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Steps to deploy Truecare Application to server :

1) Connect to Production server through NX client and get remote desktop

Put session :

login = Admin
Password -- = getadmin2009
2) Tomcat is installed at location /usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0.18 henceforth
referred to as TOMCAT_HOME
Go to bin directory of tomcat home and type
sh – this will effectively stop tomcat.
3) Go to webapps directory of TOMCAT_HOME
rm –rf ptruecare -- to remove old ptruecare directory
rm –rf ptruecare.war – to remove old ptruecare.war
4) Change the mysql user password in application context.xml by opening it
with ptruecare.war
5) Connect to ftp server using WinSCP ftp client.
1) Type host :
2) port : 3321
3) Username : root
4) Password : illbeback2009

Once connected it will show directory listing . find the directory

/mnt/truecare_data/app_data and copy the latest war file into above –said
1) Go to webapps directory and type
cp /mnt/trucare_data/app_data/ptruecare.war .
2) ty pe

cd ..

cd bin

3) following is the tomcat console which is opened in separate window It can be
obtained by typing
cd /usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/logs
tail –f catalina.out
4) to obtain a separate terminal window click on left hand corner icon on
taskbar and then follow following path
System  terminal
5) To disconnect the remote session press cross-mark on the right hand corner
and then press disconnect.

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