Verbo To Be - Presente

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Verb TO BE : (Ser o Estar)

PP* Aff* Translation
I am Yo soy / Estoy
You are T eres / est!s
"e is El es / est!
S#e is Ella es / est!
It is Es / est!
$e are %osotros (as) somos / estamos
You are &ste'es son / est!n
T#ey are Ellos (as) son / est!n
(ebes saber )ue el *erbo +to be, nos -ermite ' nuestra e'a' en in/les0 How old are you? (Cuantos aos
tienes) y usted responde I am .. years old.
Afirmaciones: Sujeto is!am!are Complemento
S#e is a nurse
"e#aciones: Sujeto is!am!are "$% Complemento
S#e is not a nurse
&re#untas: is!am!are Sujeto Complemento?
Is s#e a nurse1 Yes0 s#e is
%o 0 s#e is not

Ejerc icios :
1.- Vuelve a escribir las siguientes oraciones en negativo e interrogativo
a) I am a se.retary #) T#ey are .#il'ren
b) You are a 2oman i) You are 2riters
.) "e is a man 3) $e are /oo' frien's
') S#e is a /irl 4) I5m from Bra6il
e) It is a l) 7y sister is se*enteen8
f) You5re in t#ese -#otos8 m) $e5re from 9#ina8
/) Your boo4 is in t#e li*in/ room
:8; 9om-lete el si/uiente -!rrafo .on is/am/are y tra'u6.a8
Peter Baker _______from Manchester, but Paul and John _______from London.
Manchester and London _______cities in England. Santiago _______a city in Chile.
Sandra _______at school today. Jack and Peter _______her friends. hey _______in
the same class. Mr and Mrs Pere! _______on a tri" to the #S$ to %isit their cousin $nne.
She _______a nice girl.
& say'(My grandfather _______in hos"ital. & _______at home )ith my grandmother.(
*hat time _______it+ &t _______, o-clock. _______you tired+ .o, & _______not.
3.- Completa los siguientes dilogos con el verbo To Be segn corresponda8
Ale=: "ello0 I >>>>>>>> Ale= ?ones8
Tina: "ello0 I >>>>>>>>> Tina 7olina
Ale=: >>>>>> you from Sout# Ameri.a0 Tina1
Tina: Yes0 I >>> from &ru/uay8 $#ere >>>>> you an' your sister from0 Ale=1
Ale=: $e>>>>> from En/lan'8
Tina: >>>>> you from @on'on1
Ale=: %o0 2e >>>>>> from @i*er-ool8 >>>>> ?o#n your brot#er1
Tina: Yes0 #e >>>>>
7ar4: "ello0 I >>>>> 7ar48
9lar4: "ello0 I >>>> 9lar48
7ar4: >>>>> you a 'o.tor1
9lar4: Yes0 I >>>>>8 An' you1
7ar4: I>>>>> a 'entist8
Ellen: "ello0 #o2 >>>>>> you1
Amy: I>>>> fine0 t#an4 you8 An' you1
Ellen: I>>>> fine0 t#an4s8
Amy: T#is >>>>> my brot#er Tom8
Ellen: "e >>>> #an'some8
Amy: Yes0 #e >>>>8
Ellen: >>>> s#e your sister1
Amy: Yes0 s#e >>>>8 "er name >>>>> 7ary8

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