLem rellablllLy.
hasor uaLa ConcenLraLor (uC) aL nauonal Load uespaLch CenLre has been lnsLalled and all reglonal plloL pro[ecL's have been lnLegraLed
aL nauonal level. As on 31 !uly, daLa from abouL 42 Mus locaLed all over lndla ls avallable aL nauonal uC and ls expecLed Lo scale up Lo 39
nos (36 Mus under plloL pro[ecLs plus 3 Mus lnsLalled by l's) by Lhe end of 2013.
lnLegrauon of Lhe Mus has broughL Lhe unled vlslblllLy of sysLem wlLh lncreased observablllLy of lndlan power sysLem aL nauonal level.
1hls has helped Lhe grld operaLors ln many ways ln day Lo day operauon. Aer Lhe avallablllLy of all reglonal Mus daLa aL nauonal ConLrol
CenLre, lL became posslble Lo vlsuallse Lhe grld wlde lmpacL of any grld evenL. Cccurrence of an evenL ln Lhe sysLem geLs capLured wlLh lLs
slgnaLure ln Lhe real ume deplcung Lhe Lrend of volLage, frequency and angle measuremenL.
8eplacemenL and up-gradauon of exlsung SCAuA/LMS sysLem ln Lhe 8LuCs ls under progress. LCA's for Lhe same have already been placed
for all 8LuCs excepL nL8LuC.
CSCCC has appolnLed a anel of LxperLs for Crld SecurlLy assessmenL and plannlng as well as use of new Lechnologles for modernlzauon of
conLrol cenLres. 1he anel conslsL of Lhree dlsungulshed professors from academla headed by ur. An[an 8ose, 8egenLs rofessor, WashlngLon
SLaLe unlverslLy, rof. S.A. khaparde, ll1 Mumbal and rof A.k.Slnha, ll1 kharagpur.
Lmp|oyees - our Assets
Mentor|ng In|nanve at CSCCC
CSCCC lnLroduced Anubandh -lLs rsL menLorlng lnluauve ln AugusL 2012. 1he unlque feaLure of Lhe programme ls LhaL lL ls bl-dlrecuonal.
whereln boLh Lhe senlor and Lhe [unlor employee have learnlng goals. AL presenL Lhere are abouL 80 menLees and 30 menLors across all
Lhe 8LuCs and nLuC. 1he lnluauve alms Lo creaLe sLrong bond amongsL employees and leverage Lhe LaclL knowledge of mulu -generauonal
ower System 1ra|n|ng and Cernhcanon
ln accordance wlLh Lhe recommendauons of Lhe Commluee headed by Member (CC&u), CLA for Lralnlng and cerucauon, vlde lLs 8eporL
publlshed ln 2009, sysLem operaLor cerucauon has been lnLroduced for Lhe sysLem operaLors of Lhe nLuC, 8LuCs and SLuCs. ?our company
has Laken a lead for lmplemenLauon of Lhls mechanlsm ln assoclauon wlLh n1l. ln Lhls dlrecuon, rsL 8aslc Level Cerucauon exam was
conducLed ln november, 2011 and Lhe second exam was organlzed ln uecember, 2012. As on daLe, Lhere are LoLal 306 cerued sysLem
operaLors ln lndla, ouL of whlch 200 sysLem operaLors of CSCCC have been cerued. A scheme of provldlng one ume award of `20,000/-
as per Lhe dlrecuves of MlnlsLry of ower Lo Lhe sysLem operaLors who quallfy Lhe baslc level cerucauon has been lnLroduced.
1he mechanlsm provldes for SpeclallsL Level 1ralnlng and Cerucauon also. ln Lhls dlrecuon speclallsL level cerucauon on '8egulaLory
framework ln ower SecLor' was lnLroduced and an onllne exam was organlzed on 17Lh March 2013. SysLem CperaLors from 19 LuCs
paruclpaLed and 181 CandldaLes appeared for Lhe exam ouL of whlch 93 candldaLes were declared successful. As on daLe, Lhere are a LoLal
of 43 SpeclallsLs sysLem operaLors ln CSCCC. A speclallsL level cerucauon on 8ellablllLy" would be lnLroduced ln Lhe year 2013-14.
We|fare acnv|nes
Several welfare lnluauves were organlzed by CSCCC LhroughouL Lhe year, Lhese lncluded PealLh Check-up Camps and ?oga Classes for
employees. Cyms and wellness cenLres were esLabllshed aL 8LuCs. 1he Mahlla Samlu of CSCCC organlzed varlous evenLs, llke workshop
on 'ArL of Llvlng', lecLure on women's healLh and hysloLherapy. ln an endeavour Lo promoLe planLauon of Lree for fuLure susLalnablllLy and
conservauon of envlronmenL, sapllngs were dlsLrlbuLed amongsL Lhe employees for adopuon by an nCC nanhl Chhaan".
GkID1LCn, 2013
CSCCC paruclpaLed ln C8lu1LCP, 2013 and puL up lLs pavlllon where Lhe focus was on 8enewable Lnergy CerucaLe Mechanlsm. CSCCC
showcased Lhe progress made ln Lhe 8LC Mechanlsm and how Lhls commerclal mechanlsm ls helplng promoLe green energy ln Lhe counLry.
1he pavlllon was appreclaLed by academlclans, lndusLry and oLher sLakeholders. A paper on 'Cvervlew of lndlan 8enewable Lnergy CerucaLe
Mechanlsm" was also presenLed on Lhls occaslon.
ka[bhasha re|ated acnv|nes
8a[bhasha Acuvlues were organlzed aL CSCCC Lo mouvaLe employees and promoLe 8a[bhasha. ?our Company ls commlued Lo
lmplemenLauon of CovL. of lndla's 8a[bhasha pollcy. Plndl akhwara was celebraLed ln all Lhe 8LuCs and nLuC whereln serles of lnsplrauonal
Lalks, semlnars, symposla and compeuuon for employees were organlzed. Several workshops were also organlzed LhroughouL Lhe year
orlenung employees Lo adopL use of Plndl ln Lhelr rouune work and especlally lnLegraung 1echnology whlle encouraglng Plndl usage.
Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty
ln accordance wlLh Lhe uL guldellnes, your Company has Laken up CS8 acuvlues durlng Lhe year 2012-13 and made an allocauon of
`1.31 crore, l.e. Lhree percenL (3) based on Lhe roL Aer 1ax (A1) for Lhe l? 2011-12 and Lhe same was meL from LuC uevelopmenL
lund as approved by CL8C vlde lLs order dL. 28.09.2012. 1he pro[ecLs underLaken Lowards CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8) durlng Lhe
l? 2012-13 lncluded- 'L for Lnergy Lmclency' - Awareness program for school chlldren, '8hyLhms from Lhe 8lverbanks' - Lowards promouon
of ArL and CulLure, scholarshlps Lo merlLorlous sLudenLs belonglng Lo SC/S1/C8C and dlsabled caLegorles, awards ln Lhe eld relaLed Lo
ower SysLems ln selecLed ll1s/ nl1s, eLc. All Lhe acuvlues were successfully lmplemenLed durlng Lhe year.
Cn Lhe basls of oplnlon of Lhe experL Advlsory Commluee of Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla, unspenL expendlLure of ` 0.46
crore ouL of Lhe budgeL for Lhe year Lowards CS8 has been Lransferred Lo CS8 8eserve by approprlauon of proLs for uullzauon ln fuLure.
1he same has been uullsed Lowards Lhe CS8 acuvlues underLaken durlng 2012-13.
Susta|nab|e Deve|opment
?our Company made an allocauon of ` 23.26 lakh, l.e. 0.3 based on Lhe roL Aer 1ax (A1) for Lhe l? 2011-12 and Lhe same was ad[usLed
from LuC uevelopmenL lund as approved by CL8C vlde lLs order dL. 28.09.2012. 1he Su ro[ecLs / acuvlues for Lhe l? 2012-13 lncluded
-Solar Llghung, whereln 10 solar lamp posLs were lnsLalled ln L8LuC, Lnergy AudlL aL nLuC and nL8LuC, volunLary procuremenL of 800 8LCs,
1ralnlng of all employees on aspecLs of Su and planLauon of 1000 nos. of planLs aL 8angalore Lhrough loresL ueparLmenL. All Lhe acuvlues
were successfully lmplemenLed durlng Lhe year.
kesearch & Deve|opment
ln accordance wlLh Lhe uL guldellnes, 0.3 of roL aer 1ax of Lhe llnanclal ?ear 2011-12 was earmarked for lmplemenLauon of 8&u
acuvlues of CSCCC. Schemes envlsaged under 8&u for 2012-13 lncluded (l) SLudy on developmenL of LlecLrlclLy MakeL mechanlsm, (ll)
SLudy on 8ellablllLy SLandards and (lll) Slmulauon sLudles for rellable and emclenL ower SysLem operauon. Acuvlues covered under 8&u
were ln-house acuvlues, compleLed successuly and no exLernal/ speclallzed agencles were engaged for execuung Lhem. lL shall be our
endeavour Lo lnvolve lnsuLuLes such as ll1's and llSc ln Lhe comlng years.
Management D|scuss|ons and Ana|ys|s
ln addluon Lo Lhe lssues ln Lhe ulrecLors' 8eporL, some lssues have been broughL ouL ln reporL on ManagemenL ulscusslon & Analysls placed
aL Annex - I.
arncu|ars of emp|oyees - Sec 217(2A)
8elng a wholly owned subsldlary of CWL8C8lu, Lhe manpower has been provlded by CWL8C8lu on secondmenL basls. ollcles, all oLher
beneLs/welfare schemes appllcable Lo Lhe employees posLed ln CSCCC, shall conunue Lo be Lhe same as LhaL of Lhe parenL organlsauon
l.e. CWL8C8lu. 1he dlsclosure under Secuon 217(2A) of Companles AcL, 1936 read wlLh Lhe Companles (aruculars of Lmployees) 8ules,
1973 as amended ls enclosed aL Annex-II.
Conservanon of energy, techno|ogy absorpnon, fore|gn exchange earn|ng & outgo
aruculars ln respecL of conservauon of energy, Lechnology absorpuon and forelgn exchange earnlngs and ouLgo are enclosed
aL Annexure-III.
Aud|tor's keport
1he quallcauon ln SLaLuLory AudlLors' 8eporL and ManagemenL's reply LhereLo ls glven aL Annex-IV(a).
Comments of the Comptro||er and Aud|tor Genera| of Ind|a
1he CommenLs of Lhe CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla on Lhe accounL for Lhe year ended 31sL March, 2013 under Secuon 619(lv)
of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 are auached aL Annex-IV(b) Lo Lhls reporL.
Corporate Governance
A 8eporL on Lhe CorporaLe Covernance (Annexure V), formlng parL of Lhls reporL, LogeLher wlLh Lhe CerucaLe Lhereon ls glven
aL Annexure VI of Lhls 8eporL.
D|rectors' kespons|b|||ty Statement
ursuanL Lo Lhe requlremenLs under Secuon 217(AA) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 wlLh respecL Lo ulrecLors' 8esponslblllLy SLaLemenL, lL ls
hereby conrmed LhaL:
l) ln Lhe preparauon of Lhe annual accounLs for Lhe year ended 31sL March, 2013, Lhe appllcable accounung sLandards have been
ll) 1he ulrecLors have selecLed such accounung pollcles and applled Lhem conslsLenLly and made [udgmenLs and esumaLes LhaL were
reasonable and prudenL so as Lo glve a Lrue and falr vlew of Lhe sLaLe of aalrs of Lhe Company aL Lhe end of Lhe nanclal year and
of Lhe proL or loss of Lhe Company for LhaL perlod,
lll) 1he ulrecLors have Laken proper and sumclenL care for Lhe malnLenance of adequaLe accounung records ln accordance wlLh Lhe
provlslons of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 for safeguardlng Lhe asseLs of Lhe Company and for prevenung and deLecung fraud and
oLher lrregularlues,
lv) 1he ulrecLors have prepared Lhe annual accounLs on a golng concern basls.
Statutory Aud|tors of the Company
M/s 8.C. !aln & Co., CharLered AccounLanLs, kanpur, were appolnLed by C&AC as SLaLuLory AudlLors of Lhe Company for Lhe l? 2012-2013.
Shrl SanLosh Saraf, lndependenL ulrecLor, CWL8C8lu was appolnLed as an addluonal ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CSCCC w.e.f. 26.03.2012. Pe
was appolnLed as ulrecLor aL Lhe ACM of Lhe Company held on 06.09.2012. MlnlsLry of ower, CovL. of lndla, vlde lLs Crder no.11/20/2003-
C dL.28.06.2013 has nomlnaLed SmL. 8lLa Acharya, !S (1ransmlsslon), MlnlsLry of ower and SmL. neer[a MaLhur, Member (CC&u), CenLral
LlecLrlclLy AuLhorlLy as CovL. nomlnee ulrecLors on Lhe 8oard of CSCCC.
AL presenL, Shrl 8.n.nayak, Shrl 8.1.Agarwal, Shrl l.S. !ha, Shrl SanLosh Saraf, SmL. 8lLa Acharya and SmL. neer[a MaLhur are on Lhe 8oard of
Lhe Company.
1he 8oard of ulrecLors, wlLh deep sense of appreclauon, exLends lLs slncere Lhanks Lo MlnlsLry of ower, ueparLmenL of ubllc LnLerprlses,
CenLral LlecLrlclLy AuLhorlLy, CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon, 8eglonal ower Commluees and oLher concerned agencles and
sLakeholders for exLendlng Lhelr valuable supporL ln operaung Lhe power sysLem of Lhe counLry, dlscharglng Lhe oLher funcuons asslgned Lo
CSCCC and above all CWL8C8lu for Lhelr paLronage and dlrecuons. 1he ulrecLors also Lake Lhls opporLunlLy Lo Lhank Lhe rlnclpal ulrecLor
of Commerclal AudlL and Lx-Cmclo Member AudlL 8oard-lll for Lhe cooperauon exLended durlng Lhe year. 1he 8oard also acknowledges
Lhe valuable suggesuons and guldance recelved from Lhe sLaLuLory audlLors durlng Lhe audlL of accounL of Lhe company for Lhe year under
lor and on behalf of
CWL8 S?S1LM CL8A1lCn CC8C8A1lCn LlMl1Lu
(k.N. Nayak)
uaLe : 03.08.2013
lace: new uelhl
Management D|scuss|on and Ana|ys|s
Annexure-I to D|rectors' keport
1he lndlan power secLor ls one of Lhe mosL dlversled secLors ln Lhe world. ower ln lndla ls generaLed from commerclal sources llke
coal, llgnlLe, naLural gas, oll, hydro and nuclear power as well as oLher vlable non-convenuonal sources, llke wlnd, solar, and agrlculLure
and domesuc wasLe. 1he demand for elecLrlclLy ln Lhe counLry has been growlng aL a rapld raLe and ls expecLed Lo lncrease furLher ln
Lhe years Lo come. ln order Lo meeL Lhe lncreaslng requlremenL of elecLrlclLy, masslve addluon Lo Lhe lnsLalled generaung capaclLy ln
Lhe counLry ls requlred. SusLalned growLh of Lhe power secLor ls a key parameLer Lo drlve economlc developmenL. LlecLrlclLy musL play
a key role ln achlevlng Lhe sLraLeglc ob[ecuves of lndla's energy pollcy. 1he ever lncreaslng complexlLy of Lhe nauonal power sysLem wlLh
more lnLerconnecuons, bulk power Lransfer corrldors, lnLernauonal lnLerconnecuons, hlgher Lransmlsslon volLages, new Lechnologles ln
generauon and Lransmlsslon, lncreaslng presence of renewable energy sources, large slze generauon pro[ecLs, sysLem proLecuon schemes,
wlde area conLrols, lncludlng lnLegrauve conLrols ln Lhe Lransmlsslon and SmarL Crld Lechnologles have puL greaLer responslblllues on Lhe
shoulder of sysLem operaLor for ensurlng rellable and secure power sysLem.
ower ls one of Lhe key secLors auracung lul lnows lnLo lndla. 1he CovernmenL has LargeLed capaclLy addluon of 100,000 MW each
under Lhe 12Lh (2012-17) and 13Lh (2017-22) llve ?ear lans. 1here ls Langlble shl as regards Lo pollcy focus on Lhe sources of power. 1he
CovernmenL ls keen Lo promoLe hydro, renewable and gas-based pro[ecLs, as well as adopuon of clean coal Lechnology.
1he drlvers of Lhe change ln Lhe sysLem operauon as well as markeL operauon lnclude hlgh pace of growLh, Lechnologlcal obsolescence, ever
lncreaslng appeuLe for lnformauon and experuse of man behlnd machlne. 1he lncrease ln compeuuon among paruclpanLs and evolvlng
markeL mechanlsms are llkely Lo lncrease Lhe pressure on sysLem operaLors. 1he challenge would be Lo adapL Lo Lhe changlng paradlgm
and Lo faclllLaLe Lhe funcuonlng of Lhe elecLrlclLy markeL wlLhouL compromlslng grld securlLy and rellablllLy. Cverall, Lhe lmplemenLauon of
cosL eecuve Lechnologles along wlLh more emphasls on envlronmenL frlendly energy resources and proper sLraLegles Lo mlugaLe Lhe key
challenges for Lhe developmenL of power secLor wlll only ensure lndla's march Lowards lncluslve growLh.
CSCCC ls commlued Lo neuLral, lmparual sysLem operauon and markeL operauon almed aL dellverlng value Lo Lhe sLakeholders by creaung
robusL lnsuLuuonal sysLems, leveraglng Lechnologles and deploylng knowledge managemenL.
Iac|||tanng Market Cperanons
uurlng Lhe year 2012-13, a LoLal number of 32139 Lransacuons (10133 bllaLeral Lransacuons and 22004 collecuve Lransacuons) were
approved under S1CA as agalnsL 24111 1ransacuons (6883 8llaLeral 1ransacuons and 17226 Collecuve 1ransacuons) durlng lasL year
reglsLerlng an lncrease of 33. 1oLal Lnergy approved under S1CA was 73.1 8us (23 8us under collecuve Lransacuons and 30.1 8us under
bllaLeral Lransacuon) as agalnsL 67 8us (13 8us under Collecuve 1ransacuons and 32 8us under 8llaLeral 1ransacuons) durlng lasL year
reglsLerlng an lncrease of 9.7.
keso|v|ng operanona| cha||enges
CSCCC has Laken varlous sLeps ln llne wlLh Lhe recommendauons of Lhe Lnqulry Commluee on Lhe Crld ulsLurbances LhaL occurred durlng
!uly, 2012, llke llng of euuon for furLher ughLenlng of frequency band Lo 49.9 - 30.1. Pz wlLh CL8C. 1he mauer ls under acuve
conslderauon of Lhe Commlsslon. updaLed verslon of SS/L has been lnsLalled aL all SLuCs, 8LuCs, nLuC, 8Cs, CLA and CL8C enabllng
slmulauon of Lhe sysLem and carrylng ouL sLablllLy sLudles. resenLly all planned ouLages are approved and 11C ls revlewed and updaLed, lf
requlred, for Lhese condluons. CSCCC has also provlded lnpuLs Lo CLA for modlcauon of 1ransmlsslon lannlng CrlLerla. A revlsed crlLerlon
has been lssued by CLA on 31
!an, 2013. CSCCC has also submlued a proposal Lo CL8C regardlng Lhe lnconslsLency beLween Congesuon
regulauon and Lhe deLalled procedure framed Lhereunder so LhaL congesuon due Lo forced ouLages and unscheduled lnLerchange can be
handled eecuvely. CSCCC clrculaLed Lhe ura CuLage lannlng rocedure Lo 8C's Lo dlscuss ln 8C forum for eecuve co-ordlnauon of
1ransmlsslon LlemenL CuLages.
varlous regulaLory pool accounLs are operauonal and belng malnLalned by 8LuCs and nLuC Lo faclllLaLe nanclal seulemenL such as
unscheduled lnLerchange, ShorL 1erm Cpen Access-Collecuve and 8llaLeral, Congesuon 8evenue eLc. Clven Lhe presenL and expecLed
enormlLy of and complexlLy ln seulemenL of pool accounLs, a separaLe speclallsL enuLy ls envlsaged ln Lhe secLor. 1hls enuLy wlll brlng nanclal
and managemenL experuse Lo Clearlng and SeulemenL ln Lerms of lnsuLuuonal CapaclLy and human caplLal, address rlsk managemenL, fund
managemenL and sLreamllne assoclaLed compllance relaLed mauers. 1hls lmperauve had also been recognlzed ln Secuon 2.14 of Lhe 8eporL
of Lhe Worklng Croup on ower for xllLh lan. lurLher modallues ln Lhls regard are belng explored.
Anc|||ary Serv|ces
Cf Lhe four plllars of markeL deslgn, Lhree plllars are already ln place l.e. Congesuon managemenL, lmbalance seulemenL mechanlsm and
Schedullng and uespaLch. 1here ls an urgenL need for Lhe fourLh plllar of Anclllary Servlces. 1he maln drlvers for Anclllary Servlces are
8ellablllLy and SecurlLy of Lhe Crld, ueregulaLed ower SysLems, Changlng naLure of LlecLrlclLy Crld: lnLerconnecLed and meshed grld wlLh
renewables. 1here ls mandaLe for nLuC/8LuCs Lo ldenufy anclllary servlces ln Lhe amended CL8C ul 8egulauons, 2009. uenluon and
Cperauon of Anclllary servlces are lncluded as an excluslve funcuon of 8LuCs ln lLCC, 2010.
An approach paper on Anclllary Servlces was broughL ouL by CSCCC ln !une, 2010 ln whlch varlous Lypes of anclllary servlces were ldenued
and lnLernauonal benchmarks were explalned. lrequency SupporL Anclllary Servlce (lSAS) was ldenued for lmmedlaLe lmplemenLauon. ln
Aprll, 2013, CL8C oaLed a sLa paper on lnLroducuon of Anclllary Servlces ln lndlan LlecLrlclLy MarkeL" whlch ls an lmporLanL sLep forward
ln Lhe developmenL of Lhe lndlan LlecLrlclLy MarkeL.
WlLh Lhe help of Anclllary Servlces, lL ls expecLed LhaL un-despaLched generauon would be harnessed. lL would also promoLe lnLegrauon
of renewable energy generauon by addresslng Lhe lnLermluency lssues, especlally for wlnd generauon. 1hls would reduce dependence on
lmbalance seulemenL mechanlsm for meeung demand.
Capac|ty 8u||d|ng |n ower System S|mu|anon and Stud|es
As a ma[or sLep Lowards capaclLy bulldlng across Lhe enure power secLor comprlslng of sLaLuLory bodles such as CLA, C1u, 8LuCs/nLuC,
CL8C, SL8Cs, S1us, SLuCs and Lhe 8C SecreLarlaLs, 220 llcenses of SS/L slmulauon soware aL a LoLal cosL of `16.72 crore for all Lhe enuues
have been provlded. As parL of capaclLy bulldlg, Lralnlng ls also belng lmparLed Lo all Lhe sLakeholders for uslng Lhls uullLy. lL have ensured
common plauorm for merglng of daLa and for carrylng ouL power sysLem sLudles for operauonal plannlng, conungency analysls, eLc.
Synchron|sanon of Southern Gr|d w|th NLW Gr|d
CurrenLly, Lhe souLhern grld of Lhe CounLry ls connecLed wlLh Lhe nLW grld Lhrough PvuC llnks. S8 Crld would be synchronlzed wlLh
Lhe nLW Crld aer commlsslonlng of 763 kv 8alchur - Sholapur llne ln 2013-14. Slnce synchronlsauon lnvolves merglng of markeLs, a
number of exerclses and Lrlal operauons would be underLaken before Lhe nal synchronlsauon ln l? 2013-14. Conslderlng Lhe enormlLy and
complexlues of Lhe process, a speclallzed sub-commluee has been consuLuLed comprlslng of Lhe sysLem experLs from Lhe nLuC and 8LuCs.
Cb[ecuve of Lhe commluee ls Lo ldenufy sLraLegles, conducL sLudles and llsL Lechnlcal pre requlslLes for synchronlzauon. 1he lnLerlm reporL
of Lhe SLudy Commluee ls llkely Lo be submlued by 31 CcL, 2013.
I|nanc|a| D|scuss|on and Ana|ys|s
Compar|son of I|sca| 2013 to I|sca| 2012
ConsequenL Lo Lhe noucauon of 8evlsed Schedule vl under Lhe Companles AcL, 1936, Lhe llnanclal SLaLemenLs for Lhe year ended as aL
31sL March, 2013 have been prepared as per Lhe 8evlsed Schedule vl.
SysLem Cperauon and MarkeL Cperauon charges comprlslng of 8LuC lees and Charges are recognlsed on Lhe basls of Larl approved
by CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon(CL8C) and furLher ad[usLmenL made for Lrulng up. Puman 8esources and Cperauon &
MalnLenance expenses componenL of Larl are accounLed based on Lhe acLual expendlLure. Charges Lowards pro[ecLed caplLal expendlLure
are resLrlcLed Lo charges based on acLual caplLal expendlLure. Any excess ln collecuon of SysLem Cperauon and MarkeL Cperauon charges
over Lhe revenue recognlsed ls Lransferred Lo Lhe llablllLy Lo be ad[usLed on Lrulng up exerclse by Lhe CL8C aer Lhe explry of Lhe conLrol
nLuC has been deslgnaLed 'CenLral Agency' by CL8C for 8LC mechanlsm. As Lhe Company ls responslble for dlscharglng Lhe funcuons
of nLuC, lL ls requlred Lo malnLaln books of accounLs perLalnlng Lo 8LC Mechanlsm also. Accordlngly, Lhe AsseLs and Llablllues of 8LC
Mechanlsm have been merged wlLh Lhe company's books of accounLs for Lhe rsL ume ln Lhe CurrenL l? 2012-13 wlLh Lhe concurrence of
CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (CL8C).
kevenue from Cperanons
1he revenue earned from SysLem Cperauon and MarkeL Cperauon lncludlng S1CA lncome and 8eglsLrauon Money for Lhe year 2012-13
was `220.04 Crore as agalnsL `186.98 Crore ln Lhe l? 2011-12. 8evenue for Lhe CurrenL ?ear has lncreased proporuonaLely as compared
Lo revenue for prevlous year 2011-12 ln accordance wlLh Lhe Larl approved by CL8C . ln respecL of SysLem and MarkeL Cperauon charges
`4.67 crore neu aer ad[usLmenL for earller years (revlous ?ear ` 33.39 crore) has been de - recognlzed from lncome durlng Lhe year and
Lhe same ls Lransferred Lo Lhe 1rulng -up llablllLy (As per Lhe pollcy of revenue recognluon).
1he depreclauon has been provlded on SLralghL Llne MeLhod aL Lhe raLes and meLhodology specled ln Lhe norms noued by CL8C for Lhe
purpose of recovery of 8LuC lees and Charges. WlLh eecL from 01/04/2009 (eecuve daLe of CL8C 8egulauons, 2009), useful llfe has been
worked ouL prospecuvely based on unamoruzed balance of such asseL on Lhe basls of Lhe raLe of uepreclauon specled by CL8C excepL for
moblle phones whlch have been depreclaLed aL 33.33.
uepreclauon charged ln Lhe l? 2012-13 ls `12.27 crore whereas ln l? 2011-12 lL was `20.11 crore. uepreclauon charge has reduced slnce
ma[orlLy of asseLs have been depreclaLed Lo Lhe exLenL of 90 of cosL wlLh resldual value of 10 and 100 of cosL wlLh nll resldual value as
ln Lhe case of compuLer hardware and soware or 100 of Lhelr cosL.
roht before 1ax
?our company's proL before Lax ln l?2012-13 was `130.33 crore as agalnsL `79.89 crore ln l? 2011-2012.
roht aher 1ax
?our company's roL aer 1ax ln l? 2012- 2013 was ` 83.63 crore as agalnsL `30.32 crore ln l? 2011- 2012.
LDC Deve|opment Iund
ln llne wlLh CL8C 8LuC lee and Charges 8egulauon 2009", LuC uevelopmenL lund of `93 crore ls accrued (gross) ln LuC uevelopmenL lund
ouL of Cross lncome for Lhe l? 2012-13. 1hls lncludes 8eLurn on LqulLy (based on Lrulng up ad[usLmenL), lnLeresL on Loan and uepreclauon
amounung Lo `23.98 crore and CLher lncome amounung Lo `71.02 crore. 1he fund has been uullsed Lowards CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy
and SusLalnable uevelopmenL acuvlues for `1.31 crore, lncome Lax of `38.60 Crore, dlvldend of `14.29 Crore (lncludlng dlvldend Lax) &
CALx ` 8.76 Crore resulung ln neL accreuon of `32.04 Crore Lo LuC uevelopmenL lund for l? 2012-13.
Se|ected 8a|ance Sheet Items
I|xed Assets:
?our Company's neL xed asseLs as on 31sL March, 2013 were `36.33 Crore as agalnsL `39.24 Crore as on 31sL March 2012. 1he xed asseLs
conslsL malnly of SCAuA Pardware and Soware.
Loans and Advances
?our Company's LoLal loans and advances (shorL Lerm and long Lerm) as aL 31sL March, 2013 were ` 117.81 Crore agalnsL ` 109.31 Crore ln
Lhe l? 2011-12. 1he marglnal lncrease ls malnly on accounL of normal Lransacuons durlng Lhe course of buslness.
Cther Current Assets
Cur oLher currenL asseLs as on 31sL March, 2013 lncludes ` 28.03 Crore agalnsL ` 29.33 Crore as on 31sL March 2012 whlch lncludes accrued
lnLeresL on exl deposlLs wlLh banks and unbllled debLors relaLed Lo March bllllng of 8LuC lees and Charges.
Sundry Debtors
Sundry uebLors as on 31sL March 2013 reduced Lo `4.37 Crore agalnsL `6.17 crore as on 31sL March 2012.1he reducuon ls malnly on
accounL of reallzauon of dues on 8LuC lees and Charges.
Unsecured |oan
1here ls no amounL of unsecured loans as on 31.03.2013.
Cther Current ||ab|||nes
?our company's oLher currenL llablllues as aL 31sL March, 2013 were ` 833.68 Crore as agalnsL ` 622.33 Crore as on 31sL March 2012. 1he
lncrease ls malnly on accounL of lncrease ln advances from cusLomers of S1CA.
Cther Long term ||ab|||nes
1he oLher long Lerm llablllues durlng Lhe l? 2012-13 were ` 7.46 crore comprlslng malnly of `6.73 Crore llablllLy on accounL of Lrulng up.
Connngent ||ab|||ty
1he conungenL llablllLy of ` 3.00 Crore ls Lhe demand of 8enL for Lhe omce and sLa quarLers accommodauon ralsed by Lhe W8L8, Mumbal
for Lhe perlod up Lo l? 2012-13 whlch ls dlspuLed by Lhe Company and Lhe Company has soughL for Lhe Lransfer of Lhe ownershlp of omce
accommodauon and resldenual quarLers before Lhe MlnlsLry of ower, CovL. of lndla. Powever, no declslon has come so far.
Cash I|ows
Net Cash from Cperanng Acnv|nes
1he operaung proL before worklng caplLal changes ls `97.83 crore. Powever, Lhe neL cash from Cperaung acuvlues of `191.82 crore ls
malnly due Lo lncrease of ` 218.24 Crore ln llablllues Lowards S1CA advances operaLed and malnLalned ln Lerms of CL8C 8egulauons.
Net Cash from Invesnng Acnv|nes
1here ls no ma[or expendlLure lncurred durlng Lhe year on replacemenL / modernlzauon of machlnery and equlpmenL. lncrease ln neL cash
ls on accounL of recelpL of lnLeresL on 8ank llexl ueposlLs amounung Lo ` 36.76 crore.
Net Cash from I|nanc|ng Acnv|nes
A sum of ` 13.21 Crore has been uullzed for paymenL of dlvldend and dlvldend Lax. Powever nance charges on accounL of Lrulng up has
been reversed for `3.03 durlng Lhe year. Pence, Lhe neL ouulow ls ` 8.16 Crore.
Interna| Contro|
lnLernal conLrol mechanlsm ls ln place ln CSCCC Lo verlfy Lhe Accounung and llnanclal ManagemenL SysLem, adequacy of conLrols, maLerlal
checks, nanclal proprleLy aspecLs and compllance lmplemenLauon mechanlsm. lnLernal AudlL and hyslcal verlcauon for Lhe llnanclal
?ear 2012-13 had been carrled ouL by experlenced rms of CharLered AccounLanLs. Cne lndependenL ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu
has been nomlnaLed on Lhe AudlL Commluee Lhe Company ln Lerms of Lhe Company's Arucles of Assoclauon and also ln compllance wlLh
Lhe uL Culdellnes of CorporaLe Covernance.
k|sk Management rocedure
1he LnLerprlse 8lsk ManagemenL ollcy & rocedures of CWL8C8lu ls belng followed by CSCCC.
Caunonary Statement
SLaLemenL ln Lhe ManagemenL ulscusslon and Analysls and ulrecLors' 8eporL descrlblng Lhe Company's ob[ecuves, pro[ecuons and esumaLes,
are forward-looklng sLaLemenLs and progresslve wlLhln Lhe meanlng of appllcable laws and regulauons. AcLual resulLs may vary from Lhose
expressed or lmplled, dependlng upon economlc condluons, CovernmenL ollcles and oLher lncldenLal facLors. 8eaders are cauuoned noL
Lo place undue rellance on Lhe forward looklng sLaLemenLs.
lor and on behalf of
(k.N. Nayak)
uaLe : 03.08.2013
lace: new uelhl
ear ended March 31
2013 2012
neL cash from operaung acuvlues 191.82 (234.87)
neL cash (used ln) lnvesLmenL acuvlues 26.39 (10.40)
neL Cash from llnanclng acuvlues (8.16) (34.21)
neL Surplus under 8LC Mechanlsm 8egulauon 4.17 -
Cash and cash equlvalenLs aL Lhe end of Lhe year 889.31 673.09
(` ln crore )
arncu|ars of Lmp|oyees ursuant to Secnon 217(2A) of the
Compan|es Act, 19S6 for the ear 2012-13
Annexure-II to D|rectors' keport
S|. Name Des|gnanon ua||hcanon kemuneranon Lxper|ence Date of Age Last
No. (Sh.]Smt.) (`) (years) Commencement (years) emp|oyment
of emp|oyement he|d
(|n CWLkGkID)

1 SumanLa kumar Chosh Sr. AsslsLanL 8achelor of 729339 36 years 01-!an-93 60 CLA
2 8haskar 8ao ACM M.1ech 4771093 34 years 01-!an-96 60 CLA
(Commerclal) (ower SysLem)
ll1, kharagpur
3 M 8 !eevan Chlef Manager 8.L. (LlecLrlcal & 3017030 33 years 01-!an-94 60 CLA
4 ? k Malllkar[unaswamy !r. CperaLor SSLC 608909 34 years 01-!an-94 60 CLA
1) 8emunerauon lncludes Salary, Allowances, Leave LncashmenL, Leave 1ravel Concesslon, aymenL for Lhe subsldlsed Leased
accommodauons, relmbursemenL of medlcal expenses Lo employees and employer's conLrlbuuon Lo provldenL lund and oLher lunds.
ln addluon, employees are enuLled Lo CraLulLy/ group lnsurance ln accordance wlLh Company's 8ules.
2) none of Lhe Lmployees llsLed above ls relaLed Lo any of Lhe ulrecLors of Lhe Company.
3) 8emunerauon menuoned above ls lncluslve of reuremenL/ separauon beneLs pald durlng Lhe year and ls noL lndlcauve of any regular
remunerauon sLrucLure of employees of Lhe company.
lor and on behalf of
CWL8 S?S1LM CL8A1lCn CC8C8A1lCn LlMl1Lu
(k.N. Nayak)
uaLe : 03.08.2013
lace: new uelhl
arncu|ars requ|red under the Compan|es (D|sc|osure of arncu|ars
|n the keport of 8oard of D|rectors) ku|es, 1988
Annexure - III to the D|rectors' keport
A. Conservanon of Lnergy:
CSCCC's faclllues are spread over slx conLrol cenLres locaLed aL Mumbal, uelhl, kolkaLa, 8angalore and Shlllong. LlecLrlclLy consumpuon
ls one of Lhe ma[or lLems of expendlLure on Cperauon and MalnLenance (C & M) lnvolvlng an approxlmaLe ouLgo of ` 3 crore per
annum. 1hls would go up wlLh Lhe rlse ln Lhe elecLrlclLy prlces. Conservauon of energy ls Lherefore an lmperauve for CSCCC. MosL
of CSCCC's faclllues are housed ln old bulldlngs owned by Lhe CovL. of lndla and changes ln Lhe baslc sLrucLure of Lhe bulldlng wlLh
a vlew Lo mlnlmlze Lhe elecLrlclLy consumpuon are llmlLed. All 8LuC's have gone for an energy audlL and are lmplemenung measures
Lowards lmprovlng alr condluonlng emclency and llghung as well as compuLers.
nLuC as CenLral Agency for 8enewable Lnergy CerucaLe(s)(8LCs) ls also looklng Lowards encouraglng volunLary buyers of 8LCs.
CSCCC Loday ls amongsL Lhe 1en volunLary buyers of 8LCs ln Lhe counLry. ln 2012-13, CSCCC has purchased 800 no. of 8LCs as a
small sLep ln Lhls lnluauve. (1 8LC= 1000 unlLs of elecLrlclLy). 1he scheme of Solar llghung sysLem was lmplemenLed on a llmlLed exLenL
basls aL L8LuC durlng l? 2012-13.
8. kesearch and Deve|opment:
Large Scale lnLegrauon of 8enewable Cenerauon, lmprovlng vlsuallzauon and SlLuauonal Awareness (SA) aL 8LuCs / nLuC, deslgnlng
self heallng sysLem Lo Lake care of hlgh lmpacL low probablllLy lncldenLs conunue Lo be Lhe areas of speclal lnLeresL Lo CSCCC.
CSCCC's Leam aL 8LuCs/ nLuC have a conunuous process of engagemenL wlLh bodles llke CC-13 (earller known as very Large ower
Crld CperaLors (vLCC)), 1SC-Comparlson Croup, ClC8L, lLLL eLc. and are a parL of dlerenL Worklng Croups(WCs) coverlng Lhe above
AparL from sysLem operauon, CSCCC ls also worklng Lowards havlng an elecLrlclLy markeL ln Lhe counLry whlch fully complemenLs
rellablllLy and ensures economy and emclency.
CSCCC looks forward Lo greaLer LhrusL ln Lhe above areas of 8esearch and uevelopmenL (8&u) and ls explorlng parLnershlps wlLh
academlc lnsuLuuons and research cenLres ln lndla and abroad.
C. Iore|gn Lxchange earn|ngs and outgo:
lorelgn Lxchange earnlng nlL
lorelgn Lxchange ouLgo
(l) 8epalr & malnLenance
(ll) lorelgn Lravel
(lll) CLhers
(` ln crore)
lor and on behalf of
CWL8 S?S1LM CL8A1lCn CC8C8A1lCn LlMl1Lu
(k.N. Nayak)
uaLe : 03.08.2013
lace: new uelhl
Annexure - IV(a) to the D|rectors' keport
AudlLor's CommenLs ManagemenL's 8eply
uurlng Lhe year, Lhe company has changed Lhe Accounung ollcy
regardlng 8evenue 8ecognluon (refer noLe. no 2.39 of oLher noLes).
1he change ln Accounung ollcy has resulLed ln lncrease of roL for
Lhe year by ` 32.92 Crore, lncome 1ax rovlslon by ` 17.17 Crore and
Shareholders lunds by ` 33.73 Crore, same ls sub[ecL Lo admlsslble
by CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon(CL8C) aer prudence
check aL Lhe ume of Lrulng up. 1he exLenL of uncerLalnlLy lnvolved
on accounL of addluonal revenue ls dependenL upon ouLcome of
CL8C order. 8ecognluon of such addluonal revenue Lo Lhe exLenL of
uncerLalnlLy lnvolved ls deparLure from Lhe Accounung SLandards
referred Lo ln sub-secuon (3C) of secuon 211 of Lhe AcL.
1he P8 and C&M expenses were accounLed for as 'acLual expendlLure
or expendlLure allowed by CL8C 8LuCwlse whlchever ls less', up Lo
l? 2011-12. Powever, such acLual expendlLure ls allowable as per
CL8C regulauons sub[ecL Lo Lrulng up aer Lhe end of Lhe conLrol
perlod l.e. 2009-14. Cn Lhe peuuon led by Lhe company, CL8C
vlde order daLed 28Lh SepLember, 2012, has dlrecLed LhaL 'Any
addluonal leglumaLe P8 expenses over and above LhaL approved
by Lhe Commlsslon ln lLs varlous Larl orders as menuoned ln para
3 of Lhls order may be Lemporarlly meL by Lhe peuuoner ouL of
Lhe LuC uevelopmenL lund whlch wlll be recouped aL Lhe ume of
Lrulng up'.
Conslderlng cerLalnLy of recelpL as per AS-9, maLchlng revenue
concepL and accrual sysLem of accounung, Lhe accounung pollcy
has been changed as '8evenue recognluon based on acLual P8 and
C&M expendlLure lncurred'.
ln vlew of CL8C 8egulauons, CL8C order daLed 28Lh SepLember,
2012 and pasL CL8C orders on Lhe above mauers, ManagemenL ls of
Lhe vlew LhaL uncerLalnLy lnvolved on accounL of addluonal revenue
ls negllglble and noL maLerlal. Cnly Lhe leglumaLe expendlLure
ellglble under CL8C 8egulauons has been consldered for addluonal
Annexure - IV(b) to the D|rectors' keport
ICk 1nL LAk LNDLD 31 MAkCn 2013
1he preparauon of nanclal sLaLemenLs of ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed for Lhe year ended 31 March 2013 ln accordance
wlLh Lhe nanclal reporung framework prescrlbed under Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe ManagemenL of Lhe Company.
1he SLaLuLory AudlLors appolnLed by Lhe CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla under Secuon 619(2) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 are
responslble for expresslng oplnlon on Lhese nanclal sLaLemenLs under Secuon 227 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 based on lndependenL audlL
ln accordance wlLh Lhe audlung and assurance sLandards prescrlbed by Lhelr professlonal body, Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of
lndla. 1hls ls sLaLed Lo have been done by Lhem vlde Lhelr AudlL 8eporL daLed 21 !une 2013.
l, on behalf of Lhe CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla, have conducLed a supplemenLary audlL under Secuon 619(3) (b) of Lhe
Companles AcL, 1936 of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs of ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed for Lhe year ended 31 March 2013. 1hls
supplemenLary audlL has been carrled ouL lndependenLly wlLhouL access Lo Lhe worklng papers of Lhe SLaLuLory AudlLors and ls llmlLed
prlmarlly Lo lnqulrles of Lhe SLaLuLory AudlLors and Company personnel and a selecuve examlnauon of some of Lhe accounung records. Cn
Lhe basls of my audlL noLhlng slgnlcanL has come Lo my knowledge whlch would glve rlse Lo any commenL upon or supplemenL Lo SLaLuLory
AudlLor's 8eporL under Secuon 619(4) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.

