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The aim of this experiment is to test the law of conservation of momentum by the collision
between two trolleys.
YOU WI !""#:
Two trolleys$ plastic runway$ support boar%$ two li&ht &ates$ ' ("# units$ lea%s$ ("# power
unit$ washers
*erform the experiment in two parts:
+a, inelastic collision
+b, elastic collision
-or both parts:
.et up the apparatus as shown in the %ia&ram. /ompensate the runway for friction by &ivin&
one trolley a small push an% chec0in& that it runs %own the runway with constant spee%.
+a, elastic collision
Mount a small ma&net on each trolley so that they repel each other when pushe% towar%s
each other.
"ach li&ht &ate must be connecte% to a %ifferent ("# unit so that they can measure the
spee%s of the separate trolleys.
*lace trolley ' between the two li&ht &ates an% push trolley 1 towar%s it. Arran&e the masses
of the two trolleys that they both move from left to ri&ht after the collision. .et the first ("#
unit to recor% the spee% of trolley 1 before the collision an% secon% ("# to recor% the
spee%s of trolley 1 an% 2 after the collision.
3ecor% the total masses of both trolleys.
3epeat the experiment for a series of %ifferin& initial spee%s an% trolley masses.
+b, inelastic collision
Mount a piece of 4velcro4 on each trolley so that the trolleys stic0 to&ether when they colli%e.
In this experiment only one ("# unit is nee%e% since there are only two spee%s that nee% to
be measure%.
.et the ("# unit to recor% the spee% of trolley 1 before collision an% that of the two trolleys
after collision.
3epeat the experiment for %ifferin& initial spee%s an% trolley masses.
Use your results to test the law of conservation of momentum.
Trolley 1
Trolley '
i&ht &ate 1 i&ht &ate '

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