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The history of Skandia is one that has been requested of me by dozens of players, both in

and out of Skandia. I have often enough said that I could easily write a book on Skandias
history, and still believe I could easily hit 100 Pages attempting to do so if I went in-depth
enough into the history. However, for both your sake and my sake I believe that 100 pages
might be a bit too long for both of us. Therefore I will attempt to present a shortened history on
the past 3 months of Skandia which I can recall, with some omitted details due to confidential
information, and I hope to present a base history in which both you and I can understand and
remember as time moves on.
I find it difficult to find a place where to start this history, seeing as I was not the original
leader or one of the original members of Skandia. In fact, Skandia was several weeks old by the
time I finally decided to join it; therefore, I will attempt to recreate this history somewhat from
my point of view of events and from my beginnings since I joined DNT Tekkit. By doing this
you will not only learn about Skandia history from inside Skandia, but somewhat from outside
and even some of my own history.
The first day I joined DNT Tekkit was December 6
2013 quite late into the day [I live in
America]. I recall managing to walk up to read the rules and disconnecting only to find the
server had reset the next day. Although this is technically called Era1 in the articles, this is only
true for Skandia and not the server itself, which is one Era ahead of Skandia. However, when
joining I had no anticipation of joining a faction until I ran into a guy named Old_Perculier
. I
was invited to a faction named [Godz] and continued with my work as I intended to simply in
their base. I was admitted openly and freely, but due to the fact that we lived in a volcano we
had little room to build what I truly wished to, which was a giant facility.
Realizing this I decided to build in a snow mountain nearby the base and had it claimed
for me. It was there I began work on my facility which quite humorously would become the
home of one of Skandias enemies in the future. However, the faction leader (Mikey), was not
what I would call a nice person. He was rather ruthless, controlling, and loved to PvP with
people and ultimately was banned for cussing at MrLacis when he lost a fight to him. Over one
of his arguments with another player whose name I cannot recall, I managed to bond with a

Old Perculier later left to join Skandia only to be kicked out later for Treason and suspected griefing.
group of four people. All four of us had joined that day and lived in four different factions. All
of them but me were alone and in a faction that they themselves owned; the four of us were me
(Tonymai1), Cloudioa9, Nick200293, and Steyven. Despite being in different factions, each
with our own ambitions, we easily bonded and wished to be together in a faction, however we
each had our own homes and buildings already, and therefore it was not considered at the time.
Cloudioa9 ended up logging off to go to sleep, and later Nick200, Steyven, and I decided to
merge into Nicks faction and be one only to later invite Cloudioa9.
The three of us decided to rename the faction Unity, a name that despite no longer being
an actual faction, has had a major impact on Skandias history and is still a name popularly
known in the faction. Cloudioa9 however refused the offer to join our faction because he wished
to create a large public faction instead of a small private faction; his faction was to soon be
renamed into Skandia.
Both Unity and Skandia may have lived apart in both locations, and factions, yet as allies
we were extremely close. Unity lived on an island that stretched hundreds of blocks containing
both a snow and forest biome on it. Skandia lived on a tiny island in the sea that was around
twenty chunks big and somewhat near the mainland. Everyone in Unity was aware of where
Skandia was, and Cloudioa9 of where Unity was. The two of our factions often traded and
watched each others progression on each others base, often visiting multiple times daily. It was
this alliance and a turn of events that later caused our two factions to merge and become a single
Many often call a period of standstill the calm before the storm, and this is seen several
times throughout the history of Skandia. Both Skandia and Unity had essentially nothing going
on in their factions during their early begins. Unity was simply constructing buildings they
wishes to, and Skandia theres. The reason for this period of standstill is most likely caused
because both factions were just beginning, and both were beginning to build themselves up to
reach Phase2 of their plans. Every now and then you would get reports of a griefer in Skandia,
and Unity occasionally had factions pop up near it which was rather troubling as they were in
the way of expansion and posed possible threats.
