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Deliver us unto temptation, bring us unto wicked darkness oh mighty Satan.

Grant us power above all others. Grant us the might to slay the puny Jehova, curse
Tetragrammaton! Fuck the true deciever the enslaver and destroyer o spirit.
!t erue nos in tentationem, nos ad mala ortis tenebris o Satan.
"r#sta potestas super omnes. Da, ut in parva visa est, ut occidere $ehovah, ut
maledicat% Tetragrammaton, "edicabo ego vero deciever S&'J&G(T)* et in perniciem
in spiritu.
Satan, come unto us. *ise up, beore me thou surace with ire and rays o black. +ome
oh king o the earth. ,ost inernal and wicked we praise thee.
Satan, -ui venerant ad nos,. !.surge, Domine, ante me supericies ignis, et radii, et
nigri. ) re. terrae veni. "lera-ue pessimi inernales et laudamus te.
To you oh Samael and /ilith, $nernal couple o 0ell. Glory to thy names! 0ail thy union,
the union o Devils. 0ail unto thee both, most wicked spirits o the abyss, endless
(d te o longum et /amiam, duo $nerna inerni. Gloria est nomen tuum! (ve tuum
coniugationis daemoniorum. (ve et tibi, ne-uissimi spiritus abysso tenebris.
$ call all orces o darkness unto my being. +loak me in darkness.(d mea omnes virtutes
invoco caligo. ,e, in tenebris est pallio.
,ay $ be delivered unto all evil.Dedit-ue mihi aciant mali.
$ bathe in the light that shines black, inernal lames surround me./ucis, ut laver in
nigrum, lammis circa me.
,ay Satan be ever with me.Satanas, ut semper.
To Satan the true king o this !arth, who does maketh his own terrible and mighty. Satan
who is the butcher beore the lock. Fill us with thy ire, thy ire burning black.
Satanae verus re. huius terre, terribilis et ortis, -ui se acit. +arnie. -ui gregem ante
Satanas. *eple tuo nos ignis ardentes atra tuae.

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