lor and on Lhe behalf of Lhe
CompLroller & AudlLor Ceneral of lndla

(Na|na A. kumar)
lace: new uelhl r|nc|pa| D|rector of Commerc|a| Aud|t &
uaLed: 31
!uly, 2013 Lx-omc|o Member, Aud|t 8oard - III,
New De|h|
keport on Corporate Governance
Annexure - V to the D|rectors' keport
1he ulrecLors presenL Lhe Company's 8eporL on CorporaLe Covernance.
CorporaLe Covernance ls abouL promoung corporaLe falrness, Lransparency and accounLablllLy ln Lhe besL lnLeresL of varlous sLakeholders ln
Lhe Company. lL ls a sysLem by whlch buslness corporauons are dlrecLed and conLrolled. ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LLd. (CSCCC)
belleves LhaL good governance should enLall LrusLeeshlp, empowermenL and accounLablllLy of Lhe managemenL whlle remalnlng proacuve
Lo Lhe CovernmenL pollcles. CSCCC's Covernance process ls focused Lowards lLs followlng mlsslon:
Lnsure lnLegraLed Cperauon of 8eglonal and nauonal ower SysLems Lo faclllLaLe Lransfer of elecLrlc power wlLhln and across Lhe reglons
and Lrans-nauonal exchange of power wlLh 8ellablllLy, SecurlLy and Lconomy."
1he Company has also seL lLs Cb[ecuves ln furLherance of lLs mlsslon as per lLs role as dened ln Lhe LlecLrlclLy AcL, and seL ouL by Lhe
MlnlsLry of ower, CL8C, oLher 8egulaLory / SLaLuLory 8odles, eLc. from ume Lo ume.
1he Company has also consuLuLed an AudlL Commluee Lo have beuer and more focused auenuon on nanclal mauers.
ManagemenL ulscusslon and Analysls ls placed aL Annex -l Lo ulrecLors' 8eporL.
1he Company has complled wlLh Lhe condluons of Lhe CorporaLe Covernance Code and Lhe dlsclosure requlremenLs ln LhaL regard are glven
2. 8oard of D|rectors:
2.1 S|ze of the 8oard
CSCCC, belng Lhe wholly owned subsldlary Company of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed(CWL8C8lu) ls a CovernmenL Company
wlLhln Lhe meanlng of Secuon 617 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936. As per lLs Arucles of Assoclauon, Lhe composluon of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors
shall be as deLermlned by Lhe Pon'ble resldenL / CovernmenL of lndla from ume Lo ume.
ln Lerms of Lhe Arucles of Assoclauon of Lhe Company, Lhe sLrengLh of our 8oard shall noL be less Lhan Lhree ulrecLors buL noL more Lhan
een ulrecLors. 1hese ulrecLors may be elLher whole-ume ulrecLors or parL-ume ulrecLors or oLherwlse.
2.2 Compos|non of the 8oard
As on 31sL March, 2013, Shrl 8.n. nayak, Shrl 8.1. Agarwal, Shrl l.S. !ha and Shrl SanLosh Saraf were on Lhe 8oard of Lhe Company. Shrl SanLosh
Saraf ls Lhe lndependenL dlrecLor of Lhe Company. MlnlsLry of ower, vlde lLs Crder no.11/20/2003-C dL.28.06.2013 had nomlnaLed SmL.
8lLa Acharya, !olnL SecreLary, 1ransmlsslon, MlnlsLry of ower and SmL. neer[a MaLhur, Member, CC&u, CenLral LlecLrlclLy AuLhorlLy on Lhe
8oard of CSCCC. 1hey were subsequenLly co-opLed w.e.f.18.07.2013 on Lhe 8oard of CSCCC as Addluonal ulrecLors.
1he equlLy shares of Lhe Company are noL llsLed.
2.3 Age L|m|t and 1enure of D|rectors
1he age llmlL of Lhe Chalrman and oLher ulrecLors (oLher Lhan lndependenL ulrecLor(s)) from Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu ls 60 years.
1he daLe of appolnLmenL of Lhe ulrecLors who are ln omce as on 31sL March, 2013 was as follows:
Name & Des|gnanon Date of Io|n|ng on the 8oard*
Shrl 8.n. nayak, non - execuuve Chalrman 29.09.2009
Shrl 8.1. Agarwal, arL - ume ulrecLor 16.03.2011
Shrl l.S. !ha, arL - ume ulrecLor 01.09.2011
Shrl SanLosh Saraf, lndependenL ulrecLor 26.03.2012
*1he ulrecLors on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu / Cmclals, who have been appolnLed as ulrecLors ln CSCCC shall cease Lo be on Lhe 8oard of CSCCC on compleuon of
Lhelr Lenure / superannuauon / wlLhdrawal of nomlnauon from CWL8C8lu / MlnlsLry.
**none of Lhe ulrecLors of Lhe Company are ln any way relaLed wlLh each oLher.
2.4 8oard Meenngs and Auendance:
1he meeungs of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors are held aL Lhe 8eglsLered omce of Lhe Company / CorporaLe Cmce of CWL8C8lu, Lhe holdlng
Company. Meeungs are generally scheduled well ln advance and Lhe nouce, deLalled 8oard agenda, managemenL reporLs and oLher
explanaLory 8oard noLes are clrculaLed Lo Lhe ulrecLors. 1he members of Lhe 8oard have compleLe access Lo all lnformauon of Lhe
Corporauon. CLC, CSCCC ls a speclal lnvlLee Lo all 8oard meeungs.
uurlng Lhe nanclal year ended 31sL March, 2013, seven 8oard meeungs were held on 7Lh May, 28Lh May, 27Lh !uly, 6Lh SepLember and 3Lh
uecember of Lhe year 2012 and 16Lh !anuary and 11Lh lebruary of Lhe year 2013. 1he maxlmum lnLerval beLween any Lwo meeungs durlng
Lhls perlod was 89 days. ueLalls of number of 8oard meeungs auended by ulrecLors, auendance aL lasL ACM, number of oLher dlrecLorshlp/
commluee membershlp (vlz. AudlL Commluee and Shareholders' Crlevance Commluee as per uL Culdellnes) held by Lhem durlng Lhe year
2012-13 are LabulaLed below:

*Lxcludlng ulrecLorshlps ln rlvaLe LlmlLed Companles and companles reglsLered under Secuon 23 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
**lncludes Chalrmanshlp / Membershlp of CSCCC. lurLher, only Chalrmanshlp / Membershlp of AudlL Commluee and Lhe Shareholdes' Crlevance Commluee has
been consldered.
2.S Informanon p|aced before the 8oard of D|rectors.
1he 8oard has compleLe access Lo any lnformauon wlLh Lhe Company. 1he lnformauon regularly supplled Lo Lhe 8oard lncludes:
1. Annual operaung plans and budgeLs and any updaLes.
2. Annual AccounLs, ulrecLors' 8eporL, eLc.
3. CuarLerly resulLs of Lhe company.
4. MlnuLes of meeungs of AudlL Commluee and oLher Commluees of Lhe 8oard
3. ulsclosure of lnLeresL by ulrecLors abouL dlrecLorshlp and commluee posluons occupled by Lhem ln oLher Companles.
6. Compllance of regulaLory or sLaLuLory provlslons
7. CLher maLerlally lmporLanL lnformauon.
ost Meenng Io||ow -up system
Acuon Laken on Lhe dellberauons of Lhe 8oard and Commluee meeungs ls puL up for lnformauon of Lhe 8oard and Lhe Commluee's of Lhe
3. Comm|uee(s) of the 8oard of D|rectors
CSCCC 8oard has consuLuLed Lhe followlng Commluees:
1) AudlL Commluee
2) SusLalnable uevelopmenL Commluee
3.1 Aud|t Comm|uee
CSCCC 8oard had consuLuLed an AudlL Commluee ln lLs meeung held on 13
March, 2011. 1he followlng were lLs members as on
(l) Shrl SanLosh Saraf, ulrecLor- Member & Chalrman
(ll) Shrl 8.1. Agarwal, ulrecLor - Member
(lll) Shrl l.S. !ha, ulrecLor - Member
1he powers, role, funcuons, eLc. of Lhe AudlL Commluee are governed by Lhe Companles AcL and CovernmenL Culdellnes.
Meenngs of Aud|t Comm|uee
1he AudlL Commluee meeLs aL leasL four umes ln a year and noL more Lhan four monLhs elapse beLween Lwo meeungs ln LhaL year. 1he
quorum for Lhe AudlL Commluee meeungs ls elLher Lwo members or one Lhlrd of Lhe members of Lhe AudlL Commluee whlchever ls
kev|ew of |nformanon by Aud|t Comm|uee
1he AudlL Commluee generally revlews Lhe followlng lnformauon:
1. ManagemenL dlscusslon and analysls of nanclal condluon and resulLs of operauons,
2. SLaLemenL of slgnlcanL relaLed parLy Lransacuons submlued by managemenL,
3. ManagemenL leuers / leuers of lnLernal conLrol weaknesses lssued by Lhe sLaLuLory audlLors,
4. lnLernal audlL reporLs relaung Lo lnLernal conLrol weaknesses, and
3. 1he appolnLmenL, removal and Lerms of remunerauon of Lhe audlLor.
Name of the D|rector
Meenng he|d
dur|ng respecnve
tenure of
No. of 8oard
at the |ast
AGM (he|d on
No. of other
he|d on
No. of Comm|uee
Membersh|p he|d
on 31.03.13**
Chairman Member
non execuuve ulrecLors
Shrl 8.n.nayak,
7 7 ?es 9 nlL nlL
Shrl 8.1. Agarwal,
7 7 ?es 3 1 3
Shrl l.S. !ha, ulrecLor 7 3 ?es 7 nlL 2
Shrl SanLosh Saraf,
lndependenL ulrecLor
7 7 ?es 2 4 nlL
As on 31.03.2013, Lhe ulrecLors' Shareholdlng was as under:
Name of D|rector(s) No. of Lqu|ty Shares ne|d
As a Nom|nee of CWLkGkID Ind|v|dua| Capac|ty
Shrl 8.n. nayak, 01 -
Shrl 8.1. Agarwal 01 -
Shrl l.S. !ha 01 -
uurlng Lhe nanclal year ended 31sL March, 2013, 07 meeungs of Lhe AudlL Commluee were held on 4Lh May, 28Lh May, 27Lh !uly, 6Lh
SepLember and 3Lh uecember of Lhe year 2012 and 16Lh!anuary and 11Lh lebruary, of Lhe year 2013.
Auendance aL Lhe AudlL Commluee Meeungs durlng Lhe llnanclal ?ear 2012-13
3.2 Susta|nab|e Deve|opment Comm|uee
CSCCC 8oard had consuLuLed Lhe SusLalnable uevelopmenL Commluee ln lLs meeung held on 7Lh May, 2012 for lmplemenLauon of
SusLalnable uevelopmenL (Su) acuvlues ln llne wlLh Lhe requlremenL of ueparLmenL of ubllc LnLerprlses (uL) Culdellnes on Su for CenLral
ubllc SecLor LnLerprlses. 1he Commluee comprlsed of Lhe followlng members as on 31.03.2013:
(l) Shrl SanLosh Saraf, ulrecLor- Member & Chalrman
(ll) Shrl 8.1. Agarwal, ulrecLor - Member
(lll) Shrl l.S. !ha, ulrecLor - Member
uurlng Lhe llnanclal ?ear 2012-13, Lwo meeungs of Lhe SusLalnable uevelopmenL Commluee were held - on 17LhCcLober, 2012 and 16Lh
!anuary, 2013. Auendance aL Lhe above meeungs was as follows:
4. kemuneranon of D|rectors
ln Lhe 8oard meeung of Lhe Company held on 16.01.2013, slmng fee pald Lo Lhe lndependenL ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu,
who had been nomlnaLed on Lhe 8oard of CSCCC had been approved Lo be enhanced from ` 10,000/-Lo ` 20,000/-. AparL from Lhls, no
remunerauon ls pald Lo any oLher ulrecLor.
ueLalls of paymenL made Lowards slmng fee Lo Lhe lndependenL ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu, who had been nomlnaLed on Lhe
8oard of CSCCC ls glven below:
Name of the member Aud|t Comm|uee Meenngs dur|ng the tenure
ne|d Auended
Shrl SanLosh Saraf 07 07
Shrl 8.1. Agarwal 07 07
Shrl l.S. !ha 07 03
Name of the member Susta|nab|e Deve|opment Comm|uee Meenngs dur|ng the tenure
ne|d Auended
Shrl SanLosh Saraf 02 02
Shrl 8.1. Agarwal 02 02
Shrl l.S. !ha 02 02
Name of the D|rector S|mng Iees 1ota|
8oard Meenng
Aud|t Comm|uee
Comm|uee Meenng
Shrl SanLosh Saraf 90,000 90,000 30,000 2,10,000^
^Cross amounL.
S. Genera| 8ody Meenngs:
uaLe, ume and locauon of Lhe lasL Lhree Annual Ceneral Meeungs ls as under:
6. D|sc|osures
(l) ueLalls of relaLed parLy Lransacuons are lncluded ln Lhe noLes Lo Lhe AccounLs as per Accounung SLandard - 18 lssued by Lhe
lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla and noued by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL ln consulLauon wlLh nauonal Advlsory
Commluee on Accounung SLandards.
(ll) 1he CLC of Lhe Company has cerued Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs Lo Lhe 8oard.
(lll) CSCCC does noL have any maLerlal non llsLed lndlan Subsldlary Company.
(lv) 1here are no maLerlal lndlvldual Lransacuons wlLh relaLed parues whlch are noL ln Lhe normal course of buslness.
(v) 1here are no maLerlal lndlvldual Lransacuons wlLh relaLed parues or oLhers, whlch are on an arm's lengLh basls.
(vl) 1here were no penalues or sLrlcLures lmposed on Lhe Company by any sLaLuLory auLhorlues for non-compllance on any mauer
relaLed Lo caplLal markeLs, durlng Lhe year.
(vll) 1he 8alance SheeL, roL and Loss AccounL and Cash llow SLaLemenL for Lhe nanclal year 2012-13 have been prepared as per Lhe
Accounung SLandards referred Lo ln Sub-secuon (3C) of Secuon 211 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
7. Means of Commun|canon
1he Company communlcaLes wlLh lLs shareholders Lhrough lLs Annual 8eporL, Ceneral Meeung and dlsclosure Lhrough web slLe.
lnformauon and laLesL updaLes and announcemenLs made by Lhe Company can be accessed aL Company's webslLe: hup://posoco.ln.
8. Code of Conduct
1he 8oard of ulrecLors of CWL8C8lu, Lhe Poldlng Company has lald down Lwo separaLe Codes of 8uslness ConducL and LLhlcs - one for
8oard Members and anoLher for Senlor ManagemenL ersonnel. 1he Senlor managemenL of CSCCC ls on secondmenL basls from Lhe
holdlng company, l.e. CWL8C8lu. Pence, Code of ConducL appllcable Lo CWL8C8lu ls belng followed.
9. Shareho|ders' Informanon
|) Annua| Genera| Meenng
||) I|nanc|a| ear
1he Company's llnanclal ?ear ls from 1sL Aprll Lo 31sL March.
|||) ayment of d|v|dend
1he 8oard of ulrecLors of Lhe Company has recommended paymenL of a nal ulvldend of 20 (` 2.0 per share) for Lhe nanclal
year ended 31sL March, 2013. ln addluon, an lnLerlm ulvldend of 20 (` 2.0 per share) was pald on 22nd lebruary, 2013. (ulvldend
pald ln Lhe revlous ?ear was ` 3.0 per share)
|v) Cutstand|ng GDks]ADks]Warrants or any Convernb|e |nstruments, convers|on date and ||ke|y |mpact on equ|ty
no Cu8s/Au8s//WarranLs or any Converuble lnsLrumenLs have been lssued by Lhe Company.
D|v|dend n|story
ear Date Time Venue Spec|a| keso|unon
2009-2010 23
SepLember, 2010 4.30 p.m.
1sL lloor, 8-9, CuLab lnsuLuuonal Area, kaLwarla Saral, new
2010-2011 24Lh AugusL, 2011 10.00 a.m
1sL lloor, 8-9, CuLab lnsuLuuonal Area, kaLwarla Saral, new
2011-2012 06Lh SepLember, 2012 3.00 p.m.
1sL lloor, 8-9, CuLab lnsuLuuonal Area, kaLwarla Saral, new
uaLe : 26
AugusL, 2013
1lme : 4.30 p.m.
venue : 8-9, CuLab lnsuLuuonal Area, kaLwarla Saral, new uelhl - 110 016.
1ota| a|d-up
1ota| Amount of D|v|dend a|d for
the I|nanc|a| ear
Date of AGM |n wh|ch d|v|dend was
Date of ayment of I|na|
2010-11 30.64 3.06 24.08.2011 13.09.2011
2011-12 30.64 9.20 06.09.2012 06.09.2012
2012-13 30.64 6.13* 11.02.2013[ 22.02.2013#
* AmounL of lnLerlm ulvldend for l.?. 2012-13
[ uaLe of Lhe 8oard Meeung aL whlch Lhe lnLerlm dlvldend was declared.
# uaLe of aymenL of lnLerlm ulvldend for l.?. 2012-13
v) Locanon of CSCCC |ants
CSCCC has no planLs.
v|) Shareho|d|ng auern
1he enure shares of Lhe Company are owned by ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed.
v||) Address for correspondence:
ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed,
1sL lloor, 8-9, CuLab lnsuLuuonal Area,
kaLwarla Saral,
new uelhl - 110 016.
1elephone no. lax no.
8eglsLered Cmce 011-26336832, 26324322 011-26324323, 26336901
webslLe hup://posoco.ln
Company SecreLary, CS rlu ChaLurvedl 011-26361309 011 -26324323
Lmall lu prlu[posoco.ln
lor and on behalf of
CWL8 S?S1LM CL8A1lCn CC8C8A1lCn LlMl1Lu
(k.N. Nayak)
uaLe : 03.08.2013
lace: new uelhl
Non-Mandatory kequ|rements
1. The Board: 1he Company ls headed by a non execuuve Chalrman. no person has been appolnLed as lndependenL dlrecLor who has
been a ulrecLor, ln Lhe aggregaLe, exceedlng a perlod of nlne years on Lhe 8oard of CSCCC.
2. kemuneranon Comm|uee: As CSCCC comprlses Lhe employees of CWL8C8lu who have been depuLed on secondmenL basls,
approvals by Lhe 8emunerauon Commluee of CWL8C8lu are appllcable Lo CSCCC also.
3. Aud|t qua||hcanons: 1he nanclal sLaLemenL for Lhe year 2012-13 ls qualled
4. 1ra|n|ng of 8oard Members: A presenLauon on Lhe followlng mauers was glven Lo Lhe ulrecLors:
resenLauon on CSCCC as a whole was provlded Lo Lhe ulrecLors so as Lo glve Lhem an lnslghL lnLo Lhe funcuonlng of Lhe
resenLauon on acuvlues asslgned Lo CSCCC by Mo and CL8C Lhrough new 8egulauons.
3. Wh|st|e 8|ower o||cy: 8elng a wholly owned subsldlary of CWL8C8lu, ln Lerms of Lhe Mou slgned wlLh CWL8C8lu, Lhe ollcles,
Culdellnes, eLc. of CWL8C8lu are appllcable Lo CSCCC as well.
Cernhcate on Corporate Governance
1he CerucaLe on CorporaLe Covernance ls belng publlshed as an Annexure Lo Lhe ulrecLors' 8eporL.
Annexure - VI to the D|rectors' keport
Cernhcate on Corporate Governance
The Members,
ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed.
l have examlned Lhe compllance of condluons of corporaLe governance by ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed, for Lhe year ended
on 31sL March 2013 as supulaLed ln Lhe uL Culdellnes.
1he compllance of condluons of corporaLe governance ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe managemenL. My examlnauon was llmlLed Lo Lhe procedures
and lmplemenLauon Lhereof, adopLed by Lhe Company for ensurlng Lhe compllance of Lhe condluons of Lhe CorporaLe Covernance. lL ls
nelLher an audlL nor an expresslon of oplnlon on Lhe nanclal sLaLemenL of Lhe Company.
ln my oplnlon and Lo Lhe besL of my lnformauon and accordlng Lo Lhe explanauon glven Lo me, l cerufy LhaL Lhe Corporauon has complled
wlLh Lhe condluons of CorporaLe Covernance excepL LhaL lL has, an lndependenL dlrecLor who consuLuLe one fourLh of Lhe LoLal number of
dlrecLors as agalnsL Lhe requlremenL of one Lhlrd Lhe LoLal number of dlrecLors, Lhe AudlL Commluee has only one lndependenL dlrecLor
as agalnsL Lhe requlremenL of Lwo and LhaL noL consuLuLed a 8emunerauon Commluee, ln lmplemenLauon of Lhe Culdellnes on CorporaLe
Covernance for CSLs lssued by Lhe ueparLmenL of ubllc LnLerprlses.
l furLher sLaLe LhaL such compllance ls nelLher an assurance as Lo Lhe fuLure vlablllLy of Lhe Company nor Lhe emclency or eecuveness wlLh
Lhe managemenL has conducLed Lhe aalrs of Lhe Company.
(1.v. nA8A?nASWAM?)
Shareho|ders' funds
(a) Share caplLal 2.1 30.64 30.64
(b) 8eserves and surplus 2.2 137.48 86.12
188.12 116.76
Non-current ||ab|||nes
(a) Long-Lerm borrowlngs 2.3 - -
(b) ueferred 8evenue 2.4 0.30 1.27
(c) CLher Long Lerm llablllues 2.3 7.46 23.37
(d) Long-Lerm provlslons 2.6 26.67 26.93
34.63 31.79
Current ||ab|||nes
(a) ShorL-Lerm borrowlngs 2.7 - -
(b) 1rade payables 2.8 9.12 2.23
(c) CLher currenL llablllues 2.9 833.68 622.33
(d) ShorL-Lerm provlslons 2.10 16.94 76.01
839.74 700.37

1ota| 1082.49 869.12
Non-current assets
(a) llxed asseLs
(l) 1anglble asseLs 2.11 31.63 33.73
(ll) lnLanglble asseLs 2.12 4.90 3.31
(lll) CaplLal work ln progress 2.13 3.62 2.83
(lv) ConsLrucuon sLores 2.14 - 0.06
40.17 42.13

(b) ueferred Lax AsseLs (neL) 2.13 2.60 6.69
(c) Long-Lerm loans and advances 2.16 14.48 11.74

Current assets
(a) 1rade recelvables 2.17 4.37 6.17
(b) Cash and 8ank 8alances 2.18 889.31 673.09
(c) ShorL-Lerm loans and advances 2.19 103.33 97.77
(d) CLher currenL asseLs 2.20 28.03 29.33
1023.24 808.36
1ota| 1082.49 869.12
Accounnng o||c|es 1
Notes on Accounts 2
Notes referred above are |ntegra| part of the 8a|ance Sheet
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
(r|n Chaturved| ) (S. k. Soonee) ( k. 1. Agarwa| ) (k. N. Nayak)
Company Secretary Ch|ef Lxecunve Cmcer D|rector Cha|rman

As per our report of even date
Ior 8. C. Ia|n & Co.
Chartered Accountants
I|rm kegn. No. 001099 (C)
(kan[eet S|ngh)
Membersh|p No. 073488
lace : Curgaon
uaLe : 21
!une, 2013
8a|ance Sheet as at 31
March 2013
(` ln Crore)
Note No.
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
I. kevenue from operanons 2.21 220.04 186.98
II. Cther |ncome 2.22 46.33 27.36
III. 1ota| kevenue (I + II) 266.37 214.34

IV. Lxpenses:
Lmployee beneLs expense 2.23 83.23 74.22
llnance cosLs 2.24 (3.04) 3.74
uepreclauon and amoruzauon expense 2.23 12.27 20.11
Cperauon, MalnLenance and CLher AdmlnlsLrauve Lxpenses 2.26 48.33 40.14
1ota| expenses 138.81 140.21

V. roht before r|or per|od Items and tax (III - IV) 127.S6 74.13

VI. r|or per|od |tems 2.27 (2.79) (3.76)

VII. roht before tax (V - VI) 130.3S 79.89

VIII. 1ax expense:
(1) CurrenL Lax 40.06 32.71
(2) 1ax for earller years 0.33 -
(3) ueferred Lax 4.09 (3.34)
44.70 29.37
Ik. roht afer tax (VII - VIII) 8S.6S S0.S2
k. Larn|ngs per equ|ty share: (In ` per share)
(Iace Va|ue of ` 10]- each) 2.43
(1) 8aslc 26.39 16.49
(2) ulluLed 26.39 16.49
Accounnng o||c|es 1
Notes on Accounts 2
Notes referred above are |ntegra| part of the Statement of roht and Loss
Statement of roht and Loss for the year ended 31
March, 2013
Note No.
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
(r|n Chaturved| ) (S. k. Soonee) ( k. 1. Agarwa| ) (k. N. Nayak)
Company Secretary Ch|ef Lxecunve Cmcer D|rector Cha|rman

As per our report of even date
Ior 8. C. Ia|n & Co.
Chartered Accountants
I|rm kegn. No. 001099 (C)
(kan[eet S|ngh)
Membersh|p No. 073488
lace : Curgaon
uaLe : 21
!une, 2013
neL roL 8efore 1ax 126.18 79.89
Ad[ustment for :
uepreclauon 12.27 20.11
1ransfer from CranLs ln Ald (0.77) (0.73)
neL Loss on ulsposal/WrlLe o of llxed AsseLs 0.06 0.03
lnLeresL and llnance Charges (3.04) 3.74
lnLeresL on 8ank llexl ueposlLs (34.87) -
rovlslons wrlLe back - (0.01)
Cperanng proht before Work|ng Cap|ta| Changes 97.83 10S.0S
Ad[ustment for :
lncrease/(uecrease) ln CLher Long 1erm Llablllues (16.11) 3.43
lncrease/(uecrease) ln Long 1erm rovlslons (0.28) 3.23
lncrease/(uecrease) ln CLher Long 1erm 8orrowlngs - (49.04)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln 1rade and oLher 8ecelvables 1.39 0.38
lncrease/(uecrease) ln 1rade ayables & currenL llablllues 218.24 (329.00)
lncrease/(uecrease) ln ShorL 1erm rovlslons (8.89) 3.63
(lncrease)/uecrease ln CLher currenL asseLs (0.38) (2.08)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln Long 1erm Loans and Advances (2.73) 13.04
(lncrease)/uecrease ln 1rade 8ecelvables - 68.30
(lncrease)/uecrease ln ShorL 1erm Loans and Advances (33.49) (9.00)
1S7.93 (292.87)
ulrecL Laxes pald (63.94) (67.03)
Net Cash from operanng acnv|nes 191.82 (2S4.87)

(lncrease)/uecrease ln 1anglble and lnLanglble AsseLs (7.44) (8.26)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln Work ln rogress (2.99) (2.14)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln ConsLrucuon SLores 0.06 -
lnLeresL on 8ank llexl ueposlLs 36.76 -
Net cash used |n |nvesnng acnv|nes 26.39 (10.40)

Loans ralsed/(repald) durlng Lhe year - (40.31)
ulvldend pald (10.73) (7.66)
ulvldend Lax pald (2.48) (0.30)
lnLeresL and llnance Charges ald 3.03 (3.74)
Net Cash from I|nanc|ng Acnv|nes (8.16) (S4.21)
Cash I|ow Statement Ior 1he ear Lnded 31
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
CASn ILCW S1A1LMLN1 ICk 1nL LAk LNDLD 31st MAkCn, 2013 (contd...)
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
L. Net change |n Cash and Cash equ|va|ents(A+8+C+D) 214.22 (319.48)
I. Cash and Cash equ|va|ents(Cpen|ng ba|ance) 673.09 994.37
G. Cash and Cash equ|va|ents(C|os|ng ba|ance) (L+I) 889.31 67S.09
1. Cash and cash equ|va|ents cons|sts of Cash |n hand and ba|ances w|th banks.
Cash and cash equ|va|ents |nc|uded |n the cash ow statement compr|se of
fo||ow|ng ba|ance sheet amounts as per Note 2.18.
Cash and cash equlvalenLs 703.90 238.30
CLher 8ank balances (*) 183.41 416.39
889.31 67S.09
(*) AmounLs avallable for speclc use only
ln deslgnaLed currenL accounLs/exl deposlL accounLs operaLed and
malnLalned ln Lerms of CL8C regulauons (refer noLe 2.30 ) 177.13 416.39
ln llexl ueposlL accounLs -8LC (refer noLe 2.36) 6.28 -
183.41 416.S9
2. rev|ous year hgures have been re-grouped ]re-arranged wherever necessary.
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
(r|n Chaturved| ) (S. k. Soonee) ( k. 1. Agarwa| ) (k. N. Nayak)
Company Secretary Ch|ef Lxecunve Cmcer D|rector Cha|rman

As per our report of even date
Ior 8. C. Ia|n & Co.
Chartered Accountants
I|rm kegn. No. 001099 (C)
(kan[eet S|ngh)
Membersh|p No. 073488
lace : Curgaon
uaLe : 21
!une, 2013
1he nanclal sLaLemenLs are prepared on accrual basls of accounung under hlsLorlcal cosL convenuon and ln accordance wlLh
generally accepLed accounung prlnclples ln lndla and Lhe relevanL provlslons of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 lncludlng Accounung
SLandards noued Lhere under.
1he preparauon of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs requlres esumaLes and assumpuons LhaL aecL Lhe reporLed amounL of asseLs,
llablllues, revenue and expenses durlng Lhe reporung perlod. AlLhough such esumaLes and assumpuons are made on reasonable
and prudenL basls Laklng lnLo accounL all avallable lnformauon, acLual resulLs could dler from Lhese esumaLes and assumpuons
and such dlerences are recognlzed ln Lhe perlod ln whlch Lhe resulLs are crysLalllzed.
Load uespaLch and Communlcauon uevelopmenL fund ls creaLed ln Lerms of CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (fees
and charges of Lhe 8eglonal Load uespaLch CenLre and oLher relaLed mauers) 8egulauons 2009. ln Lerms of clause 9(2) of Lhe
regulauons, Lhe charges on accounL of reLurn on equlLy, lnLeresL on loan, depreclauon and oLher lncome of Lhe 8eglonal Load
uespaLch CenLres and nLuC such as reglsLrauon fee, appllcauon fee, shorL Lerm open access charges eLc. shall be deposlLed Lo
Lhe LuC developmenL fund. 1he funds shall be uullsed for loan repaymenL, servlclng Lhe caplLal ralsed ln Lhe form of lnLeresL
and dlvldend paymenL, meeung supulaLed equlLy poruon ln asseL creauon and margln money for ralslng loan from nanclal
lnsuLuuons and fundlng of expendlLure Lowards CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8), SusLalnable uevelopmenL (Su) acuvlues
and 8esearch & uevelopmenL (8&u) ro[ecLs and lncome 1ax payable, lf any. Any asseL creaLed ouL of Lhe money deposlLed Lo Lhe
LuC developmenL fund shall noL be consldered for compuLauon of Lhe reLurn on equlLy and lnLeresL on loan.
1.4.1 CranLs ln ald recelved from CenLral CovL or oLher auLhorlues Lowards caplLal expendlLure for pro[ecLs, beuermenL of sysLem
operauon and speclc depreclable asseLs are shown as CranLs-ln-ald" ull Lhe uullsauon of granL.
1.4.2 Cn caplLallsauon of relaLed asseLs, granL recelved for speclc depreclable asseLs are LreaLed as deferred lncome and recognlsed
ln Lhe proL and loss accounL over Lhe useful perlod of llfe and ln proporuon Lo whlch depreclauon on Lhese asseLs ls provlded.
llxed asseLs are shown aL hlsLorlcal cosL comprlslng of purchase prlce and any aurlbuLable cosL of brlnglng Lhe asseLs Lo lLs
worklng condluon for lnLended use
1.6.1 CosL of maLerlal consumed, erecuon charges Lhereon along wlLh oLher relaLed expenses lncurred for Lhe pro[ecLs are shown as
CWl ull caplLallsauon.
1.6.2 lnLeresL durlng consLrucuon ls apporuoned Lo CaplLal Work ln rogress (CWl) on Lhe closlng balance of speclc asseL or parL of
asseL belng caplLallzed. 8alance, lf any, le aer such caplLallzauon ls kepL as a separaLe lLem under Lhe CWl
1he cosL of soware (whlch ls noL an lnLegral parL of Lhe relaLed hardware) acqulred for lnLernal use and resulung ln slgnlcanL
fuLure economlc beneLs, ls recognlzed as lnLanglble asseLs ln Lhe books of accounLs when Lhe same ls ready for lLs use.
ConsLrucuon sLores are valued aL cosL.
1.9 8CkkCWING CCS1
1.9.1 All Lhe borrowed funds (excepL shorL Lerm funds for worklng caplLal) are earmarked Lo speclc pro[ecLs. 1he borrowlng cosLs
(lncludlng lnLeresL and guaranLee fee eLc.) are allocaLed Lo Lhe pro[ecLs ln proporuon Lo Lhe funds so earmarked.
1.9.2 1he borrowlng cosLs so allocaLed are caplLallsed or charged Lo revenue, based on wheLher Lhe pro[ecL ls under consLrucuon or
ln operauon.
1.10.1 1ransacuons ln forelgn currencles are recorded aL Lhe exchange raLe prevalllng on Lhe daLe of Lransacuon. lorelgn currency loans,
deposlLs and llablllues are LranslaLed or converLed wlLh reference Lo Lhe raLes on Lhe daLe of Lhe balance sheeL
1.10.2 lorelgn Lxchange 8aLe varlauon (lL8v) arlslng on seulemenL/Lranslauon of forelgn currency loans are shown as recoverable from
Note 1 - Accounnng o||c|es
1.10.3 lL8v arlslng ouL of seulemenL/Lranslauon of long Lerm moneLary lLems (oLher Lhan forelgn currency Loans) relaung Lo xed
asseLs/CWl are ad[usLed ln Lhe carrylng cosL of relaLed asseLs
1.10.4 CLher exchange dlerences are recognlzed as lncome or expense ln Lhe perlod ln whlch Lhey arlse.
1.11.1 SysLem operauon and MarkeL operauon charges comprlslng 8LuC fees and charges are recognlsed on Lhe basls of Larl approved
by CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon(CL8C). Puman 8esource and Cperauon and MalnLenance expenses componenL of
Larl are accounLed on Lhe basls of acLual expendlLure. Charges Lowards pro[ecLed caplLal expendlLure are resLrlcLed Lo charges
based on acLual caplLal expendlLure.
Any excess ln collecuon of SysLem Cperauon and MarkeL Cperauon charges over Lhe revenue recognlsed ls Lransferred Lo Lhe
llablllLy Lo be ad[usLed on 1rulng up exerclse by Lhe CL8C aer Lhe explry of Lhe conLrol perlod.
1.11.2 lncome from ShorL 1erm Cpen Access (S1CA) ls accounLed for on Lhe basls of regulauons noued by CL8C. lncome on accounL
of operaung charges, schedullng and sysLem operauon charges from ShorL 1erm Cpen Access (S1CA) ln Lerms of Lhe CenLral
LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (Cpen Access ln lnLer SLaLe Lransmlsslon), 8egulauons ls accounLed for as and when Lhe bllaLeral
/collecuve Lransacuons Lake place.
1.11.3 non-refundable appllcauon money from Lhe ShorL 1erm Cpen Access (S1CA) ls accounLed as lncome on recelpL of appllcauon
along wlLh Lhe fees.
1.11.4 1ransmlsslon charges collecLed for Lhe dlsbursemenL Lo S1us/C1us/SL8s from Lhe ShorL 1erm Cpen Access (S1CA) are passed on
Lo Lhe respecuve S1us/C1us/SL8s. 1he unpald amounL as aL balance sheeL daLe ls deplcLed as llablllLy.
1.11.3 Supervlslon Charges
Cverhead charges on accounL of supervlslon of SCAuA Annual MalnLenance Charges are accounLed on accrual basls.
1.11.6 8eglsLrauon fees
Cne ume reglsLrauon fees of new users and power exchanges ls accounLed for on recelpL basls.
1.11.7 LlquldaLed damages/warranLy clalms and lnLeresL on advances Lo suppllers are accounLed for on cerLalnLy.
1.11.8 8ank lnLeresL earned on Lhe xed deposlLs lylng ln unscheduled lnLerchange ool AccounL lund, Congesuon Charges AccounL,
8eacuve Lnergy Charges AccounL and lnLer 8eglonal Lxchange AccounL are credlLed dlrecLly Lo respecuve fund accounL.
1.11.9 Surcharge ls belng accounLed for when no slgnlcanL uncerLalnLy as Lo measurablllLy and collecLablllLy exlsLs.
1.12.1 1he depreclauon has been provlded on SLralghL Llne MeLhod aL Lhe raLes and meLhodology specled ln Lhe norms noued by CL8C
for Lhe purpose of recovery of 8LuC fees and charges. WlLh eecL from 01/04/2009 (eecuve daLe of CL8C 8egulauons, 2009),
useful llfe has been consldered/worked ouL prospecuvely based on unamoruzed balance of such asseL on Lhe basls of Lhe raLe of
depreclauon specled by CL8C, excepL for moblle phones whlch have been depreclaLed aL 33.33.
1.12.2 Where Lhe cosL of depreclable asseL has undergone a change due Lo lncrease/decrease ln long Lerm llablllues on accounL
of exchange raLe ucLuauon, prlce ad[usLmenL, change ln duues or slmllar facLors, Lhe unamoruzed balance of such asseL ls
depreclaLed prospecuvely over Lhe resldual llfe.
1.12.3 AsseLs cosung ` 3,000/- or less or where Lhe wrluen down value ls ` 3,000/- or less aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year, are charged Lo
1.13 LkLNDI1UkL
1.13.1 re-pald /prlor perlod expenses / lncome of lLems of ` 1,00,000/- and below are charged Lo naLural heads of accounLs.
1.13.2 LxpendlLure of research and developmenL, oLher Lhan CaplLal LxpendlLure, are charged Lo revenue ln Lhe year of lncurrence.
1.13.3 CaplLal expendlLure lncurred on asseLs noL owned by Lhe company ls charged o Lo revenue as and when lncurred.
Cash generaung unlLs as dened ln AS-28 on lmpalrmenL of AsseLs" are dened aL Lhe balance sheeL daLe wlLh respecL Lo
carrylng amounL vls-a-vls recoverable amounL Lhereof and lmpalrmenL loss, lf any, ls recognlsed ln Lhe sLaLmenL of proL & loss.
lmpalrmenL loss, lf need Lo be reversed subsequenLly, ls accounLed for ln Lhe year of reversal.
1.13.1 1he llablllLy for reuremenL beneLs of employees ln respecL of graLulLy, whlch ls ascerLalned annually on acLuarlal valuauon aL Lhe
year end, ls provlded and funded separaLely.
1.13.2 1he llablllLy for compensaLed absence (boLh for earned & half pay leave), leave encashmenL, posL reuremenL medlcal beneLs &
seullng allowance Lo employees are ascerLalned annually on acLuarlal valuauon aL Lhe year end and provlded for.
1.13.3 AcLuarlal galns/losses are recognlzed lmmedlaLely ln Lhe SLaLemenL of roL & Loss.
A provlslon ls recognlsed when Lhe company has a presenL obllgauon as a resulL of pasL evenL and lL ls probable LhaL an ouulow
of resources wlll be requlred Lo seule Lhe obllgauon, ln respecL of whlch a rellable esumaLe can be made based on Lechnlcal
valuauon and pasL experlence. rovlslons are noL dlscounLed Lo lLs presenL value and are deLermlned based on managemenL
esumaLe requlred Lo seule Lhe obllgauon aL Lhe balance sheeL daLe. no provlslon ls recognlsed for llablllues whose fuLure ouLcome
cannoL be ascerLalned wlLh reasonable esumaLe. Such conungenL llablllues are noL recognlsed buL are dlsclosed ln Lhe schedule of
conungenL llablllLy on Lhe basls of [udgemenL of Lhe managemenL/ lndependenL experL. 1hese are revlewed aL each balance sheeL
daLe and ad[usLed Lo reecL Lhe currenL managemenL esumaLe.
1.17 INCCML 1Ak
lncome Lax comprlses of currenL and deferred Laxes. CurrenL lncome Laxes are measured aL Lhe amounL expecLed Lo be pald
Lo Lhe lncome Lax auLhorlues ln accordance wlLh lncome 1ax AcL, 1961. ueferred Lax resulung from umlng dlerence beLween
accounung and Laxable proL ls accounLed for uslng Lhe Lax raLes and Lhe Lax laws enacLed or subsLanuvely enacLed aL Lhe balance
sheeL daLe. ueferred Lax asseLs are recognlsed only Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL Lhere ls reasonable cerLalnLy LhaL sumclenL fuLure Laxable
lncome wlll be avallable agalnsL whlch such deferred Lax asseLs can be reallzed.
Note 2.1 - Share cap|ta|
Note 2.2 - keserves and surp|us
As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
As at 31

No.of Shares ( ` |n crore) No.of Shares ( ` |n crore)
As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
Lqu|ty Share Cap|ta|
Author|sed Cap|ta|
200000000 (revlous ?ear 200000000) equlLy shares of ` 10/- each 200.00 200.00
Issued, Subscr|bed and pa|d-up
30640000 (revlous ?ear 30640,000) equlLy shares of ` 10/-each fully pald up 30.64 30.64
1ota| 30.64 30.64
Iurther Notes:
1) 8econclllauon of number and amounL of share caplLal ouLsLandlng aL Lhe beglnnlng and aL Lhe end of Lhe reporung perlod
Shares ouLsLandlng aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year 30640000 30.64 30640000 30.64
Shares lssued durlng Lhe year nlL nlL nlL nlL
Shares boughL back durlng Lhe year nlL nlL nlL nlL
Shares ouLsLandlng aL Lhe end of Lhe year 30640000 30.64 30640000 30.64
2) 1he holders of equlLy shares are enuLled Lo recelve dlvldends as declared from ume Lo ume and are enuLled Lo one voLe per share aL
meeungs of Lhe Company.
3) 30640000 (revlous ?ear 30640000) equlLy shares are held by owergrld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed-Poldlng Company and lLs
4) CuL of above 30390000 (revlous ?ear 30390000) equlLy shares of `10 /- each have been allocaLed as fully pald shares, ln pursuanL Lo
agreemenL Lo sell asseLs wlLhouL conslderauon belng recelved ln cash.
Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty( CSk) Acnv|ty keserve
As per lasL balance sheeL - -
Addluons durlng Lhe year 0.46 -
ueducuons durlng Lhe year - -
Closlng 8alance 0.46 -

Genera| keserve
As per lasL balance sheeL 3.20 -
Addluons durlng Lhe year 8.60 3.20
ueducuons durlng Lhe year - -
Closlng 8alance 13.80 S.20

kLC Iund
As per lasL balance sheeL - -
Addluons durlng Lhe year 4.17 -
ueducuons durlng Lhe year - -
Closlng 8alance 4.17 -

Load Despatch & Commun|canon Deve|opment (LDC ) Iund
As per LasL 8alance SheeL 70.24 46.29
Addluons durlng Lhe year 32.04 23.93
ueducuons durlng Lhe year - -
Closlng 8alance 102.28 70.24
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
Note 2.2 - keserves and surp|us (Contd...)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Surp|us (8a|ance |n Statement of roht and Loss)
As per lasL balance sheeL 10.68 -
Add: roL Aer Lax as per SLaLemenL of roL and Loss 83.63 30.32
Less: Appropr|anons
CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8) Acuvlues 8eserve 0.46 -
LuC uevelopmenL 8eserve 32.04 23.93
Ceneral 8eserve 8.60 3.20
8LC 8eserve 4.17 -
lnLerlm dlvldend pald 6.13 4.60
ulvldend Lax on lnLerlm ulvldend 0.99 0.74
roposed llnal ulvldend 6.13 4.60
ulvldend Lax on roposed ulvldend 1.04 0.73
Closlng 8alance 36.77 10.68
1C1AL 1S7.48 86.12
(` ln Crore)
CranLs ln ald 0.30 1.27
1C1AL 0.S0 1.27
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.4 - Deferred kevenue
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
Note 2.3-Long-term borrow|ngs
- - -
- - -
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.S - Cther Long term ||ab|||nes
l) ueposlLs/ 8eLenuon money from conLracLors and oLhers. 0.71 2.44
ll) LlablllLy on accounL of 1rulng up (refer noLe no.2.39 of CLher noLes on AccounLs) 6.73 19.81
lll) uues for CaplLal LxpendlLure - 0.76
lv) CLhers - 0.36
1ota| 7.46 23.S7
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.6 - Long-term prov|s|ons
Lmp|oyee 8enehts
As per lasL balance sheeL 26.93 23.70
Addluons durlng Lhe year 6.30 3.23
AmounLs uullsed/pald durlng Lhe year 6.78 -
1C1AL 26.67 26.9S
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
Note 2.7 - Short-term borrow|ngs
- - -
- - -
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.8 - 1rade payab|es
lor goods and servlces 9.12 2.23
1ota| 9.12 2.23
Iurther Notes :
8ased on lnformauon avallable wlLh Lhe company, Lhere are no suppllers/servlce provlders who are reglsLered as mlcro, small or medlum
enLerprlses under 1he Mlcro, Small and Medlum LnLerprlses uevelopmenL AcL, 2006" as on 31sL March 2013 and as on 31sL March 2012.
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.9 - Cther current ||ab|||nes
l) Lmployee relaLed llablllLy 0.83 0.13
ll) ueposlLs/8eLenuon money from conLracLors and oLhers. 2.33 -
lll) Advances from CusLomers 337.33 189.48
lv) CLhers 4.71 4.89
v) CLher Llablllues- 1hlrd arLy (neL) 203.73 426.64
(Llablllues ln respecL of ueslgnaLed accounLs operaLed and
malnLalned ln Lerms of CL8C 8egulauons
(8efer noLe no.2.30 of CLher noLes on AccounLs)
vl) SLaLuLory uues 4.40 1.19
vll) 8elaLed parues -Poldlng Company 60.29 -
1ota| 833.68 622.33
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.10 - Short-term prov|s|ons
A) rov|s|on for Lmp|oyee 8enehts
|) 1ransm|ss|on |ncennve]spec|a| |ncennve
As per lasL balance sheeL 10.48 8.76
Addluon durlng Lhe year 13.16 9.30
AmounL pald/ad[usLed durlng Lhe year 13.99 7.38
Closlng 8alance 7.63 10.48
||) rov|s|on for Wage rev|s|on
As per lasL balance sheeL 6.13 3.08
Addluons durlng Lhe year - 3.07
AmounLs uullsed/pald durlng Lhe year 6.13 -
Closlng 8alance - 6.13
|||) Cther Lmp|oyee 8enehts (Leave Lncashment, Seu|ement A||owance,
ost kenrement Med|ca| 8enehts etc.)
As per lasL balance sheeL 2.03 1.18
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.10 - Short-term prov|s|ons (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
Addluons durlng Lhe year 2.01 2.79
AmounLs uullsed/pald durlng Lhe year 1.92 1.94
Closlng 8alance 2.12 2.03
1ota| (A) 9.77 18.66

8) Cthers
|) 1axanon
As per lasL balance sheeL 31.26 18.33
Addluons durlng Lhe year 40.61 32.71
AmounL ad[usLed durlng Lhe year - -
neL of agalnsL 1axes pald (8efer noLe no. 2.19) 91.87 -
Closlng 8alance - 31.26
||) roposed D|v|dend
As per lasL balance sheeL 4.60 3.06
Addluons durlng Lhe year 12.26 9.20
AmounLs pald durlng Lhe year 10.73 7.66
Closlng 8alance 6.13 4.60
|v) D|v|dend 1ax
As per lasL balance sheeL 1.49 0.30
Addluons durlng Lhe year 2.03 1.49
AmounLs pald durlng Lhe year 2.48 0.30
Closlng 8alance 1.04 1.49
1ota| (8) 7.17 S7.3S
1ota| (A+8) 16.94 76.01
C|v|| Works
a) 8LuCs 9.87 0.61 - (0.10) 10.38 1.90 0.23 - - 2.13 8.43 7.97
b) 1ownshlp 0.03 - - - 0.03 0.01 - - - 0.01 0.04 0.04
1emporary Lrecuon 0.11 - - - 0.11 0.11 - - - 0.11 - -
WaLer Supply uralnage
& Sewerage 0.04 0.03 - - 0.07 - 0.01 - - 0.01 0.06 0.04
|ant & Mach|nery
a) 8LuCs 2.67 0.19 - - 2.86 0.81 0.14 - - 0.93 1.91 1.86
b) uLuC 33.84 0.68 0.04 (0.34) 37.02 40.70 6.77 0.01 - 47.46 9.36 13.14
c) Communlcauon 0.32 - - - 0.32 0.20 0.03 - 0.01 0.22 0.30 0.32
lurnlLure llxLures*** 7.69 0.06 0.02 (0.01) 7.74 2.99 0.61 0.03 - 3.37 4.17 4.70
Cmce equlpmenL 2.46 0.31 0.03 - 2.72 0.98 0.19 0.02 - 1.13 1.37 1.48
LlecLronlc uaLa
rocesslng & Word
rocesslng Machlnes 8.42 1.99 0.10 0.33 9.98 4.33 1.17 0.08 0.16 3.26 4.72 4.09
vehlcles 0.01 - - - 0.01 - - - - - 0.01 0.01
Gross 8|ock Deprec|anon]Amornsanon Net 8|ock
As at 31