Major events finally began to occur in the two factions due to ambitious dreams by both
Skandia and Unity. Upon finishing the starting steps to establishing a basic style of living in
their factions, both finally began to gear up to making a more globalized effort of being great,
so to speak. The first step towards the end of standstill was the creation of an embassy between
Skandia and Unity. The embassy allowed both factions to use a teleporter that connected their
two bases together, a major step towards unity. More than this, both Skandia and Unity had
outgrown the land they currently had claimed and wished to grow larger. Unity base was
planning to expand their base twice its size and turn it into a castle. Skandia was preparing to
expand towards the mainland so they werent all cramped on the island. Events likely wouldve
run smoothly and the two factions wouldve remained split if not for a critical event that
devastated Unity.
Things in Unity had been proceeding smoothly and expected to continue that way.
However one day, the unthinkable happened to Unity, Steyven had quit the faction. By Steyven
leaving the faction went negative and power and all plans of expansion had ceased. With only a
two man faction, expansion not only seemed unrealistic, but things were bound to get lonely with
the crew broken up. Steyven explained to Nick [Who was Owner of Unity], that he left because
A moderator went and griefed my home and stole all my stuff. However, the story in itself
was flawed for a multitude of reasons later found upon investigation. The house was the only
thing griefed; would a moderator not destroy the entire base? Not only that, but other than minor
damage to the house everything of value was stolen, even stuff that was hidden from the public.
Upon visiting Steyvens hidden basement, Nick and I found an AFK Machine, would a
moderator not have banned him for that? Among other confidential information, it was
concluded that Steyven left to leave, for no reason, and then lied about why. No reason for him
leaving has ever been found, although there are several theories that are suggested, but none are a
sensible reason. With Steyven leaving Unity, Nick and I agreed that it was time to talk to
Skandia about a merge.
The merge into Skandia was one that has forever changed and shaped Skandia into
modern times. Not only was this merge a major game changer for both groups, but it was one
that has propelled Skandia to new heights as time has proceeded. Unity was easily accepted into
Skandia due to the long-term relationship our two factions had with each other. Nick was made
Co-Owner, and I, supreme commander of Skandia. The addition of Unity [3 People, including
my brother], and later that day another group of people being [GoldenChicken, mike2012, and
Shane]. The sudden addition of six people to the factions created multiple unexpected benefits
and consequences. At the time of the merge, the largest faction was MrLaciss Doomed with a
total of nine members. With the addition of six to Skandias already seven strong, Skandia
suddenly shot up to be the largest faction in DNT, a title it has kept to modern times. However,
due to Skandias small island size, and the way the groups were introduced, Skandia was split
into three different groups: Original Skandians, Unity Skandians, and Mushy Skandians.

Even with Unitys small size, it was technologically more advanced than Original
Skandia, and therefore events were in place to upgrade the island to be more modernized (this
would not be the only attempt Unity would make at modernizing another group of Skandia).
However, modernizing the Skandia Island proved to be not only a difficult task, but a near
impossible one. The island was already almost entirely full leaving few rooms for new buildings
to help with improvement. Not only that, but the people living there already refused to let their
houses be destroyed or remodeled. The geography of such a small island limited the size of
buildings, and how much could be put on the island. Despite an attempt to move to the main
land, the island and mainland were too far apart to allow colonization, and the bay of the island
was a jungle biome. In essence, the location of the Original Skandia base was one that set it up
to fall.
Few events happened of extraordinary importance at the Original Skandian base. Only
one such major disaster was ever to hit the island. Cloudioa9 had been mass recruiting people
for Skandia, with and without any exception. With such an obvious type of recruiting, he was
bound to get traitors, and griefers. A major disaster happened when two people joined Skandia
and raided the faction from the inside, despite being quickly kicked, they were still on the island
and were guarding Skandias riches. On top of this, they were speed hackers (who were later
banned because they admitted it on a screenshot [Idiots]). However, as the future would show,
they would not be the first of a wave of traitors and griefers to hit the Original Skandia. With
griefing wild in the original Skandia base, it is of little wonder how it ceased to exist in Skandian
minds. Not to mention, to make matters worse, a ticking time bomb had practically been set off

The reason this name was given was because this group lived on a Mushroom Island.
shortly after these disastrous events. Cloudioa9 was to go in-active for 6 days, only to log on
once, and then to log off again for another 10 days in which the bomb had been set. Later he
would be automatically kicked for inactivity and leadership given to another However, within
the final 10 days of his inactivity, the two remaining Skandian groups were heavily armed and
tensions between the two grew worse as no administrative leader was to be found in Skandia.
