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Section 01010 - Page 2

Clearance certificates must be forwarded to the TAN UXO QA Safety specialist, prior to
the start of construction. If the site does not have an associated clearance certificate, the
site will require an UXO/mine clearance conducted to meet the certification of UXO
clearance requirements EM 385-1-1 section 25.A.01.m.

Security Plan; G, Safety Office

SD-02 Shop Drawings
Shop Drawings, Design Analysis, Plans, Specifications; G, DO
As required by Section 01335 Submittal Requirements and indicated in the Technical
Specifications included in Appendix A-1.

SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Spare Parts

a. All official communication between the Contractor and the Government shall be presented in English.
b. At all times during the performance of this Contract, and until all work is complete and accepted, the
Contractor shall have a minimum of one representative (Linguist) on site that is fluent in both English
and the local language.
c. The Linguist shall attend all meetings with the Government.
d. The Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) will approve of whom the Contractor provides as its
Linguist. At any time upon the request of the COR, the Contractor shall remove the Linguist from its
staff and replace with another until found to be satisfactory for Contractual communication as
determined by the COR.
e. A satisfactory Linguist shall be defined as a person with the ability to:
1. Convey verbal information in English to the Government in a clear and concise manner;
2. Receive and understand verbal information in English from the Government in a clear and
concise manner;
3. Read and write the English language in a clear and concise manner; and
4. Convey, communicate, and interpret information in both English and the local language between
all multiple language parties at meetings, site visits, in official letters and e-mails, and all other
Contractual communications as required.
See Section 01451 CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL for Contractors QC Manager training

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