As at 31
As at 31
Sa|e ]
the year
dur|ng the
Upto 31

As at 31
the year
the year
As at 1

Sa|e ]
the year
the year
Note 2.11 - 1ang|b|e assets
(` ln Crore)
ConsLrn. and
Workshop equlpmenL 0.01 - - - 0.01 0.01 - - - 0.01 - -
LlecLrlcal lnsLallauon 0.10 0.79 - - 0.89 0.04 0.01 - - 0.03 0.84 0.06
Mlscellaneous AsseLs
/LqulpmenLs 0.11 - - - 0.11 0.09 - - - 0.09 0.02 0.02
1ota| 87.90 4.66 0.21 (0.32) 92.67 S2.17 9.16 0.14 0.17 61.02 31.6S 3S.73
revlous ?ear 83.23 3.03 0.01 0.38 87.89 42.73 9.92 - 0.47 32.18 33.71 42.32
1he Ad[usLmenLs ln Cross 8lock & uepreclauon ln above uaLa lncludes AmounL 8elaung Lo 8LC -
1) Cross 8lock 0.01
2) AccumulaLed uepreclauon -
3) neL 8lock 0.01
Gross 8|ock Deprec|anon]Amornsanon Net 8|ock
As at 31

As at 31
As at 31
Sa|e ]
the year
dur|ng the
Upto 31-
Mar- 2012
As at 31
the year
the year
As at 1

Sa|e ]
the year
the year
Note 2.11 - 1ang|b|e assets (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
Gross 8|ock Deprec|anon]Amornsanon Net 8|ock
As at 31

As at 31
As at 31
the year
dur|ng the
Upto 31

As at 31
the year
the year
As at 1

Sa|e ]
the year
the year
Note 2.12 - Intang|b|e assets
(` ln Crore)
SCAuA Soware 191.47 1.26 - (0.12) 192.83 189.49 2.12 - - 191.61 1.24 1.98
LlecLronlc uaLa
rocesslng Soware*** 2.12 2.84 - (0.62) 3.38 0.39 0.99 - (0.34) 1.92 3.66 1.33
1ota| 193.S9 4.10 - (0.74) 198.43 190.08 3.11 - (0.34) 193.S3 4.90 3.S1
revlous ?ear 191.33 1.98 - (0.08) 193.39 182.91 10.18 - 3.01 190.08 3.31 8.62
1he Ad[ustments |n Gross 8|ock & Deprec|anon |n above Data |nc|udes Amount ke|anng to kLC -
1) Gross 8|ock 0.30
2) Accumu|ated Deprec|anon 0.18
3) Net 8|ock 0.12
As at 31

March, 2013
dur|ng the year
As at 1

Apr||, 2012
dur|ng the
dur|ng the
Note 2.13 - Cap|ta| work |n progress
(` ln Crore)
C|v|| Works
8eglonal Load uespaLch CenLre & Cmce (lncl. clvll work) 0.60 0.24 0.08 0.64 0.12
1ownshlp - 0.30 - - 0.30
|ant & Lqu|pments (|nc|ud|ng assoc|ated c|v|| works)
uLuC 2.21 2.33 - 1.36 3.20
lncldenLal LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon 0.02 - 0.02 - -
1C1AL 2.83 3.09 0.10 2.20 3.62
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.14 - Construcnon stores
(` ln Crore)
ConsLrucuon SLores - 0.06
1C1AL - 0.06
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.1S - Deferred tax Assets (Net)
Deferred 1ax Asset
Lmployee 8eneLs-Leave encashmenL, lncenuve u/s 438 lncludlng Wage 8evlslon rovlslon 8.36 11.28
rovlslons 0.03 0.01
lnLeresL on 1rulng up - 1.37
Sub-tota| (A) 8.39 12.86

Deferred 1ax L|ab|||ty
1owards llxed AsseLs (neL ) 3.79 6.17
Sub-tota| (8) S.79 6.17
Net Deferred 1ax Assets (A-8) 2.60 6.69
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.16 - Long-term |oans and advances
(unsecured Consldered good unless oLherwlse sLaLed) (` ln Crore)
Cther |oans and advances
|) Lmp|oyees (|nc|ud|ng Interest Accrued)
a) Secured Consldered good 6.32 6.17
b) unsecured - Consldered good 0.38 0.42
- Consldered doubuul 0.03 0.03
6.93 6.64
Less: rovlslon for 8ad & uoubuul Advances 0.03 0.03
6.90 6.39
||) Advances recoverab|e |n cash or |n k|nd or for va|ue to
be rece|ved (Unsecured cons|dered good)
a) ConLracLors & Suppllers 0.39 0.01
b) Lmployees 0.30 0.99
c) CaplLal Advance -Poldlng Company 4.91 -
d) CLhers 1.83 2.38
e) CLhers-1hlrd arLy - 1.61
f) 8alance wlLh CusLoms orL 1rusL and oLher auLhorlues 0.13 0.16
7.38 3.13
14.48 11.74
1ota| 14.48 11.74
Due from
ulrecLors - -
Cmcers 0.66 0.60
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.17 - 1rade rece|vab|es
(` ln Crore)
|) Debts Cutstand|ng for a per|od exceed|ng S|x Months
Consldered Cood 1.10 3.14
Consldered uoubuul 0.04 0.03
||) Cther Debts 3.47 3.03
4.61 6.20
Less: rovlslon for bad & doubuul debLs 0.04 0.03
1ota| 4.S7 6.17
(unsecured Consldered good unless oLherwlse sLaLed)
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.18 - Cash and 8ank ba|ances
(` ln Crore)
1) Cash and Cash Lqu|va|ents
8alance wlLh 8anks
-ln CurrenL AccounLs / llexl deposlL AccounLs 643.89 231.40
-ln LuC uevelopmenL AccounL 62.00 27.10
Cash on hand - -
uras/Cheques ln Pand 0.01 -
SLamps and lmpresL - -
70S.90 2S8.S0
2) Cther 8ank 8a|ances
-ln ueslgnaLed CurrenL AccounLs / llexl ueposlL accounLs operaLed & malnLalned
ln Lerms of CL8C regulauons (8efer noLe no. 2.30 of CLher noLes on AccounLs) 177.13 416.39
-ln llexl ueposlL accounLs -kLC (kefer Note no.2.36 of Cther Notes on Accounts) 6.28 -
183.41 416.S9
1C1AL 889.31 67S.09
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.19 - Short-term |oans and advances
(` ln Crore)
A) Loans
a) Lmp|oyees |nc|ud|ng |nterest accrued
Secured consldered good 1.21 1.47
unsecured consldered good 0.23 -
1.44 1.47
b) ke|ated parnes
Poldlng Company 13.26 7.83
1ota|(A) 16.70 9.32

8) Advances recoverab|e |n cash or |n k|nd or for va|ue to be rece|ved
Lmployees 0.97 1.13
ConLracLors & Suppllers 6.02 0.17
ln ueslgnaLed A/c 21.03 -
ConLracLors & Suppllers- kLC (kefer Note no.2.36
of Cther Notes on Accounts) 0.11 -
Advance 1ax & 1uS 149.98 86.03
Less : rovlslon for 1axauon (8efer noLe no. 2.10) 91.87 38.11
CLhers 0.39 1.10
83.66 87.32
1ota| (8) 86.63 88.4S

1ota|(A+8) 103.33 97.77
ulrecLors - -
Cmcers 0.41 0.41
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.20 - Cther current assets
(` ln Crore)
a) lnLeresL accrued buL noL due
lnLeresL accrued on llexl ueposlLs wlLh 8ank 11.83 9.68
lnLeresL accrued on llexl ueposlL wlLh ueposlLs-ln ueslgnaLed A/c 0.23 4.30
lnLeresL accrued on llexl ueposlLs- kLC (kefer Note no.2.36 of Cther Notes on Accounts) 0.02 -

b) CLhers (unbllled uebLors) 13.93 13.33
1ota| 28.03 29.S3
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
Note 2.21 - kevenue from operanons
(` ln Crore)
A. Sa|es of serv|ces
l) 8evenue from SysLem and MarkeL Cperauon (Cross) 191.19 176.68
ll) ueferred 1ax lncome - 13.23
Less: 1rulng up Ad[usLmenL (neL) 4.67 33.39
neL 8evenue 186.32 138.34
8. Short 1erm Cpen Access-Cther Charges 32.42 23.44
C. keg|stranon Money 1.10 3.00
1ota| 220.04 186.98
1ru|ng up Ad[ustment for the year |s aher reversa| of 1ru|ng up of ear||er year amounnng to ` 24.87 Crore
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
Note 2.22 - Cther |ncome
(` ln Crore)
A) Interest from
lndlan 8anks 34.87 23.93
Lmployees Loans and CLhers 0.37 0.36
1ota| (A) 3S.24 24.29

8) Cthers
ConsulLancy ro[ecL ManagemenL and Supervlslon lees 1.43 1.63
8LC Surplus 4.49 -
ueferred lncome (1ransferred from CranLs-ln-ald) 0.77 0.83
Surcharge 0.17 0.17
lnLeresL lrom CLhers 0.79 -
rovlslon wrluen back - 0.01
lnLeresL on 1rulng up 1.20 -
Mlscellaneous lncome 2.22 0.39
1ota| (8) 11.09 3.07

1ota| (A+8) 46.33 27.36
For the year ended
March, 2012
For the year ended
March, 2013
Note 2.23 - Lmp|oyee benehts expense
(` ln Crore)
Salarles wages allowances & beneLs 68.38 63.03
ConLrlbuuon Lo rovldenL and oLher funds 7.67 4.29
SLa Welfare expenses 7.18 4.90

1ota| 83.23 74.22
For the year ended
March, 2012
For the year ended
March, 2013
Note 2.24 - I|nance costs
(` ln Crore)
A) lnLeresL on Loan from
lorelgn 8anks and llnanclal lnsuLuuons - 0.13
Secured/unsecured redeemable 8onds - 0.34
CLhers (3.03) 4.84
(3.03) 3.33
8) CLher 8orrowlng CosL
CuaranLee lee - 0.20
CLher nance charges 0.01 0.01
0.01 0.21
C) lorelgn Lxchange 8aLe varlauon 11.47 22.42
Less: 8ecoverable from 8eneclarles aL Lhe ume of 1rulng up
(8efer noLe no. 2.39 (lll) of CLher noLes on AccounLs).
11.47 - 22.42
1ota| (S.04) S.74
Interest on Loan |s reversa| of Interest on 1ru|ng up L|ab|||ty of rev|ous ear for ` S.0S Crore
For the year ended
March, 2012
For the year ended
March, 2013
Note 2.2S - Deprec|anon and amornzanon expense
(` ln Crore)
uepreclauon/Amoruzauon-1anglble AsseLs 9.16 19.67
Amoruzauon-lnLanglble AsseLs 3.11 0.44
1ota| 12.27 20.11
Descr|pnon Ior the year ended 31
March, 2012 Ior the year ended 31
March, 2013
kepa|r & Ma|nenance
8ulldlngs 0.86 0.33
lanL & Machlnery
8LuCs 21.19 20.46
CLhers 1.44 1.62
22.63 22.08
ower charges 2.96 2.74
1ralnlng & 8ecrulLmenL Lxpenses 1.12 1.33
Communlcauon expenses 0.98 0.94
Note 2.26 - Cperanon, Ma|ntenance and Cther Adm|n|stranve Lxpenses
(` ln Crore)
Descr|pnon Ior the year ended 31
March, 2012 Ior the year ended 31
March, 2013
1ravelllng & Conv.exp.(excludlng forelgn Lravel) 3.16 3.32
lorelgn Lravel 0.12 0.28
3.28 3.60
SLaLuLory AudlL lees 0.08 0.07
1ax AudlL lees 0.02 0.02
CaplLal LxpendlLure on asseLs noL owned by Lhe Company 4.99 -
Mlscellaneous expenses 4.73 3.98
SecurlLy Lxpenses 2.39 2.36
LxpendlLure on CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8) 1.03 -
LxpendlLure on SusLalnable uevelopmenL 0.26 -
8ebaLe Lo CusLomers 2.74 2.40
48.29 40.09
Loss on ulsposal/WrlLe o of llxed AsseLs 0.06 0.03
1ota| 48.3S 40.14
Note 2.26 - Cperanon, Ma|ntenance and Cther Adm|n|stranve Lxpenses (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
rlor erlod lLems
uepreclauon wrluen back - 3.29
8LC Surplus 1.69 -
CLhers 1.31 3.09
(A) 3.00 6.38
uepreclauon - 0.09
lnLeresL cosL - 0.22
CLhers 0.21 0.31
(8) 0.21 0.62
neu rlor perlod expendlLure/(lncome ) (8 - A) (2.79) (3.76)
1ota| (2.79) (S.76)
Note 2.27 - r|or per|od |tems
(` ln Crore)
2.28 Nature Cf Cperanons:-
1he company was lncorporaLed on 20Lh March 2009 as a wholly owned subsldlary of Lhe ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed, a
CovernmenL of Lhe lndla LnLerprlse, Lo Lake over Lhe buslness of Lhe SysLem Cperauons and MarkeL Cperauons, whlch were earller
carrled ouL by Lhe Poldlng Company (CWL8C8lu). CSCCC ls responslble for Lhe followlng operauons:-
l) 1o supervlse and conLrol all aspecL concernlng operauons and manpower requlremenL of 8LuCs and nLuC.
ll) 1o acL as Lhe apex organlsauon for human resources requlremenL of nLuC and 8LuCs.
lll) 1o ensure plannlng and lmplemenLauon of lnfrasLrucLure requlred for smooLh operauon and developmenL of nauonal and
8eglonal LuCs.
lv) 1o coordlnaLe Lhe funcuonlng of nLuC and all 8LuCs.
v) 1o advlse and asslsL sLaLe level Load uespaLch CenLres, lncludlng speclallzed Lralnlngs eLc.
vl) 1o perform any oLher funcuon enLrusLed Lo lL by Lhe MlnlsLry of ower.
2.29 As per Lhe memorandum of undersLandlng consequenL upon sale of moveable asseLs Lo CSCCC, all operauons and Lransacuons
(bllllng and banklng) carrled, on or aer CcLober 1, 2010 by Lhe 8LuCs and nLuC, ln Lhe name of Poldlng Company are deemed Lo
have been carrled on behalf of CSCCC.
2.30 Unschedu|ed Interchange oo| Account Iund (UI), Congesnon Charge Account, keacnve Lnergy Charges Account (kL), Inter
keg|ona| Lxchange Account (IkL) and Short 1erm Cpen Access (S1CA) co||ecnon account.
1he CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulauon Commlsslon vlde followlng regulauons has dlrecLed Lhe 8eglonal Load ulspaLch CenLres ln each
reglon Lo operaLe and malnLaln unscheduled lnLerchange ool AccounL lund, Congesuon Charge AccounL, 8eacuve Lnergy Charges
All paymenLs on accounL of unscheduled lnLerchange charges lncludlng Addluonal unscheduled lnLerchange charges levled and
lnLeresL, lf any, recelved for laLe paymenL are credlLed Lo Lhe funds called Lhe 8eglonal unscheduled lnLerchange ool AccounL lund",
malnLalned and operaLed by Lhe 8eglonal Load uespaLch CenLres ln accordance wlLh provlslons of CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory
Commlsslon (unscheduled lnLerchange charges and relaLed mauers) 8egulauons.
All paymenLs on accounL of Congesuon Charges and lnLeresL, lf any, recelved for laLe paymenL are credlLed Lo Lhe funds called Lhe
Congesuon Charge AccounL", malnLalned and operaLed by Lhe 8eglonal Load uespaLch CenLres ln accordance wlLh provlslons of
CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (Measures Lo relleve congesuon ln real ume operauon) 8egulauons.
All paymenLs on accounL of 8eacuve Lnergy ool AccounL are credlLed Lo Lhe funds called Lhe 8eacuve Lnergy AccounL", malnLalned
and operaLed by Lhe 8eglonal Load uespaLch CenLres ln accordance wlLh provlslons of CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon.
1hese funds are equally maLched wlLh fund balance ln Lhe bank accounLs ln Lhe currenL and xed deposlL accounLs excepL for
dlerence due Lo lnLeresL accrued and 1uS on lnLeresL, whlch are funded on Lhe recelpL of Lhe lnLeresL and 1uS CerucaLes.
As on 31/03/2013, Lhe LoLal balance ln Lhese deslgnaLed bank accounLs were amounung Lo ` 177.13 Crore as agalnsL Lhe llablllLy ln
Lhese funds amounung Lo ` 203.73 Crore. 1he neL dlerence ln Lhe LlablllLy and Lhe deslgnaLed bank accounLs amounung Lo ` 26.62
Crore on accounL of Lhe lnLeresL accrued and 1uS on lnLeresL ls sub[ecL Lo reconclllauon and consequenual ad[usLmenLs lf any.
2.31 LDC Deve|opment Iund
8evenue durlng Lhe year on accounL of uepreclauon, lnLeresL on Loan, 8eLurn on LqulLy (based on 1rulng-up ad[usLmenL) amounung
Lo ` 23.98 Crore and oLher lncome amounung Lo ` 71.02 Crore comprlslng malnly of S1CA and lnLeresL lncome ls requlred Lo be
deposlLed ln LuC uevelopmenL lund ln Lerms of CL8C 8egulauon.
1he fund has been uullsed Lowards CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy Lxp. & SusLalnable uevelopmenL Lxp. of ` 1.31 Crore, lncome Lax
of ` 38.60 Crore, dlvldend of ` 14.29 Crore (lncludlng dlvldend Lax), & Capex ` 8.76 Crore. 1here ls neL accreuon of ` 32.04 Crore Lo
LuC uev. lund.
A sum of ` 62.00 Crore ls lylng ln Lhe deslgnaLed bank accounL agalnsL LuC uevelopmenL lund of ` 102.28 Crore as on 31.03.2013.
8alance of ` 40.28 Crore wlll be conLrlbuLed durlng Lhe l? 2013-14.
2.32 1he CL8C whlle glvlng approval under sub-secuon (4) of Lhe secuon 28 of Lhe LlecLrlclLy AcL 2003, read wlLh Lhe CL8C(lees and
charges of 8eglonal Load despaLch CenLre and oLher relaLed mauers) 8egulauons, 2009 for Lhe 8LuCs charges has noLed LhaL aL
presenL Lhe SysLem Cperauon ls noL sub[ecL Lo Lhe servlce Lax.
2.33 ln vlew of Lhe oplnlon of Lhe experL Advlsory Commluee of Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla, unspenL expendlLure
(` 0.46 Crore), ouL of Lhe budgeL for Lhe year Lowards CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8) and SusLalnable uevelopmenL (Su) has
been Lransferred Lo CS8 reserve by approprlauon of proL.
2.34 CaplLal expendlLure of ` 4.99 Crore lncurred on asseLs noL owned by Lhe company ls charged o Lo roL and Loss accounL durlng Lhe
currenL year (As per Accounung ollcy no. 1.13.3).
2.33 CLher lncome lncludes ` 0.77 Crore (revlous ?ear ` 0.83 Crore) belng Lhe amounL Lransferred from CranLs-ln-ald recelved (As per
Accounung ollcy noLe no. 1.4)
2.36 1he company ls responslble for dlscharglng Lhe funcuons of nLuC, ls requlred Lo malnLaln books of accounLs perLalnlng Lo 8LC
Mechanlsm AccounL also. 1he asseLs and llablllues of 8LC Mechanlsm have been merged wlLh company books of accounL for Lhe rsL
ume ln Lhe currenL year wlLh Lhe concurrence of CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (CL8C). uue Lo Lhls Lhe gures of currenL
year are noL comparable wlLh Lhe prevlous year gures.
neL surplus of 8LC Mechanlsm Lo Lhe Lune of ` 6.18 Crore, whlch lncludes ` 1.69 Crore for earller years has been accounLed for ln
Lhe 8ooks of AccounL of Lhe Company durlng Lhe year, pendlng amendmenL ln 8LC Mechanlsm 8egulauons. lncome 1ax rovlslon
of ` 2.01 Crore, whlch lncludes ` 0.33 Crore for earller years has been made agalnsL Lhe above surplus. neL Surplus aer provlslon
of lncome 1ax amounung Lo ` 4.17 Crore ls Lransferred Lo 8LC fund, whlch shall be uullzed only for Lhe expenses allowed under 8LC
Mechanlsm 8egulauons.
2.37 a) 8alances ln 1uS cerucaLes, recelvables/recoverable, S1CA Advance from cusLomers, Sundry CredlLors, Advances from CusLomers
for deslgnaLed accounLs, Lhlrd parLy accounLs and Sundry uebLors are sub[ecL Lo reconclllauon, conrmauon and consequenual
ad[usLmenLs, lf any.
b) ln Lhe oplnlon of Lhe managemenL, Lhe value of CurrenL AsseLs, Loans and Advances, on reallsauon ln Lhe ordlnary course of
buslness, wlll noL be less Lhan Lhe value aL whlch Lhese are sLaLed ln Lhe 8alance SheeL.
2.38 1he company ls provldlng for depreclauon based on Lhe CL8C norms, whlch ls ln llne wlLh Lhe Larl pollcy lssued by Lhe MC for
Lhe block perlod 2009-14, whlch provldes LhaL Lhe raLes of depreclauon as noued by CL8C would be appllcable for Lhe purpose
of Larl as well as accounung excepL for moblle phones whlch have been depreclaLed aL 33.33 ln llne wlLh Lhe pollcy adopLed by
2.39 l) ln respecL of SysLem and MarkeL Cperauon charges ` 29.34 Crore (revlous ?ear ` 33.39 Crore), has been de-recognlsed from
lncome durlng Lhe year and Lhe same ls Lransferred Lo Lhe 1rulng-up LlablllLy whlch shall be consldered by CL8C aer Lhe explry
of Lhe conLrol perlod (2009-14) as per accounung pollcy noLe no 1.11.1 regardlng revenue recognluon.
ll) Change |n accounnng po||cy: 8evenue 8ecognluon of P8 and C&M expenses was hlLherLo belng made based on acLual
expendlLure lncurred or amounL allowed by CL8C whlchever ls less. Powever such acLual expendlLure lncurred ls allowable as per
CL8C regulauons sub[ecL Lo Lrulng up aer Lhe end of Lhe conLrol perlod l.e 2009-14. Cn Lhe peuuon led by Lhe company, CL8C
vlde order daLed 28Lh SepLember 2012, has dlrecLed LhaL Any addluonal leglumaLe P8 expenses over and above LhaL approval
by Lhe Commlsslon ln lLs varlous Larl orders as menuoned ln para 3 of Lhls order may be Lemporarlly meL by Lhe peuuoner ouL
of Lhe LuC uevelopmenL lund whlch wlll be recouped aL Lhe ume of Lrulng up"
Conslderlng cerLalnLy of recelpL as per AS-9, maLchlng revenue concepL and accrual sysLem of accounung, Lhe accounung pollcy
has been changed as 8evenue recognluon based on acLual P8 and C&M LxpendlLure lncurred". 1he change of Accounung
ollcy has resulLed ln lncrease of revenue by ` 46.67 Crore and decrease ln 1rulng-up LlablllLy by Lhe same amounL. 1hls lncludes
amounL of ` 24.87 Crore provlded for, ln earller years. 1he change has also resulLed ln Lhe reversal of lnLeresL amounung Lo ` 3.03
Crore provlded for ln Lhe prevlous year. 1he above addluonal revenue ls sub[ecL Lo Lrulng up by CL8C.
lll) lL8v loss of `11.47 Crore (revlous ?ear `22.42 Crore) ls recoverable from consuLuenLs ln llne wlLh regulauons of CL8C and Lhe
same shall be consldered by CL8C aL Lhe ume of 1rulng-up exerclse. 1he same has been Lransferred Lo Lrulng-up llablllLy accounL code.
2.40 endlng approval of Lhe erformance 8elaLed ay (8) scheme for workmen and supervlsors, a provlslon of ` 3.17 Crore lncludlng
provlslon for earller years has been made, neL of paymenLs made for old erformance Llnked lncenuve Scheme.
2.41 1he company ls followlng AS-13 (revlsed 2003) 'Lmployee 8eneLs'.
1he lnformauon under Lhls clause has been provlded on esumaLed basls based on Lhe acLuarlal valuauon from AcLuary valuer for all
a) All Lhe employees of CSCCC are on secondmenL basls from lLs Poldlng Company, ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd. Above
employees shall conunue Lo draw pay and allowances and oLher faclllues as Lhey have been drawlng wlLh Lhe CWL8C8lu and
shall be sub[ecL Lo rules and pollcles as appllcable Lo Lhem ln CWL8C8lu before Lhelr Lransfer Lo CSCCC excepL lncenuves,
whlch shall be proLecLed Lhrough speclal allowance aL Lhe raLe as would have been admlsslble as lf Lhey were conunulng Lhelr
servlce wlLh CWL8C8lu.
b) LlablllLy on accounL of Leave encashmenL, osL 8euremenLs Medlcal lan, 8aggage Allowance, CraLulLy and Superannuauon
llablllLy ls based on acLuarlal llablllLy calculaLed as per Lhe reporL of AcLuary valuer
Dehned Lmp|oyee 8eneht Schemes are as under:-
A. rov|dent Iund
Company pays xed conLrlbuuon Lo rovldenL lund aL predeLermlned raLe Lo a separaLe LrusL managed by Lhe Poldlng Company
ln Lhe name of ower Crld Lmployees rovldenL lund 1rusL, whlch lnvesLs Lhe funds ln permlued securlues. ConLrlbuuon Lo famlly
penslon scheme ls pald Lo Lhe approprlaLe auLhorlLy. 1he conLrlbuuon Lo Lhe fund for Lhe perlod ls recognlzed as expense and ls
charged Lo proL and loss a/c. 1he obllgauon of Lhe company ls llmlLed Lo such xed conLrlbuuon and Lo ensure a mlnlmum raLe of
lnLeresL on conLrlbuuon Lo Lhe members as specled by CCl. 1he falr value of Lhe asseLs of Lhe provldenL fund lncludlng Lhe reLurn
on Lhe asseLs Lhereof, as on Lhe balance sheeL daLe ls greaLer Lhan Lhe obllgauons under Lhe dened conLrlbuuon plan.
8. Gratu|ty
1he company has a dened beneL graLulLy plan wlLh a separaLe LrusL malnLalned by Lhe Poldlng Company ln Lhe name of Lhe
ower Crld Lmployees CraLulLy fund 1rusL . Lvery employee who has rendered conunuous servlce of ve years or more ls enuLled
Lo geL graLulLy aL 13 days salary (13/26 x lasL drawn baslc salary plus, dearness allowance) for each compleLed year of servlce on
superannuauon, reslgnauon, Lermlnauon, dlsablemenL or on deaLh sub[ecL Lo a maxlmum of ` 10 Lacs. 1he scheme ls funded by Lhe
company and ls managed by a separaLe LrusL. 1he llablllLy for Lhe same ls recognlsed on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon on annual
basls on 8alance SheeL daLe.
C. ost-kenrement Med|ca| Iac|||ty (kMI)
1he company has osL-8euremenL Medlcal laclllLy (8Ml), under whlch reured employees and Lhe spouse are provlded medlcal
faclllues ln Lhe empanelled hosplLals. 1hey can also avall LreaLmenL as CuL-auenL sub[ecL Lo a celllng xed by Lhe company. 1he
scheme ls unfunded and ls recognlsed ln proL and loss a/c on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon on annual basls on 8alance SheeL
D. ens|on
1he company has scheme of Lmployees uened enslon ConLrlbuuon. Company conLrlbuuon ls pald Lo separaLe 1rusL. AmounL of
conLrlbuuon pald/payable for Lhe year ls ` 2.97 Crore ( ` 6.18 Crore upLo 31.03.2012) has been recognlsed as expense and ls charged
Lo SLaLemenL of roL & Loss.
L. Cther Dehned kenrement 8enehts (CDk8)
1he Company has a scheme for seulemenL aL Lhe ume of superannuauon aL home Lown for employees and dependenLs. 1he scheme
ls unfunded and ls recognlsed ln proL and loss a/c on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon on annual basls on 8alance SheeL daLe.
I. Cther Lmp|oyee 8enehts
rovlslon for Leave LncashmenL for Lhe year amounung Lo ` 3.72 Crore (revlous ?ear ` 4.72 Crore) for Lhe year upLo 31sL March
2013 has been made on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon for Lhe CSCCC employees.
1he summarlsed posluon of varlous dened beneLs recognlzed ln Lhe roL and Loss AccounL, 8alance SheeL and Lhe funded sLaLus
are as under :-
a) Lxpenses recogn|sed |n Statment of roht & Loss Account :
b) 1he amount recogn|sed |n the 8a|ance Sheet:
(*) 1he fund ls malnLalned wlLh Lhe ower Crld Lmployees CraLulLy lund 1rusL. ulerence, lf any ln Lhe plan asseLs ls shown ln Lhe
books of Lhe Poldlng Company as a whole for employees of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd. and employees of ower SysLem
Cperauon Corporauon LLd.
c) Changes |n the resent Va|ue of the Dehned 8eneht ob||ganons :
G. Deta||s of the |an Asset (Gratu|ty)
1he deLalls of Lhe plan asseLs aL cosL as on 31sL March, 2013 are noL glven ln vlew of Lhe facL, LhaL Lhe lund ls malnLalned wlLh
owerCrld Lmployees CraLulLy lund 1rusL as a whole for employees of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd and employees of ower
SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LLd. on secondmenL basls.
n. Actuar|a| Assumpnons
rlnclpal assumpuons used for acLuarlal valuauon are:
l) MeLhod used - ro[ecLed unlL CredlL ( uC)
ll) ulscounL raLe - 8 (revlous perlod 8.3)
lll) LxpecLed raLe of reLurn on asseLs (CraLulLy only) - 8.3 (revlous perlod 8.3)
lv) luLure salary lncrease- 6 (revlous perlod 6)
Current ear
Current ear
Current ear
CurrenL Servlce CosL 1.06 0.33 0.03
lnLeresL CosL on beneL obllgauon 1.73 0.67 0.06
LxpecLed reLurn on plan asseLs (1.82) - -
neL acLuarlal (galn)/loss on recognlsed durlng Lhe year (0.43) 1.73 (0.02)
Lxpenses recognlsed ln Lhe SLaLmenL of roL & Loss 0.34 2.73 0.07
Current ear
Current ear
Current ear
l) resenL value of obllgauon as aL 31/03/2013 22.90 11.03 0.81
ll) lalr value of plan asseLs as aL 31/03/2013 (*) 23.32 - -
ulerence (l) - (ll) (0.42) 11.03 0.81
neL AsseLs (LlablllLy) recognlsed ln 8alance SheeL 0.42 (11.03) (0.81)
Current ear
Current ear
Current ear
resenL value of obllgauon as aL 31/03/2012 21.89 8.39 0.73
lnLeresL cosL 1.73 0.67 0.06
CurrenL Servlce CosL 1.06 0.33 0.04
8eneLs pald (1.42) (0.09) 0
neL acLuarlal (galn)/loss on obllgauon (0.38) 1.73 (0.02)
resenL value of obllgauon as aL 31/03/2013 22.90 11.03 0.81
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
d) 1ransacuons wlLh Lhe CWL8C8lu - Poldlng Company are as follows:
arncu|ars Current ear rev|ous ear
8LuC lee and charges bllled Lo owerCrld 16.29 18.00
AmounL pald by owergrld for 8LuC lee & Charges 13.31 13.48
1ransmlsslon Charges pald/payable Lo owerCrld S1CA-CC 1802.68 914.70
ul, 8L, l8L amounLs pald Lo owerCrld 8.33 27.07
CLher paymenLs/Lransacuons wlLh Lhe Company 21.30 2.74
(` ln Crore)
1he esumaLe of fuLure salary lncreases, consldered ln acLuarlal valuauon, Lakes lnLo accounL (l) lnauon, (ll) SenlorlLy
(lll) romouon and (lv) CLher relevanL facLors, such as supply and demand ln Lhe employmenL markeL.
2.42 Segment kepornng
1he company's prlnclple buslness ls ower SysLem and MarkeL Cperauon. 1he Company operaLes wlLhln lndla and does noL have
operauons ln economlc envlronmenLs wlLh dlerenL rlsks and reLurns. Pence, lL ls consldered operaung ln slngle geographlcal
2.43 ke|ated arty D|sc|osures
a) !olnL venLures wlLh Poldlng Company:-
l) owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
ll) 1orrenL ower Crld LlmlLed
lll) !aypee CWL8C8lu LlmlLed
lv) arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LLd
v) 1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
vl) norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed
vll) nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed
vlll) Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed.
lx) 8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed w.e.f. 04.01.2013
x) kallnga 8ldyuL rasaran nlgam rlvaLe LLd. w.e.f. 31.12.2012
xl) Cross 8order ower 1ransmlsslon Company LLd. w.e.f. 11.08.2012
b) Poldlng Company:-
ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed
c) key ManagemenL ersonnel
l) Sh 8. n. nayak Chalrman (from 01.09.2011 Lo ull daLe)
ll) Sh. 8. 1. Agarwal ulrecLor(from 16.03.2011 Lo ull daLe)
lll) Sh. l. S. !ha ulrecLor(from 01.09.2011 Lo ull daLe)
lv) Sh. SanLosh Saraf lndependenL ulrecLor(from 26.03.2012 Lo ull daLe)
e) ulrecLor's slmng fee ` 2,28,340 (revlous ?ear ` 30,000) for lndependenL dlrecLor.
2.44 D|sc|osures regard|ng Leases
Cperanng Leases:-
1he company's slgnlcanL leaslng arrangemenLs are ln respecL of operaung leases of premlses for resldenual use of employees and
omce use, are usually renewable on muLually agreed Lerms buL are noL non-cancellable. Lmployees' remunerauon and beneLs
lnclude ` 4.18 Crore (revlous ?ear ` 4.33 Crore) Lowards lease paymenLs neL of recoverles ln respecL of premlses for resldenual use
of employees.
2.4S Larn|ng er Share ca|cu|ated |n accordance w|th the prov|s|ons of AS-20
Numerator As at 31.03.2013 As at 31.03.2012
(I 2012-13) (I 2011-12)
roL aer Lax as per roL and Loss AccounL used as 81.48 30.32
numeraLor (` ln Crore) excludlng neL surplus of 8LC.
-number of LqulLy Shares (lace value of. ` 10/- each) 30640000 30640000
-number of Shares alloued durlng Lhe year - -
-WelghLed Average number of equlLy shares for calculaung 30640000 30640000
8aslc Larnlng er Share
-WelghLed Average number of equlLy shares for calculaung 30640000 30640000
ulluLed Larnlng er Share
-8aslc Larnlng er Share (` / per share) (lace value of ` 10/- each) 26.39 16.49
-ulluLed Larnlng er Share (` / per share) (lace value of `. 10/- each) 26.39 16.49
2.46 uurlng Lhe year company has ` 2.60 Crore (revlous ?ear ` 6.69 Crore ) as neL deferred Lax asseLs.
Ma[or componenLs of deferred Lax asseLs are glven as under:-
2.47 ln accordance wlLh AS-28 lmpalrmenL of AsseLs", Lhe company has assessed on Lhe balance sheeL daLe wheLher Lhere are any
lndlcauons wlLh regard Lo lmpalrmenL of any of Lhe asseLs. 8ased on such assessmenL lL has been ascerLalned LhaL no poLenual loss ls
presenL and Lherefore no formal esumaLe of recoverable amounL has been made. Accordlngly, no lmpalrmenL loss has been provlded
ln Lhe accounLs.
2.48 uL has dlrecLed Lo lnclude CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8), SusLalnable uevelopmenL (Su) and 8&u LxpendlLure ouL of Lhe
proL of Lhe company as a percenLage of proL aer Lax. 1hese expenses have been allowed by CL8C agalnsL Lhe peuuon led by Lhe
2.49 LsumaLed amounL of conLracLs remalnlng Lo be execuLed on caplLal accounL and noL provlded for ls ` 16.16 Crore (revlous ?ear
` 6.37 Crore).
2.30 ulsclosure ln respecL of conungenL llablllues as requlred ln AS 29 of 'rovlslons, ConungenL Llablllues and ConungenL AsseLs':
Connngent L|ab|||nes:
uemand of 8enL for Lhe omce and sLa quarLers accommodauon ralsed by Lhe W8L8, Mumbal ull daLe ls ` 3.00 Crore (revlous ?ear
`3.00 Crore), whlch was dlspuLed by Lhe company and company has soughL for Lhe Lransfer of Lhe ownershlp of omce accommodauon
and resldenual quarLers before Lhe MlnlsLry of power, CovL. of lndla. Powever, no declslon has come so far.
2.31 a) vALuL Cl lMC81S CALCuLA1Lu Cn Cll 8ASlS
8a|ance as at
8a|ance as at
ueferred 1ax LlablllLy
1owards uepreclauon(ul. of Wuv as per lncome 1ax and 8ooks) (A) 3.79 6.17
Deferred 1ax Asset
Llablllues Lowards 438 lncl. Wage 8evlslon rovlslon 8.36 11.28
CLher rovlslons 0.03 0.01
1owards lnLeresL on 1rulng-up of lncome - 1.37

Sub 1ota| (8) 8.39 12.86
Net Deferred 1ax Assets (8-A) 2.60 6.69
Current ear rev|ous ear
l) CaplLal Coods - -
ll) Spare arLs - -
Current ear rev|ous ear
l) 8epalr & MalnLenance 3.14 9.28
ll) lorelgn 1ravel 0.04 0.06
lll) CLhers 0.33 -
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
b) LxLnul1u8L ln lC8LlCn Cu88LnC?
2.32 a) llgures have been rounded o Lo nearesL 8upees ln Crore up Lo Lwo declmal.
b) revlous year gures have been re-grouped/re-arranged wherever necessary.
Current ear rev|ous ear
l) lmporLed - - - -
ll) lndlgenous (lncludlng fuel) - - - -
Current ear rev|ous ear
lncome - -
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
c) vALuL Cl CCMCnLn1S, S1C8LS Anu SA8L A81S CCnSuMLu :
d) LA8nlnCS ln lC8LlCn LxCPAnCL :
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
(r|n Chaturved| ) (S. k. Soonee) ( k. 1. Agarwa| ) (k. N. Nayak)
Company Secretary Ch|ef Lxecunve Cmcer D|rector Cha|rman

As per our report of even date
Ior 8. C. Ia|n & Co.
Chartered Accountants
I|rm kegn. No. 001099 (C)
(kan[eet S|ngh)
Membersh|p No. 073488
lace : Curgaon
uaLe : 21sL !une 2013
keport on I|nanc|a| Statements
We have audlLed Lhe accompanylng nanclal sLaLemenLs of ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed (Lhe Company"), whlch
comprlse of Lhe 8alance SheeL as aL 31 March 2013, Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss and Lhe Cash llow SLaLemenL for Lhe year Lhen
ended and a summary of slgnlcanL accounung pollcles and oLher explanaLory lnformauon.
Management's kespons|b|||ty for the I|nanc|a| Statements
ManagemenL ls responslble for Lhe preparauon of Lhese nanclal sLaLemenLs LhaL glve a Lrue and falr vlew of Lhe nanclal posluon,
nanclal performance and cash ows of Lhe Company ln accordance wlLh Lhe accounung prlnclples generally accepLed ln lndla
lncludlng Accounung SLandards referred Lo ln sub-secuon (3C) of secuon 211 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 (Lhe AcL"). 1hls responslblllLy
lncludes Lhe deslgn, lmplemenLauon and malnLenance of lnLernal conLrol relevanL Lo Lhe preparauon and presenLauon of Lhe nanclal
sLaLemenLs LhaL glve a Lrue and falr vlew and are free from maLerlal mlssLaLemenL, wheLher due Lo fraud or error.
Aud|tors' kespons|b|||ty
Cur responslblllLy ls Lo express an oplnlon on Lhese nanclal sLaLemenLs based on our audlL. We conducLed our audlL ln accordance
wlLh Lhe SLandards on Audlung lssued by Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla. 1hose SLandards requlre LhaL we comply wlLh
eLhlcal requlremenLs and plan and perform Lhe audlL Lo obLaln reasonable assurance abouL wheLher Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs are free
from maLerlal mlssLaLemenLs.
An audlL lnvolves performlng procedures Lo obLaln audlL evldence abouL Lhe amounLs and dlsclosures ln Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs. 1he
procedures selecLed depend on Lhe audlLor's [udgmenL, lncludlng Lhe assessmenL of Lhe rlsks of maLerlal mlssLaLemenL of Lhe nanclal
sLaLemenLs, wheLher due Lo fraud or error. ln maklng Lhose rlsk assessmenLs, Lhe audlLor conslders lnLernal conLrol relevanL Lo Lhe
Company's preparauon and falr presenLauon of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs ln order Lo deslgn audlL procedures LhaL are approprlaLe ln
Lhe clrcumsLances. An audlL also lncludes evaluaung Lhe approprlaLeness of accounung pollcles used and Lhe reasonableness of Lhe
accounung esumaLes made by managemenL, as well as evaluaung Lhe overall presenLauon of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs.
We belleve LhaL Lhe audlL evldence we have obLalned ls sumclenL and approprlaLe Lo provlde a basls for our qua||hed audlL oplnlon.
8as|s for ua||hed Cp|n|on:
uutlnq the yeat, the company has chanqed the Accoununq lollcy teqatdlnq kevenue kecoqnluon (kefet Note No 2.J9 of othet Notes).
1he chanqe of Accoununq lollcy has tesulted ln lnctease of ltoft fot the yeat by ` 52.92 ctote, lncome 1ax ltovlslon by ` 17.17
ctote and 5hateholdets lunds by ` J5.75 ctote, same ls subject to admlsslble by centtal lecttlclty kequlatoty commlsslon(ckc)
afet ptudence check at the ume of ttulnq up. 1he extent of uncettalnty lnvolved on account of addluonal tevenue ls dependent upon
outcome of ckc otdet. kecoqnluon of such addluonal tevenue to the extent of uncettalnty lnvolved ls depattute ftom the Accoununq
5tandatds tefetted to ln sub secuon (Jc) of secuon 211 of the Act .
ua||hed Cp|n|on:-
ln our oplnlon and Lo Lhe besL of our lnformauon and accordlng Lo Lhe explanauons glven Lo us, excepL for Lhe eecLs of Lhe mauer
descrlbed ln Lhe 8asls for Cualled Cplnlon paragraph, Lhe aforesald nanclal sLaLemenLs glve Lhe lnformauon requlred by Lhe AcL ln
Lhe manner so requlred and glve a Lrue and falr vlew ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe accounung prlnclples generally accepLed ln lndla:
a) ln Lhe case of Lhe 8alance SheeL, of Lhe sLaLe of aalrs of Lhe Company as aL March 31,2013,
b) ln Lhe case of Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss, of Lhe roL for Lhe year ended LhaL daLe ,
c) ln Lhe case of Lhe Cash llow SLaLemenL, of Lhe Cash llow for Lhe year ended on LhaL daLe.
Lmphas|s of Mauer
We draw auennon to
l) noLe no. 2.36 of CLher noLes regardlng lncluslon of 8enewable Lnergy CerucaLe (8LC) Mechanlsm lncome, whlch ls sub[ecL Lo
approval from CL8C
ll) noLe no. 2.37 of CLher noLes regardlng 1uS CerucaLes 8ecelvables/8ecoverable, S1CA Advances from CusLomers, 1hlrd arLy
8alances and Sundry uebLors are sub[ecL Lo reconclllauon, conrmauons and consequenual ad[usLmenLs, lf any.
Cur oplnlon ls noL qualled ln respecL of Lhese mauers.
keport on Cther Lega| and kegu|atory kequ|rements :-
1. As requlred by Lhe Companles (AudlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003 (Lhe Crder"), as amended, lssued by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL of lndla ln
Lerms of sub-secuon (4A) of secuon 227 of Lhe AcL, we glve ln Lhe Annexure a sLaLemenL on Lhe mauers specled ln paragraphs 4 and
3 of Lhe Crder.
2. As requlred by secuon 227(3) of Lhe AcL, we reporL LhaL:
a) We have obLalned all Lhe lnformauon and explanauons whlch Lo Lhe besL of our knowledge and bellef were necessary for Lhe
purpose of our audlL,
b) ln our oplnlon proper books of accounL as requlred by law have been kepL by Lhe Company so far as appears from our examlnauon
of Lhose books,
Independent Aud|tors' keport
1o the Members of ower System Cperanon Corporanon L|m|ted
c) 1he 8alance SheeL, Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss and Cash llow SLaLemenL dealL wlLh by Lhls 8eporL are ln agreemenL wlLh Lhe
books of accounL,
d) xcept fot the mauet desctlbed ln the 8asls fot Ouallfed Oplnlon pataqtaph, ln out oplnlon, the 8alance 5heet, the 5tatement of
ltoft and loss and cash llow 5tatement comply wlth the accoununq standatds tefetted to ln sub-secuon (Jc) of secuon 211 of
the Act;
e) ln pursuance Lo Lhe noucauon no.CS8 829(L) daLed 21.10.2003, lssued by Lhe deparLmenL of Company Aalrs, clause (g) of Sub-
Secuon (1) of secuon 274 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 perLalnlng Lo dlsquallcauon of ulrecLors ls noL appllcable Lo a CovernmenL