Skandia was heading for civil war; their leader had left them to die.
To fully understand why things between Unity Skandians & Mushy Skandians were filled
with so much tension, you must realize that these two groups had very different lifestyles &
bases. Each of the groups had their separate leaders, alliances, enemies, and styles. While Unity
was a base based off of a Republic government, the Mushroom Island was based off of a Dictator
government. With the Original Skandians vanquished from Skandia, all except for Cloudioa9
who had gone inactive, the faction was split straight to the core. Quite coincidently, yet not
exactly in order, Skandias history parallels a lot of the United States History. Both groups were
different so fundamentally and were so far apart, that it was Northern Industrialist vs Southern
Due to the way Unity was ran, it was easily the more advanced than the Mushy
Skandians. The base was inside of a castle and although people were free to build what they
want, the locations of buildings were generally kept strictly watched in organized districts. It
was this style of life that allowed Unity base to successfully organize and further advance. Not
only that, but while the Mushy Skandians specialized in redpower & facilities, Unity Skandians
were excellent at IndustrialCraft & Computercraft. Unity offered people free sources of power,
machines, and other things to help them quickly advance at an extraordinary rate. Its style of
recruiting was also different as it was strictly regulated which made it so when players were
invited, they were almost always already trusted and hard workers. Griefing was rare inside of
the city.
The Mushroom Island ran on a much different lifestyle than the Unity Skandians (US).
Their mushroom island was easily the size of a large continent, and could easily have fit over a
thousand chunks of claimed land. Despite its size allowing it to expand at an extraordinary rate,
the mushroom islands lifestyle didnt allow for such an event. The Mushroom Island was a
freebuild allowing players to build anywhere unregulated, plus it had a dictatorship government
which limited how many public resources were available. The entire lifestyle was based off of
machinery and factories, one that meant that buildings and civilization were hardly a focus. Plus,
many of the Original Skandians either merged into the Mushroom lifestyle, or random were
invited which resulted to huge amounts of grief across their city. In essence, compared to the
Unity Skandians the Mushy Skandians were living in poverty.
With such a difference between the two groups, its often questioned why Unity stressed
over a civil war far more than the Mushy Skandians were. They were more advanced in nearly
every category but Redpower & Facilities, yet despite that fears of war were more rampant in
Unity than in the Mushroom Island. Without a doubt both groups most likely thought something
of the sort could happen, but it is likely the lifestyle of Unity, living in a densely condensed city
that allowed citizens to receive and be effected by news far more effectively than the divided
Mushy Islanders were. The true reason Unity even feared of a civil war though, was despite the
fact that they were more advanced; because of Unitys tight recruitment they were outnumbered
2 to 1. True, many of the people on the island were griefers, but they would still fight if called
on. Not to mention, not everyone recruited was obviously going to be a griefer, members like
Mephlies, Drafty01, Drakatky, and PotatoMan were invited to the Mushy Island and served as,
or is still serving, as a devoted Skandian in modern times.
Another major difference between these two groups was Unitys immense amount of
security and their participation in world politics. Unitys security has always been the greatest
that Skandia has ever had due to its small size and style of base. The base was surrounded in 20
block high castle walls which removed land threats. In the air they had towers to see if someone
flew over the wall, and an alarm security system to trigger when intruders entered the base. All
of their doors were computercraft password protected running off of Skandias universal
password system, and if the password was inserted incorrectly, then the alarm would also sound.
This alarm system, and password door system proved to be immensely effective in seeing threats
in the faction. Meanwhile, the mushroom island had no such security at all, meaning it was far
more vulnerable to attacks.
While lifestyle on the mushroom island stayed nearly the same as the days went by, Unity
expanded rapidly. They invited new members like Flyingninja123, EnderMorphed, and
maxgamers01 (who later defected to the Mushroom Island). The castle grew to such a size that it
eventually expanded into 2 different sections, the base doubled in its size. Many of the factions
that had settled near Unity disbanded for inactivity, leaving Unitys entire island open to
colonization. More than this though, Unity fearing civil war began to take measures of inviting
people from the Mushroom Island to join their base. Members like Drafty01, and drakatky
moved to Skandia, meanwhile Mephlies participated between both of the bases. The rapidness
of the expansion allowed Unity to progress farther ahead of the Mushroom Island at an
extremely fast pace. Plus with both of the groups inviting so many members, Skandias size hit
30 members and tripled the previous largest faction Doomed of MrLacis.
