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Dusky Shark ( Carcharhinus obscurus )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 69 – 100 cm . Max 4 m .
Identification : Large grey tobronzy shark with dusky fin tips .
Habitat : Continental , or insular shelves .
Behavior : Active .
Sandbar Shark ( Carcharhinus plumbeus )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 56 – 75 cm . Max 3 m .
Identification : Grey brown body , white below .
Habitat : Bays , harbours and brakish waters .
Behavior : Migrate seasonly .
Blackspot Shark ( Carcharhinus sealei )
( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 33 – 36 cm . Max 95 cm .
Identification : Small and slender shark . Grey above but lighter below .
Habitat : Continental , and insular shelves .
Behavior : Poorly known .
Spottail Shark ( Carcharhinus sorrah )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 45 -60 cm . Max 160 cm .
Identification : Small and spindle – shaped shark .
Habitat : Shallow water around coral reefs .
Behavior : Poorly known .
Tiger Shark ( Galeocerdo cuvier )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 63 cm . Max 550 cm .
Identification : Grey body with dark bars and spots .
Habitat : Possible to be found everywhere in the ocean .
Behavior : Very aggressive . Consider one of the most dangerous species .
Sharptooth Lemon Shark ( Negaprion acutidens )
( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 45 -80 cm . Max 3 m .
Identification : Large , stocky , and yellowish shark .
Habitat : Inshore , or bottom of the sea ( 0 – 30 m ) .
Behavior : Shy to divers .
Milk Shark ( Rhizoprionodon acutus )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 25 – 39 cm . Max 180 cm .
Identification : Small shark with bronze to grayish body , white below .
Habitat : Midwater to near bottom ( 1 – 200 m ) .
Behavior : Poorly known .
Grey Sharpnose Shark ( Rhizoprionodon oligolinx )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Max 70 cm .
Identification : Small shark , grey to bronzy above , pale below .
Habitat : Inshore and offshore .
Behavior : Unknown .
Spadenose Shark ( Scoliodon laticaudus )
( from www.fishbase.com )
Size : Born 12 cm . Max 74 cm .
Identification : Bronzy – grey shark .
Habitat : Inshore .
Behavior : Mostly found in large schools .
Whitetip Reef Shark ( Triaenodon obesus )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 56 cm . Max 2 m .
Identification : White tips on first dorsal and upper caudal fin .
Habitat : bottom of the sea ( 8 – 40 m ) .
Behavior : Rarely aggressive .

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