Ior 8. C. Ia|n & Co.
CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8egn no. 01099C

(8an[eeL Slngh)
arLner 073488
lace : Curgaon
uaLe : 21
!une, 2013

1. a) 1he Company has generally malnLalned records of llxed AsseLs, showlng full paruculars lncludlng quanuLauve deLalls and slLuauon
of llxed AsseLs.
b) 1he asseLs have been physlcally verled by exLernal agencles durlng Lhe year and dlscrepancles, Lhough noL maLerlal, nouced on
such verlcauon have been reconclled /ad[usLed ln Lhe books of accounL. ln our oplnlon, frequency of verlcauon ls reasonable.
c) uurlng Lhe year Lhe company has noL dlsposed o subsLanual parL of lLs llxed AsseLs.
2. 1here was no lnvenLory carrled by Lhe company. 1herefore, clause 4(ll)(a),(b) and (c) of paragraph 4 of Lhe Crder ls noL appllcable for
Lhe year.
3. Accordlng Lo lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us Lhe Company has nelLher granLed nor Laken any loans, secured or unsecured Lo
/ from companles, rms or oLher parues covered ln Lhe reglsLer malnLalned under secuon 301 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
4. ln our oplnlon and accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhere are adequaLe lnLernal conLrol sysLems, commensuraLe
wlLh Lhe slze of Lhe Company and Lhe naLure of lLs buslness, wlLh regard Lo xed asseLs and lncome from sysLem operauon and markeL
operauon. uurlng Lhe course of our audlL we have nelLher come across nor have been lnformed of any conunulng fallure Lo correcL
ma[or weaknesses ln Lhe underlylng lnLernal conLrol sysLems.
3. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhere are no conLracLs or arrangemenLs referred Lo ln secuon 301 of Lhe
Companles AcL, 1936, durlng Lhe year, Lo be enLered ln Lhe reglsLer malnLalned under LhaL secuon. Accordlngly Clause (v) of paragraph
4 of Lhe Crder ls noL appllcable.
6. Slnce Lhe Company has noL accepLed any deposlL from Lhe publlc, Lhe quesuon of compllance wlLh Lhe dlrecuves lssued by Lhe 8eserve
8ank of lndla and Lhe provlslons of secuon 38-A, 38-AA and oLher relevanL provlslons of Companles AcL, 1936, and rules framed Lhere
under, does noL arlse.
7. ln our oplnlon, Lhe Company has an lnLernal AudlL sysLem commensuraLe wlLh Lhe slze and naLure of lLs buslness.
8. 1he CenLral CovernmenL has noL prescrlbed malnLenance of CosL 8ecords under Secuon 209 (1)(d) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
9. a) Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhe Company ls regular ln deposlung undlspuLed sLaLuLory dues excepL
some delays wlLh approprlaLe auLhorlues lncludlng rovldenL lund, lncome 1ax, Sales 1ax, WealLh 1ax, Servlce 1ax, CusLom uuLy,
Lxclse uuLy and oLher sLaLuLory dues appllcable Lo Lhe Company and LhaL Lhere are no undlspuLed sLaLuLory dues ouLsLandlng as
on 31.3.2013 for a perlod of more Lhan slx monLhs from Lhe daLe Lhey became payable.
As lnformed, Lhe provlslons of Lhe Lmployees SLaLe lnsurance AcL are noL appllcable Lo Lhe Company.
b) Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhere ls no dlspuLed lncome Lax / sales Lax / cusLoms duLy / wealLh Lax
/ servlce Lax / exclse duLy / cess dues, whlch have noL been deposlLed by Lhe company.
10. 1he company ls reglsLered for a perlod noL less Lhan ve years. 1herefore, clause 4(x) of paragraph 4 of Lhe Crder ls noL appllcable for
Lhe year.
11. Cn Lhe basls of audlL procedures adopLed by us and accordlng Lo Lhe records, Lhe Company has noL defaulLed ln repaymenL of dues Lo
any nanclal lnsuLuuon or bank or bondholders.
12. 1he company has noL granLed any loans and advances on Lhe basls of securlLy by way of pledge of shares, debenLures and oLher
13. 1he company ls noL a chlL fund or nldhl/muLual beneL fund/socleLy. Accordlngly, Clause xlll of paragraph 4 of Lhe Crder ls noL
14. ln our oplnlon, Lhe Company ls noL deallng ln or Lradlng ln shares, debenLures, and oLher lnvesLmenLs. Accordlngly, Clause xlv of
paragraph 4 of Lhe Crder ls noL appllcable.
13. As lnformed Lo us, Lhe Company has noL glven any guaranLee for loans Laken by oLhers from banks or nanclal lnsuLuuons
16. ln our oplnlon on an overall basls and accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhe company has noL obLalned any
Lerm loans durlng Lhe year.
17. ln our oplnlon, on an overall basls, and accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhe company has noL used Lhe funds
ralsed on shorL Lerm basls for long Lerm lnvesLmenL
Annexure to Independent Aud|tors' keport
keferred to aragraph I under the head|ng of "keport on Cther Lega| and kegu|atory kequ|rements"
of our report of even date
18. 1he Company has noL made any referenual alloLmenL shares Lo parues and companles covered ln Lhe reglsLer malnLalned under
secuon 301 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 durlng Lhe year.
19. 1he Company has noL lssued Lhe debenLures durlng Lhe year.
20. 1he Company has noL ralsed any money by publlc lssue durlng Lhe year.
21. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, no fraud on or by Lhe Company, has been nouced or reporLed durlng Lhe
lor 8 C Ia|n & Co.
CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8egn. no. 01099C
(kan[eet S|ngh)
arLner 073488
lace : Curgaon
uaLed: 21
!une, 2013
owergr|d NM
1ransm|ss|on L|m|ted -
Subs|d|ary Company
1he Members,
CWL8C8lu nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed was lncorporaLed Lo esLabllsh Lransmlsslon sysLem assoclaLed wlLh ls of nagapamnam/Cuddalore
Area: ackage-A. 1he Lransmlsslon sysLem comprlses of 763 kv u/C & 763 kv S/C llnes whlch ls Lo Lraverse Lhrough Lhe SLaLes of 1amll nadu
and karnaLaka. Pon'ble CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (CL8C) vlde lLs order daLed 9Lh May, 2013 has adopLed Lransmlsslon
charges for Lhe pro[ecL and CL8C vlde lLs leuer daLed 13Lh !uly,2013 has lnumaLed lssuance of Lransmlsslon llcense Lo Lhe Company. 1he
Company has soughL approval of CL8C for exLenslon of ume and cosL overrun for Lhe ro[ecL and Lhe CL8C order ls awalLed. ConsLrucuon
acuvlues of Lhe ro[ecL shall commence shorLly.
8oard of D|rectors
uurlng Lhe year Shrl 8avl . Slngh, ulrecLor (ersonnel), CWL8C8lu has been appolnLed as an Addluonal ulrecLor on Lhe 8oard of Lhe
Company w.e.f. 29Lh november, 2012.
AL presenL Shrl l. S. !ha, Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal, Shrl 8avl . Slngh and Shrl 8haraL 8husan are on Lhe 8oard of Lhe Company.
M/s. 1. Candhl & Co., CharLered AccounLanLs, 8angalore were appolnLed by C&AC as SLaLuLory AudlLors of Lhe company for Lhe llnanclal
?ear 2012-13.
Comptro||er and Aud|tor Genera|'s Comments
CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral's vlde lLs leuer daLed 14Lh !une, 2013 declded noL Lo revlew Lhe reporL of SLaLuLory AudlLors on Lhe
accounLs of Lhe Company for Lhe llnanclal ?ear ended 31sL March, 2013.Copy of Lhe leuer recelved ls annexed as Annexure-l Lo Lhls
D|rectors' kespons|b|||ty Statement
ursuanL Lo Lhe requlremenLs under Secuon 217(2AA) of Lhe companles AcL, 1936 wlLh respecL Lo ulrecLors 8esponslblllLy SLaLemenL, lL ls
hereby conrmed:
l) LhaL ln Lhe preparauon of Lhe accounLs for Lhe perlod endlng 31sL March, 2013 Lhe appllcable accounung sLandards had been
ll) LhaL Lhe ulrecLors had selecLed such accounung pollcles and applled Lhem conslsLenLly and made [udgmenLs and esumaLes LhaL were
reasonable and prudenL so as Lo glve a Lrue and falr vlew of Lhe sLaLe of aalrs of Lhe Company aL Lhe end of Lhe year and of Lhe proL
or loss of Lhe Company for Lhe year under revlew,
lll) LhaL Lhe ulrecLors have Laken proper and sumclenL care for Lhe malnLenance of adequaLe accounung records ln accordance wlLh Lhe
provlslons of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 for safeguardlng Lhe asseLs of Lhe Company and for prevenung and deLecung fraud and oLher
lv) LhaL Lhe ulrecLors have prepared accounLs for perlod ended 31sL March, 2013 on a golng concern basls.
arncu|ars of Lmp|oyees
1here ls no employee whose paruculars are requlred Lo be glven ln Lerms of Secuon 217(2A) of Companles AcL, 1936 read wlLh Lhe Companles
(aruculars of Lmployees) 8ules, 1973.
Conservanon of Lnergy, 1echno|ogy Absorpnon, Iore|gn Lxchange Larn|ng & Cutgo.
Slnce no commerclal acuvlLy was carrled ouL by Lhe Company, furnlshlng of lnformauon ln respecL of conservauon of energy, Lechnology
absorpuon and forelgn exchange earnlngs and ouLgo are noL appllcable Lo Lhe Company.
1he 8oard exLends lLs slncere Lhanks Lo CWL8C8lu, CompLroller & AudlLor Ceneral of lndla and Lhe AudlLors of Lhe Company.
lor and on behalf of
CWLkGkID NM 1ransm|ss|on L|m|ted.
(I. S. Iha)
uaLe: 31
!uly, 2013 .
lace: new uelhl.
ANNLkUkL - I to the D|rector's keport
MAkCn, 2013
1he preparauon of nanclal sLaLemenLs of owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed, new uelhl, for Lhe year ended 31
March 2013 ln accordance
wlLh Lhe nanclal reporung framework rescrlbed under Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe ManagemenL of Lhe Company.
1he SLaLuLory AudlLors appolnLed by Lhe CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla under Secuon 619(2) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 are
responslble for expresslng oplnlon on Lhese nanclal sLaLemenLs under Secuon 227 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 based on lndependenL audlL
ln accordance wlLh Lhe audlung and assurance sLandards prescrlbed by Lhelr rofesslonal body, Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of
lndla. 1hls ls sLaLed Lo have been done by Lhem vlde Lhelr AudlL 8eporL daLed 21
May 2013.
l, on behalf of Lhe CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla, have declded noL Lo revlew Lhe 8eporL of Lhe SLaLuLory AudlLors on Lhe
accounLs of ower grld nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed, new uelhl for Lhe year ended 31
March 2013 and as such have no commenLs Lo make
under Secuon 619(4) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
lor and on Lhe behalf of Lhe
CompLroller & AudlLor Ceneral of lndla
(8r|[ Mohan)
r|nc|pa| D|rector of Commerc|a| Aud|t &
lace: new uelhl Lx- omc|o Member Aud|t 8oard -III
uaLed: 14
!une, 2013 New De|h|
8a|ance Sheet as at 31
March, 2013
(1) Share no|der's Iunds
(a) Share CaplLal 3 300000 300000
(b) 8eserves & Surplus 4 (34034) (34034)
46S966 46S966
(2) Current L|ab|||nes
ayable Lo owergld(Poldlng company) 3 203433381 194638,933
CLher CurrenL Llablllues 3 142626 -
20SS78207 1946S8933
1ota| 206044173 19S124899

(1) Non-current Assets
(a) llxed AsseLs
(l) 1anglble AsseLs - -
(ll) CaplLal Work ln rogress 6 206034611 193113077
206034611 19S11S077
(2) CUkkLN1 ASSL1S
(a) Cash and cash equlvalenLs 7 9362 9822
9S62 9822
1ota| 206044173 19S124899
Accounung pollcles 2.1
CLher noLes on accounLs 12 Lo 26
1he accompanylng noLes are an lnLegral parL of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs
(AmounL ln `)
Note No.
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2012
As per our report of even date
Ior & Cn 8eha|f of
1. Gandh| & Co.
I|rm keg No. 00008S3S
1. Gandh|
Mem No. 02S49S
Ior and on beha|f of 8oard of D|rectors
(k. 1. Agarwa|) (I. S. Iha)
ulrecLor Chalrman-parL ume
lace: 8angalore
uaLe: 21
May, 2013
lace: Curgaon
uaLe: 21
May, 2013
I. kevenue from Cperanons
(a) ConsulLancy lncome - -
II. Cther Income
CLher lncome - -
III. 1ota| (I+II) - -
Lmp|oyee beneht Lxpenses 8 - -
I|nance costs 9 - -
Adm|n|stranon & other expenses 10 - -
re||m|nary Lxpenses - 34034
1ota| - 34034
V. roht before excepnona| and extraord|nary |tems and tax (III-IV) - (34034)
VI. Lxcepuonal lLmes/ rlor erlod Lxpense - -
VII. roht before excepnona| and extraord|nary |tems and tax (V-VI) - (34034)
VIII. LxLraordlnary lLmes - -
Ik. roht 8efore 1ax (VII-VIII) - (34034)
k. 1ax Lxpenses
(1) CurrenL 1ax
for currenL year - -
for earller year - -
- -
(2) ueferred 1ax - -
kI. roht](Loss) for the per|od (Ik-k) - (34034)
kII. Larn|ngs per equ|ty shares:
(1) 8as|c - -
(2) D||uted - -

LxpendlLure durlng consLrucuon perlod 11 10381748 193113077
Accounung pollcles 2.1
CLher noLes on accounLs 12 Lo 26
1he accompanylng noLes are an lnLegral parL of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs
(AmounL ln `)
Statement of roht and Loss for the year ended 31
March, 2013
Note No.
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
As per our report of even date
Ior & Cn 8eha|f of
1. Gandh| & Co.
I|rm keg No. 00008S3S
1. Gandh|
Mem No. 02S49S
Ior and on beha|f of 8oard of D|rectors
(k. 1. Agarwa|) (I. S. Iha)
ulrecLor Chalrman-parL ume
lace: 8angalore
uaLe: 21
May, 2013
lace: Curgaon
uaLe: 21
May, 2013
neL roL/(Loss) as per roL & Loss A/c - (34034)
rlor erlod Lxpenses/ rellmlnary expenses - -
Cperaung proL before worklng caplLal changes - (34034)
Ad[usLmenL lor lncrease/uecrease ln:
CLher CurrenL AsseLs - -
ShorL 1erm Loans & Advances - -
CurrenL Llablllues & rovlslons 10919274 194638933
1ota| 10919274 194624899
CaplLal Work ln rogress (10919334) (193113077)
1ota| (10919S34) (193113077)
lssue of Share CaplLal - 300000
1ota| - 300000

NL1 INCkLASL](DLCkLASL) IN CASn ILCW (A+8+C) (260) 9822
CASn & CASn LUIVALLN1 A1 1nL LND CI 1nL LAk 9S62 9822
Cash on hand and balance wlLh banks 9S62 9822
CLher Cash and Cash LqulvalenLs - -
Cash I|ow Statement for the year ended 31
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
As per our report of even date
Ior & Cn 8eha|f of
1. Gandh| & Co.
I|rm keg No. 00008S3S
1. Gandh|
Mem No. 02S49S
Ior and on beha|f of 8oard of D|rectors
(k. 1. Agarwa|) (I. S. Iha)
ulrecLor Chalrman-parL ume
lace: 8angalore
uaLe: 21
May, 2013
lace: Curgaon
uaLe: 21
May, 2013
1 Corporate Informanon
1he Company was lncorporaLed on 20/03/2011 under Lhe Companles AcL 1936 as a wholly owned subsldlary of lC Consulung LlmlLed
(lCCL), (A wholly owned subsldlary of ower llnance Corporauon LLd, a CovL. of lndla underLaklng.). CerucaLe for CommencemenL
of 8uslness was lssued on 19/08/2011. 1he Company has been lncorporaLed Lo develop power sysLem neLwork and SLudy, lnvesugaLe,
collecL lnformauon and daLa eLc. for Lhe purpose of Lransmlsslon of elecLrlclLy Lhrough Lhe sLaLes of 1amll nadu and karnaLaka (ro[ecL).
1he Company was Laken over by ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd. on 29/03/2012.
2 8as|s of reparanon
1he Company prepares lLs nanclal sLaLemenLs ln accordance wlLh appllcable accounung sLandards and generally accepLed accounung
prlnclples and also ln accordance wlLh requlremenLs of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
1he preparauon of nanclal sLaLemenLs requlres managemenL Lo make esumaLes and assumpuons consldered ln Lhe reporLed amounLs
of asseLs and llablllues (lncludlng conungenL llablllues), revenues and expenses of Lhe reporung perlod. 1he dlerence beLween Lhe
acLual resulLs and esumaLes are recognlzed ln Lhe perlod ln whlch Lhe resulLs are known and/or maLerlallsed.
2.1 Summary of S|gn|hcant Accounnng o||c|es
a. kecogn|non of Income ] Lxpend|ture
lncome and expenses (excepL oLherwlse sLaLed) are accounLed for on accrual basls.
b. I|xed Assets
llxed asseLs are shown aL hlsLorlcal cosL less currenL/ accumulaLed depreclauon. 1he company caplLallzes all dlrecL cosL lncludlng
borrowlng cosL up Lo Lhe daLe of commerclal use of such asseLs.
c. Deprec|anon ] Amornsanon
uepreclauon on asseLs ls provlded on SLralghL Llne meLhod, ln accordance wlLh Lhe raLes prescrlbed ln Schedule xlv of Lhe
Companles AcL, 1936.
lLems of llxed AsseLs acqulred durlng Lhe year cosung up Lo ` 3000/- are fully depreclaLed.
d. Cap|ta| Work |n rogress
LxpendlLure lncurred on Survey /SLudles /lnvesugauons /ConsulLancy /AdmlnlsLrauon /lnLeresL/Manpower Charges eLc. has been
caplLallzed & LreaLed as CaplLal Work ln rogress.
e. Lxpend|ture |ncurred by no|d|ng Company
LxpendlLure lncurred by Lhe company for Lhe ro[ecL ls nanced by Lhe Poldlng Company (ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd.)
and consldered as currenL llablllues.
f. re||m|nary Lxpenses
rellmlnary expenses has been charged Lo Lhe roL & Loss accounL ln Lhe year ln whlch such expendlLure has been lncurred.
g. 8orrow|ng Costs
8orrowlng cosL ls charged Lo Lhe proL & loss accounL for Lhe year ln whlch lL ls lncurred excepL for caplLal asseLs whlch ls
caplLallzed ull Lhe daLe of commerclal use of Lhe asseLs.
h. rov|s|ons, Connngent L|ab|||nes and Assets
1he Company recognlzes a provlslon when Lhere ls a presenL obllgauon as a resulL of a pasL evenL LhaL probably requlres ouulow
of resources,whlch can be rellably esumaLed. ulsclosures for a conungenL llablllLy are made wlLhouL a provlslon ln Lhe books when
Lhere ls an obllgauon LhaL may,buL probably wlll noL(ln Lhe oplnlon of Lhe ManagemenL), requlre ouulow of resources. ConungenL
AsseLs are nelLher recognlzed nor dlsclosed ln Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs.
| Cash I|ow Statement
Cash ow SLaLemenL ls prepared ln accordance wlLh Lhe lndlrecL meLhod prescrlbed ln Accounung SLandard-3 on Cash llow
Notes to I|nanc|a| Statements for the per|od ended 31
March, 2013
AuLhorlsed :
30000 LqulLy shares of `10/- each 300000 300000
Issued, subscr|bed and fu||y pa|d up shares :
30000 LqulLy shares of `10/- each fully pald-up 300000 300000
1ota| Issued, subscr|bed and fu||y pa|d up share cap|ta| S00000 300000
Lqu|ty Shares
AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe perlod 30000 300000 - -
lssued uurlng Lhe perlod - - 30000 300000
Cutstand|ng at the end of the per|od S0000 S00000 30000 300000
a. 8econclllauon of Lhe shares ouLsLandlng aL Lhe beglnnlng and aL Lhe end of Lhe reporung perlod
b. 1erms/ rlghLs auached Lo equlLy shares
1he Company has only one class of equlLy shares havlng par value of ` 10 per share. Lach holder of equlLy shares ls enuLled Lo one
voLe per share.
ln Lhe evenL of llquldauon of Lhe company, Lhe holders of equlLy shares wlll be enuLled Lo recelve remalnlng asseLs of Lhe company, aer
dlsLrlbuuon of all preferenual amounLs. 1he dlsLrlbuuon wlll be ln proporuon Lo Lhe number of equlLy shares held by Lhe shareholders.
c. Shares he|d by ho|d|ng company
CuL of equlLy shares lssued by Lhe company, shares held by lLs Poldlng Company are as below:
ower Gr|d Corporanon L|m|ted, the no|d|ng Company
30000 equlLy shares of ` 10 each fully pald 300000 300000
d. Deta||s of shareho|ders ho|d|ng more than S shares |n the company
Lqu|ty Shares of ` 10 each fu||y pa|d 30000 100 30000 100
ower Gr|d Corporanon L|m|ted, the no|d|ng Company
S0000 100 30000 100
* CuL of 30,000 equlLy shares 600 shares are held by nomlnees of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla llmlLed on lLs behalf.
Surp|us(Dehc|t) |n the statement of roht and Loss Account
As per Las ba|ancesheet
Add: Add|nons
C|os|ng ba|ance


(34034) (34034)
(AmounL ln `)
(AmounL ln `)
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2012
No.of Shares ( Amount |n ` ) No.of Shares ( Amount |n ` )
Ior the year ended 31
March, 2013 Ior the year ended 31
March, 2012
No.of Shares ho|d|ng |n the c|ass No.of Shares ho|d|ng |n the c|ass
As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
Descr|pnon As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
Descr|pnon As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
S Cther Current L|ab|||n|es

ayable Lo ower Crld 203433381 194638933
ueposlLs 8eLenuon money from conLracLors and oLhers. 70439 -
ayable Lo ConLracLors - Survery conLracL work 30861 -
AudlL lees ayable 33393
1uS ayable 3933 -
CLhers 2000
1ota| 20SS78207 1946S8933
6 Cap|ta| Work |n rogress
(Amount |n ` )
Descr|pnon As at Add|nons Ad[ustments cap|ta||sed As at
31st March, 2012 dur|ng the year 31st March, 2013
l) Survey lnvesugauon ConsulLancy Charges - 339802 - - 339802
ll) LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon 193113077 10381748 (197984) - 203694809
1ota| 193113077 10917334 (197984) - 206034611
revlous ?ear - 193113077 - - 193113077
7 Cash and Cash Lqu|va|ents
8a|ances w|th banks:
Cn currenL accounLs 9362 9822
1ota| 9S62 9822
8 Lmp|oyee beneht Lxpenses

Manpower Charges 361103 22810731
361103 22810731
Less: 1ransferred Lo lncldenual Lxp uurlng ConsLucuon (CWl) noLe 11 Llne (l) 361103 22810731
1ota| - -
9 I|nance Cost

llnance charges 3826403 1462000
3826403 1462000
Less: 1ransferred Lo lncldenual Lxp uurlng ConsLucuon (CWl) noLe 11 Llne (ll) 3826403 1462000
1ota| - -
(AmounL ln `)
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2012
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
10 Adm|n|stranon and Cther Lxpenses
AudlL lees 39326 39326
Cerucauon Charges - 22472
rofesslonal Charges 197630 163311709
Conference Charges - 29334
rlnung & SLauonary 108643 39233
AdverusemenL 812681 2678014
vehlcle Plrlng 230414 119739
Survey & SLudles Lxpenses - 1628236
Legal & llllng Charges - 600
1our & 1ravelllng 128993 79066
1ender Lxpenses 147314 -
CL8C Appllcauon fee and CLher Charges 4200000 -
CLher AdmlnlsLrauve Lxpenses 109239 674377
3994242 170842326
Less: 1ransferred Lo lncldenual Lxp uurlng ConsLucuon (CWl) noLe 11 Llne (lll) 3994242 170842326
1ota| - -
11 Inc|denta| Lxpend|ture Dur|ng Construcnon (ILDC)

Lmployee beneL Lxpenses 361103 22810731
llnance CosL 3826403 1462000
AdmlnlsLrauon and CLher Lxpenses 3994242 170842326
1ota| 10381748 193113077
AdmlnlsLrauon and CLher Lxpenses(lLuC) lncludes a sum of`23,00,000/- pald Lo CL8C Lowards appllcauon fee for adopuon of
Lransmlsslon charges.
13 1he deta||s of key Management ersonne| are as fo||ows:
S. No. Name Des|gnanon Date of Appo|ntment Date of kes|gnanon
1 Shrl l S !ha Chalrman (arL-ume) 29.03.2012 Conunulng
2 Shrl 8 1 Agarwal ulrecLor 29.03.2012 Conunulng
3 Shrl 8haraL 8hushan ulrecLor 29.03.2012 Conunulng
4 Shrl San[ay 8al ulrecLor 20.03.2011 04.04.2012
3 Shrl 8avl Slngh ulrecLor 29.11.2012 Conunulng
6 Shrl 8 n Slngh CLC (arL-ume) 29.03.2012 Conunulng
12 ConsequenL Lo Lhe selecuon of Successful 8ldder (M/s ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed) as per 1arl based compeuuve blddlng
guldellnes for Lransmlsslon servlces and guldellnes for encouraglng compeuuon ln developmenL of Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs daLed 13/04/06
(as amended from ume Lo ume) and as per lssued blddlng documenLs, Lhe company was Lransferred Lo M/s ower Crld Corporauon of
lndla LlmlLed (Successful 8ldder) vlde Share purchase AgreemenL daLed 29Lh March 2012 by Lhe lCCL (Lransferor). Aer Lransfer, Lhe
company ceases Lo be a subsldlary of lCCL and became a subsldlary of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd.
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
14 Lmployees worklng for Lhe Company are from holdlng company l.e. M/s ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed (CClL). 1he manpower
charges ` 361103/- of employee are charged by CClL on Lhe basls of cosL Lo company based on acLual ume uullsed by Lhe employees
for Lhe Company.
13 1he relaLed expenses are pald by Lhe Poldlng Company (CClL) and charged Lo Lhe Company. Crlglnal Supporung bllls ln respecL of
expendlLure lncurred by Lhe Poldlng company are reLalned by Lhem of whlch coples are avallable wlLh Lhe Company. 1he holdlng
company wlll comply sLaLuLory provlslons relaung Lo Lhe 'ueducuon of Lax aL source' eLc. as appllcable Lo Lhese expenses.
16 l) LsumaLed amounL of conLracLs remalnlng Lo be execuLed on caplLal accounL and noL provlded for ls ` 1464120300
ll) ConungenL llablllues of Lhe company and clalms agalnsL Lhe company noL acknowledged by Lhe company as cerued by Lhe
managemenL for Lhe perlod ls nll.
18 1he Company has complled wlLh all Lhe appllcable Accounung SLandards noued under secuon 211 of Lhe Companles AcL 1936. Powever
AS -22 relaung Lo ueferred 1ax LlablllLy /AsseL perLalnlng Lo umlng dlerence ls noL appllcable Lo Lhe company ln vlew of Lhe facL LhaL
Lhe company ls sull ln Lhe consLrucuon phase and yeL Lo commence lLs operauon.
19 1he dlsclosure as per AS 18 - 8elaLed arLy ulsclosure :
1he CWL8C8lu nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed (ersLwhlle nagapamnam Madhuglrl 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed) ls a wholly owned
subsldlary of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd. All key declslons are Laken by Lhe 8oard of CWL8C8lu nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
where Lhe CWL8C8lu nomlnees exerclse conLrol.
LxpendlLure of ` 10721330/- lncurred by owergrld corporauon of lndla llmlLed on behalf of company durlng Lhe year 2012-13 ls dlrecLly
aurlbuLable Lo Lhe company, noL qualled as relaLed parLy Lransacuon, and has been lncluded ln CWl and deplcLed as CurrenL LlablllLy.
20 1he CurrenL Llablllues lncludes a sum of ` 203433381/- due Lo Poldlng Company for whlch no lnLeresL has been charged by Poldlng
21 1he Company owes no dues Lo small-scale unlLs for Lhe perlod ended and hence provlslon of lnLeresL does noL arlse. lurLher based
on lnformauon avallable wlLh Lhe managemenL, Lhere are no dues payable Lo enLerprlses covered under Mlcro, Small and Medlum
LnLerprlses uevelopmenL AcL, 2006".
22 Slnce Lhere are no employees ln Lhe company, Lhe obllgauon as per Accounung SLandard-13 (8evlsed) do noL arlses.
17 Aud|tors kemuneranon (|nc|ud|ng Serv|ce 1ax)
S. No. arncu|ars Ior the year ended
March, 2013
1 SLaLuLory AudlL lees 33000
Servlce 1ax 4326
1ota| 39326
ueLalls of 8elaLed parues and naLure of relauonshlp
S. No. Nature of ke|anonsh|p Name of the ke|ated arty
1 Poldlng Company (aer share purchase agreemenL daLed 29.03.2012) ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed
Deta||s of ke|ated party transacnons
S. No. arncu|ars Ior the year ended
March, 2013
1 LqulLy ConLrlbuuon 300000
2 Closlng 8alances: -
2(a) ayable Lo ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed 203433381
(AmounL ln `)
(AmounL ln `)
23 Larn|ng er Share
ln Lerms of Accounung SLandard 20 on Larnlngs per Share" noued under Lhe Companles AcL 1936, Larnlng per share (8aslc &
ulluLed) ls worked ouL as follows: -
S. No. arncu|ars Ior the year ended
March, 2013
1 nomlnal value of share ` 10
2 number of LqulLy shares (no.) 30,000
3 neL roL aer Lax ` -
4 Larnlng per share ` -
24 (a) LxpendlLure ln forelgn currency - nll
(b) lncome ln forelgn exchange - nll
23 llgures have been rounded o Lo Lhe nearesL 8upee unless oLherwlse sLaLed.
26 1he name of Lhe company has been changed from nACAA11lnAM-MAuPuCl8l 18AnSMlSSlCn CCMAn? LlMl1Lu Lo CWL8C8lu
nM 18AnSMlSSlCn LlMl1Lu durlng Lhe year.
As per our report of even date
Ior & Cn 8eha|f of
1. Gandh| & Co.
I|rm keg No. 00008S3S
1. Gandh|
Mem No. 02S49S
Ior and on beha|f of 8oard of D|rectors
(k. 1. Agarwa|) (I. S. Iha)
ulrecLor Chalrman-parL ume
lace: 8angalore
uaLe: 21
May, 2013
lace: Curgaon
uaLe: 21
May, 2013
We have audlLed Lhe accompanylng nanclal sLaLemenLs of M/s. CWL8C8lu nM 18AnSMlSSlCn LlMl1Lu (Lhe Company"), whlch
comprlse Lhe 8alance SheeL as aL March 31, 2013, and Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss and Cash llow SLaLemenL for Lhe year ended, and a
summary of slgnlcanL accounung pollcles and oLher explanaLory lnformauon.
ManagemenL ls responslble for Lhe preparauon of Lhese nanclal sLaLemenLs LhaL glve a Lrue and falr vlew of Lhe nanclal posluon, nanclal
performance and cash ows of Lhe Company ln accordance wlLh Lhe Accounung SLandards referred Lo ln sub-secuon (3C) of secuon 211 of
Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 (Lhe AcL"). 1hls responslblllLy lncludes Lhe deslgn, lmplemenLauon and malnLenance of lnLernal conLrol relevanL
Lo Lhe preparauon and presenLauon of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs LhaL glve a Lrue and falr vlew and are free from maLerlal mlssLaLemenL,
wheLher due Lo fraud or error.
Cur responslblllLy ls Lo express an oplnlon on Lhese nanclal sLaLemenLs based on our audlL. We conducLed our audlL ln accordance wlLh
Lhe SLandards on Audlung lssued by Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla. 1hose SLandards requlre LhaL we comply wlLh eLhlcal
requlremenLs and plan and perform Lhe audlL Lo obLaln reasonable assurance abouL wheLher Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs are free from maLerlal
An audlL lnvolves performlng procedures Lo obLaln audlL evldence abouL Lhe amounLs and dlsclosures ln Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs. 1he
procedures selecLed depend on Lhe audlLor's [udgmenL, lncludlng Lhe assessmenL of Lhe rlsks of maLerlal mlssLaLemenLs of Lhe nanclal
sLaLemenLs, wheLher due Lo fraud or error. ln maklng Lhose rlsk assessmenLs, Lhe audlLor conslders lnLernal conLrol relevanL Lo Lhe Company's
preparauon and falr presenLauon of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs ln order Lo deslgn audlL procedures LhaL are approprlaLe ln Lhe clrcumsLances.
An audlL also lncludes evaluaung Lhe approprlaLeness of accounung pollcles used and Lhe reasonableness of Lhe accounung esumaLes made
by managemenL, as well as evaluaung Lhe overall presenLauon of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs.
We belleve LhaL Lhe audlL evldence we have obLalned ls sumclenL and approprlaLe Lo provlde a basls for our audlL oplnlon.
ln our oplnlon and Lo Lhe besL of our lnformauon and accordlng Lo Lhe explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs glve Lhe lnformauon
requlred by Lhe AcL ln Lhe manner so requlred and glve a Lrue and falr vlew ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe accounung prlnclples generally accepLed
ln lndla:
a) ln Lhe case of Lhe 8alance SheeL, of Lhe sLaLe of aalrs of Lhe Company as aL March 31, 2013,
b) ln Lhe case of Lhe roL and Loss AccounL, of Lhe proL/loss (nll) for Lhe year ended on LhaL daLe, and
c) ln Lhe case of Lhe Cash llow SLaLemenL, of Lhe cash ows for Lhe year ended on LhaL daLe.
1. As requlred by Lhe Companles (AudlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003 (Lhe Crder") lssued by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL of lndla ln Lerms of
sub-secuon (4A)of secuon 227 of Lhe AcL, we glve ln Lhe Annexure a sLaLemenL on Lhe mauers specled ln paragraphs 4 and 3 of Lhe
2. As requlred by secuon 227(3) of Lhe AcL, we reporL LhaL:
a) We have obLalned all Lhe lnformauon and explanauons whlch Lo Lhe besL of our knowledge and bellef were necessary for Lhe
purpose of our audlL,
b) ln our oplnlon, proper books of accounL as requlred by law have been kepL by Lhe Company so far as appears from our examlnauon
of Lhose books.
c) 1he 8alance SheeL, SLaLemenL of roL and Loss, and Cash llow SLaLemenL dealL wlLh by Lhls 8eporL are ln agreemenL wlLh Lhe
books of accounL.
d) ln our oplnlon, Lhe 8alance SheeL, SLaLemenL of roL and Loss, and Cash llow SLaLemenL comply wlLh Lhe Accounung SLandards
referred Lo ln subsecuon(3C) of secuon 211 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936,
e) ln ursuance Lo Lhe noucauon no. CS8 829(L) daLed 21.10.2003 lssued by Lhe ueparLmenL of Company Aalrs: clause (g) of
sub-secuon (1) of secuon 274 of companles AcL, 1936 perLalnlng Lo dlsquallcauon of ulrecLors ls noL appllcable Lo a CovernmenL
f) Slnce Lhe CenLral CovernmenL has noL lssued any noucauon as Lo Lhe raLe aL whlch Lhe cess ls Lo be pald under secuon 441A of
Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 nor has lL lssued any 8ules under Lhe sald secuon, prescrlblng Lhe manner ln whlch such cess ls Lo be
pald, no cess ls due and payable by Lhe Company.
lor and on behalf of 1. Gandh|& Co.,
CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8eg no. 000833S
1. Gandh|
Membershlp no: 023493
Aud|tor's keport
lace: 8angalore
uaLe: 21
May, 2013
1. (a) ln our oplnlon and accordlng Lo lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, provlslon of ara 4(l ) (a) of Lhe Companles (AudlLors
8eporL) Crder, 2003 relaung Lo malnLalnlng proper records showlng full paruculars, lncludlng quanuLauve deLalls and slLuauon of
xed asseLs are noL appllcable Lo company as lL does noL have xed asseLs.
(b) ln our oplnlon and accordlng Lo lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, provlslon of para 4(l) (b) of Lhe Companles (AudlLors
8eporL) Crder, 2003 relaung Lo physlcal verlcauon of lLs xed asseLs by Lhe managemenL ls noL appllcable Lo company as lL does
noL have xed asseLs.
(c) ln our oplnlon and accordlng Lo lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, provlslon of para 4(l) (c) of Lhe Companles (AudlLors
8eporL) Crder, 2003 relaung Lo dlsposal of any subsLanual parL of xed asseLs durlng Lhe year are noL appllcable Lo company as lL
does noL have llxed asseLs .
2. As Lhe company has noL purchased/sold goods durlng Lhe year nor are Lhere any sLocks. Accordlngly clauses 4(ll)(a),(b)and (c) of Lhe
companles (audlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003 are noL appllcable Lo Lhe company.
3. As explalned Lo us, Lhe company has noL Laken nor granLed any loans, secured or unsecured, from companles, rms and oLher parues
covered ln Lhe reglsLer malnLalned under secuon 301 of Lhe Companles AcL 1936. Accordlngly clauses 4(lll) (a),(b),(c)and(d) of Lhe
companles (AudlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003 are noL appllcable Lo Lhe company.
4. ln our oplnlon accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe company does noL have xed asseLs and lnvenLorles and
has no commerclal acuvlues durlng Lhe year, Lhe provlslon of para 4(lv) of Lhe companles (AudlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003 relaung Lo
adequaLe lnLernal conLrol procedure commensuraLe wlLh Lhe slze of company and naLure of lLs buslness, for Lhe purchase of lnvenLory
and xed asseLs and for sale of goods and servlces are noL appllcable Lo company.
3. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhere are no Lransluons made ln pursuance of Lhe conLracLs or arrangemenLs
LhaL need Lo be enLered ln Lhe reglsLer malnLalned under secuon 301 of Lhe companles AcL, 1936.
6. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhe company has noL accepLed any deposlLs from Lhe publlc.
7. 1he company does noL have pald up caplLal and reserves of ` 30 lakhs as aL Lhe commencemenL of Lhe nanclal year concerned, or
have a average annual Lurnover exceedlng ve crore rupees for a year of Lhelr consecuuve nanclal years lmmedlaLely precedlng
Lhe nanclal year concerned, Lhe provlslon of para 4 (vll) of Lhe companles (AudlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003 are noL appllcable Lo
8. 1he company does noL have any buslness acuvlues durlng Lhe year, Lhe provlslon of para 4(vlll) of Lhe companles (AudlLor's 8eporL)
Crder, 2003 relaung Lo malnLalnlng of cosL records under secuon 209 (1)(d) of Lhe companles acL ls noL appllcable Lo Lhe company.
9. (a) Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhe company ls regular ln deposlung undlspuLed sLaLuLory dues lncludlng
rovldenL lund, lnvesLors Lducauon and proLecuon lund Lmployees sLaLe lnsurance, lncome 1ax, wealLh 1ax and oLher sLaLuLory
dues wlLh Lhe approprlaLe AuLhorlues Lhrough holdlng company l.e. ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed. Accordlng Lo
lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhere are no undlspuLed sLaLuLory dues ouLsLandlng as aL 31sL March ,2013 for a perlod
of more Lhan slx monLhs from Lhe daLe Lhey become payable.
(b) Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhere are no dues of lncome Lax, wealLh 1ax, whlch have noL been
deposlLed on accounL of any dlspuLe.
10. ln our oplnlon Lhe company noL havlng any accumulaLed losses, slnce buslness ls noL sLarLed aL Lhe end of Lhe currenL nanclal year.
All Lhe expenses are lncurred are caplLallzlng .And noL havlng any cash losses ln Lhe currenL nanclal year. revlous loss of ` 34,034/- ls
on accounL of 100 wrlLe o of prellmlnary expendlLure.
11. Accordlng Lo Lhe records made avallable Lo us and lnformauon and explanauon glven by Lhe managemenL, Lhe company has noL Laken
any loan, from any nanclal lnsuLuuons or bank or debenLure holder, hence clause (xl) of paragraph 4 of Lhe order ls noL appllcable Lo
Lhe company.
12. ln our oplnlon and lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, provlslon of para 4 (xll) of Lhe companles (AudlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003
are noL appllcable Lo company as lL has noL glven any loans and advance on securlLy of shares, uebenLures and oLher securlues.
13. ln our oplnlon and accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe company ls noL a chlL fund, nldhl/MuLual beneL,
1rusL/socleLy. Accordlng, provlslon of para 4 (xlll) of Lhe companles (AudlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003 ls noL appllcable Lo company.
14. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe company ls noL deallng or Lradlng ln shares, securlues, debenLures
and oLher lnvesLmenLs and hence Lhe requlremenL of para 4 (xlv) of Lhe companles (AudlLor 8eporL) Crder, 2003 ls noL appllcable Lo
13. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe company has noL glven any guaranLee for loans Laken by oLhers from
Lhe 8anks or nanclal lnsuLuuons.
16. ln our oplnlon and accordlng Lo lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhe company has noL obLalned any Lerm loan and hence Lhe
requlremenL of para 4 (xvl) of Lhe companles (AudlLor 8eporL) Crder, 2003 are noL appllcable Lo company.
17. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us and on an overall examlnauon of Lhe 8alance sheeL and cash llow sLaLemenL
of Lhe company, we reporL LhaL currenL llablllues of ` 20,34,33,381/- have been used for long Lerm lnvesLmenL purposes.
18. 1he company has noL made any preferenual alloLmenL of shares Lo parues and companles covered ln Lhe reglsLer malnLalned under
secuon 301 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
19. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us Lhe company does noL have any debenLures and hence Lhe requlremenL of
para 4 (xlx) of Lhe companles (AudlLor 8eporL) Crder, 2003 are noL appllcable Lo company.
20. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us Lhe company has noL ralsed any money from publlc lssues durlng Lhe
21. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, no fraud on or by Lhe company has been nouced or reporLed durlng Lhe
course of our audlL.
lor and on behalf of 1. Gandh|& Co.,
CharLered accounLanLs
llrm 8eg no. 000833S
1. Gandh|
Membershlp no 023493
lace: 8angalore
uaLe: 21
May, 2013
Vemag|r| 1ransm|ss|on
L|m|ted -
Subs|d|ary Company
1he Members,
CWL8C8lu vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed was lncorporaLed Lo esLabllsh Lransmlsslon sysLem assoclaLed wlLh ls of vemaglrl Area:
ackage - A. 1he Lransmlsslon sysLem comprlses of 763 kv u/C llne whlch ls Lo Lraverse Lhe SLaLe of Andhra radesh. Appllcauon for granL
of Lransmlsslon llcense and adopuon of Lransmlsslon charges have been led before CL8C and Crder of CL8C ls awalLed.
8oard of D|rectors
uurlng Lhe year Shrl 8. . Sasmal, ulrecLor (Cperauons), CWL8C8lu has been appolnLed as an Addluonal ulrecLor of Lhe Company w.e.f.
29Lh november, 2012.
AL presenL Shrl 8. 1. Agarwal, Shrl l. S. !ha, Shrl v. Sekhar and Shrl 8. . Sasmal are on Lhe 8oard of Lhe Company.
M/s. S. 8. S. MurLhy & Co., CharLered AccounLanLs, Pyderabad, were appolnLed as SLaLuLory AudlLors of Lhe company for Lhe year 2012-13
by CompLroller & AudlLor Ceneral of lndla.
Comptro||er and Aud|tor Genera|'s Comments:
CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral vlde lLs leuer daLed 14Lh !une, 2013 declded noL Lo revlew Lhe reporL of SLaLuLory AudlLors on Lhe accounLs
of Lhe Company for Lhe year ended 31sL March, 2013.Copy of Lhe leuer recelved ls annexed as Annexure-l Lo Lhls reporL.
D|rectors' kespons|b|||ty Statement
ursuanL Lo Lhe requlremenLs under Secuon 217(2AA) of Lhe companles AcL, 1936 wlLh respecL Lo ulrecLors 8esponslblllLy SLaLemenL, lL ls
hereby conrmed:
l) LhaL ln Lhe preparauon of Lhe annual accounLs for Lhe year ended 31sL March, 2013 Lhe appllcable accounung sLandards had been
followed and no maLerlal deparLure have been made under Lhe same,
ll) LhaL Lhe ulrecLors had selecLed such accounung pollcles and applled Lhem conslsLenLly and made [udgmenLs and esumaLes LhaL were
reasonable and prudenL so as Lo glve a Lrue and falr vlew of Lhe sLaLe of aalrs of Lhe Company aL Lhe end of Lhe year and of Lhe proL
or loss of Lhe Company for LhaL perlod,
lll) LhaL Lhe ulrecLors had Laken proper and sumclenL care for Lhe malnLenance of adequaLe accounung records ln accordance wlLh Lhe
provlslons of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 for safeguardlng Lhe asseLs of Lhe Company and for prevenung and deLecung fraud and oLher
lv) LhaL Lhe ulrecLors had prepared accounLs for year ended 31sL March, 2013 on a golng concern basls.
arncu|ars of Lmp|oyees
1here ls no employee whose paruculars are requlred Lo be glven ln Lerms of Secuon 217(2A) of Companles AcL, 1936 read wlLh Lhe Companles
(aruculars of Lmployees) 8ules, 1973.
Conservauon of Lnergy, 1echnology Absorpuon, lorelgn Lxchange Larnlng & CuLgo
Slnce no commerclal acuvlLy was carrled ouL by Lhe Company, furnlshlng of lnformauon ln respecL of conservauon of energy, Lechnology
absorpuon and forelgn exchange earnlngs and ouLgo are noL appllcable Lo Lhe Company.
1he 8oard exLends lLs slncere Lhanks Lo CWL8C8lu, CompLroller & AudlLor Ceneral of lndla and AudlLors of Lhe Company.
lor and on behalf of