More than this though, Unity Skandians were making a heavy impact politically on the
server. They were allying with factions and turning them towards Skandias side, and displayed
Skandia as an elegant and powerful faction. Their involvement politically on the server led to
several such incidents of disaster and success as time went on. A faction called Yugoslavia had
threatened Skandia in all chat under the command of TheBosnianGamer. He called off his threat
though when he was threatened with Nuclear bombs from the Unity Skandians. It was later
when he was griefed by inviting the wrong member, and that person made a faction and enemied
Skandia, that TheBosnianGamer was admitted. The two never fought an actual battle besides
minor acts of terrorism, but he was one of the first foes that Skandia encountered, and he was
swiftly banned for griefing. His faction later fell apart at the news of his ban, and later Skandia
found their base to be the facility I was working on before joining Unity.
Such a display of political conflict was not to be the first that would face Skandia, and it
would not be the last as time would continue on. Plagued by the possibilities that a stronger
threat might encounter the base one day, security and weaponry was increased throughout the
base. Skandia began to become a Nuclear Faction, and defenses were increased towards anyone
who found the base, yet still, allies to Skandia were allowed to come visit the base often. The
most famous alliance to hit Skandia was one involving the faction of cassassins. Their leader
was Spence2345 and they were easily growing at a rapid rate, in fact, at the end of Era1 they had
23 members rivaling Skandias 30. Knowing that such a faction could become a threat to the
Skandian Super Power, the two began to intensely create a strong relationship with each other.
The first act of companionship between the two in actual conflict though, occurred when
cassassins was attacked by a faction in PvP, and later Skandia provided troops & a nuclear bomb
to end the threat. The factions name was Ghosts and inside of it were Nikolas and SkyAndMC,
who would become future Skandians starting in Era2.
The tight alliance between cassassins and Skandia was only to improve as time went on.
Despite best efforts of Unity Skandians, they did indeed have traitors inside of their faction.
Inevitably, such traitors generally left the faction after getting essential information, one such
person was a defect from Skandias ally, Anarchy. He joined the faction to gain intelligence and
later left and was reinvited by Anarchy despite a Skandian warning that it would mean war. Not
fearing or taking Skandias threat seriously, they re-added him and the two factions enemied
each other to gear for Skandias first official conflict. Quite foolishly though, Anarchys leader
had invited them to their base the day before and so Skandia was perfectly aware of the location
of the PvP Faction. Cassassins helped participate in the attack on their base, and their leader
Kebbleshead managed to fall to the combined wrath of the two super powers. Later,
Kebbleshead logged off, and Skandia went to scout for a 2
base that they believed Anarchy
had. Another two of anarchys members logged on later fatally leading to the downfall of the
faction. They fully cooperated with Skandia and both bases were found, the two members were
spam killed so the faction would go negative, and Skandia removed the claims on both bases.
Anarchy was completely leveled, not a single thing left of the faction accept a Sign
stating Here lies the ruins of Anarchy. Do not mess with Skandia & Cassassins. All of the
loot earned was given to the two members who cooperated, and Skandia continued to assist them
the next day seeing as the attack was not their fault. They learned of a 3
base belonging to
Anarchy that Kebbleshead had shown his two members just that morning, it was the final base in
Anarchy. The two led us there and we overclaimed the base and again, attempted to help them
out and let them get the loot. While protecting them though, there were 2 Skandians there and 2
members of Cassassins, we were attacked. Anarchys 2 members were instantly killed, and 3 of
the remaining 4 of the alliance were in dark matter with the 4
in Quantum. Shamefully, the 4 of
us were almost instantly killed by Malahostias who became Skandias #1 enemy following the
attack. To this day he claims that he attacked after Skandia was plotting to kill him, yet in
reality, we were attacked helping Anarchy randomly and without cause. Its still a question why
we were attacked helping them, for the day before, Malahostias had supplied Kebbleshead with
some weaponry to fight Skandia.
