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: 14
2. (30 !"
- 1-7.
. . .
#. Essential environmental issue
$. Do you love history?
%. National customs are carefully preserved
&. Improved utilities
'. Risky hobby
(. National cuisine
). Amateurs can play as well as professionals
*. Future politician
1 he system includes a wide variety of features that help you run your !" smoothly and resolve most
system problems. For e#ample$ the %imple File "hecker ut i l i t y repairs corrupted or chan&ed system files'
the new backup applet copies files to another disk easily' the %canDisk and Defra&menter accessories help
you keep your hard disk workin& properly.
2 Durin& his senior year$ "linton won a Rhodes %cholarship to the (niversity of )#ford in En&land$ and he
spent two years in )#ford*s &raduate pro&ram after &raduatin& from +eor&etown. In ,-./$ "linton enrolled
at 0ale (niversity 1aw %chool$ where he studied for a law de&ree. 2e paid his way with a scholarship and
by workin& two or three 3obs at the same time. At 0ale he met fellow law student 2illary Diane Rodham
from the "hica&o area. hey be&an datin& and in ,-.4 "linton and Rodham worked in e#as for the
presidential campai&n of Democrat +eor&e %. 5c+overn of %outh Dakota.
3 Althou&h rates of population increase are now much slower in the developed world than in the developin&
world$ it would be a mistake to assume that population &rowth is primarily a problem of developin&
countries. In fact$ because lar&er amounts of resources per person are used in developed nations$ each
individual from the developed world has a much &reater environmental impact than does a person from a
developin& country. "onservation strate&ies that would not si&nificantly alter lifestyles but that would
&reatly lessen environmental impact are essential in the developed world.
4 6illarney 1akes contain numerous islands and are part of a national park. he wooded slopes of the
mountains of 6erry rise abruptly from the lakeshores. )n the Island of Ross in 1ou&h 1eane$ the lar&est
lake$ stands an ancient ruined castle. 7etween 1ou&h 1eane and 5uckross 1ake is the ruin of a Franciscan
abbey founded in ,88/. he outlet of the lakes is the 1aune River$ which flows northwest into Din&le 7ay$
an arm of the Atlantic )cean.
+ Achill Island is the lar&est island off the coast of Ireland. 1ocated in county 5ayo$ it is 48 km lon&$ with
an area of ,89 s: km. It lies off the west central coast of Ireland and is rather mountainous. he impressive
5inaun cliffs located on the island have a sheer drop of 4;/m down to the sea. he waters surroundin& the
island are popular for deep<sea fishin&$ primarily for tuna and sharks.
, his dish is ha&&is$ which is made from &round sheep entrails$ mi#ed with oats and spices$ and tied in a
sheep*s stomach and cooked.
- 2i&hland +ames are held in many parts of the %cottish 2i&hlands durin& the summer. hey are a traditional
kind of track and field meetin& where the events include tossin& the caber =a rou&hly trimmed tree trunk> and
throwin& the hammer =a heavy metal ball attached to a chain>. !articipants often wear traditional dress$ and
musicians play traditional ba&pipe music.
, 4 ? 8 ; 9 .
$3 1-6 A-G.
A-G . .
5ars is one of the planets in the solar system. It is the fourth planet from the %un and orbits the %un at an
avera&e distance of about 44@ million km. 5ars is named for the Roman &od of war and is sometimes called the
red planet 1 AAAA.
he most detailed information available about 5ars has come from unpiloted spacecraft sent to the planet
by the (nited %tates between ,-98 and ,-.9. From this data$ scientists have determined that the planet*s atmos <
phere consists primarily of carbon dio#ide$ with small amounts of nitro&en$ o#y&en$ water vapour$ and other
&ases. Daily temperatures can vary as much as ,// "elsius de&rees 2 AAAA. In &eneral$ surface temperatures are
too cold and surface pressures too low for water to e#ist in a li:uid state on 5ars. he planet resembles a cold$
hi&h<altitude desert.
5ars is a relatively small planet$ with about half the diameter of Earth and about one<tenth Earth*s mass.
he force of &ravity on the surface of 5ars is about one<third of that on Earth. he surface area of 5ars is
almost e#actly the same 3 AAAA. 5ars is believed to be about the same a&e as Earth$ havin& formed from the
same spinnin&$ condensin& cloud of &as and dust that formed the %un and the other planets about 8.9 billion
years a&o.
he 5artian day$ 4 AAAA$ is about a half an hour lon&er than an Earth day and is sometimes called a sol.
Its year$ + AAAA$ is about two Earth years lon&. 5ars has two moons$ !hobos and Deimos$ which are named after
the do&s of the Roman &od 5ars. hese tiny bodies are heavily cratered$ dark chunks of rock and may be asteroids
captured by the &ravitational pull of 5ars. !hobos orbits 5ars once in less than one 5artian day$ , AAAA$ usually
twice each day. Deimos has the more ordinary habit of risin& in the east and settin& in the west.
