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The foundations of Judaism

Principle beliefs of Judaism

Belief in one god:
Monotheistic one god who is creator you shall have no other god before me,
you shall not make for yourself an idol
God is transcendent and immanent. Separate from the world yet still involved
in it through the covenant
Moral law prescribed by god:
Torah contains the divinely inspired moral law that binds Jews to their god. In
the Torah are 613 mitzvot 248 positive and 365 negative.
The negative mitzvot detail those that a Jew must refrain from. Women are
exempt from some of the positive mitzvot while other mitzvot refer specially to
The covenant:
Established between god and Abraham, affirms a unique relationship between
god and the Jewish people. Torah is an expression of the covenant. The
requirements of the covenant are known as Halachah. The legal tradition of
halachah is grounded in the 613 mitzvot
Sacred texts of Judaism

Ethical understanding and practice in Judaism

Expressions within Judaism where appropriate

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