(k. 1. Agarwa|)
uaLe: 31
lace: new uelhl.
ANNLkUkL - I to the D|rector's keport
MAkCn, 2013
1he preparauon of nanclal sLaLemenL of owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed, new uelhl, for Lhe year ended 31sL March 2013 ln
accordance wlLh Lhe nanclal reporung framework prescrlbed under Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe ManagemenL of
Lhe Company. 1he SLaLuLory AudlLors appolnLed by Lhe CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla under Secuon 619(2) of Lhe Companles
AcL, 1936 are responslble for expresslng oplnlon on Lhese nanclal sLaLemenLs under Secuon 227 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 based on
lndependenL audlL ln accordance wlLh Lhe audlung and assurance sLandards prescrlbed by Lhelr professlonal body, Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered
AccounLanLs of lndla. 1hls ls sLaLed Lo have been done by Lhem vlde Lhelr AudlL 8eporL daLed 21sL May 2013.
l, on behalf of Lhe CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla, have declded noL Lo revlew Lhe reporL of Lhe SLaLuLory AudlLors on Lhe accounLs
of owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed. new uelhl for Lhe year ended 31sL March 2013 and as such have no commenLs Lo make under
Secuon 619(4) of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
lor and on Lhe behalf of Lhe
CompLroller & AudlLor Ceneral of lndla
(8r|[ Mohan)
r|nc|pa| D|rector of Commerc|a| Aud|t &
lace: new uelhl Lx- omc|o Member Aud|t 8oard -III
uaLed: 14
!une, 2013 New De|h|

(1) Shareho|der's Iunds
(a) Share CaplLal 1 300000 300000
(b) 8eserves & Surplus 2 (28033) (28033)
471967 471967

(2) Current L|ab|||nes
1rade payables 3 - 162347024
CLher CurrenL Llablllues 4 192087871 16600763
ShorL 1erm rovlslons 3 1300 -
192089371 179147789
1ota| 192S61338 1796197S6

(1) Non-current Assets
(a) llxed AsseLs
(l) 1anglble AsseLs -
(ll) CaplLal Work ln rogress 6 192341888 179600306

192S41888 179600306

(2) CUkkLN1 ASSL1S
(a) Cash and cash equlvalenLs 7 19430 19430
194S0 194S0

1ota| 192S61338 1796197S6
Accounung pollcles 13
noLes Lo accounLs 14
1he accompanylng noLes are an lnLegral parL of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
SlCnLu ln 1L8MS Cl Cu8 8LC81 Cl LvLn uA1L
Ior S.8.S. MUk1n & CC.,
lCAl llrm 8eg. no:002213S
S. 8. Sr|n|vasa Murthy (k 1 Agarwa|) (I S Iha)
(arLner) Chalrman-parL ume ulrecLor
Membershlp no. 026733
lace : Curgaon
uaLe : 21
May, 2013
8a|ance Sheet as at 31
March, 2013
(AmounL ln `)
Note No.
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2012
CLher lncome 8
Lmployee beneL Lxpenses 9
llnance cosLs 10
AdmlnlsLrauon & oLher expenses 11
lLuC 12
Summary of slgnlcanL Accounung ollcles 13
noLes Lo accounLs 14
1he accompanylng noLes are an lnLegral parL of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs
Statement of roht and Loss for the year ended 31
March, 2013
Descr|pnon Note No. For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
I. kevenue from Cperanons
(a) ConsulLancy lncome - -
II. Cther Income
CLher lncome - -
III. 1ota| (I+II) - -
Lmployee beneL Lxpenses - -
llnance cosLs - -
AdmlnlsLrauon & oLher expenses - -
rellmlnary Lxpenses - 28033
1ota| - 28033
V. roht before excepnona| and extraord|nary |tems and tax (III-IV) - (28033)
VI. Lxcepuonal lLmes/ rlor erlod Lxpense - -
VII. roht before excepnona| and extraord|nary |tems and tax (V-VI) - (28033)
VIII. LxLraordlnary lLmes - -
Ik. roht 8efore 1ax (VII-VIII) - (28033)
k. 1ax Lxpenses
(1) CurrenL 1ax
for currenL year
for earller year
(2) ueferred 1ax - -
kI. roht (Loss) for the per|od (Ik-k) - (28033)
kII. Larn|ngs per equ|ty shares:
(1) 8as|c - (0.36)
(2) D||uted - (0.36)
(AmounL ln `)
SlCnLu ln 1L8MS Cl Cu8 8LC81 Cl LvLn uA1L
Ior S.8.S MUk1n & CC.,
lCAl llrm 8egn. no. 002213S Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors

S. 8. Sr|n|vasa Murthy (k. 1. Agarwa|) (I. S. Iha)
(arLner) Chalrman-parL ume ulrecLor
Membershlp no. 026733
lace : Curgaon
uaLe : 21
May, 2013
Cash I|ow Statement Ior the year Lnded 31
March, 2013
Descr|pnon For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
neL roL/(Loss) as per roL & Loss A/c - (28033)
rlor erlod Lxpenses/ rellmlnary expenses - -
Cperaung proL before worklng caplLal changes - (28033)
Ad[usLmenL lor lncrease/uecrease ln:
1rade ayables (162347024) 162347024
CLher currenL Llablllues 173487106 16360316
ShorL 1erm rovlslons 1300 40449
1C1AL 12941S82 179119736
CaplLal Work ln rogress (12941382) (179600306)
1C1AL (12941S82) (179600306)
lssue of Share CaplLal - 300000
1C1AL - 300000
CASn & CASn LUIVALLN1 A1 1nL LND CI 1nL LAk 194S0 19430
Cash on hand and balance wlLh banks 19430 19430
CLher Cash and Cash LqulvalenLs - -
(AmounL ln `)
SlCnLu ln 1L8MS Cl Cu8 8LC81 Cl LvLn uA1L
Ior S.8.S MUk1n & CC.,
lCAl llrm 8egn. no. 002213S Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors

S. 8. Sr|n|vasa Murthy (k. 1. Agarwa|) (I. S. Iha)
(arLner) Chalrman-parL ume ulrecLor
Membershlp no. 026733
lace : Curgaon
uaLe : 21
May, 2013
Note 1 - Share Cap|ta|
Note 2 - keserves and surp|us
As at 31
March, 2013
As at 31
March, 2013
As at 31
March, 2012
As at 31
March, 2012
No.of Shares ho|d|ng |n the c|ass No.of Shares ho|d|ng |n the c|ass
As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
AuLhorlsed :
30,000 LqulLy shares of ` 10/- each S00000 300000
lssued, subscrlbed and fully pald up shares :
30,000 LqulLy shares of ` 10/- each fully pald-up S00000 300000
a. keconc|||anon of the shares outstand|ng at the beg|nn|ng and at the end of the repornng per|od
Lqu|ty Shares
AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe perlod 30000 300000 - -
lssued uurlng Lhe perlod - - 30000 300000
Cutstand|ng at the end of the per|od S0000 S00000 30000 300000
b. 1erms] r|ghts auached to equ|ty shares
1he Company has only one class of equlLy shares havlng par value of ` 10 per share. Lach holder of equlLy shares ls enuLled Lo one
voLe per share.
ln Lhe evenL of llquldauon of Lhe company, Lhe holders of equlLy shares wlll be enuLled Lo recelve remalnlng asseLs of Lhe company,
aer dlsLrlbuuon of all preferenual amounLs. 1he dlsLrlbuuon wlll be ln proporuon Lo Lhe number of equlLy shares held.
c. Shares he|d by ho|d|ng company
CuL of equlLy shares lssued by Lhe company, shares held by lLs Poldlng Company are as below:

ower Gr|d Corporanon L|m|ted, the no|d|ng Company
30000 equlLy shares of ` 10 each fully pald 300000 -
d. Deta||s of shareho|ders ho|d|ng more than S shares |n the company
Lqu|ty Shares of ` 10 each fu||y pa|d - - 30000 100
kLC 1ransm|ss|on ro[ects Company L|m|ted - - - -
Lqu|ty Shares of ` 10 each fu||y pa|d 30000 100 - -
ower Gr|d Corporanon L|m|ted, the no|d|ng Company S0000 100 30000 100
* CuL of 30000 equlLy shares 6 shares are held by nomlnees of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla llmlLed on lLs behalf.
Cpen|ng 8a|ance-roht & Loss Account (28033) -
Add: 1ransferred from Statement of roht & Loss Account - (28033)
1ota| (28033) (28033)
No.of Shares ( Amount |n ` ) No.of Shares ( Amount |n ` )
Ior the year ended 31
March, 2013 Ior the year ended 31
March, 2012
Note 3 - 1rade payab|es
8LC 1ransmlsslon ro[ecLs Company LlmLed - 162347024
1ota| - 162347024
(AmounL ln `)
(AmounL ln `)
Descr|pnon As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
Descr|pnon As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
(AmounL ln `)
Note 4 - Cther Current L|ab|||n|es
Note S - Short 1erm rov|s|ons
Note 7 - Cash and Cash Lqu|va|ents
Note 6 - Cap|ta| Work |n rogress
ayable Lo owerCrld Corporauon of lndla LLd-Poldlng company 192047871 0
1uS 8ecovered - 16360316
SLaLuLory AudlLor's fee 40000 40449
1ota| 192087871 16600763
rovlslon for expenses (AudlL lees) - -
rovlslon for 8CC llllng fees 1300
1S00 -
8a|ances w|th banks:
Cn currenL accounLs 19430 19430
1ota| 194S0 19430
Descr|pnon As at 31

March, 2012
Addnons Ad[ustments Cap|ta||sed dur|ng
the year
As at 31

March, 2013
lLuC 179600306 12941382 - - 192S41888
179600306 12941382 - - 192S41888
Less: AllocaLed Lo CaplLal Work ln rogress - - - - -
1ota| 179600306 12941382 - - 192S41888
revlous year - 179600306 - - 179600306
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
Note 8 - Cther Income
lncome from sale Lender documenLs 300000 9000000
Less: 1ransferred Lo lncldenual Lxp uurlng ConsLucuon Sch 6 300000 9000000
1ota| - -
Descr|pnon As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
Descr|pnon As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
(AmounL ln `)
Descr|pnon As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
Note 9 - Lmp|oyee 8eneht Lxpenses
Manpower Charges 661928 -
661928 -
Less: 1ransferred Lo lncldenual Lxp uurlng ConsLucuon Sch 6 661928 -
1ota| - -
Note 10 - I|nance Cost
Note 11 - Adm|n|stranon and Cther Lxpenses
Note 12 - Inc|denta| Lxpend|ture Dur|ng Construcnon
llnance charges 3044233 330
3044233 330
Less: 1ransferred Lo lncldenual Lxp uurlng ConsLucuon Sch 6 3044233 330
1ota| - -
AudlL lees 40000 33974
rofesslonal Charges 1686334 188343782
rlnung & SLauonary 32104 -
AdverusemenL 1013697 -
vehlcle Plrlng 376 -
1elephone charges 70614 -
Legal & llllng Charges 2800880 -
1our & 1ravelllng 241302 -
1ender Lxpenses 600000 -
CLher Lxpenses 104330 -
(||) Lxp before take over from kLC
Lxpenses allocaLed by 8LC 1CL 3117634 -
AudlLors 8emunerauon 28090 -
9733401 188399736
Less: 1ransferred Lo lncldenual Lxp uurlng ConsLucuon Sch 6 9733401 188399736
1ota| - -
Lmployee beneL Lxpenses 661928 -
llnance CosL 3044233 330
AdmlnlsLrauon and CLher Lxpenses 9733401 188399736
CLher lncome (300000) (9000000)
1ota| 12941S82 179600306
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(AmounL ln `)
1 Corporate Informanon
1he Company was lncorporaLed on 21/04/2011 under Lhe Companles AcL 1936 as a wholly owned subsldlary of 8LCC 1ransmlsslon
ro[ecLs Company LLd (8LC1CL), (A wholly owned subsldlary of 8ural LlecLrlcauon corporauon LlmlLed). CerucaLe for CommencemenL
of 8uslness was lssued on 08/06/2011. 1he Company has been lncorporaLed Lo develop power sysLem neLwork and SLudy, lnvesugaLe,
collecL lnformauon and daLa eLc. for Lhe purpose of Lransmlsslon of elecLrlclLy Lhrough Lhe sLaLes of Andhrapradesh. 1he Company
was Laken over by ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd. on 18/04/2012.
2 8as|s of reparanon
1he Company prepares lLs nanclal sLaLemenLs ln accordance wlLh appllcable accounung sLandards and generally accepLed accounung
prlnclples and also ln accordance wlLh requlremenLs of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936. 1he preparauon of nanclal sLaLemenLs requlres
managemenL Lo make esumaLes and assumpuons consldered ln Lhe reporLed amounLs of asseLs and llablllues (lncludlng conungenL
llablllues), revenues and expenses of Lhe reporung perlod. 1he dlerence beLween Lhe acLual resulLs and esumaLes are recognlzed ln
Lhe perlod ln whlch Lhe resulLs are known and/or maLerlallsed.
2.1 Summary of S|gn|hcant Accounnng o||c|es
a. kecogn|non of Income ] Lxpend|ture
lncome and expenses (excepL oLherwlse sLaLed) are accounLed for on accrual basls.
b. I|xed Assets
llxed asseLs are shown aL hlsLorlcal cosL less currenL/ accumulaLed depreclauon. 1he company caplLallzes all dlrecL cosL lncludlng
borrowlng cosL up Lo Lhe daLe of commerclal use of such asseLs.
c. Deprec|anon ] Amornsanon
uepreclauon on asseLs ls provlded on Wrluen down value meLhod, ln accordance wlLh Lhe raLes prescrlbed ln Schedule xlv of Lhe
Companles AcL, 1936.
lLems of llxed AsseLs acqulred durlng Lhe year cosung up Lo ` 3,000/- are fully depreclaLed.
d. Cap|ta| Work |n rogress
LxpendlLure lncurred on Survey /SLudles /lnvesugauons/ConsulLancy /AdmlnlsLrauon /lnLeresL /Manpower Charges eLc. has been
caplLallzed & LreaLed as CaplLal Work ln rogress.
e. Lxpend|ture |ncurred by no|d|ng Company
LxpendlLure lncurred by Lhe company for Lhe ro[ecL ls nanced by Lhe Poldlng Company (ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd.)
and consldered as currenL llablllues.
f. re||m|nary Lxpenses
rellmlnary expenses has been charged Lo Lhe roL & Loss accounL ln Lhe year ln whlch such expendlLure has been lncurred.
g 8orrow|ng Costs
8orrowlng cosL ls charged Lo Lhe proL & loss accounL for Lhe year ln whlch lL ls lncurred excepL for caplLal asseLs whlch ls
caplLallzed ull Lhe daLe of commerclal use of Lhe asseLs.
h rov|s|ons, Connngent L|ab|||nes and Assets
1he Company recognlzes a provlslon when Lhere ls a presenL obllgauon as a resulL of a pasL evenL LhaL probably requlres ouulow
of resources,whlch can be rellably esumaLed. ulsclosures for a conungenL llablllLy are made wlLhouL a provlslon ln Lhe books when
Lhere ls an obllgauon LhaL may,buL probably wlll noL(ln Lhe oplnlon of Lhe ManagemenL), requlre ouulow of resources. ConungenL
AsseLs are nelLher recognlzed nor dlsclosed ln Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs.
| Cash I|ow Statement
Cash ow SLaLemenL ls prepared ln accordance wlLh Lhe lndlrecL meLhod prescrlbed ln Accounung SLandard-3 on Cash llow

Note 13 - Accounnng o||c|es for the per|od ended 31
March, 2013
1 ConsequenL Lo Lhe selecuon of Successful 8ldder (M/s ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed) as per 1arl based compeuuve
blddlng guldellnes for Lransmlsslon servlces and guldellnes for encouraglng compeuuon ln developmenL of Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs
daLed 13/04/06 (as amended from ume Lo ume) and as per lssued blddlng documenLs, Lhe company was Lransferred Lo M/s ower Crld
Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed (Successful 8ldder) vlde Share purchase AgreemenL daLed 18Lh Aprll 2012 by Lhe 8LC1CL (Lransferor).
Aer Lransfer, Lhe company ceases Lo be a subsldlary of 8LC1CL and became a subsldlary of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd. 1hus
Lhe 8alance SheeL, roL & Loss AccounL and Cash llow SLaLemenL along wlLh noLes reecL Lhe nanclal posluon of Lhe Company as
aL 31/03/2013.
2 1he deLalls of key ManagemenL ersonnel are as follows:
3 rlor Lo acqulsluon Lhe relaLed expenses are pald by Lhe 8LC1CL and charged Lo Lhe Company. Crlglnal Supporung bllls ln respecL
of expendlLure lncurred by Lhe 8LC1L are reLalned by Lhem of whlch coples are avallable wlLh Lhe Company. Aer Laklng over, Lhe
relaLed expenses are pald by CWL8C8lu and charged Lo Lhe Company. Crlglnal supporung documenLs are reLalned by CWL8C8lu.
1he 8LC1CL & CWL8C8lu wlll comply sLaLuLory provlslons relaung Lo Lhe 'ueducuon of Lax aL source' eLc. as appllcable Lo Lhese
4 1he expendlLure for Laklng over Lhe Company were lncurred by ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd. and llablllLy ln Lhls regard has
been shown under Lhe head CurrenL Llablllues".
3 l) LsumaLed amounL of conLracLs remalnlng Lo be execuLed on caplLal accounL and noL provlded for ls ` 188,01,91,000/-
ll) ConungenL llablllues of Lhe company and clalms agalnsL Lhe company noL acknowledged by Lhe company as cerued by Lhe
managemenL for Lhe perlod ls `. nll.
7 1he Company has complled wlLh all Lhe appllcable Accounung SLandards noued under secuon 211 of Lhe Companles AcL 1936.
Powever AS -22 relaung Lo ueferred 1ax LlablllLy /AsseL perLalnlng Lo umlng dlerence ls noL appllcable Lo Lhe company ln vlew of Lhe
facL LhaL Lhe company ls sull ln Lhe consLrucuon phase and yeL Lo commence lLs operauon.
8 1he dlsclosure as per AS 18 - 8elaLed arLy ulsclosure :
1he owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed ls a wholly owned subsldlary of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd. All key declslons
are Laken by Lhe 8oard of owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed where Lhe ower Crld nomlnees exerclse conLrol.
ueLalls of 8elaLed parues and naLure of relauonshlp
Note 14 - Notes to I|nanc|a| Statements for the per|od ended 31
March 2013
S. No. Name Des|gnanon Date of Appo|ntment Date of kes|gnanon
1 Shrl 8 1 Agarwal Chalrman (arL-ume) 18-Apr-2012 Conunulng
2 Shrl l S !ha ulrecLor 18-Apr-2012 Conunulng
3 Shrl 8 Sasmal ulrecLor 29-nov-2012 Conunulng
4 Shrl v.Sekhar ulrecLor 18-Apr-2012 Conunulng
3 Shrl Sunll kumar ulrecLor & Chalrman 21-Apr-2011 18-Apr-2012
6 Shrl 1 S C 8osh ulrecLor 21-Apr-2011 18-Apr-2012
7 Shrl v k Slngh ulrecLor 21-Apr-2011 18-Apr-2012
8 Shrl 8 ? 8ao CLC (arL-ume) 18-Apr-2012 Conunulng
S. No. Nature of ke|anonsh|p Name of the ke|ated arty
1 CWL8C8lu CC8C8A1lCn Cl lnulA LlMl1Lu & 8LC1CL Poldlng Company
2 8LC1CL LrsLwhlle Poldlng Company
6 AudlLors 8emunerauon
S. No. arncu|ars Ior the year ended
March, 2013
1 SLaLuLory AudlL lees 40000
(AmounL ln `)
ueLalls of 8elaLed parLy Lransacuons
LxpendlLure of ` 192047871/- lncurred by CWL8C8lu has been lncluded ln CWl and deplcLed as CurrenL LlablllLy
9 1he Company owes no dues Lo small-scale unlLs for Lhe perlod ended and hence provlslon of lnLeresL does noL arlse. lurLher based
on lnformauon avallable wlLh Lhe managemenL, Lhere are no dues payable Lo enLerprlses covered under Mlcro, Small and Medlum
LnLerprlses uevelopmenL AcL, 2006".
10 1he Company has pald a sum of ` 182793333/- (` LlghLeen Crore LwenLy seven lakhs nlneLy Lhree Lhousand and ve LhlrLy Lhree only)
as acqulsluon prlce Lo 8LC1CL.
11 Slnce Lhere are no employees ln Lhe company, Lhe obllgauon as per Accounung SLandard-13 (8evlsed) do noL arlses.
12 Larn|ng er Share
ln Lerms of Accounung SLandard 20 on Larnlngs per Share" noued under Lhe Companles AcL 1936, Larnlng per share (8aslc &
ulluLed) ls worked ouL as follows: -
13 MosL of Lhe addluonal lnformauon pursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of aragraph 3, 4C and 4u of parL ll of Schedule vl Lo Lhe Companles
AcL, 1936 are noL appllcable Lo Lhe company as Lhe pro[ecL ls sull aL lLs developmenL sLage and Lhe company has yeL Lo sLar
(a) LxpendlLure ln forelgn currency - nll
(b) lncome ln forelgn exchange - nll
14 llgures have been rounded o Lo Lhe nearesL 8upee unless oLherwlse sLaLed.
13 1he name of Lhe company has been changed from vLMACl8l 18AnSMlSSlCn S?S1LM LlMl1Lu Lo CWL8C8lu vLMACl8l
18AnSMlSSlCn LlMl1Lu durlng Lhe year. aruculars 2012-13
1 LqulLy ConLrlbuuon - - 300000
2 Closlng 8alances: - - - -
2(a) ayable Lo ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed - - 192047871
SlCnLu ln 1L8MS Cl Cu8 8LC81 Cl LvLn uA1L
Ior S.8.S MUk1n & CC.,
lCAl llrm 8egn. no. 002213S Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors

S. 8. Sr|n|vasa Murthy (k. 1. Agarwa|) (I. S. Iha)
(arLner) Chalrman-parL ume ulrecLor
Membershlp no. 026733
lace : Curgaon
uaLe : 21
May, 2013
Note 14 - Notes to I|nanc|a| Statements for the per|od ended 31
March 2013 (contd...)

S. No. arncu|ars Ior the year ended
March, 2013
1 nomlnal value of share (`) 10
2 number of LqulLy shares (no.) 30000
3 neL roL aer Lax (`) -
4 Larnlng per share (`) -
(AmounL ln `)
1o the Members of
keport on the I|nanc|a| Statements
We have audlLed Lhe accompanylng nanclal sLaLemenLs of CWL8C8lu vLMACl8l 18AnSMlSSlCn LlMl1Lu (Lhe Company"), whlch
comprlse Lhe 8alance SheeL as aL March 31, 2013, and Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss and Cash llow SLaLemenL for Lhe year Lhen ended,
and a summary of slgnlcanL accounung pollcles and oLher explanaLory lnformauon.
Management's kespons|b|||ty for the I|nanc|a| Statements
ManagemenL ls responslble for Lhe preparauon of Lhese nanclal sLaLemenLs LhaL glve a Lrue and falr vlew of Lhe nanclal posluon, nanclal
performance and cash ows of Lhe Company ln accordance wlLh Lhe Accounung SLandards referred Lo ln sub-secuon (3C) of secuon 211 of
Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 (Lhe AcL"). 1hls responslblllLy lncludes Lhe deslgn, lmplemenLauon and malnLenance of lnLernal conLrol relevanL
Lo Lhe preparauon and presenLauon of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs LhaL glve a Lrue and falr vlew and are free from maLerlal mlssLaLemenL,
wheLher due Lo fraud or error.
Aud|tors' kespons|b|||ty
Cur responslblllLy ls Lo express an oplnlon on Lhese nanclal sLaLemenLs based on our audlL. We conducLed our audlL ln accordance wlLh Lhe
SLandards on Audlung lssued by Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla. 1hose SLandards requlre LhaL we comply wlLh eLhlcal requlremenLs
and plan and perform Lhe audlL Lo obLaln reasonable assurance abouL wheLher Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs are free from maLerlal mlssLaLemenL.
An audlL lnvolves performlng procedures Lo obLaln audlL evldence abouL Lhe amounLs and dlsclosures ln Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs. 1he
procedures selecLed depend on Lhe audlLor's [udgmenL, lncludlng Lhe assessmenL of Lhe rlsks of maLerlal mlssLaLemenL of Lhe nanclal
sLaLemenLs, wheLher due Lo fraud or error. ln maklng Lhose rlsk assessmenLs, Lhe audlLor conslders lnLernal conLrol relevanL Lo Lhe Company's
preparauon and falr presenLauon of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs ln order Lo deslgn audlL procedures LhaL are approprlaLe ln Lhe clrcumsLances.
An audlL also lncludes evaluaung Lhe approprlaLeness of accounung pollcles used and Lhe reasonableness of Lhe accounung esumaLes made
by managemenL, as well as evaluaung Lhe overall presenLauon of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs.
We belleve LhaL Lhe audlL evldence we have obLalned ls sumclenL and approprlaLe Lo provlde a basls for our audlL oplnlon.
ln our oplnlon and Lo Lhe besL of our lnformauon and accordlng Lo Lhe explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs glve Lhe lnformauon
requlred by Lhe AcL ln Lhe manner so requlred and glve a Lrue and falr vlew ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe accounung prlnclples generally accepLed
ln lndla:
a) ln Lhe case of Lhe 8alance SheeL, of Lhe sLaLe of aalrs of Lhe Company as aL March 31, 2013,
b) ln Lhe case of Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss AccounL, for Lhe year ended on LhaL daLe, and
c) ln Lhe case of Lhe Cash llow SLaLemenL, of Lhe cash ows for Lhe year ended on LhaL daLe.
keport on Cther Lega| and kegu|atory kequ|rements
1. As requlred by Lhe Companles (AudlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003 (Lhe Crder") lssued by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL of lndla ln Lerms of
sub-secuon (4A) of secuon 227 of Lhe AcL, we glve ln Lhe Annexure a sLaLemenL on Lhe mauers specled ln paragraphs 4 and 3
of Lhe Crder.
2. As requlred by secuon 227(3) of Lhe AcL, we reporL LhaL:
a) we have obLalned all Lhe lnformauon and explanauons whlch Lo Lhe besL of our knowledge and bellef were necessary for Lhe
purpose of our audlL,
b) ln our oplnlon proper books of accounL as requlred by law have been kepL by Lhe Company so far as appears from our examlnauon
of Lhose books
c) Lhe 8alance SheeL, SLaLemenL of roL and Loss and Cash llow SLaLemenL dealL wlLh by Lhls 8eporL are ln agreemenL wlLh Lhe
books of accounL.
d) ln our oplnlon, Lhe 8alance SheeL, SLaLemenL of roL and Loss and Cash llow SLaLemenL comply wlLh Lhe Accounung SLandards
referred Lo ln subsecuon (3C) of secuon 211 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936,
e) ln pursuance Lo Lhe noucauon no. CS8 829 (L) daLed 21-10-2003 lssued by Lhe ueparLmenL of Company Aalrs: clause (g) of sub secuon
(1) of secuon 274 of Companles AcL, 1936 perLalnlng Lo dlsquallcauon of dlrecLors ls noL appllcable Lo a CovernmenL Company.
f) Slnce Lhe CenLral CovernmenL has noL lssued any noucauon as Lo Lhe raLe aL whlch Lhe cess ls Lo be pald under secuon 441A of
Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 nor has lL lssued any 8ules under Lhe sald secuon, prescrlblng Lhe manner ln whlch such cess ls Lo be
pald, no cess ls due and payable by Lhe Company.
Ior S.8.S.Murthy & Co.,
Chartered Accountants
ICAI I|rm keg.No:002213S
S.8.Sr|n|vasa Murthy
|ace: Gurgaon (artner)
Date :21
May, 2013 Membersh|p No. :0267SS
Independent Aud|tors' keport
1he Annexure referred to |n paragraph 1 of the Cur keport of even date to the members of CWLkGkID VLMAGIkI 1kANSMISSICN
SS1LM LIMI1LD on the accounts of the company for the year ended 31st March, 2013.
Cn Lhe basls of such checks as we consldered approprlaLe and accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us durlng Lhe course
of our audlL, we reporL LhaL:
1. (a) ln our oplnlon and accordlng Lo lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, provlslon of ara 4(l ) (a) of Lhe Companles (AudlLors
8eporL) Crder, 2003 relaung Lo malnLalnlng proper records showlng full paruculars, lncludlng quanuLauve deLalls and slLuauon of
xed asseLs are noL appllcable Lo company as lL does noL have xed asseLs.
(b) ln our oplnlon and accordlng Lo lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, provlslon of para 4(l) (b) of Lhe Companles (AudlLors
8eporL) Crder, 2003 relaung Lo physlcal verlcauon of lLs xed asseLs by Lhe managemenL ls noL appllcable Lo company as lL does
noL have xed asseLs.
(c) ln our oplnlon and accordlng Lo lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, provlslon of para 4(l) (c) of Lhe Companles (AudlLors
8eporL) Crder, 2003 relaung Lo dlsposal of any subsLanual parL of xed asseLs durlng Lhe year are noL appllcable Lo company as lL
does noL have llxed asseLs .
2. As Lhe company has noL purchased/sold goods durlng Lhe year nor are Lhere any sLocks. Accordlngly clauses 4(ll)(a),(b)and (c) of Lhe
companles (audlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003 are noL appllcable Lo Lhe company.
3. (a) Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us and on Lhe basls of our examlnauon of Lhe books of accounL, Lhe
Company has noL granLed any loans, secured or unsecured, Lo companles, rms or oLher parues llsLed ln Lhe reglsLer malnLalned
under Secuon 301 of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936. ConsequenLly, Lhe provlslons of clauses lll (b), lll(c) and lll (d) of Lhe order are noL
appllcable Lo Lhe Company.
(b) Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us and on Lhe basls of our examlnauon of Lhe books of accounL, Lhe
Company has noL Laken loans from companles, rms or oLher parues llsLed ln Lhe reglsLer malnLalned under Secuon 301 of Lhe
Companles AcL, 1936. 1hus sub clauses (f) & (g) are noL appllcable Lo Lhe company. Powever Lhere exlsLs CLher currenL Llablllues
on Lhe 8alance sheeL ln Lhe name of CWL8C8lu CC8C8A1lCn Cl lnulA LlMl1Lu (Poldlng company) on accounL of varlous
expendlLure lncurred by Lhem. 1he amounL ouLsLandlng aL Lhe perlod end and Lhe maxlmum amounL ouLsLandlng durlng Lhe
perlod were as under:-
4. ln our oplnlon and accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhere ls generally an adequaLe lnLernal conLrol procedure
commensuraLe wlLh Lhe slze of Lhe company and Lhe naLure of lLs buslness. uurlng Lhe course of our audlL, no ma[or lnsLance of
conunulng fallure Lo correcL any weaknesses ln Lhe lnLernal conLrols has been nouced.
3. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhere are no Lransacuons made ln pursuance of Lhe conLracLs or arrangemenLs
LhaL need Lo be enLered ln Lhe reglsLer malnLalned under secuon 301 of Lhe companles AcL, 1936.
6. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhe company has noL accepLed any deposlLs from Lhe publlc.
7. 1he company does noL have pald up caplLal and reserves of ` 30 Lakhs as aL Lhe commencemenL of Lhe nanclal year concerned, or
have a average annual Lurnover exceedlng ve crore rupees for a year of Lhree consecuuve nanclal years lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe
nanclal year concerned , Lhe provlslon of para 4 (vll) of Lhe companles (AudlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003 ls noL appllcable Lo company.
8. 1he company does noL have any buslness acuvlues durlng Lhe year, Lhe provlslon of para 4(vlll) of Lhe companles (AudlLor's 8eporL)
Crder, 2003 relaung Lo malnLalnlng of cosL records under secuon 209 (1)(d) of Lhe companles acL ls noL appllcable Lo Lhe company.
9. (a) Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhe company ls regular ln deposlung undlspuLed sLaLuLory dues
lncludlng rovldenL lund, lnvesLors Lducauon and proLecuon lund, Lmployees sLaLe lnsurance, lncome 1ax, wealLh 1ax and oLher
sLaLuLory dues wlLh Lhe approprlaLe AuLhorlues Lhrough holdlng company l.e. ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed. Accordlng
Lo lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhere are no undlspuLed sLaLuLory dues ouLsLandlng as aL 31sL March ,2013 for a
perlod of more Lhan slx monLhs from Lhe daLe Lhey become payable.
(b) Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauon glven Lo us, Lhere are no dues of lncome Lax, wealLh 1ax, whlch have noL been
deposlLed on accounL of any dlspuLe.
10. ln our oplnlon Lhe company ls havlng an accumulaLed loss of ` 28033/-.
11. Accordlng Lo Lhe records made avallable Lo us and lnformauon and explanauon glven by Lhe managemenL, Lhe company has noL Laken
any loan, from any nanclal lnsuLuuons or bank or debenLure holder, hence clause (xl) of paragraph 4 of Lhe order ls noL appllcable Lo
Lhe company.
12. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe Company has noL granLed loans and advances on Lhe basls of securlLy
by way of pledge of shares, debenLures and oLher securlues.
13. 1he Company ls noL a chlL fund or a nldhl /muLual beneL fund/socleLy. 1herefore, Lhe provlslon of Lhls clause of Lhe Companles
(AudlLor's 8eporL) Crder, 2003 (as amended) ls noL appllcable Lo Lhe Company.
Company 8a|ance at the end of the per|od Max|mum ba|ance dur|ng the per|od
ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed ` 192047871/- ` 192047871/-
14. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe company ls noL deallng or Lradlng ln shares, securlues, debenLures
and oLher lnvesLmenLs and hence Lhe requlremenL of para 4 (xlv) of Lhe companles (AudlLor 8eporL) Crder, 2003 ls noL appllcable Lo
13. Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, Lhe Company has noL glven any guaranLees for loan Laken by oLhers from
a bank or nanclal lnsuLuuon.
16. 8ased on our audlL procedures and on Lhe lnformauon glven by Lhe managemenL, we reporL LhaL Lhe company has noL ralsed any
Lerm loans durlng Lhe year.
17. 8ased on Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us and on an overall examlnauon of Lhe 8alance SheeL of Lhe Company as aL 31sL
March, 2013, we reporL LhaL no funds ralsed on shorL-Lerm basls have been used for long-Lerm lnvesLmenL by Lhe Company.
18. 8ased on Lhe audlL procedures performed and Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us by Lhe managemenL, we reporL LhaL Lhe
Company has noL made any preferenual alloLmenL of shares durlng Lhe year.
19. 1he Company has no ouLsLandlng debenLures durlng Lhe perlod under audlL.
20. 1he Company has noL ralsed any money by publlc lssue durlng Lhe year.
21. 8ased on Lhe audlL procedures performed and Lhe lnformauon and explanauons glven Lo us, we reporL LhaL no fraud on or by Lhe
Company has been nouced or reporLed durlng Lhe year.
Ior S.8.S.Murthy & Co.,
Chartered Accountants
ICAI I|rm keg.No:002213S
S.8.Sr|n|vasa Murthy
|ace: Gurgaon (artner)
Date : 21
May, 2013 Membersh|p No. :0267SS
Shareho|ders' funds
(a) Share caplLal 2.1 4629.73 4629.73
(b) 8eserves and surplus 2.2 21773.38 18933.48
26403.11 23383.21
Deferred revenue 2.3 3766.48 2823.92
Non-current ||ab|||nes
(a) Long-Lerm borrowlngs 2.4 64030.14 30003.73
(b) ueferred Lax llablllues (neL) 2.3 1973.03 1394.36
(c) CLher long Lerm llablllues 2.6 1036.80 1462.23
(d) Long-Lerm provlslons 2.7 469.89 448.93
67311.86 33311.49
Current ||ab|||nes
(a) ShorL-Lerm borrowlngs 2.8 2027.06 1638.28
(b) 1rade payables 2.9 238.04 234.60
(c) CLher currenL llablllues 2.10 12620.74 9172.44
(d) ShorL-Lerm provlslons 2.11 796.79 1146.31
13702.63 12211.63
1ota| 113384.08 92132.2S
Non-current assets
(a) llxed asseLs
(l) 1anglble asseLs 2.12 62031.37 47997.70
(ll) lnLanglble asseLs 2.13 337.12 324.11
(lll) CaplLal work ln progress 2.14 19236.27 16248.73
(lv) lnLanglble asseLs under developmenL 2.13 213.33 93.08
82040.09 64663.64
(b) ConsLrucuon sLores 2.16 13793.82 12636.77
(c) non-currenL lnvesLmenLs 2.17 390.63 373.86
(d) ueferred forelgn currency ucLuauon asseL 1716.29 1316.67
(e) Long-Lerm loans and advances 2.18 6002.03 3644.33
8108.93 7333.06
Current assets
(a) CurrenL lnvesLmenLs 2.19 193.74 199.84
(b) lnvenLorles 2.20 332.83 441.23
(c) 1rade recelvables 2.21 1491.38 1329.19
(d) Cash and 8ank balances 2.22 2678.89 3111.34
(e) ShorL-Lerm loans and advances 2.23 632.66 323.23
(f) CLher currenL asseLs 2.24 1889.70 1489.93
7441.22 7296.78
1ota| 113384.08 92132.2S
Accounung ollcles 1
noLes on AccounLs 2
noLes referred above are lnLegral parL of Lhe 8alance SheeL
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
(D|vya 1andon) (k.1. Agarwa|) ( k. N. Nayak)
Company SecreLary ulrecLor (llnance) Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
As per our report of even date
Ior S.k. Mehta & Co. Ior Chauer[ee & Co. Ior Sagar & Assoc|ates
CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8egn no. 000478 n llrm 8egn no. 302114 L llrm 8egn no. 003310 S
(CA. Iyon 8agga) ( CA. k.N.8asu) (CA. 8.Sr|n|vasa kao)
arLner arLner arLner
Membershlp no. 087002 Membershlp no. 030430 Membershlp no. 202332
lace: Curgaon
uaLe: 28
May, 2013
Conso||dated 8a|ance Sheet as at 31
March 2013
(` ln Crore)
Note No.
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
l. 8evenue from operauons 2.23 13163.90 10440.46
ll. CLher lncome 2.26 363.22 633.12
III. 1ota| kevenue (I + II) 13727.12 11073.38

IV. Lxpenses:
urchases of sLock-ln-Lrade 63.30
Lmployee beneLs expense 2.27 974.72 921.41
llnance cosLs 2.28 2399.44 1983.73
uepreclauon and amoruzauon expense 2.29 3427.80 2637.39
1ransmlsslon, AdmlnlsLrauon and oLher Lxpenses 2.30 911.83 826.46
1ota| expenses 7977.29 6371.01

V. roht before r|or per|od |tems and tax (III - IV) 3749.83 4702.37
VI. r|or per|od |tems (Net) 2.31 (23.80) 12.91
VII. roht before tax (V - VI) 3773.63 4689.66
vlll. 1ax expense:
(1) CurrenL Lax - CurrenL ?ear 1122.47 938.81
- Larller years (22.26) (2.36)
1100.21 936.23
(2) CredlL for MA1 enuLelmenL (17.66) -

(3) ueferred Lax - CurrenL ?ear 363.99 430.42
- Larller years 16.48 -
380.47 430.42
1463.02 1386.67
Ik. roht for the year (VII-VIII) 4312.61 3302.99
k. Larn|ngs per equ|ty share: 2.47
(1) 8aslc 9.32 7.14
(2) ulluLed 9.32 7.14
Accounung ollcles 1
noLes on AccounLs 2
noLes referred above are lnLegral parL of Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss.
lace: Curgaon
uaLe: 28
May, 2013
Conso||dated Statement of roht and Loss for the year ended 31
March, 2013
Note No.
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
(D|vya 1andon) (k.1. Agarwa|) ( k. N. Nayak)
Company SecreLary ulrecLor (llnance) Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
As per our report of even date
Ior S.k. Mehta & Co. Ior Chauer[ee & Co. Ior Sagar & Assoc|ates
CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8egn no. 000478 n llrm 8egn no. 302114 L llrm 8egn no. 003310 S
(CA. Iyon 8agga) ( CA. k.N.8asu) (CA. 8.Sr|n|vasa kao)
arLner arLner arLner
Membershlp no. 087002 Membershlp no. 030430 Membershlp no. 202332
neL roL 8efore 1ax S77S.63 4689.66
Ad[ustment for :
uepreclauon (lncludlng prlor perlod) 3437.39 2671.98
1ransfer from CranLs ln Ald (23.06) (32.29)
ueferred revenue - Advance agalnsL uepreclauon (48.82) (32.72)
Amorused LxpendlLure(u8L wrluen o) - 2.41
rovlslons 2.73 2.30
1ransfer from Self lnsurance 8eserve (0.23) (0.81)
neL Loss on ulsposal / WrlLe o of llxed AsseLs 6.34 1.39
lnLeresL and llnance Charges 2399.44 1901.32
rovlslons Wrluen 8ack (39.34) (40.93)
lL8v loss / (galn) - 84.43
lnLeresL earned on Lerm deposlLs, bonds and loans Lo SLaLe CovLs. (303.74) (81.76)
ulvldend 8ecelved (1.80) (1.81)
Cperanng proht before Work|ng Cap|ta| Changes 11402.S4 9163.17

Ad[ustment for :
(lncrease)/uecrease ln lnvenLorles (111.39) (38.90)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln 1rade 8ecelvables 93.23 (1146.04)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln Loans and Advances (210.94) 603.97
(lncrease)/uecrease ln CLher currenL asseLs (391.83) 1383.26
lncrease/(uecrease) ln Llablllues and rovlslons 1996.07 (601.63)
lncrease/(uecrease) ln ueferred lncome/LxpendlLure from lorelgn Currency llucLuauon(neL) (120.48) (43.11)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln ueferred lorelgn Currency llucLuauon AsseL/LlablllLy(neL) 133.33 127.63
1191.77 463.18
ulrecL Laxes pald (1133.33) (1046.36)
Net Cash from operanng acnv|nes 114S8.76 8381.99

llxed asseLs (lncludlng lncldenLal expendlLure durlng consLrucuon) (779.32) (662.36)
CaplLal work ln progress (18447.03) (14176.02)
ConsLrucuon SLores (3137.03) (4169.16)
(lncrease)/uecrease ln lnvesLmenLs 187.33 177.96
(lncrease)/uecrease ln Long 1erm Loans under Securlusauon Scheme 7.72 13.42
Lease recelvables (46.32) 183.26
lnLeresL earned on Lerm deposlLs, bonds and loans Lo SLaLe CovLs. 331.84 89.33
ulvldend from !v Companles (Ad[. Lhrough Surplus AccounL) 48.16 44.72
ulvldend recelved 1.80 1.81
Net cash used |n |nvesnng acnv|nes (218S3.09) (18494.82)
Conso||dated Cash I|ow Statement for the year ended 31
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
(` ln Crore)
Loans ralsed durlng Lhe year 18200.03 14680.43
Loans repald durlng Lhe year (4313.30) (3760.46)
lnLeresL and llnance Charges ald (2297.02) (1343.82)
ulvldend pald (1400.03) (996.89)
ulvldend 1ax pald (227.80) (160.96)
Net Cash from I|nanc|ng Acnv|nes 9961.88 8218.30

u. neL change ln Cash and Cash equlvalenLs(A+8+C) (432.43) (1694.33)
L. Cash and Cash equ|va|ents(Cpen|ng ba|ance) 3111.34 4803.87
I. Cash and Cash equ|va|ents(C|os|ng ba|ance) 2678.89 3111.34