#. that is the time it takes 5ars to rotate once on its a#is
$. so it appears to rise in the west and set in the east
%. because it makes up a &reat distance
&. because it appears fiery red in Earth*s ni&ht sky
'. or the time it takes to revolve once around the %un
(. because the atmosphere is e#tremely thin
). as the surface area of the dry land on Earth
, 4 ? 8 ; 9
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!rince 2enry "harles Albert David$ born on %eptember ,;$ ,-@8 at %t 5ary*s 2ospital$ in central 1ondon$
is third in line of succession to the throne$ behind his father$ the !rince of Bales$ and his elder brother. !rince
2enry "harles Albert has always been known as !rince 2arry and as he*s been out&oin& and fun<lovin&
boy ever since he was a kid$ he was later dubbed the 2appy !rince. 2is mother$ !rincess Diana$ was determined
that her sons should en3oy a CnormalC lifestyle$ and the three were often seen at amusement parks$ &oin& into
5cDonald*s restaurants or the cinema.
2arry attended the same schools as Billiam$ and in %eptember ,--@$ he followed his elder brother to
Eton$ the most famous private school in 7ritain. Founded in ,88/ by 2enry DI$ Eton "olle&e has &iven 7ritain
4/ prime ministers and :uite a few outstandin& poets and writers.
2arry wasn*t as academically &ifted as his brother Billiam$ but he earned a place at Eton and became
instantly popular with his fellow students.
2e soon settled into the school*s routine. 2e &ot used to Eton*s school uniform E black tailcoat and
waistcoat$ stiff collar and pinstriped trousers. It*s one of the oldest uniforms in the world =datin& back to udor
times> and can*t be thrown on in a hurry. 2arry also learned a whole new lan&ua&e. At Eton homework is called
EBs or Ce#tra worksC$ the teachers are CbeaksC and each school term is known as a half$ thou&h there are three
of them in a year.
At Eton 2arry had a reputation for bein& Cone of the ladsC$ unlike his more serious brother Billiam.
7ut in his seventeenth year his name hit the headlines in a rather unpleasant way. 2is e#periments with
cannabis became public knowled&e. !rince "harles*s reaction was :uick. Even before the newspapers appeared
with 2arry*s Dru&s %hame$ rouble with 2arry headlines$ he had already taken his son to a dra& clinic for a day.
alkin& to doctors and dru& addicts seemed to have a soberin& effect on 2arry.
)n %eptember ,;$4//4 !rince 2arry celebrated his ,@thbirthday. o mark the occasion$ 2er 5a3esty the
Fueen &ave the !rince his own "oat of Arms. )n that day 2arry was busy with &ood worksG visitin& hospitals
and speakin& to the homeless. 2e wanted to remind the public about his mother*s hu&e contribution to charity.
!rincess Diana*s influence on 2arry is very stron&. And while most people note the marked resemblance
between !rincess Diana and Billiam$ some friends of the family say that in reality$ it is 2arry who is more like
his mother in many ways.
2arry*s academic achievements at Eaton were not outstandin&$ but he was e#cellent at sports and arts.
!rince 2arry plays ru&by$ football and cricket$ en3oys swimmin& and skiin& and is an e#cellent polo
player. %pecialists say that he has &ot a &reat eye for the ball$ he rides well$ and if he worked hard$ he could 3oin
the elite &roup of ,// professional polo players in 7ritain.
1ike his father$ 2arry loves paintin&. 2e is a talented artist and has had his work e#hibited at the school.
In 5arch 4//?$ 2arry played one of the leadin& parts in 5uch Ado About Nothin&.
In Hune 2arry left Eton "olle&e. No more CbeaksC =teachers>$ no more books for him. As he left school for
the last time$ he turned to the photo&raphers and cried$ CAt lastIC
!rince 2arry has announced his decision to enroll in a military academy$ but before that he is takin& a &ap
year. hat means he will spend a year not workin& or studyin& but travellin& and workin&.
Now !rince 2arry is in Australia. 2e is workin& at a cattle station and Clearnin& a bit how to be a
3ackarooC. 2e is already an e#pert in roundin& up cattle.
Bhat does the future hold for !rince 2arry? Billiam*s role as the future kin& is clearly defined$ but 2arry
is the CspareC$ as his mother called him. Billiam is always tin 456 789:;< instinctively aware of his position$
2arry is much more rela#ed$ showin& his feelin&s and sayin& what he thinks. 2e seems to en3oy his second
son*s status to the full$ althou&h once some years a&o$ when Billiam e#pressed his concern about his future role
as a kin&$ 2arry e#claimed CI*d love itIC
#1+ 2arry is &ood at
,> studies.
4> the school*s routine.
?> lan&ua&es.
8> paintin&.
#1, he new lan&ua&e 2arry learned was
,> 1atin.
4> French.
?> a school slan&.
8> a school code#.
#1- he phrase Cone of the ladsC means
,> a friendly person respected by everybody.
4> a respectful person.
?> a person who makes friends with anybody.
8> a reserved person.
#1= )f the two brothers 2arry
,> is more &ifted.
4> more looks like his mother.
?> is more like his mother.
8> more looks like his father.
#1> Bhen 2arry left school for the last time$ he was
,> upset.
4> disappointed.
?> happy.
8> calm.
#20 he phrase Con his &uardC means that !rince Billiam is
,> always :uiet.
4> reserved and careful.
?> always an#ious.
8> never worried.
#21 In the future 2arry would not refuse to be
,> an e#pert in roundin& up cattle.
4> an artist.
?> an actor.
8> kin&.
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