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Chat Log C:\Users\CBC\Documents\ChatLog Hyperion Financial Management_ SmartView an Financial !

De"eloper #$%&_$'_#( $)_&#*rt+
,mit Cognos -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: Hi All
,mit Cognos -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: We start in next 05min
1uru 1hai -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: Hi
2oteshwar rao pasumarthi -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: k
1uru 1hai -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: sure
2oteshwar rao pasumarthi -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: hi
!a3 4ris -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: how many recorded sessions do we get?
!a3 4ris -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: can you spend few more seconds on the server that we get? could we connect to this
server and try our own?
!a3 4ris -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: thanks
!a3 4ris -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: one last.. can you tell the class hours.. is it same A! "#$?
!a3 4ris -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: what is the week day timing please
!a3 4ris -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: thanks
!a3 4ris -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: i am a %racle &'" consultant( where is the right place to start
!a3 4ris -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: which module is the right place to start?
!a3 4ris -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: ) am completely new to *) terminologies( will this course teach me +asics of *)
,mit Cognos -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: http:,,,watch?
!a3 4ris -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: thanks
!a3 4ris -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: tomorrow 0 hours
,mit Cognos -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: =es
,mit Cognos -to ,ll . /ntire ,uience0: can you pl put your <uestion in chat window
1uru 1hai -to ,mit Cognos 0: $hanks Amit.. )t>s nice session to get an overview of H?!.

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