Cash and cash equ|va|ents cons|sts of Cash |n hand and ba|ances w|th banks. Cash and cash equ|va|ents |nc|uded |n the cash ow
statement compr|se of fo||ow|ng ba|ance sheet amounts as per Note 2.22.
Cash and cash equlvalenLs 2134.16 1921.23
CLher 8ank balances (*) 937.18 2884.64
3111.34 4803.87
(*) 8reakup of CLher 8ank 8alances
1. 8alance ln deslgnaLed currenL accounLs 8.64 6.23
2. ln CurrenL accounLs / llexl ueposlLs (CperaLed and malnLalned ln Lerms of CL8C regulauons) 416.39 727.90
3. ln Lerm deposlLs havlng maLurlLy over 3 monLhs (lC proceeds) 300.00 2121.17
4. ln Lerm deposlLs havlng maLurlLy over 3 monLhs 31.93 29.32
9S7.18 2884.64
rev|ous year hgures have been re-grouped ] re-arranged wherever necessary.
Conso||dated Cash I|ow Statement for the year ended 31
March, 2013 (contd...)
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
(D|vya 1andon) (k.1. Agarwa|) ( k. N. Nayak)
Company SecreLary ulrecLor (llnance) Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
As per our report of even date
Ior S.k. Mehta & Co. Ior Chauer[ee & Co. Ior Sagar & Assoc|ates
CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8egn no. 000478 n llrm 8egn no. 302114 L llrm 8egn no. 003310 S
(CA. Iyon 8agga) ( CA. k.N.8asu) (CA. 8.Sr|n|vasa kao)
arLner arLner arLner
Membershlp no. 087002 Membershlp no. 030430 Membershlp no. 202332
lace: Curgaon
uaLe: 28
May, 2013
(` ln Crore)
1he nanclal sLaLemenLs are prepared on accrual basls of accounung under Lhe hlsLorlcal cosL convenuon and ln accordance wlLh
generally accepLed accounung prlnclples ln lndla and Lhe relevanL provlslons of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936 lncludlng Accounung
SLandards noued Lhere under.
1he preparauon of nanclal sLaLemenLs requlres esumaLes and assumpuons LhaL aecL Lhe reporLed amounL of asseLs, llablllues,
revenue and expenses durlng Lhe reporung perlod. AlLhough, such esumaLes and assumpuons are made on a reasonable and
prudenL basls Laklng lnLo accounL all avallable lnformauon, acLual resulLs could dler from Lhese esumaLes and assumpuons and
such dlerences are recognlzed ln Lhe perlod ln whlch Lhe resulLs are crysLalllzed.
Self lnsurance reserve ls creaLed [ 0.1 p.a. on Cross 8lock of llxed AsseLs (excepL asseLs covered under mega lnsurance pollcy)
as aL Lhe end of Lhe year by approprlaung currenL year proL Lowards fuLure losses whlch may arlse from un-lnsured rlsks. 1he
same ls shown as Self lnsurance reserve" under '8eserves & Surplus'.
1.4.1 CranLs-ln-ald recelved from CenLral CovernmenL or oLher auLhorlues Lowards caplLal expendlLure for pro[ecLs, beuermenL of
Lransmlsslon sysLems and speclc depreclable asseLs are shown as granLs-ln-ald" ull Lhe uullzauon of granL.
1.4.2 Cn caplLallzauon of relaLed asseLs, granLs recelved for speclc depreclable asseLs are LreaLed as deferred lncome and recognlzed
ln Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss over Lhe useful llfe of relaLed asseL and ln proporuon Lo whlch depreclauon on Lhese asseLs ls
1.3.1 llxed asseLs are shown aL hlsLorlcal cosL comprlslng of purchase prlce and any aurlbuLable cosL of brlnglng Lhe asseLs Lo lLs
worklng condluon for lLs lnLended use.
1.3.2 ln Lhe case of commlssloned asseLs, deposlL works/cosL- plus conLracLs where nal seulemenL of bllls wlLh conLracLors ls yeL Lo be
aecLed, caplLallzauon ls done on provlslonal basls sub[ecL Lo necessary ad[usLmenLs ln Lhe year of nal seulemenL.
1.3.3 AsseLs and sysLems common Lo more Lhan one Lransmlsslon sysLem are caplLallsed on Lhe basls of Lechnlcal esumaLes/
1.3.4 1ransmlsslon sysLem asseLs are consldered when Lhey are '8eady for lnLended use', for Lhe purpose of caplLallzauon, aer
LesL charglng/successful commlsslonlng of Lhe sysLems/asseLs and on compleuon of sLablllzauon perlod wherever Lechnlcally
1.3.3 1he cosL of land lncludes provlslonal deposlLs, paymenLs/llablllues Lowards compensauon, rehablllLauon and oLher expenses
wherever possesslon of land ls Laken,
1.3.6 LxpendlLure on levelllng, clearlng and gradlng of land ls caplLallsed as parL of cosL of Lhe relaLed bulldlngs.
1.3.7 lnsurance spares, whlch can be used only ln connecuon wlLh an lLem of xed asseL and whose use ls expecLed Lo be aL lrregular
lnLervals are caplLallzed and depreclaLed over Lhe resldual useful llfe of Lhe relaLed planL & machlnery. ln case Lhe year of purchase
and consumpuon ls same, amounL of lnsurance spares are charged Lo revenue.
1.3.8 MandaLory spares ln Lhe naLure of sub-sLauon equlpmenLs /caplLal spares l.e. sLand-by/servlce/roLauonal equlpmenL and unlL
assemblles elLher procured along wlLh Lhe equlpmenLs or subsequenLly, are caplLallzed and depreclauon ls charged ln accordance
wlLh Lhe relevanL accounung sLandard. ln case Lhe year of purchase & consumpuon ls same, amounL of mandaLory spares are
charged Lo revenue.
1.6 CAI1AL WCkk -IN- kCGkLSS (CWI)
1.6.1 CosL of maLerlal consumed, erecuon charges Lhereon along wlLh oLher relaLed expenses lncurred for Lhe pro[ecLs are shown as
CWl ull Lhe daLe of caplLallzauon.
1.6.2 LxpendlLure of CorporaLe omce, 8eglonal Cmces and ro[ecLs, aurlbuLable Lo consLrucuon of xed asseLs are ldenued and
allocaLed on a sysLemauc basls Lo Lhe cosL of Lhe relaLed asseLs.
1.6.3 lnLeresL durlng consLrucuon and expendlLure (neL) allocaLed Lo consLrucuon as per pollcy no. 1.6.2 above (allocaLed Lo Lhe
pro[ecLs on proraLe basls Lo Lhelr caplLal expendlLure), are apporuoned Lo caplLal work ln progress (CWl) on Lhe closlng balance
of speclc asseL or parL of asseL belng caplLallzed. 8alance, lf any, le aer such caplLallzauon ls kepL as a separaLe lLem under Lhe
CWl Schedule .
1.6.4 ueposlL works/cosL-plus conLracLs are accounLed for on Lhe basls of sLaLemenL recelved from Lhe conLracLors or Lechnlcal
assessmenL of work compleLed.
1.6.3 unseuled llablllLy for prlce varlauon/ exchange raLe varlauon ln case of conLracLs are accounLed for on esumaLed basls as per
Lerms of Lhe conLracLs.
Note 1 - Accounnng o||c|es
1.7.1 1he cosL of soware (whlch ls noL an lnLegral parL of Lhe relaLed hardware) acqulred for lnLernal use and resulung ln slgnlcanL
fuLure economlc beneLs, ls recognlzed as an lnLanglble asseLs ln Lhe books of accounLs when Lhe same ls ready for lLs use.
1.7.2 AoresLauon charges pald for acqulrlng rlghL-of-way of laylng Lransmlsslon llnes are accounLed for as lnLanglble asseLs and
same are amoruzed followlng Lhe raLes and meLhodology noued by CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (CL8C) 1arl
ConsLrucuon sLores are valued aL cosL.
1.9 8CkkCWING CCS1
1.9.1 All Lhe borrowed funds (excepL shorL Lerm funds for worklng caplLal) are earmarked Lo speclc pro[ecLs. 1he borrowlng cosLs
(lncludlng bond lssue expenses, lnLeresL, dlscounL on bonds, fronL end fee, guaranLee fee, managemenL fee eLc.) are allocaLed Lo
Lhe pro[ecLs ln proporuon Lo Lhe funds so earmarked.
1.9.2 1he borrowlng cosLs so allocaLed are caplLallsed or charged Lo revenue, based on wheLher Lhe pro[ecL ls under consLrucuon or ln
1.10.1 1ransacuons ln forelgn currencles are lnlually recorded aL Lhe exchange raLe prevalllng on Lhe daLe of Lransacuon. lorelgn currency
moneLary lLems are LranslaLed wlLh reference Lo Lhe raLes of exchange rullng on Lhe daLe of Lhe 8alance SheeL. non-moneLary
lLems denomlnaLed ln forelgn currency are reporLed aL Lhe exchange raLe rullng on Lhe daLe of Lransacuon.
1.10.2 lorelgn Lxchange 8aLe varlauon (lL8v) arlslng on seulemenL / Lranslauon of forelgn currency loans relaung Lo xed asseLs/
caplLal work-ln-progress are ad[usLed Lo Lhe carrylng cosL of relaLed asseLs.
1.10.3 lL8v accounLed for as per pollcy no 1.10.2 ls recoverable/payable from Lhe beneclarles on acLual paymenL basls as per CenLral
LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (CL8C) norms w.e.f. 1sL Aprll, 2004 or uaLe of Commerclal Cperauon (uCCC) whlch ever ls
1he above lL8v Lo Lhe exLenL recoverable or payable as per Lhe CL8C norms ls accounLed for as follows:
a) lL8v recoverable/payable ad[usLed Lo carrylng cosL of xed asseLs ls accounLed for as 'ueferred forelgn currency
ucLuauon asseL/llablllLy a/c' wlLh a correspondlng credlL/deblL Lo 'ueferred lncome/expendlLure from forelgn currency
ucLuauon a/c'
b) 'ueferred lncome/expendlLure from forelgn currency ucLuauon a/c' ls amoruzed ln Lhe proporuon ln whlch depreclauon ls
charged on such lL8v.
c) 1he amounL recoverable/payable as per CL8C norms on year Lo year basls ls ad[usLed Lo Lhe 'ueferred forelgn currency
ucLuauon asseL/llablllLy a/c' wlLh correspondlng credlL/ deblL Lo Lhe Lrade recelvables.
1.10.4 lL8v earller charged Lo SLaLemenL of roL and Loss & lncluded ln Lhe caplLal cosL for Lhe purpose of Larl ls ad[usLed agalnsL
'ueferred forelgn currency ucLuauon asseL/llablllLy a/c' ln Lhe followlng manner:
l) uepreclauon componenL of Lransmlsslon charges (belng 90 of such lL8v) ls ad[usLed agalnsL ueferred forelgn currency
ucLuauon asseL/llablllLy a/c ln Lhe Lransmlsslon charges.
ll) 8alance 10 ls ad[usLed agalnsL Lhe Lransmlsslon charges over Lhe Lenure of respecuve loan.
1.10.3 lL8v arlslng ouL of seulemenL/Lranslauon of long Lerm moneLary lLems (oLher Lhan forelgn currency loans) relaung Lo xed
asseLs/CWl are ad[usLed ln Lhe carrylng cosL of relaLed asseLs.
1.10.6 lL8v arlslng durlng Lhe consLrucuon perlod from seulemenL/Lranslauon of moneLary lLems denomlnaLed ln forelgn currency (oLher
Lhan long Lerm) Lo Lhe exLenL recoverable/payable Lo Lhe beneclarles as caplLal cosL as per CL8C Larl 8egulauon are accounLed
as 'ueferred forelgn currency ucLuauon asseL/llablllLy a/c'. 1ransmlsslon charges recognlsed on such amounL ls ad[usLed agalnsL
above accounL.
1.10.7 CLher exchange dlerences are recognlzed as lncome or expenses ln Lhe perlod ln whlch Lhey arlse.
1.11.1 CurrenL lnvesLmenLs are valued aL lower of cosL and falr value deLermlned on an lndlvldual lnvesLmenL basls.
1.11.2 Long Lerm lnvesLmenLs are carrled aL cosL. rovlslon ls made for dlmlnuuon oLher Lhan Lemporary, ln Lhe value of such
1.12.1. lnvenLorles are valued aL lower of Lhe cosL, deLermlned on welghLed average basls and neL reallzable value.
1.12.2 SLeel scrap and conducLor scrap are valued aL esumaLed reallzable value or book value, whlchever ls less.
1.12.3 MandaLory spares of consumable naLure and Lransmlsslon llne lLems are LreaLed as lnvenLory aer commlsslonlng of Lhe
1.12.4 Surplus maLerlals as deLermlned by Lhe managemenL are held for lnLended use and are lncluded ln Lhe lnvenLory.
1.12.3 1he dlmlnuuon ln Lhe value of obsoleLe, unservlceable and surplus sLores and spares ls ascerLalned on revlew and provlded for.
1.13.1 1ransmlsslon lncome ls accounLed for based on Larl orders noued by Lhe CL8C. ln case of Lransmlsslon pro[ecLs where nal
Larl orders are yeL Lo be noued, Lransmlsslon lncome ls accounLed for as per Larl norms and oLher amendmenLs noued
by Lhe CL8C ln slmllar cases. ulerence, lf any, ls ad[usLed based on lssuance of nal noucauon of Larl orders by Lhe CL8C.
1ransmlsslon lncome ln respecL of addluonal caplLal expendlLure lncurred aer Lhe daLe of commerclal operauon ls accounLed
based on acLual expendlLure lncurred on year Lo year basls as per Larl norms of Lhe CL8C.
1.13.2 lncome from shorL Lerm open access ls accounLed for on Lhe basls of regulauons noued by Lhe CL8C.
1.13.3 1he 1ransmlsslon sysLem lncenuve / dlslncenuve ls accounLed for based on cerucauon of avallablllLy by Lhe respecuve 8eglonal
ower Commluees and ln accordance wlLh Lhe norms noued / approved by Lhe CL8C.
1.13.4 ADVANCL AGAINS1 DLkLCIA1ICN Advance agalnsL depreclauon (AAu), formlng parL of Larl perLalnlng upLo Lhe block perlod 2004-09, Lo faclllLaLe repaymenL
of loans, ls reduced from Lransmlsslon lncome and consldered as deferred lncome Lo be lncluded ln Lransmlsslon lncome ln
subsequenL years. 1he ouLsLandlng deferred lncome ln respecL of AAu ls recognlzed as Lransmlsslon lncome, aer Lwelve years from Lhe end of Lhe
nanclal year ln whlch Lhe asseL was commlssloned, Lo Lhe exLenL depreclauon recovered ln Lhe Larl durlng Lhe year ls lower
Lhan depreclauon charged ln Lhe accounLs.
1.13.3 Surcharge recoverable from Lrade recelvables and llquldaLed damages / warranLy clalms / lnLeresL on advances Lo suppllers are
recognlzed when no slgnlcanL uncerLalnLy as Lo measurablllLy and collecLablllLy exlsLs.
1.13.6 1elecom lncome ls accounLed for on Lhe basls of Lerms of agreemenLs/ purchase orders from Lhe cusLomers.
1.13.7 lncome from sole consulLancy conLracLs are accounLed for on Lechnlcal assessmenL of progress of servlces rendered.
1.13.8 ln respecL of 'CosL-plus-consulLancy conLracLs', lnvolvlng execuuon on behalf of Lhe cllenL, lncome ls accounLed for (wherever
lnlual advances recelved) ln phased manner as under:
a. 10 on Lhe lssue of nouce lnvlung 1ender for execuuon
b. 3 on Lhe Award of ConLracLs for execuuon
c. 8alance 83 on Lhe basls of acLual progress of work lncludlng supplles
1.13.9 lncome from Sale of Coods ls recognlzed on Lhe Lransfer of slgnlcanL rlsks and reward of ownershlp Lo Lhe buyer.
1.13.10 Appllcauon lees recelved on accounL of Long 1erm Cpen Access (L1CA) Charges ls accounLed for as and when recelved ln
accordance wlLh CL8C Culdellnes.
1.13.11 Scrap oLher Lhan sLeel scrap & conducLor scrap are accounLed for as and when sold.
1.13.12 ulvldend lncome ls recognlzed when rlghL Lo recelve paymenL ls esLabllshed.
1.14.1 SLaLe secLor unled load dlspaLch cenLre (uLuC) asseLs leased Lo Lhe beneclarles are consldered as llnance Lease. neL lnvesLmenL
ln such leased asseLs along wlLh accreuon ln subsequenL years ls accounLed for as Lease 8ecelvables under long Lerm loans &
advances. Wherever granL-ln-ald ls recelved for consLrucuon of SLaLe SecLor uLuC, lease recelvable ls accounLed for neL of such
1.14.2 llnance lncome on leased asseLs are recognlsed based on a pauern reecung a consLanL perlodlc raLe of reLurn on Lhe neL
lnvesLmenL as per Lhe levelllsed Larl noued/Lo be noued by Lhe CL8C.
1.14.3 lL8v on forelgn currency loans relaung Lo leased asseLs ls ad[usLed Lo Lhe amounL of lease recelvables and ls amorused over
Lhe remalnlng Lenure of lease. lL8v recovery (as per CL8C norms) from Lhe consuLuenLs ls recognlsed neL of such amorused
1.13.1 uepreclauon / amoruzauon ls provlded on sLralghL llne meLhod followlng Lhe raLes and meLhodology noued by Lhe CL8C for Lhe
purpose of recovery of Larl excepL for Lhe followlng asseLs ln respecL of whlch depreclauon / amoruzauon ls provlded aL Lhe raLes
menuoned below:
a) CompuLers & erlpherals 30
b) Moblle hones 33.33
c) Soware 33.33
1.13. 2 uLuC asseLs are depreclaLed on SLralghL Llne MeLhod [ 6.67 per annum as deLermlned by Lhe CL8C for levelllzed Larl.
1.13. 3 uepreclauon on asseLs of Lelecom and consulLancy buslness, ls provlded for on sLralghL llne meLhod as per raLes specled ln
Schedule xlv of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
1.13.4 uepreclauon on addluons Lo/deducuons from xed asseLs durlng Lhe year ls charged on pro-raLa basls.
1.13.3 Where Lhe cosL of depreclable asseL has undergone a change due Lo lncrease/decrease ln long Lerm moneLary lLems on accounL
of exchange raLe ucLuauon, prlce ad[usLmenL, change ln duues or slmllar facLors, Lhe unamoruzed balance of such asseL ls
depreclaLed prospecuvely aL Lhe raLes and meLhodology as specled by Lhe CL8C 1arl 8egulauons, excepL for Lelecom asseLs
where resldual llfe ls deLermlned on Lhe basls of raLes of depreclauon as specled ln Schedule xlv of Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
1.13.6 lanL and machlnery, loose Lools and lLems of sclenuc appllances, lncluded under dlerenL heads of asseLs, cosung ` 3000/- or
less, or where Lhe wrluen down value ls `3000/- or less as aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year, are charged o Lo revenue.
1.13.7 CLher xed asseLs cosung upLo ` 3000/- are fully depreclaLed ln Lhe year of acqulsluon.
1.13.8 Leasehold Land ls fully amoruzed over 23 years or lease perlod whlchever ls lower ln accordance wlLh Lhe raLes and meLhodology
specled ln Lhe CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslon (1erms and Condluons of 1arl) 8egulauons, 2009. Lease hold Land
acqulred on perpeLual lease ls noL amorused.
1.13.9 ln Lhe case of asseLs of nauonal Lhermal power corporauon llmlLed (n1C) , nauonal hydro-elecLrlc power corporauon llmlLed
(nPC), norLh-easLern elecLrlc power corporauon llmlLed (nLLCC), neyvell llgnlLe corporauon llmlLed (nLC) Lransferred w.e.f.
Aprll 1, 1992, !ammu and kashmlr Llnes w.e.f. Aprll 1, 1993, and 1ehrl hydro developmenL corporauon llmlLed (1PuC) w.e.f. AugusL
1, 1993, depreclauon ls charged based on gross block as lndlcaLed ln Lransferor's books wlLh necessary ad[usLmenLs so LhaL Lhe
llfe of Lhe asseLs as lald down ln Lhe CL8C noucauon for Larl ls malnLalned.
1.16 LkLNDI1UkL
1.16.1 re-pald/prlor-perlod expenses/lncome of lLems up Lo `100000/- are charged Lo naLural heads of accounL.
1.16.2 LxpendlLure of research and developmenL, oLher Lhan CaplLal LxpendlLure , are charged Lo revenue ln Lhe year of lncurrence.
1.16.3 CaplLal expendlLure on asseLs noL owned by Lhe company ls charged o Lo revenue as and when lncurred.
Cash generaung unlLs as dened ln Accounung SLandard -28 on 'lmpalrmenL of AsseLs' are ldenued aL Lhe balance sheeL daLe
wlLh respecL Lo carrylng amounL vls-a-vls. recoverable amounL Lhereof and lmpalrmenL loss, lf any, ls recognlsed ln SLaLemenL of
proL & loss. lmpalrmenL loss, lf need Lo be reversed subsequenLly, ls accounLed for ln Lhe year of reversal.
1.18.1 Company conLrlbuuon pald/payable durlng Lhe year Lo dened penslon conLrlbuuon scheme and provldenL fund scheme ls
recognlzed ln Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss. 1he same ls pald Lo a fund admlnlsLered Lhrough a separaLe LrusL.
1.18.2 1he llablllLy for reuremenL beneLs of employees ln respecL of CraLulLy, ls ascerLalned annually on acLuarlal valuauon aL Lhe year
end, ls provlded and funded separaLely.
1.18.3 1he llablllues for compensaLed absences, leave encashmenL, posL reuremenL medlcal beneLs, seulemenL allowance & farewell
gl Lo employees are ascerLalned annually on acLuarlal valuauon aL Lhe year end and provlded for.
1.18.4 ShorL Lerm employee beneL are recognlzed aL Lhe undlscounLed amounL ln Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss ln Lhe year ln whlch
Lhe relaLed servlces are rendered.
1.18.3 AcLuarlal galns/losses are recognlzed lmmedlaLely ln Lhe SLaLemenL of roL & Loss.
A provlslon ls recognlzed when Lhe company has a presenL obllgauon as a resulL of pasL evenL and lL ls probable LhaL an ouulow
of resources wlll be requlred Lo seule Lhe obllgauon, ln respecL of whlch a rellable esumaLe can be made based on Lechnlcal
valuauon and pasL experlence. rovlslons are noL dlscounLed Lo lLs presenL value and are deLermlned based on managemenL
esumaLe requlred Lo seule Lhe obllgauon aL Lhe balance sheeL daLe. no provlslon ls recognlzed for llablllues whose fuLure ouLcome
cannoL be ascerLalned wlLh reasonable cerLalnues. Such conungenL llablllues are noL recognlzed buL are dlsclosed on Lhe basls of
[udgmenL of Lhe managemenL /lndependenL experL. 1hese are revlewed aL each balance sheeL daLe and ad[usLed Lo reecL Lhe
currenL managemenL esumaLe.
1.20 INCCML 1Ak
lncome 1ax comprlses of currenL and deferred Lax. CurrenL lncome Laxes are measured aL Lhe amounL expecLed Lo be pald Lo
Lhe lncome Lax auLhorlues ln accordance wlLh lncome 1ax AcL, 1961. ueferred Lax resulung from umlng dlerence beLween
accounung and Laxable proL ls accounLed for uslng Lhe Lax raLes and Lhe Lax laws enacLed or subsLanuvely enacLed aL Lhe balance
sheeL daLe. ueferred Lax asseLs are recognlzed only Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL Lhere ls reasonable cerLalnLy LhaL sumclenL fuLure Laxable
lncome wlll be avallable agalnsL whlch such deferred Lax asseLs can be reallzed.
Note 2.1 - Share cap|ta|
Note 2.2 - keserves and surp|us
As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
As at 31

No.of Shares Amount ( ` |n crore) No.of Shares Amount ( ` |n crore)
Ior the year ended 31
March, 2013 Ior the year ended 31
March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
Lqu|ty Share Cap|ta|
Author|sed Cap|ta|
10000000000 equlLy shares of ` 10/- each 10000.00 10000.00
Issued, Subscr|bed and pa|d up
4629723333 (revlous ?ear 4629723333) equlLy shares of ` 10/-each fully pald up 4629.73 4629.73
1ota| 4629.73 4629.73
Iurther Notes:
1) 8econclllauon of number and amounL of share caplLal ouLsLandlng aL Lhe beglnnlng and aL Lhe end of Lhe reporung perlod
Shares ouLsLandlng aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year 4629723333 4629.73 4629723333 4629.73
Shares lssued durlng Lhe year - - - -
Shares boughL back durlng Lhe year - - - -
Shares ouLsLandlng aL Lhe end of Lhe year 4629723333 4629.73 4629723333 4629.73
2) 1he holders of equlLy shares are enuLled Lo recelve dlvldends as declared from ume Lo ume and are enuLled Lo voung rlghLs
proporuonaLe Lo Lhelr shareholdlng aL meeungs of Lhe Company.
3) 1he CovernmenL of lndla holds 3214024212(revlous ?ear 3214024212) equlLy shares represenung 69.42 (revlous year 69.42)
of Lhe LoLal equlLy shares of Lhe Company and no oLher share holder of Lhe Company holds more Lhan 3 of Lhe equlLy shares ln Lhe
currenL year and ln Lhe preceedlng year.
Secur|nes rem|um keserve
As per lasL balance sheeL 4873.13 4873.13
Addluons durlng Lhe year - -
ueducuons durlng Lhe year - -
Closlng 8alance 4873.13 4873.13

8onds kedempnon keserve
As per lasL balance sheeL 3224.03 2368.04
Addluons durlng Lhe year 1166.79 969.49
ueducuons durlng Lhe year 383.33 313.30
Closlng 8alance 4003.29 3224.03

Se|f Insurance keserve
1hrough appropr|anon
As per lasL balance sheeL 231.38 211.43
Addluons durlng Lhe year 33.38 43.83
ueducuons durlng Lhe year 0.46 3.92
Closlng 8alance 304.30 231.38
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
Note 2.2 - keserves and surp|us (Contd...)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
1hrough charge to roht
As per lasL balance sheeL 69.31 66.20
Addluons durlng Lhe year - 3.92
ueducuons durlng Lhe year 0.33 0.81
Closlng 8alance 68.96 69.31
373.46 320.69
Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty( CSk) Acnv|ty keserve
As per lasL balance sheeL - 13.22
Addluons durlng Lhe year 11.26 -
ueducuons/Ad[usLmenLs durlng Lhe year (13.26) 13.22
Closlng 8alance 26.32 -
Genera| keserve
As per lasL balance sheeL 10430.73 8988.08
Addluons durlng Lhe year 1911.39 1439.61
ueducuons durlng Lhe year -0.22 -3.06
Closlng 8alance 12362.36 10430.73
Load Despatch & Commun|canon (LDC) Deve|opment Iund
As per LasL 8alance SheeL 70.24 46.29
Addluons durlng Lhe year 38.14 23.93
ueducuons durlng Lhe year - -
Closlng 8alance 108.38 70.24
Cap|ta| keserve
As per LasL 8alance SheeL 1.83 0.70
Addluons durlng Lhe year - 1.26
ueducuons durlng Lhe year 0.12 0.11
Closlng 8alance 1.73 1.83
Short 1erm Cpen Access( S1CA) keserve
As per LasL 8alance SheeL - -
Addluons durlng Lhe year 276.34 219.88
ueducuons durlng Lhe year (belng uullsauon of S1CA lncome (neL of 1axes)
(noLe no.2.23) ln accordence wlLh Lhe CL8C (Cpen Access lnLer sLaLe
Lransmlsslon) 8egulauons, 2008 as amended upLo daLe) 276.34 219.88
Closlng 8alance - -
21732.89 18942.71
Surp|us(8a|ance |n statement of roht and |oss)
As per lasL balance sheeL 10.77 18.73
roL aer Lax as per SLaLemenL of roL and Loss 4312.61 3302.99
1ransfer from 8ond 8edempuon 8eserve 383.33 313.30
1ransfer from S1CA 8eserve 276.34 219.88
1ransfer from Self lnsurance 8eserve 0.46 -
(` ln Crore)
CS8 Acuvlues 8eserve - 13.22
ulvldend Ad[usLmenL 48.16 44.72
ulvldend Lax ad[usLed - 0.30
Less: Approprlauons
S1CA 8eserve 276.34 219.88
8onds 8edempuon 8eserve 1166.79 969.49
CS8 Acuvlues 8eserve 26.32 -
LuC uevelopmenL 8eserve 38.14 23.93
Self lnsurance 8eserve 33.38 43.83
ulvldend Lax ad[usLed 0.73 -
Ceneral 8eserve 1911.39 1439.61
lnLerlm dlvldend 778.64 399.06
ulvldend Lax on lnLerlm dlvldend 126.27 63.46
roposed ulvldend 342.74 621.41
ulvldend Lax on roposed ulvldend 92.24 100.06
Closlng 8alance 20.49 10.77
1C1AL 21773.38 189S3.48
a) Advance AgalnsL uepreclauon 2143.34 2192.16
b) CranLs ln ald 117.33 140.39
c) ueferred lncome/(expendlLure) from lorelgn Currency llucLuauon(neL) 1303.61 493.17
1C1AL 3766.48 282S.92
A1) Secured (1axable, 8edeemable, non-Cumulauve, non-Converuble)
A1.1 l) 8onds of ` 10 Lakh each
kkkIk Issue- 9.40 redeemab|e at par on 29.03.2027 1800.00 1800.00*
kkkVIII Issue- 9.2S redeemab|e at par on 09.03.2027 833.00 833.00*
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl passu on lmmovable
properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu 1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL
and oaung charge on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
ll) 8onds of ` 1.3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of ` 12.30 Lakhs
each redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual lnsLalmenLs.
kLI Issue-8.8S redeemab|e w.e.f. 19.10.2016 2842.30 -
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl passu on lmmovable
properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu 1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL
and oaung charge on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.

As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.2 - keserves and surp|us (Contd...)
Note 2.3 - Deferred kevenue
Note 2.4-Long-term borrow|ngs
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.4-Long-term borrow|ngs (contd...)
lll) 8onds of ` 1.30 crore each, conslsung of 13 S18s of ` 10.00 Lakhs
each redeemable aL par ln 13 (een) equal annual lnsLalmenLs
kkkVI Issue- 9.3S redeemab|e w.e.f. 29.08.2016 3090.00 3090.00
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl passu on lmmovable
properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu 1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL
and oaung charge on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
lv) 8onds of ` 1.3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of ` 12.30 Lakhs
each redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual lnsLalmenLs.
kL Issue-9.30 redeemab|e w.e.f. 28.06.2016 3997.30 -
kkkVII Issue- 9.2S redeemab|e w.e.f 26.12.201S 1993.00 1993.00
kkkV Issue- 9.64 redeemab|e w.e.f 31.0S.201S 1937.30 1937.30
kkkIV Issue- 8.84 redeemab|e w.e.f 21.10.2014 3487.30 3487.30
kkkIII Issue- 8.64 redeemab|e w.e.f 08.07.2014 2880.00 2880.00
kkkII Issue- 8.84 redeemab|e w.e.f 29.03.2014 948.73 1033.00
kkkI Issue- 8.90 redeemab|e w.e.f 2S.02.2014 1876.88 2047.30
kkk Issue- 8.80 redeemab|e w.e.f 29.09.2013 2138.12 2332.30
kkIk Issue- 9.20 redeemab|e w.e.f 12.03.2013 1081.23 1189.37
kkVIII Issue- 9.33 redeemab|e w.e.f 1S.12.2012 2000.00 2200.00
kkVII Issue- 9.47 redeemab|e w.e.f 31.03.2012 328.73 387.30
kkVI Issue- 9.30 redeemab|e w.e.f 07.03.2012 749.23 832.30
kkV Issue- 10.10 redeemab|e w.e.f 12.06.2011 798.73 887.30
kkIV Issue- 9.9S redeemab|e w.e.f 26.03.2011 333.00 399.63
kkIII Issue- 9.2S redeemab|e w.e.f 09.02.2011 203.00 230.63
kkII Issue- 8.68 redeemab|e w.e.f 07.12.2010 460.00 317.30
kkI Issue- 8.73 redeemab|e w.e.f 11.10.2010 340.00 382.30
kk Issue- 8.93 redeemab|e w.e.f 07.09.2010 1000.00 1123.00
kIk Issue- 9.2S redeemab|e w.e.f 24.07.2010 330.00 371.23
kVIII Issue- 8.1S redeemab|e w.e.f 09.03.2010 382.73 666.00
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl passu on lmmovable
properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu 1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL
and oaung charge on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
v) 8onds of ` 1.00 crore each, conslsung of 10 S18s of ` 10.00 Lakhs
each redeemable aL par ln 10 (Len) equal annual lnsLalmenLs.
kVII Issue- 7.39 redeemab|e w.e.f 22.09.2009 300.00 600.00
kVI Issue- 7.10 redeemab|e w.e.f 18.02.2009 300.00 373.00
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl passu on lmmovable
properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu 1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL
and oaung charge on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
vl) 8onds of ` 1.3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of ` 12.30 Lakhs
each redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual lnsLalmenLs.
kV Issue-6.68 redeemab|e w.e.f. 23.02.2008 373.00 430.00
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl passu
on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu 1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL
valsad Cu[araL and oaung charge on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
A1.2 8onds of ` 1.3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of ` 12.30 lakh each
redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual lnsLalmenLs
kIII |ssue-8.63 redeemab|e w.e.f 31.07.2006 270.00 337.30
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl-passu
on lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu 1aluka kaparada ln ulsLrlcL
valsad Cu[araL and morLgage & hypoLhecauon on asseLs of klshenpur Moga &
uulhasu Conungency 1ransmlsslon SysLem
A1.3 8onds of ` 1.3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of ` 12.30 lakh each
redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual lnsLalmenLs
(` ln Crore)
kII |ssue-.9.70 redeemab|e w.e.f 28.03.2006 46.12 61.30
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl-passu on lmmovable
properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu 1aluka kaparada ln ulsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL
and morLgage and hypoLhecauon on asseLs of kayamkulam & 8amagundam
Pyderabad 1ransmlsslon SysLem
A1.4 8onds of ` 3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of ` 23 lakh each
redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual lnsLalmenLs
kI |ssue-9.80 redeemab|e w.e.f 07-12-200S 133.73 181.00
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl-passu on lmmovable
properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu 1aluka kaparada ln ulsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL
and morLgage & hypoLhecauon on asseLs of AnLa,Aurlya, Moga-8hlwanl,
Chamera-klshenpur, Sasaram-Allahbad, LlLC of Slngraulll-kanpur and Allahbad
8onds of `.1000/-each redeemable aL par ln 10(1en) equal annual
A1.S VIII |ssue-10.3S redeemab|e w.e.f. 27.04.200S 2.00 4.00
Secured by oaung charge over Lhe llxed AsseLs of Lhe Company
8onds of ` 1.3 crore each conslsung of 12 S18s of ` 12.30 Lakhs
each redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal annual lnsLalmenLs.
A1.6 kIV |ssue-6.10 redeemab|e w.e.f 17.07.2004 116.30 174.73
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl passu on lmmovable
properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu 1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL
and oaung charge on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
A1.7 8onds of ` 12 lakh each redeemable aL par ln 12 (Lwelve) equal
annual lnsLalmenLs
k |ssue-10.90 redeemab|e w.e.f 21.06.2004 126.92 190.38
Secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl passu on lmmovable
properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu 1aluka kaparada ln ulsLrlcL valsad Cu[araL
and morLgage & hypoLhecauon of Lhe asseLs of C1-larakka & Chamera
1ransmlsslon sysLem
38349.79 33443.31
A2) 1o be Secured (1axab|e, kedeemab|e, Non-Cumu|anve, Non-Convernb|e)
A2.1 8edeemable 8onds of ` 10 Lakh each
kLII Issue-8.80 redeemab|e at par on 13.03.2023 1990.00 -
1o be secured by way of 8eglsLered 8ond 1rusL ueed ranklng parl passu on
lmmovable properLy slLuaLed aL Mou[e Ambheu 1aluka kaparada ln dlsLrlcL
valsad Cu[araL and oaung charge on Lhe asseLs of Lhe company.
1990.00 -
A3) Unsecured
A3.1 8edeemable lorelgn Currency 8onds
3.87S Iore|gn Currency 8onds to be redeemed at par on 17.01.2023 2743.30 -
1ota| (A) 4308S.29 33443.S1
8) 1erm |oans from 8anks
81) kupee Loan (Secured)
81.1 |) Corporanon 8ank - 3.00
||) un[ab Nanona| 8ank-Loan-II 30.00 73.00
|||) Cr|enta| 8ank of Commerce 41.67 62.30
Secured by a oaung charge on Lhe xed asseLs of Lhe Company
81.2 |) L|ne of Cred|t (LCC) from State 8ank of Ind|a 1300.00 1000.00*
Secured by way of parl passu charge on assesL of Lhe company excepL
lnvesLmenLs, Land and 8ulldlngs and CurrenL AsseLs.
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.4-Long-term borrow|ngs (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.4-Long-term borrow|ngs (contd...)
||) State 8ank of Ind|a 102.13 113.81
|||) Centra| 8ank of Ind|a 32.22 33.33
|v) Iammu and kashm|r 8ank 21.48 23.36
v) un[ab Nanona| 8ank 42.93 47.11
Secured by a PypoLhecauon of !v Company (!ayee ower Crld LLd and
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd.) Movable asseLs, lnLanglble AsseLs and CurrenL
v|) 8ank of 8aroda 42.41 47.70
Secured by rsL parl passu charge over Lhe Movable asseLs of !v Company
(1orrenL owergrld LLd.)

v||) Cther 8anks 83.00 60.94
Secured by llrsL morLgage and charge on all Lhe lmmovable and movable asseLs
of !v Company (1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LLd. )
1ota| (81) 191S.86 1470.9S
82) Iore|gn Currency Loans(Secured)
82.1 8ank of Ind|a Cayman Is|ands 260.10 271.73
Secured by a lloaung charge on Lhe lmmovable properues of Lhe company
82.2 |) Nord|c Investment 8ank (ILS120) 336.71 470.19*
||) AD8-VIII (2788-IND) 124.86
Secured by parl passu lnLeresL ln Lhe llens creaLed on Lhe asseLs as securlLy for
Lhe debLs.
|||) As|an deve|poment 8ank 39.90 71.88
Secured by rsL parlpasu charge on Langlble/ lnLanglble, all movable asseLs &
currenL asseLs of !v Company ( owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd.)
Guaranteed by Government of Ind|a
82.3 lrom Aslan uevelopmenL 8ank (Au8)
AD8-I (140S-IND) 146.13 262.03
AD8-II (1764-IND) 892.71 919.02
AD8-III (21S2-IND) 1847.37 1768.63
AD8-IV (241S-IND) 1764.94 1348.74*
AD8-V (2S10-IND) 318.64 340.14*
lrom lnLernauonal 8ank for 8econsLrucuon and uevelopmenL (l88u)
SD-II (4603-IN) 1489.44 1342.33
SD-III (4813-IN) 1861.39 1839.81
SD-IV (4890-IN) 2970.23 2683.06
SD-IV (Add|.) (7S93-IN) 1668.72 1486.81
SD-V (7787-IN) 1706.89 878.91
Secured by parl passu lnLeresL ln Lhe llen creaLed on Lhe asseLs as securlLy
for Lhe debLs.
82.4 SD-I (3S77-IN) - 70.06
Secured by equlLable morLgage of lmmovable properues and hypoLhecauon of
movable properues of vlndhyachal and 8lhand 1ransmlsslon sysLem.
1ota| 82 1S868.4S 1397S.36
(` ln Crore)
83) Iore|gn Currency Loans(1o 8e Secured)
83.1 lrom Aslan uevelopmenL 8ank (Au8) (CuaranLeed by CovernmenL of lndla)
AD8-VI (2823-IND) 96.03 -
AD8-VII (2787-IND) 212.61 -
83.2 lrom CLher 8anks
Inernanona| I|nance Corporanon 1208.02 -
ICI Debt oo| LL 274.33 -
1o be Secured by parl passu lnLeresL ln Lhe llen creaLed on Lhe asseLs as
securlLy for Lhe debLs.
1ota| 83 1791.23 -
84) Iore|gn currency |oans (Unsecured)
84.1 Skand|nav|ska Lnsk||da 8anken A8(pub|) Sweden 67.03 82.32
A8 Svensk Lxportkred|t,Sweden 382.42 -
84.2 Guaranteed by Government of Ind|a
Nanx|s 8anque (Iormere|y Cred|t Nanona|) Irance 98.01 104.68
Iapan Internanona| Cooperanon Agency(Iormer|y Iapan 8ank for
Internanona| Cooperanon ) Iapan 138.43 161.09
Luropean Investment 8ank Luxembourg - 21.29
1ota| (84) 68S.89 369.S8
1ota| 8 20261.43 1S81S.89
C Term Loan From Others
kupee Loans (Secured)
C1 L|fe Insurance Corporanon of Ind|a-II 110.32 171.10
L|fe Insurance Corporanon of Ind|a-III 3.32 9.91
Secured by a oaung charge on Lhe xed asseLs of Lhe Company.
Internanona| I|nance Corporanon 67.37 80.84
IDFC 30.61 60.74
Secured by way of rsL charge ranklng parlpasu on Langlble/lnLanglble on all
movable asseLs & currenL asseLs of !v company (owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd)
ower I|nance Corporanon L|m|ted 411.97 323.73
kura| L|ectr|hcanon corporanon 39.83 20.88
Secured by llrsL MorLgage of lmmovable properues and PypoLhecauon of all
movable asseLs and currenL asseLs of !v company (arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon
Company LLd & norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed)
683.42 667.22
Iore|gn Currency Loan (Unsecured)
C2 kred|tansta|t fur W|ederaumau Germany - 79.11
- 79.11
1ota| C 683.42 746.33
1C1AL (A 1C C) 64030.14 S000S.73
Iurther notes:
1he 1erm loans are repayable ln lnsLallmenLs as per Lhe Lerms of respecuve agreemenL generally over Lhe perlod of 10 Lo 20
years aer Lhe moraLorlum perlod of 3 Lo 3 years.
*ln prevlous year shown as Lo be secured. Securlues for Lhese are creaLed ln CurrenL ?ear.
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.4-Long-term borrow|ngs (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.8 - Short-term borrow|ngs
Short Term Loans
lrom 8anks
Secured* 6.97 8.28
unsecured 2000.00 1630.00
From Others
unsecured 20.09 -
1ota| 2027.06 16S8.28
* Secured by hypoLhlcauon of xed deposlLs and movable asseLs of Lhe !olnL venLure Companles
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.S - Deferred tax ||ab|||nes (Net)
As at 31

As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.6 - Cther Long term ||ab|||nes
Note 2.7 - Long-term prov|s|ons
Deferred 1ax ||ab|||ty
1owards llxed AsseLs( neL) (A) SS49.19 3099.23

Deferred 1ax Assets
lncome durlng ConsLrucuon erlod 86.38 44.26
Self lnsurance 8eserve 22.22 21.21
rovlslons allowable on paymenL basls 68.82 143.27
Advance AgalnsL uepreclauon 711.78 693.33
CLhers 9.48 3.13
Sub-tota| (8) 898.88 907.42
Deferred 1ax L|ab|||ty (Net) ( A-8) 46S0.31 4191.83
Less : kecoverab|e from 8enehc|ar|es 267S.28 2397.27
Net Deferred 1ax L|ab|||ty 197S.03 1394.36
neL lncrease ln deferred Lax llablllLy of `380.47 Crore (revlous year `430.42 Crore) has been charged Lo Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss.
Cther ||ab|||nes
l) ueposlLs /8eLenuon money from conLracLors and oLhers. 312.84 614.19
Less: lnvesLmenLs held as securlLy - 0.34
312.84 613.83
ll) Advance from cusLomers (ConsulLancy conLracLs) 448.33 471.84
lll) uues for CaplLal LxpendlLure 28.33 304.08
lv) CLhers 46.90 72.48
1ota| 1036.80 1462.23
Iurther Notes: 8ased on Lhe lnformauon avallable wlLh Lhe company, Lhere are no suppllers/servlce provlders who are reglsLered as mlcro, small or
medlum enLerprlses under 1he Mlcro, Small and Medlum LnLerprlses uevelopmenL AcL, 2006" as aL 31
March, 2013 and as aL 31
March, 2012.
Lmp|oyee 8enehts
As per lasL balance sheeL 448.93 340.82
Addluons durlng Lhe year 449.29 108.21
AmounLs uullsed/pald durlng Lhe year 428.33 0.08
Closlng 8alance 469.89 448.93
1C1AL 469.89 448.9S
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.9 - 1rade payab|es
Note 2.10 - Cther current ||ab|||nes
lor goods and servlces 238.04 234.60
1ota| 2S8.04 234.60
Iurther Notes:
8ased on Lhe lnformauon avallable wlLh Lhe company, Lhere are no suppllers/servlce provlders who are reglsLered as mlcro, small
or medlum enLerprlses under 1he Mlcro, Small and Medlum LnLerprlses uevelopmenL AcL, 2006" as aL 31
March, 2013 and as
aL 31
March, 2012.
A) Current matur|nes of Long 1erm borrow|ngs
8onds 1933.71 1340.11
8upee 1erm Loans 170.81 219.04
lorelgn Currency Loans 849.44 708.41
2933.96 2467.36
8upee 1erm Loans - 3.00
lorelgn Currency Loans 222.24 218.87
222.24 223.87
8) Interest Accrued 8ut Not Due Cn borrow|ngs Irom
lndlan 8anks llnanclal lnsuLuuons & Corporauons 29.76 29.02
lorelgn 8anks & llnanclal lnsuLuuons 40.10 41.47
Secured/unsecured redeemable 8onds 1388.94 1211.97
C) Cthers 1638.80 1282.46
l) uues for CaplLal LxpendlLure 2822.24 1224.49
ll) Lmployee relaLed llablllues 68.44 4.34
lll) unpald maLured bonds 0.09 0.08
lv) unclalmed ulvldends 8.46 3.93
v) ueposlLs/8eLenuon money from conLracLors and oLhers. 2183.29 1386.67
Less: lnvesLmenLs held as securlLy 3.98 0.73
2177.31 1383.92
vl) Advance from cusLomers ( ConsulLancy conLracLs) 2230.48 1819.33
vll) SLaLuLory dues 118.23 76.09
vlll) 8elaLed parues 22.99 30.04
lx) Llablllues ln respecL of deslgnaLed a/c operaLed and
malnLalned ln Lerms of CL8C 8egulauons 203.73 426.64
x) CLhers 133.73 23.49
7783.74 3198.33
1ota| 12620.74 9172.44
lurLher noLes:
8reakup of relaLed parues ls provlded ln noLe 2.43(b)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2012
Note 2.11 - Short-term prov|s|ons
a) Lmp|oyee 8enehts
|) 1ransm|ss|on |ncennve]spec|a| |ncennve
As per lasL balance sheeL 223.38 199.47
Addluon durlng Lhe year 137.62 137.22
AmounL pald/ad[usLed durlng Lhe year 232.31 111.11
Closlng 8alance 130.69 223.38
||) kenrement beneht]Wage rev|s|on
As per lasL balance sheeL 100.73 67.32
Addluons durlng Lhe year - 33.43
AmounLs uullsed/pald durlng Lhe year 100.73 -
Closlng 8alance - 100.73
|||) Cther Lmp|oyee 8enehts
(Leave Lncashment, Seu|ement A||owance and Long Serv|ce Award etc.)
As per lasL balance sheeL 26.31 29.86
Addluons durlng Lhe year 23.08 9.99
AmounLs uullsed/pald durlng Lhe year 22.22 13.34
Closlng 8alance 27.37 26.31
1ota| (A) 1S8.06 3S2.84
b) Cthers
|) 1axanon (Inc|ud|ng |nterest on 1ax )
As per lasL balance sheeL 31.26 1600.33
Addluons durlng Lhe year 1122.47 938.81
AmounL ad[usLed durlng Lhe year (1343.01) 480.33
neL o agalnsL Laxes pald (noLe 2.23) 2716.74 2007.73
Closlng 8alance - 31.26
||) roposed D|v|dend
As per lasL balance sheeL 621.41 397.83
Addluons durlng Lhe year 342.74 621.41
AmounLs pald durlng Lhe year 621.41 397.83
Closlng 8alance 342.74 621.41
|||) 1ax on roposed D|v|dend
As per lasL balance sheeL 100.80 96.97
Addluons durlng Lhe year 92.24 100.80
AmounLs pald/ad[usLed durlng Lhe year 100.80 96.97
Closlng 8alance 92.24 100.80
|v) Downnme Serv|ce Cred|t-1e|ecom
As per lasL balance sheeL 3.21 2.46
Addluons durlng Lhe year 1.71 0.73
AmounLs ad[usLed/pald durlng Lhe year 1.18 -
Closlng 8alance 3.74 3.21
v) rov|s|on for Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty (CSk) Acnv|ty
As per lasL balance sheeL 13.26 -
Addluons durlng Lhe year - 13.26
AmounLs ad[usLed/pald durlng Lhe year 13.26 -
Closlng 8alance - 13.26
v|) rov|s|on Cthers
As per lasL balance sheeL 1.33 0.13
Addluons durlng Lhe year 0.01 1.44
AmounLs ad[usLed/pald durlng Lhe year 1.33 0.04
Closlng 8alance 0.01 1.33
1ota| (8) 638.73 793.47
1ota| (A+8) 796.79 1146.31
(` ln Crore)
Gross 8|ock Deprec|anon]Amornsanon Net 8|ock
As at 31