The attack on Anarchy became Skandias first ever attack on another faction, and further
pushed the alliance of Cassassins and Skandia together. The leader of cassassins, aware that
Skandia was split in two, pledged alliance to the Unity Skandians if they should become
attacked. More alliances occurred between Unity Skandians and other factions as time went on.
Factions like Rubicon [3
biggest], also pledged support to Unity. However, the alliance
between Skandia and Cassassins became one of minor conflict as the Mushy Skandians did not
necessarily get along with cassassins. This was not the first conflict that the two groups in
Skandia had over foreign alliances. In the past with Kevinking and his faction, despite being told
not to, Mike2012 of the Mushy Skandians invited him to their base despite him being enemied to
Skandia saying he could control it. Needless to say the island was griefed the next day due to the
split in Skandian groups.
It was finally the split both in foreign policies, and domestically, that caused mass panic
in Skandia. The 16 Days of Cloudioas absence are often known as the 16 Days of Terror
despite the fact that things went well during this time. The name itself comes from the split in
Skandia, and it was on the 16
day, that the conflict hit its peak. The day of Civil Chaos in
Skandia was one that had been building up and was suddenly amplified much faster than
estimated by the Unity Skandians. As one of the two leaders of Unity Skandia, Nick and I had
predicted that we would most likely end up in a civil war somewhere next week. Things were
going normally as all of the Skandians online were meeting in an underground bunker at
UnityBase [Only 1 Mushy Skandian was online whose name was PotatoMan]. The topic of the
discussion was security because we questioned whether the Official Skandian Password had been
compromised due to the mass amount of traitors. The traitor invited to Anarchy, Moneymanx,
for example, most likely slipped the password to them. Not to mention the griefers of the
Original Skandians, and countless more from the Mushroom Island, could have all told the
Skandian Password to others.
Randomly though, the dreaded words caused by auto kicker appeared in the Chat.
Cloudioa9 has left the faction. Ownership has been automatically given to GoldenChicken.
Immediately chaos broke out for it was highly suspected at the time that ownership would then
be given to Mike2012 and he was a Mushy Skandian like GoldenChicken. The difference was
that he did not realize Unity was indeed a base, and when asked where half the Skandians lived
he answered Scattered across wilderness. He had said that if he would be made owner that
everyone would be forced to live at the Mushy Island, things were hectic. Allies were informed
of the possibility of civil war, and it seemed almost unavoidable that Skandia would officially
reach the war they had been expecting. Knowing that a battle could ensue the next day if
ownership was not properly given, this knowledge has officially become unclassified as time has
gone on. The day ownership was transferred; Unity Skandians had a teleporter leading to the
Mushroom Island. Nuclear bombs were deployed systematically across the base and set to
explode by a wireless remote should war be declared.
Many people knew that both the Mushy Skandians and Unity Skandians had a mass
amount of alliances between the two groups. Should war had broken out, allies wouldve been
involved on both sides, and PvE wouldve literally turned into a WW1 Environment. Thankfully
though, GoldenChicken gave ownership to Nick200 since he was co-owner after Mephlies talked
to him about it. Thankfully Mephlies had established deep alliances between both Unity
Skandians and Mushy Skandians. With leadership restored to an active leader, Unity made steps
to move the faction home to Unity Base and gave mike200 the title of Supreme Commander [3

in charge] of Skandia. The Civil War crisis had been narrowly avoided in Skandia, and
unfortunately, cassassins would not be as lucky in the weeks to come.
Despite the success in avoiding a civil war, things obviously were not going to be fixed
just like that. Leadership has been peacefully transferred in Skandia, and thankfully it was a
move in the right position. In the upcoming days Unity would make moves to forge new
alliances with the Mushy Skandians and further UNITE their two bases. Moves to
technologically advance their previous counterparts were made to further close the gap, and
reforms were going on in both bases to help heal the wound Cloudioa9 had helped create.
However, Skandia would soon find that despite their problems domestically being fixed for now,
the future would hold even more challenges and dangers for the emerging World Power.
Alliances would be shattered, and several catastrophic events would destroy Unity and the old
Skandia as it was known.

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