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Chorus: Glory to God in the highest

And peace in Gods people on earth!
Glory to God in the highest
And peace in Gods people on earth!
Lord God, Heavenly King! Almighty God and Father
We orship you, e give you than!s,
We praise you "or the glory
#$%$A& CH'#()
Lord *esus Christ, only the )on o" the Father!
Lord God, Lam+ o" God, ,ou ta!e aay the sins o" the orld-
Have mercy on us-
Have mercy on us-
,ou are seated at the right hand o" the Father- #eceive our prayer!
#eceive our prayer!
#$%$A& CH'#()
For you alone are the Holy 'ne,
,ou alone are the Lord!
,ou alone are the most high *esus Christ, ith the Holy )pirit, in the glory o" God the Father-

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