As at 31
As at 31
Sa|e ]
dur|ng the
Upto 31

As at 31
the year
the year
As at 1

Sa|e ]
the year
Note 2.12 - 1ang|b|e assets
a) lreehold 1191.07 143.69 - (19.47) 13S4.23 - - - - - 13S4.23 1191.07
b) Leasehold 211.38 30.88 - (9.43) 2S1.91 17.93 8.31 - (0.33) 26.81 22S.10 193.63
a) Sub-SLauons 309.30 33.71 - (7.43) S72.66 133.33 19.83 - 0.13 173.2S 399.41 333.93
& Cmce
b) 1ownshlp 413.74 34.98 - (6.31) 4SS.23 97.78 16.99 - (0.96) 11S.73 339.S0 313.96
c) 8LuC 9.87 0.61 - (0.10) 10.S8 1.90 0.23 - 2.13 8.4S 7.97
1emporary Lrecuon 9.28 0.32 - 1.94 7.66 9.27 0.33 - 1.93 7.6S 0.01 0.01
8oads & 8rldges 127.86 12.69 - 0.94 139.61 33.97 6.03 - (0.03) 40.0S 99.S6 93.89
WaLer Supply uralnage 81.17 12.83 - 0.07 93.9S 22.73 3.43 - (0.16) 26.32 67.63 38.44
& Sewerage
|ant & Lqu|pment
a) 1ransmlsslon 40416.34 7832.20 - (781.06) 49029.60 8981.01 2190.39 - 26.17 1114S.43 37884.17 31433.33
b) SubsLauon 18864.18 7780.74 - (333.06) 27179.98 3696.84 1144.60 - (18.37) 68S9.81 20320.17 13167.34
c)unled Load 382.00 29.09 0.04 173.77 43S.28 463.32 32.19 0.02 189.46 308.23 127.0S 116.48
uespaLch &
d) 1elecom 1224.81 102.34 - (39.34) 1366.69 443.33 73.30 - (0.17) S17.22 849.47 781.26
lurnlLure llxLures 77.81 9.14 0.10 0.37 86.28 34.83 4.68 0.06 0.04 39.41 46.87 42.98
Cmce equlpmenL 77.41 11.97 0.18 (0.33) 89.SS 34.37 4.76 0.09 0.03 39.19 S0.36 42.84
LlecLronlc uaLa 84.27 21.33 0.21 0.69 104.92 38.72 10.43 0.16 (0.47) 69.46 3S.46 23.33
rocesslng & Word
rocesslng Machlnes
vehlcles 3.23 0.22 0.28 0.16 S.01 2.28 0.39 0.22 0.12 2.33 2.68 2.93
ConsLrucuon and 103.44 28.96 0.14 (0.60) 132.86 23.34 6.00 0.04 (0.06) 31.36 101.S0 78.10
LlecLrlcal lnsLallauon 86.36 31.29 - 0.43 117.42 32.39 4.73 - (0.47) 37.61 79.81 34.17
LaboraLory 36.49 7.84 - - 64.33 28.33 2.34 - (0.03) 30.92 33.41 28.14
Workshop & 1esung 21.37 1.12 - (0.03) 22.S4 14.36 0.46 - - 14.82 7.72 7.01
Mlscellaneous 0.62 0.23 0.03 - 0.82 0.23 0.04 0.02 - 0.2S 0.S7 0.39
1ota| 64134.60 16148.42 0.98 (1219.07) 81S21.11 16133.14 3330.12 0.61 196.67 19487.98 62033.13 47999.46
Less: rovlslon for 10.47 - - - 10.47 8.71 - - - 8.71 1.76 1.76
asseLs dlscarded
Grand 1ota| 64144.13 16148.42 0.98 (1219.07) 81S10.64 16146.43 3330.12 0.61 196.67 19479.27 62031.37 47997.70
rev|ous ear 31197.31 12334.93 2.31 (624.67) 64134.60 13317.43 2631.21 1.70 11.82 16133.14 47999.46
Less: rovlslon for 10.47 - - - 10.47 8.71 - - - 8.71 1.76
asseLs dlscarded
1ota| 31186.84 12334.93 2.31 (624.67) 64144.13 13308.74 2631.21 1.70 11.82 16146.43 47997.70
Iurther Notes:
a) 1he company owns 3937 hecLare (prevlous ?ear 3377 hecLare) of land amounung Lo ` 1606.14 crore (prevlous ?ear ` 1402.63 crore) whlch has been classled lnLo
freehold `1334.23 crore (prevlous year ` 1191.07 crore) and leasehold ` 231.91 crore (prevlous year ` 211.38 crore) based on avallable documenLauon
b) l) 1he land classled as leasehold land held ln Lhe SLaLe of !ammu and kashmlr amounung Lo ` 39.72 crore (revlous ?ear ` 34.60 crore) ls acqulred by sLaLe
CovernmenL as per procedures under SLaLe Land Acqulsluon AcL. As per prevalllng law Lhe saLe governmenL remalns Lhe owner of Lhe land so acqulred and
company ls only glven possesslon for Lhe speclc use.
ll) 1he Lransmlsslon sysLem slLuaLed ln Lhe sLaLe of !ammu and kashmlr have been Laken over by Lhe company w.e.f 1sL Aprll 1993 from nauonal PydroelecLrlc ower
Corporauon of lndla LLd. (nPC) upon muLually agreed Lerms pendlng compleuon of legal formallues.
c) lreehold land lncludes ` 33.32 crore (prevlous year ` 33.71 crore) and ` 32.39 crore (prevlous year ` 27.31 crore) ln respecL of land acqulred by Lhe Company for
whlch conveyance deed ln favour of Lhe Company and muLauon ln revenue record respecuvely ls pendlng.
d) Leasehold land lncludes ` 7.64 crore (prevlous year ` 7.64 crore) ln respecL of land acqulred for omce complex on perpeLual lease basls wlLh an unllmlLed useful llfe
aL kaLwarla Saral, new uelhl and hence noL amorused
e) Leasehold land lncludes ` 13.97 crore (prevlous year `.13.97 crore ) ln respecL of land acqulred by Lhe company for whlch legal formallues are pendlng.
f) lreehold land lncludes 0.16 hecLare land valulng ` 0.03 crore whlch ls noL ln possesslon of Lhe Company due Lo encroachmenL by farmers. Company ls Laklng
approprlaLe acuon for repossesslon of Lhe same.
g) 1ownshlp bulldlngs lncludes ` 7.27 crore (prevlous year ` 7.27 crore) for 28 aLs aL Mumbal, for whlch reglsLrauon ln favour of Lhe company ls pendlng.
h) lanL and machlnery under subsLauon ln xed asseLs lncludes companys share of ` 3.8 crore (prevlous year ` 3.8 crore) ln common servlces and faclllues of
400 kv sub-sLauons of uuar radesh sLaLe elecLrlclLy board (uSL8) and 8a[asLhan sLaLe elecLrlclLy board (8SL8) pendlng execuuon of formal agreemenLs for [olnL
(` ln Crore)
Gross 8|ock Deprec|anon]Amornsanon Net 8|ock
As at 31

As at 31

March, 2013
dur|ng the year
As at 1

Apr||, 2012
Add|nons Ad[ustments
As at 31
As at 31
Sa|e ]
dur|ng the
Upto 31
As at 31
the year
the year
As at 1

Sa|e ]
the year
Note 2.13 - Intang|b|e assets
Note 2.14 - Cap|ta| work |n progress
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
LlecLronlc uaLa 7.69 4.01 - (0.34) 12.24 3.90 2.36 - (0.33) 6.79 3.43 3.79
rocesslng Sofware
8lghL of 367.37 219.47 - (13.40) 600.24 47.03 22.76 - - 69.81 330.43 320.32
Lxpenses - 1.26 (191.39) 192.83 - 2.12 - (189.49) 191.61 1.24 -
SCAuA Soware
1ota| 37S.06 224.74 (20S.S3) 80S.33 S0.9S 27.44 - (189.82) 268.21 S37.12 324.11
revlous ?ear 273.39 97.21 (2.26) 373.06 21.70 17.77 - (11.48) 30.93 324.11
uevelopmenL of land 86.73 38.07 39.80 34.82 30.20
a) Sub-SLauons & Cmce 67.68 117.02 3.90 33.46 123.34
b) 1ownshlp 63.97 48.34 18.84 34.98 38.69
1emporary erecuon 0.43 0.31 0.04 0.23 0.67
8oads & 8rldges 11.17 23.26 0.62 11.67 22.14
WaLer Supply uralnage and Sewerage 6.13 13.33 0.77 12.82 6.09
|ant & Lqu|pments (|nc|ud|ng assoc|ated c|v|| works)
a) 1ransmlsslon 9036.34 11689.63 (108.60) 7368.63 13486.14
b) Sub-SLauon 3386.39 3803.36 (149.66) 7719.83 1821.96
c) unled Load uespaLch & Communlcauon 12.43 3.02 1.96 9.62 3.89
d) 1elecom 63.20 144.92 41.19 102.34 66.39
lurnlLure llxLures 0.33 0.91 - 0.48 0.76
CLher omce equlpmenLs 1.88 - 0.94 0.77 0.17
LlecLrlcal lnsLallauons 12.42 21.24 2.62 19.94 11.10
Lxpend|ture pend|ng a||ocanon
l) Survey lnvesugauon ConsulLancy & Supervlslon Charges 396.26 16.04 226.38 2.38 183.14
ll) ulerence ln Lxchange on forelgn Loans 231.81 393.61 117.04 73.13 437.23
lll) LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon ( noLe 2.32) 2649.12 2073.14 1684.62 33.48 2982.16
1C1AL 16248.7S 20393.04 1882.66 1SS02.86 192S6.27
rev|ous ear 13326.33 16443.26 1836.93 11666.09 16248.73
Iurther Notes:
CaplLal Work ln rogress (CWl) lncludes `1.38 crore belng Lhe cosL of 13 foundauons whlch became redundanL because of change ln a
Lransmlsslon scheme and ` 0.46 crore Lowards cosL of survey for reallgnmenL of Lransmlsslon llne rouLe. Company proposes Lo hold
dlscusslon wlLh Lhe beneclarles for recovery of Lhese cosLs.
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
dur|ng the year
As at 1

Apr||, 2012
Add|nons Ad[ustments
Note 2.1S - Intang|b|e assets under deve|opment
Note 2.16 - Construcnon stores
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
LlecLronlc uaLa rocesslng Sofware - 0.70 - - 0.70
8lghL of Way- AoresLauon Charges 93.08 324.34 (3.90) 210.03 213.29
uevelopmenL LxpendlLure - - (1.34) - 1.34
1ota| 93.08 32S.04 (7.24) 210.03 21S.33
revlous ?ear 107.30 37.12 0.13 71.39 93.08
1owers 3961.79 3372.68
ConducLors 7038.36 4311.27
CLher Llne MaLerlals 2320.23 1443.24
Sub-SLauon LqulpmenLs 1736.62 3087.93
Plgh volLage ulrecL CurrenL (PvuC) LqulpmenLs 389.71 37.86
unled Load uespaLch & Communlcauon(uLuC) MaLerlals 48.47 38.43
1elecom MaLerlals 33.97 8.42
CLhers 262.68 114.93
13793.83 12636.78
Less: rovlslon for shorLages and obsoleLe maLerlal 0.01 0.01
1C1AL 1S793.82 12636.77
Construcnon Stores |nc|ude:
|) Mater|a| |n trans|t
1owers 27.31 29.03
ConducLors 31.38 -
CLher Llne MaLerlals 136.23 -
Sub-SLauon LqulpmenLs 131.16 317.86
Plgh volLage ulrecL CurrenL (PvuC) LqulpmenLs 220.73 -
1elecom MaLerlals 1.74 -
CLhers 87.63 -
1ota| 636.64 346.89
||) Mater|a| w|th Contractors
1owers 3931.64 3339.39
ConducLors 7006.78 4307.28
CLher Llne MaLerlals 2178.97 1444.13
Sub-SLauon LqulpmenLs 1600.03 2768.13
Plgh volLage ulrecL CurrenL (PvuC) LqulpmenLs 168.96 37.03
unled Load uespaLch & Communlcauon(uLuC) MaLerlals 10.39 -
1elecom MaLerlals 3.83 8.23
CLhers 103.91 79.34
1ota| 1S008.7S 12203.73
Grand tota| 1S64S.39 12SS0.62
Iurther Notes:
l) endlng reconclllauon, maLerlals amounung Lo `63.33 crore (prevlous year `43.82 crore) ln commlssloned llnes ls shown as consLrucuon
sLores lylng wlLh conLracLors.
ll) ConsLrucuon SLores lncludes ` 91.61 crore represenung Lhe value of conducLors supplled by a suppller buL found Lo be defecuve.1he
suppller has agreed Lo replace Lhe defecuve conducLors.
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.17 - Non-current |nvestments
(` ln Crore)
I. Lqu|ty Instruments-Iu||y a|d up :-
1C lndla LlmlLed
12000006(revlous year 12000006) Shares of `10/- each 12.00 12.00
[MarkeL value ` 71.94 crore [ ` 39.93 (nSL) per share(revlous year ` 73.68
crore [ ` 61.40 (nSL) per share)}
II. Govt.Secur|nes ( Unquoted ):-
a) 8.S tax free 8onds redeemab|e |n 20 ha|f year|y |nsta|ments w.e.f. 1.10.2006 of :
Andhra radesh 36.10 34.16
Arunachal radesh 1.04 1.37
Assam 33.36 30.34
8lhar 32.43 48.64
Cu[araL 14.01 21.01
Paryana 16.10 24.13
Plmachal radesh 0.37 0.83
!ammu & kashmlr 32.40 48.39
kerala 4.82 7.23
Madhya radesh 20.81 31.22
MaharashLra 2.69 4.04
Manlpur 6.34 9.31
Meghalaya 0.09 0.13
Mlzoram 0.01 0.01
nagaland 2.79 4.18
un[ab 9.39 14.08
8a[asLhan 3.27 3.27
Slkklm 2.23 3.38
1rlpura 0.18 0.27
uuar radesh 92.29 138.44
uuaranchal 10.23 13.38
WesL 8engal 16.10 24.13
!harkhand 22.30 33.43
339.79 338.03
b) Cther 8onds:-
13 years 8.3 !&k CovL. 8onds 2017 lnLeresL payable seml-annually redeemable
ln 20 half yearly lnsLalmenLs w.e.f 30.11.2007 8.09 10.38
13 years 8.3 !&k CovL. 8onds 2018 lnLeresL payable seml-annually redeemable
ln 20 half yearly lnsLalmenLsw.e.f 31.03.2008 10.73 13.43
18.84 23.81
1ota| (A) 390.63 S73.86
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.17 - Non-current |nvestments (contd...)
Note 2.18 - Long-term |oans and advances
(unsecured Consldered good unless oLherwlse sLaLed)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
8. Non-trade |nvestments ( Unquoted )
300 (revlous year 300) lully pald up shares of ` 10/- each ln Lmployees Co-op SocleLy
LlmlLed lLarsl (`.3000/-)
300 (revlous year 300) lully pald up shares of ` 10/- each ln LmployeesCo-op SocleLy
LlmlLed nagpur (`.3000/-)
300 (revlous year 300) lully pald up shares of ` 10/- each ln Lmployees Co-op SocleLy
LlmlLed !abalpur (`. 3000/-)
1ota| (8 )
GkAND 1C1AL (A+8) 390.63 S73.86

Iurther notes:
1) AggregaLe amounL of CuoLed lnvesLmenLs
8ook value 12.00 12.00
MarkeL value 71.94 73.68
AggregaLe amounL of unquoLed lnvesLmenLs
8ook value 378.63 361.86
2) lnvesLmenLs have been valued as per accounung pollcy no. 1.11(noLe no 1)
A) Advances for Cap|ta| Lxpend|ture
l) Secured 7.73 9.63
ll) unsecured
a. AgalnsL 8ank guaranLees 4783.48 4671.32
b. CLhers 368.03 447.17
lll) unsecured Consldered uoubuul 1.19 1.14
3332.70 3119.83
Less: rovlslon for 8ad & uoubuul Advances 1.19 1.14
3331.31 3118.69
S3S9.24 3128.32
8) Loans
l) Lmployees (lncludlng lnLeresL accrued)
Secured 111.30 124.21
unsecured 3.30 3.64
116.80 129.83
ll) Long 1erm Loan (under securlusauon Scheme) 38.36 33.99
lll) Lease 8ecelvables 447.36 293.02
602.72 478.86
C) Secur|ty Depos|ts 4.34 8.03
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.18 - Long-term |oans and advances (contd...)
Note 2.19 - Current |nvestments
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
D) Advances recoverab|e |n cash or |n k|nd or for va|ue to be rece|ved
ConLracLors & Suppllers(lncludlng maLerlal lssued on Loan) 16.94 1.26
Lmployees 3.61 13.73
CLhers 10.76 4.98
8alance wlLh CusLoms orL 1rusL and oLher auLhorlues 2.42 7.33
33.73 29.32
Consldered doubuul 9.00 7.23
44.73 36.33
Less: rovlslon for bad and doubuul Advances 9.00 7.23
33.73 29.32
1ota| 6002.03 3644.33
uue from:
ulrecLors 0.03 0.03
Cmcers 9.60 13.33
Govt.Secur|nes ( Unquoted ):-
a) 8.S tax free 8onds redeemab|e |n 20 ha|f year|y |nsta|ments w.e.f. 1.10.2006 of :
Andhra radesh 18.04 18.04
Arunachal radesh 0.32 0.32
Assam 16.78 16.78
8lhar 16.22 16.22
Cu[araL 7.00 7.00
Paryana 8.04 8.04
Plmachal radesh 0.28 0.28
!ammu & kashmlr 16.20 16.20
kerala 2.42 2.42
Madhya radesh 10.40 10.40
MaharashLra 1.34 1.34
Manlpur 3.18 3.18
Meghalaya 0.04 0.04
nagaland 1.40 1.40
un[ab 4.70 4.70
Slkklm 1.12 1.12
1rlpura 0.10 0.10
uuar radesh 46.14 46.14
uuaranchal 3.12 3.12
WesL 8engal 8.06 8.06
!harkhand 11.16 11.16
178.26 178.26
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.19 - Current |nvestments (contd...)
Note 2.20 - Inventor|es
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
b) Cther 8onds:-
13 years 8.3 !&k CovL. 8onds 2017 lnLeresL payable seml-annually
redeemable w.e.f 30.11.2007 2.31 2.31
13 years 8.3 !&k CovL. 8onds 2018 lnLeresL payable seml-annually
redeemable w.e.f 31.03.2008 2.69 2.69
3.00 3.00
c) Mutua| Iunds (Unquoted)
lClCl rudenual lM serles 34-1 year lan A * - 3.19
L&1 Llquld Super lan - 2.43
1aLa llxed MaLurlLy lan serles 40 Scheme A CrowLh* 12.48 10.09
8lrla Sunllfe Cash plus - 0.83
12.48 16.38
1ota| 19S.74 199.84
Grand 1ota| 19S.74 199.84
Iurther notes:
AggregaLe amounL of unquoLed lnvesLmenLs
8ook value 193.74 199.84
* under Llen for debL servlce accrual accounL
(As Laken valued and cerued by Lhe ManagemenL)
(lor mode of valuauon refer noLe 1.12)
Loose Lools 0.68 0.69
Consumable sLores 3.27 3.13
ComponenLsSpares & oLher spare parLs:
1owers 130.33 113.07
ConducLors 41.82 23.18
CLher Llne MaLerlals 149.14 96.29
Sub-SLauon LqulpmenLs/Spares 136.72 108.33
Plgh volLage ulrecL CurrenL LqulpmenLs/spares 60.78 37.36
unled Load despaLch CenLre Spares 2.26 2.33
1elecom Spares 8.06 8.02
CLher SLores 18.02 26.69
333.10 441.31
Less rovlslon for ShorLages 0.23 0.26
1C1AL SS2.8S 441.2S
Inventor|es |nc|udes mater|a| |n trans|t
CLher SLores - 0.01
1oLal - 0.01
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.21 - 1rade rece|vab|es
Note 2.22 - Cash and 8ank ba|ances
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
l) CuLsLandlng for a perlod exceedlng slx monLhs
Consldered good 283.03 188.01
Consldered doubuul 20.63 78.06

ll) CLhers 1206.33 1341.18
1312.03 1607.23
Less: rovlslon for bad & doubuul Lrade recelvables 20.63 78.06
1ota| 1491.38 1S29.19
1) Cash and Cash Lqu|va|ents
8alance wlLh banks-
-ln CurrenL accounLs 1328.62 696.06
-ln Lerm deposlLs (lC proceeds Lo be uullsed for ldenued pro[ecLs) - 230.00
-ln deslgnaLed currenL accounLs (Lo be uullsed for consulLancy asslgnmenLs) 788.13 1123.96
-ln oLher Lerm deposlLs 61.43 48.86
-ln LuC uevelopmenL AccounL 62.00 27.10
uras/Cheques ln hand 4.39 6.14
Cash ln hand 0.04 0.03
SLamps and lmpresL 0.01 0.01
2444.64 2134.16
2) Cther 8ank ba|ances
-ln currenL accounL (unclalmed dlvldends) 8.46 8.64
-ln CurrenL AccounLs / llexl ueposlLs (CperaLed and malnLalned ln Lerms
of CL8C regulauons) 177.38 416.39
-ln 1erm ueposlLs havlng maLurlLy over 3 monLhs (lC proceeds Lo be uullsed
for ldenued pro[ecLs) - 300.00
-ln oLher 1erm ueposlLs havlng maLurlLy over 3 monLhs 48.41 31.93
1ota| 2678.89 3111.34
lurLher noLes:
8alance wlLh 8anks ln currenL accounLs and deslgnaLed currenL accounLs under cash and cash equlvalenLs above, lncludes llquld exl Lerm
deposlL ` 113.71 crore (prevlous year ` nll ) and ` 773.13 crore (prevlous year `1104.70 crore ) respecuvely

(unsecured Consldered good unless oLherwlse sLaLed)
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2012
As at 31

March, 2013
As at 31

March, 2013
Note 2.23 - Short-term |oans and advances
Note 2.24 - Cther current assets
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
A) Loans
a) Lmp|oyees |nc|ud|ng |nterest accrued
l) Secured 31.34 30.73
ll) unsecured 3.10 4.08
36.44 34.81
b) Cthers
CurrenL maLurlues of Long 1erm Advances (under
securlusauon Scheme) 23.14 13.43
CurrenL MaLurlues of Lease 8ecelvables 63.44 131.44
86.38 146.87
1ota| (A) 143.02 181.68
8) Advances to re|ated parnes 20.S0 6.96
C) Advances recoverab|e |n cash or |n k|nd or for va|ue to be rece|ved
a) Lmp|oyees 21.38 24.30
b) Cthers
ConLracLors & Suppllers (lncludlng MaLerlal lssued on loan) 61.03 12.28
8alance wlLh CusLoms orL 1rusL and oLher auLhorlues 13.87 11.23
Advance 1ax & 1uS 2914.09 2203.34
Less: rovlslon for Laxauon (noLe 2.11) 2716.74 2007.73
197.33 193.61
CLhers 173.49 92.93
447.76 312.09

1ota| (C) 469.14 336.S9
1ota|(A+8+C) 632.66 S2S.23
ulrecLors 0.02
Cmcers 3.22 11.32
lurLher noLes:
8reakup of advances Lo relaLed parues ls provlded ln noLe 2.43(b)
a) unbllled 8evenue 1783.92 1333.22
b) lnLeresL accrued buL noL due
lnLeresL accrued on lnvesLmenLs (8onds) 27.94 33.76
lnLeresL accrued on 1erm/llxed ueposlLs 24.18 42.46
c) Clalms recoverable 8.91 8.33
d) CLhers 42.73 48.14
1889.70 1489.93
1ota| 1889.70 1489.93
Iurther notes:
1) unbllled revenue ` 734.28 crore (revlous year `337.34 Crore) represenL amounL for whlch Lhe company ls yeL Lo ralse bllls ln vlew of
recognluon of revenue as per CL8C 1arl norms appllcable for 2009-2014 and also lncludes Lransmlsslon charges for Lhe monLh of March,2013
amounung Lo `1031.64 crore (prevlous year `817.88) bllled Lo benlclarles ln Lhe monLh of Aprll, 2013(revlous year Aprll,2012).
(unsecured Consldered good unless oLherwlse sLaLed)
(unsecured Consldered good unless oLherwlse sLaLed)
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
Note 2.2S - kevenue from operanons
(` ln Crore)
|) 1anasm|ss|on 8us|ness
Sales of servlces
1ransmlsslon Charges 11923.83 9336.71
Add:8evenue 8ecognlsed ouL of Advance agalnsL depreclauon 48.82 32.29
Add: -ShorL 1erm Cpen Access 442.38 323.48
12417.23 9694.48
Add: SysLem & MarkeL Cperauon Charges 133.62 131.13
Cther operanng revenue
lnLeresL on dlerenual beLween rovlslonal and llnal 1arl by CL8C 48.40 128.94
12619.27 9934.37
||) 1e|ecom |ncome
Sales of servlces
nLu 227.06 199.36
l-1 10.31 9.43
lS 1.36 1.21
CLhers 4.83 -
243.38 210.00
Less: Inter D|v|s|ona| 1ransfer
nLu 6.88 3.33
l-1 3.16 3.16
lS 0.13 0.12
12.19 8.81
231.39 201.19
|||) Consu|tancy ro[ect Management and Superv|s|on
Sales of servlces 226.80 284.70
Sales of producLs 86.44 -
313.24 284.70
1ota| 13163.90 10440.46
Iurther notes:
1he company has recognlzed Lransmlsslon lncome durlng Lhe year as per Lhe followlng:
a) `3332.38 crore (prevlous year ` 1947.94 crore ) for whlch provlslonal Larl orders have been lssued by Lhe CenLral LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory
Commlsslon ( CL8C) allowlng provlslonal bllllng aL 83-93 of Lhe Larl clalmed ,
b) `8260.39 crore (prevlous year ` 6633.36 crore ) for whlch nal Larl orders have been lssued by CL8C
c) ` 96.44 crore (prevlous year ` 301.94 crore) based on CL8C 1arl norms appllcable for Lhe Larl block 2009-14 for whlch Larl orders are
yeL Lo be lssued by CL8C.
d) 1ransmlsslon charges for Lhe currenL year lnclude ` 63.26 crore (revlous year ` 463.33 crore) on accounL of deferred Lax maLerlallsed
durlng Lhe year whlch ls recoverable from benlclarles as per CL8C 1arl 8egulauons 2009 noued by Lhe CL8C.
e) CL8C lssued Larl order daLed 29.04.2011 ln respecL of 8arh-8alla 1ransmlsslon llne conslderlng Lhe daLe of commerclal operauon (uCCC)
01.07.10. AgalnsL Lhls Larl order, one of Lhe beneclarles led appeal before Lhe AppellaLe 1rlbunal for LlecLrlclLy (A1L) challenglng Lhe
Larl approved by CL8C based on above uCCC clalmed by Lhe company. 1he A1L vlde lLs orders daLed 2.07.12 observed LhaL Lhe uCCC
of 1.7.10 was noL correcL as Lhe appellanL had reporLed LhaL Lhe Lransmlsslon llne was acLually commlssloned ln AugusL 2011 l.e. when
lL was successfully LesL charged aL boLh ends as Lhe work whlch was ln scope of generaung Company have been compleLed ln AugusL
2011. Accordlngly, Lhe A1L remanded CL8C for redeLermlnauon of uCCC and Larl of Lhe 1ransmlsslon llne. A1L vlde order daLed 8.11.12
also re[ecLed Lhe revlew peuuon of Lhe company ln Lhls regard. upon Lhls, Lhe company led an appeal ln Lhe Supreme CourL explalnlng
LhaL Lhe uCCC of 1.7.10 was as per CL8C 8egulauons.1he Supreme CourL ln lLs order daLed 13.3.13 granLed sLay ln furLher proceedlngs
before Lhe CL8C. endlng declslon of Lhe Supreme CourL, and conslderlng LhaL 1.7.10 ls correcL uCCC as per CL8C 8egulauons, no
ad[usLmenL has been made ln respecL of 8evenue of ` 83.18 crore recognlsed durlng Lhe perlod 1.7.10 Lo 31.7.11.
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year ended
March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2013
Note 2.26 - Cther |ncome
Note 2.27 - Lmp|oyee benehts expense
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
A) Income from non-current Investments
l) ulvldend
CLhers 1.80 1.81
ll) lnLeresL on CovL. securlues 39.26 74.88
8) Cther Interests
Loan Lo SLaLe CovL. ln seulemenL of dues 3.37 6.88
lndlan 8anks 260.69 380.93
lnLeresL from advances Lo conLracLors 268.13 178.90
lnLeresL on ouLsLandlng dues from uLSu 91.38 -
CLhers 9.23 8.23
696.06 631.63
C) Cthers
roL on sale of llxed AsseLs 0.31 0.10
ueferred lncome (1ransferred from CranLs-ln-ald) 23.06 27.29
ShorL 1erm Cpen Access-CLher Charges - 23.44
1ransfer from lnsurance 8eserve on A/c of Losses of llxed AsseLs 0.33 0.81
Lease lncome-SLaLe SecLor uLuC 33.66 7.89
Surcharge 73.64 67.10
Plre charges for equlpmenLs 0.28 0.08
lL8v galn 1.16 -
8ebaLe 0.27 0.30
rovlslons wrluen back (lncludlng for uLSu dues of ` 37.79 Crore) 39.34 40.93
Mlscellaneous lncome 36.73 67.38
946.86 888.97
Less:lncome Lransferred Lo expendlLure durlng consLrucuon-noLe 2.32 383.64 233.83
1ota| S63.22 633.12
Iurther notes:
MlnlsLry of ower vlde order daLed 3.2.13 conveyed Lhe approval of CovernmenL of lndla for non-plan asslsLance Lo CovernmenL of nauonal
CaplLal 1errlLory of uelhl (CnC1u) Lowards seulemenL of dues of ersLwhlle uelhl LlecLrlc Supply underLaklng (uLSu) Lo four CSus lncludlng
ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LLd. Accordlng Lo Lhls order paymenL of prlnclpal amounL of ` 37.79 crore and lnLeresL of ` 91.38 crore ls
Lo be made by CnC1u Lo Lhe Company. ln vlew of above Lhe Company has wrluen back provlslon of ` 37.79 crore made ln earller years and
accounLed lnLeresL of ` 91.38 crore as 'CLher lncome'.
Salarles wages allowances & beneLs 1161.93 1100.07
ConLrlbuuon Lo provldenL and oLher funds 148.60 93.14
SLa Welfare expenses 108.78 92.74
1419.31 1283.93
Less: 1ransferred Lo LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon-noLe 2.32 444.39 364.34
1ota| 974.72 921.41
Iurther notes:
endlng approval of MlnlsLry of ower and ueparLmenL of ubllc LnLerprlses, speclal allowance up Lo 10 of 8aslc pay amounung Lo `16.73
crore for Lhe nanclal year 2012-13 (Cumulauve amounung Lo ` 61.43 crore upLo 31.03.2013) ls belng pald Lo employees who are posLed
ln Lhe dlmculL and far ung areas. 1he above allowance ls above Lhe maxlmum celllng of 30 of 8aslc ay as per uL omce memorandum
no. 2(70)/08-uL(WC)-CL-xvl/08 daLed 26-nov-2008.
For the year ended
March, 2012
For the year ended
March, 2012
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2013
Note 2.28 - I|nance costs
Note 2.29 - Deprec|anon and amornzanon expense
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
A) Interest on Loan from
lndlan 8anks, llnanclal lnsuLuuons & Corporauons 471.48 314.06
lorelgn 8anks and llnanclal lnsuLuuons 230.40 143.83
Secured/unsecured redeemable 8onds 3330.04 2697.32
CLhers 6.66 31.72
4238.S8 3189.13
8) Cther borrow|ng costs
CommlLmenL charges 18.34 3.23
CuaranLee lee 212.03 142.97
CLher nance charges 79.87 40.42
310.24 186.62
C) LkV as ad[ustment to 8orrow|ng Cost
L8v as ad[usLmenL Lo 8orrowlng CosL (660.42) 940.87
Less: 1ransferred Lo LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon-noLe 2.32 - 246.01
(660.42) 694.86
Less: lL8v recoverable (386.30) 610.43
(73.92) 84.43
4474.90 3460.18
Less: 1ransferred Lo LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon-noLe 2.32 1873.46 1474.43
1C1AL 2S99.44 198S.7S
uepreclauon/amorusauon on 1anglble AsseLs 3330.12 2631.21
Amorusauon of lnLanglble asseLs 27.44 17.77
3337.36 2668.98
Less: 1ransferred Lo LxpendlLure uurlng ConsLrucuon-noLe 2.32 11.10 9.04
3346.46 2639.94
Less:uepreclauon amorused due Lo lL8v ad[usLmenL 118.66 22.33
Charged to Statement of roht & Loss 3427.80 2637.39
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
kepa|r & Ma|ntenance
8ulldlngs 28.88 23.06
lanL & Machlnery
Sub SLauon 124.32 114.26
1ransmlsslon llnes 71.83 48.17
ConsLrucuon equlpmenL - 0.14
1elecom 23.61 23.12
CLhers 31.22 29.64
233.00 213.33
SysLem and MarkeL Cperauon Charges 0.31
ower charges 108.74 83.60
Less: 8ecovery from conLracLors 0.77 1.03
107.97 82.33
Lxpenses of ulesel Ceneraung seLs 6.23 4.30
SLores consumed 0.09 0.10
WaLer charges 1.03 0.97
8lghL of Way charges(1elecom) 3.43 4.23
aLrolllng Lxpenses-1elecom 1.31 1.69
LasL Mlle connecuvlLy-1elecom 0.30 0.12
1ralnlng & 8ecrulLmenL Lxpenses 18.43 22.34
Less:lees for Lralnlng and appllcauon 0.03 1.09
18.38 21.23
Legal expenses 16.10 9.28
rofesslonal charges(lncludlng 1A/uA) 10.87 7.20
ConsulLancy expenses(lncludlng 1A/uA) 3.79 17.22
Communlcauon expenses 13.16 10.84
1ravelllng & Conv.exp.(excludlng forelgn Lravel) 88.60 83.61
lorelgn Lravel 7.66 6.92
96.26 90.33
1ender expenses 13.30 16.16
Less: Sale of Lenders 4.19 6.14
9.11 10.02
kemuneranon to aud|tors
SLaLuLory AudlLors
AudlL lees 0.70 0.30
1ax AudlL lees 0.13 0.13
ln CLher CapaclLy 0.69 0.33
Arrears 0.24 -
CuL of pockeL Lxpenses 0.68 0.38
2.44 1.74
AdverusemenL and publlclLy 7.02 11.01
rlnung and sLauonery 4.81 3.34
8ooks erlodlcals and !ournals 0.99 0.93
Lu hlre and oLher charges 3.26 3.11
LnLerLalnmenL expenses 1.67 1.62
Note 2.30 - 1ransm|ss|on, Adm|n|stranon and other expenses
(` ln Crore)
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
8rokerage & Commlsslon 0.20 0.32
8esearch & uevelopmenL expenses 1.08 3.16
CosL AudlL and hyslcal verlcauon lees 0.43 0.28
8enL 10.68 9.93
CaplLal LxpendlLure on asseLs noL owned by Lhe Company 12.86 0.43
CL8C peuuon & CLher charges 14.24 3.43
Mlscellaneous expenses 36.43 29.40
PoruculLure Lxpenses 8.80 6.93
SecurlLy Lxpenses 70.63 61.64
Plrlng of vehlcle 74.03 37.83
lnsurance 30.23 31.13
8aLes and Laxes 10.84 7.81
Llcense lees Lo uC1 13.93 14.10
8andwldLh charges dark bre lease charges (1elecom) eLc 16.61 13.38
LxpendlLure on CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8) 22.80 26.97
LxpendlLure susLalnable developmenL 0.33 -
non operaung expenses 0.32 1.13
1ranslL Accomodauon Lxpenses 6.30 3.30
Less : lncome from 1ranslL Accomodauon 0.78 0.66
3.72 4.84
8ebaLe Lo CusLomers 82.89 117.00
lorelgn Lxchange 8aLe varlauon (neL of lL8v galn & amounL recoverable) 2.23
rovlslon-CLhers 2.73 2.30
2.73 2.30
1030.67 920.74
Less:1ransferred Lo LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon-noLe 2.32 123.49 97.46
903.18 823.28
ueferred revenue Lxpenses wrluen o - 1.79
Loss on ulsposal/WrlLe o of llxed AsseLs 6.63 1.39
1ota| 911.83 826.46
SLores consumpuon lncluded ln repalr and malnLenance 83.46 31.77
Iurther Notes:
1he Company has allowed rebaLe agalnsL paymenL recelved Lhrough LC / cheques / 81CS for eecung beuer and umely recovery of dues
from SLaLe ower uullues on conslsLenL basls
Note 2.30 - 1ransm|ss|on, Adm|n|stranon and other expenses (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
1ransmlsslon charges 31.20 (17.20)
uepreclauon wrluen back 0.13 3.30
uepreclauon amorused due Lo lL8v 1.82 -
ueferred lncome (1ransferred from CranLs-ln-ald) - 3.66
Lease lncome-SLaLe SecLor uLuC - 9.97
ConsulLancy ro[ecL ManagemenL and Supervlslon lees - 2.97
CLhers 21.61 4.24
74.78 8.94
8aLes and Laxes 1.20 -
uepreclauon 29.74 6.30
unspenL CS8 LxpendlLure for earller years - 13.22
lnLeresL 12.66 0.97
Lmployee 8emunerauon - 7.43
CLhers 3.32 (3.66)
49.12 22.26
rlor perlod expendlLure/(lncome )(neL) (23.66) 13.32
Less: 1ransferred Lo LxpendlLure durlng ConsLrucuon -noLe 2.32 0.14 0.41
1ota| (2S.80) 12.91
A. Lmp|oyees kemuneranon & 8enehts
Salarles wages allowances and beneLs 380.60 321.41
ConLrlbuuon Lo provldenL and oLher funds 43.78 26.46
Welfare expenses 20.21 16.67
1oLal(A) 444.39 364.34
8. Cther Lxpenses
kepa|r & Ma|ntenance
8ulldlngs 2.34 1.98
CLhers 3.63 0.96
6.17 2.94
ower charges 16.43 3.66
Less: 8ecovered from conLracLors 0.60 0.88
13.83 2.78
Lxpenses on ulesel Ceneraung seLs 1.43 0.68
WaLer charges 0.17 0.29
1ralnlng & 8ecrulLmenL Lxpenses 0.03 0.01
Legal expenses 2.03 1.77
rofesslonal charges 1.86 1.80
ConsulLancy expenses 2.31 17.44
Communlcauon expenses 2.89 2.20
1ravelllng & Conv.exp. (lncludlng lorelgn 1ravel) 36.47 29.33
Note 2.31 - r|or per|od |tems
Note 2.32 - Lxpend|ture dur|ng Construcnon (Net)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
For the year
ended 31

