DocumentUFO Encounter 1

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UFO encounter 1/ Observance of craft creating Time-/dimensional Gate!

18th December 199! time "#$! %eather clear!cris&'cold'

I was driving at that period a Pizza-delivery van, making my last delivery for the
night. Vicinity a large populated housing-est, kings lynn norfolk england. I was
driving down a winding road into the estate, when I noticed some quarter-a-mile
away, some 2mls up in the sky a arge-silver-star! "ar too-large to #e $elestial. I
slowed the van down to a stop, and whilst again resuming o#servation of this
silver-o#%ect was amased to see it &'tinguish, completely vanish! (like someone
turning a light-#ul# off in the middle of the sky) I sat for a few seconds and then
wound down my driver-side window to see any *further* phenomenan associated
with this occurence. I was quickly *rewarded*, a#out eighty-ft a#ove me moving
&++ than ,mph I o#served the following V&-. clearly! / 0 $raft some forty ft in
length and around ten-ft from the dome-shaped aperture at top to the #ase. 1he
colour a * rusty-red, not unlike metals %ust #een removed from a furnace/forge and
cooling down.* (important!) I watched for at least five-minutes this starcraft which
not only *stopped-time* around me #ut gave reference that its *occupants* were
2& 020-& of my prescence and o#servation. In fact I was e'pecting to #e
*#eamed-a#oard!*. +uddenly a row of a#out ten-to-twelve orange-ports were turned
on. "rom the underside looking upward I o#served the direction as clockwise.
Immediately *these-ports* had #een activated a *change* in the *space* in-front of
this craft was highely noticea#le. I was *mesmerised*, space itself in accordance
perhaps with the crafts-dimensions, #egan to *shake*, to give the impression of a
forming of a mirrored-flu', a sand-shifting type mirage. I can only assume that the
ports had released an 3nknown-energy which *transformed* the 4agnetic-
polarisation and gravitational-fields, pertaining in front of this craft/1o allow a
*molecular-shift* of 1ime and its equivalent parrallel-fields/. I watched then as this
noiseless-craft entered into this created portal and then vanished. I have
&'perienced/encountered 405. Paranormal/supernatural events, ,many 3"6
connected phenomena and therefore *I was 561 frightened #y this encounter,
more inquisitive! I was running my own-3"6 7roup at that period and had talked
on a num#er of radio-shows, appearing #riefly in a 3"6-8e#ate in 9::; on *the
time and the place* presenter %ohn-stapleton, I1V. television. +o slowing the van
to a stop and switching off the engine was a 5atural thing to do for a
3fologist. 0fter completing my delivery of a pizza and returning home I
concluded/percieved that< the +ilver-star first o#served was indeed a o#servation
of 0 Portal-timegate, which had earlier #een opened #y this very same craft! In
other words this craft was using *some-sort* of cross-dimensional corridoors to
travel space and its time-varia#les. et me say as I have always maintained, I
have 020.+ #een availa#le for 05. tests including drugs, #e they truth-
drug/lie-detector/whatever to prove the V0I8I1. of what I have seen/encountered
throughout my life so far! 1-1hompson

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