March, 2012
For the year
ended 31

March, 2013
1ender expenses 3.90 9.46
Less: lncome from sale of Lenders 3.88 3.87
2.02 3.39
aymenL Lo AudlLors 0.08 0.09
AdverusemenL and ubllclLy 1.36 0.97
rlnung and sLauonery 0.63 0.38
Lu hlre and oLher charges 0.26 0.11
LnLerLalnmenL expenses 0.21 0.12
8rokerage and commlsslon 0.06 0.03
8enL 4.09 3.43
Mlscellaneous expenses 7.18 4.32
PoruculLure Lxpenses 0.34 0.48
SecurlLy Lxpenses 10.73 6.49
Plrlng of vehlcles 24.89 16.00
lnsurance 0.63 0.23
8aLes and Laxes 2.43 1.11
CuesL Pouse Lxpenses 0.91 0.44
Less:lncome from guesL house 0.04 0.03
0.87 0.41
Sub-LoLal 123.49 97.46
rlor erlod ad[usLmenL (neL) 0.14 0.41
1ota|(8) 12S.63 97.87
C. Deprec|anon]Amornsanon 11.10 9.04
D. I|nance Costs
a) lnLeresL on Loans from
lndlan 8anks,llnanclal lnsuLuuons and Corporauons 173.61 60.07
lorelgn 8anks and llnanclal lnsuLuuons 84.98 20.03
Secured/unsecured 8edeemable 8onds 1434.32 1327.87
1713.11 1407.99
b) CLher borrowlng cosLs
CommlLmenL charges 18.20 2.82
CuaranLee fee 76.88 32.32
CLher llnance Charges 67.27 31.30
162.33 66.44
c) lL8v ad[usLmenL Lo borrowlng cosL - 246.01
1ota| ( D ) 187S.46 1720.44
L. Less: Cther Income
lnLeresL from
lndlan banks 114.60 68.42
ConLracLors 264.69 178.66
CLhers 0.91 1.04
380.20 248.12
Mlscellaneous lncome 3.20 7.72
Plre charges 0.24 0.01
1ota| (L) 383.64 2SS.8S
GkAND 1C1AL (A+8+C+D-L) 2073.14 1936.04
Note 2.32 - Lxpend|ture dur|ng Construcnon (Net) (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
1.1 1he consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs relaLe Lo ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed (Lhe Company), lLs Subsldlarles and lnLeresL
ln !olnL venLure Companles.
a) 8asls of Accounung:
l) 1he nanclal sLaLemenLs of Lhe subsldlary companles and !olnL venLure Companles ln Lhe consolldauon are drawn up Lo Lhe
same reporung daLe as of Lhe Company.
ll) 1he consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs have been prepared ln accordance wlLh Accounung SLandard (AS) 21- 'ConsolldaLed
llnanclal SLaLemenLs' and Accounung SLandard (AS) -27 'llnanclal 8eporung of lnLeresLs ln !olnL venLures of Companles
(Accounung SLandards) 8ules, 2006 and generally accepLed accounung prlnclples.
b) rlnclples of Consolldauon:
1he consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs have been prepared as per Lhe followlng prlnclples:-
l) 1he nanclal sLaLemenLs of Lhe company and lLs subsldlarles are comblned on a llne by llne basls by addlng LogeLher Lhe book
value of llke lLems of asseLs, llablllues, lncome and expenses aer ellmlnaung lnLra-group balances, lnLra-group Lransacuons,
unreallsed proLs or losses.
ll) 1he consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs lnclude Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe company ln [olnL venLures, whlch has been accounLed for
uslng proporuonaLe consolldauon meLhod of accounung and reporung whereby Lhe company's share of each asseL, llablllLy,
lncome and expense of a [olnL conLrolled enuLy ls consldered as a separaLe llne lLem aer ellmlnaung proporuonaLe share of
unreallsed proL ln accordance wlLh Lhe Accounung SLandard (AS-27) ' llnanclal 8eporung of lnLeresLs ln !olnL venLures'.
lll) 1he consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs are prepared uslng unlform accounung pollcles for llke Lransacuons and oLher evenLs
ln slmllar clrcumsLances and are presenLed Lo Lhe exLenL posslble, ln Lhe same manner as Lhe company's separaLe nanclal
sLaLemenLs excepL as oLherwlse sLaLed ln Lhe noLes Lo Lhe accounLs.
c) ulerence ln Accounung ollcy and lmpacL Lhereon
lor cerLaln lLems Lhe company and lLs Subsldlarles & [olnL venLures have followed dlerenL accounung pollcles. Powever Lhe
lmpacL of Lhe same ls noL maLerlal.
1.2 1he Subsldlarles and !olnL venLure Companles consldered ln Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs are as follows:-
Name of the Company
ropornon () of share
ho|d|ng as on
ropornon () of
share ho|d|ng as on
March, 2013 31
March, 2012
Subs|d|ary Compan|es
1. ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed (CSCCC) * 100 100
2. owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 100 100
3. owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 100 -
Io|nt Venture Compan|es
1. owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 49 49
2. 1orrenL ower Crld LlmlLed* 26 26
3. !aypee owergrld LlmlLed 26 26
4. arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 26 26
3. 1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed * 26 26
6. norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed* 26 26
7. nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 20 23
8. Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed 23 23
9. 8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed 30 -
10. kallnga vldyuL rasaran nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed 30 -
11.Cross 8order ower 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 26 -
* I|nanc|a| statements used for conso||danon are unaud|ted.
under Lhe 1ransmlsslon Servlce AgreemenL (1SA) wlLh owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd, Lhe company has an obllgauon Lo purchase Lhe !v
company (owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd) aL a buyouL prlce deLermlned ln accordance wlLh Lhe 1SA. Such an obllgauon may resulL ln case !v
company (owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd) serves a Lermlnauon nouce elLher on CWL8C8lu evenL of defaulL" or on force ma[eure evenL"
prescrlbed under 1SA. no conungenL llablllLy on Lhls accounL has been consldered as Lhe same ls noL ascerLalnable.
1he above [olnL venLure companles are lncorporaLed ln lndla. 1he company's share ln asseLs, llablllues, conungenL llablllues and caplLal
commlLmenL as on 31
March 2013 and lncome and expenses for Lhe year ln respecL of above [olnL venLure enuues based on Lhelr accounLs
are glven below:-
1.3 1he Company has made furLher lnvesLmenL of `2.08 crore (revlous ?ear `10.92 crore) ln !aypee owergrld LlmlLed, a !olnL venLure
Company ln whlch 26 shares are held by CWL8C8lu and balance 74 shares ls held by !alprakash ower venLures LlmlLed.
1.4 1he Company has made furLher lnvesLmenL of `14.92 crore (revlous ?ear ` 61.89 crore) ln norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company
LlmlLed, a !olnL venLure Company ln whlch 26 shares are held by CWL8C8lu and balance shares are held by CnCC 1rlpura
ower Company LlmlLed, Assam LlecLrlclLy Crld Corporauon LlmlLed & CovL. of 1rlpura, CovL. of Mlzoram, CovL of Meghalaya &
CovL. of Manlpur.
1.3 1he Company has made furLher lnvesLmenL of ` 3.08 crore (prevlous year ` nll) ln 1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed, a !olnL
venLure Company ln whlch 26 shares are held by CWL8C8lu and balance 74 shares ls held by 1eesLa ur[a LlmlLed.
1.6 1he Company has made furLher lnvesLmenL of ` 19.30 crore (prevlous year ` nll) ln arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed,
a !olnL venLure Company ln whlch 26 shares are held by CWL8C8lu and balance 74 shares ls held by 8ellance lnfrasLrucLure
1.7 1he Company has made furLher lnvesLmenL of ` 8.43 crore (prevlous year ` nll) ln nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory LlmlLed,
a !olnL venLure Company ln whlch 20 shares are held by CWL8C8lu and balance shares held by n1C LlmlLed, nPC LlmlLed,
uamodar valley Corporauon & CenLral ower 8esearch lnsuLuLe equally.
1.8 1he Company has made furLher lnvesLmenL of ` 21.87 crore (prevlous year ` nll) ln Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed, a !olnL
venLure Company ln whlch 23 shares are held by CWL8C8lu and balance shares are held equally by n1C LlmlLed, 8ural
LlecLrlcauon Corporauon LlmlLed & ower llnance Corporauon LlmlLed.
1.9 uurlng Lhe year company has made lnvesLmenL of ` 0.01 crore ln Cross 8order ower 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed, a !olnL
venLure Company ln whlch 26 shares are held by CWL8C8lu and balance 74 shares are held by lL&lS Lnergy uevelopmenL
Company LlmlLed, S!vn LlmlLed & nepal LlecLrlclLy AuLhorlLy.
1.10 uurlng Lhe year company has made lnvesLmenL of ` 0.02 crore ln 8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed, a !olnL venLure Company ln whlch
30 shares are held by CWL8C8lu and balance 30 shares are held by 8lhar SLaLe ower Poldlng Company LlmlLed.
1.11 uurlng Lhe year company has made lnvesLmenL of ` 0.01 crore ln kallnga 8ldyuL rasaran nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed, a !olnL venLure Company
ln whlch 30 shares are held by CWL8C8lu and balance 30 shares are held by Cdlsha ower 1ransmlsslon Corporauon LlmlLed.
1.12 uurlng Lhe year company has made lnvesLmenL of ` 0.03 crore ln owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed (ersLwhlle vemaglrl
1ransmlsslon SysLem LlmlLed). 1he Company was Laken over from 8LC 1ransmlsslon ro[ecLs Company LlmlLed vlde share purchase
agreemenL daLed 18Lh Aprll, 2012 Lo carry over Lhe buslness awarded under Larl based blddlng. Aer Lhe Lransfer owergrld
vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed becomes Lhe wholly owned subsldlary company of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed.
As at 31
March, 2013 As at 31
March, 2012
A. Assets
- non CurrenL AsseLs
- llxed AsseLs 1337.88 1413.76
- Long Lerm loans and advances 24.13 37.30
- CurrenL AsseLs 230.09 166.14
1ota| 1832.12 1619.40
8. L|ab|||nes
- non currenL llablllues 1040.73 942.76
- CurrenL Llablllues 196.73 132.30
1ota| 1237.46 109S.26
C. ConungenL Llablllues 23.36 9.38
u. CaplLal CommlLmenLs 138.23 231.23
Current ear rev|ous ear
L. lncome 233.48 164.09
l. Lxpenses( lncludlng provlslon for Laxes) 160.33 103.67
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
2.34 Cash equlvalenL of deemed exporL beneLs avalled of ` 209.99 crore ln respecL of supplles aecLed for LasL SouLh lnLer ConnecLor-
ll 1ransmlsslon ro[ecL (LSl) and Sasaram 1ransmlsslon ro[ecL (S1), were pald Lo Lhe CusLoms and CenLral Lxclse AuLhorlues ln
accordance wlLh dlrecuon from MlnlsLry of ower (CovL. of lndla) durlng 2002-03 due Lo non avallablllLy of World 8ank loan for
Lhe enure supplles ln respecL of LSl pro[ecL and for Lhe supplles prlor Lo March 2000 ln respecL of S1 pro[ecL and Lhe same was
caplLallsed ln Lhe books of accounLs. 1hereaer, World 8ank had nanced boLh Lhe LSl pro[ecL and S1 pro[ecL as orlglnally envlsaged
and Lhey became ellglble for deemed exporL beneLs. ConsequenLly, Lhe company has lodged clalms wlLh Lhe CusLoms and Lxclse
ln Lhls regard Lhe Cumulauve amounL recelved and de-caplLallzed upLo 31sL March 2013 ls ` 12.12 crore (revlous year ` 12.12
crore). 1he company conunued Lo show Lhe balance of ` 197.87 crore as aL 31sL March 2013 (revlous year ` 197.87 crore) ln Lhe
caplLal cosL of Lhe respecuve asseLs / pro[ecLs pendlng recelpL of Lhe same from CusLoms and Lxclse AuLhorlues.
2.33 CuL of Lhe proceeds of lollow on ubllc Cer (lC) made ln llnanclal ?ear 2010-11, a sum of ` 730 crore (revlous ?ear `1371.17
crore) has been uullsed durlng Lhe year for parL nanclng of caplLal expendlLure on Lhe pro[ecLs specled for uullzauon resulung ln
compleLe uullsauon of funds amounung Lo ` 3721.17 crore ralsed Lhrough lC.
2.36 a) CerLaln balances ln Loans and Advances & 1rade ayables are sub[ecL Lo conrmauon and consequenual ad[usLmenLs, lf any.
b) ln Lhe oplnlon of Lhe managemenL, Lhe value of any of Lhe asseLs oLher Lhan xed asseLs and non currenL lnvesLmenLs on
reallzauon ln Lhe ordlnary course of buslness wlll noL be less Lhan value aL whlch Lhey are sLaLed ln Lhe 8alance SheeL.
2.37 lnformauon ln respecL of cosL plus consulLancy conLracLs, conslderlng Lhe same as consulLancy buslness ln vlew of Accounung
SLandard (AS)-7 (8evlsed 2002) ConsLrucuon ConLracLs " ls provlded as under :
2.38 1he company has been enLrusLed wlLh Lhe responslblllLy of bllllng collecuon and dlsbursemenL (8Cu) of Lhe Lransmlsslon charges on
behalf of all Lhe lS1S (lnLersLaLe Lransmlsslon SysLem) llcensees Lhrough Lhe mechanlsm of Lhe CC (olnL of Connecuon) charges
lnLroduced w.e.f. 01-07-2011 whlch lnvolves bllllng based on approved drawal/ln[ecuon of power ln place of old mechanlsm based on
Mega Wau allocauon of power by MlnlsLry of ower. 8y Lhls mechanlsm, revenue of Lhe company wlll remaln unaecLed.
Some of Lhe beneclarles aggrleved by Lhe CC mechanlsm have preferred appeal before varlous Plgh CourLs of lndla and conunue
Lo make paymenL as per old sysLem of bllllng. uue Lo Lhls, an unreallzed amounL of ` 273.27 crore (prevlous year ` 141.36 crore) ls
lncluded ln 1rade 8ecelvables. All such appeals have been Lransferred Lo uelhl Plgh CourL as per order of Lhe Supreme CourL on Lhe
appeal preferred by Lhe company and company has also requesLed for dlrecung aglLaung sLaLes Lo pay full Lransmlsslon charges as
per new meLhodology pendlng seulemenL of Lhe mauer.
2.39 (l) lL8v Loss of ` 1660.02 crore lncludlng ` 671.89 crore for revlous ?ear (prevlous year lL8v loss `882.14 crore) has been ad[usLed
ln Lhe respecuve carrylng amounL of llxed AsseLs/CaplLal work ln rogress (CWl)/lease recelvables.
(ll) lL8v Caln of `1.16 crore (revlous ?ear lL8v Loss `2.23 crore) has been recognlsed ln Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and Loss.
2.40 LecL due Lo change ln accounung pollcles durlng Lhe year -
l) MlnlsLry of CorporaLe Aalrs, CovernmenL of lndla Lhrough clrcular no.23/2012 daLed 9Lh AugusL 2012 has clarled LhaL ara 6 of
Accounung SLandard (AS 11) and para 4(e) of AS 16 shall noL apply Lo company whlch ls applylng para 46A of AS 11. ConsequenLly,
exchange dlerences arlslng on seulemenL/Lranslauon of forelgn currency loans Lo Lhe exLenL regarded as an ad[usLmenL Lo
lnLeresL cosL as per para 4(e) of AS 16 and charged Lo Lhe sLaLemenL of proL and loss have now been ad[usLed ln Lhe cosL of relaLed
caplLal asseLs. 1hls change ln accounung pollcy ls made eecuve from 01 Aprll 2011.1hls change has resulLed ln lncrease ln roL
before Lax for Lhe year by ` 122.93 crore ( lncludlng ` 66.12 crore for l? 11-12).
ll) ln vlew of oplnlon of Lhe LxperL Advlsory Commluee of Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla, unspenL expendlLure, ouL
of Lhe budgeL for Lhe year Lowards CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy(CS8), whlch was hlLherLo belng provlded for ln Lhe sLaLemenL
of roL & Loss ls now belng Lransferred Lo CS8 reserve by approprlaung proL. 1he change has resulLed ln lncrease ln proL before
Lax for Lhe year by ` 26.32 crore (lncludlng `13.26 crore wrlLe back of provlslon for earller years ).
ear ended
ear ended
l) 1he amounL of revenue recognlsed on cosL plus consulLancy conLracL works 176.90 200.88
1he meLhods used Lo deLermlne Lhe conLracL revenue recognlsed ln Lhe perlod: 13 of LoLal
consulLancy fees upLo award sLage Lo execuung agencles (ouL of whlch 10 upLo lssue of nouces
lnvlung Lenders), 83 wlLh progress of work lncludlng supplles (rogress of work ls Laken as
cerued by englneer ln charge).
As er ollcy As er ollcy
lll) Cumulauve amounL of cosLs lncurred on consLrucuon conLracLs 11319.24 10243.19
lv) Cumulauve amounL of advance recelved from cusLomers 13231.83 12043.80
v) AmounL of reLenuon money wlLh cusLomers 96.01 -
vl) Cross amounL due from cusLomers for conLracL works as an asseL 33.32 13.38
vll) Cross amounL due Lo cusLomers for conLracL works as a llablllLy 1413.23 1413.10
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
Descr|pnon GkA1UI1 PRMF ODRB

CurrenL Servlce CosL 20.23 18.32 6.46 3.08 0.69 0.68
lnLeresL cosL on beneL obllgauon 30.40 28.83 12.33 10.64 1.07 0.97
LxpecLed reLurn on plan asseLs (31.99) (28.83) - - - -
neL acLuarlal (galn)/loss recognlzed ln Lhe year 4.38 10.08 16.44 21.37 (0.43) 0.74
Lxpenses recognlzed ln Lhe SLaLemenL of roL and
23.22 28.40 33.43 37.09 1.31 2.39
lll) uurlng Lhe year one of Lhe subsldlarles have changed lLs accounung pollcy on revenue recognluon of Puman 8esource Lxp. and
Cperauon and MalnLenance Lxpenses whlch was accounLed for 'acLual expendlLure or expendlLure allowed by CL8C 8LuC wlse'
whlchever ls less upLo prevlous year. lL has now been accounLed for as 1oLal AcLual LxpendlLure lncurred or expendlLure allowed
as per CL8C order whlchever ls less, company as a whole ln Lhe currenL year. uue Lo change ln Accounung ollcy regardlng revenue
recognluon, `29.48 crore have been recognlzed as lncome durlng Lhe year. 1he same has been reduced from 1rulng-up LlablllLy.
1hls amounL lncludes `17.33 crore relaung Lo earller years. uue Lo change ln accounung pollcy lnLeresL amounung Lo ` 3.03 crore
perLalnlng Lo earller years have also been credlLed Lo nance cosL.
2.41 8orrowlng cosL caplLallsed durlng Lhe year ls ` 1873.46 crore (prevlous ?ear ` 1720.44 crore) as per AS 16- 8orrowlng CosL".
2.42 endlng approval of Lhe erformance 8elaLed ay ( 8 ) scheme for workmen, provlslon of `41.48 crore (lncludlng ` 21.87 crore for
earller years) has been made neL of paymenLs made as per old erformance Llnked lncenuve Scheme.
2.43 ulsclosures as per Accounung SLandard (AS) 13
uened employee beneL/ conLrlbuuon schemes are as under:-
A. rovldenL lund
Company pays xed conLrlbuuon Lo rovldenL lund aL predeLermlned raLe Lo a separaLe LrusL, whlch lnvesLs Lhe funds ln permlued
securlues. ConLrlbuuon Lo famlly penslon scheme ls pald Lo Lhe approprlaLe auLhorlues. 1he conLrlbuuon Lo Lhe fund for Lhe year
amounung Lo ` 74.79 crore(prevlous year `60.88 crore) has been recognlzed as expense and ls charged Lo SLaLemenL of roL and
Loss. 1he obllgauon of Lhe company ls llmlLed Lo such xed conLrlbuuon and Lo ensure a mlnlmum raLe of lnLeresL on conLrlbuuons
Lo Lhe members as specled by CCl. As per Lhe reporL of acLuary over all lnLeresL earnlng and cumulauve surplus 'ls more' Lhan
sLaLuLory lnLeresL paymenL requlremenL. Pence, no furLher provlslon ls consldered necessary.
8. CraLulLy
1he company has a dened beneL graLulLy plan. Lvery employee who has rendered conunuous servlce of ve years or more ls
enuLled Lo geL graLulLy aL 13 days salary (13/26 x lasL drawn baslc salary plus, dearness allowance) for each compleLed year of servlce
on superannuauon, reslgnauon, Lermlnauon, dlsablemenL or on deaLh sub[ecL Lo a maxlmum of ` 10 lacs. 1he scheme ls funded by
Lhe company and ls managed by a separaLe LrusL. 1he llablllLy for Lhe same ls recognlsed on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon on annual
basls on Lhe 8alance SheeL daLe.
C. enslon
1he Company has scheme of employees dened enslon ConLrlbuuon. Company conLrlbuuon ls pald Lo separaLe LrusL. AmounL of
conLrlbuuon pald/payable for Lhe year ls ` 33.21 crore (revlous ?ear ` 30.36 crore) has been recognlsed as expense and ls charged
Lo SLaLemenL of roL & Loss.
u. osL-8euremenL Medlcal laclllLy (8Ml)
1he company has osL-8euremenL Medlcal laclllLy (8Ml), under whlch reured employees and Lhe spouse are provlded medlcal
faclllues ln Lhe empanelled hosplLals. 1hey can also avall LreaLmenL as CuL-auenL sub[ecL Lo a celllng xed by Lhe company.
1he scheme ls unfunded and llablllLy for Lhe same ls recognlsed on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon on annual basls on Lhe 8alance
SheeL daLe.
L. CLher uened 8euremenL 8eneLs (Cu88)
1he Company has a scheme for seulemenL aL Lhe ume of superannuauon aL home Lown for employees and dependenLs Lo
superannuaLed employees. 1he scheme ls unfunded and llablllLy for Lhe same ls recognlsed on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon on
annual basls on Lhe 8alance SheeL daLe.
1he summar|sed pos|non of var|ous dehned benehts recogn|zed |n the Statement of roht & Loss and 8a|ance Sheet and funded
status |s as under:-
a) Lxpenses recognlsed ln SLaLemenL of roL and Loss
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
(` ln Crore)
b) AcLual reLurn on plan asseLs ls ` 30.23 crore (prevlous year ` 27.77 crore)
c) 1he amounL recognlzed ln Lhe 8alance SheeL
d) Changes ln Lhe presenL value of Lhe dened beneL obllgauons:
e) Changes ln Lhe falr value of plan asseLs:
Descr|pnon GkA1UI1 PRMF ODRB

(l) resenL value of obllgauon as aL 31/03/2013 412.88 380.01 190.32 136.91 14.23 13.44
(ll) lalr value of plan asseLs as aL 31/03/2013 407.23 376.87 - - - -
ulerence (ll) - (l) (3.64) (3.14) (190.32) (136.91) (14.23) (13.44)
neL asseL (llablllLy) recognlzed ln Lhe 8alance SheeL (3.64) (3.14) (190.32) (136.91) (14.23) (13.44)
Descr|pnon GkA1UI1 PRMF ODRB

resenL value of obllgauon as aL 01/04/2012 380.01 339.18 136.92 123.13 13.44 11.40
lnLeresL cosL 30.40 28.83 12.33 10.64 1.07 0.97
CurrenL Servlce CosL 20.24 18.32 6.46 3.08 0.70 0.68
8eneLs pald (21.66) (16.63) (2.06) (3.33) (0.30) (0.33)
neL acLuarlal (galn)/loss on obllgauon 3.89 10.31 16.43 21.37 (0.48) 0.74
resenL value of Lhe dened beneL obllgauon as aL 31/03/2013 412.88 380.01 190.32 136.91 14.23 13.44
Descr|pnon GkA1UI1
Current ear rev|ous ear
lalr value of plan asseLs as aL 01/04/2012 376.87 339.18
LxpecLed reLurn on plan asseLs 31.99 28.83
ConLrlbuuon by employer 19.34 23.26
8eneLs pald (21.66) (16.63)
AcLuarlal galn/(loss) 0.69 0.23
lalr value of plan asseLs as aL 31/03/2013 407.23 376.87
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
l. CLher Lmployee 8eneLs
rovlslon for Leave encashmenL (lncludlng compensaLed absences) amounung Lo ` (-)3.83 crore (prevlous ?ear ` 60.33 crore) for Lhe
year has been made on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon aL Lhe year end and same ls credlLed Lo SLaLemenL of roL and Loss.
rovlslon for Long Servlce Award amounung Lo ` 1.19 crore (revlous ?ear ` 8.67 crore lncludlng for earller years ` 7.43 crore) have been
made on Lhe basls of acLuarlal valuauon aL Lhe year end.
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
k. Lxperlence Ad[usLmenLs
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
arncu|ars Increase by Decrease by
Servlce and lnLeresL CosL 2.77 (3.29)
resenL value of obllgauon 17.03 (20.21)
For the year ended
March, 2013
For the year ended
March, 2012
l) lan asseLs - Loss/(Caln)
ll) Cbllgauon- Loss/(Caln)
Cbllgauon - Loss/(Caln)
14.70 20.86
Cbllgauon - Loss/(Caln)
(0.47) 0.79
2.44 Segment |nformanon (AS 17):
a) 8us|ness Segments
1he company's prlnclpal buslness ls Lransmlsslon of bulk power across dlerenL SLaLes of lndla. Powever, Lelecom and consulLancy
buslness are also LreaLed as a reporLable segmenL ln accordance wlLh para 28 of AS-17 SegmenL 8eporung".
b) Segment kevenue and Lxpense
8evenue dlrecLly aurlbuLable Lo Lhe segmenLs ls consldered as SegmenL 8evenue. Lxpenses dlrecLly aurlbuLable Lo Lhe segmenLs and
common expenses allocaLed on a reasonable basls are consldered as segmenL expenses.
c) Segment Assets and L|ab|||nes
SegmenL asseLs lnclude all operaung asseLs comprlslng of neL xed asseLs, consLrucuon work-ln-progress, consLrucuon sLores,
lnvesLmenLs, loans and advances and currenL asseLs. SegmenL llablllues lnclude long Lerm and shorL Lerm borrowlngs, currenL and
non currenL llablllues and provlslons.
C. ueLalls of Lhe lan AsseL (CraLulLy)
1he deLalls of Lhe plan asseLs aL cosL as on 31sL March, 2013 are as follows:-
(At urchase Va|ue)
Current ear rev|ous ear
l) SLaLe CovernmenL Securlues 68.84 41.92
ll) CenLral CovernmenL Securlues 88.43 64.18
lll) CorporaLe 8onds/uebenLures 228.63 242.33
lv) 88l Speclal ueposlL 3.13 3.13
v) CLher AsseLs 16.20 23.09
1oLal:- 407.23 376.87
P. AcLuarlal Assumpuons
rlnclpal assumpuons used for acLuarlal valuauon are:
l) MeLhod used - ro[ecLed unlL credlL ( uC)
ll) ulscounL raLe - 8 (prevlous ?ear 8.3 )
ll) LxpecLed raLe of reLurn on asseLs (CraLulLy only) - 8.30 (prevlous ?ear 8.30)
lv) luLure salary lncrease- 6 (prevlous ?ear 6)
1he esumaLe of fuLure salary lncreases, consldered ln acLuarlal valuauon, Lakes lnLo accounL (l) lnauon, (ll) SenlorlLy (lll) romouon
and (lv) CLher relevanL facLors, such as supply and demand ln Lhe employmenL markeL. lurLher Lhe expecLed reLurn on plan asseLs
ls deLermlned conslderlng several appllcable facLors malnly Lhe composluon of plan asseLs, assessed rlsk of asseL managemenL
and hlsLorlcal reLurn for plan asseLs.
l. 1he Company's besL esumaLe of conLrlbuuon Lowards graLulLy for Lhe nanclal year 2013-14 ls ` 8.13 crore (prevlous year ` 22.46
!. 1he eecL of Lhe percenLage polnL lncrease/decrease ln Lhe medlcal cosL of 8Ml wlll be as under:-
(` ln crore)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
Segment kepornng
Transmission Consu|tancy 1e|ecom L|em|nanon 1ota|
8evenue from Cperauons
(lncludlng allocable oLher
12861.86 10176.26 318.03 292.33 231.37 201.44 13411.46 10670.03
lnLer SegmenL 8evenue (3.03) 12.19 8.81 (12.19) (3.76)
neL 8evenue from Cperauons 12861.86 10176.26 318.03 289.30 243.76 210.23 (12.19) (3.76) 13411.46 10670.03
SegmenL resulLs 7862.37 6043.07 133.23 164.30 76.03 63.28 8071.87 6272.83
unallocaLed lnLeresL and CLher
313.86 403.33
unallocaLed llnance CosLs 2612.10 1986.72
roL before 1ax 3773.63 4689.66
rovlslon for 1axes 1463.02 1386.67
roL aer 1ax 4312.61 3302.99
Cther |nformanon:
SegmenL AsseLs 70036.03 34038.62 890.39 1309.63 829.37 739.02 71736.01 36087.29
unallocaLed AsseLs 41628.07 36044.96
1oLal AsseLs 113384.08 92132.23
Segment L|ab|||nes: 3800.00 4690.20 1746.13 1772.43 321.23 490.47 8067.40 6933.10
unallocaLed CLher Llablllues
(lncludlng loans)
78913.37 61393.94
1oLal llablllues 86980.97 68349.04
uepreclauon and Amorusauon 3391.77 2383.73 0.42 0.43 63.38 36.21 3433.37 2640.39
non-cash expendlLure oLher
Lhan uepreclauon
6.77 4.43 1.99 0.10 0.64 0.93 9.40 3.48
CaplLal LxpendlLure 20763.11 13886.32 0.29 0.31 161.13 80.04 20926.33 13966.87
d) 1he operauon of Lhe company malnly carrled ouL wlLhln Lhe counLry and Lherefore Lhere ls no reporLable geographlcal segmenL.
2.4S ke|ated arty D|sc|osures:-
a) L|st of ke|ated arnes:-
|) key Management ersonne|
Sh. 8.n. nayak Chalrman and Managlng ulrecLor
Sh. l.S. !ha ulrecLor (ro[ecLs)
Sh. 8.1. Agarwal ulrecLor (llnance)
Sh. 8avl Slngh ulrecLor(ersonnel) w.e.f. 01.04.2012
Sh. 8.. Sasmal ulrecLor(Cperauons) w.e.f. 01.08.2012
||) Io|nt Ventures:-
l) owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
ll) 1orrenL ower Crld LlmlLed
lll) !aypee owergrld LlmlLed
lv) arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed
v) 1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed
vl) norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed
vll) nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed
vlll) Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed.
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
Note :
1. roL of 1elecom segmenL has been lncreased by Lhe amounL of lnLer segmenL revenue wlLh a correspondlng decrease ln proL of 1ransmlsslon segmenL.
2. ln earller years, uLuCs & 8LuCs were LreaLed as separaLe buslness segmenL. ln order Lo have beuer presenLauon of segmenL resulL, same have been
merged wlLh 1ransmlsslon segmenL and accordlngly prevlous year gures have also been merged wlLh 1ransmlsslon segmenL.
(` ln Crore)
lx) 8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed w.e.f . 04.01.2013
x) kallnga 8ldyuL rasaran nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed w.e.f. 31.12.2012
xl) Cross 8order ower 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed w.e.f. 11.08.2012
b) 1ransacuons wlLh Lhe relaLed parues aL 2.43 (a) above durlng Lhe year are as follows:
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
arncu|ars Current year rev|ous ear
1ransacuons for servlces provlded by Lhe company* 24.36 30.94
arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 0.17 0.31
1orrenL ower Crld LlmlLed 0.03 -
!aypee owergrld LlmlLed 0.06 2.00
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 22.22 43.73
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 1.34 2.13
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 0.34 -
1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed - 0.33
AmounL recoverable 20.30 6.96
arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 0.01 0.08
1orrenL ower Crld LlmlLed 0.03 0.03
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 20.12 6.80
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 0.19 -
Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed 0.02 0.03
8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed 0.08 -
kallnga vldyuL rasaran nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed 0.03 -
AmounL payable 22.99 30.04
arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 0.09 0.23
!aypee owergrld LlmlLed 0.30 0.32
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 2.08 1.87
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 20.07 24.62
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 0.23 2.78
lnvesLmenL made 71.92 72.81
!aypee owergrld LlmlLed 2.08 10.92
1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 3.08 -
arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 19.30 -
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 14.92 61.89
Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed 21.87 -
Cross 8order ower 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 0.01 -
8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed 0.02 -
kallnga 8ldyuL rasaran nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed 0.01 -
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 8.43 -
ulvldend 8ecelved 48.16 44.72
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 48.16 44.72
uepuLauon of Lmployees 0.89 0.66
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed - 0.06
Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed 0.21 0.60
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 0.68 -
As at
March, 2013
As at
March, 2012
Cross value of asseLs acqulred and leased aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year 993.92 994.06
Add Ad[usLmenL for gross value of asseLs acqulred prlor Lo Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year - 1.86
kev|sed Gross va|ue of the assets at the beg|nn|ng of the year 993.92 993.92
Less CaplLal recovery provlded up Lo Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year 382.43 390.23
Add: CaplLal recovery for asseLs acqulred prlor Lo Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year - 78.98
kev|sed Cap|ta| recovery prov|ded up to the beg|nn|ng of the year 382.43 469.21
Cap|ta| recovery outstand|ng as on 31
March of |ast hnanc|a| year 413.47 326.71
Add Cross value of asseLs acqulred and leased durlng currenL nanclal year 68.01 -
Less CaplLal recovery for Lhe currenL year 60.44 113.24
Lease rece|vab|es 421.04 413.47
As at
March, 2013
As at
March, 2012
Cross lnvesLmenL ln Lease 381.63 331.02
un-earned llnance lncome 160.39 117.33
resenL value of Mlnlmum Lease aymenL (ML) 421.04 413.47
arncu|ars Gross Investment |n Lease resent Va|ue of MLs
As at
March, 2013
As at
March, 2012
As at
March, 2013
As at
March, 2012
noL laLer Lhan one year 93.23 90.67 60.74 39.33
LaLer Lhan one year and noL laLer Lhan ve years 336.22 341.90 233.38 266.40
LaLer Lhan ve years 130.18 98.43 106.72 87.32
1oLal 381.63 331.02 421.04 413.47
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
*1hls does noL lnclude Lransacuons wlLh respecL Lo an agreemenL wlLh owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd. under whlch Lransmlsslon charges for
Lransmlsslon llne assoclaLed wlLh 1ala hydro elecLrlc power pro[ecL are ralsed by owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LLd. Lo Lhe company whlch pay Lhe
same and collecL from Lhe respecuve beneclarles.
c) 8emunerauon Lo whole ume dlrecLors lncludlng chalrman and managlng dlrecLor ls ` 2.47 crore (prevlous year ` 2.10 crore) and amounL
of dues ouLsLandlng Lo Lhe company as on 31sL March, 2013 are ` 0.07 crore (prevlous year ` 0.03 crore).
2.46 D|sc|osures regard|ng |eases
a) llnance Leases :-
Long 1erm Loans and Advances and ShorL 1erm Loans and Advances lnclude lease recelvables represenung Lhe presenL value of fuLure
lease renLals recelvable on Lhe nance lease Lransacuons enLered lnLo by Lhe company wlLh Lhe consuLuenLs ln respecL of SLaLe SecLor
uLuC, as per Lhe Accounung SLandard (AS) - 19 Leases" noued under Lhe Companles AcL, 1936.
1he reconclllauon of Lhe lease recelvables (as per pro[ecL cosL daLa submlued Lo / approved by Lhe CL8C for Larl xauon) ls as under:
b) Cperaung leases:-
1he company's slgnlcanL leaslng arrangemenLs are ln respecL of operaung leases of premlses for resldenual use of employees,
omces and guesL houses/LranslL camps are usually renewable on muLually agreed Lerms buL are noL non-cancellable. Lmployees'
remunerauon and beneLs lnclude ` 37.46 crore (prevlous ?ear ` 37.10 crore) Lowards lease paymenLs, neL of recoverles, ln respecL
of premlses for resldenual use of employees. Lease paymenLs of ` 10.68 crore (prevlous ?ear ` 8.14 crore) ln respecL of premlses
for omces and guesL house/LranslL camps are shown under Lhe head 8enL ln noLe 2.30 1ransmlsslon, AdmlnlsLrauon and CLher
Cross lnvesLmenL ln lease and presenL value of mlnlmum lease paymenLs recelvables as aL 31sL March, 2013 for each of Lhe perlods
are as under:
1he value of conLracLual maLurlLy of such leases as per AS-19 are as under :
1he unearned nance lncome as on 31sL March, 2013 ls ` 160.39 crore (prevlous year ` 117.33 crore).
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
(` ln Crore)
Current ear rev|ous ear
neL roL aer Lax used as numeraLor (` ln crore) 4312.61 3302.99
WelghLed average number of equlLy shares used a denomlnaLor 4629723333 4629723333
Larnlng per share (8aslc & ulluLed) (ln ` ) 9.32 7.14
lace value per share ln ` 10.00 10.00
C1nLk NC1LS (contd...)
2.48 ln accordance wlLh Accounung SLandard (AS-28) lmpalrmenL of AsseLs", lmpalrmenL analysls of asseLs of Lransmlsslon acuvlLy &
Lelecom acuvlLy of Lhe company by evaluauon of lLs cash generaung unlLs, was carrled ouL by an ouLslde agency ln Lhe year 2004-03 &
2006-07 respecuvely and slnce recoverable amounL was more Lhan Lhe carrylng amounL Lhereof, no lmpalrmenL loss was recognlsed.
1he company has assessed as on Lhe balance sheeL daLe wheLher Lhere are any lndlcauons wlLh regard Lo lmpalrmenL of any of
Lhe asseLs. 8ased on such assessmenL lL has been ascerLalned LhaL no poLenual loss ls presenL and Lherefore no formal esumaLe of
recoverable amounL has been made. Accordlngly, no lmpalrmenL loss has been provlded ln Lhe accounLs.
2.49 CaplLal and CLher CommlLmenLs
LsumaLed amounL of conLracLs remalnlng Lo be execuLed on caplLal accounL and noL provlded for ls ` 43699.18 crore (prevlous year
` 42037.94 crore).
2.30 ConungenL Llablllues
1. Clalms agalnsL Lhe Company noL acknowledged as debLs ln respecL of :
(l) CaplLal Works
Some of Lhe conLracLors for supply and lnsLallauon of equlpmenLs and execuuon of works aL our pro[ecLs have lodged clalms on Lhe
company for ` 172.60 crore (prevlous year ` 73.13 crore) seeklng enhancemenL of Lhe conLracL prlce, revlslon of work schedule wlLh
prlce escalauon, compensauon for Lhe exLended perlod of work, ldle charges eLc. 1hese clalms are belng conLesLed by Lhe Company
as belng noL admlsslble ln Lerms of Lhe provlslons of Lhe respecuve conLracLs.
1he company ls pursulng varlous opuons under Lhe dlspuLe resoluuon mechanlsm avallable ln Lhe conLracL for seulemenL of Lhese clalms.
lL ls noL pracucable Lo make a reallsuc esumaLe of Lhe ouulow of resources, lf any, for seulemenL of such clalms pendlng resoluuon.
(ll) Land Compensauon cases
ln respecL of land acqulred for Lhe pro[ecLs, Lhe land losers have clalmed hlgher compensauon before varlous auLhorlues/courLs whlch
are yeL Lo be seuled. ln such cases, conungenL llablllLy of ` 2322.64 crore (prevlous year ` 1763.09 crore) has been esumaLed.
(lll) CLher clalms
ln respecL of clalms made by varlous SLaLe/CenLral CovernmenL ueparLmenLs/AuLhorlues Lowards bulldlng permlsslon fees, penalLy
on dlverslon of agrlculLure land Lo non-agrlculLure use, nala Lax, waLer royalLy eLc. and by oLhers, conungenL llablllLy of ` 2.73 crore
(prevlous year `11.72 crore ) has been esumaLed.
(lv)ulspuLed lncome 1ax/Sales 1ax/Lxclse/Munlclpal 1ax Mauers
ulspuLed lncome 1ax/Sales 1ax/Lxclse/Munlclpal 1ax Mauers amounung Lo ` 294.86 crore (prevlous year ` 237.86 crore) are pendlng
before varlous AppellaLe AuLhorlues and conLesLed before varlous AppellaLe AuLhorlues. Many of Lhese mauers are dlsposed o ln
favour of Lhe company buL are dlspuLed before hlgher auLhorlues by Lhe concerned deparLmenLs.
(v) CLhers
a) CLher conungenL llablllues amounLs Lo ` 118.34 crore (prevlous year ` 92.76 crore)
b) Some of Lhe beneclarles have led appeals agalnsL Lhe Larl orders of Lhe CL8C. 1he amounL of conungenL llablllLy ln Lhls regard
ls noL ascerLalnable.
2. Speclal purpose vehlcle(Sv) company namely owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon Company LLd. (wholly owned subsldlary) (ersLwhlle
nagapamnam Maduglrl 1ransmlsslon Company LLd.) and owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon Company LLd. (wholly owned subsldlary)
(ersLwhlle vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon SysLem LlmlLed) has been Laken over Lo carry over Lhe buslness awarded under 1arl based blddlng.
8ank guaranLee of ` 43.00 crore (prevlous year ` 43.00 crore) and ` 36.00 crore (prevlous year nll)respecuvely has been glven by Lhe
company on behalf of Sv Lowards performance of Lhe work awarded.
2.31 a) llgures have been rounded o Lo nearesL rupees ln crore up Lo Lwo declmal.
b) revlous year gures have been regrouped / rearranged wherever consldered necessary.
2.47 1he elemenLs consldered ln calculauon of Larnlng er Share (8aslc and ulluLed) are as under:
Ior and on beha|f of the 8oard of D|rectors
(D|vya 1andon) (k.1. Agarwa|) ( k. N. Nayak)
Company secreLary ulrecLor (llnance) Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor
As per our report of even date
Ior S.k. Mehta & Co. Ior Chauer[ee & Co. Ior Sagar & Assoc|ates
CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8egn no. 000478 n llrm 8egn no. 302114 L llrm 8egn no. 003310 S
(CA. Iyon 8agga) (CA. k.N. 8asu) (CA. 8. Sr|n|vasa kao)
arLner arLner arLner
Membershlp no. 087002 Membershlp no. 030430 Membershlp no. 202332
lace: Curgaon
uaLe: 28
May, 2013
Aud|tors keport on Conso||dated I|nanc|a| Statement
1o the 8oard of D|rectors of ower Gr|d Corporanon of Ind|a L|m|ted
We have audlLed Lhe accompanylng consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs of ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed (Lhe Company") and
lLs Lhree subsldlarles and eleven !olnL venLures (Collecuvely referred Lo as ower Crld Corporauon of lndla Croup) whlch comprlse Lhe
consolldaLed 8alance SheeL as aL 31sL March, 2013, and Lhe consolldaLed SLaLemenL of roL and Loss and Lhe consolldaLed Cash llow
SLaLemenL for Lhe year Lhen ended, and a summary of slgnlcanL accounung pollcles and oLher explanaLory lnformauon.
Management's kespons|b|||ty for the Conso||dated I|nanc|a| Statements
ManagemenL ls responslble for Lhe preparauon of Lhese consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs LhaL glve a Lrue and falr vlew of Lhe
consolldaLed nanclal posluon, consolldaLed nanclal performance and consolldaLed cash ows of Lhe Company ln accordance wlLh
accounung prlnclples generally accepLed ln lndla. 1hls responslblllLy lncludes Lhe deslgn, lmplemenLauon and malnLenance of lnLernal
conLrol relevanL Lo Lhe preparauon and presenLauon of Lhe consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs LhaL glve a Lrue and falr vlew and are free
from maLerlal mlssLaLemenL, wheLher due Lo fraud or error.
Aud|tors' kespons|b|||ty
Cur responslblllLy ls Lo express an oplnlon on Lhese consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs based on our audlL. We conducLed our audlL ln
accordance wlLh Lhe SLandards on Audlung lssued by Lhe lnsuLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of lndla. 1hose SLandards requlre LhaL we
comply wlLh eLhlcal requlremenLs and plan and perform Lhe audlL Lo obLaln reasonable assurance abouL wheLher Lhe consolldaLed
nanclal sLaLemenLs are free from maLerlal mlssLaLemenL.
An audlL lnvolves performlng procedures Lo obLaln audlL evldence abouL Lhe amounLs and dlsclosures ln Lhe consolldaLed nanclal
sLaLemenLs. 1he procedures selecLed depend on Lhe audlLors' [udgemenL, lncludlng Lhe assessmenL of Lhe rlsks of maLerlal mlssLaLemenL
of Lhe consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs, wheLher due Lo fraud or error. ln maklng Lhose rlsk assessmenLs, Lhe audlLors conslder lnLernal
conLrol relevanL Lo Lhe Company's preparauon and presenLauon of Lhe consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs LhaL glve a Lrue and falr vlew
ln order Lo deslgn audlL procedures LhaL are approprlaLe ln Lhe clrcumsLances. An audlL also lncludes evaluaung Lhe approprlaLeness of
accounung pollcles used and Lhe reasonableness of Lhe accounung esumaLes made by managemenL, as well as evaluaung Lhe overall
presenLauon of Lhe consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs.
We belleve LhaL Lhe audlL evldence we have obLalned ls sumclenL and approprlaLe Lo provlde a basls for our audlL oplnlon.
ln our oplnlon and Lo Lhe besL of our lnformauon and accordlng Lo Lhe explanauons glven Lo us read wlLh Lhe commenLs as sLaLed ln
paragraph CLher Mauers" below, Lhe consolldaLed nanclal sLaLemenLs glve a Lrue and falr vlew ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe accounung
prlnclples generally accepLed ln lndla:
(a) ln Lhe case of Lhe consolldaLed 8alance SheeL, of Lhe sLaLe of aalrs of Lhe ower Crld Corporauon of lndla LlmlLed Croup as aL March
31, 2013,
(b) ln Lhe case of Lhe consolldaLed SLaLemenL of roL and Loss, of Lhe proL for Lhe year ended on LhaL daLe, and
(c) ln Lhe case of Lhe consolldaLed Cash llow SLaLemenL, of Lhe cash ows for Lhe year ended on LhaL daLe.
Lmphas|s of Mauers
We draw auenuon Lo:
noLe 2.23(a) & 2.23(c) of Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs, ln respecL of Lhe provlslonal recognluon of revenue from Lransmlsslon charges.
Cur oplnlon ls noL qualled ln respecL of Lhese mauers.
Cther Mauer
1 l) We dld noL audlL Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs of Subsldlarles and !olnL venLures.
ll) 1he nanclal sLaLemenL of followlng Subsldlarles and !olnL venLures have been audlLed by Lhe oLher audlLors, whose reporLs have
been furnlshed Lo us by Lhe managemenL and our oplnlon ls based solely on Lhe reporLs of oLher audlLors. 1he deLalls of Lhe asseLs,
LoLal revenue and neL cash ow ln respecL of Lhese Subsldlarles and !olnL venLures Lo Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhey are reecLed ln Lhe
ConsolldaLed llnanclal SLaLemenLs are glven below:
Name of the Compan|es
Net Cash
owergrld nM 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 20.60 - -
owergrld vemaglrl 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 19.26 - -
!olnL venLures
owerllnks 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 636.41 127.34 13.19
!aypee owergrld LlmlLed 273.37 33.62 (0.03)
(` ln Crore)
Aud|tors keport on Conso||dated I|nanc|a| Statement (contd...)
lll) 1he nanclal sLaLemenLs of Lhe followlng Subsldlary and !olnL venLures are unaudlLed and our oplnlon so far lL relaLes Lo Lhe
amounLs lncluded ln respecL of sald Subsldlary and !olnL venLures are based solely on Lhe nanclal sLaLemenLs cerued by Lhe
managemenL of Lhe respecuve enuues. 1he deLalls of Lhe asseLs, LoLal revenue and neL cash ow ln respecL of Lhese Subsldlary
and !olnL venLure enuues Lo Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhey are reecLed ln Lhe ConsolldaLed llnanclal SLaLemenLs are glven below:
arbau koldam 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 138.64 0.06 (2.06)
nauonal Plgh ower 1esL LaboraLory rlvaLe LlmlLed 13.38 - 2.02
Lnergy Lmclency Servlces LlmlLed 29.38 3.64 (4.33)
8lhar Crld Company LlmlLed 0.07 - 0.03
kallnga vldyuL rasaran nlgam rlvaLe LlmlLed 0.03 - 0.01
Cross 8order ower 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 3.48 - 1.20
1ota| 11S6.82 184.66 12.01
Name of the Compan|es 1ota| Assets
Net Cash
ower SysLem Cperauon Corporauon LlmlLed (CSCCC) 1173.47 244.07 214.22
!olnL venLures
1orrenL ower Crld LlmlLed 84.76 13.01 (0.33)
1eesLavalley ower 1ransmlsslon LlmlLed 123.37 - 3.68
norLh LasL 1ransmlsslon Company LlmlLed 314.73 33.72 14.31
1ota| 1898.S3 292.80 232.08
Ior S. k. MLn1A & CC. Ior CnA11LkILL & CC. Ior SAGAk & ASSCCIA1LS
CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs CharLered AccounLanLs
llrm 8eglsLrauon no.000478n llrm 8eglsLrauon no. 302114L llrm 8eglsLrauon no. 003310S
(CA Iyon 8agga) (CA k.N.8asu) (CA 8.Sr|n|vasa kao)
arLner arLner arLner
Membershlp no.087002 Membershlp no.030430 Membershlp no.202332
lace of SlgnaLure: Curgaon
uaLed: 28
May, 2013
(` ln Crore)

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